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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中俄關係的能源因素 / The energy factor in Sino-Russian relations

噢克薩納 Unknown Date (has links)
能源因素在中俄關係的分析顯示,處理政治與經濟兩者間的聯繫幾乎無法與能源安全的問題脫鉤。中俄能源合作對於中國與俄國分別具有不同的意義,主要原因取決於雙方對於能源安全的認知上差異。在中國方面,強調的是能源供應方面的安全;而俄羅斯方面,能源的需求才是首要。然而,中俄對於能源安全認定的差異呈現的是一種互補關係,因此能為彼此的合作奠定良好的基礎。 本論文的主要論點是,中俄合作的重要性是一種很強的經貿互補關係,而能源這個因素在過程中扮演了關鍵。中國與俄羅斯的能源合作以及從該國增加的進口貿易量,符合中國使其海外能源供應多樣化和安全運輸的目標,也同時強化了他的能源安全與經濟的穩定發展。另一方面,中俄能源的合作將提升俄羅斯的出口貿易額,讓俄國在亞太地區的經濟地位可以維持,甚至是強化。鑑於中國對於能源的需求,以及俄國對於本身經濟發展的重視,兩國未來能源合作將可望進一步的深化。 關鍵字詞:中俄能源合作、能源安全、能源外交

China’s energy security: the impact on China’s foreign policy and the international order

柯愛蓮, Kork, Aire Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis explores the topic of China’s rise through evaluating the impact of the rising China on the present international order. This is done through examining China’s foreign policy aimed at energy supply security and its effect on the institutions of the international order, as well as the Sino-US relationship. The thesis shows that China’s oil supply related foreign policy is overwhelmingly strategic in nature, and this creates more competition than cooperation while also causing a number of controversies in relation to the character of the rising China within this international order and its impact on it. The research results tend to support a more realist perspective as they show that China’s expanding foreign policy has been undermining key norms and values of the present international order for the sake of securing its key national interests. China’s relationship with the US has not become more cooperative but has been undermined by distrust which has resulted in China engaging in soft-power balancing vis-à-vis the US.

中國多邊外交戰略之美國因素研究:以東亞及中亞地區為例(1996-2008) / Chinese multilateral diplomacy strategy of US factor research: Take East Asian and the Central Asia region as an example(1996-2008)

張騰陽 Unknown Date (has links)
本文從中國的周邊安全態勢及其多邊外交戰略出發,在討論了美國在東亞及中亞地區的戰略佈局以及中國多邊外交戰略的背景因素和佈局政策以後,接著從美國因素介入中國推行該戰略的過程中,觀察美國因素所造成的影響,最後再以中國的政策回應探討雙方這一連串的互動過程,其所蘊含的意涵為何。 本研究發現,冷戰後美國勢力在全球範圍的擴張,與國際體系結構的變遷直接相關;對美國而言,由於國際體系結構由兩極對峙轉變為對其極為有利的一超多強格局,這也驅迫美國進一步向外構築其霸權版圖。另一方面,冷戰結束後霸權(美國)與崛起者(中國)之間的互動,可用軟制衡(Soft Balancing)的概念來加以解釋。由於在國際體系結構中占據支配地位的美國權力過於強大,導致沒有一個國家(或國家聯盟)有能力予以制衡,於是,身為挑戰者的中國採用較為迂迴、複雜的策略,尋求的是一種間接削弱霸權國權力的方式,而不是直接挑戰霸權國的軍事優勢或由霸權國領導的世界秩序;筆者認為,中國在其周邊地區推動的多邊外交就是一例。 關鍵詞:多邊外交、國際體系結構、軟制衡

中國幣制改革國際因素之探討(1934-1936) / International Factors in Chinese Currency Reform, form 1934 to 1936

