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教師專業知識及其課堂教學之研究:以三位台灣地區國小英語教師為例 / A Case study on three Taiwanese elementary school english teachers’ professional knowledge and its influence on their classroom practices黃佩萱, Huang, Pei Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性的研究方法,研究過程採取訪談,教學觀察,文件分析等主要資料蒐集來源,為期約兩個月。資料的涵蓋層面包括:(1)班級經營 (2) 課程教學 (3) 形成知識的來源。經由這些資料,本研究討論了三位教師專業知識的異同:(1) 各個教師對自己的教學觀點如何 (2) 各個教師如何受其工作場域的影響 (3)各個教師的知識來源如何形成。
本研究根據以上議題的討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,以期能作為英語師資培育人員,英語教師及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate the professional knowledge and its influence on classroom practices of elementary school English teachers. Cross cases analysis was conducted to examine the differences and similarities of three subject teachers concerning their professional knowledge, classroom practices and derived sources of knowledge.
Qualitative approach was adopted to look into the professional knowledge of three elementary school English teachers in Taipei. The data was collected through interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. In this study, the knowledge of three teachers was presented in the following areas: (1) classroom management, (2) enactment of curriculum (3) sources of teacher’s knowledge. Based on the above information, this study discussed the qualitative differences of knowledge of three teachers under two dimensions: (1) how the teachers perceived their teaching (2) how the teachers responded to their working contexts. As for sources of teacher’s knowledge, three factors were discussed: (1) learning experiences (2) teaching experiences (3) contextual factors.
Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions based on the study results are presented mainly for teacher educators and English teachers.
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以認知性與情緒性因素探討網路口碑對消費者決策之影響林原申 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究以Bansal & Voyer(2000)所提出的傳統口碑程序模型為基礎,加上以Soderlund and Rosengren(2007)所提出之情緒性口碑傳遞模型為基礎的情緒性口碑傳遞模型後,經過修改提出本研究之架構。本研究設計了一個正面口碑實驗與一個負面口碑的實驗,希望能夠了解在網路環境下,認知性要素與情緒性要素是如何影響網路口碑的傳播效果,以及消費者的決策。
1. 口碑傳播者的專業會對口碑效果以及口碑接受者的主動搜尋程度有正向顯著影響。
2. 口碑接受者的專業會對其所感受到的知覺風險有負向影響。
3. 口碑接受者感受到的知覺風險和其主動搜尋程度有正向顯著相關。
4. 口碑傳播者的專業、口碑接受者的主動搜尋程度會對口碑的影響力有正向顯著相關。
5. 口碑傳遞者的情緒會影響到口碑接受者的情緒,且會讓口碑接受者的對產品的態度有顯著影響。
6. 口碑接受者的情緒也會影響到其對於產品的態度。
7. 口碑接受者對產品之態度會和其購買產品的意圖有正向顯著相關。
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台灣報社地方記者組織溝通滿意、專業性、工作滿意之關聯性研究鄭宏斌 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣公關產業經營策略研究黎明珍 Unknown Date (has links)
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國際型臨床研究專業服務機構選擇進入台灣或新加坡市場模式之探討 / An Investigation into Market Entry Options Contemplated by International尹繼源, Edward C. IAN Unknown Date (has links)
Contract Research Organization (CRO) industry has been a fast growingservice sector within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry since the early 1980’s. Aiming at assisting its clients in obtaining product registration and market approval from the health authorities (i.e. Food and Drug Administration of the US and Department of Health of Taiwan), CRO’s provide extensive consultations as well as clinical research and management services, covering both pre-clinical and clinical arenas.
In recent years, global CRO’s have been expanding towards the Southeastern Asian (thereafter “SEA”) region targeting, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and South Korea. While most of the empirical research on market entry mode has targeted the manufacturing industries, more recent studies have been completed on service sectors targeting advertising and financing industries. Since the history of CRO is relatively short, limited study has been performed on this industry, especially on the international entry patterns and behaviors for the CRO industry. This research document examines the current environments of CRO industry in Taiwan and Singapore and the factors influencing international company’s decisions on the entry mode. A recommendation of the best options to enter Taiwan and Singapore for the international CRO’s is presented. The paper concludes with findings as well as recommendations for further investigation directions.
