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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蘇俊椲 Unknown Date (has links)
在1970年代Chalmers Johnson所描述的『發展國家』模式, 他特別將此模式適用在昭和日本(1925-1989),但認為起源在明治時代,這種『計畫—理性』的模式把國家視為建設性的干涉經濟,不讓經濟聽任市場力量的支配,以便以適合於國家利益的方式指導和發展經濟,在1990年代後跟著日本經濟不景氣,這樣的論點也在學術圈消失了,本文並非是要挑戰這樣的觀點,而是嘗試在政府和汽車業上互動項目去歸納各項目政府和業者的實際互動結果,來更進一步論述由上到下的國家統合主義在汽車產業上會因時間的發展,市場力量的形成和汽車業者力量的狀大而形成何種變化,政府對汽車業者的在某些政策上的指導失靈或失效,但並非所有的政策上政府的角色有所退縮,在一些政策上政府有可能退到第二線成為輔導者,跟汽車業者『協議』而並非『指導』。 日本的汽車產業到現在已經90多年了,明治大正時期各式外國汽車被引進(被視為舶來品),但當時日本本土汽車產業是非常脆弱和落後的,在關東大地震後才發現日本汽車的社會需求量時,日本政府也只能臨時向外購買來應急,但汽車市場的潛力已被挖掘出來了,1930年後美國的GM、福特成功的登陸日本汽車市場也成功的壟斷日本的汽車市場,1930年代初的日本國內廠商紛紛以卡車和巴士起家來避開當時世界最強的汽車。(乘客車-T型車) 1936年的226失敗的軍事政變,代表著日本已經遠離明治大正時代經濟自由主義以市場為導向的時代(前提是保護自己的民族工業,對內部並無明顯的干涉),新興的極右派軍人和官僚菁英份子從此主導了日本各方面的發展,1937年從而通過『汽車工業製造法』把GM和福特趕出日本市場,而1937年後日本政府隨著戰爭需要擴大政府的角色,政府透過許多政策和中介組織去介入民間社會間動員人員和資源,戰後這一套作法大致上被延續下來成為現代日本政府和產業間的互動模式(鼓勵生產為主的管制經濟),也是戰後日本政府與企業互動模式的參考經驗,在這個時代背景下,當時的大環境下,豐田日產和五十鈴只能接受政府指揮生產軍事用途的車輛(假如沒有這一段時間很難相信日本現在的本土汽車業會如此蓬勃,很可能到現在仍是美國車的天下)。 但戰後日本的汽車業已有工業化的洗禮,要往上爬只是需要的是機會和時間 而正確的來說戰後日本汽車業的成功完全拜三大『時機』造成的 第一時機是韓戰特需,二次戰後日本經濟接近瓦解,雖有美援的支持但道奇的預算平衡原則使的日本汽車業接近破產,韓戰所造成的美軍對汽車的訂單汽車零件和汽車修理造成日本汽車恢復戰前的水準和生產力。 第二時機即是隨後1960年代『所得倍加計劃』的成功和都市化的興起,高速道路的興建使的日本國內對汽車需求有跳耀式的成長,使日本汽車業群雄並起並成功建立起量產化的生產體制。 第三時機是石油危機後,全球石油價格暴漲,全球消費者對小汽車的需求量增加,日本此時開發出省油又環保的小汽車於是趁勢趕上這一波需求,1980年日本汽車生產量超過1100萬輛成為世界第一大汽車生產國同年日系汽車在美國汽車市場佔有率達到23% 。 而1990年代到現在,日本政府和企業有默契、有計劃得實施所謂的『亞洲戰略』,在1985年後日円昇值和歐洲、北美各自形成區域經濟圈,日本試圖建立起它與東亞東南亞互為一體的亞洲經濟圈(以日本為中心),最近日本成功的與東南亞各國簽署FTA,推動所謂的東南亞的汽車外交。 美國的經濟學家麥克波特在《國家競爭力》 中指出,通常觀念上發展中國家往先進國家的路線發展,國家會有計劃主動在某一領域讓國內市場形成兩三家企業(政府劃分的)或是只有一家企業(規模經濟的考量)讓國家培養等到壯大後才到國際市場發展,目的是促進國內市場資源效率化,因為當國內市場競爭太激烈,相關資源消耗太嚴重會妨礙產業規模經濟的建立,然後國家把計劃性的國際產業推向國際市場,它的前提假設是它並不需要先在國內接受國內市場的考驗(如韓國培養三星和現代汽車 ,臺灣早期對裕隆汽車公司的扶植 )。 但是日本汽車業發展的模式似忽在挑戰這一的觀念和認知,現在日本強大的汽車公司(豐田、日產)在戰後一開始都接受國內汽車其他公司在汽車市場嚴苛的競爭,逼迫自己不斷地進行組織改造和提高生產力,海外市場只不過是國內競爭力的延伸,假如日本汽車市場沒有本田技研的加入,也不可能在省油和環保的汽車引擎走在世界前面,所以日本汽車業的競爭優勢不在於國際市場的的動力而是在於日本國內市場競爭異常的競爭。 雖然如此日本政府仍在在汽車設計安全標準、汽車環保法規和汽車諸稅採取強硬的角色強迫汽車業者遵守,在汽車設計安全標準、汽車環保法規的標準上,日本的標準都是領先世界其他國家的,換言之能在日本生產出適合日本的汽車設計安全標準、汽車環保法規也同樣適用在全球的標準,且日本政府也尊循著Rothwell, R. and Zegveld, W.所說的創新政策工具分類法積極在未來汽車能源科技政策,在對外政策上與東南亞各國政府簽署FTA,積極的推動東南亞的汽車外交是最近日本政府在外交經貿角色上的一大成就


