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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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杜芳儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以新台幣計價的結構性商品為主題,希望藉由對於此類商品的分析,讓投資人更加了解投資結構型商品所會面臨到的報酬及風險,並以兩個市場上已發行的產品為實證,推導出該結構性商品的價格、避險方式、發行商的風險及投資人的投資策略。藉由對於結構型商品的實證研究分析,使我們可以更清楚認知其風險所在與金融商品設計所需注意的地方。 隨著低利率時代的來臨,投資人無法再從定存及證券中獲得高報酬率,銀行也愈來愈不願接受投資者的大額存款。銀行及券商所推出的結構型商品,不只強調保本或高收益的特性來吸引大眾,投資人亦可以根據自己的個人理財規劃與風險偏好程度來投資金融商品以擊敗銀行微薄的定存利率。然而對於投資者而言,最佳的投資策略為何?想要有高報酬,相對所面臨的風險也隨之增加,畢竟天下沒有白吃的午餐,所以投資時應特別留意發行機構的信用風險、流動性風險及市場利率風險等各項風險。因此希望藉由本論文的分析,使投資人更進一步了解結構型商品之特性及投資結構型商品所可能面臨到的風險。另一方面,也提供發行商在發行結構型商品時可注意的要點,不但要能吸引投資人的目光,還要考慮發行的利潤及後續所面臨的風險。


謝宗翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究世貿展場中以showgirl為促銷策略的運作方式與細節,試圖解讀隱藏於showgirl現象背後的意識形態結構,從而對以性訴求為主要說服策略的商業與消費行為提出批判。 本文回顧歷年相關報導與研究發現,showgirl逐漸從過往單純的產品解說員變成訴求性感、分飾多角的3C展場焦點,乃隨廠商需求、消費習性與社會文化而變遷。而雖然性訴求策略仍難斷言其效果,訴求性感的showgirl活動仍被3C廠商普遍採用,並且呈現出刻板單一的性感女性形象。 為了深入剖析展場showgirl活動,本研究援用Saussure提出的毗鄰軸/系譜軸分析法,以及Barthes的意識形態分析,針對所收集之五個個案中十七個足以代表3C展場showgirl活動樣貌的事件,進行深入的解讀。研究發現,3C展場活動的敘事符號結構,重點其實就是以穿著暴露的showgirl來貫串整個敘事脈絡,一切的目的在以性感、性化、提供性想像的showgirl作為酬庸,換取男性消費者的駐足參與,從而將showgirl物化為感官消費的商品,以順利達成廠商的銷售目標。 據此,本研究對3C展場showgirl活動提出兩項批評:(一)廠商在缺乏仔細思考下挪用性訴求說服策略於3C展場,反而將真正重要的產品利益與消費者需求邊緣化;(二)以男性消費者為目標的性訴求策略,枉顧女性消費者權益,也枉顧不關注showgirl活動的男性消費者,並將所有男性視為同質性的群體,如此偏狹的性別認知及其所造成的消費者歧視,無論對兩性與社會,都是深刻的傷害。 / This research aims to explore the function and details of “showgirls as a marketing strategy” in Taipei World Trade Center. The goal is to interpret the ideology structure hidden behind the showgirl phenomena, and to criticize adopting “sex appeal” as a persuasion strategy of consumption. Relating news reports and researches point out that the role of showgirls alters from simple product narrator to eye-catching sexy babe in 3C mall, which results from the demand of suppliers, consumption habits and social culture. Though the effect of sex appeal has not been proved yet, sexy showgirl activities still prevail, while the showgirls are molded into the stereotype of sexy female image. In order to interpret the showgirl activities in World Trade Center, Saussure’s syntagm and paradigm and Barthes’ ideology analysis are applied to seventeen cases out of five core events that can sketch the showgirl incidents. The research indicates that the whole point of the 3C mall narrative structure is the half-naked showgirls, and the purpose is to present these sexy, sexual and sexually-imaginative showgirls as rewards for male consumers’ attention and gaze. Showgirls are so objectified as products of sensuous consumption to achieve the sales-volume goal. Therefore, the research offers two criticisms regarding the showgirl activities in 3C malls: 1. the suppliers adopt sex appeal persuasion strategy without thorough consideration, which results in the marginalization of product benefits and consumer needs. 2. Aiming at the male consumers, the sex appeal strategy disregards the interactions of female consumers and also those male consumers who are not attracted by showgirls. Neglecting the variation of male consumers, such a narrow gender definition and the discrimination towards consumers does a serious damage to both sexes and the society.


