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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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日本空氣樂團品牌建構模式之研究 —以金爆樂團為例 / Brand Building Model of a Japanese Air Rock Band -The Case Study of Golden Bomber

何欣鴻, Ho, Hsin Hung Unknown Date (has links)
二戰後,隨著經濟的持續發展,日本音樂產業在1998年到達實體唱片銷售額6075億日圓的極致巔峰,之後伴隨著全球音樂市場的萎靡以及數位資訊產品技術的逐漸成熟,日本音樂產業進入長達數年唱片銷量大跌的低迷期。唱片銷售衰退,其原因除了科技中介的變革帶來的影響外,群眾對音樂市場的需求改變更是一大關鍵,為此許多唱片公司紛紛轉型為經紀公司,積極的發展音樂市場的新價值,其中以藝人品牌化和現場展演為最受矚目的價值創造趨勢。 流行音樂市場越趨多樣性與娛樂性,2008年正式出道的日本視覺系搖滾樂 團—Golden Bomber金色爆彈,以短劇表演代替樂器演奏的空氣樂團形式打入日本音樂市場,顛覆群眾對傳統樂團的既定印象,特有的表演型態亦成為其樂團特色。從品牌建構的角度而言,金爆樂團作為一個藝人品牌,其利基點、競爭優勢與品牌建構之步驟為何?在競爭激烈的日本藝能界中勝出之關鍵又是什麼?而台灣與日本的藝人品牌之建構又有何雷同、差異性與需要省思處? 本研究以日本金爆樂團作為一藝人品牌進行個案分析,藉由深度訪談金爆的十位日本fans,以及參與觀察金爆的現場演唱會和活動過程,再輔以相關的次級資料,透過金爆樂團在核心價值、識別系統、事件經歷與附屬商品等多處的呈現,作為新生代藝人品牌建構與台灣音樂市場後續發展等研究目的之參考。分析結果發現,「惡搞」、「空氣」、「搖滾」和「地下樂團」的標籤初步定位了金爆在日本藝能界裡的位置,打破主流樂團在日本音樂市場稱霸的藩籬,而品牌承諾的落實與識別系統的創新則緊緊抓住了粉絲的心,在互信互賴的專業團隊的品質把關下,金爆樂團秉持初衷,繼續他們的演藝之路。 / After World War II, as the economy developed continuously, Japanese music industry had reached its ultimate peak in 1998 with physical record sales of JPY 607.5 billion. However, due to the contraction of the global music market and the rapidly maturing digital technology, Japanese music industry has entered a steep downturn for the record sales for years. In addition to the impact of technological revolution, the changes in the masses’ demands for the music market are also a significant factor in the decline of record sales. On this account, many record companies have transformed themselves into a brokerage firm, actively developing the new value of the music market, among which the branding of artists and live performances are the most two notable trends of the value creation. At the same time, the pop music market has become more diverse and entertaining. Golden Bomber, a Japanese “visual kei” air rock band that officially debuted in 2008, is famous for their unique performance by acting out short dramas instead of playing with instruments, which has not only overthrown the common view of a traditional band and also become the band’s unique characteristic. From the perspective of brand building, what are the niche point, competitive advantages, and brand building steps of Golden Bomber as an artist brand? What is the crucial key they can stand out in the fierce competition in the Japanese entertainment industry? As for Taiwanese artists, what are their similarities and differences from Japanese artists and what should they reflect on? This study aims to conduct a case study of Golden Bomber as an artist brand by utilizing the in-depth interviews of ten Japanese fans of the band and the author’s observation during the personal participation in the live concerts and events of the band in combination with the supplemented relevant secondary data, hoping to be taken as a reference for the artists of the new generation for brand building and for the future development of Taiwanese music industry with the presentation of various aspects of Golden Bomber, including the band’s core values, identification systems, event experience and affiliated commodities. The analysis results found that several labels attached to Golden Bomber such as “parody”, “air”, “rock” and “underground band” have initially positioned the band in the Japanese entertainment industry, breaking the barriers built by the mainstream bands that dominate the Japanese music industry. Furthermore, the band’s implementation of brand promise and the innovation of identification systems have firmly kept their fans glued to the band. With the mutual trust with a professional team and the persistence in the quality, Golden Bomber has continued their career with their original intention.

