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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


許馨文, Hsu, Hsin-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探索被「常識化」、「瑣碎化」的一般人的聆聽感受與詮釋,以十二位大學生對歌曲〈菊花夜行軍〉的聆聽論述為分析對象,希望從他們所敘說的「個人真實」中,探究「聆聽者對自身聆聽經驗賦予意義的歷程」。本文具體的研究問題有二:首先,聆聽者如何與一首歌曲文本進行「互動」,將「非語意」的音樂聲響與聆聽感受賦予意義?這些意義是透過哪些敘說類型表達出來?其次,形塑聆聽意義的關鍵因素為何?這些因素如何發生作用? 研究結果發現,人們置身音樂聲響的環抱之初,感受到的是「渾沌」的情緒現身:一種「身處陌生的音樂聲響,意識不知該指向何方」的狀態。為了「領會/理解」自己所聽到的音樂文本「是什麼」,聆聽者朝向自身的「先前理解」尋求答案。在獲得「領會/理解」的歷程中,聆聽者以「分段呼應聲響線索」、「綜合聆聽感受為一意境」、「提出主觀評價」、「拼湊語意線索」、「參照已知歌詞做詮釋」等「意義建構模式」與文本進行互動,此時「先行具有」與「先行掌握」就像折射鏡,讓聆聽者看到當下自己所「先前見到」的聲響線索和語意線索,與自身過去的生命經驗有何牽連。同時間,聆聽感受也就在自身「先前理解」的映照下逐漸「語意化」、「邏輯化」,而獲得具體的意義。這些意義透過各種「意義建構類型」具體地轉化為言語,而以「聯想故事/意象/意境」、「共感性格」、「形式樣態」、「主觀評價」等「譬喻校正」的語彙,以及「提出形式術語」、「搜尋語意線索」、「參照歌詞詮釋」等相對明確的敘說方式給出。 簡言之,「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」就像是「究竟」與「認識」的歷程,在此之中,聆聽意義在辨證與給出的過程中與原初的「渾沌情緒」逐漸脫鈎。然而,儘管「音樂聆聽經驗的意義建構」不能充分表達聆聽者當下的體會,但這不表示聆聽者所敘說、分享的故事與感覺不夠「原真」而沒有價值;相反地,聆聽者以自身的意識與生命經驗與文本彼此呼應,從而給作品多采多姿的意義,不但豐富了音樂的價值,更讓聆聽者藉此了解到作品與自身的關係,並且從意義的映照當中,看見自己某個當下的處境、價值與慾求。 / The purpose of this thesis is to explore people’s listening experience, and to establish an interpretative grounded theory about the process of personal musical meaning construction, which is usually thought to be trivial. Several research questions are to be answered under the research purpose above: First, how do listeners interact with a piece of music and locate certain personal meanings in minds for the originally non-semantic acoustic sounds? Second, in which ways are these personal meanings given by oral narrations? Third, what’s the crucial factor affecting listeners’ idea about their feelings? How does the factor influence the process of meaning construction? To answer these questions, the researcher interviewed 12 college students, asking them to talk about their personal views toward one musical text: Labor Exchange Band’s song titled “The Night March of the Chrysanthemums” before and after reading the lyrics. The collective narratives indicate that interviewees felt an ineffable “chaos” state, in which they tried to position their consciousness, once embraced in the sonorous envelop of the musical text. To understand what and why some feelings were aroused in their mind, interviewees searched for the “pre-understanding” themselves, and then the “pre-possession” and the “pre-grasp” in their personal life experience let them make sense of certain “musical attributes” in the musical text, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, timber, language, linguistic meaning. Moreover, the interaction between these musical attributes and listeners’ pre-understanding invented some acoustic or semantic clues, and then produced vivid meanings for the previous chaos listening experience. On the other hand, the personal musical meanings were given in three ways: First, the interviewees expressed their feelings by “metaphorical correction”, which consists of the following four kinds of narrative form: “Associated story, image, or one abstract artistic conception”, “synesthesia character”, “formal condition” and “subjective judgment”. Second, they identified what they had heard by “formal jargons”, which are taken by generally musicological common consensus. Third, they elaborated their musical meanings by “semantic clues” identified by cultural system they aware of, as well as the lyric content they had just caught. In sum, the process of musical meaning construction is like a journey of making sense what the listener has heard within personal psychological history. In the process, the fluid meaning interpreted by the listener might be different from the primitive moved arousal. However, it doesn’t indicate that the reflective discourses are not “authentic” enough or too trivial. On the contrary, the idiosyncratic narratives from private life experience not only bestow diverse values on the musical text, but also represent the relationship between the listener and the music, mirroring the interpreter’s condition, value and desire at a particular moment.

