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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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策略性市場訊號模式:預售屋市場的競爭行為 / Strategic Market Signaling : the Firm's Competitive Behavior of the Forward Market of Real Estate

洪湘富, Hung, Shiang-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在企業經營中,策略的制定是重大的決策,而要制定策略則須考慮競爭行為的影響。市場上的資訊可以幫助策略擬定,利用市場訊號來看市場上的資訊與競爭應該可以使得經營者更瞭解競爭的現象。而有關市場訊號的作用並為有共識,因此本研究想利用預售屋為研究對象,探討以下問題: 一、在預售屋市場中,廠商是否會考慮競爭者市場訊號發放之影響? 二、廠商對競爭者市場訊號處理過程為何? 三、廠商對競爭者市場訊號的反應為何? 四、廠商對市場訊號的反應受到那些因素的影響? 經由市場訊號相關理論、訊號反應以及遊戲理論等文獻的探討,得到本研究的觀念架構,最後再由個案的訪談與分析中,與觀念架構的互相印證,得出本研究的命題 。而本研究主要結論如下: 一、預售屋市場中,銷售業者會隨時注意競爭者,而且競爭者的影響在整個推案期間都會存在。 二、訊號內容的不利程度是公司評估訊號的重點。 三、在整個訊號反應過程中,發射者特性與接收者特性會都會對於反應過程有所影響。 四、反應可以用形態、量與速度三個構面來表示。 並且對管理者提出建議: 一、瞭解各種不同的訊號可能引起的反應,有助於對決策的制定。 二、對於本身的反應速度,如果想要有更快反應的能力,可從減少組織惰性與增加外部導向著手。

海峽兩岸成衣業競爭力指標之建立 / The Set-Up of Competitiveness Criteria of Garment Industry In Taiwan and China

丁瑞華, Ting, Jui-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
研究生從事成衣業二十載,目睹近年來成衣業遭遇困境、或歇業、或出走、或多角化經營,大大削減其在國際上之競爭力。本論文試圖研究成衣業之競爭優勢,並建立競爭力指標,尋找出指標間相對之重要性,以做為未來發展之模式。 本研究發現成衣業之競爭力有行銷能力、製造能力、研發能力、人事及組織能力,其相對權重分別為:0.315、0.275、0.258、0.152。其最重要者為行銷能力,依次為製造能力、研發能力、最後為人事及組織能力。而在行銷力方面,最重要者為品質、價格,其次為商情資訊蒐集反應顧客需求,掌握自主性國際行銷管道及提供多樣化商品能力。製造能力指標相對重要性為原料供應充裕及配合度最重要,快速反應交期短、生產高附加價值商品之能力少量多款之生產能力,自動縫製電腦輔助系統應用,先進製衣技術之應用較不重要。研發能力指標以開發新產品最重要,設計新產品次之,而管理資訊系統之開發較不重要。人事及組織能力指標相對重要性其差異不大,分別為設計行銷人員水準,人才培訓教育及合理化管理能力。 針對以上指標相對重要性比較台灣及大陸之競爭力,顯示台灣已喪失價格之競爭力,因此兩岸成衣業者應依據比較利益原則進行垂直分工,亦即台灣善用技術、人才、管理、設計能力、資金、行銷技巧的絕對優勢在台灣接單,在大陸加工,結合大陸廉價勞力、原料、優惠措施共同發展以創造彼此的最大利益。以上之先決條件必須是台灣繼續發展成衣業,致力於產業結構之調整及升級。