開放式經營模式之個案研究 / Open Business Model Analysis

林秉軒, Lin, Ping Shuan Unknown Date (has links)
針對台灣企業策略發展的研究重點,學術上經常以產業生命週期、產業結構、產品與市場做為出發加以探討。而本篇研究將會從經營模式的要素來剖析企業如何建構核心能力與競爭優勢,並藉由經營模式的演進,持續強化核心能力及擴大事業範疇,使企業能夠持續成長。此外,本篇研究也將致力探討核心能耐建構與延伸、開放式經營模式間以及兩者間的關係。並期能透過一整合性的分析架構,供企業主在實務之策略制定做為參考及評估方向。 本研究採取的是個案研究方法。個案研究法中對於個案的選擇,並非重其全面性與系統性,而是重在選擇有代表性與對比效果的個案,以獲得較為豐富的個案內涵以供對研究議題之深究。本研究選擇的個案公司基亞生技,係台灣少數成功將新藥發展至臨床試驗三期、具有多個事業體系及國際市場佈局之新興生技公司,作為本研究之個案分析公司。 本研究得到之結論為,企業在成立初期資源不足之條件下,除了利用差異化的定位來改變競爭場域之不利因素外,亦可透過開放式的經營模式擴大公司疆界,借助外部價值網絡提供的資源,以助企業建構策略性資產並提升能耐之價值,並成為產業內重要價值活動之供給者。除此之外,系統性的核心能耐延伸,提供企業取得新能耐與發展新事業的重要基礎,亦使得開放式經營模式的成效加倍。即便企業並未具備龐大的資源或資金,亦可在此模式下與外部組織互補合作,藉由產業價值鏈的接力與分工,同樣具備挑戰大型及國際市場的能力。

飲食敘事與認同建構—以「古早味」之懷舊書寫為例 / Culinary narrative and identity construction – An analysis of the writing on Taiwanese retro food

楊癸齡, Yang, Kuei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
當代與飲食相關的媒介文本十分豐富,「古早味」更可說是其中討論不絕之重要主題,然而專論飲食懷舊現象的傳播研究卻不多,相關研究亦常將「懷舊」現象簡化為失真的歷史想像。   本研究聚焦於古早味書寫文本,認為對過往飲食經驗的懷舊反思具有正面意義,其乃「當代認同建構的過程」,且該建構論觀點也與敘事理論相互呼應。本文因此認為:觀察近年來盛行的古早味媒介文本,應可描繪當代社會的認同形貌。   研究發現,古早味敘事乃透過回憶場景、童年節日時光、直系長輩親人等來營造幸福質樸的懷舊氛圍。而個人身世背景、離散經驗與高度現代化社會下的焦慮皆成為結構性壓力,敘事者得以「親情聯繫」、「飲食意義」為刺點並以繼承尋根方式統合建構認同。 / The media texts of “Taiwanese retro food” increase gradually recently. However, there are few communication researches focus on this important phenomenon. Moreover, those researches also simplify nostalgia as “distortive imagination of history” constantly.  Therefore, this paper aims to argue that the introspection of the past is the progress of identity construction and is also related to narrative theory. Through analysing contemporary media texts of retro food, we probably may depict the appearance of social identity of the time.  Accordingly, the research found that nostalgic aura was cultivated by the narrative of the important scenes, good old times, and close family members. And the narrators tended to construct personal identity through pursuing family love and holding value of retro food.