許哲瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的,不是盡然討論幣制問題而是從幣制改革中窺探1930年代中期,美英日三國在遠東的競逐。進而透過文獻的整理,釐清中國與美國之間的微妙關係。文獻指出,1934年美國白銀法案的通過,使得中國1931年以來的經濟不景氣更為嚴重。由於銀價的高漲,不僅造成中國白銀外流,因為銀元升值使得國內物價緊縮、對外出口萎縮。然而白銀購買政策,讓中美之間交易白銀,因此給予中國機會,解決尾大不掉的銀本位制度,改以「法幣」為財政與貨幣問題解套。 英美日三國對於中國皆有其特殊利益存在,其中日本因素最為重要。英國雖然是最先願意提供援助的國家,也支持中國推行幣制改革,然遭受日本的反對,使得國際共同協助貸款一案功敗垂成。而美國在國務院、財政部與白銀派議員互相傾軋之下,久久未能決斷。1935年11月,英國援華提案為日本當局拒絕後,美國國務院路線失敗,轉由美財政部與白宮聯合主導對華政策。中美雙方遂於1936年5月18日達成《白銀協定》。 過去多認為法幣之實施是對於美國白銀政策使得白銀漲價。確實,拋棄白銀本位制度是中國不得不為的決策,然而法幣擺脫白銀,仍需儲備,有財政與匯率上的疑慮。對內雖然透過國有四行發行法幣,不僅達到壟斷貨幣發行以加強經濟統制,為之後戰爭資源動員預先作了準備工作,對外同時也解決了匯價過高的問題。 就外交路線論,雖然日美英三國都有機會加強對中國經濟影響程度,最後卻只有美國得利。美國購銀政策與《中美白銀協定》的簽訂,讓中國政府集中保存的白銀得以換取美元外匯與物資。而也從此刻開始,在財政與貨幣政策上必須仰賴美援,成為日後國共戰爭失利的遠因。 / This research is proposed to realize the relations between China Currency Reform and the reacts form the Powers in 1930s. So it should be considered as diplomatic history. Based on the archives in Hoover Institute and the secondary resource, I try to make it clear how the international factors worked in this period. In 1930s, all the western countries just recovered from the shadow of depression. But China is facing their depression. According the result of secondary researches, we know that Chinese had a hard time form 1931 to 1935. And the U.S. government enforced the Silver Act in 1934, striking down the situation of China. That made Chinese government to abandon Silver Standard. To issue new tenders is not an easy task to China. Silver was used monetary in China since 16th century. Also, Chinese National Government had financial crisis. They need foreign loan to support their plan. British, Japanese and American governments were the three Powers who could give a hand. But still, there were some interest concerning among them. Either one should take steps very carefully. British government was the first one, trying to assist china to pass the hard time. Her government sent Leith-Ross to Far East for seeking the chance to stabilize the situation in China. And he hoped Japan government to participate loan project. But, November 4 in 1935, Chinese governments announced “Legal Tender Policy”, and asked all the banks to turn over their reserve of silver. In Japanese view, it would be encouraged by British government. The plan was over. American government took this opportunity to make a silver deal with China. American government offered dollars as reserve of legal tender. China sold their silver to exchange dollars and other military resources. This agreement put the Sino-American relation more closely than before.

俄羅斯聯邦形象塑造研究(2012-2016) / The study of Russia’s image-building (2012-2016)

史安梅, Anastasia Starichkova Unknown Date (has links)
自第21世紀初以來,由於電信與資訊科技的積極發展,使資訊取得更容易。於此同時,資訊來源的多樣性也使思想和觀點多元化。 國家形象是簡潔且通俗易懂的概念,它包含一國的國內經濟、政治發展程度、國際體系上的地位、合作行爲、文化和歷史價值。此外,國家形象也把國家利益反映到國際舞臺,允許領導人與外國夥伴鞏固關係、創造共贏局面。該背景下,國家形象塑造是每個政府的迫切目標之一,蓋因和平且可靠的國際形象可以保證國家永續發展。 最近幾年當中,俄羅斯的國際形象惡化。因此本論文的目標為研究自2012年至2016年中(現任總統普京的任職期間)的國際公眾對俄羅斯聯邦的態度。 作者研究俄羅斯形象塑造及公眾外交政策,分析俄羅斯聯邦與其他國家及國際組織的正式文件、國際學者文獻理的推論,也解析臺灣國立政治大學來自不同國家學生、畢業生、老師與教授的立場。作者根據上述資料推論出俄羅斯國際形象受損的原因及國家公眾外交有哪些需要改善的部分;並以強調形象改革政策計畫中,哪些交流能夠使俄羅斯聯邦與國際社會關係暖化來作為結論。 / Since the beginning of the 21st century, development of telecommunication and information technologies has resulted in the substantial expansion of media coverage, greater information accessibility, and sophistication of control over the information. Abundance of facts concerning any issue makes it multidimensional, provoking a plentitude of opinions. The image of a country is a succinct and ready-for-apprehension informational phenomena or entrenched perception of a country by foreign partners, which offers a particular expectation of its behavior, thus, it is one of the major factors influencing international cooperation. In addition, state image identifies a country’s political weight abroad and its status among other members of global community, including the capacity to defend national interests. The significance of the image-building is determined by the fact that it is one of the strategic tasks for each contemporary government. Trustworthy international image speaks for a country’s economic and cultural development and creates a formula of its success abroad and within national borders, serves as a criterion of its stability and transparency. Recently Russia has experienced a substantial shift in its apprehension by the foreign public. The particular study is focused on how global community perceived the Russian Federation from 2012 till 2016, the period that correlated with the latest tenet of President Vladimir Putin. The research is focused on the origins of Russia’s international image along with the evaluation of governmental attempts to enhance it and create transparency and mutual trust under existing conditions, including the course of the country’s public diplomacy. The author analyzed how the world academia and media portray the Russian Federation and collected opinions among students, alumni, and professors of the National Chengchi University. The paper aims to define the most distinctive factors, which form the image of the Russian Federation on the international arena and to elicit the fields of Russia’s public diplomacy, which lack attention the most, as well as to offer a roadmap for overcoming the existing misunderstanding.

