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混合型資料下之單位根檢定研究:平均概似比統計量之建立與模擬 / Panel Unit Root Test邱惠玉, Chiu, Huei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
自Nelson和Plosser (1982)後,研究經濟資料是否具有單位根現象,已成為近二十年來熱門且重要的課題。因
( Panel Unit Root )。就此課題,文獻上已有兩個不同的檢定方法: Levin、Lin和Chu (1997)的LLC檢定法以及Im、
Pesaran和Shin (1995)的IPS檢定法。
我們的研究,有別於以上兩者,是從「概似比」的角度(likelihood ratio) 和應用檢定共積關係的Johansen
列的單位根現象。進而,再將橫斷面資料擴大,採用mean group方法,加總平均每個橫斷面時間數列的「Trace
檢定」統計量,形成混合型資料之單位根檢定統計量 。根據中央極限定理,標準化後的 檢定統計量,極限上
收斂至標準常態分配。此外,我們也推導得出 檢定統計量與傳統ADF、LLC以及IPS檢定統計量極限上的關係。
料之單位根檢定統計量表現優良,近似於標準常態分配。故在做混合型資料的單位根分析時,採用 檢定統計
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策略行銷分析架構探討手作食品品牌從創意市集發跡的商業模式 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Handmade Food's Business Model陳亞郁 Unknown Date (has links)
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以策略行銷架構探討台灣中小企業的經營模式-以W 公司為例 / strategic marketing analysis on Taiwan's business model of small business - take W company for example蔡盛宇 Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟部中小企業處的統計,至民國102 底止,台灣共有1,363,393 家登
W 公司之經營模式,並據以分析中小型公司如何制定策略、累積內部競爭力,如
德危機成本、專屬陷入成本,找出W 公司所必頇處理的關鍵問題,並給予營運上的建議。本研究也詴圖將隱形冠軍的內容與策略行銷架構結合,歸納成一整合的
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根據消費者決策考量因素對購買行為影響之偏好 / The competitive strategy analysis of motherboard industry in China劉文忠 Unknown Date (has links)
產品規格及性價比,事先搜尋相關產品資訊確認主板產品的確能提供其廠商所強調的功能或價值,同學多會通過 「詢問朋友」、「媒體推薦」、「網上搜索」等來獲取相關信息,因此相關之「外顯單位效益成本」、「買者資訊搜尋成本」、「買者道德危機成本」等預算,應當維持相當水準, 對於「買者專屬陷入成本」的行銷預算,可以酌情減少,
當廠商了解客戶在面臨的問題及顧慮後,即可透過4C策略行銷的分析,設計出能夠解除客戶疑慮的方案,建立共識,降低雙方的交易成本及風險,以確保合作有個好的開始。本論文從廠商的角度以4C架構進行行銷策略分析,以協助廠商隨著專案進展也可以很方便地檢視各種策略組合,故即使是在多專案併行時,依然能有效掌握各種策略的執行。 / The motherboard industry has developed soon within 20 years and now become the top in the world. In 2000 the market share reached to 84.7%. However, due to the saturation of the whole market and the standardization of the products, it is obvious that the industry has stepped to centralization. The trend of “The stronger will be stronger; the weaker will be weaker” can be seen in the industry. Therefore, the improvement of efficiency, the competition within the industry, and the ways to cope with the market changes in the future are critical topics to research.
This research adopted the method of questionnaire survey and took sophomore from universities in China as research objects. We could found in this research that the time students bought their computers concentrated on 2008 and 2009;That is, the frequency which students bought their computers peaked when they were freshmen and sophomore. Also, according to this research, we could found, in the type of computers students bought, that students who bought DIY computers account for 29% and who bought note books account for 62%, the highest percentage. Furthermore, we could found, in the gender who bought computers, that the percentage of boys who bought DIY computers is obviously greater than the percentage of girls and that the percentage of girls who bought note books is obviously greater than the percentage of boys. The primary factors influenced the decision that students bought motherboards are the quality, famous brand, and friends’ recommendation.
