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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業經營績效、員工及董監事薪酬與公司治理之相關性研究 / The Study on the Correlation of Employee and Board Director Compensation, Business Performance and Corporate Governance

游建鋒, Yu, Chien Fong Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討企業獲利與分配員工間的合理性問題。利用2008年至2014年的公開發行以上公司之資料進行實證分析。首先,本文發現企業營收成長率與員工薪酬成長率、董監事薪酬成長率具顯著正相關,顯示員工薪酬確實隨著企業營收而有所調升。然而,員工薪酬成長率低於營收成長率之幅度達0.2%。董監事薪酬的成長率則顯著高於營收成長率5.1%。顯示企業員工的薪酬成長率低於董監事薪酬的成長率。 本文進一步分析不同公司治理環境對企業營收成長率與員工薪酬成長率、董監事薪酬成長率之影響。實證結果發現家族企業與董監事兼任總經理之企業,其(1)營收成長率高於員工薪酬成長率的情形、以及(2)董監事薪酬成長率高於營收成長率的情形更為明顯。換言之,公司治理對企業的員工薪酬分配或董監事薪酬分配有顯著影響。 基於上述發現,本文認為《公司法》第235-1條應針對勞方的酬勞分配訂定合理的範圍,建議可行的方案為訂定董監事酬勞發放率與員工分紅率的上下限或兩者之相對比率,此比率可隨著產業特性與風險、公司規模做適度的調整,以避免企業分紅政策失去彈性、企業負擔過於沉重或造成中小企業行政困擾的問題。此外,避免企業違背修法的精神,本文建議可參考歐洲的員工董事制度或比照美國立法要求企業揭露高階主管、董監事與一般員工之薪酬差距,並列為公司治理指標。


潘若琳 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於全球化公共政策研究的重要性,目前國內相關之學術研究、理論建構尚在萌芽階段。本文擬從全球治理的角度,探討我國基因改造食品政策制定過程所面臨的挑戰與回應,希望透過實際個案的觀察拋磚引玉,使更多研究者能重視公共政策發展的全球化觀點。具體而言,本研究主要目的如下: 一、在理論層面:藉由全球治理相關文獻探討,結合公共政策制定面向,進行學理論證與析探,以期提供全球化公共政策研究的理論分析基礎。 二、在政策層面:本文選擇基因改造食品管理政策進行個案研究,一則希望突顯出全球化公共政策研究的普遍性與迫切性,原以為看似單純的、國內的食品安全議題,背後卻隱藏著全球治理的複雜網絡關係。另一方面,目前基因改造食品議題之研究內容,大多對於法律規範、風險管理等討論,尚缺乏政策面向的論述。筆者首度從公共政策的角度切入,藉此瞭解全球治理網絡中國際性組織與跨國行動者,對於我國基因改造食品管理政策的影響,同時希望為該政策發展做一完整記錄,以期提供整體性的政策分析與建議。 經由國內外相關文獻回顧與實地深度訪談結果,本研究提出以下幾項命題供日後相關研究之參考。 一、全球化時代下,國際性政府間組織所制定的相關國際協定或標準,已直接對於國內政策制定產生約束力。 1-1國際性政府間組織所形塑的議程,會加速我國基因改造食品政策問題的形成。 1-2國際性政府間組織所達成的標準,已成為我國基因改造食品政策規劃的重要依據。 1-3國際性政府間組織所研擬的協定,也會促使我國基因改造食品政策立法進行修正。 二、全球化時代下,跨國企業透過資源提供、建立聯盟等各種直接與間接途徑,對於國內政策進行遊說。 2-1 跨國企業利用市場依賴的特性,促使國內基因改造食品政策問題之形成。 2-2跨國企業藉由提供知識、訓練、技術等資源給政府部門,進而影響我國基因改造食品政策規劃的方向。 2-3跨國企業藉由提供知識、訓練、技術等資源給其他相關利益團體,經由策略聯盟,影響我國基因改造食品管理立法的過程。 三、全球化時代下,國際非政府組織對於國內基因改造食品政策制定過程的實際影響與參與有限。 3-1國際非政府組織藉由參與國際組織推動全球議程,使得各國政府必須面對基因改造食品管理之政策問題。 3-2國際非政府組織在我國未見有分會之運作,所以直接參與政策規劃的情形相當有限。 3-3國內非營利組織必須主動向國際非政府組織爭取相關知識、訓練、技術等資源援助,這些非政府組織對於國內政策立法的實際影響實屬間接的。


