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臺灣流行音樂產製之研究 / The Research of Popular Music Production林怡伶, Lin, I Ling Unknown Date (has links)
唱片業和廣播電臺、電影、電視和報章雜誌等傳播媒體關係密切,本文探討唱片業和媒體之間如何運作,共同形塑流行音樂的面貌,以及近年間流行音樂市場的變化,具有那些社會文化意涵。 / In 1980s, main-stream popular music in Taiwan divided into Mandarin and Taiwanese songs two genres. The former focusing on teenagers market most sings about love and personal feelings, and the other follows Japanese color expressing sadness tone. Since 1987, the political and social environment of Taiwan has been greatly changing, with locol culture status arising, there emerging some alternative popular music.
Within west countries' popular music markets, major syndicate companies hold most markets and independent companies share the rest. Major and independent companies respectly remind of homogeneous and alternative music styles. Two kinds of production strategies also appear in Taiwan popular music market, where exist different relations between communication media and record companies.
This paper concerns Taiwan popular music market since the late 1980s till 1994, analysing the changes and their social meanings.
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住宅樓層價差之探討-以台北市為例 / A Study of The Different Prices for Housing Floors張曦方, Chang, Si Fung Unknown Date (has links)
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壽險商品店頭販賣市場潛在購買者之研究 / A Study of Potential buyer of life insurance Location Selling王維元, Wang,Wai-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
偏好?二、研究方法: 本研究以居住在大台北地區的民眾為研究對象,
分析。三、研究結果: 1.「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「
顯著差異。 2.潛在與非潛在消費者對購買店頭市場販賣之壽險商品的態
度無顯著差異。 3.心理因素中,潛在與非潛在消費者只對「風險規避」
一項有顯著差異。 4.潛在消費者的資訊來源主要為「親友介紹」、「業
務員」、「報 紙」、「雜誌」、「電視」。 5.潛在消費者較偏好在「
銀行」、「百貨公司」購買壽險商品。 6.潛在消費者較偏好「終身壽險
。 7.潛在消費者多數表示只要保單合適,什麼性質的公司並不重要。
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汽車保險整合行銷與商品創新之研究 / Research on integrated marketing and product innovation of auto insurance陳文生 Unknown Date (has links)
在探討汽車保險整合行銷與商品創新的研究中,本論文以目前我國汽車保險業者所面臨的真實困境為基礎,並結合行銷的元素及排除不符合市場運作情況,除以消費者的角度重新思考外,同時加入我國產險業實際運作上所面臨的盲點,提出數點建議,以期探尋出適合我國汽車保險經營的行銷模式及商品設計,本論文所提的問題多為筆者長期身處市場觀察之實情,期許能為我國汽車保險經營帶來改革,扭轉目前越來越小的產值規模,兼達消費者及保險公司雙贏之目標。 / Due to the decreasing automobile insurance market in Taiwan, in this research I try to focus on the true situation which I observe during my career. Though a popular topic, this issue was seldom discussed in research papers in a practical way. That is why I try to explain this situation at a different angle with a combination of various factors.
Automobile insurance premium accounts for over half of non-life insurance premium in Taiwan and has been an integral part. Because of its enormous market stance, all non-life insurance companies would expand their market share of it at any expense. In doing so, non-life insurance companies face a vicious cycle of increasing competition followed by decreasing premium rates and it proves them wrong to implement these strategies. Furthermore, a merely 60% penetration rate of automobile insurance, which is below the average of developed countries, shows that Taiwanese people do not take it seriously. In conclusion, the non-life insurance market has been hugely impacted.
By clearing the blind spots of Integrated Marketing and Product Innovation, in this research I try to find a new way to improve the even worse situation of automobile insurance market in Taiwan. With my career experience in this field, I give some recommendations in the hope of reversing the situation in the future.
