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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Définition de l'enseignement "calligraphique" dans l'éducation scolaire japonaise de 1945 à nos jours / The Definition of "Calligraphy" Education in Japan's School System from 1945 to 2018

Diot, Rodolphe 20 September 2018 (has links)
Comment définir ce que l’on appelle communément la «calligraphie» telle que celle-ci est pratiquée en Asie de l’est, et notamment au Japon ? Voilà la question première qui a motivé notre travail. L’éducation « calligraphique » fait partie des programmes de l’école japonaise depuis la fondation du système scolaire moderne. Dans la mesure où plus de quatre-vingt-dix pourcent des enfants poursuivent désormais leur scolarité jusqu’au lycée, on peut penser que le type d’enseignement reçu à travers ces années d’études contribue à former l’idée que la population se fait de la « calligraphie ». Aussi avons-nous décidé d’aborder notre sujet de réflexion en observant comment l’État définissait l’éducation « calligraphique » à travers les programmes scolaires. Dans le prolongement de travaux précédents, nous avons d’abord examiné la période déterminante de l’occupation américaine, envisageant les rapports de force des divers acteurs engagés dans l’élaboration des curricula. Nous avons ensuite analysé en détail les versions successives des directives éducatives nationales. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressé aux choix effectués par les concepteurs des programmes entre « calligraphie » utilitaire et artistique. / How can we define what is commonly called “calligraphy” in the Asian context, and in particular, in Japan? That is the basic question from which our research started. “Calligraphy” education has been included in school curricula since the foundation of the modern school system in Japan. Today, more than ninety percent of Japanese children go through senior high-school. Therefore, we can assume that the education received during these school years influence the way the people apprehends calligraphy. For that reason, we chose to study the definition of calligraphy as elaborated by the Japanese State through the school programs. Continuing the work we had already done in that field on the pre-war era, we first took a close look at the period of the American Occupation, examining the struggle between the different parties involved in the design of the curriculum. We then proceeded with a thorough analysis of the successive versions of the National course of study, focusing particularly on the choices made by curricula designers, between utilitarian and artistic calligraphy.


劉翰璋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從圖書出版之概念成形到產品上市的過程,根據次級資料之實證,觀察1950年以來圖書出版之環境的演變以及互補性產業如何演進,以「互補性產業演進與產品創新速度之關係」為主軸,探討:1、圖書出版產業在從創意到產品上市的價值鏈為何?2、1950年以來,圖書出版產業之互補性產業如何演進?3、互補性產業形成的原因為何?4、互補性產業演進對於產品創新速度會造成什麼影響?研究發現如下: 一、「法律」及「科技」是從1950到2000年推動圖書出版產業演進主要的環境變因。「法律」的事件歸類為『著作權法』;「科技」的事件歸類為『印刷技術』、『生產作業電腦化』、『網路資訊科技』。 二、根據圖書出版產業的特性,歸納圖書出版產業中所包含之價值活動個別屬於不同的「核心技術類型」。『內容創作』、『載具製作』及『產品流通』等。『內容創作』是要創作圖書內容。『載具製作』是要將圖書內容以載具的形式儲存以便於流通,而一般載具的形式有紙本、光碟電子書及可直接透過網際網路傳輸的數位資訊等。『產品流通』主要是要將圖書產品傳輸、銷售給客戶。 三、「法律」環境變因衍生「內容創作」之互補性產業演進;「科技」衍生「載具製作」、「產品流通」之互補性產業演進。 四、「載具製作」及「產品流通」之互補性產業衍生「內容創作」之互補性產業。 五、隨著環境變因衍生互補性產業,互補性產業形成原因可歸納為:規模經濟利益、知識專精利益、交易成本降低。 六、互補性產業演進影響產業分工,縮短舊有產業價值鍊長度。「內容創作」之互補性產業演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響出版業價值鏈長度之縮短;「載具製作」之互補性產業之演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響印刷業價值鏈長度之縮短;「產品流通」之互補性產業之演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響傳統通路業價值鏈長度之縮短。 七、互補性產業演進加速產品創新速度。「內容創作」之互補性產業演進促進「內容創作」價值鏈之產品創新速度;「載具製作」之互補性產業演進促進「載具製作」價值鏈之產品創新速度;「產品流通」之互補性產業演進促進「產品流通」價值鏈之產品創新速度。 本研究最後呼應Teece(1987) 對互補性產業之看法,(互補性資產會影響從創意成形到產品上市的過程),進一步引進Aaker(1991)「核心技術類型」的觀念,提出『互補性產業演進的模式,以及互補性產業演進對產品創新速度之影響』的觀念性模型。


