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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

圖書館館員輔以知識建構工具 在知識建構教學之研究 / The study of knowledge creation based on knowledge construction tools with support of librarians

郭于嫙, Kuo, Yu Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著個人電腦與網際網路的普及,學生的學習方式依承載媒介與傳播模式的演進逐漸產生改變,並產生了不同的知識與學習需求。知識建構為一種以討論進行知識的重組與建構歷程,並從中達到激發創意的效果,利用知識建構學習方式固然能讓學生進行更深入的學習與互動,但仍有知識產出深度與參與程度不足等問題。為求更積極地培養學生知識建構能力、資訊素養技術,進而滿足並促進學生的學習效果。 身為學校知識薈萃之地的圖書館,除提供知識外,更應主動提供相關服務,不僅輔助學習者解決在資訊檢索時的問題或評估選擇的困難,同時也可協助教師,參與學習相關的工作。傳統圖書館在參與學生學習活動時,一般都是扮演被動提供學生所需資源的角色,然而隨著教學方式與資訊傳播媒介的轉變,圖書館的角色開始由被動提供學生所需資源到主動參與學生學習活動、課程的方向改變,走出原有傳統圖書館扮演功能的框架,逐步擴大其服務範圍。 本研究為了解圖書館員支援參與知識建構學習活動,是否真的能提升學生的知識建構學習成效與產生有效知識行為轉變,採取準實驗研究法,以知識建構理論為基礎的Knowledge Forum為學習平台,透過教材提供、教師與助教指導和館員協助不同學習階段進行知識建構學習,並以繪製概念圖為知識建構學習成效評量依據,驗證學生的知識成長與學習成效是否有顯著提升。在資料分析層面透過Knowledge Forum平台討論內容、學生三次概念圖作業成績與知識架構演進歷程、學生與館員互動的內容紀錄、期末報告與問卷等資料進行分析,以量化、知識結構和質性分析的方式,將概念圖進行矩陣處理後,利用UCINET社會網絡分析工具進行概念圖結構與知識組成的分析。 實驗結果可證明圖書館員參與知識建構學習確實有助於學生在知識結構層次的提昇及對於資料應用能力的增強。同時也從研究結果看出利用概念圖輔助學生進行知識建構學習,確實有助於學生知識建構歷程的記錄與成長,共計四點發現: 一、圖書館館員參與知識建構學習活動可促進學生更有效的共同知識建構行為的發生;二、圖書館館員參與知識建置學習活動能促進學生累積資訊素養技能與知識背景;三、圖書館館員參與知識建構學習活動促進學生概念圖的結構與命題內容轉變;四、以概念圖輔助學習能有效記錄學生的知識建構歷程與結構層次的轉變。 未來若能將此種圖書館館員支援參與知識建構學習的有效模式應用於其他學科的教學,將更能顯現出圖書館在教學過程中的重要性,且利於與教師和學生的合作經驗。 / As the increasing popularity of Internet, personal computers, and the evolution of information communication technology (ICTs), students' learning styles has also gradually changed for a variety of needs for knowledge and learning. Knowledge building, as an important concept, describes what a learning community needs to accomplish in order to create knowledge. It also refers to the process of creating new cognitive artifacts based on the common goals, group member discussions, and synthesis of ideas within community. Nevertheless, during the learning process of Knowledge building, there are some problems raised while guiding students to keep their in-depth discussion. In this study, we attempt to find out effective methodologies based on the assistance of library support, to promote learners’ participation, learning achievement and information literacy skills. First, this study introduces a way in which librarians participate in students’ learning process as tutor. Second, the research was conducted by quasi-experiment design; by which an on-line Knowledge Forum for students’ knowledge building learning environment is lunched. Discussion, learning activities and learning materials are delivered through Knowledge Forum. Researchers ask students choose one of four topics (Digital divide, Group dynamic, Attitudes and behavior change, Online persona) to discuss on Knowledge Forum. Students were asked to adopt concept mapping to construct their mind-map and knowledge flow in class. In addition, their learning performance was evaluated based on the process of knowledge mapping (3 times), the content of discussions, tasks, reports and grades. Their works of concept map were analyzed by UCINET, visualizing students’ mind changing, how they organized their knowledge, and to identify the positive effects on students’ performance. Moreover, the study also adopts various data gathering methodologies, such as questionnaires as well as the interaction records between librarians and students for overall understanding the Knowledge construction process. The results showed that librarians’ involvement in learning activities do help students’ improvement in knowledge constructing level, keeping their reflective process in-depth. The data also showed that students using concept maps in the knowledge building learning process as a sound way to assist their tasks accomplishment. This research suggests, in the future, there could be more successful collaboration, such as Knowledge building, among librarians, students, and teachers in different types of educational scenarios. Both educators and students will not only understand the importance of the Knowledge construction for better learning performance but also aware librarians as well as their service as an indispensable role in better education setting.