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中國合資壽險公司之商品策略分析 / The analysis for the product strategy of the joint venture life insurance companies in China李敏貴, Lee, Ming Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
依據世界銀行統計,中國 2009 年 GDP 比重佔全球 14.5%,已超過日本,成為全球第二大經濟體。中國 GDP 穩定成長,人口老齡化加速,家庭越趨小型化,且人口越往城鎮集中。在 2010 年,壽險新契約保費超過 6,882 億元,同比增長近 27% ,但前三家壽險公司就佔了 55% 的市場。銀保及業務員約佔九成的市場,銷售商品仍以儲蓄為主,壽險市場發展空間極大。由於目前整體環境與時機對於兩岸在經貿合作上極為有利,臺灣壽險業遂積極加強推動兩岸經貿合作,以進入中國市場搶得先機。
本文先說明中國市場的熱銷商品及通路策略或經濟情況對商品策略的影響。另外驗證在銀保通路與業務員通路不同商品策略下,對財務的影響為何。躉繳型商品主要銷售通路為銀保;其利潤率雖低,但若有大量保費收入,將可迅速提高市占率及降低成本,在 10 年內損益兩平。但若公司投報率無法支應保證利率,對公司資本及利潤將產生明顯負面衝擊。
業務員通路主要銷售長年期壽險商品,雖利潤率較高,銷售量短期內不易大增,但有保費累積效果,亦可在 10 年內損益兩平。長年期壽險商品對公司投資報酬率反應較不明顯,因其初期建置成本高,若保費成長率不如預期,將延長首見利潤年度。
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記者的過度商品化──以台灣電視新聞性談話節目中的記者為例 / The Hyper-commodification of Reporters: take the Reporter Guest in Taiwan’s Television News Talk Show as Example彭后諦 Unknown Date (has links)
本文回顧了記者的發展史,歸納出記者在商業化媒體下的變化。然後本文整理知識經濟、知識政治、知識社會的相關文獻,加上符號學的分析,重新討論傳播商品化理論,提出記者(過度)商品化的模式。為了驗證此一模式的有效性,本文分析談話節目的來賓身份和出息次數、談話節目的內容言說及訪談閱聽人,一方面指出上節目記者的商業屬性,另一方面從閱聽人角度點出記者特殊社會地位權力。綜合理論分析和實際觀察資料,本文提出記者商品化的論述,也期待未來能有更多相關的研究。 / In an era of knowledge economy, knowledge, aside from land, labor and money, has become another productive element. Moreover, with the establishment of media society, the power and value of signs sometimes even surpass those of the reality. Finally, market-driven capitalism transforms the media into commercial-oriented companies. The above three phenomena change all walks of life. As an information worker, reporters are granted the role of public intellectual. They not only earn money by producing reports for its newspaper, they also make use of their use and exchange value by presenting themselves on other media channels. The dissertation takes the reporter guests in Taiwan’s TV news talk shows as example. Reporters make themselves commodities by the surplus value they carry.
This dissertation reviews reporters’ history and the changes that industry has gone through. The dissertation then deals with theories such as knowledge economy, knowledge politics, knowledge society and semiology in order to re-discuss the commodity theory in communication studies. The result is a model of reporter’s “(hyper-) commodification.” The dissertation applies theories to analyze the background of talk show’s guests, and the discourse on the show. Interviews of the audience were conducted to further discuss the social power of reporters. The above analysis and theories finally give birth to a theory of the “hyper-commodification of reporter.”
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衍生性商品的交易策略與風險管理-以中華郵政股份有限公司為例 / Trading strategies and risk management of derivatives - A Case Study of Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.張堯雄 Unknown Date (has links)
費雪‧布萊克(Fischer Black)曾說:「有了衍生性商品,你幾乎可以擁有任何想要的報酬型態。只要你可以把它畫在紙上,或者以語言文字描述出來,就有人可以為你設計出,任何你想要的報酬型態的衍生性商品。」
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由銀行合作企業分析瓜地馬拉的銀行商品 / Financial Inclusion: Analysis of Banking Products through Correspondent Banking Agents in Guatemala石嘉德, Cid, Gabriela del Unknown Date (has links)
This paper provides an analysis on Financial Inclusion and a set of indicators to understand how adults in Guatemala manage their finances. The data shows that only 22 percent of the adult population has an account at a legitimate financial institution. In addition, 25 percent of adults report having saving habits but only 10 percent do it at a legitimate financial institution. Physical distance is a key factor in achieving Financial Inclusion in the country as the most common barrier for the use of financial products is the lack of financial service branches in many regions, especially in the northern part of the country.
