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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林子正 Unknown Date (has links)
回顧近50年來台灣的產業發展歷程,自1980年進入資訊電子產業以後,經濟發展始開始呈現高度成長。時至2004,台灣主要硬體產品在海內外總產值達到684億美元,高居全球前五位,並預估2006年可達到800億美元。我國資訊電子產業自80年代初期乃是以OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)代工的方式開始發展,憑藉著廉價的勞力及土地等生產要素,達到低成本的製造優勢;然而近年來,台灣選擇專業代工的風險已開始逐漸顯現。隨著資訊產品發展成熟,普及率增加,品牌廠商為了提高市場佔有率,也開始進入以價格競爭的階段;此外,當初具有之成本優勢也隨著中國大陸經濟體的興起以及勞動成本、土地成本等上升而日漸消失,因此台灣資訊電子廠商走向微笑曲線兩端的趨勢已經無法避免。 有鑑於上述的產業發展現況,近年來學術界對於自有品牌相關議題的研究也愈發重視。然而,過去的研究重點往往放在自有品牌的發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面或理論層面的探討,對於建立自有品牌實務歷程的研究則著墨較少。在自創品牌的相關研究中,除了眾多學者多認為行銷通路建立為自創品牌關鍵成功因素之外,宏碁集團創辦人施振榮也曾特別指出:「建立品牌過程中,通路的建立是重點」,故本篇論文針對自創品牌關鍵成功因素之一的「行銷通路建構歷程」進行研究。本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對國內資訊電子業建立自有品牌上較具成功經驗之企業 - 明基電通(BenQ)加以深入探討,期能得到新的啟發,並供實務界參考,為台灣的產業升級做出貢獻。 本研究首先透過相關文獻的探討,瞭解可作為分析通路建構歷程之相關文獻,包括「自有品牌建立」、「通路理論」、「動態能力」、「組織學習」等相關理論,並透過個案公司訪談以及次級文獻蒐集獲得個案公司資訊,最後分析個案公司 之通路建構歷程。本研究之發現如下: 1. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,其通路建構歷程會先進行行銷(通路)部門的組織設計與改造、運作流程設計、以及行銷通路人員的招募等前置作業 2. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業在建立自有品牌產品之行銷通路時,其自有品牌產品線與其代工產品關連性愈高,則通路建構歷程愈易於進行,且通路績效表現愈佳 3. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,會致力於進行雙迴圈學習及高階學習,並建立新的價值觀及規範,以提升通路建構及通路管理之成效 4. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠在創造學習外取得新的知識來源或他人的通路經驗以進行模仿學習,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 5. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠透過跨產品線、跨市場地區的行銷通路相關人員進行定期交流聚會與知識分享,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 6. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若能夠將通路建構歷程中所取得的知識及經驗進行資料庫之建構,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 7. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若其組織具有較高的組織彈性以及較快的回應能力,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 8. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若於目標市場擁有足夠的市場性資產(如商譽)、結構性資產(如製造能力、供應鏈管理),則有助於通路建構績效之提升 9. 企業在建構國際通路時,其通路策略及通路管理作法上會視各國市場特性之不同而有所不同 10. 企業在建構國際通路時,其相關通路建構之主要決策權若由各地子公司掌握,則有助於企業通路建構及通路管理之成效 11. 企業在建構國際通路時,若能夠使用在地人力資源,則有助於通路建構之進行 / The electronic industry first developed in Taiwan in 1980s by OEM operation. But with the strong challenge from China and the pressure of price competition, the risk of OEM/ODM business model is growing higher and higher nowadays. Given this industry condition, academic and industrial filed are paying more attention to those issues about transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Nevertheless, “Building Marketing Channel”, which is one critical factor in the transformation process, is neglected among others. Therefore, this research focuses on the practical building process of marketing channel, not only aims to trigger the following studies on this issue, but also like to find some insights into the marketing channel building process and help the industry to succeed in the transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Compare to other studies that more focus on the “Channel Strategy” or channel itself, this research focuses on an issue that rarely be touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the marketing channel building process by interviewing with personnel of case company and reading second-hand materials about the case company, then derives findings and conclusions by analysis the building process with the framework of “Dynamic Capability” and “Organizational Learning” Findings of this research could be divided into three major subjects, following list each of the three subjects and the implication of it. 1. Features of marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM Marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM should be initiated by designing the marketing related function and organization structure 2. Marketing channel building process and “Organizational Learning” Companies in transformation to OBM should engage in “Double-loop Learning” to enhance the result of marketing channel building process 3. Marketing channel building process and “Dynamic Capability” Companies in transformation to OBM should improve capabilities of “Process” and “Position” categories to enhance the result of marketing channel building process For industry practice, this research suggests that companies should endeavor to obtain necessary knowledge, create as many sources of learning as possible, and also design an effective organizational learning system in the marketing channel building process. In the other hand, companies should also improve their dynamic capabilities with the new knowledge in the whole process, especially in “Process” and “Position” categories. For academic field, since the major limit of this research is the lack of inferential reliability with single-case method, this research suggest following researchers to conduct further research on this topic with multi-case or quantitative method and verify the findings and conclusions of this research.


