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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

幼兒搭建單位積木-圍的空間現象學之研究 / Children build with unit blocks-a phenomenological study of space on wai

詹薏芬, Jhan, Yi Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採現象學研究取向,探究幼兒在開放式學習環境建構單位積木圍出空間的本質意義。探究其內涵以理解幼兒建構單位積木圍出空間的身體經驗與所建築的建築空間之關係。   研究者故事的描述進行現象學還原,描述在幼兒園積木角靜觀一位中班五歲幼兒運用單位積木建構「麥當勞」的歷程。通過此描述歷程,逐漸獲得幼兒藉由身體運動建構單位積木圍出空間作為「身體邊界的延展」之本質性意義。同時也進一步理解支持身體邊界進行延展的要素-時間性、身體感、空間性與想像力間的關係。   最後,本研究從現象學研究取向,日常活動的教育意義提出未來的展望。 / For this study the researcher used the phenomenological research orientation to explore the essential meaning of children in the open learning environment developing enclosed spaces surrounded by constructing with unit blocks. Indeed, to make a thorough inquiry into the relationship between the body experience and the built architectural space of children constructing with unit blocks. For the purpose of proceeding the phenomenological reduction, the researcher adopted description of the story in-position viewing a 5-year-old girl building her "McDonald's" restaurant construction with unit blocks in the block center in a preschool classroom. Following through the progress of this description, gradually get the essential meaning of children via physical movement forming enclosed spaces with unit blocks constructing so as to "extend the boundary of the body". Measwhile, further understand the relationship of the elements that supporting body boundry extending movement- timeliness, sense of the body, spatiality and imagination. Finally, this research is going to take a glance into the future from both of the phenomenological research orientation and the meaning of molar activity in early childhood education.

2.中学コート自由化運動 : 生徒の自主的な活動の試みとして

斉藤, 真子, 飯島, 幸久, 川田, 基生, 山田, 孝, 大口, 悦子, 高比良, 幸治, 横地, 武, 持山, 育央 16 October 1995 (has links)

2.地域で学ぶ国際理解と平和の学習 : 中1、野外学習のテーマとして(国際理解と平和の教育について(第2報))(特別研究)

原, 幸宏, 丸山, 豊 15 August 1991 (has links)


石榑, 悦子 15 August 1992 (has links)

組織關鍵活動與商業模式之關聯研究 – 以澳門訂餐外送平台為例 / Study on the Relationship between Organizational Critical Activities and Business Model – A Case Study of Order and Delivery Platform in Macao