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我國駐外機構經營績效之探討-以僑務委員會為例歐陽富 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,由於本研究係首次將DEA運用於駐外機構經營效率之評估,因此本文之相關實證模型將可作為評估我國其他部會所屬駐外機構效率衡量之基礎及參考。 / The overseas Chinese population, up till 2004, approximates 3.8 millions (not counting Hong Kong, Macao). To attend to their needs, the government has first established the Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the Nationalist Government in 1926. To better and further serve this overseas Chinese community, the government has chosen among several populous areas to set up Chinese Culture and education service center later in 1985. Between 1985 and the end of 2004, 17 service centers have been set up. To keep these centers running requires a big budget support from the government each year. To examine if these centers provide values that conform to the economic concept of "the input" and "the output" production efficiency, this article has used the data envelopment analysis method to establish the real diagnosis model. This model has used various culture and education service centers as policy-making units from 2001 to 2004 to evaluate the efficacy of these service centers.
Test results have shown that the mean value of central whole technical efficiency is between 2.4662 and 3.1605. Also, the mean value of scale efficiency is bigger than 1. This demonstrates the inefficient central technology rate of the service centers results mainly from pure technical inefficiency, and partly from diseconomy of scale.
On the other hand, test results also show that, (1) up till 2004, among 17 culture and education centers, just only remain 4 to 9 with central efficiency value of 1 under different kinds of combinations. The fact that they account for two tenths to five tenths of the total number of service centers demonstrates the need for improvement in their operating performance (2) the closing of both London and Melbourne culture and education centers does not conform to the findings of the real diagnosis analysis, but Sydney center is not closed, which reveals the importance of data material in the decision-making process; (3) looking at the distribution of global overseas Chinese population, the technology efficiency values for culture and education centers in North America area are far higher than other areas, measured by all sorts of combinations regardless of fixed or variable scale. This has revealed issues of not only efficiency enhancements for local centers excepting this area, but also excessive concentration of service resources allocated within the region and augment the co-activity with compatriots.
Finally, since this is the first time DEA has been utilized in a research to evaluate the management efficiencies for government agencies abroad, the real diagnosis model presented in this article might be used as a reference for similar studies in the future.
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社區發展協會與鄰里組織、政府單位互動關係對其社區功能影響性分析-以臺北市為例 / The community function influential analysis of the relationship between the community association and neighborhood office、Government-A case study of Taipei city,Taiwan.謝明峰, Hsieh, Min Feng Unknown Date (has links)
經統計分析結果後發現未來在里辦公處與社區發展協會兩者組織發展情形,多數協會認為兩者仍應持續共存,且社區發展協會與里辦公處之互動關係良好的仍佔多數。而在與政府單位互動情形,整體而言,社區發展協會與政府單位之互動關係是良好的,另在整體滿意度與政府發展方向上,協會對於政府之施政、政策認為是滿意的、發展方向也與政府方向是一致的。本研究發現學理上社區功能與政策上社區功能兩者是無完全相關;而不同的社區類型是會影響社區發展協會學理上與政策上之社區功能;另外當協會與里辦公的互動關係越好時,其政策上社區功能會發展的越好。 / This thesis is started from the problem which the researcher met in practice work. The researcher would like to know what the community function in theory and policy is?And it is effected by what factors(Use the community type、the relationship in the community association and neighborhood office、the relationship in the community association and government to confer)?What is the difference between community function in theory and in policy?According to these questions,this thesis have seven assumptions:
Assumption 1:The community function in theory is related to the community function in policy.
Assumption 2:Different community type influence community function in theory.
Assumption 3:Different community type influence community function in policy.
Assumption 4:The better the relationship of the community association and neighborhood office is, the better the community function in theory is.
Assumption 5:The better the relationship in the community association and the government is, the more is the community function in theory is.
Assumption 6:The better the relationship in the community association and neighborhood office is, the better the community function in policy is.
Assumption 7:The better the relationship in the community association and the government is, the better the community function in the policy is.
This thesis is a quantification research, The population is 331 community associations(On a basis of September 2009).The questionnaire survey delivered 256 pieces. There are 161 pieces is applicable,26pieces are not in 187 recycled questionnaires. A Recycled ratio is 62%. Anyhow, we survey 101 community associations,there are 35 pieces answered by the organization president ,38 pieces answered by the organization manager,the others answered 28 pieces.
This survey find out the community association and neighborhood office will exit together in the future. And the relationship of the community association and the neighborhood office is good, and so is the community association and government. In conclusion,the community association is satisfied with the government policy,and the development direction is the same. This survey find that the community function in theory the community function in policy is not related. Different community type influence community function in theory and in policy. Besides the better the relationship of the community association and neighborhood office, the better the community function in theory.