李欽財 Unknown Date (has links)
推動銀行公司治理與風險管理過程中,透過董事及重要職員責任保險機制,適切地降低及分散董事(監察人)及重要職員之責任風險,保障渠之財產權,避免因執行職務遭受第三人或團體起訴而引起之財務損失。使具有專業學識經驗之人士,有意願參與銀行之經營團隊,成為董事或獨立董事、監察人或重要職員,且勇於獨立履行其職責,落實銀行依銀行業公司治理之六大原則:□遵循法令並健全內部管理;□保障股東權益;□強化董事會職能;□發揮監察人功能;□尊重利益相關者權益;□提升資訊透明度。以提升銀行之競爭力及銀行之價值,確保股東及投資人之權益。 / In the process of promoting corporate governance and risk management in the banking industry, through the mechanism of Directors and Officers liability insurance, the risk associated with liability of company directors, supervisors, and officers is appropriately reduced and spread, personal property is protected, and the financial loss arising from lawsuit brought by third party or class action lawsuits against them as a result of carrying out their duties is mitigated. Experienced professionals, willing to join a bank’s management team as its directors or independent directors and supervisors or officers, and able to independently perform their duties, will best ensure the six principles of corporate governance for the banking industry are observed: 1. Comply with pertinent laws and regulations, and establish sound internal controls, 2. Protect shareholders rights and interests, 3. Strengthen the powers of the Board of Directors, 4. Fulfill the functions of supervisors, 5. Respect stakeholders’ rights and interests, and 6. Enhance information transparency. Following these principles of corporate governance will not only enhance a bank’s industry competitive position and increase stock values of the bank, but ensure the protection of the rights and interests of shareholders and investors.


彭筱倩 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣投資市場以散戶居多,控制股東常把持董事會運作,因此容易出現控制股東損害小股東權益之情形。不健全之公司治理是否提供一個管理當局較容易操縱盈餘的環境,並進而導致企業爆發財務危機,即為值得深究之議題。本研究以民國87年6月至91年12月間曾發生財務危機之上市公司為研究樣本,以產業、市值規模及成立年數為條件採1:1配對方式組成控制樣本,探討兩組樣本公司間在盈餘管理幅度、盈餘管理誘因及公司治理變數上之差異及前述因素與財務危機發生之關聯性。 以DeAngelo(1986)模型衡量異常應計項目,實證結果顯示,財務危機公司於危機發生前二年內有進行盈餘管理之現象。此外,危機發生前二年度,有較高比例的危機公司進行現金增資;於危機發生前一年度,危機公司內部人出脫股票的情形亦較正常公司嚴重,顯示管理當局似乎利用美化財務數字,以吸引外部投資者,一旦危機即將爆發則大量抛售手中持股,以獲利了結。 在公司治理議題上,本研究利用La Porta et al. (1999)及Claessen et al.(2000)之最終控制者概念,衡量並分析股權結構和董事會組成特性。實證發現,兩組樣本間之股份控制權、盈餘分配權及其偏離程度並無顯著差異,亦未發現危機公司有較顯著傾向採用金字塔結構或交叉持股來控制被投資公司。兩組樣本之最終控制者參與管理的比例相當,家族控股的型態居五成以上。以最終控制者觀點衡量之董監席次控制權則在兩組樣本上呈現顯著差異,實證分析顯示危機公司之最終控制者實際持股率不高,可享受之盈餘分配率較低,但卻擁有比控制樣本公司更高的董監席次控制權。 此外,本研究更進一步發現,在公司治理不佳、盈餘管理誘因愈強的情況下,企業發生財務危機之可能性較高,顯示公司治理之重要性。 / The Association of Earnings Management and Corporate Governance-on Companies Experiencing Financial Distress Abstract Small shareholders are the majority of the investors in Taiwan capital market. And also that controlling shareholders dominate the operation of board of directors, which might render occasions for controlling shareholders to expropriate easily the interests of the small shareholders. It is worth examining whether weaker corporate governance structure would provide management with cozy environment for earnings manipulation, and firms would therefore be inclined to experience financial distress? A group of firms listed in TSE experienced financial distress over the period of June 1998 to December 2002 and a control sample, using industry, market value and setup years as the matching criteria, compose the sample of this research. Specifically, this research examines the cross-group differences in earnings management and corporate governance, and the impact of the magnitude of earnings management and corporate governance structure on the occurrence of financial distress. Based on the accrual model in DeAngelo (1986), the empirical findings indicate that the management of financially distressed firms manipulates earnings two years earlier before the event day. As compared to the control sample, the financially distressed firms are found to issue more seasonal equity offerings and the insiders sell more of their shares one year prior to the event. It appears that management employs a strategy to manipulate earnings upward two years ahead in order to raise the capital and then cash themselves out before the bad news are disclosed to the market. This research adopts the concept of ultimate controlling shareholders used by La Porta et al. (1999) and Claessens et al. (2000) to analyze the ownership structure and the composition of boards of directors. In general, we find no evidence that there are significant cross-group differences found in voting rights, cash flow right and the deviation from the two. Neither do we find that financially distressed firms are more inclined to adopt the pyramid structures or cross-holdings as means to enhance their influences. However, we find significant cross-group differences in seating rights. The result therefore suggests that with lower share-holding rights and cash flow rights, the ultimate owners of financially distressed firms exercise their influence on major decisions through procuring higher seating rights. In addition, this research finds that the occurrence of financial distress is associated with weaker corporate governance structure and higher magnitude of earnings management.


