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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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歐洲共同體直接稅調和之研究 / Research on the Direct Tax Harmonization in the European Community

高新興, Kao, Hsin Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
成立區域經濟聯盟除因政治因素之需要外,主要係因會員國可藉由經濟統合,消除彼此間貿易及競爭之障礙,而獲致經濟利益。經濟聯盟會員國間稅制之差異及差別課稅待遇亦會形咸貿易及競爭之障礙,因此有加以調和之必要。一般之經濟聯盟由於統合程度較低,僅有將關稅等間接稅加以調和,而歐洲共同體因致力於建立一個無內部邊界之單一市場,確保貨物、人員、勞務及資本之自由移動,其統合程度較高,故對直接稅亦加以調和。其調和直接稅之立論根據及處理情形,頗值其他區域經濟聯盟之參考,為本文之研究重點。   本文第一章為緒論。第二章則先就經濟統合之型式及利益加以介紹,為獲致這些利益,租稅所形成之障礙有必要加以消除。其次,對調和租稅之一般理論,按租稅調和之性質、方法、原則及動態等面加以說明。最後分析直接稅各別稅目之調和理論。在公司所得稅方面,分析不同之課稅主權主義對國際間效率面之影響,及其租稅調和之效果。在個人所得稅方面,資本所得課稅之效果與公司所得稅相同,勤勞所得部分,為兔租稅影響人民工作地點之選擇,各國之薪工稅應予一致,並採屬人主義課稅。不論就公司稅或個人稅,屬人主義在效率面之效果均優於屬地主義,惟因人民之國外所得不易掌握課稅,及聯盟內人員之跨國流動性提高,屬人主義下仍有其缺點,而有必要進行租稅調和。至於其他之直接稅,因多係對不動產加以課稅,稅基較不具流動性,扭曲效果較小,故其調和較不具迫切性。   歐體之直接稅應否調和,在其會員國問一直存在爭議,主要係因在經濟面,直接稅差異之扭曲效果及福利成本不易估計,故不易說服會員國採行調和法案。另在法律面,調和直接稅之法律依據亦不若間接稅明確。本文第三章就歐體公司稅之扭曲情形及共同體法之規定加以討論,以瞭解歐體調和直接稅之立論根據,並介紹直接稅調和之主要演進情形。   第四章則就歐體實務面調和直接稅之法案加以介紹,包括已獲採行及提案中之法案,分為與公司有關之直接稅調和、所得稅之稽徵業務、個人所得稅及其他直接稅、相關改革等四個部分加以說明。   第五章就歐體直接稅調和之現況加以評估,討論未來以租稅條約取代調和指令之可行性,及歐體會員國租稅條約應有之政策。因租稅條約尚無法完全取代調和指令,歐體直接稅採指令加以調和仍有必要。由於歐體直接稅調和尚在發展當中,其未來進一步調和的空間仍大。惟直接稅調和受歐體其他方面未來統合進展之影響頗大,故就其未來受經濟面、政治面、法律面、理論面影響之因素加以分析。並介紹歐體未來調和直接稅之計劃,以對直接稅調和有有一整體性之瞭解。   最後於第六章對本文做一結論,並就我國稅法之規定、對我國公司之影響及對國際組織之態度等方面提出建議。

閩臺海底電線與中日交涉之研究(1895-1904) / The research of the negotiations between China and Japan upon the submarine cable between Fuchow and Tamsui(1895-1904)

