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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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十五萬人的BBS是如何煉成的:批踢踢實業坊技術演變歷程之研究(1995-2008) / How is 150000 users' BBS possible:the study of PTT 's technological change

李紹良, Li, Shao Liang Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,電子布告欄系統(Bulletin Board System,BBS)並非像美國一樣隨時間被淘汰,人數不減反增地逆勢成長,且具社會影響力。何以一項現今看來技術「落後」的純文字介面系統,仍能在台灣如此風行?何以批踢踢後來人數會成長一百五十倍,成為全國,乃至於全世界最大的BBS?造就這樣一個容納十五萬人同時在線的BBS的技術與社會條件為何?本研究採用科技的社會建構論(The social construction of Technology,SCOT)作為理論架構,透過台灣BBS發展反省既有的STS與資訊研究,並延伸與修正SCOT的理論架構。 BBS在台灣的發展是一條有別於歐美資訊發展的在地技術創新路徑。紮根於校園的BBS是台灣獨有的技術創新成就。校園一方面作為一個重要的招募及再生產機制,促使Internet BBS能在1990年代中後期快速擴張;另方面校園也成為了不同社會團體權力接合的節點(教育部-校方-站方-使用者)。 BBS站台興盛的必要條件在於是否具有較高的自主性。在有較高的自主性的前提下,「使用者─工程師」(User-Programmer)、「使用者─管理者」(User-Manager)才能為BBS帶來技術創新的可能。換言之,在較不受制於校方規制與市場左右的情況下,BBS社群才得以蓬勃發展。批踢踢經營團隊的動力源自他們同時具備重度使用者的身分;在權限上是高人一等的使用者,可依自身需求參與、實驗、改造自身涉入甚深的社群。這些活動不是迫於生計或懾於威勢,而是有別於日常生活的自發性活動,因而產生遊戲(play)的樂趣。對作為重度使用者的經營團隊來說,BBS作為一種集體記憶的載具,它是個人重要的情感連結並建構了自我認同。BBS人數的提升牽涉到的是經濟面、技術面乃至於社會面的整合。 2005年之後的批踢踢,因頻繁的網路起鬨(internet mobbing)與大眾媒體開始緊密連結,吸引更多使用者加入,同時也提升批踢踢的影響力。與新聞媒體形成的正反饋迴圈開啟了多起批踢踢爭議事件,批踢踢的所有權也成為各方社會團體相互協商(negotiation)的對象。最後所有權爭論終結(closure)在2006至2007發生的「批踢踢出走學網」事件;經此事件後,批踢踢就成為一個人數停滯(同時上線人數停在十五萬人),名義上所有權歸給台灣大學資訊系系方,狀態相對穩定的技術物。 / In Taiwan, Bulletin Board System (BBS) hasn’t been eliminated as that in the US. On the contrary, the number of BBS users is increasing aggressively, BBS users in Taiwan are gaining socail influence as well. Why does a text-based interface, a system appearing so “laggard” in today’s technology, still attract considerable Internet users and become popular in Taiwan? How does PTT(the most popular platform in Taiwan) bloom and even multiply 150 times, becoming the largest BBS nationwide or even worldwide? What are the social and technical conditions to create this magnificent BBS station for 150 thousand users on-line at the same time? This study adopts SCOT(The social construction of Technology,SCOT)as its theoretical framework, reflecting STS and iCT-study, through the development of BBS in Taiwan and trying to extend and modify the theoretical framework of SCOT. The development of BBS in Taiwan, with its local innovative technological conditions, is quitely different from that in the Western countries. On the other hand, with its crucial recruiting and reproduction mechanism based on the campus, BBS bloomed in the late 1990s. On the other hand, campus renders a connection between the power of different social groups. Relatively –high autonomy pushes through BBS’s propertiy. Under higher autonomy condition, user-programmer or user-manager model may bring in technology innovation. In other words, BBS community becomes flourishing on account of fewer restrictions from the authorities. And the managing staff in PPT, because of owning top administrative rights, can get deeply involved, experiment, and modify this social group with innovations. They have done this not for living or oppressed by the authorities, but for fun. To these core managing staff, BBS renders a vehicle, of collective emotional memory, and self-indentification. The growing number of BBS users shows the integrity of economy, technology, and society. PPT after the year 2005, because of frequent internet mobbing along with mass media, has attracted more users to join its social website and gave rise to its influence as well. People start to care about its ownership. And the closure of this issue came to an end in the event of PPT pupils exile; after that, the number of PPT users has suspended (15 thousand users at top.) Now, the ownership belongs the the Department of Information Technology and Ptt becomes a relatively stable artifact in the long run.