行動服務品質量表建構 / Constructing the measurement scale of mobile service quality

范雅筑, Fan, Ya Chu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路科技、行動手持裝置的發展,多元的行動服務開始被廣泛開發及應用,為了能提供更好的行動服務,行動服務提供者必須了解使用者對行動服務的認知與想法。此研究希望透過不同行動服務類型的特性,定義行動服務品質(Mobile service quality; M-S-QUAL)之適用範圍,並根據Hinkin所建議之量表建構方法,發展出一份有效衡量行動服務品質之量表(M-S-QUAL),以歸納法自既有的服務品質文獻發展初步的問項。由於行動服務提供有形商品與無形商品的交易與交換,因此,M-S-QUAL也同時包含有形與無形商品行動服務品質量表,初步的M-S-QUAL包含九構面:系統效率(efficiency)、履行性(Fulfillment)、系統可用性(System availability)、隱私性(Privacy)、反應性(Responsiveness)、補償性(Compensation)、聯絡性 (Contact)、內容(Content)、帳務議題(Billing),而有形/ 無形商品行動服務品質量表分別以50/49題問項衡量。此份量表透過問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,並透過探索性因素分析(Exploratory factor analysis; EFA)及驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory factor analysis; CFA)萃取出四構面、15題問項之有形商品行動服務品質量表與五構面、16題問項之無形商品行動服務品質量表,此研究亦針對M-S-QUAL量表進行信、效度檢驗並利用不同校標(感知價值與忠誠意圖)進行迴歸分析以建立校標關聯效度。研究結果顯示本研究所發展的行動服務品質量表具有良好的心理計量特質(psychometric properties)。 / With the proliferation of wireless technologies, consumers are increasingly coming into contact with a diverse range of mobile services. Mobile service providers seeking to deliver a superior service must understand how consumers perceive mobile services. Many instruments such as SERVQUAL and E-S-QUAL have been used to measure service quality; however, no general mobile service quality evaluation measure currently exists. Given the many different types of mobile services available, our aim in this study was to ascertain the essential characteristics of mobile services by conceptualizing, constructing, refining and testing a multiple-item scale (M-S-QUAL) for measuring service quality in the mobile environment. According to Hinkin’s guide on the development of scales, items in the scale were generated by following a deductive approach based on a theoretical foundation. The mobile services examined in this study were divided into those for tangible and intangible product transactions. The results show that in intangible and tangible product shopping, M-S-QUAL includes five dimensions (contact, recovery, fulfillment, privacy, and efficiency) and four dimensions (contact, recovery, fulfillment, and efficiency), respectively. These two aspects of M-S-QUAL demonstrate good psychometric properties based on findings from a variety of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability and validity tests. The findings of this study may help mobile service providers assess the quality of their services and assist researchers in developing mobile service quality theories.

企業成長歷程與能耐建構之關聯研究-以紡織帽製造出口業H公司為例 / A Case Study on the Competence Building and Business Growth

廖雪靜, Liao, Hsueh Ching Unknown Date (has links)
摘要:紡織產業由於時尚潮流的千變萬化,再加上資訊與通訊科技快速演進,致使消費者較以往可以透過多元管道,輕易地獲得廣泛時尚流行的資訊與商品;甚至在物流通路系統及購物平台逐年更迭,日新月異的經營模式環境的變換下,時尚商品的買與賣之間已經不再像過去需要花費很長時間。如今甚至有選購後24小時到貨的服務,而這些消費模式都是為了因應消費者對於商品的快速需求而創新改變的策略。 企業追求成長,是企業經營的永恆課題。企業透過內部資源、資訊、與外部環境的交換與整合,形成網絡關係。而今企業的經營,正如同前述的情況一般,除了必須掌控影響企業成長的因素之外,對於全球市場的疾速變化與複雜的外部環境所帶來的衝擊,亦須洞灼機先找出因應解決的對策。如此環繞企業的內外因素相互關聯所帶來的結果即是為了追求企業成長時所亟需瞭解與掌握的議題。而在成長策略管理的思惟體系中,有由外而內的「機會基礎成長策略」,以及企業憑藉自身資源由內而外的「能耐基礎成長策略」,由於前者受制約於外部的機會因素較大,對於個別企業的影響難以歸納總結做為參考。本研究將透過個案公司的成長歷程,分析該公司在各個階段因應外部環境變遷所採取的資源配置與策略活動,同時對應其核心能耐,從而提出兩者關聯的質性探討。 本研究目的在探討企業成長策略的思惟中,除了面對外部環境、競爭者所帶來的衝擊之外,更重要的是思考企業在意識到外部機會形成或存在時,評估企業的資源、核心能耐是否足以掌握該機會;如果無法回應時則必須善用自身資源以建構新的能耐來克服外部阻礙,且透過知識管理的模式在企業內形成能耐建構能力,以持續性、系統性的能耐建構機制來制定成長策略,延伸企業成長的核心能耐,使企業得以能耐建構基礎維持持續成長的動能。 【關鍵字】 企業成長、能耐基礎、核心競爭力、知識管理、能耐建構能力


