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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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日治時期台灣偵探敘事的發生與形成:一個通俗文學新文類的考察 / The Emergence and Evolvement of Detective Narrative in Taiwan during Japanese Ruling Period (1895-1945): A New Popular Genre

呂淳鈺, Lu, Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
偵探敘事在台灣文學場域上的發生與形成,其意義指涉著一種新興通俗文類的移植與開展、深化與轉化的現象。偵探敘事的範圍,涵括的不只是由作家創作的虛構小說,也可能是西方偵探小說的翻譯介紹、強調真人實事的筆記體裁、對西方偵探小說的臨摹改寫,甚且可能是反偵探敘事的仿諷等等。偵探敘事作為一種通俗文類,尤其是其敘事成規與意識型態原是以西方偵探小說為主要源流的情形下,如何進入台灣的文學場域?進而在台灣「發生」?如何「形成」?彼時台灣的大眾,如何接受、消化、吸收、甚至享受這種新興文類?偵探敘事雖是新興文類,其與過去的種種文學創作傳統有所承繼?偵探敘事的興起,至偵探小說的完成,與彼時台灣人們的精神生活、娛樂生活有何關聯?塑造出怎麼樣的文化圖景?偵探敘事在台灣的發生點與關鍵點的摸索,都是本文主要關懷所在。 本文共計六章。第一章緒論,為全文框架說明。第二章偵探敘事生成的社會╱文學脈絡,由外緣與內緣進行偵探敘事發生空間的建構,說明大眾媒體、通俗文化、社會版新聞與偵探敘事形成的關聯,以中國傳統公案小說與日本的犯罪小說作為台灣偵探敘事的內在源流及期待視野的意義。第三章偵探敘事的起點,討論台灣文學場域上的偵探敘事發生的開端。這開始並非固著性的起點,而是每一次文本敘事取徑的參考點。本章分別就日治初期報紙上漢文、和文的偵探敘事、「實話」系統的寫作及西方偵探小說譯介的情況加以考察。第四章偵探敘事的小說化,日治時期台灣偵探敘事由實向虛、由翻譯到創作,呈現小說化的進程。由翻譯改寫到「連作」合寫、以及俠義章回化小說的偵探敘事,標誌了偵探敘事文類在台灣的實踐已臻成熟,乃至於滑稽模仿與兒童故事的再呈現,是其敘事成規反向思考及向外滲透,由此考察偵探敘事虛構化的進程。第五章偵探敘事生成的文化圖景,由作者、文本、讀者三個面向,分別討論偵探敘事的生成中所呈現的文化意義,殖民性、現代性與通俗性在敘事文本中的展現。第六章結論,總結全文,並且開啟未來研究的可能性。 / In my thesis on detective narrative in Taiwan under Japanese colonization, I focus on the emergence and evolvement of the new popular genre to clarify how people accept, adapt and appropriate the western-stemmed genre into local fiction. The era under Japanese colonization between 1895 and 1945 was a beginning of novelty and innovation; however, it was not the end of tradition and convention. Both cultures of late Qing China and late Meiji Japan, as well as western modern civilization introduced into Taiwan by China and Japan, all made colonial Taiwan an arena of modernity, coloniality and traditional values. I drew attention to popular literature and culture, another dimension different from the elite or high literature and was buried under the canonized discourse of resistance and decolonization in Taiwanese literary studies. The popular fiction in Taiwan reveals the subconsciousness hidden in the society at the turning point of modernization and colonization. First of all, I start my survey from the social and literary context of emergence of detective narrative in Taiwan by mentioning the formation of modern mass media in nineteenth century Taiwan as well as the literary tradition of Chinese and Japanese literature, Gongan fiction and crime fictions. This part helps me to clarify the literay field of the emergence of detective narrative. Secondly, I pinpoint three starting-points of the emergence of detective narrative: Japanese and Chinese detective fictions in newspapers in early Japanese colonization, the police procedural, as well as the translation and introduction of modern western detective fiction. Thirdly, I point out some milestones of fictionization of detective narrative in Taiwan, including the form of “translation-rewriting”, the collaboration of several writers, the chivalric novelization, the children’s stories and the parody of western detective convention. Finally, I examine the cultural visions in the emergence and evolvement of detective narrative in Taiwan during Japanese ruling period through three aspects: the writers, the texts and the readers’ aspects and explore the coloniality, modernity and the popularity of the new popular genre in Taiwan.