劉松福 Unknown Date (has links)
黨對政府的組織、人事、政策擁有決定權,兩者關係為黨領導下的相互重疊,是列寧式政黨及其取得政權後所建立之「黨國體制」(party-state system)的主要特徵之一。雖然經過近二十年來改革開放潮流的薰陶,使得中國共產黨對於地方行政官僚、軍隊、社會團體等各方面的控制力均有鬆動跡象,但是不可否認的,其數十年來「以黨領政」、「黨指揮槍」的運作模式,至今仍然能夠透過諸多黨內高層人士在中央政府、地方政府、軍隊相互兼職的方式來得到進一步延續。就當今政治學界而言,有關於政府決策過程的研究到目前為止仍多僅止於臆測。在民主國家中進行研究尚且如此,相形之下,共產國家則又更增添了幾分神秘色彩。也正因此,探索共產黨內核心組織變遷的因果關係,黨內核心組織成員在中央乃至地方之黨、政、軍兼職背後所代表的意義,以及黨內高層人事異動與組織變遷兩者間的交互作用,將使吾人對共產國家之政策走向有更進一步的瞭解。 就中國共產黨而言,中央政治局常務委員會、中央政治局、中央書記處即為其核心組織,總書記、黨主席、黨副主席、中央軍事委員會主席、中央紀律檢查委員會書記、中央顧問委員會主任等職位則代表核心組織成員之職權範圍,兩者匯合即構成所謂的「最高領導制度」。相信透過本論文的研究,對於中國共產黨,乃至於中共政權的政策走向作更精確、更細緻判斷方面將會有所幫助。 本研究共計六章,第一章為緒論,內容包括研究動機與研究目的、文獻回顧、研究途徑與研究方法、研究範圍與研究限制、章節結構等五大部分,目的在於對本研究之內容與方向作一說明。第二章至第五章為本研究之主體,依循歷史演進的順序,以「六屆五中全會」、「八屆十一中全會」以及「十二大」三次會議的召開作為鄰近各章之分界點,對於總書記及黨主席(包含副主席)與黨內核心組織─中央政治局常務委員會、中央政治局、中央書記處三者及其成員間之關係,就組織變遷、人事異動、成員兼職等諸多層面分別進行深入探討。本研究主體各章依據前述方式分期,除了考慮到橫跨時間點與資料配置上的均衡,以及整理分析上的方便之外,「六屆五中全會」、「八屆十一中全會」以及「十二大」在中共黨組織史上別具意義也是重要原因。「六屆五中全會」係中央書記處成為最高領導制度中重要組成部分之源頭所在,也是「總書記」與「中央書記處」兩者並行之濫觴所在;「八屆十一中全會」是現今最高領導制度在「文革」衝擊下進入劇烈變動時期的導火線,中央書記處的功能從先前的「八屆十中全會」開始轉弱並趨於癱瘓,最後甚且造成最高領導制度的近乎全面瓦解;「十二大」則是「總書記」與「中央書記處」在黨章中重現,現今最高領導制度正式回歸「八屆十一中全會」前景況之起始點。第六章則是結論,除了對最高領導制度發展之經過加以統合整理,將其中糾葛紛雜的人事互動關係進一步釐清之外,也試圖在最後一節,以自江澤民擔任中央委員會總書記後首次全國黨代表大會─「十四大」召開至今為時六年有餘的制度變遷過程作為主要分析架構,並且將「十四大」召開前之制度變遷史引為解釋、預測之佐證,對其最高領導制度未來之可能發展作一初步探討。

網際網路事業經營之成功因素研究--以網路書店為例 / Key successful factors to internet business - case of online bookstore

