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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中年族群成為網際網路使用者及消費者之潛力 / Internet Commerce Potential of the Middle Aged Population in Taiwan

侯雅茹, Helen Hou, Ya-Zoe Unknown Date (has links)
The merging of business operations with computers and the Internet has largely transformed our way of life. In less than a decade, the Internet evolved from a primarily academic network into a highly sophisticated commercial marketing medium. It encompasses a variety of business and personal utilities and is accessible to a wide range of organizations and individuals. Statistics indicate phenomenal growth in the number of Internet users and consumers. In Taiwan, the government has embarked on a National Information Infrastructure project, in which the initial effort centered on the promotion of Internet use. Despite the recent explosion in Internet growth, little has been done to target the middle-aged group on the Web. In an effort to discover potential Internet users, Internet consumers, and new uses of the Net, this research focuses on middle-aged people in Taiwan and studies the results of different attitudes toward and behaviors on the Internet. This research profiles the population into three groups: non-Internet users, Internet users and Internet consumers and determines factors that enable or deter each group from either using or purchasing on the Internet. The study also projects potential and popular products and features that may boost electronic sales.

商標符碼消費行為之實證研究 / Empirical Study of Symbolic Consumption Behavior of Trademark

陳淑貞, Chen, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)

論臺灣海外可轉換公債之設計與外匯避險問題 / On the designing and foreign exchange hedging issues of Taiwanese euroconvertibles

程裕城, Cheng, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先利用證券設計的原理來探索臺灣發行海外可轉換公司債的動機同時也探討這些發行公司究竟該不該積極地管理其債券風險 / The thesis first examines the rationales of Taiwanese Euroconvertibles.Then, the foreign exchange hedging issue is explored for the issuers.

情緒激發對訓練成效之影響:知覺訓練難度的調節效果 / The influences of emotional arousal on training outcomes: The moderating effects of perceived training difficulty

蕭佳佩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討訓練情境中的情緒激發與知覺訓練難度對訓練成效之影響。本研究使用實驗法,採3(情緒激發:正向、負向、無激發)×2(知覺訓練難度:簡單與困難)完全受試者間設計,依變項為受訓者的自我效能、學習動機、訓練有用性與訓練學習結果。受試者為國立政治大學的127名大學生,受試者隨機分派到六種實驗情境之一,在實驗室中依序進行情緒激發作業、訓練作業,最後填寫研究問卷。本研究以變異數分析(ANOVA)與共變數分析(ANCOVA)(控制性別之影響)來檢驗情緒激發與知覺訓練難度對各依變項之影響。研究結果顯示情緒激發與知覺訓練難度之交互作用會影響受訓者的自我效能與學習動機。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論、並對研究限制、未來研究方向、理論與實務意涵加以闡述。 / This study focuses on the effect of emotional arousal and perceived training difficulty on training outcomes. A 3 (emotional arousal: positive, negative, control) x 2 (perceived training difficulty: easy, difficult) between-subject experimental design is used. The dependent variables are trainees’ self-efficacy, motivation to learn, utility judgment and learning outcome. Subjects (N=127) were randomly assigned to one of the six experimental situations and completed the emotional arousal task, training task, and research questionnaire in order. The researcher uses ANOVA and ANCOVA (controlling the gender effect) to examine the influence of emotional arousal and perceived training difficulty on each dependent variable separately. The results of the present study indicate that trainees’ self-efficacy and motivation to learn can be influenced by the interaction of emotion arousal and perceived training difficulty. At last, the results, limitation, further research directions and implications are discussed.