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國中數學教師之不同培育背景對教學效能、教師專業承諾及學生數學成就影響 / The effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in Taiwan朱美怡, Chu,Mei-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
一、師範院校與非師範院校培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承 諾有顯著差異。在教學效能上,師範院校生較常使用傳統教學策略與教材,非師範院校生則較常使用新制教學策略與教材及常測驗考試;在教師專業承諾上,非師範院校生則表現較佳。但兩者在學生學習成就上則無顯著差異。
雖然研究發現,不同培育背景之教師,其教學效能、教師專業承諾、及學生數學成就表現有顯著差異。但進一步分析,則發現整體而言,這些差異並不是很大。由此可見,多元師資培育政策並未影響教師素質,而一般大學師資培育機構之培育功效亦不亞於師範院校之師資培育機構。綜觀以上發現,可發現「教育系統標準化」的觀點更合乎台灣的現況。台灣之師資培育與學生的學習成就,在「國家機器」嚴格的控制把關之下,能夠維持一定水準。 / The pre-service teacher education in Taiwan has become multi-training since 1994. Considerable debates have been arisen since then, and one of which is “Teaching Quality.” Some argue that multi-training policy worsens teaching quality. For they think Normal Schools, providing more latent lessons to students’ spirit, are better than other pre-service teacher education programs. On the other hand, some argue that the new multi-training policy would advance teaching quality by the market competition and teacher’s professionalism.
The main purpose of this study is to utilize the data of “Taiwan Education Panel Survey” (TEPS) to compare the effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in a bid to solve the controversy.
In this study, the teachers’ sample, divided into 7 categories according to their teaching experience and training background, is 7001. Besides, “teaching quality” includes “teaching efficiency” and “teacher’s professional commitment.” “Students’ math achievement” is based on students’ math IRT score provided by TEPS. The study mainly utilizes statistical analyses based on Chi-square analysis, ANOVA, Regression analysis and so on,
The study finds out, although teachers of different training backgrounds have significant differences on their teaching efficiency, teacher’s professional commitment and students’ math achievement, the differences are not magnificent. In other words, the effects of different pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement are not much diverse. The result suggests that under firm control of “the state apparatus”, teaching quality and students’ academic achievement in Taiwan could maintain at a level.
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國民小學校長儲訓之實務實習課程研究 / The study on internship course of elementary school principal preparation curriculum鄭如秀, Cheng, Ju Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
可由研究架構、研究對象、研究內容及研究方法等方面加以精進,並整合量化與質化方法,裨益於整體研究建立更完整的資料與模式,使研究結果更為詳盡。 / The main purpose of this research is to study of relationship of principal’s preparation curriculum of internship course and principal’s professional competence in elementary school. The research methods used was documentary analysis and questionnaire survey. The research instrument was distributed to 375 school incumbent principal and director of public or private elementary schools in 12 administrative areas of Taipei. There are 247 valid samples which were used in this study.
The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and Multiple Regression. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows:
1.It is really important to establish internship course of
principal preparation curriculum. Among the course
dimensions, the “benchmarking schools visit course”
contributes most, while the establishment of “original
school internship course” still remains consideration.
2.The nourishment of principal’s professional competence
should be underscored, especially for the dimension
of “administrative government”.
3.The elementary school incumbent principals and
directors’ background demography including incumbent
duty and highest education reached a significant
difference with all the preparation curriculum of
internship course.
4.The elementary school incumbent principals and
directors’ background demography including incumbent
duty and highest education reached a significant
difference with all the principal’s professional
5.Elementary school incumbent principals and directors who
got high score on the preparation curriculum of
internship course were gotten better score in the
principal’s professional competence than low and middle
ones, who got middle score on the preparation curriculum
of internship course were gotten better score in the
principal’s professional competence than low ones.
6.Principal’s professional competence can be enhanced by
the emphasis of internship course of principal
preparation curriculum.
7.The efficient implementation of internship course of
principal preparation curriculum can positively predict
the achievement of principal’s professional competence.
Among the course dimensions, the establishment
of “remarkable principals interview course” is the most
Based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for “educational administrative agencies”, “the principals and directors of elementary schools”, and “other researchers”, hoping to benefit the school principal preparation systems and in-service education of school principals and directors in the future.