呂苔瑋, Lu, Tai-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的進步與網際網路的流通,二十一世紀儼然成為一個不同於從前的時代。不同於以往單一面向的績效評估方式,平衡計分卡採用多面向的評估標準,使組織對於其各個面向都能夠均衡的掌握,並且具有前瞻性的策略管理功能,而其中它又以學習與成長的構面,作為其他構面的基礎。 近年來由於全球化的興起,各界相當關注提升組織競爭力的課題,於是許多關於組織績效的文獻應運而生,內容不外乎講究外在報酬與內在報酬,而後者更是近年來研究的重點。組織要能順利的運作,最主要的關鍵仍在於人的因素,組織中的成員除了要能依照職務規定或工作說明書的內容行動,更要能充分的展現出「角色外行為」,現在學者通常將其稱為「組織公民行為」。 首先,本研究將對於平衡計分卡與組織公民行為的概念加以釐清,以作為後續討論的基礎。其次,將探討組織願景與策略對於組織公民行為的影響,以及平衡計分卡中學習與成長構面與組織公民行為的交互影響。在這兩大主軸的討論之中,初步的將平衡計分卡與組織公民行為做一連結。

高級中學校長正向領導、學校組織學習 與教師創新教學關係之研究 / A Study on Relationships among Principals’ Positive Leadership, School Organizational Learning and Innovative Teaching of Teachers in the High Schools

姚麗英 Unknown Date (has links)
校長正向領導與學校組織學習是影響教師創新教學的重要因素。本研究旨在了解高級中學校長正向領導、學校組織學習與教師創新教學的現況及差異情形,並探討上述三者的相關情形。 本研究方法為文獻分析與問卷調查法。研究對象為新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣、苗栗縣、新竹市之97所高級中學教師,有效樣本共855份。問卷回收後分別以敘述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。根據研究結果將結論分析歸納如下: 一、高級中學教師對校長正向領導之現況知覺良好。 二、高級中學教師對學校組織學習之現況知覺良好。 三、高級中學教師對教師創新教學之現況知覺良好。 四、校長正向領導與學校組織學習間具有顯著正相關。 五、校長正向領導與教師創新教學間具有顯著正相關。 六、學校組織學習與教師創新教學間具有顯著正相關。 七、校長正向領導與學校組織學習對於教師創新教學有正向預測力。 本研究根據以上結論,提出幾點建議提供教育行政單位、高級中學校長、教師與未來相關研究作參考。 關鍵字: 校長正向領導、學校組織學習、教師創新教學 / Principals’ positive leadership and school organizational learning are the important factors of innovative teaching of teachers. This study aims to investigate the current situations and circumstances of senior high school principals’ positive leadership, school organizational learning and innovative teaching of teachers. The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation and the relationships among the positive leadership of principals, school organizational learning and innovative teaching of teachers. The research methods included literature review and questionnaire survey. The subjects of the survey were teachers in 97 senior high schools across New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County and Hsinchu City. The study issued a total of 855 valid questionnaires. The data was analyzed by factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis. The findings based on the results of the research are as follows: 1. The perception of the senior high school teachers toward the principals’ implement positive leadership is good. 2. The perception of the senior high school teachers toward school organizational learning is good. 3. The perception of the senior high school teachers toward the innovative teaching of teachers is good. 4. There is a significant positive correlation between the senior high school principals’ positive leadership and school organizational learning. 5. There is a significant positive correlation between the senior high school principals’ positive leadership and innovative teaching of teachers. 6. There is a significant positive correlation between the senior high school organizational learning and innovative teaching of teachers. 7. The senior high school principals’ positive leadership and school organizational learning have positive direct effect on the innovative teaching of teachers. According to the research findings, some suggestions are proposed for the reference of education administrative units, senior high school principals and teachers, and research staff engaged in future related researches. Keywords:principals’ positive leadership, school organizational learning, innovative teaching of teachers