具知識建構工具支援之數位圖書館 在網路學習社群經營之研究 / The study of building web-based learning community based on digital library with support of knowledge construction tool

林憶珊, Lin, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
網路環境的轉變與網路社群網站的盛行,不但改變網路使用者的使用習慣,亦是發揮學習社群力量的時機。數位圖書館自發展以來,累積優質而豐富的典藏內容,強調多元讀者服務,並精進個人化服務與檢索功能,但針對讀者學習社群的經營則顯得不足且忽略發展可以輔助學習社群經營的機制,致使數位圖書館無法成為讀者長期駐足,甚至留下學習心得、交互分享學習成果及良性互動討論數位圖書館典藏內容的園地。 本研究以「提升使用者駐足於學習社群平台之意願」與「促進數位圖書館資源之利用」為目標,促成一個基於數位圖書館典藏內容為經營基礎之學習社群。發展有效的社群經營機制,營造學習者願意參與、交互分享學習成果及良性互動討論的優質學習環境,並支援數位圖書館資源的有效利用。 利用知識論壇(Knoewledge Forum)作為社群學習的討論平台,本研究透過準實驗研究法,從數位圖書館資源與學習社群之結合所促成的學習活動中,探討學習社群的互動歷程與知識建構情況。透過統計分析歸結出適合於發展有效輔助數位圖書館資源應用之學習社群經營工具與機制,提高學習社群的參與以及數位圖書館資源支援學習的機會與價值。 研究結果顯示:1. 研究活動歷程中,相較各階段互動機制,推薦機制與激勵機制對於學習社群參與具有較明顯的助益;2. 數位圖書館資源融入學習社群,有助主題資源與概念多面向的知識討論與擴張;3. 數位圖書館資源融入學習社群過程中,領域專家引導有助於資源的利用。 / As the rapid changes of on-line environment and prevalence of social networking websites, not only has the on-line users’ behavior changed, but also it implies the perfect time to develop better learning community with the advantages of technology innovation. Taking the Digital library (DL) as example, it has been developed into the perfect portal with accumulation of high quality information with and reader-centered services, including personalized information services and searching functions. However, comparing with other social networking sites, DL has been considered less value on building on readers’ learning communities, or not suitable sites to share information or communicate with other readers. The purpose of the study is to promote people cohesiveness at the web-based learning community platform and to improve the usage of digital library resources. Based on the advantage of web-based learning communities, the study analyzes the possible models and outcomes for learning communities on DL. In addition, the study attempts to survey ways to make better environment for readers actively interacting with others more; moreover, utilizing the digital libraries to construct knowledge. Taking the “Knowledge Forum” as web-based learning community platform, the study adopted the quasi-experimental methodology to investigate the social networks and knowledge construction behavior of the learning community on DL. The statistics analysis scheme was employed to evaluate the specific model of community building for web-based learning, and its effectiveness for promoting DL as learning support. The results of this study are concluded as following. First, compared with other methods for community building, the recommendation and motivation system are more beneficial for participation on web-based learning community. Second, integrating the resources of DL with web-based learning community is helpful for the diversity of subject topics and concepts in on-line discussion. Third, academic field experts for subject matter discussion are helpful for better DL resources utilization during the process of web-based learning.