智庫與美國外交政策 / Think Tanks and US Foreign Policy

康嘉棋, Kang, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討智庫的定義及起源,並依其性質與功能將美國的智庫做分類,另介紹著名的美國外交智庫。本論文亦說明美國外交政策的決策環境,探討為何智庫得以參與美國外交政策,以及參與決策過程的方式,並討論智庫在決策過程中所扮演的角色以及智庫在美國興盛的原因。最後分析智庫在發展上可能受到的限制,及探討智庫如何因應未來的挑戰。 / This paper explores the definition and origin of think tanks, classifies American think tanks according to their nature and functions, and introduces some famous think tanks on US foreign policy. This paper also explains the decision-making environment of US foreign policy, discusses why think tanks can participate in the making of US foreign policy, and examines the roles of think tanks in the decision-making process and the reasons why think tanks flourish in the United States. This paper also tries to find out the development restrictions of American think tanks and explores how they meet future challenges.

冷戰後東北亞國家與中共間信心建立措施 / Confidence Building Measures Between Northeast Asia Countries and PRC after Cold War

康琪祥, Kang, Chi Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
中共自從1978年十一屆三中全會之後,由鄧小平為核心的中共第二代領導集體在外交路線上改變了對國際形勢的判斷,也為中共的全國工作重點轉移到了經濟建設。冷戰後中共除了繼續執行獨立自主的對外關係,也重新調整外交政策,在繼續加強與開發中國家合作的前提之下,發展與周邊國家的睦鄰友好關係。同時為確保國內經濟持續發展,中共需要一個和平穩定的國際環境,尤其是周邊國家。基於這樣的外交方針,冷戰後中共進行一系列與周邊國家降低軍事衝突及穩定區域安全的措施。其中東北亞諸國,不論是地緣或是歷史情結上與中共有著密不可分的關係,不論是日本或是朝鮮半島上分裂的南、北韓,均與中共有不同程度的潛在衝突,影響中共追求穩定國際環境的需求。而美國在重新調整其全球戰略之後,將關注焦點從歐洲轉移到亞洲,加上駐有大量軍力於南韓及日本,讓整個東北亞地區情勢益形複雜。信心建立措施是近年來國際間用來降低國家間或是區域間潛在衝突的工具,如何運用信心建立措施來降低東北亞區域國家間的軍事衝突,確保東北亞區域和平,以利中共全力發展經濟,是本論文探討重心。 / After 1978, People’s Republic of China(PRC)has began to change its foreign policy and tried to play a friendly role to its neighboring countries in order to create a stable and peace international environment. Northeast Asia is one of turbulent regions. This region also includes Japan and North Korea and South Korea. Nations here have different level of potential conflicts against the PRC. U.S. also involves in this area. Since 1975 Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) already provide many solution for Europe countries in solving their conflict. So the CBMs may help provide the same solutions for the Northeast Asia region also. This thesis tries to explain how Japan, North, South Korea as well as the U.S. in their manipnlating the CBMs vis-a-vis PRC, and, finally, how the CBMs would decrease the possibility of potential conflict in this region.

中共與美國雙邊關係之研究--一九七九年~一九九五年 / A study of Sino-American relations--1979-1995

方天賜, Fang, Tien-Sze Unknown Date (has links)

統一後德國外交政策之研究(1990年-1995年) / Study on Germany foreign policy after unification (1990-1995)

蕭裕文, Hsiao, Yu-Wen Unknown Date (has links)

一九四九年至一九八二年西德安全政策之研究 / German security policy from 1949 to 1982

羅美舜, Lo, Mei-shun Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在研究西德政府的安全政策為何。第二次世界大戰後,德國一分為二,直到一九九0年才再度統一,分裂過程總計四十年之中久。在這段漫長路途中,德國問題不只和心繫祖國一統的德意志人民有密切關係,也牽涉到忽緊忽鬆的東西關係。畢竟,德國問題不只是德國人的家務事,也牽動著東西兩大陣營在歐洲的均勢角逐。由於是牽一髮而動全局的關鍵所在,在這場零合競爭中,德國的再統一在一九八九年之前似乎只是個夢想而已。固然,德國的再統一印證了天下合久必分,分久必合的說法,但是過於強調這種說法,所可能犯的錯誤就在於,將統一視為一種只是水到渠成的時 間問題,而忽略了過程的探討。僅管戈巴契夫的新思維(New Thinking)和東歐人心思變是兩股將兩德推向統一的重大力量,但之前西德政府長期的努力也是功不可沒。倘若沒有艾德諾(Konrad Adenauer)政府的固本培元,布朗德(Willy Brandt)政府的認清時機及順水推舟以及施密特(Helmut Schmidt)政府的前瞻務實,那麼統一是否能在柯爾(Helmut Kohl)政府時期順利和平的完成,不也是個疑問。因此,本文的研就希望瞭解,在戰後的國際體係下,艾德諾政府及施密特政府的安全政策為何,成就為何?三者差異為何?所面臨的困境為何?

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