陳雪英 Unknown Date (has links)
基於財政為整個發展政策貨幣面的縮圖,為探討財政在臺灣所引起的發展催化,本文乃以臺灣財政負擔作為重點,處理下列相關問題,進以知悉臺灣財政結構變遷與人民財政負擔。 第一、探討在日治時代,臺灣的財政負擔是否逐漸加重:由於政府的租稅收入,即為人民的財政負擔。而日治時代,臺灣的財政負擔就戰前部分為不斷下降。 第二、探討開戰前後,財政負擔之差別:儘管在開戰後之財政負擔有所加重。但由於同期間所得的增加,因此開戰後就負擔能力來看並未過重。 第三、臺人與在臺日人之財政負擔:就其每人負擔的絕對金額而言,日人負擔均較臺人為重;此外,兩稅稅額占所得的比率在1930年代前臺人較日人重,其後則反之。因此,倘租稅公平是以稅額占所得的比率作為納稅能力之指標,則可知不公平現象僅發生在日治初期。 最後,透過本文的實證結果亦顯示出,開戰後固然對稅收影響較戰前重,但整體稅收所得彈性是小於1的,亦即以長期趨勢而言,經濟成長較稅收增加為速。


蔡佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)

日治時期臺灣女性的美容 / The Female Beauty during Japanese Colonial Period

顏儀婷 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著日治時期的開始,臺灣的社會與文化都受到日本相當多的影響,而女性文化中的美容自然也包含在內。透過報紙與雜誌等的宣傳與指導,能將日本的美容保養方式與女性妝容流行趨勢傳入臺灣,除了建立相關衛生觀念與意識之外,更讓臺灣女性了解到美容是需要依照個人膚質情況的不同,而選用適合的產品來使用,如此一來才是保持美麗的根本之道。另一方面,日治時期所展示的化妝方式,說明化妝是可以用來修飾膚色與臉型的一種美容效果,若再搭配季節與場合的不同化妝手法,就能讓女性妝容與美容方式有更多元樣貌的呈現。 在近代化的發展之下,隨著醫學與科學的日益進步,日治時期也將有關健康美的意識與概念傳遞給臺灣女性知道,女性健康美的需求也因此日益增加,並有了進一步的認識。所以美麗不光只是由外在的保養與化妝方式來增添女性的美麗風采而已,擁有健康的身體機也是相當重要的,反而能讓美麗由內散發出來,女性的美麗進而能持久並維持健康。隨著女性邁入職場機會的增加,為了符合社會禮儀的需求,化妝成為女性出社會的禮儀表現,並且能夠透過化妝展現出女性專業與自信的一面。另一方面,在都市化與近代化的推進下,摩登女孩的新穎容貌成為當時的潮流,呈現出女性的自我意識提升與時代的特色。另外,醫學的進步使外科手術漸漸發展到女性美容的層面,女性的容貌因此可以透過整型來改善先天的缺陷或是不完美的部分,讓美容整型成為女性追求美麗的新選擇。 關鍵字:日治時期、美容、保養、化妝、衛生、健康美、摩登女孩、整型

日治時期女性圖像分析─以《臺灣婦人界》為例 / A pictorial semiotic analysis of Taiwan Women's Sphere during Japanese occupation of Taiwan