FMCG產業品牌建構成功關鍵因素探討 -以A居家生活用品廠商為例 / Successful Factor of Brand Construction for FMCG Industry

鄧弼文 Unknown Date (has links)
FMCG快速移動消費性產品泛指商品使用週期較短、產品消費速度較快、消費者需要不斷重複購買的產品,由於消費者對此種產品的涉入程度低、認知品牌間產品特性差異不大,為了提高市佔率,企業常會以品牌價值創造做為行銷要點,因此,本研究主要依據邱志聖教授所提出的「4C策略行銷分析架構」,就FMCG買方面對品牌廠商所投入的行銷組合的價值評估,與賣方在交易過程獲得品牌權益累積的作法,以雙方所投入的四種成本:外顯單位效益成本 (C1)、資訊搜尋成本(C2)、道德危機成本(C3) 以及專屬陷入成本(C4) ,找出品牌發展與建構的成功關鍵因素。 採用居家領導品牌案例並針對產品生命週期的產品導入期、成長期等品牌建構、發展時期進行成功因素分析,發現: 1.就產品導入、品牌建構期: 品牌建構的基礎是商品,品牌廠商必須確保消費者獲得與品牌承諾一致的C1商品品質與效益,產品的開發策略也必須聚焦於產品本身的關鍵技術或者利基開發滿足各種消費者需求,且能不斷提升與累積其使用產品總效益的產品組合延伸,再透過有效的C2投資,建議採用中央路徑直接溝通品牌的商品獨特利益,並採用整合性的行銷傳播媒體傳遞一致的商品訊息與品牌形象,建立一致清楚的品牌內涵並系統性的累積品牌資產。品牌建構的過程必須在商品上市前即對於可能的C3成本建立有效的管控做法與危機處理機制,而持續透過與買者C1效益連結為品牌商品的專屬資產,透過C2活動建立的品牌印象累積品牌專屬資產C4,建立品牌忠誠。 2.就產品成長、品牌發展期: 維持品牌商品的穩定產品品質與運用關鍵技術進入新區隔市場或者產品線延伸都是持續降低消費者外顯單位效益成本C1的有效做法,再透過活用不同的溝通通路與新興科技整合傳遞一致的定位與商品、品牌訊息,降低消費者C2並持續累積品牌C1效益訊息傳遞進而建立品牌的專屬資產C4。品牌發展階段C3的管理控制作業甚或危機處理致關重要,所提及穩定的C1產品品質、透過C2建立C4品牌信任感、面對品牌競爭的C2回應操作都是控制或降低道德危機成本C3的關鍵因素。自品牌建構期到發展期必須定義清楚與系統性的累積消費者對於該品牌的技術方案產品效益、品牌印象偏好等品牌的專屬陷入成本C4,持續的追蹤與運用C4創造更深厚的品牌資產,產生態度與行為的忠誠,促使品牌永續的發展。

中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標建構之研究 / A Study on the Indicators Construction of Inservice Professional Development Course for School Principals

