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後冷戰時期非洲族群衝突之研究陳元 Unknown Date (has links)
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銀行往來關係及議價能力如何影響聯合貸款條約中使用依據績效調整利率的條款 / Banking Relationship, Bargaining Power and the Use of Performance Pricing Covenants in Syndicated Loan Contracts李光耀, Lee, Kuang Yao Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,當借款公司與銀行已有往來關係且公司之籌資選擇較少時,會比較傾向簽訂利率向上調整之績效條款。此外,由於單一主辦行於聯貸案中無法向借款公司剝削所有利益,因此對於已和借款公司有往來關係的主辦行來說,其較不傾向簽訂利率向上之調整績效條款。最後,本研究發現,對於主辦行排名較後面的銀行來說,其更傾向簽訂利率向下之調整績效條款來吸引客戶(借款公司)。 / It is shown in this thesis that long-term banking relationships and bargaining power are important determinants of performance-pricing covenants (PPC) inclusions in syndicated loan contracts. Using a large sample of syndicated loans data (1993-2010), I find that syndicated loans tend to include more interest-increasing PPC when a long-term banking relationship exists and when borrowers have fewer financing alternatives. The presence of banking relationship with lead arrangers reduces the odds of using interest-increasing PPC, because lead arrangers might not be able to capture all rents from holding-up borrowers. Finally, I find lenders with lower league table ranking are likely to use more interest-decreasing PPC to attract borrowers, which again is consistent with the hold-up hypothesis.
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加拿大難民政策之研究 / The Study of Canada Refugee Policy陳孟綺, Chen, Mong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
難民問題是一個國際性問題,難民是指居住在自己國籍國家以外,無法或不願返國的個人,由於種族、宗教、國籍、特定社會成員身分,或政治立場遭迫害而有所恐懼。由於難民對移入國造成政治、經濟、文化、社會、教育、安全等方面的衝擊,政府必須規劃難民政策並制定相關法規來因應難民問題。加拿大每年收容難民約25,000人,約收容世界上難民的10%,加拿大在2002年制定「移民及難民保護法」等法規,建立了完整的難民政策,並與聯合國難民署及國際移民組織等單位進行合作,共同協力來解決難民的安置問題。加拿大落實人權治國理念,積極參與國際事務,實質進行難民庇護措施,政府與民間共同合作提供難民保護及協助,並因時制宜的對其難民政策進行調整,以利其國家未來發展。本文以加拿大的難民歷史沿革之架構出發,就加拿大難民政策發展歷程、接納難民現況及難民政策實踐及改革措施作一整理,文末筆者以其研究發現提出建議及結論。 / Refugee problem was recognized as an international issue. The term of “refugee” has been perceived as people who face systematic discrimination on the bases of ethnicity, religion, nationality, and membership in a specific social group with “fear of persecution”. The problem of refugee has fostered an intense debate regarding what changes of political, economic, cultural, educational and secure environments are necessary in refugee-receiving countries to provide effective solutions.
In Canada, there are about 25,000 people entered to seek asylum every year – with approximately 10% of all refugees worldwide. In order to deal with refugees’ settlement issues, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into effect in 2002. In addition, the Canadian government's effort in cooperating with UNHCR and IOM enables refugees to stay in safety. The dissertation presents historical overview of issues of refugees and provides critical review and discussion on refugee policies in Canada. In the end, the author proposed her personal conclusion and suggestion through the research.