楊建民, YANG, JIAN-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
在快速變遷的社會中,我國正處於關鍵性的轉型期,在此重要過程裡,政府多年來的 努力目標乃積極著重於行政革新的推動與行政效率的提升,各級行政機關也不斷地提 出各項革新措施。過去種種努力雖有一定的價值展現,但卻始終無法以具體指標與量 化資料評估出行政機關的整體績效,或與其他同性質機關相互比較。然而一般民眾則 普遍認為政府行政效率及效能實遠低於民營企業。 針對此項革新議題,本文乃以「行政機關生產力」為題進行研究,嘗試就具體指標建 構及各種衡量方法的探討,實際瞭解政府行政運作績效,進而提升行政機關生產力, 俾以帶動國家整體發展。 本文共乙冊,計約十萬字,分為六章十六節。 第一章緒論。說明研究背景及研究架構。 第二章行政機關生產力的意義。經由生產力基本內涵的討論,闡述行政機關生產力的 定義,並提出一分析模式。 第三章指標建構。分由行政效率及行政效能兩重要變項,據以建構行政機關生產力指 標及適用上的檢討。 第四章衡量方法。敘述各種生產力衡量模式,並建議一套生產力指標的衡量方法。 第五章衡量實務。引述美國政府生產力衡量經驗,再以我國「科學園區管理局「個案 進行實證研究。 第六章結論。回顧與檢討,最後提出增進行政機關生產力的努力方向。


楊子建, Yang,Young Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖從Dervin提出的意義建構理論(sense-making theory)出發,瞭解報業組織企畫人員在面對不確定狀態下如何選擇資訊,彌補知識差距以完成其策略。 研究人員訪談四名企畫人員以瞭解其資訊尋求行為,結果發現影響報業組織企畫資訊尋求行為的外在情境因素包括:社會經濟、政府政策、文化創意產業、媒體多角化經營、公司資源與制度、以及合作廠商資源。報業組織企畫人員資訊尋求的過程包括:定義問題、選擇詢問對象、執行查詢、評估資訊、確認資訊等因素。此外,個人的知識經驗、社會智能、技術能力都是影響報業媒體企畫人員資訊尋求。 「新聞倫理」則是影響報業組織企畫人員蒐集資訊的特殊因素。 / The present research focuses on how professionals planners seeking information in media planning process.The sence-making theory were employed to observer the case. Four planner were interviewed in the study obtained the situation context conclusions:social economy、government policy、culture creativity industry、media multi-administration、corporate institute & resource and collaboration corporate resource. The information seeking process include: define meaning of question、choose inquire object、do inquire、assessment of information、certification unformation.Also,individual experience of knowledge、social intellectuality、skill ability could affect information seeking of press organization planner. 「News ethics」were specific fact affecting information seeking of press organization planner.