胡敏怡, Hu, Min-I Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的快速發展,打破了時間與地域的限制,而書籍種類繁多、單價又不高、運送方便,非常適合透過網路販售(網路書店能運用電腦科技,即時提供有關書籍的各種資料訊息,使得讀者能夠針對本身的需要自行向網站搜尋資料與訊息,並與網站直接進行互動)。究竟傳統書店經營的成功要素是否能適用於網路書店,亦或是網路書店有一套不同的遊戲規則,是本研究的研究主題。本研究採個案研究的方式,選取美國、英國與台灣等十家書店(純粹網路書店 5 家、由出版社設立的網路書店 1 家、實體書店業者設立網路書店 3 家、純粹實體書店 1 家),藉以瞭解網路書店事業經營的成功因素,網路與實體書店經營的成功因素的差異,以及網路的特性對於書店經營成功的因素所造成的影響。 主要結論如下: (一)針對網路書店經營之成功因素,研究發現如下: 1網路書店必須確立書店定位,以針對目標客戶群設計出網站內容與服務,發展相關策略。 2網路書店不受地理區域的限制,易於使用的界面與確實的查詢結果成為了網路書店的成功因素。 3書籍相關資訊的提供豐富了網路書店產品的內涵。 4社群的形成是網路書店成長的重要因素,網路書店必須利用客製化的內容與互動性,強化社群凝聚力。 5數位化資產與能力是經營網路書店的重要資源。 6具競爭力的價格與交期是網路書店商品管理能力的展現。 7出版社、配銷商、物流業者、貨運公司與作者、媒態等實體事業合作夥伴,對網路書店的重要性更為提高。 8網路書店與 ISP、搜尋引擎與其他熱門網站建立合作關係,形成 Internet 事業網路,將可增加網站的廣告效果,創造交通量與商流。 9品牌知名度是後進者的進入障礙,但先進者在品牌的建立上卻不一定具有先佔優勢。 10網路書店亦非常重視人力資源,對人員的專業能力的重視更勝於實體書店。 (二)受到網路特性的影響,網路與實體書店成功因素中,相同的包括了定位清楚、商品管理能力的重視;而新產生的成功因素,則有 Internet 事業網路、易於使用的界面與確實的查詢結果。其他的實體書店成功因素,則受到網路特性的影響而皆有所調整。

敦煌寫本書儀中應用文書研究 / An Analaysis of the Practial writing in the Written Shu-i in Tun-huan

葉淑珍, Yeh, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)

圖書館館員輔以知識建構工具 在知識建構教學之研究 / The study of knowledge creation based on knowledge construction tools with support of librarians