互動式數位學習之設計 / An Interaction-centric e-Learning Design

余玫萱 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技對學習引發了全面性的變革,網路無遠弗屆、快速便利的特性,更使得網路學習、線上學習、數位學習等利用網路與資訊科技的結合的學習方式為大家所重視。未來邁入知識經濟後,人們更需要不斷的學習來提昇自己的競爭力,透過學習獲取知識。資訊科技與網路的結合,為數位學習帶來許多的優勢與好處,但是雖然數位學習的網站很多,大多數仍無法達到如傳統學習的學習效果,學習者通常瀏覽過一兩次後,便失去學習的興趣,因此數位學習系統仍缺乏整合性的規劃與開發。   目前網路上許多的數位學習系統提供的互動機制不足,學習者缺乏人際互動的工具與活動,除此之外,許多互動工具無法得到參與學習的使用者之青睞,學習者甚少使用,如同虛設。因此本篇論文企圖設計出一套整合性與互動的數位學習之設計,解決目前網路學習在互動中所遭遇的瓶頸。   本研究從適性學習(Adaptive Learning)、合作學習(Collaborative and Cooperative Learning)與建構學習(Constructive Learning)三方面進行設計,互動機制可以達到此三個目的,進一步讓系統可以支援達成合作學習與建構學習的活動設計。 / Information technology and Internet technology have brought the revolution of learning, training and education. The knowledge economy in the 21st century has made the knowledge become the most important critical success factor. We must continuously learn in order to maintain the competitive advantage. Many corporations and educational institutions have developed their own e-Learning web sites. Because the lack of adequate interactive mechanisms, most of them cannot provide the efficient and effective learning results. Our research aims to develop an interaction-centric e-Learning design and implementation. Based on the adaptive learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, constructive learning concepts, we design an integrated interaction-centric model to develop a set of toolbox to enhance the interactive activities of e-Learning.

俄屬遠東黃禍論研究-身份、利益的解構與建構 / On Yellow Peril in the Russian Far East - the deconstruction and construction of identities and interests

劉蕭翔, Liou, Shiau Shyang Unknown Date (has links)
橫亙百餘年之久的俄屬遠東黃禍論已成為某種或然性規律,不但是俄羅斯與中國兩國的兩難困境,更是彼此關係的潛在負面變數。 為此,本研究以理性主義初探當代黃禍何以復萌,繼而再以建構主義反向解構促使其復萌之俄中關係以及俄國內部中央與地方的互動,此雙重觀念結構之身份與利益的聯繫,以揭示黃禍恐懼的本質和深層原因,從而對其發展趨勢進行中長期預測,並由此對應推導命題:跨層次習得轉化,希冀藉此發展出超越時空範疇的一般性通則,而為觀念甚於物質再增添新的研究實例。 研究發現:黃禍論必須在國際面-俄中兩國間的身份認知得到協調,在國內面-俄國內部以及遠東區當地俄人和中國人之間也必須要趨近,黃禍疑懼才有可能消弭。然而,從黃禍的建構過程可知,俄中兩國的「世代友好,永不為敵」尚未真正到位,俄國內部促成黃禍的離心傾向也仍舊存在。各造屬性若未能調和,黃禍仍將持續地與其所依附存在的雙重結構交錯建構,而其成因亦可能經社會化代代相傳。但遠東區俄人在與中國人互動多年後,其若干特質及行為方面意外地逐漸與中國人趨同,此有可能補足俄國內部欠缺的自下而上建構作用。此外,世代交替亦為俄羅斯再起的希望,俄中兩國的差距若能弭平,黃禍自亦消弭於無形。