自我建構與主觀幸福感:自尊與相融和諧的角色 / Self-construals and Subjective Well-being: The Roles of Self-esteem and Fitting Harmony

簡晉龍 Unknown Date (has links)
人生在世,無不期望幸福,而目標的達成是一個人幸福的來源。從文化與自我相互建構的觀點,不同文化下的人擁有不同自我建構(獨立自我vs.相依自我),而追求不同的目標,因此其幸福感的來源基礎應當有所不同。過去的文獻都指出,華人社會是一個集體主義的社會(相對於北美的個人主義),華人的自我是一種相依式的自我;與他人的相融和諧應當是華人重要的幸福感來源。然而,筆者假設:在文化交流頻繁的情況下,當代華人應當同時具有兩種自我建構的特色,一方面,獨立自我可能透過整體自尊而獲得其幸福感,相依自我則以與他人的相融和諧為其幸福感來源。筆者也對自尊的概念作一初步的釐清,認為相融和諧也可以成為個人整體自尊來源,進而影響個人主觀幸福。筆者讓425位參與者接受自我建構(包括獨立自我與相依自我)、整體自尊、相融和諧、以及主觀幸福感(包括生活滿意、正向情緒、負向情緒)等量表的施測,結果發現:當代以台灣為代表的華人,確實兼有相依自我與獨立自我建構的特色,而徑路分析的結果也支持了前述的假設。本研究也發現:自我建構量表的因素分析結果,獨立自我的部分可以抽成兩個因素,一為自我表達,一為追求獨立;進行階層迴歸分析後,發現除了相依自我外,善於自我表達也是有助於與人相融和諧的因素。最後,筆者除了對本研究的反省與限制作一討論外,也提出一些未來可能的研究方向。 / Subjective well-being (SWB) or happiness, which is acquired from achieving one’s goals, is the ultimate motivator for all humans. The theory of self-construals states that people from different cultures have different self-construls (independent vs. interdependent), and pursue different cultural imperatives or everyday life tasks (goals). It has been pointed out that Chinese people have interdependent self-construl, which emphasizes fitting in and maintaining harmonious relationships with important others. However, the author hypothesized that the two views of the self might coexist in Chinese people in Taiwan in the face of the vast-scale cultural invasion from the West. The independent self was proposed to be the predictor of SWB, acting through the mediating variable of global self-esteem, whereas the interdependent self to be predictor of SWB, acting through the mediating variable of fitting-harmony (which means fitting in and maintaining harmonious relationships with important others). It was also hypothesized that fitting-harmony might be an important domain on which self-esteem is contingent; therefore, self-esteem is expected to mediate the effect on SWB for those higher in fitting-harmony. 425 participants completed the self-construl scale, self-esteem scale, fitting-harmony scale, and SWB scale. It was found that the two self-views coexist in Chinese people in Taiwan and the results of path analyses supported the hypotheses described above. Moreover, the result of exploratory factor analysis of self-construal scale showed that the items for independent self could be divided into two factors: self-expression and independence-pursuit. In addition to interdependent self, self-expression was also a significant predictor of fitting-harmony. The results, limitations, and future directions were discussed.