林慧蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
加速產業升級為我國政府近年來努力的目標,而科技人才的培育與運用,則為目標達成與否的關鍵因素,因此在歷次全國科技會議中,均將科技人才的培育、延攬與運用列入重要議題。由於近幾年海外學人在技術引進上扮演了相當重要的角色,因此今後應更積極延攬海外科技人才,以彌補國內人才供應不足的現象。雖然政府有相關延攬人才的方案,但是卻沒有進一步的研究來探討這些人才回國後的適應狀況、工作績效等,如此是否政府的相關延攬措施對國內的產業發展帶來了效益,除了承辦人員累積的經驗感受外,似乎無實證的研究瞭解。因此本研究目的在於探討海外高級科技人才返國工作動機以及返國後之適應狀況,並進一步探討影響海外高級科技人才適應的決定因素以及適應與組織承諾間的影響關係。   本研究之研究對象係指財團法人工業技術研究院之返國海外高級科技人才,具有博士學位海外工作經驗3年以上;具有碩士學位海外工作經驗4年以上;學士學位海外工作經驗5年以上三者之一,對國內技術提昇、產業發展有所貢獻的人才。   本研究透過問卷調查方式,獲得工研院之人力資源經理研究支持協助下,共計取得有效問卷45份,主要運用典型相關分析來檢定本研究假設,並進一步針對變項間的關係,運用迴歸分析、Pearson相關統計檢定結果以為參考。而為彌補研究樣本規模之限制,並進一步進行個案訪談分析作為研究結果之輔證,共計有效訪談個案6位。   本研究獲得以下數點結論:   一、人才返國工作之動機多受前程發展動機與歸屬感動機之影響而回國。   二、從人才返國後的整體適應狀況在平均值之表現上來看,顯示人才之適應狀況良好。   三、人才之返國工作動機會影響人才之適應狀況,且人才越是持前程發展動機回國者,其在工作適應與生活適應的表現上較佳。從個案訪談本研究發現人才之動機是否明確將會影響適應狀況。   四、本研究無法驗證海外高級科技人才之文化傾向與適應狀況之影響關連,但本研究推論文化差異對人才適應狀況之影響在於人才對於文化差異的認知程度與調適情形。   五、家庭支持程度會對人才之適應狀況造成影響,但本研究亦進一步推論,若海外高級科技人才在其決定返國時的人生順序上,是將個人的工作生涯在人生中擺在相當重要的位置上,甚至是超過家人的順序,若是如此,則家人的支持程度對於人才的適應狀況影響程度將會較弱。   六、人才對於組織所提供支援之滿意程度會影響人才之適應狀況,且組織提供支援的方向以有利於人才工作發揮的支援對於人才之整體適應較有幫助。   七、人才對於組織承諾之平均值表現呈中度傾向;且組織承諾與適應狀況間呈顯著正相關,人才之適應狀況會影響人才之組織承諾。本研究從個案訪談中發現個案之組織承諾與個案對工研院的需求相關,如個案返國是以尋求創業機會為主要目的,則工研院的工作環境對他們而言會是一個跳板因而對於工研院的組織承諾將會較低。

互動電視(IPTV)加值服務之滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究:以中華電信MOD「心靈開運網」算命服務為例 / The effect of IPTV value-added service on customer satisfaction and loyalty: The case of Chunghwa Telecom MOD "Superfate" service