創立台灣特色餐廳營運計劃書 / Identify competitive strategy for new business

莊千又, Chuang, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要根據文獻分析法,分析台灣飲食文化隨著經濟發展的成功案例。定 義未來發展成為具備台灣特色與國際級餐飲服務的競爭優勢。 台灣餐飲市場先天具備了形成國際美食的地理與文化條件,兼容並蓄了中國各 省份的美食精華以及深受日式料理的影響,隨著經濟發展與富裕程度而逐漸產 生美食需求的變化,不斷的提升服務品質與標準,形成台灣料理的獨特性與多 樣性,遂成為精緻美食與國際美食的基礎。 研究發現台灣經濟發展趨於成熟而形成兩極化消費情勢的必然關係,隨著富裕 程度與時間推移而呈現越來越多樣化與精緻化的消費形態,消費者需求的不再 只是美味、不再只是便宜、更要吃得健康、吃的舒適、吃的有品味。因此由滿 足物質性需求轉化而成為滿足心理需求為主的消費趨勢。個案公司的分析中發 現成功經營關鍵在於差異化的策略:特別突出的空間佈置、具有豐富人際網絡 的股東結構、年輕有活力的經營團隊、新鮮且多樣化的食材、營造出客戶的歸 屬感。 再根據兩岸經濟情勢與未來發展趨勢,進行市場定位與市場分析以及預測未來 需求,選擇符合台灣特色、國際競爭力且與美食市場發展軌跡相吻合的競爭策 略。針對人口富裕程度與特定比例的目標客戶、選擇具有發展利基的競爭優勢, 按整個服務價值鏈的變化調整營運模式,著重在整體服務品質的提升包括:服 務人員的整體素質與服務內涵、健康環保的取向、與服務內容及服務品質匹配 的合理價位。差異化的策略則是選擇具有獨特地位的地點,而獲得特殊地點的 能力也是本營運計畫特別需要具備的競爭優勢。以上提出適合目前在台灣、未 來在中國執行的高階市場營運計畫,單店期初投資金額新臺幣三億元整,期中 投資新臺幣一億五千萬元整,以總投資金額新臺幣四億五千萬元整來評估是一 個非常好的投資案,預計十八個月回收,十年內部報酬率 31.6%。 大 治 ㈻㊫學 l a C n h / Analyzing the relevant literature and operations of successful restaurants in Taiwan, this study develops a business model and strategies for first-­‐class restaurant featured by Taiwan cuisines and with international competitiveness. Taiwan poses unique position to develop a base for fine and delicate food culture. First, it has immigrants from different provinces from China, which bring different type of dishes to Taiwan. Second, with the impact of Japan, local chefs have developed the capability to prepare Japanese dishes. Third, gradually increased income levels have made local people to demand better quality food that stimulated chefs devoting to innovation, either in materials or dishes. And lastly, because of the accessing to international information, local consumers have become more sophisticated and generated competition among restaurants. We find that the consumers in Taiwan represent M-­‐form, with on end demanding high-­‐end service and another end demanding low-­‐priced services. However, at either end, food variety, healthy, tasty and pleasant eating environment have become critical. This means that satisfying psychological need, instead of physiological need, is the focus of restaurant services. The propose business model, therefore, has the following differentiation characteristics: unique location and interior decoration, investors with extensive personal networks, a energetic management team, fresh and variety food ingredients, and generating consumers’ identity. Taking into account the economic developments of Taiwan and China, in addition to the differentiation characteristics listed above, we develop strategies for running a high-­‐class restaurant with the potential to roll out to China. The strategies include the following: the combination of target customers, the competitive strengths to support niche strategy, adjusting operation model by adapting to the changes in value-­‐chain, tailor-­‐made services and enhancing the capability of service personnel, and price flexibility for different types of consumers. A restaurant with our design will need investment of NT$450million, and the return is very good: the pay-­‐back period is 18 months and internal rate return for 10 years is 31.6%. 大 治 ㈻㊫學 l a

企業經營策略與關鍵成功因素之研究- 以顯示器個案公司為例 / A study of the business strategy and key success factors for enterprises:the case study of LCD company