周淑娜 Unknown Date (has links)
外送平台為滿足餐廳與消費者需求的外送平台。現代人生活繁忙,加上對網際網路的高度依賴,大部分人都希望透過網路解決日常生活問題,包括餐飲。由於人們的生活習慣改變,傳統餐飲外送都是打電話去熟悉的店家要求外送,餐飲外送平台服務的出現顛覆了傳統到餐廳用餐的習慣。本個案研究透過訪問澳門標竿訂餐外送平台A公司,以及次級資料的輔助,去探討組織關鍵活動與商業模式之關連性、帶給消費者的價值與關鍵成功因素,作為以後欲加入外送平台業者之參考加值。   新創事業會以商業模式為其事業作系統化的分析,集中市場需要,透過商業模式來解釋企業如何獲利,透過獨特的商業模式在市場上競爭。商業模式建立後,企業便希望能夠監控企業某些活動以達到短、中、長期的成功。企業投放最多資源、受高階主管重視,而且不斷實行的活動,稱為「組織關鍵活動」。   A平台為新創企業,在始創期時需要大量的資金去發展不同的業務與行銷活動。平台在剛開始運作時曾因外送人員不足、安排外送路線混亂等問題導致送餐時間延誤,或是當餐點送到客戶手裡時已冷掉。因此本研究經過對個案公司人員深入訪談,找出該企業的六項組織關鍵活動,依排序分別為募集資金、擴充外送團隊、加強宣傳力度、拓展業務範疇、優化平台服務、團隊管理。   本研究發現企業透過商業模式幫助企業定義如何創造、傳遞及獲取價值的手段與方法,是屬於發展規劃較前面階段的概念。當企業為其業務發展定位後,便開始找出企業在商業模式的基礎上針對組織想要達到的成功目標,去不斷實行相關的活動,再配合企業本身特有的關鍵成功因素,使得整個企業發展架構更有系統,對企業長遠發展能產生關鍵性作用。 / The delivery platform connects the needs of restaurant and consumers. Nowadays, people with busy life and are highly depending on the Internet in their daily life, including ordering meals. As people's living habits are changing, the start-up of delivery platform subverts the traditional habit of dining in the restaurant. This study explores the connection between the Organizational Critical Activities and Business Model through the interviews with Macau's outstanding meal delivery platform A and with the assistance of secondary materials to bring the value and success factors of consumers for the future entrants who wish to join the delivery platform as a reference.   Start-ups need a systematic analysis of their careers based on business models to identify how businesses can make money and compete in the market through unique business models. After the establishment of the business model, enterprises need to monitor certain activities of enterprises in order to achieve short, medium and long-term success. Organizations that place the most resources, are valued by top executives, and are constantly conducted, termed “Organization Critical Activities."  Delivery Platform A as a start-up business, it needs huge amount of money to develop different business and marketing activities. It faces a lot of difficulties such as lack of human power for delivery, confusion in delivery routes or the meals are getting cold when they delivered to customers. After conducting in-depth interviews with company personnel, the study lists six organizational critical activities in sequence, namely raising funds, expanding delivery team, advertising, expanding business scope, optimizing platform service and team management.   Enterprises start the business by using Business Model as the tool for positioning. Such model helps enterprises to define how to create, transfer value to customers, which belongs to the early stage of the business development planning. Then, enterprises start to consider what activities the enterprises have to implement base on the positioning result of Business Model. By combining with the company’s unique key success factors, the proposed analysis framework is more systematic and plays a key role in the long-term development of the enterprises.

財務限制下公司財務及非財務資源配置之於策略性企業社會責任 / Firms’ Financial and Non-financial Resources Allocation on Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility under Financial Constraints

林泰鈺 Unknown Date (has links)
既有文獻指出企業從事社會責任活動能帶來諸多經濟效益,然而企業也必須承擔相關的成本來進行社會責任活動。本研究探討公司在成本考量上,如何配置財務及非財務資源來進行企業社會責任活動。我們進一步討論當企業面對財務限制時,策略性的資源配置如何對企業社會責任之績效產生影響。本研究使用公司層面的企業社會績效和財報資料,資料期間為1991至2015年。藉由迴歸分析並且控制產業及修正群聚效果下,實證結果發現:研發活動對於企業社會責任績效有顯著正向的關聯,而公司的併購支出顯著地負向影響企業之正面及負面企業社會績效,資本支出則對負面企業社會責任績效有顯著的負向關係。就內部流動性資源運用的結果我們發現:現金對企業社會責任之績效表現並無顯著的關聯,此結果隱含公司在資金運用上傾向於配置少部份現金資源以資助企業社會責任活動;然而淨營運資金與企業社會績效呈現顯著負向關聯,意味著公司會使用淨營運資金來資助企業社會責任活動。最後透過對公司個體財務限制的衡量,實證結果顯示當公司面對財務寬鬆時,投入研發活動成本有助於加強研發成本與企業社會績效表現之正向關係,結果更意味著當公司面臨財務寬鬆時,較容易將社會績效納入考量。 / While the existing is fully aware of the diverse economic benefits that are brought about when firms engage in corporate social responsible (CSR), it also warns about the associated costs of all kinds. Using panel data obtained from MSCI ESG and Compustat for 4,160 U.S. public-listed firms from 1991 to 2015, we investigate what impacts the firms’ allocation of financial and non-financial resources would have on the implementation of their CSR, when knowing that CSR can be costly. Our main empirical findings are threefold. First, we find that firms’ R&D intensity is positively related to their corporate social performance (CSP). Capital expenditure is significantly negatively related to CSP concerns; and firms’ involvement in acquisitions is negatively related to both their CSP strengths and concerns. Second, firms’ implementation of CSR activities is found to be seldom cash-intensive, in fact, we document firms’ moderate usage of cash and short-term investments on the implementation of CSR relative to other investments activities. However, the noncash networking capital show significantly negative effects with CSP, revealing that firms use noncash networking capital to implement CSR activities. Third, the positive relationship between R&D intensity and CSP is further enhanced when firms are free without financial constraints, and we argue that firms take more concern on social issue/performance when facing financial slack.

