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再生能源發展政策工具之獎勵基礎 / A Study of Policy Base to Promote Renewable Energy Production王馨珮, Wang, Hsin Pei Unknown Date (has links)
本文以最適控制理論證明,獎勵再生能源產出之政策,應以再生能源淨能源產出做為獎勵的基礎,而非現行以再生能源總能源產出做為獎勵基礎之模式。這裡的淨能源產出,指的是再生能源廠商生產出之再生能源,減去生產再生能源時所用的能源投入。本文首先將社會最適情況下的總能源產出分別與以淨能源產出和總能源產出為獎勵政策基礎之價格與數量政策下之總能源產出作比較,提出獎勵再生能源產出的政策,需以淨能源產出做為獎勵的基礎,而非現行以總能源產出作為基礎的政策,接著,在以淨能源產出為基礎的政策下,探討環境外部性與防治成本以及研究發展的議題。 / By the optimal control theory, this paper proves that policies on encouraging the production of renewable energy should be based on its net output or net energy instead of on its gross output or gross energy. Here net energy is defined as the surplus of renewable energy output minus energy input from its production. This paper first compares the optimal gross output of the renewable energy under the social optimal condition with the gross outputs under the price-based policy instrument and the quantity-based policy instrument based on net energy output and gross energy output, respectively, suggesting that policy instruments used to encourage the production of renewable energy should be based on its net output instead of on its gross output. Finally, it probes the cases of environmental externality and R&D based on the net output of renewable energy.
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國中導師信念、班級經營策略對班級經營效能相關之研究 / The investigation of how homeroom teachers' beliefs and their classroom management strategies relate to classroom management efficiency in junior high schools邱錦堂 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以提供中小學教師、中小學校、教育行政機關、師資培育機構及未來研究者之參考。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships among classroom management beliefs,strategies and efficiency of hoomroom teachers in junior high schools. The Subjects in this research are 183 teachers and 1113 students in Tao-Yuan County's junior high schools.The statistic methods used in this research include: descriptive analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, etc.The findings are as follow:
1.Significant differences existed among "Schools' location", "Age", "Marriage status" and "Years of being teachers" for "Tutor-charge belief" .
2.Significant differences existed between "Marriage status" and "Open-minded leadership belief".
3.Significant differences existed among "Years of being teachers" and "The grade the teachers teach" for classroom management strategies.
4.Significant positive correlation among "Tutor-charge belief and "Open-minded leadership belief for classroom management strategies.
5.Significant positive correlation among 'Tutor-charge belief and "Open-minded leadership belief for classroom management efficiency.
6.Significant positive correlation between "Classroom management strategies" and "Classroom management efficiency".
7.As to "authoritive-management belief and "negative -prevention belief , female teachers' management efficiency are higher than male teachers' management efficiency.
8.The best predictors for classroom management efficiency are "The grade the teachers teach", "Co-operation strategy", and "The scale of the school" . Based on the results of this study, to make some suggestions for educational administration, the elementary and high schools, the teachers in elementary and high schools and future study.