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董事會之獨立、專業、參與對企業績效及風險之影響 / The effect of board independence, expertise, and attendance on firm performance and risk陳宜伶, Chen, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以資產報酬率(ROA)、股東權益報酬率(ROE)、Tobin’s Q (Q)、Jensen Productivity (Jensen)來衡量企業績效,以信用評等(TCRI、RankRisk)、資產報酬率的標準差(sdROA)、股東權益報酬率的標準差(sdROE)來衡量企業風險,從董事會之獨立性、專業性以及參與度探討其對企業績效與風險之影響。研究結果發現,董事會之獨立性可以提升企業績效(ROA、ROE)、降低企業風險(TCRI、RankRisk、sdROA、sdROE)。董監具備會計或法律專業可以提升投資績效(Jensen),董監之聲譽可以提升企業績效(ROA、Q、Jensen),但董監若兼職過於忙碌,反而會提高財務風險(sdROA、sdROE),而董事會之參與度則可以提升企業績效(ROA、ROE)且降低信用風險(TCRI、RankRisk)。此外,市場競爭程度與研發強度影響董事會之獨立性、專業性以及參與度與企業績效、風險之關聯性。相對於低市場競爭程度,在高度市場競爭的環境下,董監具備會計或法律專業可以降低信用風險(RankRisk),董監過於忙碌會增加企業風險(TCRI、RankRisk、sdROA、sdROE),而董事會之參與度可以提升企業績效(Q)。相對於低研發強度,在高研發強度的環境下,公司需要內部董監的專屬知識,董事會之獨立性會降低投資績效(Jensen),但董監具備會計或法律專業可以提升企業績效(ROA、ROE、Q、Jensen)且降低信用風險(TCRI),董監之聲譽可降低信用風險(TCRI、RankRisk),而董事會之參與度則可提升企業績效(ROA)。 / The board composition, structure and process influence the effectiveness of the corporate board. The strategy function of the board helps to improve firm performance, while the monitoring function of the board assists to reduce firm risk. This research investigates the impact of board characteristics on firm performance and risk. Different from prior studies that focused mainly on board independence, this research expands board characteristics to include the expertise and attendance aspects of corporate boards. Furthermore, this research incorporates market competition and R&D intensity to analyze their moderating effects on the association between board characteristics and firm performance and risk.
This research uses ROA, ROE, Tobin’s Q and Jensen Productivity (Jensen) to measure firm performance, and uses TCRI, RankRisk, sdROA and sdROE to measure firm risk. The research results indicate that boards with higher independence have higher ROA and ROE and lower TCRI, RankRisk, sdROA and sdROE. The boards with accounting or legal expertise directors have higher Jensen, while the boards with more reputable directors have higher ROA, Q and Jensen. However, boards with busy directors have higher sdROA and sdROE. The more attentive boards are found to be associated with higher ROA and ROE and lower TCRI and RankRisk. In addition, the levels of market competition and R&D intensity affect the association between board independence, expertise and attendance and firm performance and risk. For firms operating in the high market competition environment, boards with accounting or legal expertise directors have lower RankRisk, boards with busy directors have higher TCRI, RankRisk, sdROA and sdROE, and more attentive boards have higher Q. For firms with high R&D intensity, boards with greater independence are associated with lower Jensen since these firms require insider directors who have firm-specific knowledge. Moreover, boards with accounting or legal expertise directors tend to have higher ROA, ROE, Q, and Jensen and lower TCRI and more reputable boards have lower TCRI and RankRisk, while more attentive boards have higher ROA.
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立法委員在老人福利政策上的立法參與 / Legislators' participation in the welfare policy of the elderly林頴柔, Lin, Yin Jou Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學學校本位教學視導與教師專業成長之研究阮靜雯, Juan, Ching-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所使用的研究方法有:文獻分析法、問卷調查法、與內容分析法等。係以台灣地區各縣市之公私立國民小學為主要調查對象,包括國小校長、主任及教師。採用分層等比例隨機抽樣的方式,共計發出1000份問卷,回收666份,回收率為66.6﹪,其中有效問卷為624份。研究工具為自編之「國民小學學校本位教學視導與教師專業成長之研究」調查問卷。問卷的處理採用SPSS 8.0 for Windows套裝統計軟體,進行百分比、次數、平均數、標準差及卡方考驗等統計分析。
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