桌上遊戲融入華語文教學複習活動─以「驢橋」為例 / Reviewing activities of teaching Chinese as a second language integrated with tabletop games– the case of Eselsbrücke

劉鈺琪, Liu, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
課堂遊戲活動是語言教室裡重要的一環,透過遊戲不僅可降低學習者壓力、提升學習動機、增加學生互動,更能刺激高層次的思考,對華語教師而言也是不可或缺的語言練習。然而,目前華語教學關於遊戲活動的相關研究尚在發展階段,在教學現場,華語老師也受限於難以自行設計遊戲或製作道具等因素,因而降低使用課堂遊戲活動的意願和頻率。 本研究將桌上遊戲元素加入華語文課堂中,透過適度更動桌上遊戲「驢橋」的部分規則和道具,盼學生在帶有競爭性質的規則中歡樂且積極地練習所學生詞,證明桌上遊戲作為華語教學複習活動的可行性。 此次實驗過程中讓受試學生實地操作「驢橋」,實驗過程中同時錄音,實驗結束後請所有受試學生填寫問卷,並徵求自願者進行一對一訪談,最後綜合實驗觀察紀錄、問卷與訪談以觀察探究學生對「驢橋」的反應。根據研究結果,「驢橋」作為華語課堂的遊戲活動時,可引起學生注意力,積極將所學應用於遊戲中,提升生詞學習的自信心,華語教師在遊戲中可鼓勵增強學生的滿足感,扮演給予學生回饋的重要角色,「驢橋」為學生接受程度高的華語課堂教學複習遊戲活動。此次研究證明桌上遊戲「驢橋」改編為華語教學課堂複習活動可提升學生學習動機,學生反應熱烈,未來可推廣更多樣化的桌上遊戲進入華語教學課堂,讓華語教學的活動更豐富多彩。 / Class games play an important role in language class. The advantages of games include: lower the learning pressure, strengthen the learning motivation, enhance the interaction between students, and stimulate higher-order thinking ability. Games are also a necessary practice for language learning. However, related research in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language is still developing. Also, due to the difficulty of designing the games and preparing the props, Chinese teachers would hesitate to use the games or reduce the frequency of language games in the classroom. The topic of this research is teaching Chinese as a second language class integrated with tabletop games factors. By amending some rules and props of the board game Eselsbrücke, students would be expected to practice the learned vocabularies actively and delightfully in this game. Also, this research could prove the feasibility of tabletop games as the reviewing activity of teaching Chinese as second language. In the research, subjects would operate Eselsbrücke directly, and all their response would be observed through recording. After the research, students filled in the questionnaire, and volunteers would accept the interview. According to the research result, as a game in Chinese class, Eselsbrücke can arouse student’s attention, review what they have learned, makes students more confident in learning vocabularies. Chinese teachers play an important role that not only encourages students to achieve higher sense of satisfaction, but also feedbacks to students immediately. Combining the fun of game and the effective language practice, Eselsbrücke is a reviewing activity which is easy for students to accept in teaching Chinese as a second language class. This research proves that tabletop game Eselsbrücke shows positive effect to students as a Chinese class reviewing activity. In the future, we may promote tabletop games in teaching Chinese as a second language class, to create more and more interesting and attractive Chinese teaching activities.