跨界交會與文化"番"譯 :海洋視域下台灣原住民記述研究(1858-1912) / 無

陳芷凡, Chen, chih fan Unknown Date (has links)
有關探討「歷史上台灣原住民形象」的學術研究,多半側重漢籍史料,其視角大致如下:1. 將文獻資料視為還原歷史現場的途徑,針對史料所提到的器具、風俗與制度,展開族群關係的回溯與重建。2. 以整理歸納的角度,統整歷代有關台灣原住民的官式文書、個人著作、竹枝詞、雜詠、賦及駢文,在不同文類的參照中,得出原住民形象的輪廓,涉及性別、修辭、物質文化等主題討論。上述研究成果,多半從帝國王朝看待邊疆民族的視域,進行分析,然而,若能跳脫清朝咸豐、同治、光緒、宣統,以及日本安政、萬延、文久、慶應、明治等紀年之框架,而考慮1858-1912年間台灣歷史的特殊性,結合周遭因海洋而與異族交會、影響的經驗,台灣原住民的形象研究,得以在一個文化流動的論述中開啟新意。 咸豐八年(1858)簽訂天津條約,台灣開埠,在這段時間,西方、日本挾帶各自的海洋勢力而來,以物產、傳教、踏查為名,順著海路,聚集於台灣,使得十九世紀中葉以降台灣歷史的特殊性,表現在開港貿易之後西方官員、傳教士以及商人的探險旅行,旁及牡丹社事件前後,日本朝野思考台灣「無人之境」領域的主權,這些藉著海洋而來的海外勢力,與清廷思考台灣後山番地、開山撫番、設省等政策,形成多層次的拮抗與論辯,並影響晚清處理帝國想像與再現政治的命題,台灣原住民於此,於是成為各方勢力斡旋、角逐的籌碼。本論文旨從海洋視域---各方勢力透過海洋來到台灣,在近代國家與世界體系建立的過程中,關注1858-1912年間台灣原住民形象再現、歷史情境與文化詮釋,並藉此梳理十九世紀中葉以降晚清、歐美列強、日本之文明論述。

以建構主義的觀點分析兩岸關係 / A constructivist analysis of cross-strait relations

何得中, Sebastian Hambach Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze changes and constants of the Cross-Strait relationship since 1949 on the basis of a constructivist framework of International Relations theory. After having introduced basic assumptions of rule-based constructivism, mainly following Nicholas Onuf, the thesis argues that the Cross-Strait relationship can be analyzed as a social construct that has mainly been governed by the “one China” rule, which is designed and influenced by speech acts performed by relevant agents in Taiwan, China, the US, as well as academia. A summary of the historic context of Cross-Strait relationship developments (1949-2000) which highlights the circumstances of the creation of the “one China” rule as well as gradual challenges to it, is followed by a comparison between the approaches of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) of constructing this relationship between 2000-2008 and 2008-2011, respectively. Due to the DPP's and KMT's very different ideologies, and their antithetic definitions of Taiwan's relationship to China, there were distinct variations in their performances of speech acts, that are analyzed in the context of three discursive examples and which, together with related practices, aimed either at weakening (DPP) or strengthening (KMT) the “one China” rule as a cornerstone for Taiwan's relationship to China. Despite attempts by Taiwanese agents during the two consecutive DPP administrations to break the “one China” rule, it remains an important aspect of the Cross-Strait relationship as it is sustained, to different degrees, by agents in China, the US and the current KMT government. However, due to their adjustments over time and the development of Taiwan's democratic system, a new “status quo” rule has steadily gained momentum. Therefore, the thesis argues, that it will be crucial to see how the preferences of the Taiwanese populace with respect to their home's relationship to China will evolve in the future and how the relevant agents will respond to these developments.