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學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究:以國中小特色學校為例 / The relationships among school-based financial management, innovative school management and school effectiveness: A study on the specialist schools of junior high schools and elementary schools莊清寶, Chuang, Ching Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用文獻分析法、訪談法及問卷調查法進行研究。訪談法方面,發展出「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算與國中小學校本位財務管理關係訪談大綱」作為研究工具,並採立意抽樣方式從臺北市、高雄市、新北市、桃園縣、基隆市等5個縣市抽取11位受訪者進行電話訪談。至問卷調查方面,則以「學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能調查問卷」為研究工具,並以已成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算且獲教育部補助國中小特色學校經費之49個學校教職員作為研究對象,採簡單隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查並剔除無效問卷,獲得有效樣本數802份。本研究除採用結構方程模式分析方法及LISREL8.72軟體分別驗證學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之內涵外,也進一步據以探討學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之間的關係。並且也透過平均數及SPSS13.0軟體來瞭解學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之現況。此外,更透過具潛在變項的路徑分析及Mplus 5.0軟體,來探討填答者的不同背景變項(包括性別、現任職務、教育程度、服務年資、服務地區、學校規模)是否分別對於學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能具有預測效果。
最後,本研究並依據上述研究成果,提出各項具體建議。 / With the establishment of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund by many municipalities and counties, there are more and more opportunities to develop the “school-based financial management” (SBFM). And there were more and more researches stress the way to implement the school innovative management in specialist schools in the academic circles. However, the “school-based financial management” and “school innovative management” are both parts of the management methods. Therefore, the present study wanted to explore whether these two management methods can achieve the purpose of enhancing “school effectiveness.”
The present study adopted three approaches, including “literature review,” “interview,” and “questionnaire survey.” In terms of the interview, the present study designed “the outline of the interview on the relationship between affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund and school-based financial management in junior high schools and elementary schools” as an instrument. The present study chose 11 participants from the county government and schools in the Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, New Taipei city, Taoyuan County, and Keelung city by purpose sampling. Eventually, the present study had interviewed those participants by telephone. In the aspect of questionnaire survey, the study designed the “questionnaire of the school-based financial management, school innovative management and school effectiveness” as the instruments. Teachers and staff from 49 specialist schools were the participants, and they were from schools that implemented the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund. The present study distributed questionnaires by simple random sampling, and got 802 valid samples after gathering and deleting some invalid questionnaires. The study not only took structural equation modeling and the software of LISREL8.72 to confirm the contents of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness respectively, but also confirmed the relationships of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness. Moreover, the present study adopted means and the software of SPSS13.0 to understand the current situations of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness. Furthermore, the present study adopted the path analysis with latent variables and the software of Mplus5.0 so as to understand whether the context variables of the subjects would have predictive effects on the school-based financial management, school innovative management, or school effectiveness. Those context variables included the sex, position, education level, seniority, district, and school size of the participants.
There were some major conclusions made as follows:
1.The results of the interview on the relationship between “affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund” and “school-based financial management in junior high schools and elementary schools”
(1) In brief, junior high schools and elementary schools had most of the properties and advantages of the affiliated units’ budget after the municipality and county governments establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund, and it’s helpful for the schools to implement the “school-based financial management.”
(2) The deficiencies of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund:
A. There are still some additional restrictions of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund made by the municipal and county governments, which should be loosened.
B. Other county governments except for municipal governments suggest that they need to set up a professional special agency to conduct those affairs of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund.
C. The regulations and operations of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund always change, and the staff redeploy too often, so that there are some problems in the process of practices.
D. The interviews of the accountants’ needs are insufficient during the development process of “the accounting system of local education development fund”. Furthermore, the system is unstable and its functions are insufficient, so there is still room for improvement.
(3) As for the preference degree of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund, most of the participants (6 participants) felt “like”, 3 participants felt “fair”, and 2 participants felt relatively “unlike.”
2.The current situation of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness
(1) The current situation of the school-based financial management belonged to the extent of slightly high (M=3.88) after establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund.
(2) The specialist schools’ practice extent of the “school innovative management” was very high (M=4.06), and their “school effectiveness” was also very high (M=4.09) after establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund.
3.The relationships between school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness
(1) “School-based financial management” has far-reaching and positive direct effects(γ1=.78) on “school innovative management”. That is, the higher the implement degree of “School-based financial management” is, the higher practice degree of “school innovative management” will be.
