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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

英語教學在職專班研究生論文寫作困難與對策 / ETMA students’ perceived difficulties and their coping strategies in thesis writing

許柔恩, Hsu, Jou En Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究顯示,以英文為第二語言的研究生,無論在以英語為第二語言或是以英語為外語的環境下,都會在進行研究和論文寫作時遇到困難(Bitchener & Basturkmen, 2005; Buckingham, 2005; Dong, 1998; Lee, 2008; O’Connor, Greene & Anderson, 2006; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2006; Reeves, Herrington, & Oliver, 2005),然而,相關研究卻缺乏探究在以英語為外語的環境下,同時身為研究生和在職教師的這群學生們所遭遇的困難,及其如何利用可取得的資源去解決論文寫作上的難題。本研究旨在藉由質性個案研究方式,以社會文化學習的角度,特別是van Lier (2004)的擴充式建構理論(expanded ZPD),取得更多關於身為學校老師的在職研究生在論文寫作過程中遇到的困難以及解決對策的詳細資訊,以期對論文寫作教學以及論文指導上有所貢獻。本研究共邀請到三組指導教授與研究生,每組包含一位教授與他們的兩位研究生。資料來源包含與所有研究參與者的訪談內容、論文寫作相關書籍,以及學生的論文草稿,最後經由對比原始資料得出研究結果。 研究結果顯示學生在寫論文前遇到的困難是研究設計與處理資料,而在寫論文各章節時,他們會同時遇到文字上以及文體格式方面的困難。根據各章節的文體要求,學生們認為文獻回顧、研究發現,以及討論研究結果是最困難的章節,而結論是困難度最小的章節。而這些困難可歸因於學生為非母語寫作者,以及他們對於學術規範的不熟悉。此外,本研究也發現,在職班學生可取得的資源包括同儕、專家、學術出版品,以及自身。 基於上述發現,本研究提出研究所課程的教師應提供學生更多閱讀學術論文的機會,以及在課程中融入讓學生可應用課堂所學的任務。指導教授也能事先提醒學生論文中較為困難的部份,以及告訴學生有哪些可取得資源是有助於論文寫作的。未來,需要更多人誌學以及日記研究法的方式研究,以期能更深入了解在職研究生在論文寫作上的需求。 / Though a number of studies have revealed that both the L2 graduate students in English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts may encounter difficulties in conducting research and writing theses (Bitchener& Basturkmen, 2005; Buckingham, 2005; Dong, 1998; Lee, 2008; O’Connor, Greene& Anderson, 2006; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2006; Reeves, Herrington& Oliver, 2005), research about how the graduate students who are also in-service teachers in EFL settings cope with the difficulties in thesis writing by making use of the sources available still lacks. Thus, this study aimed to have an in-depth understanding of the difficulties this group of students faced in the process of thesis writing and the ways they adopted to deal with the problems via a qualitative case study and with the social cultural perspective of learning, especially the framework of expanded ZPD (van Leir, 2004) .Three advisor-advisee pairs were invited to participate in the present study, and each pair was comprised of one advisor and two advisees. Data for analysis were collected from multiple sources, including semi-structured interviews with the participants, the textbook of the thesis writing course, and the drafts of theses. Data were analyzed by constant comparative method (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The results showed that the students faced difficulties about research design and compiling the data even before writing theses. When writing each section of a thesis, they had troubles both at the linguistic level and the rhetorical level. According to the rhetorical regulations of each section, Literature Review, Results, and Discussion were viewed as the three most difficult sections and Conclusion the least difficult section for the students. Hence, the unfamiliarity of academic conventions and the lower English writing abilities contributed to the difficulties the students faced during thesis writing. Moreover, the findings disclosed that the sources available for the students as in-service teachers included human resources such as peers and experts, material resources such as academic publications, and inner knowledge from self. Based upon above findings, it is suggested that the courses of graduate schools should provide students more opportunities to read academic texts extensively and practice what they learn in class. Also, the advisors should remind students of the problematic area of a specific section and tell students the resources available in the academic context. In the future, more ethnographic and diary studies are needed to explore what challenges the students who are also in-service teachers encounter in the thesis writing processes and how they solve these problems because this group of students may have different needs in thesis writing

中文與英文連詞之對比分析及其在高級英文寫作上之應用 / A contrastive analysis of Chinese and English conjunctives and its implications on teaching advanced English writing class