張綺文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為建構中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標,提供校長專業發展支持機構、教育行政機關作為校長在職增能與專業發展相關課程與政策制定之參考。研究方法部分,經由文獻探討分析初擬中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標,邀請13位相關領域專家學者以及資深經歷之中小學校長針對指標進行適切性評估與指標修訂,而後以概念構圖法進行指標分群與重要性評定,得出上位概念之指標構面及權重,建構中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標系統,依據研究結果與分析歸納結論與建議如下。 結論: (一)本研究建構之中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標系統共計五構面22項指標,構面分別為:「一、課程教學與學生學習」構面含5項指標、「二、領導知能與溝通決策」構面含4項指標、「三、資源運用與空間規劃」構面含5項指標、「四、行政實務與知識管理」構面含4項指標、「五、學校行銷與品牌形塑」構面含4項指標。 (二)「領導知能與溝通決策」構面為最重要之中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標構面。 (三)學生適性學習及危機管理為最重要之中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標。 (四)中小學校長在職專業課程指標於不同對象之重要性有其差異,學者專家認為「學生適性發展」及「危機管理與實務」兩項最為重要;資深經歷中小學校長則認為「學生適性發展」、「學校領導知能與實務」及「辦學理念與校務發展規劃」最為重要。 建議: (一) 中小學校長在職增能宜建立有系統化之課程指標作為參照。 (二) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程首重於領導知能與溝通決策。 (三) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程宜著重於學生適性發展。 (四) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程建構應參酌不同利害關係人意見。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the indicators of inservice professional development course for elementary and secondary school principals, which provide principals professional development support agencies and educational administration departments as a reference for planning principals inservice professional development course and policy related to professional growth and professional development. As for research method, by means of literature review, 22 indicators of inservice professional development course for school principals had been organized based on an expert survey, which survey 13 experts. Concept mapping questionnaire used to analyze experts' opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, find the weight of each indicator within each dimension and construct the system of indicators of inservice professional development course for school principals. The main conclusions as below: 1. This study constructs an indicator system of inservice professional development course for school principals of 5 dimensions and 22 indicators in total. The 5 dimensions are: I. curriculum, teaching and student learning, which include 5 indicators. II. leadership knowledge, communication and decision making, which include 4 indicators. III. resource utilization and campus space planning, which include 5 indicators. IV. administrative practice and knowledge management, which include 5 indicators. V. school marketing and brand shaping, which include 5 indicators. 2. Leadership knowledge, communication and decision-making is the most important dimension of inservice professional development course for school principals. 3. Adaptive learning and crisis management are the most received expert attention. 4. The importance of different objects have their differences of inservice professional development course for school principals. Scholar think Adaptive learning and crisis management are the most important indicators. on the other hand, school principal think Adaptive learning, school leadership knowledge and practice, and school philosophy and development planning are the most important indicators. According to the result, here are some recommendations as below: 1. It is advisable to establish systematic curriculum indicators as a reference for inservice professional development course for school principals. 2. Inservice professional development course for school principals most emphasis on leadership knowledge and communication and decision-making. 3. Inservice professional development course for school principals most emphasis on Adaptive learning. 4. Inservice professional development course for school principals should take into account the views of different stakeholders.

中國人道干預政策之研究:利比亞和敘利亞案例比較(2011-2016年) / Study on Chinese Humanitarian Intervention:Comparison of Libya and Syria 2011-2016

施珊淇, Shih, Shan Ci Unknown Date (has links)
本文研析2011年至2016年期間,中國在人道干預立場上對利比亞和敘利亞的差異比較,試圖分析中國在「國家保護責任」(Responsibility to Protect)上的態度轉變。中國於安理會1970號和1973號針對利比亞內戰所涉及的人道干預決議案,不但同意將利比亞情勢送交國際刑事法院,更間接默許西方軍事干預利比亞,此與一向不干預他國內政、尊重他國主權為外交原則的中國相違背。然而,發生於同時期、同受到阿拉伯之春影響、同為推翻獨裁政權的敘利亞內戰,中國卻多次否決對其進一步軍事干預,形成人道干預立場上的矛盾。 而本文試圖利用「國家利益」和「形象建構」兩大分析途徑,探究中國隨著負責任大國的形象建立,和在國際事務上話語權漸增的情況下,於人道干預立場的考量是否有所改變或偏向。本文認為中國在利比亞案例上突破以往不干預他國內政的立場,並不代表中國對「國家保護責任」態度的轉變。其次,中國當前在人道干預立場上,仍以國家利益為主,形象建構為輔,特別是中共政權維穩、國家安全為首要。此外,中國也正試圖擺脫俄羅斯和西方國家的單方影響,建立一套獨立自主的人道干預外交原則。