林於威, Lin, Yu Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討臺灣在中日締結馬關條約被割讓予日本之際,由清廷臺灣巡撫劉銘傳時期所鋪設完成的閩臺海底電線,如何讓售日本的過程。在1895年6月馬關條約規定中日兩國應於締約後的2個月時間完成臺灣之移交,然而日方全權代表樺山資紀卻突然向中方全權代表李經方提出閩臺電線一併移交日本的要求,因此展開中日交涉閩臺電線歸屬之外交問題,使得閩臺電線問題成為甲午戰後中日之間遺留下來的臺灣問題。1898年12月7日,中日訂定閩臺電線讓售合同,解決閩臺電線之歸屬問題。從此以後,閩臺電線才正式屬於日本所有。   本研究之結果發現,閩臺電線之中日交涉問題與甲午戰後東亞國際情勢之發展有密不可分的關係。例如當時居於弱勢的中國聯合英國大東電報公司與丹麥大北電報公司,讓日本無法將新得到的閩臺電線進一步向福建內陸延長,確保中國對外電報之自主權。最後就是1904年2月爆發日俄戰爭,臺灣總督府為了搶修受損的閩臺電線,不顧中國福州海關的意見,將閩臺電線修復,差點引發另一場中日糾紛。從日俄戰爭到1945年日本投降為止,以閩臺電線為中心,臺灣成為日本海外電信的樞紐據點。 / In 1895, the Qing Dynasty was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki(馬關條約) and cede Taiwan to Japan after losing the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895(中日甲午戰爭). According to agreement to transfer of Taiwan all question relating to the submarine cable between Fuchow and Tamsui(福州到淡水的海底電線:閩臺海底電線)are to be settled afterwards by both Government. In 12.7,1898, to signed a Convention of the submarine cable between Fuchow and Tamsui(閩臺電線讓售合同)by China and Japan, the submarine cable belonged to Japan. According to the research of the thesis, the negotiations between China and Japan upon the submarine cable between Fuchow and Tamsui correspond to the situation of North-East Asia after Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Finally, from the Russo-Japanese War to Surrender of Japanese in 1945, Taiwan became the hub of Japanese Overseas telecommunications with the submarine cable between Fuchow and Tamsui.

1945年中蘇東北問題交涉-國家安全與尊嚴的對抗 / A study of the negotiations between the USSR and the ROC over Manchuria (1945)

黃家廉, Huang, Chia-Lien Unknown Date (has links)

俄羅斯核不擴散之研究 / A Study of Russian Nuclear Nonproliferation

李孟遠 Unknown Date (has links)
由於蘇聯解體所導致的核擴散,這個世界比起過去更加危險。新的安全威脅源自於俄羅斯核物質、武器與科學家的擴散。另一方面,俄羅斯軍事力量的下降導致俄羅斯提高了核武器在未來戰爭中的作用。俄羅斯國家安全構想與軍事學說的轉變可能升高核戰爭的可能性。在本文中,筆者將探討由俄羅斯所引起的核擴散風險。 / Because of the nuclear proliferation caused by the collapse of USSR, the world is more insecurity than before. The new security threat comes from the spread of Russian nuclear materials, weapons and scientists. On the other hand, the decline of Russian military leads Russia to pay much attention on the use of nuclear weapon in the future warfare. The change of the Russian national security concept and military doctrine may raise the possibility of nuclear war. In the paper, author will study the risk of nuclear proliferation caused by Russia.

伊朗核武問題之研究 / The Study of Iran's Nuclear Development

張力夫, Chang, Li-fu Unknown Date (has links)
伊朗伊斯蘭共和國為中東地區主要國家之一。自1957年與美國合作發展核能以來,除了在柯梅尼政權初期曾短暫中斷外,歷任的領導人皆大力支持核科技的發展。從近年來的發現,顯示伊朗正在持續進行某些秘密的核計畫,使得國際憂心伊朗可能有發展核武的意圖。一旦伊朗擁有核武,將對國際安全產生重大衝擊。 本文分析的重點,在於伊朗發展核科技的背景、動機、經過,還有各國對伊朗核計畫的態度,以及伊朗核武化之後對國際安全的衝擊。 / The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the major powers in the Middle East. Since 1957, when nuclear energy program received technical assistance from the U.S., its successive leaders have eagerly pursued the policy for developing nuclear technology. The only exception took place during the early years of the Ayatollah Khomeni government when all nuclear program was temporarily suspended. Recent disclosures show that Iran has been conducting several covert nuclear programs, which is considered by the international community as a possible step toward nuclear weapons. This thesis first analyzes the background of Iran’s nuclear development, its motives, and the evolution of its nuclear development. The U.S., Russia, the PRC, and other related powers’ attitude toward Iran’s nuclear programs will be analyzed latter. Once Iran gets nuclear weapons, its impact on the security in the Middle East as well as on the nuclear non-proliferation regime will also be examined finally.