組織文化、智慧資本、組織學習以及績效間關係之探討 / The Relationship among Organizational Culture, Intellectual Capital, Organizational Learning and Performance

邱紫芸, Chiu,Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在此知識經濟時代中,企業之價值活動不再止於有形資源,文化及知識層面之投入與維護才是真正影響企業運作、創造價值之關鍵因素。又文化對智慧資本、組織學習方式及能力間有著根本性的影響,且各構面需經由一定的配合,方能達成更高的企業績效。有鑑於此,本研究以國內企業為研究對象,並透過問卷調查法與統計分析法,探討不同組織文化下企業對智慧資本重視程度之差異,以及智慧資本與組織學習方式、組織學習能力及績效間之關係,發現之結果如下: 一、不同文化下之企業,對智慧資本的重視程度存在差異。 二、企業對智慧資本之重視程度確實會影響其所採行之組織學習方式。 三、組織學習方式有助於學習能力的培養與累積。 四、組織學習能力愈高則愈能提升組織績效。 / In a knowledge-based economy, the value creation activities of the companies were no longer limited to tangible resources. Instead, the input and maintenance of culture and knowledge have become the vital factors that influence business operation and value creation most. Culture fundamentally affects intellectual capital, organizational learning style, and learning capability. Moreover, every factor mentioned above has to be coordinated to make a company more profitable. Accordingly, this study employed questionnaire survey method involving domestic public enterprise subjects and statistics analysis to examine whether the degree to which intellectual capital component is being emphasized differs among various corporate cultures. Furthermore, this study investigated the relationship among intellectual capital, organizational learning style, learning capability, and performance. The results are as follows: 1. The degree to which intellectual capital component is being emphasized differs among various corporate cultures. 2. The degree to which intellectual capital component is being emphasized does influence the organizational learning styles companies adopted. 3. Organizational learning styles are helpful to develop and accumulate learning capability. 4. Stronger organizational learning capability can enhance organizational performance.

政策學習的應用-以高雄捷運系統為例 / The application of policy learning - the case study of Kaohsiung mass rapid transit

郭姿秀, Kuo, Tzu Shiou Unknown Date (has links)
高雄捷運為國內第二條捷運系統,承繼了台北捷運的經驗,在日新月異的交通需求中,也肩負開啟國內其他地區興建捷運學習的榜樣。2008年紅橘雙線通車,捷運開始逐步改變高雄民眾的交通習性。捷運的建造是政策也是挑戰,向其他政府進行學習也是必經的過程。因此研究者希望透過高雄捷運個案來分享其政策學習過程,藉由描述及資料的分析來做實際案例的呈現。 研究者利用次級資料分析法探究理論及相關研究,再透過滾雪球抽樣及深度訪談法,與曾經參與政策學習的捷運相關人員進行訪談,探討高雄捷運的政策學習過程。最後以三角交叉驗證法來比對文獻與訪談內容,提升理論與研究的對照性。研究發現,高雄捷運的地區條件、兩大組織高雄市政府捷運工程局及高雄捷運公司的定位與台北捷運有所差別,互相學習之外也發展出了各自特色。在政策學習上,台北及國外經驗皆具參考價值,在參訪、座談、考察、聘請顧問等方式向外學習之外,內部也透過小組會議、技術交流發表會來做資訊互通,同時也藉由外派或顧問的角色來與自身所學相輔相成。學習內容也由基礎內容、困境學習來深化人員掌握政策資訊的程度;另外,高雄捷運也將實用性與創意性結合,成為其他單位觀摩的範例。研究者於文末也提出建議:加強專業訓練提升人員學習動力、建立學習分享平台、培養多元視角並持續吸收國內外相關知識技術、設立獎勵及檢討機制等,希望對高雄捷運組織及人員的整體學習有所幫助。