李宜安 Unknown Date (has links)
中華電信MOD是台灣目前最具規模的互動電視(IPTV)平台,全台已有68萬用戶,除了提供影片隨選(Video on demad)的服務之外,也積極發展其他類型的加值服務,本研究以中華電信MOD之「心靈開運網」算命服務為例,從中探討該服務使用族群的「使用動機」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」之間的相互關係,並研究使用動機與服務品質等因子中,何者影響使用族群的滿意度?希望這樣的研究結果日後可提供其他互動電視加值服務開發廠商參考。 本研究經量化研究的統計分析方法與質化研究的深度訪談法,對中華電信MOD加值服務「心靈開運網」算命服務使用族群發放電視問卷,以分析用戶的基本資料與使用行為,同時輔以深度訪談,綜合用戶調查資料、同業建議、MOD平台經營者等各方看法,對本算命服務發現與建議如下: 一.每個年齡層對算命內容的需求有明顯差異,可根據用戶常算的算命分類紀錄,提供客製化的首頁,以方便用戶選擇。 二.從用戶的算命記錄可看出用戶目前的需求,可以針對用戶的需求尋找異業結盟或廣告交換,如理財、婚顧、養生、交友等服務,以提高用戶滿意度。 三.人口統計變項(性別、年齡、教育、職業、收入)對於中華電信MOD加值服務「心靈開運網」之使用動機、服務品質、忠誠度、滿意度,除了學歷之外,並無顯著差異,可能表示不同人口統計變項,對於算命的喜好差異不大。 四.服務品質與滿意度的關連性,較使用動機與滿意度的關連性強,服務品質愈好,滿意度愈高。 五.服務品質對滿意度的影響很大,其中產品可靠度,也就是算命的準確度,將影響整個服務品質構面給用戶的感覺。 六.本算命服務對於個人隱私愈保護,用戶的再度使用意願會愈高,同時算命內容若讓用戶感覺能趨吉避凶,感覺安心,推薦給他人的機會就愈高。 關鍵詞:互動電視、IPTV、MOD、加值服務、心靈開運網、使用動機、資訊來源、服務品質、滿意度、忠誠度、電視問卷 / Abstract Chunghwa Telecom MOD is the most popular IPTV provider in Taiwan, which now has around 680,000 subscribers. In addition to providing video on demand services, Chunghwa Telecom MOD is also aggressively expanding other value-added-services (VAS). Using Chunghwa Telecom MOD's "Superfate" service as an example, this study tried to examine the relationships between “usage motivation”, “service quality”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty”. Furthermore, we tried to investigate which of the following factors (e.g., usage motivation and service quality) has the greatest impact on “customer satisfaction”. We hope that the research outcome could provide some directions for other VAS developers of IPTV industry. Using both quantitative statistical analysis and qualitative in-depth interviews. We extensively surveyed different consumer groups of Chunghwa Telecom MOD's "Superfate" service in order to understand consumer profile and user behavior. At the same time, we also conducted in-depth interviews Based upon research outcomes from consumer surveys and key industry players interviews, we provide several recommendations to the "Superfate" service as follow: 1.Different age groups have different demands on fortune telling content. To make this service more user-friendly, we should customize the front page according to the record of the customers' most-frequently-visit fortune-telling categories. 2.Based on the usage records of each user, we can easily identify the associated services each customer might need. We can effectively increase customer satisfaction level by forming strategic alliance with other value-added-services, e.g. personal finance, match-making, wedding-planning, and health care related services. 3.Demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, occupation, and income) do not have a significantly different impact on usage motivation, service quality, customer loyalty, and satisfaction. Educational level is the exception. Our results imply that demographic differences do not significantly influence customers' preference on fortune-telling. 4.Service quality has a stronger influence on satisfaction level than usage motivation. The better the service quality, the more satisfied the users are. 5.Service quality has a strong influence on the level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, the reliability of the service, or the accuracy of the fortune-telling result, can greatly impact customers' perception of service quality. 6.Users are more willing to reuse this service when they feel their privacy is protected. Meanwhile, the user is more willing to recommend this service to others when they feel the fortune-telling results could help them approach the positive luck and avoid the negative fate. Keywords:Multimedia On Demand(MOD)、IPTV、value-added-services、Superfate、usage motivation、service quality、customer satisfaction、customer loyalty、TV questionnaire survey

生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向、學習投入之模式驗證-以自我決定理論之觀點 / The development model of autonomy motivation of career: self-determination theory perspective

