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專案管理與知識管理架構之研究宋麗惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以政府行政機關為例,挑選一知識密集之作業流程(資訊系統委外專案管理),採用IDEF0方法論分析其作業流程,了解作業之關聯性及所需花費的時間,並從中整理每一作業中所需要的知識、所產出的知識與誰需要這些知識。分類歸納這些知識的型態與管理現況,找出流程的關鍵步驟,以CMMI Level 2評估其流程並提出改進建議,進而導出知識管理與資訊系統委外專案管理作業流程之架構。
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知識產業海外(大陸)協同公司經營管理之研究-以A公司為例黃堂益, Huang, Steven Unknown Date (has links)
近來大部份台灣廠商以大陸投資策略為其全球化策略的第一步,因此在本研究中,希望採用行動研究方法(action research method),探討知識產業公司在全球化策略的思維,透過先行在大陸設立協同合作子公司實際經營管理,將所遭遇管理問題,透過擬具之行動方案--創新研發管理、服務管理、人力資源管理等經營管理工作進行操兵演練,經由不斷的調整改變以符合各子公司的經營環境,以達到厚基核心競爭力、強化高執行力之企業目標,以為日後擴及其他國家或地區時可作為典範。
關鍵字:創新研發管理、服務管理、專案管理、知識管理 / According to the industrial globalization trend, the initial models of level-cooperation and low-cost region development (production globalization) have been changed. Instead, the industry has been significantly developed to the new strategy of market opportunity (market globalization) along with worldwide resource integration (research & development globalization) that builds up a competitive foundation for global commercial opportunities.
Rapid technology movement and spreading have formed a highly competitive market, which is the primary fact of facilitating the hi-tech manufactures to focus on the business cooperation. In knowledge industry, because the scale of product system is getting grown and completely integrated, a unique and significant production influence has been settled to reduce risks via the professionalism cooperation and resource integration from all regions. Under the trend of industrial globalization and intensive cooperation, the main strategy implementation of manufacture is to develop its core capability as well as competitive superiority.
In recent development, majority of manufactures in Taiwan makes their first step to the globalization by investment to Mainland China. As a result, in this research, we apply a mechanism, Action Research Method, to explore the concept behind the knowledge industry’s globalization. It is executed through the management experience from pre-established sub-company to draw up a scheme, including innovation and research management, service management, and human resource management. From the constant adjustments according to running status of sub-company, the ability of core competency is expected to be solid and concreted. In addition, it strengthens the target of paramount execution that can be the standard model using in other countries and business areas in the future.
Keywords: Innovation & Research management, service management, project management, knowledge management
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經濟部科技專案計畫委外管理之研究陳素惠, Chen, Su-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
經過上述的研究程序,本研究發現以下結論:1.組織面:(1)技術處委外歷史背景為由下而上,促成辦理。(2)委外以資金換取無形成本,而有形成本並未降低。(3)以代理人執行作業,卻由委託人擔負責任,權責不相當。(4) 從事研發工作之代理人大多為政府扶植財團法人。2.管制面:(1)行政控管著重進行過程甚過於執行結果。(2)研發控管方式著重預定標準及實際績效。(3)每年簽約作業繁複瑣碎,致使信任降低。3.心理面:(1)公務事不再是終身職。(2)沿用以往模式,陷入行動慣性,成功假象!
關鍵字:科技專案計畫、委外、政府採購法、管理 / Nowadays many governments seek factors influencing the economic growth of a country to continue developing and to be more competitive in a rapidly changing and globalizing world. In this era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge is often assumed to be the fundamental resource. It is a crucial factor for the economic growth of a country. How to produce and create more knowledge is deemed to be one of the most crucial tasks of a government. One way of producing knowledge is investing in research and development (R&D) to develop new technologies. Recently, many studies suggest that a new technology that raises higher total productivity is one of the factors to the economic growth of a country. So for countries and private enterprises it is especially important to have access to leading, advanced and key component technologies.
Each year the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan invests a lot in public research and development. They started the “scientific technology development project”, to develop new technologies, especially industrial technologies. MOEA expects these huge investments to strengthen the innovative capabilities of Taiwanese industries and to upgrade Taiwanese industries. Due to heavy workloads and insufficient human resources in the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) , DOIT needs to outsource these scientific technology development projects to research institutes and corporations. DOIT expects to take advantages of the efficiency and flexible organizational structure of the private sector. Hence, recently the issue towards “government outsource” catches more and more attentions than ever.