研究機構檢測與驗證服務的成長與核心能力建構之研究 / Growth and Core Competency-building in Testing and Certification Services of Research Institutes

周國村, Jou, Gwo Tsuen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球紡織品區域經濟與貿易障礙的崛起,研究機構檢測與驗證服務似乎已創造另一片新興市場,儼然成為另一股與國際知名商品檢驗公司如ITS, SGS, TUV等相互抗衡、分食全球檢測與驗證市場的勢力。研究機構的成立當初幾乎都是配合政府政策推動而投入策略性資源,運用高級研究人員,以執行相關計畫。惟隨著策略性計畫的結束,政府預算的刪減,研究機構不再繼續獲得政府經費的支援,必須藉由過去累積的核心資源與相關研究成果轉化為自主營運業務來源。尤其在檢測與驗證服務方面,研究機構基於所累積的能量,積極爭取認證授權成為區域經濟或政府單位指定的檢驗機構,如歐盟環保標章Oeko-tex 100與個人防護裝備(PPE) CE驗證。本研究旨在探討幾個研究機構轉型的案例,分析英國、法國、德國、日本聞名國際的紡織研究機構檢測與驗證服務資源與核心能力建置過程、成長策略與海外據點佈局,期盼這些機構的發展的經驗能夠作為我國財團法人研究機構紡織產業綜合研究所(簡稱紡織所)及亞太地區類似研究機構學習的典範。 本研究以文獻探討及個案研究方式進行。資源基礎建置主要依據Barney (1991)、Grant (1991)、 Peteraf (1993) 及Collis & Montgomery (1997)對於資源的論述,來分析個案研究機構如何建立其有形與無形資產,以及獨特專屬的核心能力;成長策略主要是依據Daniels (1983)之成長向量分析法,採取九種不同的策略與選擇,來分析四家國際個案研究機構與紡織所成長軌跡與策略。 四個個案檢測與驗證服務的共通特色與差異性進一步加以整理比較,成長軌跡與策略也嘗試一起作比較。此外,本研究並歸納整理研究機構的關鍵成功因素及營運績效衡量指標。經過以上研究機構分析與整體比較,本研究獲得結論如下: (一) 研究機構檢測驗證服務關鍵成功因素: 1. 公信力與知名度 2. 核心能力與關鍵技術的建立 3. 研發創新能力 4. 高階主管的經營能力與企圖心 5. 海外據點佈局程度 (二) 研究機構必須維持一定比例的研究計畫,以持續創新與研發能力。 (三) 研究機構的人才培訓是營運收入重要來源之一,研究機構具有一定程度的理論與實務應用,具有高學歷人才與豐富實務經驗,因此對於業界的實務應用幫助頗大,且提供訓練課程可維持固定收入。 (四) 研究機構必須具有高度檢測設備開發能力與主導國際規範制訂能力。 (五) 研究機構主管具有身兼研發與自主業務經營管理雙重功能角色。 (六) 國內穩定成熟檢測與驗證技術應開拓海外市場以創造剩餘價值。 (七) 研究機構必須開創自願性品質標籤或標章為目標。 研究機構檢測與驗證服務營運績效衡量指標主要有下列五項: (一) 營運收入中來自政府與業界比率。 (二) 單位人均產值。 (三) 國內與海外分部據點多寡。 (四) 主導國際標準項目。 (五) 自創品質標籤項目與推廣地區。