國民中學校長知識領導、組織學習與學校創新經營效能關係之研究-以桃竹苗四縣市為例 / A study on relationships among principals', knowledge leadership , organizational learning and innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools.

湯秀琴, Tang , Hsiu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民中學教師所知覺的校長知識領導、學校組織學習與學校創新經營效能之關係,根據研究結果提出建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校長,以及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究以桃竹苗四縣市國民中學之教師為對象,採問卷調查法,以「國民中學校長知識領導、組織學習與學校創新經營效能問卷」進行抽樣調查,抽取 450 位教師為樣本,回收 398 份,回收率為 88.4%,以描述統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法加以分析。獲得以下結論: ㄧ、桃竹苗四縣市國民中學整體校長知識領導現況屬良好程度,各層面以 「充實專業領導知能」最好,以「激勵學校成員學習」最差。 二、教師任教年資及教師最高學歷之變項之對於校長知識領導的知覺具有 顯著差異;教師性別、教師職別等變項無顯著差異。 三、不同學校地區、學校規模、學校歷史、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年 資、擔任校長總年資及校長學歷等學校背景變項之教師對於校長知識 領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同校長性別變項無顯著差異。 四、桃竹苗四縣市國民中學整體組織學習現況屬良好程度,各層面以「資 訊運用」最好,以「團隊學習」最差。 五、不同教師最高學歷背景變項之教師對於學校組織學習的知覺具有顯著 差異;不同教師性別、教師職別變項無顯著差異。 六、不同學校規模、學校歷史、校長性別、校長年齡及校長學歷背景變項 對於組織學習的知覺無顯著差異;校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總 年資等背景變項有顯著差異。 七、桃竹苗四縣市國民中學整體學校創新經營效能現況屬良好程度,各層 面以「學生表現創新效能」最好,以「行政服務創新效能」層面程度 最後。 八、不同教師任教年資、教師最高學歷變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能 的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別、教師職別等變項無顯著差異。 九、不同學校地區、學校規模、校長性別、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年 資、擔任校長總年資,以及校長最高學歷等背景變項有顯著差異;不 同學校歷史背景變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能的知覺無顯著差異。 十、校長知識領導與學校創新經營效能之間具有正相關;組織學習與學校 創新經營效能之間具有正相關。 十ㄧ、校長知識領導各層面以「激勵學校成員學習」、「建立合作信任關 係」、「展現知識創新行動」對學校創新經營效能具有預測力,總解釋 變異量為 34.6%。 十二、組織學習「系統思考」、「團隊學習」、「資訊運用」及「溝通交流」 四層面對整體學校創新經營效能均具有預測力,總解釋變異量為 77.7%。 十三、校長知識領導與組織學習對學校創新經營效能之聯合預測, 共有「系統思考」、「團隊學習」、「資訊運用」、「溝通交流」、「激勵 學校成員學習」及「建立合作信任關係」六個層面對整體學校創新 經營效能具有預測力,總解釋變異量為79.5%。 最後,根據研究結果提出下列幾點建議: ㄧ、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)規劃知識領導相關課程及訓練,加強校長知識領導能力。 (二)領導知識領導特質之校長。 (三)實質鼓勵教師兼任行政工作。 (四)辦理降低班級學生人數政策,有效紓解都會區學校壓力。 (五)提供校長更多進修與研習機會,持續增進校長領導知能 二、對國中校長的建議 (ㄧ)建立組織學習的觀念及推動共識。 (二)營造良好的學習型學校環境。 (三)激勵新進、年輕、新血輪加入行政行列:培養學習型領導人才,建立新 的領導力。 (四)發展學校特色。 三、進一步研究建議 (ㄧ)研究對象可納入不同層級。 (二)納入其他研究變項。 (三)在研究內容方面。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ knowledge leadership, teachers’ organizational learning, and school innovative management effectiveness which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, and relevant future studies. In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taoyuan,、Hsinchu and Miaoli Area is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school principals’ knowledge leadership, teachers’ organizational learning, and school innovative management effectiveness questionnaire,” and randomly selects 450 teachers as samples. In a rate of 88.4%, 398 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained: 1.The present situation of principals’ change leadership is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “enriching the professional competency” ranks to top,while”encouraging school members for learning” ranks otherwise. 2.Teachers ‘ age and higher degree perceive principals’ knowledge leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, and service seniority show no significant difference. 3.Different school district ,、school size 、school history 、principal’ age local seniority, total seniority and education background perceive principals’ knowledge leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender shows no significant difference. 4.The present situation of teachers’ organizational learning is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “information usage” ranks to the top, while “team learning” ranks otherwise. 