林柏全 Unknown Date (has links)
1997年亞洲發生金融風暴後,國內亦發生多起企業舞弊案件,再加上2001年底美國大型公司會計醜聞案,公司所揭露的資訊是否仍為投資人所相信,似乎存有許多問號,加強公司治理機制應是一個較佳的解決方案,也逐漸為世界各國所重視。本研究以董監事會特性做為衡量公司治理機制良窳的代理變數,探討其與財務預測準確性之關聯性為何。 本研究以曾發佈民國九十年及九十一年強制性財務預測之上市公司為樣本,實證結果發現,當公司控制股東佔全體董事席次之比例愈高、次大股東佔全體董事席次之比例愈低、次大股東佔全體監察人席次之比例愈低、董事及監察人異動之比例愈高、公司有參與管理的情形、公司沒有獨立監察人的存在以及總經理發生異動時,公司所發佈之財務預測愈不準確,且其更新幅度愈大。 / Since the Asia financial crisis in 1997, there were much fraudulence of the listed companies in Taiwan. Then in the United States, Enron and Xerox were suffered from scandals in 2001. Do investors still believe the information companies disclose? We never know. But one way to recover the belief of investors is to reinforce the corporate governance mechanism and many countries have placed importance on it. Using the characteristics of board of directors and supervisors as the proxy of corporate governance mechanism, this paper examines the relationship between the characteristics of board of directors and supervisors and the financial forecast accuracy. The research data are collected from listed companies that have released the financial forecast in 2001 and 2002. The empirical result suggests the larger proportion of board seats the controlling shareholders hold, the smaller proportion of board seats and supervisor seats the secondary major shareholders hold, the higher rate of changes of directors and supervisors, participation in management, no independent supervisor and the change of CEO would lead the financial forecast less accurate and the range of renewal larger.


馬瑜霙, Ma, Yu-ying, Unknown Date (has links)
「獨立董事與獨立監察人制度」對我國而言,為一種因法規強制要求而產生的新現象。2002年2月時,在台灣證券交易所股份有限公司及財團法人中華民國證券櫃臺買賣中心等單位的努力下,正式引進「獨立董事與獨立監察人制度」,規定自2002年2月22日起新申請上市上櫃的公司,需設置獨立董事至少二人,及獨立監察人至少一人,期望以此制度革除積習已久的公司治理弊端。 本研究自選任獨立董事及監察人之事前與事後,從選任席次、素質差異、專業背景差異檢視聘僱事前公司是否有特殊考量,並進一步從盈餘管理的角度,檢視選任事後獨立董事與監察人之預期功能是否對企業整體發揮實際之效用。 實證結果支持本研究認為因監察人得以單獨行使職權,故獨立監察人實際選任席次超過最低法定門檻之比例確實較獨立董事實際選任席次超過最低法定門檻的比例高,且企業所選任的獨立董監素質,因企業之規模大小不同而有顯著差異,另外,亦發現企業確實會考量職能別的差異,進而聘僱不同專業背景之專家。最後,關於獨立董事與獨立監察人在監督管理當局從事盈餘管理行為時之作用部分,未獲得實證結果支持,推測原因,可能係因我國企業於設置獨立董事與監察人後,僅將其視為專業地位崇高的「名譽」董事與監察人,但並未賦予其監督的實際權力,因而造成獨立董事與監察人未能涉入企業核心,致使其無法發揮監督管理當局之預期功能所導致。 / The institution of independent directors and independent supervisors is a new phenomenon arisen from forced enactment made by Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and Gretai Securities Market on February 22, 2002. It claims all new listed corporations to employ at least 2 independent directors and 1 independent supervisor in order to enhance corporate governance in Taiwan. This thesis examines if enterprises have special considerations when employ independent directors and independent supervisors from the viewpoints of actual numbers, grade level and governance expertise. Furthermore, this thesis also examines the actual contributions of them to reduce the earnings management behaviors. Consistent with our hypothesis that due to the different way to oversee the management, this thesis finds that besides achieving the minimum standard threshold, it is more likely for an enterprise to employ much more independent supervisors than independent directors. Moreover, empirical results support that the bigger size of the company, the better independent directors and independent supervisors it will employ. Additionally, this study also finds that corporation will employ different kinds of experts owing to the different functions between independent directors and independent supervisors. Finally, as for reducing earnings management behaviors, this study can’t offer proper evidences. It may result from that enterprise views independent directors and independent supervisors as “reputable” experts, so they can’t have actual power to oversee managements. In other words, independent directors and independent supervisors can’t exercise the role well because of lacking actual power.