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博物館智能障礙導覽研究--以台北市立美術館為例王婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國中高級文官評鑑與考選之研究--公務人員高等考試一級考試個案分析王玉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
一、我國中高級文官所需具備的能力,應包括 (一)概念技能(conceptual skills):問題分析、主動性、計畫與組織、書面溝通能力、敏感性、判斷力、控制力;(二)人際技能(human or interpersonal skills):領導統御能力、口語表達能力、組織與分析能力、親和力與感受性、決斷力、影響力、分析能力、團體適應力、壓力忍受性、積極性;(三)專業技能(technical skills):專業知識、專業能力、政策規劃能力、問題解決、創造力、洞察力、獨立性。
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艾爾弗雷德.耶利內克<鋼琴教師>--從心理學的角度探討艾瑞卡的精神官能症及施虐&被虐症 / Psychological Exploration of Erika's Neurosis and Sadomasochism in Elfriede Jelinek's The Piano Teacher楊登媛, Young,Emma Unknown Date (has links)
鋼情教師的背景是設在音樂被所有人視為是最崇高、重要的維也納, 艾瑞卡從小也被母親期待要成為世界聞名的鋼琴家;母親的目標使得她必須活在永無止盡的練習、競爭比賽的壓力下。本論文主要在探討書中的女性為了要在父權的菁英文化中取得一席之地、為了求更高的社經地位及物質生活而抹滅情感上的需求所產生之病態。性一向被艾瑞卡的母親視為是罪大惡極的禁忌,但壓抑身體慾望的結果使得艾瑞卡有自殘刀割下體的習慣、背著母親去看色情表演、偷窺男女在野地做愛並在性慾被撩起時有拉尿的強迫症。第一章在說明本書的研究價值、摘要小說、回顧評論、和闡述為何以資本主義社會、現代人的精神官能症、自虐症為以下兩章的主題。第二章會從佛洛依德的性壓抑而造成心理疾病的心理學角度去說明艾瑞卡所受精神官能症的病徵及原因。第三章則是研究艾瑞卡的自虐、偷窺、性虐待幻想等的變態行為的起因及心理需求。最後於第四章我用佛洛依德在文明及其不滿中的觀點,來說明個人在被過度要求、否認自我慾望的過程中,精神不但無法超脫還會導致行為、心理的脫序。女性在男性資本主義社會中容易受到經濟、性別弱勢的雙重迫害,而導致極度的不快樂。艾瑞卡就是一位盲目服膺其價值觀而受害的中產階級女性之一。 / Jelinek was often commended for her frequent critiques of consumerism and the subjugation of women in the patriarchal society. In her avowedly autobiographical novel The Piano Teacher, she again uses the life of a pathological piano teacher to reflect the cruelties and the subjugating powers inherent in the capitalistic and patriarchal society. By adopting a psychological approach, this thesis will show that Jelinek’s fiction is an account of a larger analysis of female masochism than it initially seems to be. The protagonist’s regular practice of self-mutilation is more than an individual pathology, but an allegory of the result of the violence and deprivation inflicted on the individual by the capitalist society.
The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter I is an introduction, including the overview of the novel and its critical backgrounds. In Chapter II, textual analyses as well as psychoanalysis will be made to explore the psychological depths of the protagonist’s compulsive behaviors and voyeurism. Erika’s relationships with men, especially with one of her musical students, Walter Klemmer, failed tragically and resulted in her final self-destruction. This chapter will study Erika’s neurotic personality and will investigate the factors which contribute to the protagonist’s neuroses and her consequent sufferings.
In Chapter III, I will focus on studying Erika’s sadomasochistic fantasies and voyeurism; not only is she made to hurt herself in her tormenting relationship with her mother, she also repeats the sadomasochistic pattern in her relationship with Kelmmer. By researching into the causes and psychodynamics of sadomasochism, Iwill discuss why her non-erotic impulses would be transformed into perverse erotic desires and behaviors. My topics for discussion include: What caused her to develop her “perverse mechanism”? What forces propel her to live out her perversions? The answers lie in the childhood traumas inflicted by her mother and the cultural conditions which lend weight and color to the individual experiences and determine their particular forms. In order to excel and become an elite of Austrian’s high culture, Erika was made to deny her drive needs until later she can only experience a libidinal deadness. Forceful repression of her natural desires lead to her pathologies. The chapter also shows the danger of conforming too completely to the capitalistic ideology and exposes the ideology’s oppressing and alienating effects.
Finally, the last chapter concludes that by presenting a cruelty revolting in its extremity, Jelinek is denouncing the Austria’s idolization of high music culture, and mourning the sacrifice of a pianist’s id under its system. Erika can be seen as the victim of society’s fetishization of petty-bourgeois values and her upbringing according to its norms. By exposing the superstructure that immobilizes her characters, Jelinek’s biting irony is directed at the capitalist superstructure and its restraining and deadening effect on the individual.