從微觀民意觀點探討中央民意代表之公共服務品質之研究 / Research of the public service quality from micro public opinion viewpoint discussion legislator

華樹華, Hua, Shu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
政治傳播具有高度的不可確定性,傳播過程裡的訊息無時無刻地產生發出,且經常讓人感到不可捉摸,而政治則是為調和成員之間的歧異所達成約束集體決策的活動的過程。中央民意代表對於這種人與人之間的相互傳播過程尤其重視,因為這是他的日常生活與工作的情境,中央民意代表與微觀民意之關係,即是於政治傳播情境中探索人民意義認知與再現的過程,屬於政治社會化歷程。 人民除了以投票的行為表達民意之外,微觀民意,將如何成為政府治理與決策的依據呢?就本文之研究發現,微觀民意不僅具有反映公共政策且具有影響政府決策的能力,但必須仰賴訊息能有效地傳播的基礎。微觀民意如何透過政治傳播歷程形成影響公共的結果?微觀民意與中央民意代表中介者之關係?是本研究的問題意識。中央民意代表接收民意的管道來源包括大眾傳播媒體、本身與民意的互動及週遭人士所提供的訊息等,其中以公共服務所接收的民意訊息最為直接且豐沛,尤其在2008年我國中央民意代表選舉制度改為小選區制後,中央民意代表對於選區內的民意更為重視採用。 公共服務是中央民意代表與微觀民意間重要的中介工具之一,因此使用者體驗之品質評價及其關係管理,成為公共服務流程中重要的品質設計概念,敏銳的生產設計者也可能因此發現使用者的潛在需求,而發揮創新的動能,本研究在中央民意代表的公共服務中,藉由10,000小時以上傳播互動、超過2,000組個案,統計分析微觀民意樣態,以了解使用者實證經驗與評價,以實證質性研究歸納出民意需求的實質內容,整合量化之研究,提出本文之論述:中央民意代表與微觀民意之意義建構在公共服務歷程中共構,形成影響公共的政治傳播。 從微觀民意觀點,探討中央民意代表公共服務之品質,其變項由公共服務品質、信任(滿意度)、政治效能感、忠誠度及形象五個構面加以檢證,公共服務品質之因子包括便利度、可靠度、溝通度、專業度及關懷力五個子構面。研究結果與假設吻合,公共服務品質自變項與應變項各構面間具有相關性及關聯度,且信任(滿意度)為公共服務品質與政治效能感之中介變項。 此外,本研究之重要發現為,在公共服務品質中影響「政治效能感」的評價主要因素為「信任」,而「信任」的建立又奠基於公共服務之「專業度」與「關懷力」,微觀民意因此必須在具有理解的「情感認知」對話情境中,公共服務者提供具有「法理專業」素養對現行公共政策缺陷與潛在需求的「意義建構」澄題與諮商歷程,公共服務品質流程中之「關懷力」評價,對於中央民意代表之「忠誠度」具有重要影響力。 微觀民意鑲嵌公共服務與中央民意代表之政治傳播歷程將因此有新的意義建構,連結並影響巨觀體制的公共的能力,公共服務品質之管理方法論,必須建置以公共利益為軸心之流程設計概念中,注入細緻的創新元素「關懷力」及「專業度」,使人際與語意傳播之意義建構在具政治信任及政治效能感成份之公共服務流程中,微觀民意得以發揮對於巨觀的社會體制產生影響與改變的能力,使百姓與國家治理者產生有效對話機制。

華人家庭對偶關係間共依賴傾向之探討 / Codependency in Dyad Relationships in Chinese Family

陳淑欽, Chen, Shu-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取問卷調查的方法,從社會文化觀點探討華人在家庭對偶關係中所表現的共依賴(codependency)傾向。 結果發現,在對偶關係比較中,華人親子關係中親代對子代有較高的共依賴傾向,表現在「以對偶為焦點」以及「認同照顧對偶的角色」。在華人自我建構的相關研究中則發現,具有「高相依我低獨立我」自我建構的人比「高獨立我低相依我」的人有較高的「以對偶為焦點」傾向。 在共依賴所具有的心理意涵分析中,「認同照顧對偶的角色」在母親對子代的關係中具有正向的關係意義;「以對偶為焦點」在子代對親代的關係中,以及夫妻關係中也具有不同於不適應的關係意義。 最後,本研究結果顯示,即使對偶比較中共依賴得分顯示出差異,所有受試的共依賴總分及四個分測驗得分仍然偏低,表示整體而言,受試者共依賴的傾向並不高,共依賴可能並不是適合描述華人家庭關係的概念。