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勝算比法在三維離散條件分配上的研究 / Odds Ratio Method on Three-Dimensional Discrete Conditional Distributions鄭鴻輝, Jheng, Hong Huei Unknown Date (has links)
給定聯合分配,可以容易地導出對應的條件分配。反之,給定條件分配的資訊,是否能導出對應的聯合分配呢?例如根據O. Paul et al.(1963,1968)對造成心血管疾病因素之追蹤研究,可得出咖啡量、吸菸量及是否有心血管疾病三者間的條件機率模型資料,是否能找到對應的聯合機率模型,以便可以更深入地研究三者之關係,是一個重要的議題。在選定參考點下,Chen(2010)提出以勝算比法找條件密度函數相容的充要條件,以及在相容性成立時,如何求得聯合分配。在二維中,當兩正值條件機率矩陣不相容時,郭俊佑(2013)以幾何平均法修正勝算比矩陣,並導出近似聯合分配,同時利用幾何平均法之特性,提出最佳參考點之選擇法則。本研究以二維的勝算比法為基礎,探討三維離散的相容性問題,獲得下列幾項結果:一、證明了三個三維條件機率矩陣相容的充要條件就是兩兩相容。二、當三維條件機率矩陣不相容時,利用幾何平均法導出近似聯合分配。三、利用兩兩相容的充要條件,導出三維條件機率矩陣相容的充要條件,並證明該充要條件與Chen的結果一致。四、在幾何平均法下,提出最少點法,有效率地找出最佳參考點,以產生總誤差最小的近似聯合分配。五、設計出程式檢驗三維條件機率矩陣是否相容,並找出最佳參考點,同時比較最少點法與窮舉法之間效率的差異。 / Given a joint distribution, we can easily derive the corresponding fully conditional distributions. Conversely, given fully conditional distributions, can we find out the corresponding joint distribution? For example, according to a longitudinal study of coronary heart disease risk factors by O. Paul et al. (1963, 1968), we obtain conditional probability model data among coffee intake, the number of cigarettes smoked and whether he/she has coronary heart disease or not. Whether we can find out the corresponding joint distribution is an important issue as the joint distribution may be used to do further analyses. Chen (2010) used odds ratio method to find a necessary and sufficient condition for their compatibility and also gave the corresponding joint distribution for compatible situations. When two positive discrete conditional distributions in two dimensions are incompatible, Kuo (2013) used a geometric mean method to modify odds ratio matrices and derived an approximate joint distribution. Kuo also provided a rule to find the best reference point when the geometric mean method is used. In this research, based on odds ratio method in two dimensions, we discuss their compatibility problems and obtain the following results on three-dimensional discrete cases. Firstly, we prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the compatibility of three conditional probability matrices in three dimensions is pairwise compatible. Secondly, we extend Kuo’s method on two-dimensional cases to derive three-dimensional approximate joint distributions for incompatible situations. Thirdly, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the compatibility of three conditional probability matrices in three dimensions in terms of pairwise compatibility and also prove that this condition is consistent with Chen’s results. Fourthly, we provide a minimum-points method to efficiently find the best reference point and yield an approximate joint distribution such that total error is the smallest. Fifthly, we design a computer program to run three-dimensional discrete conditional probability matrices problems for compatibility and also compare the efficiency between minimum-points method and exhausting method.
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以優選理論分析梅縣與曼谷客語變調 / Meixian and Bangkok Hakka Tone Sandhi: An Optimality Theory Analysis李平周, Johnny Unknown Date (has links)
在前人的研究中,已透過音韻規則的角度分析梅縣客語 (Meixian Hakka) 和曼谷客語 (Bangkok Hakka), 但仍有部分疑問未獲得合理解釋。諸如:部分聲調不會受變調規則(Tone sandhi)的影響、變調的觸發條件以及本調 (Citation tone) 和變調間結構上的關係等。 有鑒於此,本研究透過優選理論 (Optimality theory, OT) 重新分析梅縣客語和曼谷客語。
上述兩個方言有兩種變調的方式 : 同化(assimilation)和異化(dissimilation)。在此基礎上,為了更準確的描述變調現象,本研究在分析上主要採用必要性起伏原則 (obligatory contour principle) 和避免起伏原則 (no-jumping principle),並應用聯合制約 (Constraint Conjunction approach) 的概念。採取此分析方式的理由在於分析對象的變調具有相當有標(marked)且受限於中心詞(head)右端音節的聲調。此外,本研究也採用一部分比聲調結構性制約(tonal markedness constraint)更高排序的信實性制約(faithfulness constraint)。這些制約會導致部分聲調或變調結構不受變調規則影響,例如:調域 (register) 和聲調的起點 (initial target) 將保留原始樣貌。
研究結果指出,聲調結構性制約和數個排序最高的聲調信實性制約能更準確地呈現梅縣客語和曼谷客語在變調時,輸入值與輸出值之間的對應關係 (input-output correspondence)。在論文結尾,筆者將綜覽本研究並提出未來可繼續延伸的相關議題。 / The grammar of Meixian and Bangkok Hakka tone sandhi has been analyzed from a rule based approach. Nevertheless, there are some questions and details that could not be solved by the analysis, such as the status of tones that do not undergo sandhi, triggers of the tone sandhi, and the structural relation between citation tones and their sandhi counterparts. Thus, the purpose of this study is to re-analyze the tone sandhi in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka under the constraint based framework, Optimality Theory (OT).