王湘婷 Unknown Date (has links)
《臺灣婦人界》是日治時期唯一在臺灣發行的女性雜誌,其創刊宗旨為「協助提升發展臺灣婦人文化」。雜誌中所呈現的女性形象反映了當時臺灣部分女性,特別是中上階級女性的樣貌。本研究以《臺灣婦人界》的廣告為文本,運用法國符號學者羅蘭‧巴特提出的圖像符號學分析觀點,探討雜誌圖像中呈現的女性形象,及其背後所代表的文化意涵。 本研究發現,《臺灣婦人界》中呈現的女性形象與日治時期臺灣女子教育中的「高女文化」相符,這種「高女文化」所體現的「和洋折衷」符號現象,具體而微地代表日治時期臺灣邁向現代化的過程。臺灣的現代化過程,係受到殖民母國影響,掺雜了日本經驗與經過日本篩選的西方經驗。此外,根據文本分析的結果,《臺灣婦人界》有一種女性形象為「賢妻良母」,代表的是日治時期臺灣女性婚後的典範,女性必須透過婚姻與婚後的家庭場域,才能實踐她所扮演的理想角色。《臺灣婦人界》發行後期受到中日戰爭影響,呈現的女性形象與戰前截然不同,此時期圖像反映出戰爭期間,日本殖民政府利用媒體意圖塑造的各種表象,如幸福的皇民化家庭、女性進行的奉仕活動等。 / Taiwan Women's Sphere is the only women's magazine published in Taiwan during the period of Japanese occupation. Its object was to assist in developing women’s culture in Taiwan. Taiwan Women's Sphere can be viewed as an important medium representing images of upper-class females during Japanese Occupation of Taiwan. Using the analytic principles of pictorial semiotics proposed by French semiotician Roland Barth, the present research analyzes advertising and pictorial texts containing female images and provides an in-depth discussion of the cultural and societal factors influencing such representation. Our research results indicate that the female images represented in Taiwan Women's Sphere fit into "the culture of girl’s high schools" during Japanese occupation. "The culture of girl’s high schools" connotes both the influences of Japan and the West, which play significant roles in the modernization process of Taiwan. A modernized Taiwan was not only influenced by Japanese colonizer but also by the western cultural elements selected by Japan. . In addition, another significant female role portrayed by Taiwan Women's Sphere was "a dutiful wife and also a loving mother." Such an image implies that females were “ideal women” only when they were married and practice their dual roles as wife and mother in the familial space... After 1937 when Sino-Japanese War broke out, contents of Taiwan Women's Sphere were censored closely by the colonial governments. A certain number of the pictures printed on this magazine are related to the Kouminka Movement such as the portrayal of the kouminka family and war-supporting women engaging in various activities.

家醜不得外揚!?日治時期台灣「通姦罪」之初探 / No publicizing of the family scandal!? a preliminary study of adultery in Taiwan under Japanese rule

陳芷盈, Chen ,Chih Ying Unknown Date (has links)
日治時期台灣於法律體系經歷了很大的轉變,傳統中國法與現代西方化的日本法於此初次交會了。在現代西方法的刑事、民事分類上,台灣人民就刑事事項上,很早便透過律令依用的方式,依照日本刑法的規範;然而在民事事項,尤其是台灣人身分規範的親屬與繼承方面,殖民當局卻始終以「舊慣」來作為國家實體法的依據。如此一來,國家實體法與民間習慣在台灣社會的落實與互動情況就成為筆者欲探討的議題。本文以「通姦罪」為切入點,除了著眼在刑法通姦與民事婚姻的密切相關外,更藉此探討日治時期台灣法律社會的實況。 在討論日治時期台灣「通姦罪」之前,有必要先了解日本殖民以前,台灣社會與明治政府各自對通姦行為的規範,而殖民者與被殖民者這兩種規範下的邏輯思維與文化脈絡,在進入日治時期後,對台灣的通姦規範又有何影響? 在這個脈絡下,第二章,以清治時期台灣官府制定法與民間習慣下對通姦行為的規範為主題;第三章,以明治政府從現代法經驗出發,探討其在現代西方法繼受過程中,如何將傳統禮教下的「姦」轉化到現代刑法「通姦罪」,與這種繼受經驗對殖民台灣的政策與方針的影響;第四章,以日治時期台灣國家法規範下的通姦罪為主軸,以法院判例分析國家實定法在社會的實際運行情況,特別是西方現代法與台灣民間習慣的衝突;第五章,以內地延長政策下「通姦告訴特例」的實施分析其背後意義;第六章為結論。 / Under Japanese rule,the Legal System of Taiwan encountered a big change from the first intersection of traditional Chinese laws and modern Western-oriented Japanese laws in Taiwan.   In criminal matters, Japanese criminal codes were applied directly through orders of the Taiwan Governor. On the other hand, in civil matters, especially in the normative identity, the colonial authorities have always been using "old customs" as the basis of the National Substantive Law. This kind of application brings interesting situations of the interaction between the National Substantive Law and the regional old customs in the Taiwanese society. For Adultery is closely related to both criminal norms and civil norms, it is rather suitable to take Adultery as a start theme for discussing the operation of the law society in Taiwan under Japanese rule. Fisrt ,I have to trace back before 1895 to understand the norm of Adultery in Taiwan during the Qing dynasty and that in Meiji Japan. That would make it much easier to analyze how norm of Adultery actually worked in society of Taiwan under Japanese rule. Therefore, in Chapter II, norms of Adultery in Taiwan during the Qing dynasty were firstly discussed. And in Chapter III, the focus was on norms of Adultery in Meiji Government. Chapter IV is on the norms of Adultery in Taiwan under Japanese rule. Chapter V talked about the exception of Special case of proceedings for adultery. And finally, Chapter VI took the dispute of Adultery in the draft Criminal Code as the conclusion.