陳冠宏, Chen, Kuan Hung Unknown Date (has links)
液晶顯示器(LCD)產業是二十一世紀最令人矚目的產業,不僅因為液晶顯示器是一項融合了高科技與大量經濟投資的產業,更因為液晶顯示器的各種應用與消費者的日常生活習習相關,因此具有無限潛力的特色。 近年來,液晶顯示器隨著面板價格的快速滑落,使得液晶顯示器的售價越來越能讓消費者接受,也吸引了眾多的廠商投入,包含原日、韓及其他國家顯示器及電視大廠,歐美之資訊品牌或通路,台灣廠商也積極切入液晶顯示器和電視廠商之OEM及ODM代工,少數台商也切入自有品牌,也由於液晶顯示器價格的大幅滑落,新技術的興起,及眾多廠商的競逐其中,造成當前液晶顯示器產業之異常激烈競爭環境,而LCD 產業為台灣兩兆雙星產業之一,故其競爭力之提升不僅攸關該產業各相關企業存亡,對台灣維繫其日益流失之競爭優勢亦具樞紐地位,所以如何加強競爭力,並結合政府及民間之力量,從容面對日本、韓國之威脅,是國內目前產官學界所必須共同努力之目標。 經研究結果發現,個案公司之主要競爭優勢在於掌握關鍵零組件之生產、彈性之製造管理能力及全球通路行銷,積極進行策略聯盟以尋求與供應商上中下游及行銷通路間的垂直整合,以強化企業之競爭優勢。因此業者必須掌握企業核心競爭力、認清液晶循環趨勢及擬定企業競爭策略;進而尋求企業合併,並且建議政府提供穩定的投資環境與提昇廠商研發能力,藉以在液晶顯示器產業中取得持續性的競爭優勢。 本研究運用包含「五力分析」、「鑽石模型」、「競爭策略」及「SWOT」等產業分析理論,來研究企業如何建立核心能力,進一步歸納出液晶顯示器廠商競爭優勢的經營策略,並從中萃取出產業關鍵成功因素,以期望能提供作為業界參考及學習之用,並作為公司擬定其未來策略方針之用。


程憶珍, CHENG, YI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


周育生 Unknown Date (has links)
重商主義時期“獎勵出口重課進口”的對外貿政策,及產業革命後生產力的擴張,使世界範圍內的傾銷大規模形成;二十世紀七○年代以來,「傾銷」已普遍存在於國際貿易之中,而對於「反傾銷」立法和實踐亦進展迅速,從關稅暨貿易總協定成立以來,對於「反傾銷」的立法、修訂一直是談判內容的主要議題。 本文的目的在探討在產品不完全替代下,面對國外持續性傾銷時,若廠商分別從事Cournot數量及Bertrand價格競爭時,如何課徴反傾銷稅?結果發現若廠商進行數量競爭時則:當本國與外國傾銷品相互替代率相同及本國產品對國外傾銷品之替代率大於國外傾銷品對本國產品之替代率時,本國政府可在社會福利最大化下制定反傾銷稅率。若進行價格競爭時則:本國政府無法依社會福利最大之反傾銷稅率制定反傾銷稅率。 / The mercantilist emphasis on expanding exports while restricting imports, coupled with the expansion of productivity seen following the industrial revolution, led to the proliferation of dumping trade practices around the world. “Dumping” has been a formally-recognized and widespread phenomenon in global trade since the 1970s. Against this, national governments have also been quick to implement countervailing laws and legislation. Anti-dumping legislation has been at the fore of international trade discussions since the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) was established. This paper addresses the issue of how countervailing duties may be most effectively assessed in situations where a national product that is not completely substitutable by import competitors suffers sustained competition from imports dumped on the market. To achieve this objective, our research examines the effects on competition that result from the manufacturer of the national product adopting, respectively, Cournot volume and Bertrand pricing strategies. The result shows that, when a volume strategy is adopted, home government imposition of countervailing duties will be able to maximize social benefit when either domestic and imported (dumped) products share a similar substitutability ratio or the substitutability ratio of the domestic product is greater than that of the imported competition. When a pricing strategy is adopted, the government is, conversely, not in a position to impose a countervailing duty that will maximize social benefit.