蔡育岱 Unknown Date (has links)
人類安全自其概念提出以來至今已逾十年,始終沒有獲得安全研究領域的重視。冷戰結束後,雖有非傳統安全在研究上對傳統安全侷限於軍事問題的缺漏進行修補,但依舊忽略「個人」對於安全研究的價值。本文認為,目前既有的安全研究已不能迎合全球化時代國際關係的發展趨勢,而把「個人」排除在安全研究的討論之外或是予以邊緣化,則為一種理解上的疏失。實際上,無論傳統安全所強調的軍事領域,或是非傳統安全所關注的貧窮、發展、疾病等問題,其核心與基礎的安全價值均構築在每一個「個人」身上,這歸因於安全概念就像一道不可分割的光譜,儘管歸結出許多不同面向,但當其中一個安全面向受到影響時,其他面向也會受到波及;互賴現象不只適用於經濟關係,也同樣適用安全領域。對此,本研究論證了何以人類安全具備在判斷安全是否落實、因應全球化的國際局勢,以及回應「內部」威脅來源等三方面的優勢,用以彰顯安全研究宜從「國家」到「個人」之必要性。 此外,本文建議以建構主義來詮釋人類安全,認為人類安全的形塑過程,就是一種建構主義的觀點。儘管國際關係中的建構主義目前在安全所涉及的範疇,只著力於安全社群或安全文化論點,但建構主義是探索人類意識與國家認同與利益的形成,如果透過建構主義來解釋國際社會現象,尤其是人類安全,那將使人類安全觀點更趨意義,爰本論文在釐清人類安全概念與回顧建構主義理論基礎後,同時說明了建構主義與人類安全的關連,並勾勒起兩者間之對話。 / Even though the concept of Human Security first emerged more than a decade ago, it never gained much attention in the field of security study. In the post-Cold War era, non-traditional security study somehow rectifies the defect of traditional security study, which focuses simply on military affairs, but it is not comprehensive enough to understand the crucial role which ‘People’ play in security study. From authors’ view, the present comprehension of security study can no longer catch up with the main development trend of international relations in the age of globalization. To exclude ‘People’ from discussing or to marginalize it is a definite miscalculation of what ‘security’ really is. Either traditional security, which pays mainly attention to territorial matters, or non-traditional security, which cares more about poverty, development, disease and so on, its core and essential value of security is no doubt based on ‘People’. Actually, the concept of security is a spectrum which cannot be divided; also, the spectrum has considerable inter links and overlaps. An effect to one dimension of security is likely to travel to all forms of security. The phenomenon of interdependency on economic dimension is also relevant to security studies. This article demonstrates that the study of human security can help resolve threats from both internal and external forces, respond to the challenges of globalization, and achieve true security. It manifests the necessity of the study of security from focusing on “state” to the “people”. Besides, the main purpose of this article is exploring human security by constructivism. The emergence of human security also can be seen as a view of constructivism. This article argues that although the orthodox of security study on constructivism focus on security community or security culture, the constructivism also explores the issues of human consciousness and national identity and interest formation. Hence, the contents of human security will be more meaningful if through applying constructivism to explaining phenomena of international society. In the light of this analysis, three specific issues will be examined: the emergence of the concept of human security, review of the theory of constructivism, and enabling a dialogic interaction between constructivism and human security.