日治時期「台灣寫真帖」研究 / The study of "Taiwan Shashin Cho" during Japanese colonial period

徐佑驊, Hsu,You Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究主題在於:透過分析日治時期的「台灣寫真帖」中的視覺圖像,釐析「台灣」如何被觀看?編者如何編排一套「應該觀看台灣的方式」?在此視覺論述中,什麼被選擇?什麼被捨棄?相較先行研究者以後世眼光所分類之「類型」,可能切斷寫真既有的編輯思維及脈絡,本文乃將寫真帖重新置回原初的時代脈絡來觀察。   經由本文的分析,有以下幾點發現。首先,攝影傳入台灣及其發展情況,由辭彙轉譯的過程及拍攝、出版者來看,本文論析之「台灣寫真帖」可視為殖民者眼光所看見的「台灣」。而寫真帖的台灣視覺論述,可歸納以下幾項特性:(一)地理空間架構下的台灣,將台灣編制為北而南、由西向東的觀看順序;而東、西台灣的差異,呼應統制者經營台灣的態度及政策。(二)時間遞延下的台灣,歷經明治、大正、昭和不同時期各有不同的時代特性。(三)蕃族、自然資源、台灣風俗等視覺元素,並不特定被擺置於某一地理空間或某段時代,但依舊隱含殖民的凝視。綜論之,台灣寫真帖可以巨視和微觀的角度切入:巨視者與1908年縱貫鐵路通車密切相關,微觀則以1934年《台灣教材寫真教科書》分類框架最具代表性。   將寫真帖與其他文類對比參照後發現,其間多有互相複製、挪用的情形,可見殖民者建制台灣視覺論述的用心,並不僅見於寫真帖,亦以各種綜論性的台灣相關論著、教育讀本、美術作品的視覺圖像,相互作用以「召喚」個體(被觀看的「台灣」)進入主體(殖民者的知識體系)。「台灣」在殖民論述下如何被操作及轉化,本文以北白川宮、新高山、香蕉為例討論,援引羅蘭巴特的神話學概念,分析各樣文類構築的「台灣神話」。最後,從「觀看」到「觀光」的實踐,將觀光指南中的「台灣」與寫真對照,以「日月潭杵歌」與「台灣神社」為例,試論神話形構後,傳遞過程中可能的變異性。 / This research aims to interpret how Taiwan was observed by analyzing the visual icons in the “Taiwan shashin cho (Taiwan photo albums/台湾写真帖)” during the Japanese Colonial period. In addition, we will discuss about the way to see Taiwan arranged by the editor, and which factors was chosen or abandoned in the editorial process. Regarding prior researches, the classifications of former researchers possibly break both the thinking and the context of photo-album editors in later versions. We purpose to place the “Taiwan shashin cho” in the original context of the old times.   With our analysis, our research findings are: First of all, based on the development of photography in Taiwan, the Taiwanese translation of photography as well as the photographers and publishers, the “Taiwan shashin cho” in this research can represent the “Taiwan” image in the colonial perspective. We generalize three characteristics in the basis of the “Taiwan shashin cho”: A. Geographically, the order to view Taiwan by region was arranged from the north to the south and then the west to the east. The differences between western and eastern Taiwan corresponded to the colonial attitude and policy in this era. B. Chronologically, the “Taiwan shashin cho” implicated individual temporal characteristics in each section of the Japanese Colonial period, respectively. C. Generally, the visual factors such as aborigines, natural resources, and the customs and traditions cannot be categorized into specific regions and period, though they still implied the gaze of the rulers. In summary, there are two kinds of perspectives to analyze “Taiwan shashin cho”: macro and micro. The macro perspective is closely related to the operation of the North-South Railway. On the other hand, the category framework of the “Taiwan kyozai shashin kyokashu (Sources of Photography for Taiwan Textbook/台湾教材写真教科書)” in 1934 is the most typical micro perspective.   Secondly, to compare with other archives, numerous visual icons are reproduced and appropriated from the “Taiwan shashin cho”. Thus, we can conclude that the rulers spare no efforts to build up the visual discourse of Taiwan images with the “Taiwan shashin cho”, those treatises, educational textbooks and fine art works. By these archives, the individual (the Taiwan observed) is interpellated to the subject (the knowledge of the rulers). Based on the Mythologies by Roland Barthes, this thesis take the “Kitashirakawa-no-miya Yoshihisa-shinno (Imperial Prince Kitashirakawa Yoshihisa/北白川宮能久親王)”, the “niitakayama(former name of Yushan/新高山)”, and the “bananas” as examples to understand how “Taiwan” was operated and transformed. Furthermore, how the forecited archives constructed the “Taiwan Myths”.   Finally, this research compares the “Taiwan shashin cho” with the “Taiwan ryoco annai(Guidebooks of Taiwan Railway Tour/台湾鉄道旅行案内)” in the practice of transforming “seeing” to “sightseeing” for discussing about the divergences in the process of propagating myth with two illustrations, “ Zizugezu tan kineuta(Pestle Dancing in Sun Moon Lake/日月潭杵唄)” as well as “Taiwan Zinzha(Taiwan shrine/台湾神社)”.