江世偉, JIANG, SHI-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is conduct a contrastive analysis on Chinese and English conjunctives regarding their syntactic behavior in texts. The attention is directed to the inter.sentence aspects of the conjunctives(i.e. the textual level) in the two language systems. Halliday and Hasan’s(1976) theory of conjunctives is adopted as the basis for the contrastive analysis. By conducting the contrastive study, the present author hopes that valuable implications can be generated and be applied to the teaching of English writing to Chinese advanced ESL learners in Taiwan. Besides making a contrastive analysis, the author also provides some predictions and performance scales regarding Chinese ESL learners’ linguistic performance in English comjunctives. The predictons and performance scales are further verified with a data corpus totaled 116 written texts, which were collected from 116 advanced ESL subjects regularly attending ESL programs in college. The verification procedure confirms most of the predictions and performance scales. The study reveals that Chinese advanced ESL learners do receive certain influence from their first language, regarding the use of conjunctives at the level beyond sentence. Consequently, the outcome is regarded as capable of rendering valuable implications for ESL(or EFL)teachers and learners as well as researcher.

教師回饋對新竹縣國小六年級學童英文句型寫作影響之研究 / An investigation into the effects of teacher feedback on English sentence writing of grade six elementary school students in Hsin Chu county

許淑芬, Hsu, Shu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討兩種不同教師回饋對新竹縣國小六年級學童英文句型寫作之影響以及此兩種回饋對學生英語學習態度與動機的影響。此研究以來自新竹縣某國小六年級兩個班級學生為研究對象,此二班級隨機指派為實驗組及控制組。實驗組實施習作批改時的間接回饋而對照組則實施傳統直接回饋,每週均批改一次習作。經過14週的回饋後,兩組皆進行英文句型寫作測驗並施以英語學習態度與動機問卷;3週後再進行英文句型寫作延宕測驗。研究結果顯示,學生受過教師的間接回饋批改後在英文句型寫作之正確率上有顯著進步,此顯著進步也表現在延宕測驗中的介系詞題型;但其對訂正習作上錯誤則表現顯著焦慮。希望本研究能為英語老師在教學實務上提供助益。 / The present study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of two different types of teacher feedback on English sentence writing accuracy. Meanwhile this paper also aimed at examining learners’ attitudes of the two different types of teacher feedback, and the changes of learners’ attitudes and motivation towards English learning after the implementation of different teacher feedbacks. Two sixth-grade classes in Hsin Chu County were randomly assigned to be the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received indirect feedback (IDF) on their workbook while the control group received traditional direct feedback (DF) once a week. After the 14-week treatment, an English writing proficiency test and an English learning attitudes and motivation questionnaire were administrated to examine learners’ sentence writing accuracy and their learning attitudes and motivations respectively. Finally, a retention test was conducted in 3 weeks later to know the retention effect of two types of teacher feedback. The findings showed that the IDF had helped students gained significant progress on sentence writing accuracy. Moreover, the significant improvement was also presented on the aspect of preposition in the retention test. However, the IDF group expressed significant anxiety towards correcting errors on workbooks after the treatment of IDF. Hopefully, the findings of the present study may provide English teachers with some useful pedagogical implications.


楊心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所謂的「家族書寫」是在文學範疇中透過家族歷史現實與群體活動的記錄,加上文字敘述、記憶回溯、虛構想像的過程。同時也是一種書寫策略與筆法,透過經營、追溯家族史的書寫形式而成的作品,它們的特點是融合了歷史與想像,在時空交錯的網狀結構下進行,經由書寫家族史的過程,及其內容、結構以實踐認同,重構歷史。而在此之中,個人自我認同與性別之間千絲萬縷的關係仍在不斷地被書寫著。在中國傳統社會文化當中,女性不存在於祖譜當中,女性在家族歷史裡沒有名字。女性從書寫中確立自我認同,從女性的觀點追索自我的身世,從女性群體當中的「自己」到「異己」,無論是內在血緣、情感或外在社會關係所組成的人際網絡,都可以透過回憶、想像、書寫來建立女性的自我認同。 本文欲從「女性家族書寫」的範疇當中,探討三大命題:一是歷史定義的開放與女性敘事的特點,二是記憶與書寫,真實與虛構之間的辯證關係,第三則是透過女性書寫所建構的女性主體。 第一章共分為「研究動機與目的」、「研究範圍」、「文獻探討」、「研究方法」,及「篇章架構」簡要說明各章的論述重點。 第二章主要是探討「書寫策略」的部分,如女性書寫策略當中的「瑣碎敘事」,或是女性家族中的「姊妹情誼」,筆者認為這是女性書寫中建構記憶的「利器」,皆援引女性主義加以申論,同時也輔助主題核心論點的確立。 第三章則引用西方後結構女性主義學者西蒙‧波娃和精神分析學派的寇多洛對於女性的研究論述,從「社會關係建構」與「精神分析」雙方面同時探究兩性構成的家庭關係、母女關係和母職等議題,以突顯九○年代之後,家族重要成員形象的轉變和家庭關係的呈現。 第四章引用法國社會學家哈布瓦赫的「集體記憶」理論以及後殖民理論,析論家族與國族史交疊之下的女性書寫,進而追問女性主體在書寫過程中所展現的面貌。關於「女性主體」的部分,則援引法國女性主義學者伊瑞葛來(Luce Irigagy)的「流體力學」理論,及台灣中文學界學者劉人鵬所提出的「罔兩問景」的女性閱讀法,從流動與曖昧的角度,建構女性主體的特質。 最後一章則是結論,將各章的結果綜合彙整,集結各章的分析成果,以獨立各章結論結合後,做較為宏觀的整體性析論。一方面針對本論文的分析成果所作的結論,另一方面則是從文本考察的結果中,所延伸的看法與期待。