與他人一起扮演「他人」:角色扮演活動的建構 / Playing as “Other” with Others : the Construction of Cosplay Activities

馬士傑, Ma Jason Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的可分為三個部分。第一,研究者在此論文中,深刻討論了角色扮演活動(cosplay)在台灣的現況與未來發展趨勢;第二,為進一步探究角色扮演活動在台灣的本土性,本研究將台灣角色扮演活動與發源地日本的角色扮演活動在活動特質上作出比較;第三,本研究以符號互動論與高夫曼的劇場論為主要切入觀點,研究台灣角色扮演活動如何透過人與人之間的互動被建構而成。 本研究採用質性研究方法,主要以參與觀察法與深度訪談法,並透過實地與網路進行了約一年的田野研究。研究者根據田野資料,整理出以下的研究發現: (一)在互動建構出角色扮演活動這方面,本研究分別從事前準備階段與實際活動階段來考察。在事前準備階段,角色扮演者(coser)與製作服裝道具的店家(或工作室),兩者之間在互動方式上出現了世代的差異;從早期的集體行動轉變為現今之個人行動。此外,本研究討論了角色扮演服裝製作面臨的趨勢:專業化、商品化與國際化。實際活動部份,研究者則區分了會場活動、私拍活動與其他活動,三者各有其不同的互動模式。 (二)與日本經驗相比,本研究發現台灣的角色扮演活動有兩個獨特之處。第一是台灣缺乏嚴謹的規範,第二則是台灣在霹靂布袋戲的部分有著大型的商業組織在幕後主導,甚至影響了角色扮演活動的實質內容,而在日本則無此現象。 (三)從符號互動論來觀察角色扮演活動時可發現,角色扮演活動中各個行動者的互動,共同建構了角色扮演活動。它不像小時候的扮家家酒遊戲,將未經世事的小孩進行社會化。而是角色扮演者脫離了日常生活的規範,去社會化之後,重新於角色扮演的場域進行的「再社會化」。從高夫曼的劇場論來看,角色扮演活動是一個劇班整體通力合作所建構出來的表演,在事前準備階段,劇班的幕後人員與角色扮演者一起建構出適合角色扮演者扮演的前台區域。在實際活動階段,則是由角色扮演者、馬內、攝影師與觀眾等人共同建構出前台的表演。 關鍵字:cosplay、coser、角色扮演、互動、建構、行動者、劇班 / The purpose of this study is threefold. First, it examines the current phenomenon of cosplay activities in Taiwan and discusses its future development. Second, the study compares the cosplay activities in Taiwan with those in Japan, where this cultural phenomenon was originated. Third, this thesis uses symbolic intercationism and Goffman’s theory of drama and theater as the main theoretical point of view, to explore how cosplay activities in Taiwan are constructed by different agents’interaction. The study utilizes qualitative research methods(including participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques)to conduct field study about a year. Based on the analysis of the field data, some major findings are stated as follows: The thesis analyzes the construction of cosplay activities and divides the process into two parts: the preparing stage and the real-show stage. In the preparing stage, the cosers interact with those costume makers, and such interactions differ among different grenerations. While the early generation of cosers prefers to act in groups, the cosers from the new generation tends to act in solo. Furthermore, the researcher discusses three tendencies that costume making is facing: specialization, commercialization and internationalization. In the real-show stage, the thesis finds three types of cosplay activities: the exhibition activity, the photography activity and the third which is categorized as “other”. These three activities have different characteristics and different interactions. The researcher finds two unique characteristics existing in cosplay activities in Taiwan whild comparing with those in Japan. First, cosplay activities in Taiwan have loose regulations. Second, there is a large commercial organization which plays a very important role in PI-LI Chinese puppet show cosplay activities in Taiwan. This organization not only affects the contents of cosplay activities but also controls the resources in PI-LI Chinese puppet show cosplay activities. From the perspective of symbolic interactionism, the thesis claims that all agents involved in cosplay activites co-construct the cosplay activities. Unlike the playing house in childhood, cosplay activities are not a socialization activity which aims at teaching the rule of daily life. Instead, cosers escape from regulations of daily life and re-socialize in the cosplay field. From the perspective of Goffman’s theory, cosplay activity is a performance orchestrated by a team. In the preparing stage, all the backstage agents cooperate to set up a front stage area. In the real-show stage, there are managers, cosers, photographers and audiences co-construct the performance at the front stage. Keyword: cosplay, coser, costume play, interaction, construction, agents, team