陳美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
我國金融商品之推出一直面臨著賦稅課徵之挑戰,也因而引起徵納雙方之爭議,使得資本市場之流動性受到影響。是以,新金融商品分割債券之推行,其賦稅課徵之合理性及公平性與否,亦會重大影響債券市場之效益。然而國內學者對於分割債券的研究相當少,主要是聚焦於我國制度的介紹及分割前後之附息債券與零息債券課稅方式之差異;國外學者則發現課稅方式的改變使得分割公債交易有巨額成長(Livingston and Gregory, 1989),以及交易方式及課稅方式之差異使得債券分割前後產生套利空間,導致市場無效率(Halpern and Rumsey, 2000)。   因此本研究主要係探討台灣分割債券現行賦稅規範,並探討其與利率連動之結構型債券商品,以及其與債券市場效率之相互影響。本研究以參考國外分割債券課稅方式,及引用財會理論及租稅理論為分析原則,且輔以我國最高行政法院及高等行政法院實際案例,探討其賦稅課徵的公平性及合理性;並依據所探討之問題提出建議以供稅務主管機關參考。 / We have been facing the taxation challenge while every new financial product comes out to market. In that case, we find the disputations between tax collector and taxpayer, which also affect the liquidity of the capital market. Similar to the existing disagreements of the taxation for financial instruments, stripped bonds also have same problems and we could see how important it is to evaluate the rationality and fairness. However, prior local researchers on stripped bonds did not focus a lot about its taxation problems. Still, they found the different taxation after the bond is stripped, which may cause some unfair treatments between the coupon bonds and the zero-coupon bonds. On the other hand, the prior foreign studies found out the transaction amount of the stripped treasury bonds increased (Livingston and Gregory, 1989) and market efficiency occurred (Halpern and Rumsey, 2000) when they differentiated the taxation between the coupon bonds and the zero-coupon bonds   The main purposes of this research are to study the current regulations of stripped bonds in our country, find out the problems in practical operations, connect the linkage with stripped bonds and structured bonds and realize what is the effect brought to the bond market. For the mentioned purposes, we refer to foreign documents, apply both accounting and tax theories to be our main principles, and review some practical law cases from our high and supreme administrative courts while evaluating the rationality and fairness of stripped bond taxation. Therefore we could provide a reference for the authority in determining the future tax regulations.


許雲凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將華納威秀視同商品化空間來加以分析,在商品化理論採用Marx、 Baudrullardd等人的理論,重點在於肯認商品除了有使用價值、交換價值外,也有其符號價值。研究重點在於理解空間生產的過程,與其行動者為何,並討論歷史脈絡發揮何種影響。 研究結果發現,雖然華納威秀是外資影城,但是卻透過土地承租的方式與本地資本連結,而形成外資輸出影城軟硬體,本地資本提供土地的模式。因此華納威秀不是純粹的外資集團,而應透過土地產權的考量,視其為外資與本地資本共同投資的結果。 華納威秀由於經營項目涉及不動產租賃,因此同時在映演業與不動產兩個市場中運作,由於我國政府對於映演業幾乎是採放任態度,因此容易讓人忽略國家在華納威秀開發案所扮演的角色,其實如果從不動產業的角度來看待華納威秀的話,即會發現國家的「相對自主性」並未喪失。 研究顯示華納威秀的生產過程相當複雜,並不是只有跨國企業的意志就能解釋的。空間生產過程中,國家機器、本地資本、歷史等「在地條件」都扮演了重要角色,透過華納威秀的例子,我們想說明任何的全球化活動不應只被視為跨國資本意志的展現,而應多考慮在地與全球的種種衝突、緊張與妥協。


張維羽, Chang,Wei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來餐廳總會在節日時推出比平日價錢貴上1.5倍到5倍的套餐,然而這樣的套餐不但價錢比較高,有時還只有一種套餐能選擇,如此與過往為方便消費者而推出套餐的初衷背道而馳的節日套餐,消費者卻仍是趨之若鶩。故本研究希望找出是什麼樣的人格特質驅使消費者願意在節日時接受比以往更高的價格。 本研究根據文獻探討的結果,發現節日套餐這樣商品主要是為了滿足消費者與人建立、維持、深化人際關係的情感,而這樣的情感也確實會成為消費者提高自身價格接受程度的原因。故,本研究以「人際需求動機」、「人口變項」為自變項,來衡量其是否會影響消費者的價格接受程度。 研究結果顯示人際需求動機越高者對於節日套餐價格接受程度確實越高,但若將眾多因素以多元迴歸分析之,則還是以經濟能力為主要影響因素。顯示為滿足人際需求的情感確實會促使消費者提高價格接受程度,但仍會受限於經濟能力。


