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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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交通肇事逃逸罪之適用難題與違憲爭議 / The Application and the Unconstitutional Dispute in Hit and Run Offense

楊駿賢 Unknown Date (has links)

輸入禁藥罪之研究-兼論民眾攜帶未經核准之自用藥品之除罪化 / Study on Crime of Import Counterfeit and Decriminalization of Bringing Unapproved Drugs for Personal Use

洪國登, Hung, Kuo Teng Unknown Date (has links)
民眾攜帶未經核准之自用藥品入境之情形,所在多有,惟因現行藥事法第82條規範之輸入禁藥罪及相關條文規範內容不夠明確,致實務上常見有因超量攜帶自用藥品,而遭論以輸入禁藥罪處辦之情形,迭遭爭議,本文從而以之為題進行研究。 本文主題內容鎖定在輸入禁藥罪之研究,同時並探討民眾攜帶未經核准之自用藥品之除罪化,利用刑法理論觀點,探討現行輸入禁藥罪及相關規定之發展及其適當性,並以實際發生案例之司法實務判決進行討論。 本文認為現行藥事法中禁藥之定義應予修正,且應明確授權主管機關公告禁藥,並規定其公告方式,以符合當前法治國之基本要求。 另本文認為藥品輸入管制雖有其必要性,惟民眾攜帶未經核准之自用藥品,在確為僅供其自身或其家庭使用之一定範圍內,並不會造成未經核准之藥品(禁藥)於國內氾濫與擴散,故無侵害輸入禁藥罪所欲保護之法益可言,爰此,本文主張民眾攜帶未經核准之自用藥品應予以除罪化為原則。

民初直魯豫盜匪之研究( 一九一二∼一九二八)

吳蕙芳, WU, HUI-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文全部共一冊,十餘萬字,除緒論與結訥外,正文部份分為六章十九節。 第一章說明盜匪產生的時代背景,分由政治、軍事、經濟、社會四方面來論述。 第二章說明盜匪產生的種類、巢窟與分布。 第三章說明盜匪產生的組織、規律與隱語。 第四章說明盜匪產生的武器、戰術與習性。 第五章說明盜匪產生的禍害,分別解釋盜匪燒殺、劫掠、綁票三種惡行及慘狀。 第六章說明盜匪產生的影響,包括政治外交方面與社會經濟方面。另外,還對直魯豫 方志內記載的匪亂事件加以統計,除借此來看當時匪亂情形的嚴重程度,並可作為前 述各項說明的另一個論證。