電子民主與政府APP─評估指標建構初探 / Electronic Democracy and Government Mobile Application (APP) ─ An Exploratory Study of Indicator Construction

呂孟芩 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路與資通訊科技的高度發展,企業打造多元的APP改變經營模式,同時政府機關為了提升政府運作效能與國家競爭力,亦設置了多元的行動化服務。新服務模式跨越了傳統時間與空間上的限制,對於傳統的代議政治體系中提供了更符合公民直接參與的機會。近年來,電子化政府的發展更被廣泛地賦予民主意涵,電子民主成為公民參與與政府治理之新溝通模式。 本研究透過電子公民參與相關研究文獻之彙整,盤點及歸類現行中央與地方政府所提供的APP服務與電子公民參與之間的關係。再者,根據分類的結果,針對擁有電子化決策參與精神的APP服務建構評估指標,本研究挑選臺北市長信箱以及阿倫Online作為參照個案,同時彙整網站服務品質指標、國內外電子化政府評估研究、政府服務滿意度評估研究、電子商務滿意度研究、首長信箱滿意度評估架構,以及結合網路資源等六類文獻,提出政府APP評估構面與操作化指標,並透過兩回合的結構式問卷訪談修改指標架構及內容。 本研究經結構式問卷訪談進行資料收集後,將政府APP評估構面與操作化指標區分為兩大主構面:系統品質以及公民參與與服務品質。前者,進一步細分出(1)視覺設計、(2)易用性、(3)安全及隱私等三大次構面,其中,視覺設計共有九項指標,如:APP名稱清楚明確,並能凸顯其具備陳情抱怨的特質、APP簡單整潔;易用性共有十九項指標,如:APP在點選後3秒內,能執行完畢、APP的功能簡單、便利;安全及隱私共有四項指標,如:APP所需的資訊與權限可以被接受、APP所需的個人資料項目可以被接受。 後者,細分出(1)互動及回覆內容品質、(2)有用性、(3)反應性、(4)效能感等四大次構面。其中,互動及回覆內容品質共有四項指標,如:主管單位回覆的資訊是充足的、主管單位的回覆是正確的;有用性共有三項指標,如:相較於臨櫃服務、1999與網頁版首長信箱,APP能更快速解決我陳情抱怨的問題、無須再透過其他系統或平台申辦帳號密碼,便可完成陳情抱怨程序;反應性共有六項指標,如:透過APP,政府機關能快速地接收到我的陳情、主管單位的回覆語氣與方式親切有禮;效能感共有三項指標,如:陳情通知或回覆的內容,讓我覺得主管單位了解我的困難及問題癥結、我認為主管單位的通知或回覆內容係針對我的需求與問題提供服務。總計有二大主構面、七大次構面,以及四十七項指標。同時依據每項指標對於APP意義程度上的差異,將指標區分為基本指標(must have)以及進階指標(good to have)兩種層次。 期望本研究建構的指標架構,除了可做為未來政府機關開發電子化決策參與APP的參考依據外,同時有助於主管機關改善及永續現行APP之經營與發展,並且強化APP的安全機制,邁向資訊開放及運用。後續研究可深入探討無障礙與安全性指標內容設計,待部分指標進一步操作化後,可運用德菲法讓指標項目具一致性,並採用AHP搭配深度訪談擬定指標權重,最終以大量發放問卷了解指標合適度以及了解APP的發展現況。 / The expansion of the Internet and the fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs) have changed service deliveries of enterprises and government organizations. Many enterprises change the service model with creating a variety of APPs. Government organizations, meanwhile, provide multiple mobile services in order to maximize the competitive advantage of nations. A novel service model breaks restrictions on time and space, providing the opportunity of direct democracy for the public. Lately, the development of electronic government is entitled to extensive democracy, and electronic government becomes a new communication model. In order to realize the meaning of e-democracy and the development of governments’ online services, this research reviews the literature of electronic democracy. The author use three dimensions, including ‘electronic information’, ‘electronic service and consultation’, and ‘electronic decision making and participation’, to categorize APPs created by central and local governments. Base on the previous findings, this research selects electronic decision making and participation of APPs to construct indicators. The author reviews six types of