曹清華 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對冷戰結束以來的十六年間,美國政府對中共角色與關係之定位,欲探討的問題具體言之是「為什麼美國政府再一九八九年以來,對中共的關係定位會在『戰略夥伴』與『戰略對手』間發生擺盪」。本論文首先指出,理性主義雖是解釋國際關係時較慣用的工具,然而不論新現實主義、新自由制度主義均無法對此研究主題提供一套有系統的解釋;本論文繼而發現,建構主義雖承繼部分理性主義的決策模式概念,卻能對上述關係定位變動做出系統性的詮釋。 本論文共計六章:第一章通盤概述研究的動機、目的、方法,並闡明整個主題架構及限制條件。第二章勾勒出老布希、柯林頓、小布希政府對中共關係定位的變化,完成本論文的「描述分析」,作為整體論述之背景。第三章依循理性主義觀點,發現新現實主義無法解釋何以美國在「確保相對收益」的考量下會與中共採取合作;再者,按照新自由制度主義「開創絕對收益」的邏輯,卻與美國視中共為戰略對手,並陷入人權、貿易、台灣議題等爭議的情況不相符。第四章介紹建構主義的主要論點,並針對何以選定溫特的主流建構主義提出解釋,再逐一檢視建構主義的本體論、認識論、方法論、世界觀。第五章依循國際權力架構、理念等兩大參考點,驗證建構主義之解釋力。發現「亞太扇型戰略」、「多層次統一戰線」、「新保守主義」、「攻勢現實主義」等理念,是美國政府為美、「中」關係定位的重要因素。從世界觀的角度切入,如果是霍布斯的文化架構,中共會被美國視為「戰略對手」;如果是康德的文化架構,中共會被美國視為「戰略夥伴」;如果是洛克的文化架構,美國會在接觸中保持戒慎。第六章為結論,認為儘管建構主義提供一個較寬闊的解析平台,但建構主義與理性主義並非必然相斥,尋求兩個典範之整合,乃成為本研究針對後續研究所提出的建議事項之一。 / This thesis addresses an issue regarding the US Government’s identification of the Chinese role as well as the bilateral relations between the two states during the past sixteen years ever since the end of the Cold War. It deals specifically with the following question: why the US administrations since 1989 have shuttled their identification of China between a strategic partner and strategic competitor? It firstly argues that rationalism, as conventionally an explanatory tool in IR, proves insufficient to provide a set of consistent answer. Unsatisfied, this thesis continues its argument that the question brought forth at the beginning can be effectively resolved, or interpreted, by constructivism, despite the constructivist rationale may not necessarily render rational choice model utterly invalid in this case. Structurally speaking, Chapter One gives a brief with respect to the whole thematic structure inclusive of purpose of the study mentioned above and research limitations. Chapter Two demonstrates an effort of descriptive study as a set of background information by sketching out different phases of identification about relations with China that have been harbored by successive US administrations from President Bush Sr., Clinton to Bush Jr.. Chapter Three can be seen as an account of this thesis’ trying effort to explore the question per se from the rationalist perspective. The findings in Chapter Three are as follows: Neo-realism fails to explain why the US, premised upon concern of relative gains, would have cooperation with China. Neo-liberal institutionalism, following the logic of maximization of absolute gains, is inconsistent with an answer to the question of why the US would not given in on the issues of human rights and trade deficits. The above findings are suggestive. They open up the need for this thesis to observe the Sino-US diplomatic interactions from a social perspective in IR, i.e., constructivism. Chapter Four ushers in main points of constructivism. Two arguments are therefore in order. First, it gives a justification for the choice of the mainstream of constructivism in IR advanced by Alexander Wendt. Second, to suit the purpose of this research, it funnels the ontological, epistemological, methodological arguments, world views raised by the constructivist school and thrashes out two reference points—world power structure and ideation—for further observations. Chapter Five brings up the main body of the argument. It argues that a series of ideas such as A Fan-mode Strategic Concept in Asia Pacific, Multi-layer United Front, Neo-conservatism and Defensive Realism have been influential on the US identification of the relations with China. They in turn strike an image of Sino-US bilateral relations reflective of three kinds of culture distinguished by constructivists. In Hobbes’ terms, China can be seen as a strategic competitor. In Kant’s, China is a strategic partner. In Locke’s, the US is engaged but remains sceptical. Chapter Six is the concluding part. It goes beyond the phenomena and moves into the theoretical realm by arguing that, although constructivism offers a broader analytic platform, rationalism and constructivism need not be exclusive. That much room for integration of the two paradigms becomes one of the recommendations for further researches.


簡健育 Unknown Date (has links)
理性概念所具備的統一性特徵在傳統的形上學背景之下表現為一種普遍的統一學說,然而這樣的論點在當代受到很大的挑戰,當代思想中很多都表現為一種多元主義的立場,對於理性統一性的論點多有批判。於是乎一場一與多之間的哲學辯論就此展開。哈伯馬斯對於理性統一性有其獨特的見解,重新考慮在多元之中理性統一性的可能性。基本上哈伯馬斯採取跳脫形上學立場,不在一與多兩者間的對立為任何一方進行辯護,而是提出一種新的見解,由後形上學的立場來談在多元中理性統一性的可能性。 哈伯馬斯認為現今存在著兩類針鋒相對的觀點,一種是有鑑於當代形上學統一性的喪失而努力回歸前康德時代的形上學,另一種則是以被壓制的多元性向統一性思想提出抗議。為了要釐清其中有關一與多之間的對立與關聯,哈伯馬斯對於傳統以來一與多之間的論點提出了個人的見解,同時也對當代反對統一性的相關論點做討論,進而提出自己的看法以求一條新的解決之道,試著調和一與多之間的對立性。本論文將透過對後形上學思想趨勢的討論,說明哈伯馬斯重建理性概念的進路及其對不同立場的學者所抱持的態度。