薛文容 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化競爭激烈浪潮下,績效管理成為企業界的重要工作。績效評鑑是績效管理核心,欲有效評鑑績效,必須設立完善績效指標。我國傳統上以刑案績效衡量警察工作效能,過度強調刑案績效數字,無法反映民眾對警察的期望,也影響員警勤務執行方向。2004年7月起,內政部警政署鑒於原有績效評鑑所產生之弊端,屢遭外界詬病,爲杜絕選擇性辦案弊病、提升破案績效及偵查品質、落實地區責任制,研擬訂定新偵查犯罪評鑑計畫,自2005年1月起試辦半年,並選擇台北市等11個警察局作為試辦單位。若成效良好,將擴大推行至各個警察機關。 因此,本研究期透過對新、舊制偵查犯罪評鑑計畫之探討,以提供警察機關日後修訂之參考。本研究以台北市警察局員警為調查對象,透過問卷調查與深度訪談質量並重方式進行研究。在問卷調查研究上,發出問卷560份,回收541份,有效樣本為426份,有效回收率為76.07%。深度訪談對象計有十一人,均為單位主官,或為評鑑計畫業務承辦人,對於「偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度」有深入瞭解。所得資料採描述性統計、T檢定、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關和歸納分析等方法加以處理。 研究發現如下: 一、 新舊制偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度各有其優點 二、 員警對新舊偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度瞭解度不足 三、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度下,員警對於各項刑案的偵辦意願降低 四、 影響治安愈嚴重的刑案,員警偵辦意願愈高。 五、 員警對偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度的瞭解度愈高,對刑案之偵辦意願亦愈高 六、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度對於弊端的改善,無太大成效 七、 對新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度,員警多持觀望心態 八、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度主觀分數比例偏高,公正性受質疑 九、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度以偵破總件數作為評鑑基準,仍無法完全破除「選擇性辦案」弊病 十、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度之「重點專案工作」配分太低,影響偵辦意願 十一、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度未納入犯罪預防工作,有欠周詳 十二、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度要求全方位績效,員警不能專才專用 十三、 「跨轄偵辦」不受制度變更影響 研究建議如下: 一. 加強對偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度之宣導工作 二. 融合新舊制偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度優點,修訂評鑑方式 三. 評鑑制度修訂時,能納入專家、學者與基層員警意見 四. 重新考量新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度評鑑項目配分 五. 預防績效能列入評鑑制度項目 六. 訂定適當之個人績效評鑑方式,供各單位參考選用 七. 不同單位評比方式要能多元化 八. 因應社會治安,彈性機動調整刑案配分 九. 評鑑制度應公正、公平、正確 十. 績效評鑑結果應與獎懲制度相結合,以激勵員警士氣 關鍵字:績效評鑑、偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度 / Strike by global vicious competition wave, performance management has become the most important task in entrepreneurial domain. Performance review is the core of performance management. Needless to say, in order to get a validate and efficient review, the parameter of performance review index has to be carefully implemented. As for police officer, performance review was measured solely upon the accumulation of criminal cases have been solved. Under this particular decipherment, neither has fulfilled people’s expectation, nor directed officers on the optimal execution. National Police Agency, Ministry of The Interior, has launched a new performance review index since June, 2004. It’s main purposes are to prevent the pitfalls from the old index, diminish crime case selectivity, increase both case resolution rate and investigation quality, and solidify borough responsibility. It starts off from eleven police stations in Taipei and set the pioneer project for six months from the beginning of 2005. Should the project go well, it will eventually implement nationwide. Thus, this research provides reference for further modification if needed. The research is cross examined by both quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (in-depth interview ) measurements. The participants are police officers who current work in Taipei city. On questionnaires part, 541 copies has been collected out of 560 , and 426 valid ones, make validation rate up to 76.07%. As for in-depth interview, there are eleven interviewees, including sheriffs and new project related officers, who acquire better knowledge about the new index project.. All the data has been processed by descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson’s r, canonical correlation, and systematic analysis accordingly. Findings 1. It contains strengths and weakness at both new and old performance review systems, in terms of crime case resolution rating. 2. Police officers have little comprehension on both review systems. 3. Under the new review index, police officer has lower interests handling criminal cases. 4. As imposing more severe threat on security, the police officer is relatively more devoted to investigation. 5. The more understanding on review system, the more efficient officer hand on the case. 6. There is little efficacy of improving the existing problems. 7. Most police officers are more like spectators, not participating much. 8. New review index includes more subjective scorings and invites severe challenge on justification. 9. New review index is based on sum of crime cases resolved, that doesn’t stop case selectivity. 10. The score on “Special Project” is too low in new review index which effects the degree of devotion. 11. New review index failed to include the crime prevention intervention. 12.New review system neglects the individual specialty, instead, emphasizes on overall common practice, that depresses officers expertise and makes a biased performance review. 13.“ Cross jurisdiction investigation” stays intact. Suggestions 1. Propagate the performance review system. 2. Re-mix the advantages extract from both systems, and modify on the review method. 3. Combine the voice of experts, academic professionals and basic police officers for rectification. 4. Reconsider the scoring system to match the perspective items. 5. Includes prevention invention on the item list. 6. Customize the appropiate individual rating chart for varying departments. 7. Multi-function evaluation to suit various departments demand. 8. Remain scoring flexibility according to security status. 9. The essence of review system should be justice, fair and correct. 10. Intermingle the result of performance review with award/punishment system to further inspire the officers. Key words:

台海兩岸毒品犯罪問題分析- 兼論兩岸合作打擊毒品犯罪

孔懷瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
藥物濫用及毒品的危害,是全世界各國面臨的共同問題。據估 計,2006 年全球的古柯產量約為984 噸。在198 個國家和地區中, 有172 個國家和地區報告種植有大麻,全球有1 點6 億人口吸食大 麻。大麻因此成為全球吸食人口最多的非法麻醉藥品。安非他命類興 奮劑是全球使用人口第二多的毒品。台海兩岸受到毒品危害的歷史甚 長,近十餘年更因兩岸經濟發展與相互交流,使兩岸間跨區販毒活動 隨之興盛,因為受到政治因素影響,兩岸執法人員,交往與合作受到 嚴重限制,未能相互瞭解對方內部毒品犯罪活動情況,亦未能積極合 作緝毒,毒梟利用此一漏洞,進出兩岸從事毒品犯罪並逃避追查,徒 增兩岸執法人員查緝之困難。筆者嚐試從兩岸毒品犯罪的歷史、毒品 犯罪情況、法律制度、組織架構、反毒策略、反毒成效等方向進行分 析,希望能對台海兩岸毒品犯罪問題作一系統性的瞭解。另對兩岸跨 區毒品犯罪的現況與困境進行分析,並進一步探討兩岸合作打擊毒品 犯罪之可行方式,以增進兩岸緝毒合作,共同打擊毒品犯罪,維護兩 岸人民福祉。


蔣桂傑, Chiang, Kuei Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
以香港、臺灣為根據地之三合會、日本黑社會龍頭三口組、義大利西西里黑手黨、美國黑手幫、俄羅斯黑社會、哥倫比亞販毒集團所構成之犯罪組織網,已全面控制地球6分之1陸地。跨國性犯罪集團為覬覦龐大利潤,採合流結盟、分工模式,全球黑道之結構、成熟度、關係網、連結洲際之指揮系統、控制手下之精密手法,以及其超凡之持久力,遠遠超過任何國家。 隨著國際經貿與人口往來,組織犯罪逐漸演變為具跨國性的犯罪組織,世界各國均體認到組織犯罪的危害性,並積極透過國際合作與司法協助,期有效遏止組織犯罪之威脅。隨著中國大陸市場的開放並與國際接軌,兩岸關係日趨緊密,交流互動中衍伸治安及跨區犯罪問題,兩岸四地幫派組織有某種程度的互動或策略聯盟,由於組織成員散佈廣泛,並與中國大陸、香港、澳門、日本或東南亞地區等境外組織犯罪份子建立「策略聯盟」(strategic alliance);兩岸四地組織犯罪已具高度跨國機動性,兩岸同受治安威脅,當前兩岸共同防制犯罪機制僅止於「金門協議」及非正式的管道。 兩岸須正視組織犯罪之威脅,面對組織犯罪跨境化的威脅與發展,有必要運用綜合性安全、非傳統性安全的概念,整合兩岸整體力量,在鞏固現有機制之原則下,創新思維,擴大合作空間。本文研究發現,兩岸目前在金門協議及非正式合作管道中,已隱含某種程度司法協助性質,對未來建立兩岸合作機制,將可引以為基礎架構或模式,同時雙方在歷來的合作模式中均有默契的避免涉及政治或主權爭議,因此未來兩岸在建立共同合作防制犯罪之機制,以個案累積經驗基礎,建立互信及默契,逐漸朝向通案模式進行,並在鞏固現有機制前提下,在擴大金門協議適用、實施有限的跨境調查、建立兩岸刑事警察聯絡官、推動兩岸警政高層互訪、相互協查犯罪資料及協緝通緝犯等議題方面尋求突破,對於機制的建立毋須堅持涉及主權及敏感之「名稱」,只要能兼顧臺灣主權地位,創新思維,對建立兩岸共同合作防制犯罪而言,不失為一個有利的方向。