許展維, Hsu, Chan-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
自知識經濟時代來臨以降,文化藝術的價值不再僅如宋代理學家周敦頤所言:「可遠觀而不可褻玩焉」,反之,文化藝術本身除卻原有美感,令人賞心悅目外,倘若以經濟學的角度探勘,則其附加的產業價值更為不遑多讓。近來,各國紛紛竄起的文化創意產業,便足以用來解釋此種文化藝術的附加經濟價值,據此,台灣更不待言,從行政院二00二年的「挑戰2008,國家發展重點計畫」即顯而易見。此外,文建會更於二00三年成立創意產業專案中心」,期透過專案管理、專責的精神,積極推動文化創意產業之發展,並以踏實的行政執行與方案實施,亦步亦趨建構文化創意產業法治制度及輔導機制,提供完整的系統服務平臺,以求扮演藝術家與企業家互動的媒合角色,期此不僅讓企業家瞭解藝術文化,於此同時也讓藝術者認清何種藝術有發展文化創意產業的可能性。職是之故,本論文希冀從我國文化藝術團體之觀點進行檢視並評估我國文化創意產業政策之成效並佐以跨部門治理觀點理論,企盼於我國洋洋灑灑之文化政策底下拋引出文化藝術生態未來之生機。此外,本論文之研究發現亦陳述如下: 一、核心價值 對於政策來說,核心價值是否具備即是一項政策是否能夠成功的最大關鍵因素。說穿了,除了制訂政策時妥善規劃、政策形成後的執行與評估等面向,基本上,核心價值對於政策制訂者而言,實遠比任何政策階段更形重要。其中又分為: (一)、文化創意產業的概念 (二)、文化創意產業的定位 (三)、政府制訂文化創意產業的動機 (四)、政府制訂文化創意產業的願景 二、互動模式 誠已悉知,本論文的主要研究問題之一即在於探討文化創意產業政策中,政府、企業、文化三者的互動模式及各自在其中扮演的角色為何?這樣的互動模式是令人期待的。其中又分為: (一)、政府與文化互動形式。 (二)、政府與文化的互動管道。 (三)、政府與文化的互動障礙。 (四)、文化與企業的互動形式。 (五)、文化與企業的互動管道。 (六)、文化與企業的互動障礙。 (七)、文化與企業之互動收穫。 (八)、政府與企業的互動形式。 (九)、政府與企業的互動管道。 (十)、政府與企業的互動障礙。 三、發展影響 文化創意產業的出現,無非為文化藝術的發展帶來新的思維與方向。誠如多數研究報告所欲瞭解一般,文化創意產業究竟能為文化藝術引領何種未來?又可分為: (一)、對藝文表演者本身。 (二)、對文化教育整體。 (三)、對藝文環境。