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台北市幼稚園教育人員資訊素養與學校效能關係之研究 / A Study of Relationships between Educational Personnel Information Literacy and School Effectiveness in Preschools of Taipei City張倪甄, Chang, Ni Chen Unknown Date (has links)
七、資訊素養對學校效能有正向的影響。 / This study is aimed at investigating the current conditions and relationships of educational personnel information literacy and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City. Furthermore, conclusions and suggestions are provided based on the findings in order to give preschools some suggestions to facilitate educational personnel information literacy and school effectiveness.
This study adopts the research method of questionnaire survey.“ Educational Personnel Literacy and School Effectiveness in Preschool Questionnaire” was designed from literature review. The subjects of questionnaire survey include principals, directors, team leaders and teachers in preschools of Taipei City. The samples were 630 educational personnel in preschools and the returned valid questionnaires were 440, making the return rate of 69.8%. The valid sample data was analyzed by various statistical methods such as mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling. These conclusions of this research were summarized below:
1. The current conditions of educational personnel literacy in preschools of Taipei City were good, “Network literacy” was the better one, while “Library Literacy” and “Computer Software and Hardware Literacy” should be improved.
2. The current conditions of school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City were good, “Children learning outcome” was the better one, while “Assistance from community and parents” should be improved.
3. The general performance of educational personnel information literacy in preschools of Taipei City varied significantly from different age, seniority, educational background, preschool dimension and preschool property.
4. The general performance of school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City varied significantly from different educational background and preschool property.
5. There was positive relationship between educational personnel information literacy and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City.
6. The background variations and information literacy were appropriate indicators in predicting school effectiveness.
7. Information literacy positively affects school effectiveness.
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母公司智慧資本移轉對子公司經營績效之影響:以大陸台商為例 / The Impacts of Transfer Intellectual Capital from Parent on Performance of Subsidiary: An Examination of Taiwanese Enterprises in China郭翠菱, Kuo,Tsuilin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用田野研究、問卷調查、與實證資料檢定,並結合多種不同的資料庫來源,以在大陸設有子公司進行投資活動之我國公司為研究對象進行問卷調查,回收之有效樣本合計共103家。路徑分析之結果發現大部分台商母公司所擁有的智慧資本會直接影響大陸子公司的經營績效。在智慧資本的移轉成效上,台商人力資本有移轉和吸收效果,但創新資本的效果則不佳。在上市櫃電子業之樣本下,母公司所擁有的人力資本係先透過影響母子公司間的移轉機制,再間接影響大陸子公司的資產報酬率。當台商母公司所擁有的人力資本愈高時,有助於提高大陸子公司之吸收能耐,並間接影響大陸子公司的資產報酬率。另外,迴歸分析之結果發現,不同智慧資本組成要素對大陸子公司經營績效影響的程度並不相同,人力資本對經營績效有顯著的正效果,而創新資本對經營績效的影響並不顯著。本研究最後建議理論或實務上之管理意涵。 / Over the past decade, the regulations of China have changed, and it provided a huge resource of cheap labor and land. Following the rapid economic growth has attracted Taiwanese enterprises to transfer their success experiences to China. It is important to examine the determinants of performance of subsidiary in China. This study analyzes the relationship between intellectual capital and performance covering the transfer from Taiwanese parent to Chinese subsidiary. This study particularly highlights the role of transfer mechanism and absorptive capacity in explaining the effect of intellectual capital on performance.
This study integrates multiple research methodologies including field study, questionnaire, and empirical study. Since no single database exists to support this study, multiple sources are employed for constructing the sample frame. Based on a sample of 103 subsidiaries of Taiwanese enterprises in China, results of path analysis indicate that intellectual capital from parent is positively associated with the performance of subsidiary. In general, the results support that the effects of human capital on performance are mediated by both transfer mechanism and absorptive capacity, but the transfer roles of innovation capital are not supported. Finding from the public electronic industry reveals that the influence of human capital on return of assets is indirect through the mediating role of transfer mechanism. An absorptive capacity path is presented where absorptive capacity is associated with return of assets, and human capital influences absorptive capacity. Moreover, regression analyses demonstrate that different intellectual capital elements have a different effect on organizational performance. Human capital is important in explaining the variations in the performance of subsidiary, while innovation capital has little or no effect. Implications for theory and research are discussed.