顏忠田, Yen, Chung-Tien Unknown Date (has links)
在中國金融市場逐步開放,結構型理財商品的發行與需求日益增加的情形下,本文以目前市場上已發行的利率連結商品與匯率連結商品為個案,進行評價與分析。在利率連結商品方面,以連結6個月美元LIBOR利率的「美元12個月期逆浮動利率連動債」為例,採用Brace, Gaterek and Musiela(1997)提出的LIBOR市場模型(又稱BGM模型),由市場觀察到的即期LIBOR利率與交換利率,求出遠期利率的起始值,並利用市場上利率上限選擇權(CAP)報價,校準遠期利率波動度結構,而遠期利率間的相關係數矩陣則以歷史資料來估計,然後以蒙地卡羅模擬法進行商品評價;在匯率連結商品方面,以連結日元兌澳元、英鎊、歐元匯率的「美元三個月期組合匯率理財專案」為例,採用Garman and Kohlhagen(1983)外匯選擇權的匯率動態過程,利用歷史資料求出各匯率變動率波動度以及各匯率間的相關係數矩陣,然後以蒙地卡羅模擬法進行商品評價。此外亦針對兩種商品的敏感性與避險參數作分析,最後分別由發行商與投資人的觀點,探討其發行與投資該商品的策略與風險所在。


吳文舜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是發展成一個方法論,將金融工程、資訊科技、商業模式這三件事情予以結合,使未來更多金融工程的研究,都可以透過這個方法論,得到更好的推廣與應用。 為了證實這個方法論,是可以被接受而且具有實務價值,所以本論文以「可轉債評價暨分析系統」(產品英文名稱為CBPA)為案例,探討可轉債評價模型,商業化成功的過程,並透過本文的方法論,來評估發展過程中的關鍵成功因素與面臨量的風險。希望透過這些業界實務經驗的分享,讓未來的類似應用,提高成功的機會。


王薰岑, Wang,Hsun Tsen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的進步與網路科技的發達,汽車已經是日常生活的一部分,而大家也愈來愈注重汽車的安全性,從汽車本身的安全性到駕駛人的安全性,甚至是乘坐汽車乘客的安全性都考慮到了,但台灣是自中華民國九十三年六月一日起,才開始實行「小客車附載幼童安全乘坐辦法」,因此才開啟了台灣汽車安全座椅的市場。 隨著品牌在台灣日趨重要,本論文將以研究台灣自創品牌「奇哥」為主要研究的品牌。過去有許多學者對品牌的效應做研究,但大部分是利用產品外顯線索提供的資訊,來探討消費者購買的意願,為求建構更合理且貼近消費者購買行為影響的因素,本論文將藉由研究產品的外在線索-商店形象,及內在線索-消費者的產品知識、品牌態度,來分別探討產品知識、品牌態度與商店形象對消費者購買汽車安全座椅商品滿意度與品牌忠誠度之影響。 / Along with the time progress and internet technology development, the automobile has already become part of daily life. However, everybody also increasingly pays great attention to the automobile security, from automobile itself security to driver's security, even the car passenger's security all to be considered. Taiwan started to implement a new traffic law about considering children’s security from June 1st, 2004, therefore opened the Taiwan auto safety chair market. With “brand” in Taiwan has become more and more important, this research will study the Taiwan homemade brand “Chick” as the main research brand. In the past time, many scholars did the research about brand effect, but majority of them used the information which provided using the product apparent clues, discussed consumers’ intentions for being more reasonable to the consumers’ behavior. This research uses product external clue- store image and the intrinsic clues, such as consumers’ product knowledge and brand attitude to discuss the influence of consumers’ satisfaction and loyalty to the auto safety chair.