郭于嫙, Kuo, Yu Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著個人電腦與網際網路的普及,學生的學習方式依承載媒介與傳播模式的演進逐漸產生改變,並產生了不同的知識與學習需求。知識建構為一種以討論進行知識的重組與建構歷程,並從中達到激發創意的效果,利用知識建構學習方式固然能讓學生進行更深入的學習與互動,但仍有知識產出深度與參與程度不足等問題。為求更積極地培養學生知識建構能力、資訊素養技術,進而滿足並促進學生的學習效果。 身為學校知識薈萃之地的圖書館,除提供知識外,更應主動提供相關服務,不僅輔助學習者解決在資訊檢索時的問題或評估選擇的困難,同時也可協助教師,參與學習相關的工作。傳統圖書館在參與學生學習活動時,一般都是扮演被動提供學生所需資源的角色,然而隨著教學方式與資訊傳播媒介的轉變,圖書館的角色開始由被動提供學生所需資源到主動參與學生學習活動、課程的方向改變,走出原有傳統圖書館扮演功能的框架,逐步擴大其服務範圍。 本研究為了解圖書館員支援參與知識建構學習活動,是否真的能提升學生的知識建構學習成效與產生有效知識行為轉變,採取準實驗研究法,以知識建構理論為基礎的Knowledge Forum為學習平台,透過教材提供、教師與助教指導和館員協助不同學習階段進行知識建構學習,並以繪製概念圖為知識建構學習成效評量依據,驗證學生的知識成長與學習成效是否有顯著提升。在資料分析層面透過Knowledge Forum平台討論內容、學生三次概念圖作業成績與知識架構演進歷程、學生與館員互動的內容紀錄、期末報告與問卷等資料進行分析,以量化、知識結構和質性分析的方式,將概念圖進行矩陣處理後,利用UCINET社會網絡分析工具進行概念圖結構與知識組成的分析。 實驗結果可證明圖書館員參與知識建構學習確實有助於學生在知識結構層次的提昇及對於資料應用能力的增強。同時也從研究結果看出利用概念圖輔助學生進行知識建構學習,確實有助於學生知識建構歷程的記錄與成長,共計四點發現: 一、圖書館館員參與知識建構學習活動可促進學生更有效的共同知識建構行為的發生;二、圖書館館員參與知識建置學習活動能促進學生累積資訊素養技能與知識背景;三、圖書館館員參與知識建構學習活動促進學生概念圖的結構與命題內容轉變;四、以概念圖輔助學習能有效記錄學生的知識建構歷程與結構層次的轉變。 未來若能將此種圖書館館員支援參與知識建構學習的有效模式應用於其他學科的教學,將更能顯現出圖書館在教學過程中的重要性,且利於與教師和學生的合作經驗。 / As the increasing popularity of Internet, personal computers, and the evolution of information communication technology (ICTs), students' learning styles has also gradually changed for a variety of needs for knowledge and learning. Knowledge building, as an important concept, describes what a learning community needs to accomplish in order to create knowledge. It also refers to the process of creating new cognitive artifacts based on the common goals, group member discussions, and synthesis of ideas within community. Nevertheless, during the learning process of Knowledge building, there are some problems raised while guiding students to keep their in-depth discussion. In this study, we attempt to find out effective methodologies based on the assistance of library support, to promote learners’ participation, learning achievement and information literacy skills. First, this study introduces a way in which librarians participate in students’ learning process as tutor. Second, the research was conducted by quasi-experiment design; by which an on-line Knowledge Forum for students’ knowledge building learning environment is lunched. Discussion, learning activities and learning materials are delivered through Knowledge Forum. Researchers ask students choose one of four topics (Digital divide, Group dynamic, Attitudes and behavior change, Online persona) to discuss on Knowledge Forum. Students were asked to adopt concept mapping to construct their mind-map and knowledge flow in class. In addition, their learning performance was evaluated based on the process of knowledge mapping (3 times), the content of discussions, tasks, reports and grades. Their works of concept map were analyzed by UCINET, visualizing students’ mind changing, how they organized their knowledge, and to identify the positive effects on students’ performance. Moreover, the study also adopts various data gathering methodologies, such as questionnaires as well as the interaction records between librarians and students for overall understanding the Knowledge construction process. The results showed that librarians’ involvement in learning activities do help students’ improvement in knowledge constructing level, keeping their reflective process in-depth. The data also showed that students using concept maps in the knowledge building learning process as a sound way to assist their tasks accomplishment. This research suggests, in the future, there could be more successful collaboration, such as Knowledge building, among librarians, students, and teachers in different types of educational scenarios. Both educators and students will not only understand the importance of the Knowledge construction for better learning performance but also aware librarians as well as their service as an indispensable role in better education setting.

戰後台灣國民中小學教師教材選擇權發展之研究1945~2010 / The development of teacher’s option in teaching materials for elementary school and junior high school in Taiwan after World War II (1945-2010)

李璟芳, Lee, Ching Fang Unknown Date (has links)
1966年聯合國教科文組織通過《關於教師地位之建議書》,肯定教師為一專門職業,並表示:「在執行其專業任務時,教師應享有學術自由。由於教師特別有資格去評估最適合學生的教學輔助方法,他們應當在如教材的選擇及修正、教科書之評選及教學方式之實際應用等方面,擔負決定性的角色。」然而戰後台灣中小學的教育內容長期由教育部掌控,統編本教科書、禁止使用參考書及測驗卷,都是許多台灣中小學生求學時的共同經驗。在種種政策的限制下,教師長期欠缺教材選擇權。 本論文從教師教材選擇權的理論出發,透過政府公報、報紙等史料的瀏覽以及相關法令的分析,嘗試呈現戰後台灣國民中小學教師教材選擇權的發展脈絡及面貌。國民中小學教師的教材選擇,包括教科書選擇與補助教材選擇。在教科書選擇方面,深受教科書制度影響,而影響戰後台灣教科書政策的主要因素有蔣中正的強人意志、升學主義和解嚴後對教育開放多元的訴求。而在補助教材的選擇上,同樣受到政府的限制。其中參考書和測驗卷的使用,教育部更始終採取禁止的態度。 / In 1966, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted “Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers” agreed that teaching should be regarded as a profession and said, “The teaching profession should enjoy academic freedom in the discharge of professional duties. Since teachers are particularly qualified to judge the teaching aids and methods most suitable for their pupils, they should be given the essential role in the choice and the adaptation of teaching material, the selection of textbooks and the application of teaching methods.” This thesis starts from theoretical studies, through analyzes in government published gazette, newspaper, and related law and ordinance, and then attempts to present the development of teacher’s option in teaching materials of Elementary School and Junior High School after the Second World War in Taiwan. The teaching materials include textbooks, reference books, and supplementary materials. The educational policy and school system effect deeply to the selection in textbooks. The Chiang Kai-Shek’s determination, the Obsession, and demands of open and diversification of education after martial law lifted are all the major causes to define the textbook policy in Taiwan after WWII. In the selection of supplementary materials, it is also under government’s restriction. The usage of reference books and test paper are complete prohibited by Ministry of Education in Taiwan.

