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台灣上市櫃公司實施不同類型減資之實證分析潘振偉 Unknown Date (has links)
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以重複事件分析法分析現金增資 / Recurrent event analysis of seasoned equity offerings劉佩芸, Liu, Pei Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在公司財務的領域中,探討公司資本結構決策主要有三個主流理論:靜態抵換理論、融資順位理論以及折時理論。本篇文章採用重複事件分析法,首先沿用Baker and Wurgler (2002)中提及之五個因素做為自變數,研究影響公司辦理現金增資危險函數之因子研究,研究結果顯示,公司現金增資之危險函數與財務槓桿成正向關係,此項證據傾向支持融資順位理論,然而本篇論文研究結果,並無顯著證據支持折時理論。本篇論文接著建立另一組變素設定,將價格趨勢納入模型中,取代原來在Baker and Wurgler(2002)中觀察折時現象之因子,結果顯示折時現象是顯著的。因此,本篇論文研究結果並未對是否支持折時理論下定論,值得思考的是,欲觀察公司是否存在折時現象,除了Baker and Wurgler(2002)中提及之變數之外,直接將價格趨勢納入模型或許是另一個可行之道。 / In the field of traditional corporate financing theories, there are three mainstream theories leading the way while talking about the firms’ financing decisions: static trade-off theory, pecking order theory, and market timing theory. In this paper, we apply the recurrent event analysis and follow the independent variables appearing in the Baker and Wurgler (2002) first to examine the factors that affect firms’ hazard rate to offer seasoned equity. The results indicate that higher leverage is in positive relation
with the hazard rate of firms’ seasoned equity offering, meaning that firms’ financing decisions follow the pecking order theory to some degree. However, while the recurrent event analysis is adopted, the market timing effect becomes insignificant when considering the independent variables appearing in the Baker and Wurgler(2002). As a result, we proceed to establish another set of covariates in which the
price trend factor is involved to examine the market timing effect. While the price trend factor is substituted for the market-to-book ratio to represent the market timing effect, the market timing effect turns out to be significant. Thus, we consider that using the price trend of the market directly may be a suitable way to examine the market timing effect.
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台灣半導體製造業現金流量與總體變數關係的建立林佳瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的學術與實業貢獻為(1)在總體變數與台灣半導體製造業現金流量之間的關係,除了當期的總體變數,亦檢視領先或是落後幾期的總體變數與現金流量之間的關係。(2)在季節性的虛擬變數迴歸模型中,發現在第4季中匯率對於台灣該產業三大活動現金流量及自由現金流量有顯著的解釋力。當期及領先1期的利率在第2季及第4季中與融資活動現金流量有顯著的解釋力。領先3期的北美半導體設備接單/出貨比(B/B Ratio)及費城半導體指數對於各個現金流量,在下半年(第3、4季)在5%顯著水準之下也有顯著的解釋力。(3)利用蒙地卡羅模擬法所模擬出的自由現金流量風險值,在1%或是5%可能性發生營業活動現金流量不足以償付策略性投資所需資金的時候,8家公司都沒有偏離常態分配的假設。
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影響我國上市櫃公司選擇公開募集或私募之因素吳雅妮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以羅吉斯迴歸模型探討影響上市櫃公司選擇公開募集或私募之因素。 實證結果發現採私募或現金增資的決策,和下列因素有關:(1)資訊不對稱程度愈高之公司愈傾向以私募發行新股,且上櫃公司較上市公司更傾向以私募發行新股;(2) 資訊透明度越低的公司,資金成本越高,籌資也較困難,會傾向以私募方式發行新股;(3) 投資機會愈多的公司,因為控制權考量,會選擇公開募集資金;(4) 當景氣愈好,公司愈傾向以公開募集發行新股,且上市公司較上櫃公司更易傾向以現金增資方式發行新股。 / This study applies logit model to examine the determinants of choice of private placements/seasoned equity offerings. The results indicate that firms being severe in information asymmetry tend to choose private placements. Contrast to listed firms, OTC firms prefer private placements to seasoned equity offerings. Firms with lower information transparency pay higher costs in seasoned equity offerings and therefore tend to choose private placements. Firms being abundant in investment opportunities prefer to choose seasoned equity offerings because of control considerations. In bull markets, more firms choose seasoned equity offerings other than private placements while listed firms have stronger tendency to choose seasoned equity offerings than OTC firms.