地下經濟與經濟成長的三個議題 / Three issues of underground economics

吳啟新, Wu, Chi Hsin Unknown Date (has links)

錄影監視系統建置數量對治安影響程度之探討-以臺北市為例 / The determinants of the number of closed-circuit television's configuration for the extent of the public security impact : the case of Taipei City in 2005-2015

王中正 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於科技建警時代來臨,錄影監視系統運用範圍越來越廣泛,加上媒體大幅報導使用成效,導致新增議題持續不斷發生。本文先以預防犯罪角度探究錄影監視系統建置成因、運用及維護管理模式,取臺北市12個行政區2005年至2015年間各式刑案發生數,採竊盜案件發生數、強盜搶奪案件發生數及違反偽造文書印文案件發生數為被解釋變數,其中對照組為偽造文書印文案件發生數,監視器總數量為主要解釋變數,輔以守望相助組織、員警人數等與警政業務相關及多數犯罪實證研究文獻較常使用之解釋變數,從縱斷面及橫斷面的資料進行觀察,再透過「追蹤資料」(Panel Data)並運用「最小平方法」(Ordinary least squares,OLS)、固定效果模型及隨機效果模型進行資料分析,評估錄影監視系統數量配置上差異是否與刑案發生數有顯著關聯,藉以探討錄影監視系統建置數量多寡對於治安影響的程度。 研究發現,根據最小平方法的估計,監視器總數量與竊盜案件發生數呈負的顯著關聯,與強盜搶奪案件發生數及偽造文書印文案件發生數則無顯著關聯,顯示錄影監視系統僅對於特定類型刑案發生有犯罪預防效果,運用錄影監視系統雖然有利於破獲強盜搶奪案件,但在預防強盜搶奪案件發生效果並不顯著,同時驗證臺北市在錄影監視系統數量分配上並非僅以轄區人口數、土地面積及暴力、竊盜案件平均發生數為基礎。最後,本研究建議警政機關在錄影監視系統配置上應視影響刑案發生數之因素分配,如做整體預防犯罪決策應多考慮其他社會因子,在未來設置時,應適時變更宣導方向提高民眾治安滿意度,並針對系統設備有效管理維護,因時因地制宜,經由整合公私部門提高覆蓋率,以減少治安死角。 / In view of the coming of technical police age, the Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is applied more and more broadly. With the greatly reported effects by the press, new issues keep emerging. This article discovers the coming reasons, application and managed modes behind CCTV. We adopt the statics of the offense known to the police, larcenies, forceful taking and forgery from 2005 to 2015 among 12 districts in Taipei City as the dependent variable, the number of the forgery as the control group, and the number of monitors as the main response variable. We also take commonly used response variables in mutual help organizations, the number of the relevant police duties , and research papers of criminal evidence to observe the information vertically and horizontally , then conduct data analysis via Panel Data, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model and estimate if there’s connection between the number of CCTV and criminal cases to see if the number of CCTV and has any impact on the public order. The research shows that the number of CCTV has significantly negative relevance with the larcenies, while forceful taking and forgery go opposite, according to the estimation of OLS. It shows that CCTV has positive influence on criminal prevention only to certain criminal cases. CCTV is benefit busting forceful taking, but not preventing it. Nevertheless, it proves that the distribution of CCTV in Taipei City isn’t just based on the district population, area, violence and the avg. number of force taking simultaneously. Finally, we suggest that Police Agency & Subordinate Branch allot CCTV depending on the factors of criminal cases. For example, considering more sociocultural factor when making decisions about criminal prevention and changing the ways of propaganda timely to improve the public order satisfaction. Furthermore, managing and maintaining system facilities effectively and change tactics as the situation and time demand to reduce the high crime rates by integrating public and private sectors and higher coverage.


黃茗芬, Huang, Ming-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


梁弘孟 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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