體驗行銷對顧客參與活動態度之研究 ─以《NSO 840 人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》為例 / The study of the effect of experiential marketing on customers' attitude toward the activity participating:a case study of NSO piano marathon concert for 840 players

曾奕寧, Tseng,Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
體驗行銷最早於1999年被Schmitt學者所提出,其概念為透過體驗媒介與策略體驗模組的相互搭配,創造出不同的體驗,使消費者能感同身受,進而創造美好的回憶並改變其態度與行為。根據過去文獻指出,不同的體驗將會產生不同的體驗價值,進而影響滿意度與忠誠度,此外,涉入程度亦為影響體驗價值產生之因素之一。因此,本研究以體驗行銷的角度出發,欲探討體驗行銷、涉入程度、體驗價值、滿意度與忠誠度五大構面之間的關係與影響程度。   以往探討表演藝術體驗行銷之研究,多以被動聆賞式的表演型態為例,而國家交響樂團(NSO)於 2017 年 1 月 1 日所舉辦之《NSO 840人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》,為主動參與式的體驗,其特色為參與者可同時扮演觀眾與表演者之角色。由於針對主動參與式的表演藝術體驗活動之研究較少,因此,本研究以《NSO 840 人鋼琴馬拉松音樂會》為例,探討顧客參與藝文活動的體驗對於整體態度的影響路徑,以補足過去主動參與式之藝文活動實證研究的不足,同時對未來藝文活動之主辦單位給予行銷策略之參考建議。   本研究採用問卷調查法進行樣本蒐集與分析,結果發現,體驗行銷中的「感官情感體驗」對於體驗價值與滿意度之提升最具顯著效果,並且能透過體驗價值的部分中介效果,影響滿意度。此外,參與者的涉入程度會透過體驗價值的部分中介效果,進而影響滿意度,而滿意度對忠誠度有顯著的正向影響。因此,建議藝文活動之主辦單位可透過整體舞台佈置的美觀性與活動路線舒適感的改善、活動趣味性的提升,以及提高參與者的涉入程度,來增進其顧客滿意,進而達到忠誠度提升之最終目的。 / The term” Experiential Marketing” was firstly developed from Schmitt’s study in 1999. As experience itself can happen in any industry or any stage of purchasing, it is important to understand the process of how customer creates value through different types of experience and how the experience influences the customers’ attitude and behavior. Previous studies also indicated that customer involvement may be another factor to influence the creation of experiential value.Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the relationship between experiential marketing, customer involvement, experiential value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.   The previous studies of experiential marketing in performing arts usually applied to passively-participating audience who only “watch” the performance without interacting with the performers. This paper takes ”NSO Piano Marathon Concert for 840 Players”, which features customers’ positively participating as being both the audience and the performers in the same activity, as a study case , trying to compliment the lack of empirical research in this type of experiential marketing.   The study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The results of the analysis show that “Sensory and Emotive experience” has the most significant influence on experiential value and will indirectly influence customer satisfaction through the partial mediating effect by experiential value. Customer involvement will indirectly influence customer satisfaction through the partial mediating effect by experiential value. Customer satisfaction has a positive influence on customer loyalty. Therefore, the study suggests that the activity host put more attention to enhance the Sensory and Emotive experience by improving the attraction of stage layout, the whole traffic flow and the entertainment of activity. Meanwhile, enhancing the participants’ involvement will help increase the customer satisfaction as well.


岡田, 陽平 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第18740号 / 法博第171号 / 新制||法||150(附属図書館) / 31691 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 酒井 啓亘, 教授 淺田 正彦, 教授 濵本 正太郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DFAM


福田, 啓介 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21758号 / 工博第4575号 / 新制||工||1713(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 椹木 哲夫, 教授 松原 厚, 教授 小森 雅晴 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

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