LED廠商之競爭策略分析-以Cree公司為例 / Competitive and strategic analysis of LED companies – A Case study of Cree

邱晶晶 Unknown Date (has links)
照明產業現在正面臨前所未有的革命,發光二極體正慢慢地取代我們所稱的燈泡、燈管。當新科技取代舊科技的同時,產業也跟著洗牌,各國政府莫不傾政府之力來推動照明產業的革命,企圖在產業洗牌後能夠佔據一席之地。目前全球五大LED公司分別是日本的日亞化學、豐田合成、美國的Cree、歐洲的Philips Lumileds、與德國的Osram。本論文特別針對Cree公司的發展歷程與策略加以分析,期望藉由探討國外公司的優勢、劣勢,提供國內產業一借鏡。 策略是企業一連串搭配的活動組合。本論文以吳思華教授的策略三構面、競技場理論對Cree公司的各種活動組合進行分析。由產品範疇、核心能力、事業網路的分析可知,Cree公司善用事業網路的資源來建立自身的核心能力,並不斷地重新擬定產品範疇。於核心能力的部分,本論文引用周延鵬教授智慧資本理論,透過分析更能瞭解利用專利的商業策略,透過事業網路也能快速地建立智慧資本─核心能力。 本論文認為Cree公司發展分為三階段。第一階段1987~1998年,為產品範疇的定義時期,以DOE與Defense Department的美國政府計畫做為研發經費來源、NCSU的博士生帶入技術能力,並維持一定的合作,而以兩大客戶Osram與住友來支持整體公司的營收。第二階段1999年~2002年,Cree以智財與技術的授權 (Nitres與UCSB技術連結)、訴訟 (Lawsuit partners: NCSU、BU、Rohm與中村修二)、併購Nitres的策略佈局,將營收快速擴張到2億美元。第三階段2003年以後,Cree選擇封裝產品、LED燈具產品進行10億美元的營收目標,實際併購Cotco、LLF與Zumtobel策略合作,以LED city、LED University、Led workplace,再聯合照明系統伙伴提供光、電、熱的LED照明解決方案,推廣與教育更多的LED照明。 以策略競技場分析,可以很清楚比較出Cree所處的LED產業與其他競爭者的競爭態勢,第一個競爭比較層次是產品/服務的「價值/效率」競技場,Big 5與台廠分屬於價值與效率的兩端。第二層次競爭比較是企業總體的「結構/能耐」競技場,Big5廠商以專利交互授權形成結構障礙,而台廠處於能耐的一端。第三層次競爭是產業網路的資源比較,Osram、Philips Lumileds、TG、Nichia以母集團的自身能力而處實力一端,Cree積極的採用合縱策略串起自身的供應鏈體系,台廠則以台灣內需的上下游供應關係形成自己的體系。Cree不斷地利用體系的力量來建立競爭優勢,符合四競技場理論的架構。 台灣LED產業發展甚早,產業鏈分工完整、研發投入、研發成果、企業獲利、、、等等比起Cree公司毫不遜色。 (一)從價值─效率來看,Cree擁有產品性能(價值)後,於是Cree併購Cotco,增加規模降低成本,能繼續帶給客戶效率;LED台灣廠商如晶電,不斷藉著水平整合、增加規模、降低生產成本,達到了良好的效率。接著應當思考給客戶效率的同時,再給予更高的價值。 (二)從結構─能耐來看,五大廠商藉由專利與訴訟、較長的學習曲線和較大的經濟規模擴充,建立起相當的結構的競爭的進入障礙。台灣廠商如晶電,發展和專利的佈局較五大廠晚,但卻憑藉著工研院研發團隊建立起的技術,再透過自有研發與產業併購,累積起足夠的能耐。如能再學習Cree靈活運用專利與訴訟之策略,能使結構的競爭力更加強大。 (三)從體系─實力來看,台灣廠商與Cree相同,靠的是善用體系的力量來競爭。例如晶元光電、億光電子、光寶電子、、、等許多國內LED產業形成一完整、高效率的供應體系。然而台灣的體系實力,從電子業、IT產業發展歷史來看,多半侷限在製造體系,微笑曲線的最前的研發與最後的品牌通路一直都不發達。 從Cree的經驗來看,體系的競爭力可以擴展到製造之外,此時Cree正在進行的是建立一個以Cree為核心的照明體系,能不能成功是未知數,但對於善於運用體系、創造Win-Win的Cree來說無疑是一大機會。 因此善用體系競爭的台灣廠商,也可思考如何擴大體系力量的範疇,使體系的分工能夠結合前瞻研究、研發、專利、生產、標準、規範、物流、品牌、行銷等等。 / Lighting industry is confronted with an intense revolution that light emitted diode (LED) lighting is replacing traditional lighting. The change of technology results in the change of industry. Every government tries hard to promote the development of LED lighting industry to take over the share in the new market. The top five LED companies (Big 5) are Nichia from Japan, Osram for Germany, Philips Lumileds from Netherlands, Cree from America and Toyota Gosei from Japan. The thesis will analyze the history, management, business and competitive strategy of Cree to provide a good case model to Taiwanese LED companies. A strategy is performed with a series of actions in a company. The thesis will apply Dr. Se Hwa Wu’s Three Dimensions of Strategy and Strategy Arenas Theory to analyze every action in Cree. From the analysis of the three dimensions, it can be observed that Cree is good at employing their business networks to build up their core capabilities and continuously re-define their coverage of product line. The thesis will also apply Prof. Y. P. Jou’s Intellectual Property Theory to analyze Cree’s core capabilities and elaborate the patent strategies and how to rapidly create the core capability as intelligent capital through business networks of a company. Cree’s development can be divided to three stages. Stage I was the definition of product lines, from 1987 to 1998. Cree obtained their R&D funding from DOE and U.S. Defense Department and their R&D ability from North Carolina State University. Cree’s two major customers, Osram and Sumitomo, supported their revenue. From 1999 to 2002, Cree used their intelligent property and technology licensing (allied with Nitres and UCSB), lawsuit partners (NCSU, BU, Rohm and Shuji Nakamura) and merger and acquisition with Nitres to increase their revenue