林福岳 Unknown Date (has links)
社區的特質和傳播的過程,兩者相似程度甚高,本研究將社區視為研究場域,藉此探索傳播的本質和運作方式。其目的之一,是認為傳播和社區的認同有密切的關聯,因而想從中找到關聯的性質;之二則是相信在社區情境中,可以從更多元而深刻的面向發掘並探討傳播的基本意義。 本研究的脈絡「美濃反水庫運動」,是高雄縣美濃鎮的鎮民因為反對政府的美濃水庫興建案,自民國八十一年開始發動的族群社區抗爭運動。本研究採用運動發動者所使用的論述主題,根據「共識動員」的理論架構分析之,再對照美濃此一客家族群社區原本具備對自身的認同,來檢視上述兩者之間的關係:一、美濃既有的族群認同在論述中如何被呈現;二、在訊息傳播的過程中,認同的意識和機制如何影響運動策略。而經由分析得到的結果,以傳播的角度來觀視,呈現了什麼樣的意義?發掘了什麼過去所末見的觀點? 本研究發現,在一個族群社區中,當發生涉及集體利益的公共議題、攸關族群的存續時,社區應對的機制和過程中,因為祖裔連帶、共同經驗和集體記憶所形成的認同感,往往會成為集結協志力量所動員的主要資源。在美濃反水庫運動的案例中,族群的認同,在整個訊息傳布的過程中,成為論述生產的核心基調。 其次,由於客家族群象徵符號的密集運作,運動的意義已經超越維護性命身家財產安全的現實層次,提升為族群傳統和歷史文化保衛的集體形上意義,召喚出心中對所屬族群和社區共同利益的認同,建構起對社會真實新的認知。 在一個社區內,認同的形塑過程其實也就是傳播的運作過程。人們從社區中吸收和攫取文他特質以形成集體共識,就是透過傳播的機制,藉由符號的傳遞與互動而漸次形成。而每一個成員的活動,也經由轉換成各類象徵符號,傳遞和儲存在社區的集體記隱之中,並形成新的認同。 本研究希望藉由本土的實例研究,開始深刻思索社區傳播此一取向在傳播研究中可以強化既有成果的地方,做為未來進一步研究的紮實基礎,從中累積經驗和論述,逐步建立起一個新的研究領域。 關鍵字:社區傳播、社區、美濃鎮、美濃反水庫運動、社區認同、族群認同、共識動員、社會運動、文本分析、客家、意義建構