金控公司合併銀行子公司前後控制權,盈餘分配權-以富邦金控,國泰金控,中國信託金控為例 / The Governance Structure of Three Financial Holding Companies Before and After Mergers-Applications of Cash Flow Rights and Voting Rights

呂雅菁, Lu, Ya-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融市場規模小,家數多,造成金融機構過度競爭的情形,導致各銀行為爭取客戶,紛紛降低授信標準,手續費也一再調降,不只導致一連串銀行資產品質問題的出現,逾放比過高,準備覆蓋率卻不足,銀行經營的風險大大提高;而銀行的獲利空間也遭到壓縮,資產報酬率與淨值報酬率呈現持續下降的趨勢。管理階層如果只是利用盈餘管理的工具,窗飾盈餘,以取信於一般大眾,金融危機仍會是台灣經濟上的一顆不定時炸彈。再加上金融產業手上擁有龐大資金,並掌握一般大眾投資的資本,若產生董事會坐大,欺瞞股東的行為,則對社會必定造成莫大的衝擊,所以金控公司的公司治理情形,深為各界所關心。 本篇論文以現金流量請求權與控制權的計算,來一窺金控公司合併子公司時的公司治理是否存在道德危機的議題。現金流量請求權的計算,相當於投入成本的概念;而控制權則相當於所得到的報酬。以一股一權的前提下,投入與報酬應當不會有所偏離,但投資者能以較少的投入而得到較大的報酬時,投資者將產生投機心態。文中特別以三間金控公司合併其他銀行時的現金流量請求權與控制權偏離程度的改變,來推測主要股東的道德危機是否因此增加。


徐裕欽 Unknown Date (has links)
董監事會為公司治理之核心,本研究以民國87年至民國91年為研究期間,針對我國上市公司探討董監事會特性與權益資金成本之關聯性,而不同於以往國內有關估計權益資金成本的方法,本研究以Ohlson模型來設算權益資金成本。實證結果顯示: 1.董監事會成員持股比率與企業權益資金成本率之關係並不顯著,若觀測兩者間是否存有非線性關係,本研究亦未發現兩者間的不顯著關係是由非線性因素所造成。 2.複迴歸分析顯示,董監事會持股質押比與權益資金成本之關係並不顯著,若進一步區分全體樣本為正、負盈餘樣本,則發現在負盈餘樣本中,董監事會持股質押比與企業權益資金成本呈現顯著正向關係;另外,若以Panel Data分析,本研究則發現在電子業中董監事持股質押比與權益資金成本始呈現正相關。 3.公司是否聘任獨立董監與權益資金成本之關係並不顯著,且不論是在有聘任或無聘任獨立董監之樣本間,或是在自願性聘任與強制性聘任獨立董監之樣本間,其權益資金成本並無明顯的差異。 / This study examines the relations between characteristic of board of directors and supervisors and cost of equity capital. It is unlike previous research to use capital assets pricing model(CAPM), this research adopts an alternative technique for estimating the cost of equity capital. Specifically, we use Ohlson (1995) model to generate a market implied cost of capital. Our samples consist of all public companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporate over 5 years period 1998-2002. The empirical results are as follows: 1.There is no significant negative relation between the ratio of the stock held by the board and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. Moreover, we don’t find this relation caused by nonlinear specification. 2.There is no significant positive relation between the pledged share ratio of the board and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. When the entire samples are divided into the sub-samples of firms experiencing losses and others, the existence of the positive relationship is found only in the firms experiencing losses. In addition, the relation is further proved in the electronic industry when adopting panel data analysis. 3.There is no significant reverse relation between the independent directors and supervisors and the cost of equity capital. And there is also no significant difference in the cost of equity capital between companies with implementing the independent directors and supervisors and those without implementing the regulation.