There are two mechanisms of tonal alternations in the two dialects’ tone sandhi: assimilation, and dissimilation. So in order to capture the tonal alternations, the current analysis applies the concepts of the Obligatory Contour Principle, and the No-Jumping Principle. The constraints generated according to these principles work well with the application of the Constraint Conjunction approach. The conjoined constraints are needed since the tone alternations are highly marked, and depend a lot on the head/right syllable tone. Furthermore, this thesis also posits several faithfulness constraints that rank higher than the tone sandhi markedness constraint. The high ranked faithfulness constraints govern the preservation of several tones from any alternation, and preservation of some structures of the citation tones when they become sandhi tones (i.e. register and initial target).
In conclusion, the positing of tone sandhi markedness constraints and undominated identity constraints presents a better input-output correspondence relation of the tone sandhi phenomena in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka. To conclude the thesis, a brief summary of the study and possible further issues are presented.
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機構安置之兒童及少年人權保障法制 – 以兒童國際人權公約及英國兒童法為借鏡 / A Child-Rights approach to institutional child care in Taiwan - international conventions and the UK Children's Act 1989林沛君, Lin, Peggy Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
我國每年有將近4,000名基於家庭功能喪失、遭受虐待抑或本身行為等因素而進入安置機構的兒童及少年,這些兒少是我們社會中最為弱勢的一群人之一,他們在機構內是否獲得必要之協助及照顧,對於這群兒少未來的成長及發展係至關重要。然而近年來國內許多學者針對機構內兒少權益遭受剝奪或侵害的問題已提出應有所變革的呼籲及建言,希望能獲得政府及社會的關注。本文希望能藉由對於國內相關法律規範之整理以及比較法的研究,對於社會工作研究者所提出 之種種涉及機構內兒少權益的問題提出法律面的觀點及思考。
聯合國1989年兒童權利公約已明確宣示兒童為權利的主體,此一宣示對於兒童具有劃時代的意義。兒童從過去歷史中「不被看見的人」轉而成為「被保護的客體」,如今已然具有「權利主體」的地位。依據聯合國兒童權利委員會就兒童權利公約所為之闡釋,唯有將兒童的法律地位由「被保護的客體」提升為「權利主體」,即所謂「典範移轉」(paradigm shift)的思維,方能具體落實兒童的權利主體性。藉由近年來英國學者對於英國法院就兒童權利之判解實務所提出之批評及思辨,筆者嘗試說明除應於法律制定時正視兒童各項權利及其保障外,在司法審判實務上,「典範移轉」所要求的是法院應將兒童的權利置於裁判的天平並確實加以檢視。在英國,法院長期以「兒童福祉」而非「兒童權利」作為判決考量中心點的做法,亦已引發學者批評為不符合兒童權利的思潮發展。
對於國家究竟應如何提供被安置兒少所需之安置服務以及應如何確保其權利,本文係以英國為比較法之借鏡,並說明英國兒童安置之法律規範係以兒童權利為核心,特別著重就安置服務的提供應彰顯兒童的個體性,以及兒童應獲得必要的協助以確保其權利的行使。具體而言,本文指出英國為保障被安置兒童之權益建置了諸多的法律機制,其中包括藉由不同位階之法律規範及指導方針縝密地規範安置保護的執行、安置事件中法律監護人的設置、地方政府與民間安置機構委外契約就兒童安置成果約定的具體化、被安置兒童申訴機制的完備、以及由獨立性外部機關來執行安置機構的評鑑等。本文最後並藉由國際公約及比較法的省思,對我國相關法制提出初步之修法建議。 / Around 4,000 children in Taiwan today live in residential institutions due to domestic violence, family dysfunction or as a consequence of their own behaviour. These children are among the country’s most vulnerable. In this thesis, I intend to consider the rights of children living in such institutions, with a view to recommending that Taiwan’s legal framework be based on a ‘child rights’ approach’.