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LED晶粒產業上市公司投資價值之研究 / Study on investment valuation of listed companies of LED chip industry許經昌, Hsu, Jing-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
環境保護議題在今日已成為人類經濟活動中,除了「全球化」以外另一個引人重視的議題,而為達到環境保護,以維持共生環境之永續發展之目的,減少環境資源消耗與廢棄物的排放(節能省碳),可以說是效用最大的方法。歐盟在2006年7月1日RoHS法令開始施行後,在可預見的短期時間內,注重或從事環境保護相關的企業,將格外具有投資的價值,而在另一方面,隨著新興市場經濟的急速發展,對於資源的需求殷切,使得國際原油價格居高不下,並且可能持續漲升,所以從事節能相關的研究與應用,不僅是未來的趨勢,亦是企業未來的商機所在。因此,本研究選定具有環保及節能雙重利基的發光二極體(light-emitting diode, LED)晶粒產業進行研究與分析,目的在於提供企業經營者對於未來經營策略方向之參考,以及提供投資人採用價值投資法進行投資之考量依據,而研究結果對於後續研究者,亦將具有相當程度之參考價值。
在分別對銷售導向及盈餘導向DCF法採用不同權重進行綜合評價時,可得知晶電、璨圓、華上及泰谷公司,在銷售導向及盈餘導向DCF法評價結果之權重值分別為60%-40%、70%-30%、70%-30%及70%-30%時,有相對較低之年平均Theil’s U值0.272516、0.190505、0.138237及0.135523,即在該權重值下各個案公司之綜合評價結果可獲得相對較佳之評價績效。依據上述較佳評價績效之權重值,以2007年12月31日為評價日,進行晶電、璨圓、華上及泰谷公司之綜合評價,其合理的股價區間分別為每股61.07~134.88元、16.7~32.05元、9.87~31.19元及10.86~32.69元。
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通貨膨脹與資本累積-一個兩部門現金限制模型 / Inflation and capital accumulation張耿豪, Chang, Ken Hao Unknown Date (has links)
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從美國遞延個人年金商品探討年金準備金提存之相關研究 / Discussing the liability reserve of annuity from American Single Premium Deferred Annuity (SPDA)張志宏, Chung,Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Discussing the liability reserveof annuity from American Single
Premium deferred Annuity(SPDA)
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融資政策、股利政策及自由現金流量與企業成長機會關聯性之研究-以連接器產業為例 / The association beween corporate financial policies and growth opportunities-Take the connector industry as the example林雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本文企圖剖析連接器產業以何種財務策略取得穩健之資金來源,及適量的自由現金流量水準來維持企業之成長機會。實證結果發現,國內上市櫃連接器公司多數以保有營運活動所產生的高現金部位成長機會較高,建議業者應減少舉債降低利息支出,並利用充裕現金進行研發及具生產性的投資計畫,加強公司競爭能力帶動公司未來盈餘成長,進一步提高公司的價值。 / This article attempts to analyze the connector industry to obtain the steady capital by financial plan, and the appropriate of free cash flows to maintain the growth of opportunity in the enterprise. The analysis discovered that the listed connector company most holds the high operational cash flow to keep higher growth, therefore, we suggest they should reduce loans to lower the interest expenses, and carries on the research and development and the production plan by using the abundant cash. It will strengthen competitive ability of the company to lead the growth of profit and enhance company's value in the further.