literatures, including web service quality indicators, electronic government assessment, governmental service quality research, electronic commerce satisfaction, mayor's email-box satisfaction, and Internet resources to establish indicators of governments’ APPs. The framework and contents of indicators are revised by implementing two rounds in-depth interviews with the questionnaire. According to empirical data, this research separate indicators into two dimensions, including System Quality and Citizen Participation & Service Quality. The System Quality has three sub-dimensions, including Visual Design, Ease of Use, and Security & Privacy. Visual Design has nine indicators, such as the accuracy of APPs’ title, the simplicity of APP, etc. Ease of Use has nineteen indicators, such as the response time less than three seconds, the simplicity of APPs’ functions, etc. Security & Privacy has four indicators, such as the authority of being acceptable, proper personal informations, etc. The Citizen Participation & Service Quality has four sub-dimensions, including the Contents’ Quality of Interactions, Usability, Responsiveness, and Efficacy. The Contents’ Quality of Interactions has four indicators, such as the sufficiency of governments’ reply, the accuracy of governments’ reply, etc. Usability has three indicators, such as relative to APPs’ deal of speed than counters, 1999, and the mayor's email-boxes, applying for accounts directly in APP, etc. Responsiveness has six indicators, such as immediately response, courteous reply, etc. Efficacy has three indicators, such as understanding of the petition, customize services, etc. To sum up, indicators of government APPs have two dimensiosns, seven sub-dimensiosns and forty eight indicators. Base on those indicators, and this research further categorizes them into ‘must have’ and ‘good to have’. This framework of indicators is expected not only becoming the reference for government organizations creating APPs in the future but also improving service quality of APPs nowadays. Moreover, it is important that having to strengthen APP’s security and privacy, then governments could open data from citizen complaints and use them to create new value. Future research could explore the disability and security aspects of indicators. Moreover, future research could consider operationalize a part of indicators, and then adopt Delphi and AHP to measure robustly the consistency and weighting of indicators. Finally, the author expects the follow-up studies could conduct questionnaires to realize the fitness for indicators and condition of APP’s development.