5.Teachers of different demographic variables such as education level perceive teachers’ organizational learning significantly differently; while the variable of gender and duties shows no significant difference. 6.Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and principals’ education level perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while some other variables such as school history; principals’ gender, age, local seniority, and total seniority show no significant difference. 7.The present situation of school innovative management effectiveness is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “innovative effectiveness of pupil performance” ranks to the top, while “innovative effectiveness of administrative service” ranks otherwise. 8.Teachers different seniority and the highest degree perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, duties show no significant difference. 9.Teachers of some demographic variables such as school district 、school size 、 principals’ gender、 age、 local seniority, total seniority and the highest degree perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while some other variables such as school size; principals’ gender, local seniority, total seniority, and education level show no significant difference. 10.Principals’ knowledge leadership is positively related to school innovative management effectiveness; teachers’ organizational learning is also positively related to school innovative management effectiveness. 11.Principals’ knowledge leadership is most predictable for “to encourage school members learning” and “to establish the relation of trust cooperation” among all the aspects of principals’ knowledge leadership, accounting for 34.6% of total variance. 12.Teachers’ organizational learning is predictable for each aspect, including “system thinking,” “team learning,” “information usage,”and ‘communtion” accounting for 77.7% of total variance. 13.When combining principals’ knowledge leadership and teachers’ organizational learning, school innovative management effectiveness is predictable for six aspects, including “system thinking,” “team learning,” ““information usage ‘communtion” “to encourage school members learning” and “to establish the relation of trust cooperation”” accounting for 79.5% of total variance. Finally, based on the results, the following suggestions are proposed: 1.Suggestions for educational administration authorities (1)Arrange related courses and trainings of knowledge leadership to improve principals’ ability of knowledge leadership (2)Lead the principals of knowledge leadership (3)Encourage teachers to serve as administratine duties (4)Reduce the number of classes students and solve the metropolitan area Academic pressure (5)Provide Principals more education and learning opportunities 2. Suggestions for principals in junior high schools (1)To establish the concept of organizational learning and the promotion of consensus (2)To create a good learning school environment (3)Stimulate new, young, new blood to join the executive ranks: the culture of learning leadership talent, and create a new Leadership (4)Development of school characteristics 3.Suggestions for further studies (1)Included different levels (2)Increase the other variables (3)To strengthen research content

國民中學校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質關係之研究 / A study on relationships among principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in junior high schools