建構兩岸關係: 臺灣身份與國家利益的形成1988年至2012年 / Constructing Cross-Strait Relations: Taiwanese National Identity and Formation of State Interest 1988-2012

倪世傑, Nee, George Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣,與其它後共國家政治發展經驗極為相似的,在後冷戰時代屬於身份認同的衝突成為每一個解脫威權桎梏的國家皆經歷過的歷史,政治轉型中「被壓抑者的重返」所激起的社會矛盾成為政治學與社會學研究的主題。而在民主化眾聲喧嘩的後解嚴階段,每一種集體身份在言論市場中都獲得出賽的機會,能夠囊括最大多數人的國族身份認同成為文化、社會與政治力量爭論的焦點,而能夠使大部分民眾接受的國族自我意象就越有可能取得執政的可能性,因此,國族自我意象內涵的填充以及管理是每一個政黨每日都在進行的工作,掌握意識型態領導權者就掌握了決定國家未來方向的權力 臺灣在國際社會的特殊處境使得被壓抑者的重返過程中不只要面對過去的威權體制,即便掌握國家權力者也直接面對不放棄武力犯台以及在國際上擠壓臺灣生存空間的北京政權。如何面對海峽對岸國力與國際影響力迅速增長的大國,成為國內政治、社會與文化力量在界定我們是誰、我們要往何處去等集體身份與目標時,都無法迴避這個無所不在的中國因素。在台灣每一種國族自我意象的生成過程都無法迴避中國因素,臺北的中國/大陸政策的制定過程即國族身份政治投射其熱情與利益的訴求的過程,過去的研究已經花費相當多的資源在探討臺灣社會面的國族身份形成與動員,而未系統性地對國族身份認同政治與政策產出之間的關係進行探究。 有鑑於每一位總統都反映與代表了在社會中流行的國族我意象,作為某特定國族自我意象的代表,他根據國族自我意象而揭示的國家政治目的以及提昇集體尊嚴感的目標制訂與執行的中國/大陸政策。因此,本研究從執政者每日的言論進行系統性的分析,主要探究的是不同的國族自我意象變成具有官方身份的國族身份之後會如何形塑對中國的認知,本研究的焦點是中國威脅的認知,當中國威脅認知升高,臺北制訂緊縮性的中國/大陸政策的可能性就提高了。國族自我意象固然有其穩定性,但也具備流動性,國族自我意象是靈活還是僵固地就「中國威脅」進行協商,成為臺北制訂中國/大陸政策的依據,從而帶來緊張還是和緩的兩岸關係。 / Taiwan’s post-cold war national identity issue is quite similar to other post-communist countries. Free speech made national identity issues going public much easier as Marshall Law was lifted. The social conflict agitated by “The Return of the Repressed” during democratic transition era was not only make new social cleavage possible but also giving birth to new political landscape. Every fractions of national identity has the chance to win the game but only those who supported by most of the population could arouse societal attention and get more chances to win the election. The social engineering of contents and contestations of national identities is so important to those who dedicated to their political life. As George Orwell ever mentioned 66 years ago: “Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past.” The Chineseness and Beijing who acclaimed PRC is the only legitimate country that represent China become very “significant other” to Taiwanese national identity formation from 1980s to now. Many scholars have been studied the nation-formation and state-building process but a few of them linking that processes and cross-strait and diplomatic policies made by Taipei altogether. This study is trying to fill this gap. As every president of the state is the symbol and entrepreneur of distinct national identity, getting at the root of state or national interest means digging out what elites’ identified as nation’s political purposes and international status of the state. This thesis focused on how national identity, the broadest collectively held idea in one country, brings about Taiwan’s state interest where Taipei’s China policy and its implications for cross-strait relations lied.