廖宗山, Liao, Zhong-shan Unknown Date (has links)
丹麥參與歐洲統合進程中,曾於1960年至1973年間參與歐洲自由貿易協會,並自1973年後從歐洲自由貿易協會轉型為歐體的一員,丹麥加入歐體之後其歐盟政策經歷了適應期(1973-1986)、高峰期(1986-1992)與調整期(1992-2000)。在各個時期之中,丹麥制訂歐盟政策經歷了一連串持續與轉變的過程,究其原因莫過於第一層次與第二層次之間相互影響與互動所致。在第一層次(國際層次)之中丹麥與各會員國在國際場合進行談判,透過不斷的磋商與讓步,與各會員國達成國際協議;在第二層次(國內層次)之中國會、歐洲事務委員會、政黨、利益團體及丹麥民眾,分別透過各種管道影響丹麥的歐盟政策之制訂。由於許多國際層次的歐盟條約都必須得到丹麥國內的批准,致使「批准」成為兩個層次之間的重要連結。 本篇論文以兩層次賽局作為分析架構,並以「勝利組合」作為分析工具,探討第一層次歐盟各會員國如何對丹麥作出施壓與讓步,以及第二層次國內各因素如何在歐盟政策制訂過程中發揮影響力,透過「勝利組合」的範圍變化,分析單一歐洲法與馬斯垂克條約等重要歐盟條約如何得到「批准」通過。在第二層次之中,尤其不可忽略公民複決對丹麥制訂歐盟政策所發揮的影響力,透過整理丹麥舉辦六次關於歐盟議題公民複決的經驗,可歸納出公民複決是影響丹麥制訂歐盟政策的關鍵因素。此外,第一層次的談判結果也會影響丹麥民眾對於某項議題的偏好。國際壓力是造成國內政策轉折的必要條件,相對地若缺乏國內對於國際壓力的回應,光憑國際壓力尚不足以達成國際協議。因此,這兩個層次是雙向影響與互動的過程,而非單向的影響過程, 兩層次賽局應用在丹麥歐盟政策制訂上,丹麥國內民眾不僅對條約本身(第一層次)做出衡量,也對於政府的表現做出評估(第二層次),使公民複決在兩層次賽局中具有決定性的作用。在歐洲統合過程中,丹麥相較於其他歐盟會員國,其國內因素對於歐盟政策之制訂,發揮了較大的牽制作用。一項重大歐盟條約的通過,必須得到國內第二層次的支持才得以批准,這使得決策者不敢擅作主張,必須將國內的意見充分表達於國際談判之中,且要得到國內的充分授權之後才能在國際談判桌上作出決定。因此,丹麥在制訂歐盟政策過程中持續地將民眾意見納入其中,丹麥對於民意的重視,益加凸顯出主權在民的精神。 丹麥雖只是身處於北歐地區的一個小國,但丹麥卻能善用自身的籌碼,在國際談判中爭取有利的條件。在歐洲統合過程中,丹麥持續將其理念帶入歐盟,進而影響其他會員國與整體歐盟政策之走向。展望未來歐洲統合的發展,歐盟擴充之後會員國數目增加,丹麥的統合經驗,特別是採取尊重民意的歐盟政策,將可作為其他新加入會員國的參考。故丹麥經驗在歐洲統合的歷程及未來發展上均具有重要性,而「兩層次賽局」也可供作其他會員國分析歐盟政策的架構,更可作為解釋其他內政與外交相關議題的分析工具。

大理院民事判決法源之研究(1912-1928) / A study on the source of civil law during early republican China (1912-1928)