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主題推進與凝結功能詞在英語閱讀上的探討 / Thematic Progression and Cohesive Devices: An Approach to English Reading藍麗玫, Lan, Li mei Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文藉由探討主題推進類型 (thematic progression patterns)與凝結關係 (cohesive ties) 在高中英文教科書課文的呈現以及在英文大學入學考試試題 (綜合測驗,文意選填,篇章結構) 上的應用,來提倡篇章結構的閱讀方法;希望在英文閱讀方面能有啟發的功效。首先,高中英文教科書中敘述文和說明文類型的文章被挑選出來作分析。為了解釋文章的主題發展,功能語法觀點 (Functional Sentence Perspective) 的語言學家Daneš提出四個主題推進類型,分別為Type 1: Simple Linear TP,Type 2: TP with a continuous (constant) theme,Type 3: TP with derived T’s,Type 4: Exposition of a Split Rheme。Cloran另外建議兩個主題推進類型Type 5: Theme > Rheme 和Type 6: Rheme > Rheme。這六種主題推進類型再加上由Halliday and Hasan所提出的五種凝結關係 (cohesive ties, i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion) 被用來分析上述的文章並且應用在英文大學入學考試試題的解題。研究發現除了上述六種預設的主題推進類型之外,第七種類型被歸為Referential Type,涉及指稱詞 this和that 的使用。其他的發現敘述如下:在高中英文教科書文章分析方面,Type 1和Type 2出現的頻率最多,第二多是Type 5 and Type 6;Referential Type排名出現頻率的第三名,而Type 4少見,Type 3最罕見.。另外,在英文大學入學考試試題的應用方面,結果亦大致符合上述。至於凝結關係 (cohesive ties) 的頻率,指稱詞 (reference),尤其是人稱代名詞出現最多次,字彙 (lexicon) 次之,然而大部份都是相同字 (same word or repetition) 的一再重複出現;其他字彙的呈現,如同義詞 (synonym)、反義詞 (antonym)、搭配詞 (collocation)、統領詞 (superordinate) 等稍嫌不足。 / Because little attention has been paid to the explicit teaching of text structure
in local senior high schools, this present study analyzes the reading texts to explore how students are exposed to expositive and narrative text types and how the text is structured. Reading texts are selected from textbooks for senior high school students and then theme categories, thematic progression types and cohesive devices are analyzed. Combined Daneš’s theory with Cloran’s suggestion, the following six types of thematic progression (TP) are identified: Type 1, Rheme>Theme pattern (> means ‘followed by’); Type 2, Theme>Theme pattern; Type 3, Split Theme; Type 4, Split Rheme; Type 5, Theme>Rheme pattern; and Type 6, Rheme>Rheme pattern. Besides, five cohesive ties (i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion) proposed by Halliday and Hasan are identified as clue to trace the progression. Next, evidence is found to decode gapped passages in Integrative Test (綜合測驗, i.e. Cloze Test), Semantic Choice (文意選填), and Discourse Structure (篇章結構).
Besides the presupposed six progression patterns mentioned above, one more type is found and categorized as Referential Type. The progression of Referential Type involves the use of cohesive device this or that. The findings are presented as follows: In the analysis of reading texts in EFL textbooks, thematic progression of Type 1 R>T and Type 2 T>T predominates the frequency of occurrence, while thematic progression of Type 5 T>R and Type 6 R>R follows behind, and Referential Type ranks third in terms of frequency, followed by Type 4 Split R outnumbering Type 3 Split T. Furthermore, while applying to the analysis of test passages, the outcome of progression types is roughly correspondent with what is mentioned above. As for cohesive ties, reference predominates the frequency of occurrence, followed by lexicon. Of all the cohesive devices, items of personal reference are found to appear most frequently, and then the second most are items of the same word.
Through the exploration and analysis of thematic progression and cohesive devices, it is hoped that students’ awareness of textual organization will be enhanced and thus help activate efficient reading.