up to 200 million U.S. dollars in the end of stage II. After 2003, Cree used LED packages and LED lighting fixtures to increase their revenue to 1 billion U.S. dollar. Cree merged with Cotco and LLF while establishing strategic alliance with Zumtobel. Cree promoted LED with different projects, such as LED city, LED university and LED workplace. Cree also collaborated with their lighting partners who supported total solutions of optics, electron and heat dissipation, to achieve those promotions. Through analysis based on the Strategy Arenas Theory, the competitions between Cree and their competitors in the LED industry will become more obvious. The first arena of strategy is a competition of value and efficiency of product/ service. The Big 5 companies occupy the position closer to the extremity of value and Taiwan companies stay closer to the other side of efficiency in the value chain. The second arena is a competition of structure and capability. Big 5 take more advantages by structural block formed with cross licensing, while Taiwanese companies own greater capability of production. The third arena is an industrial networks level, a competition of networks and strength. Cree and Taiwanese companies both use industrial networks as their advantage, while Osram, Philips Lumileds, Nichia and TG use the strength of their own company to maintain their market share. Cree continuously collaborate with and allies outside resources from partners to establish their competition advantages. Taiwan has developed our LED industry for nearly 30 year manufacturing. The industrial chain, R&D investments, R&D achievement and company revenue are all well established. All these achievements make Taiwanese companies as well qualified as Cree in the LED market. 1. Value vs. efficiency: Cree merged with COTCO Luminant Device Limited, a Hong Kong company (Cotco), to achieve cost down by mass production and to increase production efficiency. A similar example can be seen in Taiwan LED companies, Epistar Corporation. Epistar continuously used horizontal merger and acquisition, to increase production scale, decrease cost and achieve better efficiency in production. Epistar have to perform higher value to their customers at the same time. 2. Structure vs. capability: Big 5 constructed strong entry barriers by patents, lawsuits, longer learning curve and larger finance scale. Taiwan LED companies, Epistar Corporation for example, take the strength of the R&D team of ITRI, in-house R&D, and merger and acquisition to try to catch up on the gap of belated developments and patents arrangement. If Epistar can well apply patents and lawsuit as their strategy, the company would gain more advantage in the competitions. 3. Networks vs. strength: Taiwan LED is similar with Cree to take strength of industrial network. Many LED industries in Taiwan, such as Epistar, Everlight, and Lite-On, have formed a complete and efficient industrial network. However, the network is limited within manufacturing. From the history of electrical industry and IT industry in Taiwan, it can be observed that R&D and marketing, both extremities of Smile Curve, are usually ill-performed. According to the case of Cree, the competition of networks can be expanded out of manufacture. Cree is developing a LED lighting industrial networks from the core of Cree. It is still unknown whether Cree can succeed, but there will be a big chance of Cree who know to well employ networks to create Win-Win strategies. In conclusion, Taiwan companies who well use networks can also think about broadened their networks to combine R&D, manufacture, standardization, SOP, logistics management, trademark and marketing.