羅素貞, LUO, RONG-RUI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同因素對寫作時觀念產出過程之影響。研究共分二階段實驗,第 一階段探討題目的規限對寫作時觀念產出之影響。第二階段探討文章結構的指示程 度對觀念產出的影響。二個階段實驗均以國立屏東師範學院初等教育系三年級學生 三十人為研究對象。 第一階段實驗為2×3的實驗設計,自變項為作者對題目的熟悉度與題目本身的特 殊度。前者分為二個水準:高熟悉度與低熟悉度,並採受試者內設計;後者分為三 個水準:低特殊度、中特殊度及高特殊度,採受試者間設計。依變項分為觀念產出 的總量與產出觀念之組織程度。前者以命題數及串節數來衡量,後者以串節密度、 集群密度、以及層次數來衡量。此外,在實際計分過程中,又根據受試者的產出而 增列重複命題數與無關命題數二依變項。在資料分析方面,本研究採二因子變異數 分析方法逐一對每一依變項進行檢定。結果發現在命題數與串節數二變項上,熟悉 度與特殊度的主要效果均達顯著;在集群密度與串節密度上,特殊度的主要效果達 顯著;在無關命題數方面,則是熟悉度的主要效果達顯著。 第二階段所操弄的自變項只有一個:文章結構的提示程度,分為三個水準:明顯文 章結構提示、不明顯文章結構提示及不予提示組。


謝宛蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究「網路個人媒體」中自我書寫的現象與意涵。亦即,建立一套觀察解析網路自我書寫文本的架構,並探討此網路自我書寫活動的可能意義。 在文獻的探索中,第一步先探討過往關於網路與自我建構的相關論述,作為本文認識的基礎;其次,探討傳統書寫與自我相關的論述,包括主體、書寫、自我的關係,以及傳統自我書寫的形式,如自傳與日記,的社會心理意涵;第三部分,轉向探討敘事(narrative)與自我的概念,進一步思考自我建構的一種語言形式,及與自我的可能作用;最後,回歸網路個人媒體的探討,整理國內相關研究、網路書寫特質,以及提出網路個人媒體的可能意涵。 因此,本研究提出網路自我書寫的分析架構,涉及:自我的形構方式、自我敘事與其作用、自我書寫的心理與社會意涵,以及網路書寫影響因素等層面。在研究操作上,以「個人電子報」為觀察場域,並以兩個深度個案的文本分析,探詢考察個人動態自我建構的過程。 總結而言,網路自我書寫的可能意涵有三:(1)網路個人媒體提供了一個長期書寫、自我建構的機會,同時又有讀者他人的見證觀視,敘事認同因而得以成為可能。即「我是誰」、「有什麼經歷與遭遇」的獨特自我認同得以揭顯。(2)網路自我書寫具有多元的個人心理與社會意涵,既是自我面對的活動,也是面對他者、向外發聲。(3)在技術面上,網路個人媒體成為一種新的「記憶裝置」,是個人自我的載具;對使用主體而言,又具有主動操控與反身反思等特性。