The main purposes of this research paper are as followed. Through qualitative interviews with civil servants, governmental officers, outsourcers, agents and specialists and context analysis, this research paper would like to have an overview on the historical background, the current situation of DOIT’s outsource and its management, to describe the difficulties and problems for the outsourcer (DOIT) and the agents (research institutes and corporations). This research paper would also illustrate policies, legal part, such as public procurement act and decision-making strategies of outsourcing of DOIT. At the end, this paper will give suggestions for DOIT’s outsource.
First of all, from organizational aspect, the important findings are as followed.
1.Originally, the demand of outsource exists earlier than the supply. More precisely, the agents reinforce the government to have a way working on scientific technology development projects properly.
2.DOIT subsidizes the research institutes to carry out these projects in order to exchange intangible assets of the research institutes, such as human capital and so on. Nevertheless, the real cost is not less.
3.The agents carry out these projects, but outsourcer needs to take the responsibility of the consequences.
4.Most agents are research institutes, which are fully subsidized by the government.
Secondly, from the governing and managing aspect, the findings are as below.
1.Administrative governance puts more emphasis on the executive process of these projects than the results per se of the projects.
2.About the management of research and development results, DOIT focuses on the comparison between anticipating and real effects.
3.Each year the outsourcing contracts between DOIT and those agents have to be either re-new or re-made. It makes the relationship between two parties less reliable.
Thirdly, from the psychological aspect, the subsidies from government for the agents are less and less. And repeating the same way will be the tarp of inertia for outsourcers and agents and it will make it difficult to have breakthrough or new ides.
Finally, in this research paper give some suggestions to the findings for the governmental outsourcing management for scientific technology development project.
1.DOIT needs to clearly state who should take responsibility.
2.DOIT should simplify the procedure by making better use of information communication technologies.
3.DOIT should emphasize more on finding a better way in coping with the termination of an outsourcing contract.
4.The original governing and managing module should be revised. New module, “peer review” and multi-year contract, should be taken into consideration.
Keywords: Scientific technology development project, Outsourcing, Public procurement act, Management
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企業如何快速導入ERP之研究-以SAP導入為例陳美玲, Chen,Caroline M. L. Unknown Date (has links)
其中,針對研究動機背景方面有兩大方向,分別為:(1) 在激烈快速競爭微利時代,如何協助中型高科技產業快速導入ERP之鑰。(2) 基於以往很多企業為何導入ERP經常失敗的動因背景之下而研究出一套成功可行之解決方法。本研究目的有三,分別為: (1) 協助台灣中型高科技企業以產業別最適合模式快速導入ERP以加速其建立企業競爭力基礎建設和國際企業快速接軌。(2) 企圖研究找出電子高科技產業之產業模式建立最佳企業典範之核心競爭力和Value Chain等ERP產業模板(Template)之建置,讓企業快又有效率擁有核心能力!(3) 嘗試建立一套可行且獲利之ERP導入之 Business Model以達到Win-Win之局(指中型高科技產業和資訊顧問服務廠商)。
本研究方法分為兩大方面,(1)分析模式:建立快速導入產業模板(Template) (2)成功個案實例方法:(Pilot Project 以找出快速導入產業模板和快速專案導入手法併用在先導系統專案)加以驗證其可行性。本研究系統邏輯主要為(1)本研究關鍵觀念是:採用模板導入方法(Template Approach)以為快速導入系統邏輯。(2)本研究關鍵架構主軸分別是:
本研究採用此雙主軸架構以建置快速導入之可行性。再輔以Case study - Pilot system進行多次測試驗證以個案成功導入實證結果佐證與修正快速導入之模式。
本研究發現:經過本研究從一個Business 角度切入,從高科技產業核心元件去發現出屬於中型高科技電子業之產業模板,進而研發其快速導入之方法並找出實例驗證之整個研究過程後,學生獲得很多發現,分別列述如下三方向:
(1) Project Savings achieved with 產業快速導入專案實驗
(2) Benefits of the Mid-Market Offerings
(3) How to solve the unique requirements in Taiwan (Add-on issues / Localization issues)
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我國電機電子中心廠企業之綠色專案團隊的組織方式與知識管理程序 / A Study of Organization and K.M. Process : Cases of Green Project Team in Core Factories of Taiwanese in Electrical and Electronics companies.李權憲, Li, Chuan Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所得到的研究結論包括:1.不同事業模式的企業,對同一外部環保壓力來源有不同壓力強度的感受;2. 企業內部環保壓力的自發性改變往往是發生在外部環保壓力的推動之後;3. 專案特性為產品或製程的延伸變動、改良、或品質改進,如綠色產品專案,適合以輕量級團隊進行專案之運作;4. 輕量級專案經理在團隊知識管理程序裡的知識吸收、創造、蓄積與擴散之運作中,扮演主要的角色;5. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊之專案贊助者(The Executive Sponsor),可避免發生決策偏頗之情形。從本研究對於實務上所提出的建議包括:1. 中心廠企業應有專責人員持續負責綠色產品的推動;2. 企業應創造內部人員成立跨部門專案團隊的機制;3. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊的專案贊助者。 / When properties and designs of electrical and electronics equipments are renewed more and more quickly, many countries noticed that the waste produce during product life-cycle process by manufacturers, junk by end users, and hazardous substances of products are threatening human healthy and living environment increasingly. Therefore, European Union announced and entered into force of EU environmental directives that induced the industries to pay close attention on the surrounding environment impacts and the healthy & safety risk of people. Thus, we would expect that the electrical and electronics companies in our country faced challenges of Green-Product production.