陳韻羽 Unknown Date (has links)
半導體產業發展至今共經歷三個階段的變革,從70年代電腦元件的標準化、80年代ASIC技術的出現一直到90年代系統單晶片的設計方式興起,SIP產業也因而崛起。SIP使得IC設計分工更加專業與精細,然而,不同類型的SIP供應商有不同的核心能力,一家SIP供應商不可能滿足顧客對於SIP的所有需求,因此,整個SIP產業供應鏈的分工與串接變得十分複雜,廠商間彼此競爭又合作的關係使得各公司必須隨時調整以尋求最合適的經營模式。而在這樣變化快速的市場環境中,進而突顯了企業實施競爭智慧的重要性,競爭智慧能幫助企業蒐集並分析產業環境的相關資訊進而提供即時的決策分析與建議,以提昇企業的競爭優。而SIP重複使用的特色雖促成了新興的交易模式,但這也造成了SIP交易過程中最大的問題即是產品與技術的價值難以衡量。 本研究之個案公司同時面對市場變動快速及議價能力不足等問題,經本研究藉由文獻蒐集分析及個案實際深入訪談後,調查結果發現SIP鑑價之資訊需求來自於影響SIP價值之因素,故本研究關注於SIP價值影響因素,探討其影響原因及理由為何,並利用交易策略競爭智慧系統架構的建置,幫助個案公司能由價值影響因素的觀點出發,即時將資訊分析處理成為交易決策之依據。 本研究設計之交易策略競爭智慧系統架構共分為三個子系統,由資訊蒐集子系統根據SIP價值影響因素分為五個模組,各模組由各種內部及外部情報源收集所需資料,並依據各因素進行分類匯整後存入企業內部資料倉儲,再利用各種鑑價分析方法由資料倉儲內取得所需資訊進行SIP的綜合評價,最後配合交易模式的選擇提供企業在發展交易策略的依據。 / Since the standardization of computer components in 1970s, ASIC technology of the 1980s to the rise of System-on-Chip design in 1990s, the semiconductor industry has experienced three stages of transformation. It created a new business industry – SIP business. Because of SIP, IC design becomes more professional and precise division of labor. However, each SIP provider has different competence, and one SIP provider can’t meet all the customer needs. Therefore, the SIP industry supply chain becomes very complex. Mutual competitions between manufacturers and cooperative relations force the companies to adjust their strategies at any time to find the most appropriate business model. Rapid changes in the market environment underscore the needs of Competitive Intelligence. CI can help the companies to collect and analyze information related to the environment, provides real-time analysis and decision-making recommendations to enhance the competitive advantages. Although the reuse of SIP leads to the development of new transaction models, but also causes the problems of measuring the value of products and technologies. This case faces the problems of rapid changing market and low bargaining power. After investigating by documents collection and case interview, we find that the information needs of SIP valuation is the effect factors of SIP value. So this research focuses on the effect factors of SIP value and the reasons, and helps this case use real time information processing as the base of transaction strategy by transaction strategy competitive intelligence system from the perspective of the effect factors of SIP value. The design of the transaction strategy competitive intelligence system structure can be divided into three subsystems. Data collecting subsystem gathers the internal and external information for SIP transaction strategy made from every data sources, and saves into the enterprise data warehouse base on the classification of the factors. Then engage the comprehensive evaluation of the SIP by using every kind of valuation methods. At last, combines with the choices of transaction models to provide the foundation of transaction strategies. Keyword: SIP, Effect Factor of SIP Value, Competitive Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence System