(2) “School innovative management” has far-reaching and positive direct effects(β1=.92) on “school effectiveness”. That is, the higher the practice degree of “school innovative management” is, the better the “school effectiveness” will be.
(3) Although the “School-based financial management” has no significant effect on “school effectiveness”, “School-based financial management” has an indirect effect on “school effectiveness” through the “school innovative management” (the indirect effect size is .72). In other words, when the practice degree of “School-based financial management” is higher, the “school effectiveness” will be enhanced indirectly through the “school innovative management”
4.The effects of the context variables on the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness
(1) 4 context variables have significant effects on the school-based financial management. These variables involve sex, position, district, and school size.
(2) 3 context variables have significant effects on the school innovative management. These variables include sex, position, and school size.
(3) 3 context variables have significant effects on the school effectiveness. These variables are sex, position, and school size.
Finally, according to the results of the present study, there were some suggestions be proposed.
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中小企業如何在與國際大廠的競爭下,進入新市場之策略---以A公司切入大陸風電複合材料行業為例 / The new market entry strategy for a small / medium enterprise to compete with international enterprises --- example: A company penetrates into (composites solution for) China Wind Energy Industry林雍堯, Yung Yao Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以中國大陸從2005 年到2010年的風力發電之複合材料葉片產業為背景,討論A公司如何從其原來所屬的防腐蝕複合材料行業,跨入一個完全不同應用的風力葉片複合材料行業。於產業進入過程中,有三家迥然不同規模、屬性、企業文化的企業,於過去數年在大陸市場的競爭為研究範疇。
A公司於競爭初期,利用其既有的品牌知名度、人脈與通路,以降低C2為第一要務,而後利用C2在地優勢與國際原料大廠建立策略聯盟,產生C1的競爭優勢。進一步利用C1優勢降低客戶C3,隨著個案的增加,增強與上游供應鏈的談判力量,再回頭去強化C1的競爭優勢,以本研究所處的市場,所有的競爭最後都還是回到C1的競爭。並對未來的發展提出如何增強各個成本構面的建議,與提升公司淨利的建議。 / The background of this study is based on the wind blade industry of wind turbine from year 2005 till year 2010 in mainland China. We try to analysis how the company A crosses into an entire new industry – wind blade composites from their original anti-corrosion application. And the scope of this study based on these three enterprises with complete different scales, categories and cultures how to compete in mainland China wind blade composites industry in the past 5 years.
We may distinguish those customers into three types based on their different capital compose: foreign enterprise, state own company and private company. Due to the different capital compose, it cause quite obvious difference between the business philosophy of the management team and decision model. It also caused huge difference in recognition and evaluation of four kinds of transaction cost. Those three major suppliers how to take different compete strategies when they are facing different customer attributes based on their own corporate market position, company resources and technology.
At the very beginning stage, company A leverages its original brand name, connections and channels in composites industry to lower its C2 as first priority. And then company A tries to build the strategic alliances with those global material suppliers to create the compettive advantage of C1. The further step is to reduce customers’ C3 through its C1 advantage. The more customers company A gets, the more bargain power she has with her supplier chain and then she could strengthen her own C1 competitive strength. The most fundamental competition is always backing to C1 competition in wind blade composite section of wind energy industry in China.
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台灣資訊服務業之行銷策略探討-以A公司為例郭淑儀, Kuo,Anita Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
朝聚焦策略發展,並做好基礎技術研發和國際品質認證等基本功;對產品有明確之STP(Segmentation, Target, Positioning),並掌握市場動向之洞察力(street-smart insight),以對的產品切入對的市場(do it right),形成有利的4C循環,才能夠維持優於同業之表現。並在穩健創新經營原則下,掌握利基市場,因時因地制宜的運用4C行銷策略,才能確保4C競爭優勢。 / The advancement of Taiwan IT services is derived from the business needs for information service to solve duplicate activities and complicate management problems, and also contributed by the industrial competitions from foreign IT service companies’ entering Taiwan market. In Taiwan IT service industry there widely exist endowment problems like small operation capital, limited resources, vague supply chains, etc., and environmental challenges, such as the small domestic market, low industrial barrier, furious competitions, etc., and furthermore, there are changeable competition factors in exploring international markets.