黃聖棻, Huang, Sheng-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的乃是欲從大理院之民事判決例中,嘗試去探究大理院的民事法源,去了解大理院所建立的民事法規範的淵源到底是從何而來?其審判究竟根據什麼樣的法源?大理院對這些法源的態度為何?法源衝突時,規範的效力問題又該如何解決?根據本文考察,大理院之民事法源,在成文法方面,除了約法之外,主要依照《大清現行律》民事有效部分作為其審判依據,在運用層面上導入了歐陸法學概念用來解釋《大清現行律》,促使中西法律文化的融合。此外,前清其它有效法律與民國時期民事特別立法也都被大理院以之為法源。關於條約,大理院則認為其具有法源地位,得直接適用而不需再經由國內立法程序。至於大清民律草案,在民國初年並非有效的成文法律,大理院將其定性為「條理」而加以適用,但是在適用上的判語則相當岐異,為其弊端。同時,大理院時期已經能運用外國立法例與一般法律原則來加強判決理由與調整當事人利益的分配。當然,大理院處於新舊交融的時代,一些傳統義理道德的觀念仍在大理院判例中找得著其痕跡。而對於判例,大理院則是承認其法源性,具有法規範效力,並且對其相當重視,形成獨特的地位,兼具羅馬法系與普通法系的特徵。 / This study is try to find the source of civil law during early republican china(1912-1928), and to apprehend how these kinds of source of civil law be shaped by the judges on the civil adjudications of Dali Yuan(Supreme Court). Besides, the focus is also on what these sources of law are and how Dali Yuan resolve the issue while these sources conflict. First, the statutory sources of civil law include the provisional constitution, treaties, Ching Empire Current Penal Code, and some civil regulations. Ching Empire Current Penal Code is the most important legal basis on the trial. Dali Yuan uses European legal concepts to interpret Ching Empire Current Penal Code and this give Penal Code a new life. Besides, Dali Yuan considers the treaty could be directly applied and not need to be by the way of internal legislative process. In this period, Civil Code Draft is still not valid, so that Dali Yuan takes Draft as principle of law to be applied. Moreover, foreign statutes sometimes can be found in the judgment to strengthen the reason. Of course, on the era of variance, sometimes traditional idea still exists in the judge mind. The precedent play an important role before the Civil Code is put in force. The precedents of Dali Yuan can be considered as source of law. The legal system during this period can be called the amalgamation of Roman law and common law.

WTO資訊科技協定(ITA)之研究:科技發展下ITA產品範圍的爭議與解決 / Information technology agreement (ITA) of the WTO: Product coverage, dispute settlement and technological development

