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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


廖雯玲, Liao, Wen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
貪污是社會科學中最受爭議的論題之一,亦是數千年來執政掌權者所關心的議題。近年來我國亦將肅貪列為重點工作,期建立廉能政府,其中尤以是否應設立一專責肅貪機構備受各界關注與討論。有鑑於肅貪績效卓越的香港、新加坡皆設有專責肅貪機構—「廉政公署」、「貪污調查局」,我國實有成立廉政專責機構以遏阻貪污之必要。 欲探討我國廉政組織如何設計可從不同觀點切入加以研究,本文所採取的為「結構功能觀點」,其內涵為:結構與功能可說是組織的二個最主要部分,為組織中靜態和動態的二個特性,在組織中,結構與功能是相互關聯、相互作用的。就結構功能觀點而言,在從事組織設計之工作前,需先清楚組織所欲達成的目標,瞭解組織欲發揮的功能,而後設計組織結構,使組織裡的每一個單位或部門可以協調運作,進而達成組織目標。 本研究遂以結構功能觀點為全文研究架構,擷取香港、新加坡肅貪制度與組織結構的成功經驗做為我國之借鏡,探討我國從事廉政工作的主要機關「法務部調查局」、「法務部政風司」之組織架構與職掌,並分析目前肅貪機制之缺失,進而論我國廉政專責機構須具備哪些功能、組織結構應如何設計,輔以「法務部廉政署組織條例草案」及其他立委所提出的各種不同版本草案的規劃內容,擬出適合我國國情及能充分發揮功能的廉政組織設計藍圖及配套措施,供有關單位做為參考。


黃郁文 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究範圍是以檢察官在偵查中對被告以外之人為訊問時,所得之訊問筆錄之證據能力為論述重心,並未就被告在檢察官前所為陳述之證據能力為討論。亦即是以新修正之刑事訴訟法第一百五十九條之一第二項為主要之研究範圍,並附帶論述與之有密切關聯性的新增定傳聞法則之例外規定,諸如:法官、司法警察所取得之被告以外之人之訊問筆錄,或是同意傳聞陳述作為證據等。 其次,本文是以檢察官在偵查中對被告以外之人為訊問時,所得之訊問筆錄—簡稱為檢訊筆錄,為討論之範圍,不包含偵查中之勘驗筆錄、囑託鑑定所得之鑑定報告等等。而訊問筆錄在此係指記載被告以外之人於檢察官面前所為陳述內容之筆錄,且該筆錄須經為陳述之被告以外之人簽名或蓋章始可。 再者,鑑於自從修法後,學者間對於傳聞法則之基本原則、定義及其例外規定已有為數眾多之詳盡論述,故本文只會稍微簡述傳聞法則之背後法理與基本概念,以作為探討檢訊筆錄證據能力之基礎,而不做進一步地深入介紹。 另外,由於我國有關傳聞法則之法律繼受,主要是參考日本之刑事訴訟法證據章之規定,再輔以美國聯邦證據法中關於傳聞法則之規定。故本文在比較法方面,首先會介紹日本與我國檢察官在刑事程序上之定位及其和證據法則之關係,之後再以介紹日本之傳聞法則為主,輔以相關部分附帶提及美國之傳聞法則之規定,以及我國新修正之規定,並就新修正規定在實務上之運作結果為分析與評論。 最後,本文將綜合學者對於第一百五十九條之一第二項之修正建議,並提出自己之意見。

瘦身廣告的強弱論點如何透過瘦身的雙歧態度影響廣告效果 / How the argument quality of weight-loss advertising influence advertising’s effects by ambivalence attitude of weight-loss ?