林意耘, Lin, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
2005年國內債券基金持有的結構債券 - 高達將近新台幣6,000億的部位,在主管機關的行政命令要求下,限期處份出清,虧損部位由投信業者自行承擔,不得損及投資人權益,事件雖然圓滿落幕,各投信業者忍痛吸收將近300億的總虧損金額。 經過十多年的畸形發展,國內債券基金已經隱然成為金融怪獸,主管機關藉由處理結構債一併整頓基金市場秩序,結構債券成為壓倒駱駝的最後一根稻草,讓投信業者慘賠的結構債,只因為背負著衍生性商品的原罪,成為代罪羔羊! 衍生性商品的發展,對於新金融商品的創新,扮演著極重要的功能及元素,以台灣目前的金融環境,產業的發展必須是多元且國際化,不能排除衍生性商品的發展,因此本文借由事件的發展,比較國內外監理機構對衍生性商品的規範,參考歐美主要國家的監管方式,提供台灣主管機關參考,以制訂風險控管及監管適宜的制度,提供業者創新金融商品的發展環境。

台灣綜合商品零售業經營效率之研究-Metafrontier模型之應用 / A Business Efficiency Study of the Taiwan Retail Sale of General Merchandise - the Application of Metafrontier Model

蔡偉格, Tsai, Wei Ko Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣景氣持續低迷,台灣綜合商品零售業的成長也受到不小的衝擊,在市場漸趨成熟與飽和的情況下,產業內競爭也漸趨激烈。如何在外在經濟環境欠佳,內在市場飽和下,有效提升經營效率,加強產業競爭能力,是目前台灣綜合商品零售業者最重要的課題。   本研究以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis)為基礎,並結合Metafrontier分析法,針對台灣地區2000年到2006年25家綜合商品零售業者,以客觀的投入產出資料進行廠商的經營效率分析。本研究結果顯示:   1.整體而言,連鎖式便利商店的經營績效平均處於相對有效率狀態,購物中心的經營績效平均處於相對無效率狀態。   2.廠商技術無效率的原因主要為純粹技術效率的問題。廠商的規模報酬狀態與所屬業態關聯不大,而與廠商是否屬於連鎖集團較有關聯。   3.比較metafrontier模型與group frontiers模型所評估的效率值,顯示各業態廠商的平均技術水準有顯著差異,連鎖式便利商店的效率水準較接近metafrontier的效率邊界。   4.依據Norman and Stoker(1991)的效率值強度分類方法,發現在兩模型之下,各業態廠商屬於「邊緣無效率單位」與「確實無效率單位」的比例都較大,表示經營績效有很大的改善空間。   5.差額分析與敏感度分析方面,百貨公司業與超級市場業在兩模型之下的結論不一致,推論應是兩者評估的廠商樣本,其衡量的技術水準不同。各廠商依循group frontiers模型所得結論改善經營績效,將可以在業態內成為相對有效率的廠商,但如果想要進一步提高效率,則必須改變廠商本身所處的業態環境所造成的技術水準限制,便可依循metafrontier模型所得結論改善經營績效,所以選用何種結論,仍須由業者依據廠商未來發展自行判斷。 / Since the recession in Taiwan economy has arrived in recent years, it has a great effect on the growth of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise. Because the market has been saturated, the competition has become fierce in this industry. How to improve the management efficiency and the industrial competitiveness in the present economic environment is the most important issue of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise.   This study uses inputs and outputs data of 25 DMUs of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise from 2000 to 2006, applying Data Envelopment Analysis with Metafrontier model to evaluate the operational efficiency of those firms. The findings of this study are as below:   1. On average, the chain convenience store industry shows more technically efficient than the shopping mall industry.   2. The main source for the firms being inefficient is pure technical inefficiency. The returns of scale of the firms are not much related to the types of business operation, but to the firms being the chain store ones or not.   3. Comparing meta-frontier model with group frontiers model, we find that there are significant differences in the average technical efficiency levels among the various types of business operation, and the chain convenience store industry is most close to meta-frontier.   4. According to the classification of the efficiency by Norman and Stoker (1991), we find a major part of the firms is marginally inefficient and distinctly inefficient. It implies there is a great room for the firms to improve their managerial performance.   5. The slack analysis indicates there are differences in the resource wastes between the department store industry and the supermarket industry. The differences mainly come from the technological differences between the two industries. The information generated from the group frontier model is helpful to improve the firms’ efficiency within the group. However, if the firms want to further improve their efficiency, they should rely on the information from the meta-frontier model, which sheds light on the technology gap among sub-industries.

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