曾顯照, Tseng, Hsien Chao Unknown Date (has links)
WTO「資訊科技協定」(ITA)於1996年底通過後成效彰顯,為多邊貿易體系部門別自由化方案之典範。然而當前快速的科技發展帶動新興資訊科技產品持續問世,以致該等產品究否屬於ITA通過當時所規範零關稅之產品範圍產生爭議,問題殊值深究。ITA生效以來首宗爭端解決個案即屬適例。按該案係我國、美國與日本於2008年間共同指控歐盟在機上盒、多功能事務機與液晶顯示器等三項資訊科技產品之課稅措施,違反WTO關稅減讓之規範。WTO爭端解決機制如何就科技發展實況解讀ITA產品範圍,對於ITA未來的執行成效具關鍵地位。 有關前揭個案之WTO適法性研究,本文認為WCO/HS公約稅則歸列見解可為參據,另可依據維也納條約法公約(VCLT)第31條與32條之解釋規則,考量全部或是多數會員對於系爭產品關稅待遇的「共同意願」。具體而言,基於VCLT第31條揭示的「本文內容」、「目的與宗旨」、「上下文脈絡」、「後續實務措施」與「相關國際法規範」等,通盤考量解讀歐盟關稅減讓表意涵,倘據此解讀後仍舊模糊難定,則依據VCLT第32條揭示的「條約協定的相關準備工作」與「完成當時的情境」等為輔助判斷。 鑑於此類爭議將演變為體制性問題,本文提出二項建議方案。第一,採行ITA委員會通知處理機制尋求通案解決,討論過程納入貨品貿易規範在其他領域敘及之「同類產品」的認定要素,基於創新產品變動並參照當前科技發展等市場實務進行考量,合理擴張ITA產品範圍。第二,爭取在當前杜哈回合談判通過相關部門別自由化方案擴大ITA產品範圍,建構零或低關稅的資訊科技產品貿易環境,其落實將有助於全球資訊科技產業之發展,亦可強化多邊貿易體系之整體運作。 / Information Technology Agreement (hereinafter ITA) has made significant contribution to the free trade in IT products since its conclusion at the end of 1996. It has been recognized as a successful model of sectorial trade liberalization in the WTO multilateral trading system. However, with the rapid advent of new technology, challenges arising from the determination of tariff treatment on newly innovated IT products become outstanding. Indeed, whether those innovated products are subject to the duty-free treatment of ITA merits intensive considerations. As demonstrated in the first dispute specifically on the prodcut coverage of ITA, where Taiwan, United States and Japan filed against the European Communities in 2008 for three IT products, i.e. set-top box, multi-functional office machine and LCD monitor, how the disptue settlement institutions respond to the applicability of the ITA in the context of techonogical develpment would be critical to the effectiveness of future ITA. In this study, the author argues that relevant factors to be taken into account by the panel adjudicating the ITA dispute include the tariff classification principle embodied in the Harmonized System Convention of the WCO, as well as the “common intention” of all or a great majority of ITA participants pursuant to Article 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT). Specifically, an examination of the EC’s commitments under schedules of tariff concession by virtue of text (ordinary meaning), object and purpose, context, subsequent practice and relevant rules of international law as stipulated in Article 31 of the VCLT are of importance. Furthermore, looking at elements as to preparatory work and circumstances of the conclusion of the EC’s schedule in accordance with Article 32 of the VCLT is also relevant. On systemic issues, the author proposes two solutions. First, the inclusion of a new notification mechanism into the ITA Committee could be feasilbe. By adopting the concept of “like products” applicable to other fields of trade in goods, the ITA’s product coverage can be reasonably expanded on the basis of the modification of innovated products and advent of modern technology in the market. Second, achieving the consensus on sectorial liberalization of expanded IT products under on-going Doha Round would contribute to establish zero (or low) tariff environment for IT products, which would benefit not only to the global IT industry but also to the multilateral trading system as a whole.

第二次北韓核武危機中共扮演角色之研究 / A Study on the role of China during the 2nd North Korea nuclear crisis