洪釗雯 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於肥胖人口激增,減重需求大增,瘦身減肥一直是女性所關注的議題之一。然而,瘦身減肥意味著某些潛在的衝突,例如:少吃多動、美麗自信與損害健康等矛盾情結,這種矛盾情結正是雙岐態度的特徵。態度包含了情感、認知、行為意圖三種層面,在預測閱聽人的行為意圖時,態度往往是最佳指標。過去的研究發現雙岐態度的高低會影響閱聽人的訊息處理途徑,因此本研究企圖以雙岐態度理論與推敲可能性模式(elaboration-likelihood model,簡稱ELM)來解釋廣告訊息的強弱如何透過雙歧態度而影響廣告效果。 研究結果主要發現,廣告訊息的強弱論點有穩定且一致的主要效果,表示強論點的廣告訊息在廣告、瘦身與產品態度三方面都會產生較正向的評價。雙歧態度高低則無顯著差異,而在部分條件下,強弱論點與雙歧雙歧的交互作用達顯著差異,也就是說低雙歧的人對於強論點的廣告訊息有較正向的廣告效果反應,顯示出雙歧態度對廣告訊息的調節作用。此外,瘦身產品的物理或化學性質對瘦身廣告與瘦身產品的態度都顯著性的影響,女性對於化學性質的瘦身產品有較佳的廣告態度與產品態度。本研究結果隱含著雙歧態度未來研究發展之建議與廣告行銷上的實務策略,雙歧理論仍有待後續研究考證;而行銷業者則必須注意廣告訊息的編碼是否有效,另外,消費者與閱聽人的態度不僅是行為的最佳指標,也是調節廣告效果的要重因素。最後提出研究限制與後續研究發展。 / According to the increase of fatness population and the need of weight-loss, women always pay close attention to reduce weight. However, to lose weight means some potential conflicts, such as less assimilate and more exercise;beauty, confidence and the risk of ruin health. This kind of contradictory complexes are the typical characteristic of ambivalence attitude. On predicting the behavior attention of the audience , the best index is attitude which is composed of affection, cognition, and behavior. Past research has found the level of ambivalence influence the information process of the audience, for this reason, the present research designs to integrate ambivalence attitude and ELM to explain how the argument of AD influence the effects of AD by ambivalence. The main results of the study show the strong arguments of AD are stable and consistency and the ambivalence attitude have no impacts on the effect of AD. In particular situation, the ambivalence attitude has moderation on AD effects. Moreover, the attribution of weight-loss products made some differences evaluation on AD attitudes and product attitudes. The datum reveal women preference chemical weight-loss products, favor chemical weight-loss AD. The results imply that the improvement of ambivalence theory and the suggestions on practical marketing. Further, the attitude of the audience is not only the best index of behavior, but also the significant factor on moderating the AD effects. In conclusion, address the restriction of the present study and the direction of follow-up research.

大學生知覺之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能的關係 / The Relationships between The Career Self-efficacy and Family Parental Boundaries Perceived by College Students

林惠瑜, Lin , Hei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項大學生之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能間的關係。採用問卷調查的方式,以全國十三所公、私立學校大一到大四學生為研究對象,共計625名,並以「個人基本資料調查表」、「生涯決策自我效能量表」及「家庭親子界限量表」編製成「大學生生涯決策與家庭關係問卷」為本研究工具。調查所得資料以描述性統計、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行處理。研究之主要發現如下: 一、不同性別、年級、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的家庭親子界限有所差異。 二、不同年級、科系、修課狀況(是否雙主修或輔系)、打工經驗、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的生涯自我效能有所差異。再者,不同科系的大學生其生涯自我效能會因為打工經驗的不同而有差異。 三、背景變項與家庭親子界限對於大學生之生涯自我效能具有預測效果 (一)就全體大學生而言,「父子(女)自我認同」是大學男生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;「母子(女)自我認同」是大學女生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項。本研究發現,家庭親子界限變項中同性父母對於孩子的認同是大學生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;另外,背景變項中生涯發展定向情形對大學生生涯自我效能最具有預測效果。 (二)不同生涯發展定向的大學生來看,不同背景變項與不同家庭親子界限對其生涯自我效能有不同預測效果。 (三)家庭親子界限對於大學男生之生涯自我效能的預測力大於大學女生。 根據本研究的發現及討論,研究者擬對大學生、父母、學校及輔導人員等相關人員和未來研究者,提出數點建議,以供參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the career self-efficacy and family parental boundaries perceived by college students. Six hundred and twenty-five college students completed the Career Decision-making Self Efficacy Scale(CDMSE)developed by Hong-Hui Xie and Parental Relation-Self Boundary Scales. Data obtained was analyzed by deviation, percentage, ANOVA, post Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The major findings were summarized as follows: First, college students with different gender, grade, and career decision status or identity development made significant differences on their perceptions of family parental boundaries. Second, there were significant differences in CDMSE among different background variables, including grade, departments, dual-major or minor, part-time job experience, and career decision status or identity development. Third, the self-identity of parents is the best predictor of college students’ career self-efficacy, especially with the same gender as the parent. Fourth, because of the difference of college students’ career decision status or identity development, the prediction of family parental boundaries to the career self-efficacy would be different. Fifth, family parental boundaries had better predictive effect to male students than to female students. According to the conclusions of the main findings, several suggestions are provided for college students, parents, related educators and counselors in the Universities, and future research.