身分認同、觀感和社會融合: 以西班牙穆斯林移民為例 / Identity, Perception and Integration: A Case Of Muslim Immigrants in Spain

馬馨怡, Ma, Shing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
現今科技的進步和全球化,人們能更容易且迅速地遷移到不同的地方。移民遷移國外不難,但要適應居住國不同的文化、種族、宗教、歷史背景和社會融合就因人而異。身分認同是社會融合中重要的因素,而社會融合的困難與挑戰則可以從歐洲公民的態度、穆斯林移民的自我身分認同、對於移民的觀感和刻板印象中觀察出。 論文藉由和西班牙穆斯林移民的實地訪談,試圖了解這些移民在社會融合的過程以及挑戰。許多學者認為穆斯林移民在社會的代表性較差,以及其認同常常遭受許多歧視和誤解。其他學者並不認為西班牙移民威脅到國家認同,因為移民在社會中缺乏能見度。 然而,近年來歐洲經濟危機和恐怖攻擊事件導致當地公民對於穆斯林移民的態度有所改變。當穆斯林移民面臨在異鄉的適應和社會融合的困難中,他們或許會選擇從當地社會中分離並組成自我的社會群體,或選擇融入當地社會而失去自己的身分認同。如果穆斯林移民能夠被當地社群和政府接受,或許會更容易融入社會。 關鍵字: 身分認同、社會融合、建構主義、穆斯林移民、社會觀感。 / It is easier and faster for people to move to different places nowadays with the advanced development of technology and globalization. Although it is easy to move to foreign countries, it is difficult for immigrants to adapt and integrate into a society with distinct cultures, ethnicities, religious and historical background. Identity can be seen as an important factor during the process of integration. From the attitudes of European citizens, self-identification of Muslim immigrants, perceptions and stereotypes imposed toward the immigrants, the difficulties and challenges of integration into the society can easily be observed. The researcher propose to conduct interviews with Muslim immigrants living in Spain to see their perspectives of the process of integration and the challenges they faced. Many scholars believed that the Muslim immigrants were not represented in the society and often face many discriminations and misunderstandings due to their identity. For other scholars, immigration in Spain is not perceived to be a threat to national identity because of the lack of visibility of immigrants. However, with recent event of terrorist attacks and the economic crisis, the attitudes of local citizens are becoming less tolerant toward Muslim immigrants. When Muslim immigrants face difficulties of adaptation and integration into the foreign society, they would become segregated and form their own social group; or they would assimilate into the foreign country and lose their identity. If Muslim immigrants are accepted and welcomed by local communities and the government, they would be able to create a new identity and integrate into the society better. Key words: Identity, integration, constructivism, Muslim immigrants, perception

PC品牌商生態系統建構策略 / The strategy for developing PC brand vendors' eco-system

侯永煇, Hou, Yung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
傳統 PC市場在歷經高速成長後,已逐漸歷經高原期而邁入衰退期。面對這個連上下游都競爭十分激烈的環境,所有PC品牌商都面臨生存保衛戰,只是基於各自不同的競爭力而往不同的方向調整。個案公司透過觀察上游作業平台所建構之生態系統找出一個有別於傳統價值鏈垂直上下游整合的零和方法。經由盤點自身的核心能力,配合外部策略機會,找出了有別於其他PC品牌商的策略定位。透過建立平台,架構有利於自己的生態系統,再透過併購,策略投資,策略聯盟,合組合資公司的方法將擁有關鍵核心能力的廠商整合進這個生態系統,強化生態系統的競爭力。在以此吸引更多具有關鍵核心能力的廠商加入,壯大生態系統,產生正向循環。透過打群架的方法與其他生態系統合作或對抗。如此將可協助企業快速獲得轉型所需要培養的人才與能力,爭取時間度過轉型期,邁向新的事業高峰。