The purpose of this research was to find a method that could be implemented in Guatemala in order to introduce underserved people into the legitimate financial system. Special analysis was made on the Correspondent Banking model and it was found to be one of the most successful methods employed to improve access and usage of financial services in many countries. This branchless banking strategy can play a significant role in ensuring universal access to financial services, and be a cost-effective strategy for financial institutions to increase their customer base. Guatemala can use this current opportunity to guide its economic strategy towards the reduction of poverty, economic improvement and mitigation of some of the worst effects of being financially excluded.
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探討高階主管支持,透過供應商品質管理對供應商供貨穩定性之影響賴子瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過資料分析認為若高階主管重視支持品質管理與改善,將能激勵員工朝著企業目標與願景共同前進,配合研究分析顧客需求並快速反應解決顧客之問題,能提高顧客滿意度。又依顧客需求投入資源協助供應商作品質管理與改善以通過或符合顧客標準,對產品品質與發展穩定供應商關係都很有幫助。而若能有長期穩定的供應商關係,對供應商供貨的穩定性也會很有助益,有穩定的供貨供料來源公司才能有效率地生產減少存貨,進而提昇企業整體績效。 / The market is increasingly competitive by the impact of globalization, and companies must respond in a timely manner to meet rapidly changing customers’ needs. In addition, product life cycles are shortened, and an efficient production becomes a key factor enabling companies remain competitive.
In order to respond to the rapidly changing customers’ demand,companies must continuously improve the product quality. If the top management can focus on quality improvement, and conduct a detailed study understanding the customers’ needs with a full cooperation of employees, the company will be more efficient. Quality improvement process should closely cooperate with suppliers. If companies can develop a long-term and stable relationship with suppliers, a win-win situation will develop to improve business performance.
It is found, from the literature review, that maintaining a long-term relationship with suppliers will stabilize materials supply. The relationship between companies and their suppliers has involved from competitive to mutual beneficial in recent years. In addition, it becomes a technical entry criterion, if the suppliers’ product quality meets customers’ requirements.
The results of this study show that the top management involvement on quality management will encourage employees work toward company’s vision and objectives. If the supplier improve their quality certification or compliance with customers standards, its also a technical threshold
relative to the competitors. Companies own specific training providers while maintaining stable partnership with the suppliers. Undoubtedly,it will also help to promote their competition.
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金融商品價值變動、公司特性與盈餘管理之關聯性 / Value changes in financial instruments, firm characteristics and earnings management: an empirical study of Taiwan listed companies范凱鈞, Fan, Kai Chun Unknown Date (has links)
此外,金融資產評價利益、金融資產評價損失與金融負債評價損失與盈餘管理之關係符合損益平穩化之理論;金融商品減損損失與盈餘管理之關係則符合洗大澡之理論。管理當局持股比率愈高時,愈會將裁量性應計向上操縱或向下操縱,而債務比率愈高之公司,愈會將裁量性應計向下操縱。公司資金愈多,管理階層愈不會操縱裁量性應計,但其差異較不明顯。而電子業公司之盈餘管理幅度則小於非電子產業公司。 / This purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between value changes in financial instruments, firm characteristics and earnings management. The study includes two parts and uses a sample of the companies (excluding financial firms) listed at the Taiwan Stock Exchange from January 2006 to June 2009. First, I examine the relationship between company characteristics and their holdings of financial instruments. It also examines whether the global financial crisis affected these companies’ holdings of financial instruments. Secondly, I examine whether the value changes of financial instruments and company characteristics affect the sample companies’ earnings management behavior.
The empirical results show that the companies with higher management ownership, lower debt ratio, larger size, higher cash dividend yield, higher liquidity, and higher rates of R&D have tend to hold more financial instruments. Companies in the electronics industry hold less financial instruments. Companies kept less financial instruments decreased after the global financial crisis.
In addition, the relationship between valuation gain and loss on financial assets, valuation loss on financial liabilities and earnings management conforms to the theory of income smoothing. And the relationship between financial instruments impairment losses and earnings management is consistent with the big bath theory. Management with higher ownership tends to manipulate more discretionary accruals. Companies with higher debt ratio tend to manipulate discretionary accruals downward. For the companies with more funds, their management manipulates less discretionary accruals, although the difference is less obvious. Earnings management by the companies in the electronics industry is less than those in other industries.
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