呂孟真, Lu, Meng-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師班級經營知識與班級經營效能之間的關係。除探討國民小學教師班級經營知識、班級經營效能的內涵及現況,瞭解教師人口變項及學校背景變項在班級經營知識與班級經營效能得分的差異情形外,亦分析班級經營知識與班級經營效能之相關程度,並探討班級經營知識對班級經營效能的預測情形。 本研究係以台北縣、台北市、基隆市、桃園縣及宜蘭縣五縣市之公立國民小學教師為研究對象,以「國民小學教師班級經營知識與班級經營效能調查問卷」為工具進行研究,內含基本資料、國民小學教師班級經營知識問卷及班級經營效能問卷三部分,具有良好的信度、效度。預試有效樣本172位,以因素分析、信度分析、積差相關等,考驗預試問卷的信度、效度;正式施測有效樣本614位,分別以描述統計、t考驗、變單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,並得到以下數項結論: 一、國民小學教師在知覺「班級經營知識問卷」的總得分上,屬於高等程度,在各向度之得分中,以「程序知識」最高;其次依序為「省思知識」、「策略知識」;最低則是「內容知識」。國民小學教師在「班級經營效能問卷」的總得分上,亦屬於高等程度,在各向度之得分中,以「教師教學效能」最高;其次是「班級經營策略」;最低則是「教室領導技巧」。 二、教師人口變項與學校背景變項中,年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、現任職務在班級經營知識問卷上,均具有顯著差異;而性別、學校規模、學校所在地無顯著差異。 三、教師人口變項與學校背景變項中,年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、現任職務在班級經營效能問卷上,均具有顯著差異;而性別、學校規模、學校所在地無顯著差異。 四、國小教師知覺班級經營知識問卷之得分,高、中、低三組在整體班級經營效能及班級經營效能各向度上,均有顯著差異;同時,不論在「整體班級經營效能」或「班級經營效能各向度」的得分上,高分組均顯著優於中、低分組;中分組顯著優於低分組。 五、班級經營知識及各向度,與班級經營效能及各向度間呈現出顯著的正相關,亦即國小教師知覺班級經營知識之內容知識、程序知識、策略知識、省思知識的得分愈高,則班級經營效能之教室領導技巧、班級經營策略、教師教學效能也愈高。 六、在探討班級經營知識各向度中,內容知識、程序知識、策略知識與省思知識四個向度均對班級經營效能有很好的聯合預測,其中尤以策略知識最具有預測力。 最後,本研究擬根據上述研究結果進行分析討論,以形成結論及建議,並提供教育行政機關、師資培育機構、國民小學學校行政、國民小學教師及未來相關研究之參考。 關鍵字:班級經營知識、班級經營效能、內容知識、程序知識、策略知識、省思知識 / The purposes of this study were to explore relationships between teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy in elementary school. The fist were to explore the reality for teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. Secondary, the researcher also investigated the differences of teachers' demographic variables and schools' background variables among teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. Thirdly, to analyze the relationships among teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. Finally, to explore predictive power of teachers' knowledge of classroom management on their classroom management efficacy. This study employed the survey method. The subject were 614 teachers randomly sample from 100 elementary schools in Taipei county, Taipei city, Kee-Lung city, Tao-Yuang county and Yi-Lang county. Data were analyzed using the method of descriptive and inferential statistics, included Frequencies, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis, and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings were: 1.There is high perception for teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy among the elementary school teachers. 2.Significant difference existed among the age, academics degree, seniority and position for teachers' knowledge of classroom management. 3. Significant difference existed among the age, academics degree, seniority and position for teachers' classroom management efficacy. 4. Significant difference existed among high, middle, and low teachers' perception of teachers' knowledge of classroom management for their classroom management efficacy. 5. Significant positive correlation between teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. 6.In regression forecast of teachers' knowledge of classroom management to their classroom management efficacy, especially the variable of strategy knowledge has the biggest predictability. Based on the results of this study, to make some suggestions for educational administration, teacher education program, the elementary school administration, the elementary school teachers and future study.