周文珍 Unknown Date (has links)
企業參與公益的趨勢由傳統單純地捐款,發展到將公益參與與企業經營策略 結合,改變了過去企業與非營利組織單純的贊助與受助的互動關係;企業進一步地將公益參與的社會目的與企業營運的商業目的在策略上結合。相對而言,非營利組織在長期缺乏資源的挹注下,如能獲得企業穩定且長期的承諾與參與,將有助於紓緩資源籌措的困境。企業與非營利組織在選擇合作過程中,其評估的指標為何?而當非營利組織與企業合作結盟後,影響其發展合作關係的重要因素又有那些?在不同發展階段的非營利組織與企業的合作是否也展現了不同型態的夥伴關係?非營利組織與企業是否真能形成權力、義務相稱的夥伴關係?一個長期的合作關係,對互動的雙方產生了那些預期與非預期的效益或影響?因此本研究選定了金融機構與非營利組織長達十一年的合作活動--「花旗聯合勸募」活動,透過個案研究法,以文獻探討、次級資料分析與深度訪談等資料收集與分析,試圖對以上的問題整理出答案或樣貌。 本研究以理論探討與實務資料的分析,分別就二個層次來探討長期合作的個 案活動中的夥伴關係:第一個層次是了解非營利組織的發展階段以及企業在公益參與的理念下,不同階段所展現的不同夥伴關係;同時引用學者Austin(2000)經實務驗證所提出的夥伴關係建構觀點,檢核本個案中不同階段的合作關係;並以合作結盟的驅動力為「長」、合作結盟的促進因素為「寬」、合作結盟的價值建構為「高」,嘗試將不同階段的合作關係予以具體的表現,透過了「長」、「寬」、「高」三構面的要素滿足程度予立體圖示化。由立體推疊的圖示看出,不同階段中互動雙方所展現出一連串的動態過程。第二個層次則是將抽象思維的行銷策略,透過不同階段的具體行銷組合的執行與成效,瞭解在不同階段中的雙方在個案活動中的投入以及互動雙方的夥伴關係之具體體現。 經過本研究的資料整理與探究的過程中確實發現:合作結盟的趨動力、合作 結盟的促進因素與雙方價值的建構與滿足,乃是夥伴關係中重要的三大構面且互為影響。而本個案的行銷類型可說是融合、運用服務行銷、理念行銷及組織行銷等特質。不同階段雖採行了不同的行銷組合,本個案活動的重要行銷策略可歸納為:以名人代言法引起關注並增加公眾信心、以贈品策略引發動機、以利他主義與資源有效運用的行銷理念支撐行銷組合、以行銷研究與捐款者調查成為擬定策略的基礎。 而對於這樣長達十一年以上的合作夥伴關係的效益包括了:對企業帶來了良 好的社會形象建立、創造企業員工與客戶對公益活動的的參與及擁有感、落實企業對公益活動的影響;以及隨著非營利組織的成熟與能力提昇,企業也透過公益夥伴的投入拓展了與在潛在顧客的接觸、贏得在不同於商業報導的管道上露出及透過公益夥伴所聯結的名人資源等,對其社會資本的累積有所助益。而對非營利組織則帶了增加實踐使命的資源、為非營利組織帶來組織能力的營造、增強組織的知名度與信譽、開拓潛在捐款人等具體且符合期待的影響;而當非營利組織與特定企業的行銷成為典範,對非營利組織而言相對地會帶來一些開拓障礙。因此非營利組織,應隨著成功典範的建立過程中,將企業引進的專業知能內化轉變為非營利組織能力的營造,以避免對單一財務來源的過度依賴。 / The trend for the participation of corporations in philanthropy has evolved from the traditional and simpler monetary donations to the actual integration of philanthropic involvement into the operation strategy of companies. This has transformed the old grant maker-grant recipient relationship between companies and nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the sense that now, companies combine social purpose with business operation strategies in the course of their philanthropic involvement. Conversely, the long-standing lack of resources of NPOs due to shifts in funding can be overcome if these organizations are able to secure a stable, long-term commitment of support from companies. But what should be evaluation criteria for companies and NPOs engaged in the process of identify a potential partnership? And once both parties form an alliance, what are the important factors that will influence the development of this cooperative relationship? In the course of an evolving relationship between a company and a NPO, will there be different cooperation models? Is it possible for a company and a NPO to develop a cooperative relationship that is equal in terms of authority and responsibility? What kind of expected or unexpected results or impacts a long-term cooperative relationship will produce? This research has chosen to examine a partnership between a financial institution and a NPO that stretches over eleven years: the Citibank-United Way Taiwan campaign. In order to answer the above mentioned questions, the case research method was used to collect and analyze data, and a review of literature, an analysis of secondary material and in-depth interviews were also carried out. By examining relevant theory and analyzing concrete data, this research looks at the partnership that emerged from a long-term cooperative campaign from two levels. The first level consists of understanding the partnership models that arose through the various stages of cooperation between an NPO undergoing different development phases and a company with a vision for philanthropic involvement. At the same time, the research will use the partnership building framework of Austin (2000) to examine the partnership models at the different stages in the case. By characterizing the drive for a cooperative alliance as “long-term,” the facilitating factors contributing to the cooperative alliance as ‘broad,” and the creation of value by this alliance as ‘high,” we can attempt to concretely represent the partnership models at various stages. The characteristics of ‘long-term,” ‘broad,” and “high” can provide a three dimensional diagram, which shows that across different stages of interaction, the two parties will display a series of dynamic processes. The second level will examine the abstract concept of marketing strategies through the implementation and results of concrete marketing combinations at various stages of the case. This will allow us to understand the input of each partner and the concrete performance of the partnership. Following data gathering and analysis, this research has found that the drive, the facilitating factors, as well as the creation and satisfaction of values shared by both parties in the cooperative alliance are the three most important aspects of a partnership, which also mutually influence one another. It can be said that this case uses a type of marketing that integrates and uses service marketing, idea marketing and organizational marketing. Although different marketing combinations are used at different stages of the case, the important marketing strategy of this case can be summed up as: attract attention through celebrity endorsement, increase public confidence, create incentives (for giving) by the use of a “giveaway” strategy, support this marketing combination by upholding the principles of care for others and efficient use of resources, as well as use marketing research and donor surveys as a base to develop the strategy. The benefits of this partnership, which has lasted over eleven years, include: enhance the social image of the company, create among company employees and customers a feeling of involvement and ownership towards philanthropic activities, as well as help the company achieve a visible impact through its philanthropic activities. Thanks to the increasing maturity of NPOs and their growing capacities, companies can reach out to potential customers through the involvement with a NPO partner, they can benefit from reports in media channels other than those in the business field, and they can accumulate social resources through the linkage by NPOs of famous people. For NPOs, these partnerships can bring more resources to fulfill their mission, they can develop their organizational capacities, they can increase their visibility and trustworthiness, and they can also explore new potential donors. However, when the marketing carried out by a NPO in partnership with a specific company becomes a model, this creates certain development obstacles for the NPO. Hence, during the process of establishing a successful model, NPOs must internalize the professional know-how brought by the company so that it becomes a base for the NPO’s own capacity building, and thus avoid that the organization become too dependent on a single source of funding.