彭月茵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討研究生的希望信念、師徒功能、意義建構、學術熱情與情緒調節間的互動關係,以及這些變項對學術動機的影響。本研究以台灣地區公、私立研究所1028位研究生為研究對象,其中包含366位男性、662位女性。研究工具包括希望量表、師徒功能量表、意義建構量表、學術熱情量表、情緒調節量表與學術動機量表。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與潛在變項模式分析進行資料分析。研究發現陳述如下: 一、 以希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構為自變項、以學術熱情與情緒調節能力為中介變項、以學術動機為依變項所建構的路徑模式獲得支持。亦即學術熱情與情緒調節能力會直接影響學術動機;希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構能力則會透過學術熱情與情緒調節能力間接影響學術動機。 二、 參與研究生具有希望信念、知覺到良好的師徒功能、具備意義建構與情緒調節能力、擁有學術熱情與動機。 三、 男性研究生的學術動機高於女性研究生。 四、 已畢業之碩士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能與意義建構能力均優於全職碩士生。 五、 博士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能、意義建構能力、學術熱情、情緒調節能力與學術動機皆優於碩士生。 六、 教育學院研究生之希望信念與學術熱情皆高於工學院研究生。 最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the interactive relationships of graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, academic passion, and ability of emotion regulation, and further, how these variables might influence their academic motivation. The participants in this study were 1028 graduate students in Taiwan. Among the participants, 366 were males and 662 were females. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Academic Passion, the Inventory of Emotion Regulation, and the Inventory of Academic Motivation. The collected data was analyzed by one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The graduate students’ academic passion and ability of emotion regulation had direct effects on their academic motivation; moreover, the graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, and ability of meaning making had indirect effect on their academic motivation via academic passion and ability of emotion regulation. 2. The graduate students had an above-average level of belief in hope, academic passion, and academic motivation. Moreover, they perceived good mentoring function and had good ability of meaning making as well as emotion regulation. 3. Males had stronger academic motivation than females. 4. Graduated students had stronger belief in hope, perceived better mentoring function, and had better ability of meaning making than full-time students. 5. Doctoral students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, ability of emotion regulation, academic passion, and academic motivation were better than those of master students. 6. Graduate students in College of Education had stronger belief in hope and academic passion than those in College of Engineering. Finally, the researcher proposed a few suggestions for education and academic research.


許耿銘 Unknown Date (has links)
在目前相關文獻中,在全球治理架構下所制定的政策,必將對於各國內部相關政策造成影響。然而,這樣的聯想常被視為是理所當然,卻鮮有實證資料,證明一個國家的公共政策在全球治理的架構下,是否真正受到影響?在哪些面向會受到影響?這些面向實際受到影響的程度為何?需要藉由何種工具,來衡量國家政策受到全球治理影響的程度? 為了解答上述之問題,本文之研究目的可歸納為以下三點: 1.經由全球治理、全球治理與國家公共政策間關係等文獻探討建立全球治理影響國家公共政策之理論架構 2.藉由理論架構與政策德菲法建立全球治理影響國家公共政策之指標系統 3.透過指標系統實證檢驗京都議定書對於台灣公共政策之影響 本研究最後獲致三大重要成果。首先,建構出全球治理影響國家公共政策之「GG-NPP理論架構」;其次,經由政策德菲法的徵詢結果,彙整出適合用以衡量全球治理對於國家公共政策影響之指標系統,共可分為三大面向、六大變數以及十六項指標。再者,透過前述的指標系統,以京都議定書為個案檢證台灣現行因應之政策。透過數據的整理,發現我國在十六項指標項目中,有十項是呈現因應京都議定書的正向趨勢;但是其餘六項指標,由於受到如主權、國際現實環境等外在因素的侷限,或者是受制於政府自己內部的組織、人事、預算、府際關係等因素,故而全球治理並未對於國家公共政策的結果必然造成影響。 / In some relative literature, we can see the policy outcomes in the national governance level “could” be affected by those in the global level. But there is little practical evidence to affirm such cause and effect. How can we evaluate exactly such relation, dimension and degree? This paper will be grouped into third parts. First, I will review the literature of global governance, the relations between global governance and public policy. By doing so, the theory framework could be formulated. Second, I will select and construct the dimensions, variables and indicators that are related to the relations between global governance and public policy. And I will check and confirm the dimensions and indicators through the “Policy Delphi” method to build the indicator system completely. Third, I will evaluate the impacts of Kyoto Protocol on public policy in Taiwan. Finally, I got three important outcomes. First, I formed a “GG-NPP theory framework”. Second, I constructed an indicator system that can be formed to measure the relation between global governance and public policy by two round “Policy Delphi” process. There are three dimensions, six variables and sixteen indicators in this indicator system. Third, I examine the indicator system by the case of “Kyoto Protocol”. I checked the impacts of Kyoto Protocol on public policy in Taiwan and found some interesting outcomes. And I knew the impacts of Kyoto Protocol on public policy will be affected by some external and internal elements.

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