The Taiwanese core factories built up a cross-divisional Green Project Team which coordinated each function to team up with conformed the Green-product regulations by government and customers. However, most of the past studies in the Green-Product issue were focused on how to manage green supply chain efficiently, and how to reply to the Green-product regulations rightfully. Thus, we focus on the organization and knowledge management process of the Green Project team, this issue is rarely touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the K.M. process of a project team by interviewing with personnel of case companies and reading second-hand materials about the case companies. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1.What is the Green Environmental Pressure a company mainly received? 2. What are the motives of a core factory to build up a Green Project Team? 3. What is the structure of the Green Project Team, and how does the team work together?
The preliminary research conclutions include: 1.Companies with different business models face different Green Environmental Pressure. 2. External Green Environmental Pressure influences a company first and then comes the Internal Green Environmental Pressure. 3. Operations of a Lightweight Project Team are suitable for the task of product or processing extension, and quality improvement, just like Green Project. 4. The key person in the knowledge management process is project manager in the Lightweight Project Team. 5. Biased-decision can be avoided by giving the position of cross-divisional executive sponsor to a neutral senior manager.
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飯店產業服務創新專案開發模式-以日月潭雲品酒店為例曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。
6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio.
In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages.
However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis.
This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified.
The study concludes that:
1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs.
2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales.
3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation.
4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness.
5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement.
6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.
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從承包商角度探討應用系統開發委外產業行銷策略:4C架構觀點 / From Contractor Viewpoint Probe into Marketing Strategy for Application Development Outsourcing Industry – From 4C Framework Aspect高添水 Unknown Date (has links)
為提高委外開發的成功率,本論文首先將「應用系統委外開發」重新定義為「在合約關係下,承包商依據客戶的需求,為其規劃、開發、導入、維護所需的資訊應用系統。在系統建置過程中,客戶的主要人員,必須積極地參與承包商的開發活動,包括提供需求說明,驗證與確認(verify & validate;V&V)階段性產出的正確性及可用性等,以確保承包商可以如期、如質、如需求地在預算內完成所委託的交付項目及服務。」以導正觀念。然後再透過「應用系統開發委外專案之業務及開發流程」的介紹,分別從客戶及承包商的角度,提出正確的業務及開發流程,期以拉近雙方的共識,並印證應用系統委外開發的成功,必須靠雙方的共同努力。
當承包商了解客戶在委外決策時所面臨的問題及顧慮後,即可透過4C策略行銷的分析,設計出能夠解除客戶疑慮的方案,建立共識,降低雙方的交易成本及風險,以確保委外合作有個好的開始。本論文從承包商的角度以4C架構進行行銷策略分析,最終得出46個策略,並依照專案的生命周期歸類,以協助承包商隨著專案進展也可以很方便地檢視各種策略組合,故即使是在多專案併行時,依然能有效掌握各種策略的執行,提高應用系統委外開發專案的成功率。 / The use of information systems is an absolutely necessarily in a modern business operations, however, application development usually is not a core competency of the most of enterprises, thus making development outsourcing becomes the most common option for the most of enterprises while they are establishing information systems. But, before the enterprises move forward development outsourcing, they may not align the establishment of information system with the strategies of business operations, or lack of rational processes and evaluation criteria in vendor selection, or only solely consider the lowest-priced while in contract negotiation, thus wrongly selected an unqualified contractor. In addition, if users cannot express requirements clearly, the developers’ quality and quantity do not match the requirement, no consensus on respective responsibilities of the parties, and project management skills shortage, etc., then this kind of development outsourcing shall have problems at every moment, and they will definitely end in failure.