宋玉蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
北韓自1950年代起逐步建立其核武實力,形成對國際社會的嚴重威脅,基於其政權生存與經濟的需要,動輒以核武要脅國際社會換取能源、糧食援助及安全保障。1994年第一次北韓核武危機結束後,由於美國與北韓後續未確實履行核框架協議,從2002年10月北韓承認恢復其核計畫、美國開始停止對北韓供應重油起,北韓動作頻頻,除自2003年1月10日起宣佈退出禁止核子武器擴散條約外,更積極發展核武抗衡美國與國際社會,對相關國家的安全造成莫大影響,並期望藉此獲得所需的政治利益與經濟援助。北韓的行為引起國際關注,視之為第二次北韓核武危機。中共、南韓、日本、俄羅斯及美國對此均投以高度關注,努力謀求解決之道,而中共更是此次核武危機演變與發展的關鍵斡旋角色。 第二次北韓核武危機發生以來,中共對核武問題的解決發生了建設性的作用,各輪會談能夠持續運作,中共以穿梭外交遊走於各國功不可沒,其角色重要而多樣,儼然成為斡旋者、調停者、領導者、防衛者、緩衝器、利益攸關者、平衡者、機制建議者,若依北韓核武危機往良性發展的端倪來看,未來中共更可能兼具經濟支援者、安全保障者和制度監督者的角色。此次的核武危機為中共大國外交提供難得的歷史機運,藉由複雜的危機解決過程,緩和了危機的緊張態勢,更藉由與各國間的互動與合作,獲得實質外交進展,提高了中共的國際影響力,同時這樣的作為也是符合各方利益的最佳選擇。 本文主要包含兩大方向:首先探討第二次北韓核武危機的背景與判斷北韓發展核武的動機,繼之簡述兩次核武危機始末;接著統整自三邊會談、六方會談召開以來之情勢發展及與會各國互動形成的共識共決,分析中共居中的角色與其國家利益之間的關聯性,並研判該議題未來走向。 / Since 1950s North Korea has gradually built up its nuclear weapon capabilities, forming a serious threat to international community. Based on the need of regime survival and economy, North Korea frequently uses nuclear weapons in threatening international community for exchanges of energy, food aid and security assurances. After the end of the First North Korea Nuclear Crisis in 1994, US and North Korea did not actually carry out the Agreed Framework, North Korea confessed to restart its nuclear program in October 2002 while US suspended supplying heavy fuel oil to North Korea. In addition to its withdrawal from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, North Korea also actively develops nuclear weapons to contend with the US and international community, bringing about huge impacts on the security of relative countries, hoping to exchange for more political benefit and economic assistance. The behavior of North Korea has raised international attention, regarding it as the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis. China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and the US all pay high attention and work hard to seek for solutions to the crisis. China has played a key role in the evolution and development of the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis. Since the inception of the 2nd North Korea Nuclear Crisis, China has turned out to be constructively pivotal in solving nuclear weapon problems. The fact that six rounds of talks can take place continuously go to China’s credit, which pursues shuttle diplomacy to coordinate the activities of the other six-party talks participators, playing roles that are important yet various, apparently becoming a mediator, good officer, host, defender, buffer, stakeholder, balancer, mechanism keeper, and, in viewing from the point that North Korea Nuclear Crisis has been developed toward a more positive direction, China will more than likely take key role as economic supporter, security guarantor and mechanism supervisor. This nuclear crisis provides China a rare historical opportunity of big-power diplomacy. Through complex crisis solving process to détente intense situation and the interaction and cooperation among Northeast Asian nations to obtain actual diplomatic progress, the influence of China has soared while such action is the best choice in complying with relative nation’s interests. The study mainly include two directions: At first the background of the Second North Korea Nuclear Crisis be reviewed and the motive of North Korea in developing nuclear weapon be determined. Then how the two nuclear crises began and ended are briefly stated, followed by integration of situation development since the Three-party talks, Six-party talks and the common agreement formed among participating nations. The role of China and relations to its interest is analyzed and thus the future direction of the issues is also carefully studied.


侯權峰 Unknown Date (has links)
自從蘇聯在一九五七年成功的發射人類第一枚人造衛星之後,自此人類社會即走向太空時代。我國相關的航太工業雖然起步較晚,但自民國八十年代起,已由國科會所屬之太空計畫室與美國進行合作,如今也有數枚科學用途的衛星運行於地球軌道上。 在外太空運行的各種外空物體中,以衛星的數量最為龐大,而衛星工業所創造出來的商業利益,潛力亦甚為可觀。現今在通訊、氣象、地球遙測、科學各方面,大量仰賴藉助衛星所提供的服務。 國際社會對於太空時代的來臨早有因應。自一九六○年代起,透過「聯合國和平使用太空委員會」進行一連串的太空法條約制定工作,並且卓有成效。國際太空法無疑地已經成為繼國際海洋法之後,最重要的分支之一。因此,本研究對於國際太空法重要的基本法律原則提供深入的研究,並針對衛星的管轄權及實務上發射一枚衛星時所應考量的相關法律問題加以探討。最後,若是外空物體,包括衛星在內,對於太空中及地面上的人員、財產發生損害時,在程序上及實體法方面,應如何藉由國際太空法解決損害賠償的問題,作有系統的整理、探討。文中並以國際社會上實際發生過的案例,蘇聯、加拿大如何藉由一般國際法及國際太空法,解決蘇聯衛星「宇宙954號」墜落加拿大境內的損害賠償問題。 國際太空法對於新型態的國際侵權行為仍無法提供有效的解決規範,國際社會實有必要繼續制定相關的國際條約。不過這似乎有賴國際上的太空強權國家們,捐棄成見,破除狹隘的國家利益觀念,以長遠的國際社會利益為宗旨,始能克竟全功。

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