不同電腦支援合作學習環境對師培生在教育理論、教師專業與教學實務等概念學習上之影響 / Effects of different CSCL environments on teacher-education students’ conceptual understanding of theories, expertise and practices in teaching

詹雯靜, Chan, Wen Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究兩個不同電腦支援合作學習環境,知識論壇平台(Knowledge Forum, KF)與黑板數位學習平台(Blackboard, BB),在支援師培生學習教育理論、教師專業與教學實務等概念過程中之影響。BB的設計主要以一般的學習理論為基礎,KF的設計則是以知識建構(knowledge building)理論為中心。研究設計採混合研究法之橫斷取向策略,研究對象為某國立大學修習一師培必修課程「教育理念與實際之整合」之49位學生。於學期初將研究對象分成二組,其中BB組25人,KF組24人。課程目標主要希望學生在修課後能對自己即將投入之事業,以及對於教學理論、教師專業與教學實務間的關係,能有更深入的瞭解,並進一步反思自己在未來實習階段需要加強之處。 研究資料主要來自兩個數位學習平台上自動存取的紀錄(例如:建立文章次數、對他人文章回覆次數等)、以及學生於兩平台上所發表的文章內容。資料分析主要為推論統計之單因子變異數分析及質性的內容分析法。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下三點結論: 一、兩組學生在相同教師及相同課程設計下,在兩個學習平台上的活動量大致相同,但是於KF環境下學習的學生則表現出較多的成員互動。根據本研究結果推論,會產生此現象是因為BB的平台設計僅提供單一回文機制,供學生對他人的文章做回饋。而KF平台的設計則提供較多元的互動機制,除了可以對他人文章做回應(build-on)外,還可以對別人的文章做註解(annotation)、引用他人文章(reference)、以及統整文章(rise-above)等功能。 二、在學生於教育理論與教學實務間關係概念的理解上,首先,於低層次的理解面向上(主要包含教師要能「知道且理解教學理論」和「應用教學理論」)兩組學生沒有顯著差異。但是,在高層次的理解上(主要為教師要能「分析理論和實務上的關係」),KF組則比BB組表現好。根據本研究結果推論,KF的學習環境可以幫助學生發展更高層次的思考。 三、在學生對教師專業與教學實務間關係概念的理解上,首先,在低層次的理解面向上(主要包含教師要「理解並應用專業於實務」和「從實務中歸納專業為多面向的整合」),兩組學生沒有顯著差異。然而,在較高層次的理解上(主要包含教師要能「分析專業和實務上的關係」和「評鑑、反思自己在專業上的表現」),KF組的表現比BB組好。研究推論KF環境較能幫助提昇學生的概念學習至較成熟的理解層次。 根據上述結論,本研究提出下列四點建議:(1)電腦支援合作式學習環境應發展更多元的文章互動機制;(2)師培教育應更重視師培生對教學理論、教師專業與教學實務間關係的理解;(3)教師選擇使用電腦支援合作式學習環境時,應將是否能幫助學生產生深層理解做為其中考量;以及(4)教師應幫助學生發展知識創新概念。 / This study investigated the effects of two different computer-supported collaborative learning environments, Knowledge Forum (KF) and Blackboard (BB), on teacher-education students’ conceptual understanding of theories, expertise, and practices in teaching. Blackboard is designed generally based on conventional learning theories. In contrast, Knowledge Forum is designed particularly based on knowledge building theory and pedagogy. Participants were 49 students who took a course titled “Integrating Instructional Theory and Practice,” which was offered by a teacher-education program in a national university, Taiwan. The study employed a mixed-method design, with the participants being divided into a BB group (N=25) and a KF group (N=24), with the later serving as an experimental group. The main instructional goal was to help students deepen their understanding of the relationships between theories, expertise and practices in teaching and to become more reflective on their future teaching practice. Data primarily came from students’ online discourse posted in the form of notes and were recorded in the aforementioned two BB and KF databases. To analyze, one-way ANOVA was employed to describe students’ online activities (e.g., number of notes posted) and an open-coding procedure were adapted to content-analyze student notes. There were three main findings as follows: (1) It was found there was no significant difference observed between the two groups in terms of the number of notes posted online in each database. But in terms of interactivity, there were more note linking actives in the KF group than in the BB group. It is suggested that this might be due to the design mechanism of the BB environment being less supportive for discourse interaction among students. In contrast, the KF environment has more design features such as annotations, references, and rise-above to support student interactions. (2) In terms of students’ conceptual understanding of the relationships between theories and practices in teaching, it was found that there were no significant differences between the two groups at the two lower conceptual levels (including teachers should “know and understand most teaching theories” and “be able to put theories into practices”.) But in contrast, it was found that there was a significant difference between the two groups at a higher level of understanding (i.e., teachers should be able to “analyze the relationship between theory and practice”). The findings suggest that as compared with Blackboard, Knowledge Forum seemed to be a more supportive environment that tended to help students achieve a deeper conceptual understanding of the relationships between theories and practices in teaching. (3) In terms of students’ conceptual understanding of the relationships between expertise and practices in teaching, it was found that there were no significant differences between the two groups at the two lower levels (including teachers should “understand the practice and the application of teacher expertise” and be able to “integrate practice into the multifaceted teaching expertise.”) But in contrast, it was found that there was a significant difference between the two groups at a higher level (i.e., teachers should be able to “analyze the relationships between teacher expertise and teaching practice” and “evaluate, reflect on their own professional performance.”) The findings suggest that Knowledge Forum seemed to be a more supportive environment capable of helping students achieve a higher level of conceptual understanding of the relationships between teacher expertise and practices in teaching. Building on the above results, this study made the following four suggestions: (1) a good computer-supported collaborative learning environment should include necessary design features that support multiple interactive mechanisms; (2) teacher education program should help its students develop deeper conceptual understanding of educational theories, teacher expertise, and teaching practices; (3) teachers should be equipped with the necessary knowledge in order to choose a good computer-supported collaborative learning environment to support teaching; and (4) Teacher education program should help its students develop more knowledge building oriented concepts towards teaching and learning.