胡貝蒂 Unknown Date (has links)
各國政府經常運用諸如租稅獎勵、補助、低利融資等產業政策工具來促進產業發展,然而部分學者認為政府介入市場運作的結果,可能造成資源配置的扭曲,反而不具經濟效益,故呼籲政府應尊重市場運作機制。以台灣長期運用的租稅獎勵政策為例,有人認為台灣經濟奇蹟的背後,租稅獎勵扮演相當重要的角色,但也有人認為,租稅獎勵造成租稅不公平,而且降低產業競爭力。究竟租稅獎勵與產業發展的關係為何,租稅獎勵是否有助產業政策的發展,是一項值得吾人探討的議題。 為了深入瞭解這項議題,本文係以台灣實施經驗為例,分析台灣租稅獎勵的特色與產業發展過程,回顧研究租稅獎勵實施成效的文獻,並比較世界各國如新加坡、日本、韓國等國家運用租稅獎勵工具的情形,最後並對我國的產業租稅政策提出建議。本研究主要的發現為,無論就理論或實證的分析,租稅獎勵是否有助於台灣的產業發展,並無法獲得一致性答案;台灣目前所提供的租稅獎勵項目或優惠程度並不低於新加坡、韓國等貿易競爭國家或日、美等先進國家。就未來台灣整體產業租稅獎勵政策,本文的建議為,多善用其他非租稅獎勵工具,協助產業發展;持續進行租稅改革,合理化稅負環境;適度修正促進產業升級條例,強化租稅獎勵功能。 / In many countries the industrial policy instruments, such as low interest loan, grants and tax incentives are used to assist industrial development. However, some researchers argue that government intervention would always result in recourses distortion and economic inefficiency; and claim for respecting market mechanism. Taiwan’s government for a long period, for example, has provided tax incentives. Some people think that tax incentives play an important role in Taiwan’s economic miracle. But others think that tax incentives result in tax discrimination, and weakness industry’s competitive ability. Therefore, how does tax incentive influence industrial development is a controversial issue. With aims to know how does tax incentives influence industry, this paper takes Taiwan’s experience as an example, introduces the feature of Taiwan’s tax incentives and the process of industrial development. Furthermore, this paper surveys Taiwan’s researches on the effectiveness of tax incentives and compares tax incentives adopted by Singapore, Japan, Korea, and America. This paper also present suggestions to the policies of industries taxation base on the research findings. The main findings are that by theoretic or empirical study, we cannot find consentaneous answer for whether tax incentive is helpful for industrial development;and tax incentives provided by Taiwan government are no less than that by other countries. According to the research findings, we suggest that the government should utilize non-tax instruments more;the government should continue to accelerate tax reforms, and thereby to establish a fair and rational tax environment;and tax incentive is still important for some business activity such as R&D in the knowledge-based economy.