日治時期廣告中的女性圖像分析-以《臺灣日日新報》為分析場域 / Representing Female Image during the Period of Japanese Occupation: An Analysis of “Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao”s Advertisements

陳燕蓉, Chen, Yen-Jung, Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用Roland Barthes符號學分析,研究日治時期發行量最大的《臺灣日日新報》廣告中的女性圖像,試圖瞭解日治時期報紙廣告的圖像運作邏輯,以及廣告中呈現的理想女性形象為何,在女性形象背後又隱藏著什麼樣的意識型態。 研究發現,日治時期,殖民臺灣的總督府雖然基於發展經濟的理由,透過放足運動與興辦現代化教育等手段,提供女性走出家庭,進入工作職場等機會,但由殖民者主導的現代化過程,並沒有讓臺灣女性地位有實質上的提升。女性雖然在現代化的過程中,形象越趨多元、活潑,但一但圖像出現與「他者」的互動關係,傳統社會與殖民統治產生的階級差異便呈現在圖像運作原則之中,「殖民者 > 被殖民者」、「男性 > 女性」的原則顯而易見。日治時期的「理想女性」形象也依循對「賢妻良母」要求而生,最終還是需要符合社會期望,回歸家庭才能成為「理想女性」。此外研究也發現,無論臺灣女性在殖民時期現代化程度為何,最終還是擺脫不了被殖民者被剝削的結果。 / Adopting pictorial semiotics, the present study analyzes female images of advertisements of Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao (1898-1944), the largest newspaper in colonial Taiwan. The research aims at discovering the textual and graphic strategies employed by advertisers to represent ”women” and therefore explaining the social, cultural and political struggles embedded in these print ads. The research results indicates that although during the period of the Japanese occupation, the colonialist liberated the bound feet of Taiwanese women and provided opportunities for women to work and to receive western education. However, Taiwanese women’s social status did not improve accordingly. According to our analysis, even though various female images might be found in the samples, the presentation strategies of the women in print ad often follow two semiotic rules: the status of males is higher than of females. Women in Taiwan were mostly portrayed as dutiful wives or caring mothers at home so as to meet the social expectation of traditional and ideal women. In summary, the social role of Taiwanese women war restricted and exploited despite the modernization during the Japanese occupation period.