白堊記憶:台灣「五○年代白色恐怖」集體記憶的保存、復甦與重建 / White Memory -- The White Terror in Taiwan in the 1950s: Preservation, Rise, and Reconstruction of Collective Memory

葉怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文探討的是,台灣「五○年代白色恐怖」政治案件的「集體記憶」(collective memory)保存、復甦和建構的社會過程。 自1949至1987年,我國在戒嚴體制的控制下,「五○年代白色恐怖」的集體記憶曾經長期受到抹黑及消音,當時受難者及其團體在此一記憶的保存上,扮演了關鍵的角色,透過他們私下的集結與聯絡,在團體的脈絡中鞏固了此一記憶。 解嚴前後,過去被壓抑的許多記憶浮上檯面,透過紀念儀式、平反活動、修改法令、保存歷史地標等活動,各方主體重新召喚、組織、競爭詮釋集體記憶,端賴資源不同,決定了競爭結果。但是由於五○年代白色恐怖蘊含的意識型態和國族認同,不完全符合當時社會的需要,因此並未馬上進入國家論述。 隨著舊政權逐漸退出執政集團,新的國民黨政權有「建構新國家」認同的需要,同時遭受地方反對黨政府的強烈挑戰;配合社會控制鬆綁,文化媒介的傳播,民間記憶更加浮現。最後在「朝野大和解」等現實環境的配合之下,受難者團體採取迴避意識型態的論述策略,發揮了臨門一腳的功效,終於讓此一集體記憶進入正式論述,新的「人權論述」的建構和認同也在這個過程中悄悄的重構、凝塑。 但是目前呈現的集體記憶仍是經過篩選、組合後的結果,紀念碑的概念如「人權」、「民主」等,已獲得這一波國族建構的認可;但是相對的,由於兩岸的僵局未解,左翼思潮和運動仍然被排除在外;少數族群、弱勢性別的詮釋權也相對被忽略。目前各種不同主體,仍在互動中持續移動建構,或許下一次大規模的記憶召喚,隨時可能在適當的時機,再度出現在公共論域。

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