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上市櫃公司發言人核心能力之探討─以證券商為例 / The Core Competencies of Spokespersons of the Listed Companies in Taiwan: The Case of the Securities Companies高政煌, Kao, Cheng Huang Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:發言人、核心能力、公司治理、公共關係 / This thesis takes the spokespersons of securities companies as an example to discuss the issue regarding core competencies of spokespersons of the listed companies in Taiwan. To have deeper understanding of the issue, this study conducts in-depth interviews as well as
questionnaires on spokepersons of the ten listed securities companies. Quantitative and qualitative data were cross-examined to present the overall picture of the spokespersons of Taiwan’s listed securities companies. By conducting empirical research, this thesis aims to contribute to the academic and practical fields. The major findings of this study are:
(1)There are three core competencies that most of the interviewed spokespersons own in this research. They are “Professional ability,” “Communication ability,” and “Emotion management.” These factors are also suggested as criteria for qualified spokespersons by the interviewees. In addition, “Grasping the corporate’s culture” and “Corporate ethics” are also two important abilities emphasized by the interviewees.
(2)Generally speaking, the position of spokesperson is not a full-time job. It is only part of the senior managers’ concurrent responsibility. Before taking over the positions, these spokespersons have spent an average of 9.7 years in related professions. The senior managers would spend about one-tenth working hours on the spokespersons’ daily duties.
(3)The spokespersons of the listed companies would like to participate in professional training programs to learn new regulations and to share practical experience from case studies.
(4)For the listed companies in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the spokespersons have the obligation to disclose the material information to the public as soon as possible, but the M&A cases might be interrupted or fail due to the immature information disclosure. Therefore, the authorities should set up the standard M&A procedure so that the spokespersons could disclose information step by step, in order to take care of the benefit both for companies and investors.
Keywords: Spokesperson, Core competency, Corporate governance, Public relations
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廟宇空間及其使用之研究-以大龍峒保安宮為例 / The Spatial usage of the Taiwanese traditional temple陳雅惠, Chen, Ya Hui Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵字:保安宮、空間使用、廟宇的社會功能 / Abstract
Taiwan folk belief is the most vigorous development in Taiwan's religious belief. Taiwan's temple quantity also has the direct ratio with the follower population. In many people's experiences, they do'nt feels strange to the temple space, but the temple space experienced is limited, it certainly cannot present complete picture of the temple space in the real society the. Therefore, if we would like to discuss the complete picture of the temple space used, it needs to be considered from the spatial usage and the people's behavior and. Then, we can really present complete picture of the Taiwan's temple space.
This article chooses a case study of Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple to take the field observation . First, with actually observing the people's spatial usage in Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple, the preliminary research discovered the temple has four important functions. These four functions are the cultural and educational, the economical, social and the religious function. Speaking of the cultural and the educational function, Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple with its historical site construction, takes the assistance with literary arts class, academic course, Taoism institute to transmits a locality temple's culture ; In the economical function aspect, Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple since it was founded, then forms 44 merchant settlements, and its peripheral economical potency does not allow to belittle, moreover, Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple itself is a huge economical body, its related economic activity also has the moving force ; The third one is the social function. In recent years, because the Taiwan temple had the massive social resources, it had been engaged in the social public welfare activity and the philanthropy. In social and the public welfare activity aspect, Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple may divide into the habit and the mobile relief activity. Moreover, the author discovered the volunteer system of Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple provides the old person to dispel boredom lonely and social activity ; The Fourth one is the religious function, Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple's taoist priest provides each taoism ritual procedures all year long, enables the unlucky
follower to have the dependence. In addition, the gods also provide religious dependence, the volunteers in the temple exchange family members' safety with their labors.
Secondly, this article that the actual spatial of Taipei Dalongdong Pan-an temple doesn't match for its original plan because the differences in people's considerations. In addition, in the spatial usage, internal personnel is different from exterior personnel; Even if the internal personnel can also because of the position, the contribution degree create difference.
Key words: Temple space, security palace, spatial use, temple function, user
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