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台灣ODM網路通訊公司的成長模式探討—以正文科技股份有限公司為例 / The growth model in Taiwan ODM network communication company鍾諒霖 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣ODM網路通訊業的規模從2000年開始急速成長,以正文科技為例,2000年年營收為5億新台幣,在2004年已經達到123億新台幣,年平均成長率達到125%,然而接下來四年的平均年營收成長率僅約15%。近年來電信業者不斷地將其所佈建的網路系統深入一般終端消費者,使得終端零售市場逐漸萎縮,迫使台灣ODM網路通訊業必須轉進電信市場。電信市場是以國家為單位,且在部分國家針對進口的電子商品課徵較高的關稅,藉以保護該國國內的廠商,使得台灣業者處於相對不利的態勢。本研究先針對電信市場進行分析,找出對進口電子商品課徵高額關稅且較具規模的電信市場,並以此探討台灣ODM網路通信公司面對這樣的市場,所應採取的策略,是透過內部成長,直接在巴西當地設立加工廠,還是透過外部併購,併購當地廠商,藉以取得當地生產的能力。本研究選擇的廠商為正文科技,選擇的市場是巴西,藉由法律可行性的分析,探討國內及巴西當地法律對於內部成長與外部併購兩種可行方案的差異;藉由財務可行性的分析,依據公司自由現金流量(FCFF)的觀念,透過DePamphilis (2009)的Discounted Cash Flow Valuation (DCF)定價模型,分別計算正文科技在做出兩種可行方案決策後的市場評估價值。研究結果建議正文科技應以外部併購的方式,透過併購當地企業,進入該市場。 / The Taiwan ODM network companies took a growth rapidly since 2000. The annual revenue of Gemtek Technical Co. in 2000 is only 500 millions NTD, and 12.3 billions NTD in 2004.The average growth rate of annual revenue was up to 125% during these 4 years. However, in the next 4 years it was only around 15%. During the previous years, the telecom service providers went deeper and closer to the end user market and coused the shrinking in retail market.This also forces the Taiwan ODM network companies to consider the telecom market. However, the telecom market is country oriented, and in some countries, they would charge higher custom rate to protect their local industry.First of all, this research will figure out what are the markets with this behavior and what is the solution to enter these markets, by building a factory in the local side or through M&A to get the production capability.This research takes Gemtek Co. and Brasil as an example to discuss in both laws and financial points of view.
From the laws point of view, try to figure out the difference the two possibile solutions.From the finance point of view, according to the FCFF concept and the DCF model by DePamphilis (2009), calculate the price of Gemtek company after making the decision with the two solutions. According to the result, it should go in M&A way.
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選擇公開募集或私募管道融資影響因素之探討 / A study on the choice between public offering and private placement黃藍萱 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,公司選擇以私募或公開發行管道籌措資金的決策,主要和下列因素有關:(1) 資訊不對稱程度愈高之公司,愈傾向以私募籌資;(2) 風險愈高之公司,愈傾向以私募籌資;(3) 信用品質愈差之公司,愈傾向以私募籌資;(4) 成長性愈強之公司,愈不傾向以私募籌資;(5) 股票市場情況愈好,公司愈不傾向以私募籌資。
公司選擇以私募普通股或現金增資籌措資金的決策,主要和下列因素有關:(1) 資訊不對稱程度愈高之公司,愈傾向以私募普通股籌資;(2) 風險愈高之公司,愈傾向以私募普通股籌資;(3) 股票市場情況愈好,公司愈不傾向以私募籌資。 / This research uses Logistic Model to investigate some specific factors which may influence firms’ choices between issuing securities in private market (private placement) and in public market (public offering). As for the funding mechanism, both equity securities and debt securities are included. Then the range of funding mechanism is narrowed to common stock and this research analyzes the possible factors which influence firms’ choices between issuing private equity and seasoned equity offering follows.
The empirical results on the choices between issuing in private market or public market indicate the following: (1) Firms with higher information asymmetry tend to raise fund by private placement rather than by public offering. (2) Firms with higher operating risk tend to raise fund by private placement rather than by public offering. (3) Firms with worse credit quality tend to raise fund by private placement rather than by public offering. (4) Firms with stronger growth potential tend to raise fund by public offering rather than by private placement. (5) When the performance of the stock market is better, firms tend to raise fund by public offering rather than by private placement.
The empirical results on the choices between issuing private equity or seasoned equity offerings indicate the following: (1) Firms with higher information asymmetry tend to raise fund by private equity rather than by seasoned equity offering. (2) Firms with higher operating risk tend to raise fund by private equity rather than by seasoned equity offering. (3) When the performance of the stock market is better, firms tend to raise fund by seasoned equity offering rather than by private equity.
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