台灣汽車零組件產業之個案研究: 以兩家橡膠公司為例

李文惠 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的許多中小企業,正遭逢國內、國外總體經濟環境快速的變動,大部份業者本身的規模不大,資源有限,卻又面臨到前所未有之考驗,包括國內市場狹小,競爭者眾多; 各種原物料價格飆漲,能源及環保相關費用日益增加的成本等這些壓力,開拓國際市場都無法超越國外的競爭者。 因此,如何扭轉此一惡劣的情勢,在專業技術上取得領先地位,運用創新管理方法,跟上時代腳步,尋求在經營策略上取得競爭優勢,將危機化為轉機,使公司獲利又能永續經營,是所有的中小企業,特別是傳統產業最值得重視的議題。 本研究係以波特的五力分析及國家競爭優勢一鑽石理論為架構,探討分析個案公司,在公司的轉折點一所採取的經營策略,對公司的成長所帶來的實質利益。 個案的兩家公司是典型的橡膠傳統產業,而且是資本額頗小之中小企業,卻因經營者之獨到之眼光很早就跨入當時仍是相當冷門之產業—汽車零組件業,再持續的引進日本技術母廠之新的開發與製程技術並導入國外公司降低製造成本及提昇產品品質之手法,所以能在同業中確保其領先地位。 本文便是針對兩家個案公司探討其在產業之優勢策略,作為台灣許多傳統產業之中小企業參考與學習。

跨國無塵室工程公司全球市場競爭研究-以M+W工程公司 為例 / Competitive advantage of global facility engineering company-A case study of M+W

謝昌立 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球激烈的競爭環境下,基於市場規模以及成本考量,海外市場開發儼 然對台灣企業猶如一條不歸之路。因此,本研究針對跨國公司在做全球投資時, 面對全球環境所必須面臨之不確定的狀況,以及在快速變動的環境下,企業如 何掌握並適應整體兢爭環境,擁有競爭優勢,提出探討,祈能對台灣企業有所 助益和借鏡。 以無塵室工程承攬案為例,應對環境周遭的整體競爭環境做仔細的剖析, 才能針對目標市場展開系列的工程承攬活動,發現並把握工程承攬的機會,且 可以避開各種工程承攬的風險與威脅。 另外,卓越的企業應該要調整競爭策略,提昇競爭優勢,不要盲且追求市 場佔有率而更要重視的是如何提供顧客最大的價值。企業最大的挑戰除了是要 創造滿意的顧客,更大的挑戰是要企業所做的每一個決策,所花的每一分錢, 都應該是如何增加忠誠的顧客、並設法留住忠誠的顧客、提高顧客的終身價值, 以及爭取新顧客上門。 除此之外,有效的經營管理、組織學習與策略績效評估,勢將成為企業未 來延續與發展的重心。 關鍵字:Cleanroom 廠務工程 競爭優勢 競爭策略 CAPEX / Under intense global competition environment, and due to cost concerns and global market environment, developing business in global markets is becoming a none return way and surviving strategy of Taiwanese Enterprises. Therefore, this research focuses on an international company involved in global investment while facing uncertain environment, and how the company can quickly adapt to the fast pace of the world market and remaining a competitive edge and advantage. Through this research, I hope to assist companies in Taiwan with some useful advice and reference experience. Taking a clean rooms project as an example we shall analyze carefully the surrounding competitive environment. This helps with any future development of project bidding, and will decrease the risk and threats during various kinds of project bidding. Besides that an elite enterprises should adjust their business strategies to increase their competitiveness so they won’t just blindly follow the market trend, but to provide their customers with the biggest returns. The biggest challenge that enterprises face isn’t just customer satisfaction because every enterprise is capable of making a customer happy. Each decision a company made as well as each dollar that a company spends, should be on how to create a loyal consumer, so that the consumer will keep coming back to increase the final value of each consumer and to attract new consumers. Nevertheless, having efficient business management, knowledge organization and effective strategic evaluation will become the center focus for future developments of all enterprises. Key Words: Clearroom Facility-Engineering Competitive Strategy Competitive-Advantage CAPEX

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