日治時期臺灣婚姻、親子關係與戶籍制度 / Taiwan Japanese colonial era &its marriage、parenthood、household registration system

周淑玲, Chou,Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以探討日治時期臺灣人民間的婚姻、親子關係及與戶籍制度之關聯性,並將時空背景延伸至臺灣光復後,與甫施行於臺灣之中華民國民法親屬編間所產生的新舊法體系適用的問題。並以現今法院處理日治時期台灣人民間所生之婚姻、親子關係為案例,作為分析並歸納出法院於處理類似案件時所適用之準據法為何?臺灣自1895年甲午戰爭後便成為日本統治領域之一部份,法律上主權自然移歸於日本之管轄範圍,理當成為日本法律所適用之地域。惟在統治初期因有感於對於臺灣本島事物未能有全盤之了解,因此在法律適用上仍依臺灣舊慣;而隨著開始一連串對於臺灣舊慣調查活動的進行與蒐集相關研究報告等,便一步步將日本本國法律適用於全臺,惟對於臺灣本島人民間的親屬及繼承事項仍依舊慣。即使在後期內地延長方針之政策下,仍未將日本民法親屬編適用於臺灣人民。只能藉由總督府法院以判決方式或以日本民法為條理,將臺灣人民之舊慣改造成為符合日本明治民法精神之家族制度。 尤其隨著戶口制度的建立而將日本家制中「戶主權」概念引進臺灣本島,其不僅取代了中國傳統家族制度中的家長權與尊長權,更顯現出日本殖民政府欲藉著戶口制度之展開在臺灣建構出與日本本國相同的家族制度之企圖。但其卻忽略了臺灣的家族關係與戶口制度並無關聯,因此在未能適用日本民法及戶籍法之規範,且又未針對臺灣人民間訂立一有效民事法源使得家族法制化之情形下,光憑戶口規則之規範難以與臺灣家族制度相互連結。最後則是出現戶口登記事項與家族法律關係無涉,是否發生身分上效力仍得依實際情形判斷之矛盾局面,則該判斷之方式已從最初之臺灣人民舊慣改變成為經總督府法院判決中所認可之習慣與法理。此一準據方式的改變,亦造成了光復後對於日治時期臺灣人民間家族關係認定的困難性,於判斷時應以日本總督府府法院判決為依據、或是臺灣人民之習慣、又或者是臨時臺灣舊慣調查會所編之「臺灣私法」以及日本總督府法院法官姉歯松平之論著為準。此一問題並未隨著日本統治結束而消失,反而隨著時代的更迭而彰顯出其所面臨的困境。

興策拓海:日治時代臺灣的水產業發展 / Policies Adopted in Expanding and Exploitation the Ocean: Development of Fishery Industry in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period

蔡昇璋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是以討論日治時代臺灣水產業的發展與轉變為主軸,透貫時性視角切入,從史前文化考古遺跡討論開始,進至荷西入據前、荷西時期、鄭氏王國、清領時期,再到討論的核心—日治時代。 本文從帝國整體水產業發展切入觀察、相互比對,殖民地臺灣在此日本統治時期的水產業如何發展、因應及調整。首先,透過清代志書與日治初期的水產基礎調查,彙整同時相互比對,釐清何以清代志書中水餉漁課何以變動不大的原因並試圖重建清末治日治初期臺灣漁業發展圖像。 其次,透過時序的劃分,分別從1895-1920年代、1920-1930年代、1930-1937、1937-1945等四個時軸線切入觀察、分析,藉由1895-1920年代,日本領臺前及領臺後,帝國本身水產業的改良轉型與政策方向調整,漁業制度等各項基礎整備建立,來觀察對照殖民地臺灣水產業如何因應與整備,尤其漁業制度法規的建立及水產改良、行政確立、獎勵等,是臺灣與帝國水產業接軌的重要指標。 再者,透過1920-1930年代,日本帝國遠洋漁業發展戰略調整的討論,尤其是1897年遠洋漁業獎勵法的頒布實行開始,帝國擬定策略就是驅逐歐美遠洋漁獵勢力,積極獎勵扶植發展遠洋新式拖網漁業,促使其快速發展之結果,就是產生嚴重對立與利益衝突,進而發生與中國嚴重的漁事外交衝突,迫使帝國日本不得不再度修訂調整戰略,配合殖民臺灣在「南支南洋」調查的基礎,開始往南方發展移動。而1930-1945,是帝國擴張主義下,生存與生命線維繫,極其關鍵重要的時期,從準戰時階段,進入戰時體制,帝國與臺灣密集展開「南支南洋」水產調查,從而發展出以「南支、外南洋」拖網、機船底曳網為主,及以「內南洋」鮪旗延繩漁業為主,兩大「帝國生命線」遠洋漁業發展軸線。

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