薛凱方, Hsueh, Kai Fang Unknown Date (has links)
自我決定理論是個從環境脈絡、個體心理需求、動機型態來看待個體適應性行為的歷程理論。本研究之研究旨趣即是以自我決定理論之觀點,探討父母支持、教師支持、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機、生涯定向及學習投入的現況及各變項在性別、年級、學校性質的差異情形,研究者乃根據上述變項提出兩個模式並予以驗證。 本研究以台灣地區北、中、南、東四個地區1120位高中生為對象,研究工具包括:研究者改編之「父母支持量表」、「教師支持量表」、「基本需求滿足量表」、「生涯自主動機量表」、「生涯定向量表」及「學習投入量表」。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與潛在變項模式分析進行研究假設之驗證。 研究結果顯示: 1.現今高中生所知覺的父母支持及教師支持頻率偏高,基本需求滿足程度良好、生涯自主動機程度偏高、生涯定向程度中等、學習投入狀況積極。 2.女高中生比起男高中生,感覺到較高的父母支持、教師支持,並且在聯繫感的需求上獲得較高的滿足;高三學生比起高二學生而言,他們感覺到較高的教師支持,有著較高的生涯自主動機,對於未來生涯的目標也較為明確,高一的學生也比高二的學生感受到較多的教師支持;明星高中的學生比社區高中的學生感受到較高的父母支持,而社區高中的學生比明星高中的學生感受到較高的教師支持。 3.以父母支持、教師支持為自變項、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機為中介變項,生涯定向為依變項的「生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向模式」獲得支持。亦即高中生所知覺的父母支持、教師支持會正向影響個體的基本需求滿足程度,基本需求滿足程度會進一步正向影響生涯自主動機,再透過生涯自主動機對生涯定向產生正向影響。 4.以父母支持、教師支持為自變項、基本需求滿足、生涯自主動機、生涯定向為中介變項,學習投入為依變項的「生涯自主動機歷程與生涯定向、學習投入模式」獲得支持。亦即生涯自主動機、生涯定向對學習投入有正向影響,且父母支持及教師支持對學習投入有直接正向影響。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以供高中父母、教師、輔導單位、高中生及未來研究者參考。

數位遊戲之行動載具使用者行為與開發分析─以智慧型手機為例 / Mobile device game player behaviors and games development analysis - using smartphone as an example

林姿旻, Tzu-Min Lin Unknown Date (has links)
數位遊戲已成為探討現代生活科技中一項重要的領域。智慧型手機,為近兩年興起的行動平台載具,根據資策會資料顯示,在手機進行娛樂活動應用程式的排行,第一為聽音樂,第二即為進行遊戲。觀察智慧型手機上的應用程式市集(如:android market、app store),使用者可以快速方便的利用網路下載遊戲,在眾多遊戲中,使用者選擇何種類型遊戲下載並進行遊戲,對遊戲開發商非常重要。在智慧型手機上結合許多科技技術(如:無線網路、各式感測器......等),皆有可能影響使用者進行遊戲和選擇遊戲的動機。因此,了解並且針對使用者需求與使用者行為設計遊戲,在數位內容領域進行數位遊戲研究與開發是重要的議題。 為了解使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的動機,本研究使用科技接受模型和動機理論探討使用者的內在動機和外在動機,透過問卷分析初步了解使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的原因,以及在智慧型手機上擷取使用者在手機上進行遊戲的行為和訪談使用者進行遊戲的因子,將兩資料進行比對驗證,找出使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的模型,以及外在和內在動機之相互影響,作為未來規劃與策略發展方向的參考依據。 根據資料分析發現,使用者進行遊戲的動機會受到遊戲的操作性和在遊戲中得到的樂趣影響。並且使用者會因為他人推薦或看到他人進行遊戲,影響到使用者進行遊戲的意願,而使用者在進行遊戲時,遊戲中提供與他人互動的功能也能激發使用者進行遊戲。此外,在智慧型手機遊戲情境中,使用者會受到外在動機影響,改變本身對遊戲的觀點,影響到使用者的內在動機,進而改變使用者對遊戲的意願。 / Digital games have become an important domain of exploration the technology of modern life. The smartphone which is a mobile device rises due two years. Follow the MIC data of entertainment applications on mobile phone rank, the first is listening music and the second is playing games. User can easy download games quickly by wireless from application market like Android market or app store. It is important for game developers to know which game user chooses and downloads in large games. The smartphone combine different technology and sensors that may influence user’s motivations to choose games and play games. Therefore, to understand user’s need and user’s behavior for game design which is important discuss for digital game study and developer of digital content domain. To understand the motivations of user playing games on the smartphone, so this study uses technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations of playing game. Through questionnaire to find the factors that user plays games on smartphone, and we also collect users’ behavior from smartphone and interview users. The study combines these data to find the model of user playing game on the smartphone, and the relationship between intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations. The study finds that perceived ease of use and the fun in games effect user’s motivation. The user intention influenced by people who around user and also affected in the game which provide user to interact with others. By the way, user’s extrinsic motivations affect intrinsic motivations on smartphone context, and change the mind of playing games.