脈絡下的保護責任:文本探勘的再詮釋 / Contextualizing Responsibility to Protect: Re-Interpretation of Text Mining

張道宜, Chang, Tao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
保護責任(R2P)是當前國際社會最受矚目,但同時也最受爭議的概念之一,有人認為這個概念有助於實踐國際人權,幫助國際社會向需要幫助的人民伸出援手;有學者認為這是為了解決主權與人權之間的爭端;更有人認為這只是「人道干涉」的借屍還魂,不過是西方強權為了干涉他國的手段而已。 隨著時間進展,當2005年保護責任在世界高峰會(World Summit)中得到聯合國會員國一致共識同時,有人認為R2P原本試圖修正「人道干涉困境」與國際法架構的雄心壯志,淪落對現有國際法架構的確認,無疑地呈現顯著的概念質變(conceptual change)。然而當民主春風吹過中東與北非地區,阿拉伯之春導致許多政府爆發侵犯人權情事,R2P再度受到矚目,甚至在2011年被聯合國安理會引用,作為干涉利比亞局勢的重要說辭,產生與2005年世界高峰會截然不同的內容。儘管被視為R2P概念成形以來的一大勝利,但也掀起新一波對R2P概念的爭辯。 本文主張,R2P面臨如此爭議,「定義」以及「與主權關係」不明是最主要的原因之一。對於支持者而言,這是有別於人道干涉,且根據現行「負責任主權」的全新人權執行機制,符合「即時性」、「有效性」的大原則。但對於反對者而言,這是人道干涉藉由「責任」一詞改頭換面,「換湯不換藥」,表面說詞再動人,都無法掩蓋他基於國家私利,干涉他國完整,破壞國家主權體系的意圖。 為了解決這項爭議,本研究試圖透過「語料庫語言學」的方法回答以下研究問題:第一,對於實際參與聯合國決策的各國代表而言,到底何謂「R2P」?在聯合國的場域中,「R2P」的出現是否真如部分學者所主張,漸漸改變「主權」的內涵?第二,如果主權概念與「R2P」的概念確實存在連動關係,那關係為何? 根據本研究的研究成果可以發現,第一,在聯合國安理會的場域中,2005年世界高峰會的共識確實取代既有概念,讓「R2P」內容產生質變。但過去的「預防」概念依舊得到存續。第二,「R2P」概念的出現確實為「主權」增加更多的「責任」,儘管在安理會的場域中幅度並不大,但當有意識地使用「R2P」時,會特別強調「責任」的重要性。第三,儘管許多學者主張「R2P」的概念已經形成共識,重點在於「實踐」而非「爭辯」,但實際上真正重視「實踐」者,恐怕只有聯合國秘書長本人。 / Although generally recognized in World Summit Outcome Document, Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is one of the most controversial concepts of International Relations (IR). Especially, its relationship with sovereignty is one of the most debatable ones. For answering the questions, it is purposed to inquiry texts of meeting verbatim record of United Nations (UN), with the assistance of discourse analysis and digital toolkits. While scholars of IR and Political Thoughts have analyzed its theoretical, definition, legal and implementation dimensions, little attention is paid to its discursive change to examine their mutual influence. For proceeding full and large-scale research, present techniques of text mining enable researchers to work on “big texts”, and to extract the linguistic context beyond them. In general, this thesis is intended to complete the following advancements of IR studies: firstly, establish the contextual understanding of conceptual change of R2P and sovereignty, and find if hidden information exists behind those texts; secondly, if text mining and related toolkits does assist fulfillment of this proposal, it might be possibly new research skill to be applied in IR. This thesis investigates the present understandings of Sovereignty and R2P in IR. It hypothesizes that, firstly, most of present researches on R2P neglected the role of language; secondly, the generation of R2P might be related to the conceptual change of sovereignty in twenty-first century.

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