產業升級與公共研發機構—以台灣工具機產業為例 / Industrial Upgrading and Public Research Institutes — The Case of Taiwan’s Machine Tool Industry

何翊寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以台灣工具機產業為例,來分析國家產業政策與公共研發機構的轉變,以及對工具機產業發展的影響。1990年代以後,世界上先進工具機國家均逐漸朝向高階工具機技術發展,台灣工具機產業亦面臨南韓和大陸等工業化國家的追趕,而不得不進行技術學習和升級。此外,台灣工具機產業有90%是屬於中小企業,但是高階工具機技術複雜、研發困難,費用龐大,企業多無法負擔。因此,本文欲探討國家角色,亦即產業政策與公共研發機構對台灣工具機產業發展的影響。 本文的研究成果可以歸納如下:第一,國家逐漸扮演起產業輔導者的角色,產業政策與工具的轉變則是於1980年代起廣泛運用各種政策工具達11種類型,1990年代以財政補助為主要誘因鼓勵業界投入技術研發,2001年以後則是將組織聯盟作為主要的政策工具,為台灣工具機產業的發展開啟了另一種新的技術學習型態。其次,機械所的研發策略轉變為高階工具機技術與工具機關鍵組件技術的雙軸技術研發模式。中區技術服務中心普遍獲得中部工具機業者的信任與肯定,也使得機械所能夠順利協調廠商形成整合性研發聯盟。第三,整合性研發聯盟促使廠商水平合作共同降低研發成本與風險,並藉由產業上下游整機的垂直整合,提升專業模組廠的技術能力,降低模組成本,和提升整機廠的競爭力。 / This thesis is about the upgrading of Taiwan’s machine tool industry and the role of the state on this industry’s transformation. Taiwan’s maching tool industry faced an urgent challenge after the 1990s, as the counterparts in advanced countries have made rapid progess on technological level, while other industrializing countries, such as South Korea and China, had also been catching up quickly. Due to the fact that most of the firms in Taiwan’s machine tool industry were small and medium-sized enterprises that were not affordable financially to do cutting-edge technology research, the burden therefore fall upon the state. This essay has three major findings. To begin with, the state has gradually become an instructor in helping the development of the industry. The state’s role has changed from being an aloof promoter by using various policy instruments to help developing the industry as a whole, to utilizing fiscal incentives to encourage enterprises to engage into R&D activities, and to encouraging the formation of industrial consortia after 2001. Secondly, the role of the major pubic research institute, the Mechanical Industrial Research Laboratories(MIRL)of the Industrial Technology Research Institute has changed from a remoted research oriented institute to one that engage heavily with local firms, from paying attention only to develop new machine models to ally with local firms to develop core components in the machine tool. Thirdly, the formation of R&D alliances, led by MIRL, has largely upgraded the capability of the domestic enterprises. This not only shows in the upgrading of local firms’ technological competence, but also in the improvement of organizational capability of specialized module suppliers and, the reduction of cost structure of the products.