The importance of the status of children as rights-holders has long been recognised by the international community. The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child stated that a ‘paradigm shift’ is needed to change the perception of children as ‘objects in need of assistance and protection’ to holders of non-negotiable rights. To bring about this ‘paradigm shift’, as argued by leading children’s law academics in England, I shall stress that not only is there a need for children’s rights to be given prominence in domestic legislation, but domestic courts, lawyers, social workers and those who work with children must also take children’s rights more seriously.
In this thesis, in an overview of the English child-care legislative framework, I shall identify the key features of a child-care system that I believe is centred on children and their rights. I shall then reflect on the present state of institutional child care in Taiwan, placing emphasis on those aspects of the English model that I consider may be used as references for its development.
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海地震災與國際人道援助-兼論中華民國的作法 / The Haiti earthquake and international humanitarian assistance: practices of The Republic of China (Taiwan)曾榮傑 Unknown Date (has links)
此次主要由聯合國統一指揮,有效避免救災資源重疊及浪費的情形,並把握救災黃金時間提升人道援助的成效與成果。救災過程中雖因美國撤僑,派軍控制海地國際機場,導致各國救災行動一時受阻,引起撻伐,嗣經聯合國副秘書長John Holmes介入後及時解決此問題,應可作為日後聯合國與國際社會進行人道援助之借鏡,雖救災初期略為紊亂,整個人道救援過程仍稱順利,可謂「瑕不掩瑜」。
最後,中華民國的人道援助經費與聯合國、歐盟、美國及國際重要非政府組織動輒10幾億美元之經費相較之下微不足道,但中華民國此次人道援助策略秉持以自身的優勢及傳統援助強項為基本戰略,並以「小而美」、「小而巧」、「小而強」的原則規劃執行相關計畫,由中華民國執行重建計畫的執行效率,再與聯合國、歐盟及美國透過非政府組織所執行的計畫相較之下,中華民國的策略似乎較為奏效且真正符合受災國人民的迫切需求,這也將成為日後中華民國日後制訂人道援助政策的最佳參考模式。 / With global climate change, natural disasters occur more frequently; therefore, the importance, diversity, urgency and complexity of humanitarian assistance not only become more and more prominent, but also become contemporary universal value. In the 1990s, the United Nations and the European Union reshuffled their humanitarian aid agencies, by unifying Humanitarian Aid Office’s authority, the mechanism of the international humanitarian assistance becomes more complete.
Firstly, in January 2010 Haiti was hit by a catastrophic-magnitude earthquake, causing great damages and losses. The international community launched in recent years the largest mobilization for rescue and disaster relief. The essay reviews cross-border cooperation in humanitarian aid for the Haiti earthquake and analyzes the implementation of international humanitarian assistance. A total of more than 30 countries including the United States, United Nations and other 14 international organizations, 37 non-governmental organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, work together to assist the Haitian relief and reconstruction work.