劉明超, Liou,Ming Chau Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質之關係,以及不同背景變項之校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質的差異性分析,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並提出研究結論與建議。 本研究採用問卷調查法,針對校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質等三個變項進行探究。由文獻探討分析中,建立研究架構及理論基礎,其次本研究以台灣地區公立國民中學的教師為母群體,依北、中、南、東四區以分層隨機抽樣方法進行抽取樣本,共計抽取675位國民中學教師,問卷回收603份,有效問卷為552份,回收率為81.8%。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、二階驗證性分析、信度分析、t 考驗、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、國民中學校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質之現況屬中上程度。 二、「校長性別」與「校長學歷」對「校長服務領導」、「組織學習」、「學校行政服務品質」的影響並無顯著差異。 三、「校長年齡」與「在本校的服務年資」對「校長服務領導」、「組織學習」、「學校行政服務品質」達顯著差異。 四、不同「教師年齡」與「教師年資」的教師對「校長服務領導」、「組織學習」與「學校行政服務品質」的知覺程度未達顯著差異。 五、不同「教師學歷」教師知覺「校長服務領導」、「組織學習」未達顯著差異,對「學校行政服務品質」則達顯著差異。 六、不同「教師性別」教師知覺「校長服務領導」達顯著差異,對「組織學習」、「學校行政服務品質」則未達顯著差異。 七、不同「職務」教師知覺「校長服務領導」、「組織學習」、「學校行政服務品質」達顯著差異。 八、不同「學校規模」教師知覺「校長服務領導」、「學校行政服務品質」達顯著差異,對「組織學習」則未達顯著差異 九、不同「學校建校歷史」教師知覺「校長服務領導」、「組織學習」、「學校行政服務品質」達顯著差異 十、校長服務領導、組織學習對學校行政服務品質有顯著預測力。 十一、校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質彼此之間具有高度正相關。 十二、校長服務領導、組織學習與學校行政服務品質之間的結構關係良好。 十三、校長服務領導對組織學習與組織學習對學校行政服務品質有顯著直接效果。 十四、組織學習具有校長服務領導對學校行政服務品質關係的中介效果。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、學校單位及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in junior high schools and the different effects from the different background factors. An interactive model was constructed and confirmed, and some research conclusions and suggestions were offered. This study adopted questionnaire survey method , aiming the relations among principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality. According to related literature analysis, the research frame and theory were constructed. This research conducted a survey-questionnaire by targeting on the junior high school teachers. Totally there were 675 junior high school teachers were chosen randomly from north, central, south, and east regions in Taiwan. A total of 675 questionnaires were distributed and 603 questionnaires were received. There were 552 valid returned questionnaires and the ratio of valid questionnaire is 81.8%. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, second-order confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, multiple regression and SEM. The major findings of the research are as the followings: 1. The overall performances of principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality are moderately high. 2.There are no significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in terms of principals' gender, academic degrees. 3. There are significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in terms of principals' age and various years of experience. 4. There are no significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in terms of School teachers’ age and various years of experience. 5. Teachers' academic degrees have no significant and different perceptions in principals' servant leadership, organizational learning;while There are significant differences in school administrative service quality. 6. There are significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership in terms of teachers' gender;while There are no significant differences in organizational learning and school administrative service quality. 7. There are significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in terms of teachers' position. 8. There are significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership, school administrative service quality in terms of school size;while There are no significant differences in organizational learning. 9. There are significant differences in the general performance of principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality in terms of school history. 10. Both of the principal’s servant leadership and t organizational learning have a significantly predictive effect on school administrative service quality. 11. There are highly positive correlation among principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality. 12. The assessment of proper fit is supported in a structural equation model among principals' servant leadership, organizational learning and school administrative service quality. It can explain the relationships of the above three main variables. 13. There are significant and direct effects between principals' servant leadership and organizational learning, and also between organizational learning and school administrative service quality. 14. The positive effect of principals' servant leadership on s school administrative service quality could be moderated by organizational learning. Finally, according to the research results, the recommendations were given to provide references for education administrative units, schools and future studies.