國小圖書館自動化系統共建共享之研究:以全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網為例 / Collaborative building and sharing on the integrated library systems of elementary schools in Taoyuan

許嶸鴻, Hsu , Jung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
國民小學圖書館在缺乏人力、經費與技術支援的情況之下,圖書館自動化的發展明顯落後於其他類型的學校圖書館。為了改善此一現象,教育部自民國99學年度開始啟用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」來協助中小學學校圖書館進行閱讀推動與圖書館自動化的實施。透過網路的連結,達成系統共建、資源共享的目標。 為了解「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」在國小圖書館實際使用的情況以及國小圖書館人員對該系統的接受情形,筆者以桃園縣公立小學圖書館為對象,藉由TAM科技接受模式修正版來評估使用者實際使用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」的情形,並據此提出相關的建議。本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談法為輔,以桃園縣188所公立小學圖書館的負責人為調查對象,透過問卷分析使用者對系統的認知情形與使用意願,並輔以訪談法蒐集使用者態度之後的原因來補充問卷資料的不足,以增加研究的正確性。 本研究調查發現「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」明顯的提升了國小圖書館實施自動化的比率,但由於使用者太多且集中在密集的時段使用系統,導致系統連線品質降低,影響系統的正常運作。教育訓練的不足與廠商服務的品質低落亦降低了使用者的滿意度。而「閱讀推動」的目標由於系統功能不符合學校實際推動閱讀的情境導致多數學校使用率偏低。研究者建議必須透過改善系統連線品質、加強教育訓練與提升服務品質來提升使用者的滿意度,達成系統建置的目標。 / Due to a lack of human resources, funding, and technical support for library automation, elementary school libraries have fallen much behind other types of school libraries in the development of library automation. To address this problem, Ministry of Education launched the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in 2010. This system can assist elementary school libraries in promotion of reading and implementation of library automation. Its goal is to achieve co-construction of library systems and sharing of resources through the network. In order to understand the practical usage of the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in elementary school libraries and acceptance of this website among librarians, this study investigated libraries of public elementary schools in Taoyuan County and applied the modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate practical usage of this system. The methodology was based on survey and interview. The survey was administered to directors of 188 public elementary school libraries in Taoyuan County to understand users’ perceptions and usage intentions. The interview was conducted to explore factors behind user attitude, which could make up the insufficiency of survey data and increase the value of research findings. Results showed that the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” has significantly enhanced the percentage of library automation among elementary school libraries. However, the huge number of users of the system and their concentration of usage of the system in certain hours have resulted in a reduction of system connection quality, affecting the normal functioning of the system. Besides, insufficient education training and poor service quality of the system provider have also lowered user satisfaction with the system. With regard to “reading promotion”, the system’s functions are not conformed to the practical situations of reading promotion among elementary schools. As a result, the utility of these functions is low among most schools. Therefore, this study suggested that the authority concerned enhance user satisfaction and achieve the goals of the system by improving system connection quality, education training, and service quality first.