ICT services are the fundamental national infrastructure, and are accompanied by business application needs. As we know, electronic, information and communication products account for more than 30% of Taiwan exports. After this, with the expectation to create the core competitive strength for Taiwan, IT service industry is one of the key promotion targets chosen by the government, to combine the current hardware industrial strength with the upgrade of software quality and volume. Especially for system integration services, the majority type of IT service industry, it is always worthy to study how to build up its core competence, launch competitive product services, and establish long-term relationship with customers to ensure transaction strength in the niche market, gain profits and sustain for long.
The research is based on the analysis framework of transaction cost theory, and strategic marketing 4C theory. The case study:Company A is the axis. By researching the development of Company A, to find how it can accumulate 4C strength, including how to lower customers’ external cost on utility, cost of information searches, cost of moral hazards, and better use cost of assets specificity to enter positive 4C cycles in the long run. Its marketing strategy can be used as a reference for the similar IT service companies.
The finding of Company A’s 4C cycles is that, build up C1 power to strengthen its competitiveness, by alliance with C3 power enabled partners to lower C2, and establish customers positive C3 and C4. In the meantime, in accordance with the customer’s C1 needs to enforce the utility of C1, there is C3 and C4 competitiveness strengthened furthermore. Above all, it is suggested to focus on C1, and be aware that C1 is the source of competitiveness, and the leverage of other 3Cs.
Deploy focus strategy, and elaborate the basic techniques of fundamental technology research and international quality assurance, with specific product STP(Segmentation, Target, Positioning), street-smart insight and do-it-right, will form positive 4C cycles, which can result in better performance in the industry. Under the stable, innovative operation principles, catch niche markets and use strategic marketing 4C deliberately to ensure 4C competitive strength.
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金融監理制度對商業銀行利潤效率之影響--亞洲12國之實證分析 / Effects of Financial Supervision Regimes on Commercial Banks’ Profit Efficiency in 12 Asian Countries黃國睿, Huang, Kuo Jui Unknown Date (has links)
金融監理制度影響一國商業銀行經營績效的相關議題,一直受到學者與政府當局的重視,為瞭解亞洲地區銀行業在中央銀行與監理單位不同管理下的利潤效率,找出最適的制度設計,本研究根據Huang、Huang與Liu(2014)提出之隨機共同利潤邊界(stochastic meta-profit frontier),採用兩階段估計法,蒐集中國大陸、香港、印度、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、新加坡、斯里蘭卡、泰國以及阿拉伯聯合大公國等十二國商業銀行資料,分成開發中和已開發國家兩個群組,將環境變數納入無效率模型中,進行實證分析,比較不同群組的利潤效率差異,發掘影響效率的主要變數與方向,從而獲得重要政策意涵。
根據實證分析結果,中央銀行介入銀行監理程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越低;金融監理單位整合程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越高;中央銀行獨立程度越高,商業銀行利潤效率越低;已開發國家群組的平均技術缺口比率與共同邊界技術效率值皆高於開發中國家群組,符合預期。共同利潤效率最高的是日本,最低的是韓國。平均而言,各國若在共同利潤邊界上從事生產,能提升41.9%至75%的利潤。 / The effects of degrees of financial supervision on performance of commercial banks have long been important issues and drawn much attention to academic researchers and government authorities. This study applies the stochastic meta-profit frontier, recently developed by Huang, Huang, and Liu (2014), to estimate and compare profit efficiencies of commercial banks from 12 Asian countries, i.e., Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and United Arab Emirates. We divide the sample countries into two groups, i.e., developing and developed countries. This enables us to further investigate the effects of different supervisory systems, enforced by central banks (CB) and supervisory authorities, on commercial banks’ profit efficiencies, as well as to make a suggestion about the optimal supervision regimes in the area. Note that a set of supervisory indices are considered as environmental variables that explain profit inefficiency.
Using the two-stage estimation procedure, the empirical results are summarized as follows. First, it is found that bank’s profit efficiency decreases with the increase in a CB’s supervision sectors. Second, the unification of supervisory authority has positive effect on bank’s profit efficiency. Third, the more independent is the CB, the less profit efficient the commercial bank is. Fourth, banks in the group of developed countries are found to have higher technology gap ratios and meta-profit efficiencies than those in the group of developing countries, as expected. Fifth and finally, Japan and South Korea has the highest and the lowest level of meta-profit efficiency, respectively. Evidence is found that if an average commercial bank were adopting the best technology, it can earn roughly 41.9% to 75% more profits than otherwise.
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