Secondly, 134 survivors were rescued by 67 search and rescue teams, also claimed to be the most successful rescue case in past decades. Until February 2012, refuges that lived in the temporary camps are significantly reduced from 1.5 million to 490,000 and the percentage of the progress of the repair and reconstruction of the damaged houses has reached 50%. Instead of the overlap and waste of resources, all the international actors work together to make a great success, thanks to disaster relief experience accumulated in the United Nations over the years.
The unified command of the United Nations effectively avoids duplication of relief resources and waste and takes advantage of the prime time in enhancing effectiveness and outcomes of the humanitarian aid. Although the evacuation of the United States’citizens in Haiti and the incident that the U.S. troops were sent to control Haiti International Airport in the relief process result in temporary drawback in the international disaster relief efforts, thus causing international discontent, the intervention of the UN Under-Secretary-General John Holmes helped resolve the issue. This could serve as a good example for United Nations and the international community to carry out humanitarian assistance on disaster relief in the future. Despite the early slight disorder, the whole humanitarian process proceeds with stability in the end.
Finally, the humanitarian aid funds of the Republic of China(Taiwan) to the Haiti earthquake, compare with that of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and other important international non-governmental organizations, are
trivial, yet the Republic of China(Taiwan) makes the best use of its advantages and traditional strengths and followed the principles of “small but beautiful”, “small but clever” and “small but good”. The strategy of the implementation of the reconstruction plan of Taiwan, compares with that of the United Nations, the European Union and the United States, seems more effective and truly meets the urgent needs of the victims, which will also serve as the best reference model for Taiwan in the stipulation of its humanitarian aid policy in the future.
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臺灣文獻遺產登錄世界記憶之研究 / The study of Taiwan’s documentary heritage register on the memory of the world林柏伶, Lin, Po Lin Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,本論文提出以下幾點建議:(一)建立社會對文獻遺產的認同感;(二)整合與推廣文獻遺產資源;(三)循序漸進申請世界記憶。 / UNESCO established the Memory of the World Programme in 1992. The purpose is to protect documentary heritage of the world which is in great danger. Memory of the World is a long-term plan, the main objective is to make nations, governments, communities and individuals treasure, safeguard and access the documentary heritage of libraries, archives and museums. There are 245 items of documentary heritage that registered in the list of Memory of the World at present. These items cover all types of literature and collections, including the rare book , inscription, audio files...etc.
In 2010,Taiwan has had the experience of the application of the Memory of the World. According to this issue, this paper aims to explore the application process, criteria of the Memory of World and investigate the documentary heritage that are eligible to apply for the register of Memory of the World. Furthermore, the study uses the in-depth interview to understand the repositories' staffs' opinions about the Memory of the World and to select the eligible documentary heritage in numerous collections. Synthesize the above interview data that propose the conclusions and suggestions in order to provide reference for the repositories that will apply for the Memory of the World List in the future.
Based on the research conclusion, these are three suggestions as follows: (1) To establish the social identity of the documentary heritage; (2) To integrate and popularize the documentary heritage resources; (3) To apply for the register of Memory of the World step by step.
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廠商聯合行為與政府反托拉斯之策略互動 / Interaction between joint ventures and the antitrust authority林葦杭, Lin, Wei Hang Unknown Date (has links)
為了維護全球經濟的穩定與公平,近年來各國無不致力於反壟斷政策的執行,以期有效打擊卡特爾式的企業聯合行為。本文從三種不同的環境條件下,逐一探討採取聯合行為的廠商和反托拉斯政府之間的互動情況。透過本研究可發現,廠商在以利潤為優先考量下,來決定是否採取聯合結盟,以及合法或非法的合作型態。此外,為了朝全社會效率極大的目標邁進,本文針對三種環境設定下的均衡結果進行效率性的比較,得知其差異的成因在於政府和廠商報酬差異的大小。 / In order to keep the stability and fairness of global economy, most of the authorities around the world have been fighting for cutting down cartels by implementing Antitrust/Competition Law. In this paper, we analyze the interaction between joint ventures and antitrust authorities in three different cases. And we find that profit always takes priority in firms’ decision, no matter how the economic environment changes. Finally, in discussing social utility, we compare efficiency among the three cases, and reach our conclusion that the difference of government’s and firm’s return causes the efficiency or non-efficiency of those optimal strategies.