《睡虎地秦簡•日書》巫術文化研究 / “Shuihudi Bamboo Slip -- Rishu”: A Study on Witchcraft

張瓊文, Chang, Chiung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
《睡虎地秦簡•日書》自西元1975年底出土至今已有一段時日,相較於其它出土的《日書》版本而言是較為完整的,引起許多學者熱烈探討且著作頗豐。本論文以有別於其他學者的研究觀點,以文化人類學、考古學、文字學、宗教民俗等為研究方向,並相互比對、釋讀考古資料及歷史文獻,透過字句、語境的詮釋,以探索《睡虎地秦簡•日書》中的鬼神觀和豐富的巫術活動,並分析秦人的巫術信仰及巫術思維,試圖還原秦地巫術文化中的部分面貌。再以商周至兩漢之間的巫術活動的衍變,尋求巫術文化的歷時性脈絡。 / It has been a while since “Shuihudi Bamboo Slips -- Rishu” was excavated in the year 1975. Compared with other copies of “Rishu”, it is more complete and is the subject of scholarly discussion and literature. This study uses a different approach -- that of cultural anthropology, archeology, philology, religion and folklore -- to compare, contrast and interpret the archaeological data and historical documents, as well as to explore the spirits and deities, and witchcraft activities, in “Shuihudi Bamboo Slips – Rishu” through the word usage and context. Finally, the study helps to analyze the Qins’ belief and thinking in witchcraft, and attempts to trace the history of witchcraft culture based on the evolution of witchcraft activities from the Shang and Zhou Dynasty to the Han Dynasty.

電子書產業商業模式之可行性分析與探討 / The analysis of business model in E-book industry

黃如妤 Unknown Date (has links)
Amazon於2007年推出了電子書專用閱讀器Kindle後,帶動了全球數位閱讀之風潮,與電子書產業的蓬勃發展。然而,隨著電子書產業發展至今,數位內容與電子書專用閱讀器分別面臨著各自的挑戰:數位內容具有高開發成本及近乎零元的再製成本之特性,使其可輕易地流通於網路空間中,而著作權人則不易從中獲得應得的版權收益;硬體部分,電子書專用閱讀器面臨平板電腦與智慧型手機的夾殺,導致其於銷售市場上較不如前兩者受消費者青睞。面對如此困境,電子書產業鏈上各角色之廠商該如何應對,並極大化收益。 本研究認為免費之商業模式將是可行辦法之一。係此,本研究透過分析「零元手機」以及「iPod」兩個不同類型的個案,找尋出各自於市場上如何以免費商業模式獲取成功之因素,並探討其於電子書產業中得否亦可以發揮效果,且該免費商業模式為何。 研究顯示,硬體為主要獲利來源,而免費提供數位內容之模式並無法成功運行於電子書產業,主因為硬體本身毛利並不足以補貼數位內容的虧損,且硬體與數位內容兩者之間互補性不強;反之,透過銷售數位內容獲利,而以免費電子書專用閱讀器以吸引消費者,盡而快速累積使用群體,此為較可行之免費商業模式。研究並指出,教育與商用市場將是未來電子書產業廠商可積極佈局之利基市場。 / After Amazon launched Kindle in 2007, digital reading became the spotlight of the world and the eBook industry has been growing vigorously. However, digital content and e-readers are facing their own challenge respectively: high development cost but low duplicating cost. It is easy to copy the files on the internet, but it is difficult for the copyright owners to retrieve the deserved profit; as for the hardware, e-reader is facing the keen competition of tablets and smart phones and is no longer attractive to customers on the market. Under these challenging circumstances, how can each entity on the supply chain of E-book industry react and maximize their profits? This research assumes that free business model would be one of the possible solutions. In this research, “iPod” and “Zero-Price Handset” are selected as two different types of case study. This research tries to figure out what the key successful factors are in these two cases and discusses how these factors can fit in the eBook industry and the possibility of creating success or achieving their goal. If the answer is positive, then what the business model would be? This research shows that “Free digital content, Hardware sales as profit source” model cannot work in eBook industry. The main reason would be that the net profit of hardware cannot compensate the shortage of free digital content. On the other hand, the net profit of selling digital content would definitely compensate the shortage of free hardware, because the sales of digital content are continuous instead of one-time sale. What is more, free hardware could attract more potential customer and accumulate a huge amount of customer base. This model would be one of the possible solutions. This research also points out that educational and commercial market are niche markets for eBook companies and they should set strategies aggressively base on that fact.

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