家庭文化資本與個人學習動機對青少年學習成就影響之貫時研究 / The panel study of effects of family cultural capital and individual learning motivation on adolescent learning achievement

林碧芳, Lin, Pi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
個人學習動機向來被認為是影響學習成就的重要因素,但是家庭也對學生的學習提供特定的脈絡條件。因此,在探討學生學習成就與時間發展效應之時,若能同時納入個人與家庭因素,並探討其間的交互作用,將能對於兩者的影響力進行客觀的檢驗。本研究的目的主要在探討臺灣青少年學習成就的成長軌跡變化型態,以及家庭文化資本與個人學習動機對於學習成就成長軌跡的影響機制。其中學生的文化資本是來自家庭父母所傳遞下來的先天條件,係屬於一種結構因素;而學生的學習動機則是來自個人後天的努力與學習的正向動力,係屬於一種個人因素。具體而言,本研究目的分為三個主要的研究議題,首先,根據Bourdieu(1977)的文化資本概念,以及Bandura(1977, 1986, 1997)與McInerney和McInerney(1994)的學習動機觀點,探討這兩個重要解釋變數對於各波學生學習成就的影響情形;再者,根據Sternberg(1985, 1986, 1988)的智力三元論觀點探討學生學習成就的成長變化情形;最後,探討文化資本與學習動機對於學生學習成就成長軌跡的交互作用效果。 研究資料取自臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Educational Panel Survey)的四波追蹤樣本,以潛在成長曲線模式進行次級資料分析。研究結果發現:1.臺灣青少年的學習成就成長軌跡呈現非線性的遞增漸緩的成長曲線;學生在學習成就的起始能力與成長速率存在個別差異,且學生的起始能力與成長速率具有正向的關係,顯示隨著時間的遞移,起始能力高與低的學生,其能力的差距會逐漸擴大。2.文化資本與學習動機對於學習成就成長軌跡的影響未具交互作用,顯示個人的學習動機並不能減緩或反轉文化資本對於學生學習成就的影響。3.文化資本與學習動機對於學生學習成就的主要效果,在學習的早期階段,存在正向的影響效果,但影響力會隨著時間而逐漸降低。4.文化資本係影響學生學習成就成長軌跡的重要因素,文化資本的豐富與不足會加劇學生學習成就的差距,因而造成強者恆強、弱者恆弱的「馬太效應」現象。最後,依據上述的研究發現,分別提出教育實務上、未來研究與對資料庫研究的建議,以供相關教育人員與研究者參考。 / Individual motivation has always been recognized as the key factor for influencing the students’ learning achievement. However, the family of the students is also considered as an important contextual determinant. As a result, in order to analyze the students’ learning achievement against the temporal effect of time, it is imperative that the factor of family background should be included for understanding the interaction of the factors on the learning achievement. The primary goal of this study is to inquiry the patterns the development and change of learning achievement growth trajectory of the Taiwan adolescent. Particularly, this study explores the effects of family cultural capital and learning motivation on adolescent learning achievement growth trajectory. By definition, family cultural capital which is a structural factor refers to the inherent characteristics that are passed down from the students’ parents. On the other hand, the students’ learning motivation which is a personal factor refers to the extrinsic factor that arises from later days’ hard work and positive learning efforts. In terms of research objectives, this study tries to integrate the Bourdieu’s (1977) perspective of cultural capital, and Bandura’s (1977, 1986, 1997) as well as McInerney and McInerney’s (1994) concept of learning motivation into a framework for examining the effects of the learning growth of different waves of students. Secondly, by applying the Sternberg’s (1985, 1986, 1988) triarchic theory of intelligence to examine the changes of the students’ learning growth trajectory. Finally, to analyze the interaction between the students’ cultural capital and learning motivation on their learning achievement trajectory. The data using in this study was selected from the longitudinal database Taiwan Educational Panel Survey (TEPS). A total of four waves of students’ data were downloaded and analyzed as secondary data using the latent growth curve modeling (LGCM). Major results of the study were followed: First, the learning achievement trajectory of Taiwan adolescents’ seemed to be gradually growing in a non-linear incremental curve; it also shown that at the beginning the students’ learning achievement displayed significant individual differences. Likewise results also revealed a positive relationship between the students’ initial status and growth rate of learning achievement. That is, as the passing of time, the initial status of learning achievement affected the growth of disparity among the students. Second, there were no significant interaction effect between the students’ cultural capital and learning motivation on the learning achievement growth trajectory. This means that the students’ learning motivation cannot moderate the effects of cultural capital towards the learning achievement. Third, results revealed that the main effects of the students’ cultural capital and learning motivation on the learning achievement were occurred on the early stages of learning. A significant positive effect was found in these stages, however, the positive effect gradually decreased along with the passing of time. Fourth, it was found that the minimal effect of students’ cultural capital on their learning achievement growth trajectory was determined by the abundance or deficiency of the former. The amount of cultural capital also determined the distance of the students’ gap. In other words, a phenomenon of the Mathew effect was supported; wherein the students who are in a strong stand will get stronger later on, while the weak shall get weaker. Besides the findings mentioned above, recommendations for further study and limitations of the present study were given at the end.