陳玟錚, Chen,Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以敘事典範「人是喜歡說/聽故事的動物」之觀點,思考「旅行書寫」是否具有別於旅遊報導(資訊記實性)與旅行文學(想像文學性)之敘事規則,旨在探析旅行書寫「說什麼故事」及「如何說故事」,除以敘事理論判讀故事內蘊元素外,並以言說分析釐清作者運用哪些技巧及架構組成故事作品。 資料分析顯示,旅行書寫之主題及核心情節均以「旅行場景」為主要描述對象,異地既存資料(如歷史事件)則安排於衛星情節補述。為了呈現故事情節之節奏起伏,不同作者各就核心情節與衛星情節搭配不同技巧組合之「觀景窗」,其中又以「言說時間」為主要操作概念。此外,言說架構分別對應核心、衛星情節觀景窗之互動關係,亦即言說命題與結構運用其所內含「宏觀─微觀規則」之階層特性安排故事素材,藉此凸顯或淡化各項「旅行經驗」而成「旅行故事」。 本研究自故事元素、言說技巧及言說架構之扣連狀態亦發現,旅行書寫之主要敘事目的在於呈現及傳達旅者實際經驗以塑造旅行之語言情境,而非條列式轉述異地基本資料。

遊戲引導劇本創作的寫作教學行動研究 / An action research on playing conducting script creating curriculum development

倪英茹, Ni, Ying Ju Unknown Date (has links)

「二拍」中發跡變泰故事的重寫研究 / The Study of rewriting to “Er-pai” from Fajibiantai

洪佩伶, Hung, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)

用範文演示法教授高中英文作文之成效 / A Case Study of Model-based Writing Instruction in Senior High School English Class

林淑惠, Lin,Shu-huei Unknown Date (has links)
在英語寫作教學上,長久以來對於範文的使用,有很大的爭議。有些學者認為學習者可以透過分析與模仿範文的結構學會英文的組織結構;另一方面,有些學者則認為寫作是複雜的,非直線的過程,應包含了構思、寫作、修改、重寫等活動,範文的使用會阻礙學生自主思考。因此,在此提出一套寫作教學法,融合上述兩派的優點,透過範文使學生熟悉英文的修辭結構,同時以同儕修改、重寫、教師回饋等活動來輔助寫作的過程。本研究的目的是探討以範文演示法教學對高中生寫作的成效。 研究對象是台北縣某所高中39位三年級學生。主要研究工具包括:用以評估學生寫作能力的前後測寫作、兩份問卷用以調查學生對於英文寫作之結構的認知,及最後進行訪談以了解教學成效。研究過程分為三個步驟:(1)前測---前測寫作及問卷。根據大考中心的英文寫作標準,以前測成績將學生分成中等能力組(MPG)和低能力組(LPG),以調查寫作教學對不同程度學生的影響。問卷則是調查學生之寫作習慣,及對英文寫作之認知。(2)教學實驗---為期十週的寫作教學 ,教學主題為記敘文及因果關係的寫作。(3)後測---後測寫作問卷與訪談,透過後測寫作以檢視學生之寫作成效;問卷與訪談則是為了進一步了解學生對英文寫作教學課程之觀感。 研究結過發現,此教學實驗對學生的英文寫作有正面影響。尤其在寫作結構及整體寫作品質方面,有明顯進步。此外,低能力組的進步大於中等能力組,而學生也反映,在上完英文寫作課後,對英文寫作較有信心。 / In the history of English writing pedagogy, there has long been a dispute over the use of models in English writing. Some researchers propose that learners can learn English organizational structures through the analysis and imitation of organization and logical arrangement in model paragraphs or essays. On the other hand, some process-oriented researchers argue that the use of models will prevent students from thinking on their own. An integrated approach was thus proposed to incorporate the strengths of the two approaches. Models were used to familiarize students with the rhetorical organization in English written discourse. In the meantime, peer-editing, revision and teacher feedback were used to facilitate the writing process. The present study examines the effects of model-based instruction in organization on the writing of senior high school students. Thirty-nine subjects, who were senior high students in the third year, participated in this study. A pretest writing was used before the instruction to group the subjects into different proficiency levels according to the criterion set by the College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC). Two proficiency groups, namely, the middle proficiency group (M.P.G) and low proficiency group (L.P.G), were found among the subjects. A Writing Habit questionnaire was applied to investigate the subjects’ conception and habits about writing before the instruction. Then, a ten-week model-based writing instruction was conducted on all the participants in the study. Description and cause-effect writing were the two genres for instruction. After the instruction, a post-test writing was conducted to compare with the pre-test to examine whether students had made progress in their writing after the instruction. The Response Questionnaire and three in-depth interviews were conducted to further explore students’ perception and attitude toward the model-based writing. The results of the study reveal that the instruction helps to improve students’ abilities to organize ideas more effectively and logically. The significant increase in scores on overall writing quality in the posttest also show that the model-based writing instruction helps to yield higher quality in students’ overall writing. In addition, subjects in the L.P.G. seem to make more progress than those in the M.P.G. Moreover, the subjects seem to have more confidence in writing after the treatment.

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