臺灣生質燃料產業發展策略之研究 / Development Strategies in Biofuel Industry:Taiwan’s Experience

張宗顯, Chang,Tsung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
石化能源逐漸耗竭引人關注,再加上「京都議定書」對溫室氣體排放之全球性管制,促使世界各國重視各種新能源與替代性能源,並積極投入應用與研究開發。生質燃料已成為全球許多國家的戰略性資源,其發展除可開發自產綠色能源,提高能源自主比例,並能結合能源、農業、環保、產業等共同發展。面對全球生質燃料產業急速成長,台灣自不能自外於節能減碳的永續發展趨勢。 為驗證政府推動生質燃料政策的環境條件及業界投入狀況,本研究以次級資料分析方法進行國內、外之發展現況及趨勢分析;透過學者、專家、政府業務執行主管及業者之深度訪談,藉由訪談之資料歸納國內發展情形,對照現有生質燃料政策推動目標之發展模式,並以五力分析架構及SWOT評估方法評估生質燃料產業發展之競爭力。 本研究的主要發現包括:1.影響我國生質燃料的發展,最主要的關鍵要素是料源成本、價格補貼及市場保證;2.在推廣生質燃料的策略作法上,絕大多數主張應依政府政策規劃目標循序漸進推動;3.業者在發展生質燃料過程中,面臨最大的困難在於政策的不確定及原料的掌握不足;4.產業發展初期仍應以國內產製優先,不足部分再開放進口;5.生質柴油料源中,目前以廢食用油最具價格競爭力,麻瘋果油次之,藻類則是長期看好的料源。生質酒精部分,依國內廠商最可行技術而言,以甘蔗酒精較具價格競爭力,狼尾草居次,纖維素作物則是長期看好者。6.現階段的政策目標,在生質柴油部分的推廣比例仍以B2為佳,生質酒精則以E3為國產料原的最大量。長期來看,生質燃料產業的擴展,一定要以非糧食作物為優先,關鍵環節在於纖維酒精技術及藻類開發技術有突破,推廣比例及市場規模才有再擴張的空間。 就研究分析所得,提供下述政策建議:1、政府需訂定明確的政策目標;2.成立再生能源國家型計畫,加速推動生質燃料發展;3.政府率先投資第二代生質燃料產業;4.需建構生質燃料永續發展的制度性設計;5.確立以本國產製為優先之政策宣示;6.強化節能減碳教育宣導,讓消費者建立信心並接受。在業界策略上建議:1.必須提升料源掌握度與開發多元料源,並降低生產成本;2.業者須加強與通路商籌組供油策略聯盟;3.生質酒精業者可採合資或合作生產方式切入市場,取得先占地位;4.積極參與第二代生質燃料的研發與技術銜接。 / Petrochemical energy shortage is an issue that has been gradually gaining attention. Global regulation of greenhouse gases emission set by the Kyoto Protocol has also called attention to new and alternative energy sources, as well as the active involvement of individual countries in new energy application and research development. Biofuel has now become a strategic resource in many countries. Additional development of alternative energy can not only help increase the amount of domestic green energy and its ratio to traditional energy, synergy is also created causing the equal development of energy, agriculture, environmental production, and industrial growth. In face of the rapid growth of the biofuel industry worldwide, Taiwan must not exclude itself from the trend of sustainable development in energy conservation and CO2 reduction. To access the conditions of government policy in biofuel promotion and industry involvement, this study used secondary data analysis methods to analyze the current trend and status of national and international development. Through information gathered from in-depth interviews with academics, experts, government executives, and industry members, current domestic developments are compared to existing models of biofuel policy, promotion, and objectives. The competitiveness of biofuel industry development is further evaluated using SWOT assessment and Five Power Analysis. The main findings of this study include the following: 1) The key elements affecting national biofuel development are raw material costs, price subsidies, and market guarantees. 2) In biofuel promotion strategies, a vast majority should be made gradually and according to government policy planning objectives. 3) In biofuel development, the biggest challenges the industry faces are policy uncertainties and the lack of raw materials. 4) In initial industry development, domestic production should be a priority, allowing imports only when in demand. 5) In raw materials for bio-diesel, recycled oils are currently the most competitive in value, followed by Jatropha oil, while algae is seen as having long-term potential. According to the most viable technology offered by domestic manufacturers, sugarcane ethanol is the most competitive in value for bio-ethanol, followed by Chinese Pennisetum, while agricultural waste is seen as having long-term potential. 6) In the current stage of policy objectives, B2 is still more adequate in the promotion of bio-diesel, and E3 is the main domestic raw material for bio-ethanol. In the expansion of biofuel industry in the long run, priority must be given to non staple crops, while the key lies in cellulosic ethanol and algae oil development technology. Only then can there be room for further expansion in promotional proportion and market scale. The following policy recommendations are provided based on analysis of the study: 1) Clear policy goals must be set by the government. 2) Establish nation-wide plans for renewable energy, and accelerate the promotion of biofuel development. 3) Government must take initiatives in second-generation feedstock investments. 4) A systematic design must be built for the sustainable development of biofuel. 5) Policy declarations must be made to ensure the priority of domestic production. 6) Strengthen education in energy conservation and CO2 reduction, and build consumer confidence and acceptance. Recommendations for industry strategies: 1) It is essential to increase control of raw materials, develop multi-source materials, and lower production costs. 2) The industry must strengthen its strategic alliances with distributor in oil supply. 3) The biofuel industry may partake in joint ventures or cooperative efforts to get a head start when entering the market. 4) Actively participate in the research and development and technology adaptation of second-generation feedstock.