癌症病患社會比較及其相關因素之研究—新癌症病患與舊癌症病患之比較 / Social Comparison and Its Related Variables of Cancer Patients: the Difference between New Cancer Patients and Old Cancer Patients

張丁升 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於瞭解癌症病患社會比較行為之現況與相關因素之探討,包括社會比較動機、不同之比較面向與比較模式之對象、社會比較效果,進而探索新癌症病患與舊癌症病患在社會比較行為上的差異性;其次,探討自尊、身心健康情形與社會比較之關係。本研究以問卷調查的方式,訪談全國癌症病友中心的癌症病患,共計134位,包括各50位新、舊乳癌病患與21位新腸癌病患、13位舊腸癌病患。本研究使用社會比較動機量表中文版、自尊量表中文版、一般健康量表中文版以及研究者自編的社會比較問卷,進行相關統計分析與假設考驗。研究結果發現,癌症病患主要社會比較動機是同盟、自我增進、自我彰顯等動機;新、舊癌症病患在社會比較行為上皆有顯著性的差異,包括社會比較動機、社會比較的對象與方式、以及社會比較的負向效果。另一方面,自尊越低與一般健康情形越差的癌症病患,其社會比較的負向效果也越大。最後,根據研究結果與討論,提出對未來相關研究、癌症病患的心理社會介入與臨床應用的建議。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the social comparison process and its correlates among cancer patients. The first purpose of this study was to understand the differences of social comparison process between new cancer patients and old cancer patients, not only including the source of social comparative information, but the motives, the models, the dimensions, the targets and preferences of social comparison. The second purpose was to understand the influence of self-esteem on social comparison. The third purpose was to asses the relationship between social comparison and individual’s physical and mental health. The Chinese versions of the Social Comparison Motive Scale (Helgeson & Mickelson, 1995), the Chinese versions of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), the Chinese versions of General Health Questionnaire (Goldberger, 1978), and two self-constructed scales to measure the informative source, the models, the dimensions, the targets and preferences of social comparison were administered to 100 breast cancer patients and 34 colorectal cancer patients from Changhua Christian Hospital. Finally, the findings of this research were expected to apply to clinical psychooncology so as to help cancer patients have better psychological reaction and to improve their adaptation to illness.

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