小學生數學運算錯誤類型之研究 / The study of error patterns in elementary school mathematics

黃偉鵑, Hwang, Wei Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討小學生在數學基本運算的歷程中,所產生的錯誤類型,由文獻中尋找出特定的錯誤類型加以驗證,並利用與受試晤談的方式來了解兒童的思考歷程,試圖找出這些錯誤類型發生的原因,同時探討不同性別在這些錯誤類型上是否有差異存在。   本研究以國小二、三及四年級的學生為取樣對象,有效樣本為1782人(男926,女856人)。研究工具為自編之「加法運算能力測驗」、「減法運算能力測驗」、「乘法運算能力測驗」及「除法運算能力測驗」:資料分析則以信度考驗、次數分配、皮爾遜積差相關及單因子多變量變異數分析來進行。   本研究的主要結果如下:   (一)在加法的基本運算中,學生最常犯的錯誤為「相加時未加上進位數」,但此類型錯誤多為隨機產生的。在與學生晤談過程中,即可發現是因學生對進位概念不夠深刻而導致不小心犯錯。比較具有系統性規則可循的錯誤類型為「個位數未進位至十位」及「不對稱相加」二種,這二種錯誤的產生與學生誤用對齊相加的概念有關。這四種錯誤類型彼此之間具有顯著的正相關存在。   (二)在減法的基本運算中,最明顯也具有系統性的錯誤類型為「大數減小數」及「0減任何數為0」,這二種類型錯誤可能原因與兒童自行建構錯誤算則及對0的概念不清楚有關,由學生的晤談中可加以佐證;其他的類型(由左而右運算及未退位相減)的系統性偏低,是屬於隨機性發生的,這四種錯誤類型之間具有顯著的正相關存在。   (三)在乘法的基本運算中,「進位數直接與十位相乘」、「個位數直接相乘,十位往左乘」及「未乘十位數」等三個錯誤類型具有系統性規則可循,而且這三種錯誤的產生與進位數位置干擾有關;其餘二個類型錯誤(進位數重複相加及未加進位數)則屬於隨機發生的錯誤,此五類型之間亦具有顯著正相關存在。   (四)在除法運算中「商數未補0」及「商數多加0」二種錯誤類型是系統性較強的錯誤,這二種錯誤與學生的位值概念不清楚有關;而「單獨相除」及「倒置商數」二個類型錯誤則多為隨機性產生的,此四種類型間具有顯著正相關存在。   根據研究結果加以討論,並提出若干建議,以供教學輔導之參考。

媒介對不同政策性議題建構的理論初探-以「彰濱工業區開發」和「黑名單開放」為例 / The research of the media agenda building--how to build the policy agenda

蘇湘琦, Su, Hsiang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討媒介對不同政策性議題建構的理論初探,研究問題為:1)議題在媒介體系間的傳散方式為何?2)媒介如何處理這些議題?本研究的議題分別是「彰濱工業區開發」與「黑名單開放」。   在研究方法上採內容分析法,以中央日報、聯合報、中國時報、自立晚報及民眾日報五家報紙的相關報導為對象。而研究時間分別是「彰濱工業區開發」為民國76.1.1起至81.12.31止,「黑名單開放」為民國76.7.16起至81.12.31止。共得2165個樣本,前者有165則,後者有2000則。   研究結果為:   1. 官方議題(彰濱工業區開發)由建制媒介流向另類媒介,公眾議題(黑名單開放)由另類媒介流向建制媒介。   2. 不同類型媒介對不同議題有不同的側重面向。   3. 不同類型媒介對不同議題的報導態度並沒有明顯的正面或負面評價。   最後本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並說明本研究的貢獻,以及研究的限制與建議。

馬來西亞中學歷史教育中的國族建構 / Nation-building in History Education of Malaysia’s Secondary Schools

王麗蘭, Wong, Lee Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨是以內容分析法探討馬來西亞自獨立以來至今(1957-2009)的國民中學歷史教科書中的國族建構歷程,並輔以深度訪談法與參與式觀察法來進一步探究馬來西亞歷史教科書的演變。 本研究發現是從歷史教育中發現馬來西亞的國族建構是由掌握政權的馬來人之根本賦與的情感,轉化為對馬來西亞這個國家政體(state)的認同。而馬來西亞歷史教育中的對「國族想像」的建構中,是以具族群屬性的「馬來人和馬六甲王朝」、政治範疇中的執政黨即「國陣政府和巫統」、宗教範疇中的「伊斯蘭教」為主要內涵,其「國族」的邊界與「族群」的邊界的劃分實際上並無二異。在這樣的歷史教育的國族建構歷程中,被排除在「國族邊界」之外的,其實是那些馬來半島和東馬地區的原住民、在境內為少數民族的華人和印度人、在政治發展過程中「無聲」的在野黨以及更多非伊斯蘭的議題。 從馬來西亞的歷史教育研究中,發現馬來西亞政府對「國族國家」(Nation-state)的建構存有迷思,統治者仍然有著期待將多元民族的社會形成「一個民族一個文化一個國家」的觀念。

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