中國半導體產業發展模式:2000-2005一個跨國比較的途徑 / The developmental model of China's semiconductor industry: 2000-2005 A cross-national comparative approach

呂爾浩, Lu, Erh Hao Unknown Date (has links)
學界普遍認為中國半導體產業在2000年以降快速崛起主要因素是中國各級政府仿效東亞國家八十年代扶持半導體產業模式。也就是「發展型國家」(Developmental State)角色。如中國中央政府推動半導體策略性產業政策:提供優惠稅賦(「國務院十八號文件」)以及進行大規模研發計畫(「八六三計畫」);地方政府則提供半導體廠商建廠資金和低價建廠成本。然而,實際上,從跨國比較觀點分析在中國政府半導體產業角色,發現我們可以發現中國政府在半導體產業角色與「發展型國家」的理念型有所差異。基於上述討論有兩個主要研究目的: 1.建立國家機關角色類型學,了解中國個案與既有類型異同之處。以此,提出新理論架構:第一個指標:國家機關干預型式,主要指國家是否推動「策略性產業政策」;第二個指標、企業財產權關係: 企業財產權屬於國家或私人。兩個指標和各自有兩個變異,因此形成二乘二的四個國家機關角色類型學。 2.分析形成不同國家機關角色的因素:落後的程度、官僚體系特質和政策網路等因素如何形塑國家機關角色等因素對形成國家角色有何影響。 為進行跨國比較本文選擇了四個國家以及其時空分界點:1985-1990年的美國、1976-1980年的日本、1984-1988年的台灣與2000年以降的中國,進行國家角色干預前後的時空因素比較。 本文研究發現有三:一、一國落後的程度決定了其國家角色類型:。二、國家干預前的「韋伯式官僚」程度,影響了「發展型國家」和「企業家發展型國家」的要素之一「大規模研發計畫」是否完整,但不會決定屬於個案是屬於哪一類型國家。 / Scholars argued that the rapid development of China's semiconductor industry due to strategic industry policy, known as East Asian “Developmental State Model”. China central government provided preferential domestic sale tax (Circular 18) for China-based semiconductor firms and launched national R&D project (863); local government also provides loans and low building cost for semiconductor enterprises. However, as cross-countries comparing role of state in the semiconductor industry, China’s case still is different from ideal type of Developmental State. Based on the discussion above, this dissertation has two main research purposes: 1.Establishing the typology of state: what different China's case with other nations and propose a new theoretical framework. The first indicator is whether State to promote "Strategic Industrial Policy" or not; the second corporate property relations: the second indicator is property rights of enterprises, which is government owned or private. The two indicators have two variations, so the format a typology, three types role of state in two by two matrix. 2.Analyzing the causal factors of role of state: how does extent of economic backwardness, characteristics of bureaucratic system and types policy network influence roles of state. For a cross-nations studies, I selected four variety cases and time dividing points: United States (before and after 1985-1990), Japan(before and after 1976-1980), Taiwan ( before and after 1984-1988), and China (before and fater 2000-2005) to define role of state and its causal factors. This study has three main findings: First, the extent of backwardness of a nations determined its role of state. Second, level of Weberian bureaucracy level affected complete extent of Developmental State" and Entrepreneurial Developmental State" , but would not determined its role of state.

對台灣地區產業結構變動之研究 / Research of Industrial Structure Changing on Taiwan

王志豪, Wang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)

中國製藥產業發展-雙元分裂的未來或整合的前奏 / The development of China's pharmaceutical industry- another kind of dualist model?