吳曉寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002至2004年非金融業之臺灣上市櫃公司為研究對象,從經營績效、股權結構及公司治理特性等觀點,探討企業發生委託書徵求事件之決定性因素、經營績效及其與盈餘管理行為之關聯性,並進一步分析企業特質對企業從事常態性委託書徵求行為之影響。就委託書徵求事件之決定性因素而言,本研究發現,整體績效表現愈差、獲利能力愈差、現金股利發放愈少、內部人持股比率愈低、董監事質押比率愈高、最終控制者之股份控制權愈低、席次偏離股份控制權程度愈大之企業,發生委託書徵求事件之機率愈高。經營績效之實證結果顯示,徵求委託書、利用金字塔及交叉持股之控股結構、控制權偏離所有權程度愈大之企業,當期之經營績效較差。前述實證結果亦適用於常態性徵求委託書之企業。至於委託書徵求事件與盈餘管理行為之關聯性而言,委託書徵求為企業從事盈餘管理行為之誘因之一,尤其在常態性徵求委託書之情況更為顯著。企業之董監事質押比例愈高、負債比率愈高、席次控制權偏離盈餘分配權程度愈大、控股結構複雜度(金字塔結構或交叉持股)愈高,其盈餘管理幅度較高。 / Based on a sample of non-baking corporations listed on Taiwan Securities Exchange and Over the Counter over the period of 2002 to 2004, this thesis first investigates the determinants and operation performance of proxy solicitation behavior, followed by examining the relationship between proxy solicitation and earnings management. In addition, the characteristics of companies that appeal to proxy solicitation on a regular basis are also studied. The empirical results show that companies with poorer overall performance, poorer profitability, lower cash dividend payout ratio, lower insiders shareholdings, higher share pledge ratio by the board members, lower control rights, and higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights, are more likely to apply proxy solicitation. The empirical findings also indicate that companies with proxy solicitation, pyramid and cross-holdings structures, and higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights, tend to have worse operating performance for the current period. The findings aforementioned can also apply to the companies that repeatedly employ proxy solicitation. This research documents that proxy solicitation is strongly associated with earnings management behavior, especially for companies that apply proxy solicitation repetitively. Companies with higher share pledge ratio by the board members, higher debt ratio, higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights and employing pyramid and cross-holdings structures, are found to be associated with higher magnitude of earnings management.

荷蘭與德國統合主義式改革的政治經濟分析 / The Political-Economical Analysis of Dutch and German Corporatist Reform

藍於琛, Lan, Yu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要論點有三,分述如下: (一)在相似的統合治理結構中,制度內的差異造成了統合治理模式運作成效的不同,也導致相異的經濟發展、勞動市場與社會福利表現。特別是國家治理能力與社會治理能力上的差異。就業改革成功的重要因素是國家在改革過程中發揮高度的國家治理能力,促使社會伙伴締結以改革為導向的社會契約,並且化解分配聯盟抵制的難題,進行制度與政策的改革。 (二)高度統合治理模式促成了高度經濟成長、失業率的降低與總體就業的增加。相對的,當統合治理模式退化時,就會導致經濟成長降低與遲緩,失業率升高與總體就業增長不足的情形。因此,統合治理模式與經濟表現、勞動市場之間存在著高度的相關性。但統合治理模式與社會安全支出之間的關係取決於政黨政治的中介影響。政黨擴張社會安全支出以爭取選民的支持,特別是爭取勞工階級的支持。惟在失業率高漲與福利國家危機之際,政黨都會採取社會安全支出的合理化的政策。 (三)統合治理制度調適的可能,在於啟動良性循環來促進與維持高度統合模式。經濟成長與低失業率都得力於高度的統合治理模式。高度國家治理能力,協助勞資社會伙伴重整利益匯集的代表性組織,並授與社會行政管理權力與參與經濟社會政策制定的門徑,達成了高度的統合結構的制度整合。同時高度的社會共識源自於國家與社會伙伴之間的社會伙伴精神與主導經濟發展與社會分配的意識型態確立,也相當程度地反映在當時和諧的勞資關係上,糾合了統合治理所需的社會性支持。高度制度性治理與社會性支持的統合治理模式促成了那一時期內經濟快速成長與低失業率。

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