企業學習與企業併購 / Corporate learning and mergers and acquisition

劉哲榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用組織學習理論(Organizational learning theory)來解釋併購經驗與負責併購之單位(M&A function)對於併購動機與併購績表現的影響。研究結果顯示,有越多過去併購經驗的公司,特別是過去有相同產業併購經驗者,其併購意願越高。其次,過去併購經驗與併購之宣告效果與長期持有報酬存在U型之關係,而有負責併購職能部門的收購公司則有助於減緩過去併購經驗所帶來的負面影響。

組織知識管理能力之研究--社會資本的觀點 / Knowledge Management Capabilities in Organizations--Social Capital Perspective

彭安麗, Peng,An-Li Unknown Date (has links)
迄今「知識」已然成為現代化組織在面對全球化市場時能否具備創新能力與競爭力的首要資源,會以不同形式存在於組織內部及個別成員中。根據公司的資源基礎觀點(RBV),組織的策略性資產乃是決定本身是否有能力持續維持競爭優勢之先決條件,而在符合策略性資產特徵的前提下,知識的角色與意義將改變以往組織偏重對有形資產之資源利用與倚賴,而愈趨傾向策略性創造和發揮知識此一無形資產之無限價值與成長潛力。基此,為了因應瞬息萬變與高度競爭的全球化市場,愈來愈多組織竭力於進行各種形式的資本投資與規劃,尤其關注於組織知識資本(intellectual capital)的創新與管理,藉由利用動態的知識流程與知識基礎結構,開發組織內部的知識市場,培養組織學習能力,力求知識管理能力之迅速提升與發展,遂使知識資本成為目前組織利基之所在,而如何有效建構組織知識管理能力以善用本身的知識資產,實為當代組織管理研究之首要課題。 有鑑於當前論及知識管理的理論基礎、方法或實務應用之研究多半從資訊科技、結構制度或法令權利等面向呈現知識的創新、擴散與儲存,而鮮少透過道德秩序、價值規範等社會面向,深入剖析知識管理的相關議題。尤其將組織社會資本與知識管理相互結合的研究論文,在國內則是付諸闕如,係屬值得開發的新領域。基此,為了探究組織知識管理能力,本研究欲跳脫知識管理的迷思,採取「社會資本」(social capital)的觀點,剖析知識管理的社會動態面,闡釋在以「信任」為前提的知識經濟時代,社會資本對組織管理能力的提升所能發揮的槓桿效應(leverage),破除“資訊科技是知識管理唯一可行的機制”之思考窠臼,在知識管理的科技平台之外新闢一個以「人」為核心的「高信任平台」,營造一個強調知識創造(knowledge creation)與學習分享的組織文化與網絡環境,藉以提升組織本身的知識管理能力,並提供知識管理推動者一個整合性的知識創造藍圖。 關鍵詞:知識、知識管理、社會資本、知識創造、組織學習能力、實務社群、信任、關係網絡

組織異化與成員專業化之研究:以中華電信桃園營運處為例 / Organization alienation and personnel professionalization─a case study of chunghwa telecom Tao Yuan service center

呂易芝 Unknown Date (has links)
組織為追求利益極大化,將員工視為生產的機器,組織內成員不過是其中的一顆螺絲釘而已,使得人與人或人與組織產生無力感、無規範感、無意義感等負面的情緒,形成組織異化(Alienation)的病態現象,在這樣的情形下,組織中的成員認為自己只是組織中的小螺絲釘,渺小而無用處,對工作、組織失去認同,員工不再精進自我的專業知識,也不遵守專業的倫理規範,提升員工專業化變成一件相當困難的事,進而影響組織的效能與運作。本研究將以中華電信桃園營運處為研究對象,探討異化與專業化的意義和各種理論、異化和專業化所包含各面向的內涵,分析組織異化和人員專業化(Professionalization)間的關連性,並根據研究結果,提供組織管理階層在人員管理上之參考。 實證研究的結果顯示,組織異化與員工專業化之間有關聯性存在。組織異化各面向與員工專業化各面向呈現負相關,亦即組織異化的程度越高,其員工專業化的程度越低。基於上述實證研究發現,本研究提出組織應實施績效管理、破除玻璃天花板效應(Glass Ceiling Effect)及建立組織學習文化等實務上之建議。

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