陳正揚, Chen, Cheng Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在製藥產業全球分工的價值鏈進程之中,後進國家獲得了進入產業的契機,但在價值鏈的本質上,它同時是開放的、也是制約的結構。在全球藥物的開發上,部分中國製藥相關產業廠商融入了全球前端的藥物研發流程,並取得相當豐碩的報酬,成功的與全球主導廠商連結;而在另一方面,佔據中國內需市場龐大份額的國內傳統大型藥廠,則是停留在仿製藥品的階段,在學名藥的紅海中彼此競爭。這種產業鏈研發前端接軌全球、卻與本地大藥廠脫鉤,前端研發與後端大型藥廠各奔東西的現象,在本文中作者將之名為中國製藥產業的「雙元分裂」。 雙元分裂的現狀是由中國國家自身形塑出來的「封閉式網絡」與跨國公司所形成的全球價值鏈分工,也就是海歸派CRO所進入與中國自身毫不相干的「外部網絡」兩項網絡關係所構成。封閉式網絡的結構模型,不單單只是產學研的條塊分割構成,其背後驅動的主體是國家機器-國家角色以專利准入保護了市場,同時一方面也傷害了創新的市場化能力,致使本地廠商綁死於本地學名藥市場,產學研的條塊並將私部門研發排除其中,構成封閉式網絡格局。與之對立的外部網絡之形成,一則是因為全球價值鏈開放機會改後進國家,讓後進國家前端私部門得以涉入其中,二則搭配上本地內部封閉式網絡,造成與本地的疏離形成「飛地(enclaves)」;這種外部網絡的主要驅動者是全球價值鏈,但使之演變為雙元分裂結構,其背後的關鍵因子仍為國家所進行的市場扭曲。 本文之重點,即自客觀經驗出發,以市場研究數據、廠商實際個案分析,輔以作者實地訪查經驗,系統性陳述、揭露雙元分裂的結構現象。 關鍵字:CRO、中國製藥產業、雙元分裂、全球價值鏈、產業政策、封閉式網絡、外部網絡

中國文化產業政策之研究: 以北京798藝術區個案為焦點 / A Study of Policies of the Chinese Cultural Industries: Focusing on the Case of the Beijing 798 Art Zone

劉姝廷 Unknown Date (has links)
中國自2000年以來,確立發展文化產業的國家戰略,而政策的推動是中國文化產業發展的關鍵。相較於以往中國將文化作為意識形態統治工具,中國文化產業政策具有經濟、文化和社會服務等綜合屬性。因此,本文以北京798藝術區為個案焦點,闡述中國文化產業政策的出台與落實,並以新國家主義理論中「國家能力」與「國家自主性」的概念,探討國家角色在中國文化產業發展過程中的作為與作用。 在北京798藝術區個案中,本文梳理出中國文化產業園區市場化的趨勢,及文化產業園區政府與企業集團的合作管理模式。本文認為文化產業園區的發展,除因全球文化產業風潮催生,也受到國家、企業集團與藝術家各自的意志選擇、能力展現、利益取向和三者互動所影響。 本文透過個案分析,進行對新國家主義的再詮釋,發現國家自主性在文化產業發展中,受制於國際、社會及藝術家壓力,國家能力的實現是利益權衡下的妥協。本文亦認為國家內部存在相異的利益取向,透過政府不同層次的互動,型塑著中國文化產業政策的發展。 / Since 2000, China’s national strategies for the development of the cultural industries have been established, and the key to the development of the cultural industries in China is policy promotion. In the past, culture had been used by China as a tool for the governance with ideology. In comparison, China’s cultural industry policies reflect a comprehensive feature of economics, culture, and social services. Thus, this study focused on the case of the Beijing 798 Art Zone to elaborate the development and implementation of China’s policies regarding the cultural industries, and explore the achievements and influences of the role the country has been playing in the development process of the cultural industries in China based on the concept of “State Capacity” and “State Autonomy” in the Neo-Statism Theory.   This study summarized the trend of marketization of cultural industry parks in China and the cultural industry park management model based on the cooperation between the government and enterprise groups and the of through the case of the Beijing 798 Art Zone. This study believed that the development of cultural industry parks is under the influence of not only the wave of cultural industries around the world, but also the interactions among the individual free-will choices, performances of capability, and profit orientations of the country, enterprise groups, and artists.   Through the case analyses, this study re-interpreted the Neo-Statism and found that, in the development of the cultural industries, state autonomy is restrained by the pressure from the world, the society, and artists, and the realization of state capability is a compromise of the profit trade-off. This study also believed that the different profit orientations in the country have shaped the development of China’s cultural industry policies through the governments’ interactions of different levels.