To increase the success rate of development outsourcing, this paper firstly redefines “Application Development Outsourcing” (ADO) as "Under a contractual relationship, the contractor shall, pursuant to customer’s requirements, performing the tasks of planning, developing, implementing, and maintaining of the required application system. In the course of the system development, the customer’s key personnels must actively participate in the contractor's development activities, including provide requirement specification, verify and validate the correctness and usability of the output by phases, etc., to ensure that the contractor will be able to deliver the deliverables and service on time, as required quality, as required functionalities, and within budget." The purpose of this redefinition is going to correct perceive of ADO. And then thru the content of “ADO project business and development process”, describes, from the point of view of the customer and the contractor, the “shall-be” business and development process, for closing the gap of the parties, to reached a consensus, and proving the success of ADO, must rely on the concerted efforts of both sides.
When the contractor realizes custome’s problems and concerns while deal with ADO decision, then can based on 4C strategic marketing analysis theory, design the solution that can reolving customer’s misgivings scenario, to build consensus, to reduce the transaction costs of both sides and risks, to ensure that outsourcing cooperation there is a good start. This paper, from the point of view of the contractor, based on 4C marketing strategic analysis theory, resulting 46 strategies, and classify them in accordance with the project life cycle, to assist the contractor can also be easily to review the various strategic groups, as alogn with the project progress, thus making even in a multiple project circumstance, still be able to keep track of the implementation of various policies, to improving the success rate ADO projects.
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Y世代員工特性及人力資源專案之探討 / Discussion on the characteristics of Generation Y employees and its human resources projects馮詠儀, Fong, Weng I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,Y世代員工於科技生活中發展出追求挑戰、工作意義,以及工作與生活平衡的獨特思維,形成了高人才流動率的問題;而Y世代員工措施會因資源與利害關係人之支持而受限,故企業應作工作系統與授權之革新,以利Y世代員工發揮資訊力;另外,人資部若採以適切的溝通與完善的培訓規劃,則能強化組織文化與非財務誘因,達成跨世代對相關措施的共識,以利人資部推行之。 / The facing of industry trends and innovative organization has gradually made the main force of the Generation Y’s workplace human resource needs become increasingly complex. In this study, six human resources managers of Taiwanese enterprises were subjected to in-depth interviews discussing the characteristics of the enterprise viewpoint of Generation Y, as well as their respective characteristics and resources on the development of human resource projects and the understanding of the implementation of existing measures and key obstacles in order for the considerations of future management for Generation Y.
The study found that, the development of Generation Y in not only pursuit of scientific and technological challenges of life, but also the meaning of work, thinking and unique work-life balance, all formed a high turnover of personnel issues. Additionally, Generation Y measures was limited by resources and by support for the interested party, so companies should adopt a working system and authorization of innovation for the benefit of Generation Y’s information ability. In addition, if the human resources sector adopts an appropriate communication and comprehensive training plan, it can strengthen organizational culture and non-financial incentives, aiding to reach an intergenerational consensus across generations of related measures to facilitate human resource implementation.
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從公共管理觀點探討國內四大BOT案吳慶輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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跨國專案管理經營策略之研究-以某煉油石化工程公司為例 / Operating strategy study on "transnational project management"楊文輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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