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優步公司訂價演算法關於價格聯合行為爭議之研究─以美國休曼法為中心 / A Study on Price-Fixing Controversies over Uber's Pricing Algorithm Focusing on U.S. Jurisprudence of Sherman Act劉穎蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
近來共享經濟商業模式崛起,對各國既有相關市場皆造成不少之衝擊,當中,優步公司用以計算車資之「訂價演算法」,於美國實務亦引起許多爭議。美國司法案例中其中一個重要爭議即為優步公司單方制定之「訂價演算法」與其採行之「高峰動態訂價法」究否構成價格聯合行為。於美國實務近來2起與價格聯合行為相關之案例,即包含Meyer v. Kalanick案與Chamber of Commerce & RASIER, LLC v. City of Seattle案(以下簡稱「City of Seattle案」)中,皆可見Uber企圖正當化其價格聯合行為,以免於競爭法審查下有違法之嫌。而美國對於價格聯合行為之規範,載明於休曼法第1條;依據休曼法第1條規定,若原告擬主張被告行為違反卡特爾行為,則應證明系爭卡特爾行為符合合意主體要件、具合意或共謀行為,與造成限制性之競爭效果等三項要件。由於上述二案皆仍於訴訟前階段,判決尚未出爐,因此,此議題值得吾等分析之。本文擬以美國實務判決為基準,彙整相關爭議,進而探討Uber所採訂價演算法是否構成價格聯合行為。
本文發現,雖然此等訂價演算法究否構成價格聯合行為尚未有定論,然由於訂價演算法中之高峰動態訂價法可提高駕駛於尖峰時段中提供載客服務之誘因,將有助於調節市場機制與促進競爭。此外,Uber亦可利用其訂價演算法與設置平台所奠立之優勢,使其得以潛在破壞市場秩序之形式,創造競爭優勢。據此,Uber除可克服既有行政管制下市場進入之劣勢外,亦得使相關市場交易效率大幅提升、市場更加競爭。因此,於探討Uber價格聯合行為合法與否時,亦應將此等因素納入考量。 / The rapid expansion of sharing economy enterprises around the world has led to many challenges. And among these enterprises, one of the most disruptive examples is Uber because of its algorithm. In the United States, the lawsuits regarding Uber's algorithm has also gained massive attention. One of the controversial issues of the complaints relies upon whether Uber's algorithm which set by Uber, and “surge pricing” model do constitute an illegal price-fixing in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act. In 2 recent high-profile cases, Meyer v. Kalanick & Chamber of Commerce & RASIER, LLC v. City of Seattle, Uber has tried to justify its price fixing to avoid antitrust scrutiny. There are three specific facts that the Plaintiff must prove to establish its antitrust claim in Section 1 of the Sherman Act: 2 or more entities entering into an agreement, conspiracy, and unreasonably restrains competition. Analysis regarding Uber's algorithm is significant because the trials are ongoing. Therefore, the thesis examines whether Uber's algorithm do constitute an illegal price-fixing in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act by exploring the potential problems with regard to the elements based on U.S. judicial decisions.
The thesis believes that Uber's algorithm can enhance the efficiency of transaction and has pro-competitive effects, leading to the impact of Uber's surge pricing on providing the incentives for drivers during peak hours. Establishing platform and Uber's algorithm create Uber's strengths and advantages. By having disrupted the existing industry, Uber's algorithm serves pro-competitive purposes.
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