TD產業的發展對標準必要專利在中國大陸之影響——以華為 VS InterDigital案及高通反壟斷案為例 / The influence of developing of Telecommunication Development industry to Standard essential patents in mainland China —— the study of antitrust case in Huawei vs InterDigital and qualcomm

王玉宇 Unknown Date (has links)
中國國內移動通信企業對於標準必要專利與美國移動通信產業知名NPE——InterDigital的初次交鋒就使得InterDigital付出了2000萬元人民幣的代價。而後,發改委對於就高通濫用標準必要專利的反壟斷調查更是開出了60.88億元的天文數字罰款單。 事實上,這些數字不僅起到了吸睛的作用,將人們的目光分分聚焦到中國的移動通信產業,同時,也因為案件發生的時間點而使得很多業界參與者猜測這樣的判決結果很可能是政府發展中國移動通信產業的政策手段。畢竟,自2000年TD-SCDMA成為世界公認的第三代移動通信標準之一以後,中國政府就打著TD產業的發展口號開始著力關注起中國移動通信市場的發展。自2008年奧運會以後,不管是銀行的放款額度還是產業政策的保護力度,都更加凸顯中國發展移動通信產業的決心。 另外,再加上近年來,各大通信巨頭在世界移動通信產業上掀起了大規模的專利戰爭,也使得人們對於專利的關注熱情愈發高漲。尤其是在移動通信產業中起到關鍵作用的標準必要專利,其價值地位也吸引了越來越多的目光。 本文試圖通過梳理TD產業政策演進的過程,來總結出中國自TD產業概念產生之後,移動通信產業發展的各階段產業狀況。再輔以華為VS InterDigital以及高通兩宗反壟斷案來探究產業政策的背後,案件結果究竟對中國移動通信市場的標準必要專利運作模式起到了怎樣的作用。 關鍵字:TD產業、標準必要專利、中國移動通信產業政策、濫用標準必要專利的制約 / For the first time that the Chinese mobile communication enterprise had a confrontation with the famous American NPE in mobile industry——Interdigital, it ended up with the result that Interdigital paid the composition of 20 million RMB. Moreover, China Development and Reform Commission gave Qualcomm a ticket of Six billion after the antitrust investigation of its abuse of Standard Essential Patents. All these numbers not only attracted public concern to the Chinese mobile communication industry, but also make some related participants thought the time of cases happened showed the sentences might be the policy methods to develop the Chinese own mobile communication industry. Since TD-SCDMA became one of the global certificated 3rd Generation Standard, Chinese government has made great efforts to develop the Chinese mobile communication under the banner of development of TD industry. After the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, Chinese government’s determination in developing the Chinese mobile communication became greater. The evidences were the increase of banks loans and the protection of industrial methods in related filed. Furthermore, the communication giants’ pattern wars in the field of the global communication industry during recent years also raised public attention to the patterns, especially the standard essential patents which played a critical role in communication industry. This thesis attempts to reveal the industrial situations of different stages in the development of communication industry after the rise of Chinese TD industrial concept by sorting out the evaluation of TD industrial policies. Moreover, two antirust cases of HUAWEI VS InterDigital and Qualcomm shows how the sentences affected the operating mode of standard essential patents in Chinese mobile communication industry behind the industrial policies.

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