交互教學法對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益 / The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Taiwanese Junior High School Students' English Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness

林思燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討「交互教學法」對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益,並研究國中生對此教學的回應。參與本研究的學生為82名苗栗縣某公立高中的兩班九十五學年度九年級學生,實驗組施以12週交互教學法,控制組則為傳統老師講授方式,在教學活動前後,實驗組和控制組所有學生皆施以閱讀理解測驗(採自全民英檢初級閱讀測驗)及後設認知問卷,實驗組多加施以交互教學法回饋問卷。 本研究結果摘要如下: 1. 實驗組與控制組在閱讀理解測驗表現有顯著差異,亦即,交互教學法有效地增進學生閱讀理解表現。 2. 後設認知方面,實驗組在「閱讀信心」、「閱讀困難」和「閱讀能力強的人應具備的能力」三項後設認知能力表現顯著提高,在「有效閱讀策略」與「補救策略」二項之後設認知表現亦有明顯進步。 3. 交互教學法有助於增強學生對閱讀策略的觀念和用法,大部分受試者認為「摘要」與「預測」是最實用的閱讀策略。 4. 回饋問卷顯示,大部分實驗組學生對交互教學法持正面支持態度,並表示願意將所學之閱讀策略運用在未來的英語閱讀中。 根據上述結果,本研究建議國中英語教師可運用「交互教學法」增進學生英 語閱讀能力與後設認知能力,並提升學生學習英語的興趣。同時為了讓「交互教學法」發揮最大效用,教師應考慮學生在語言學習上之個別差異,以避免學生心理上的排斥與學習上的反效果。 / This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in promoting EFL junior high school students’ reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness. In addition, students’ responses to reciprocal teaching were probed. Participants of this study included 82 ninth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Miaoli in the fall semester of 2006. The experimental group was engaged in reciprocal teaching and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered method. The reading comprehension test of GEPT at elementary level was used as the pretest and posttest to measure the participants’ reading ability before and after the instruction. Additionally, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the effects of reciprocal teaching on students’ metacognitive awareness and the other for measuring the experimental group’s attitudes towards reciprocal teaching. After twelve weeks of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows: 1. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of reciprocal teaching. 2. The participants’ metacognitive awareness was significantly higher especially in the categories of students’ reading confidence, students’ perceptions of reading difficulties, and students’ perceptions of a good reader. Students’ perceptions of repair strategies and effective strategies, though no significantly different , the participants did make progress in recognition of top-down and bottom-up strategies. 3. Reciprocal teaching helped the participants build up knowledge and use the instructed strategies. The strategies viewed by the participants as the most practical ones were “summarizing” and “predicting”. 4. According to the findings from the response questionnaire, the participants’ attitudes toward and responses to reciprocal teaching may be described as being supportive and positive. In addition, most of the participants expressed their willingness to employ the instructed strategies in their future English reading. The results suggest that reciprocal teaching can be a viable approach to help improve junior high school students’ reading comprehension ability and metacognitive awareness of English reading. Besides, students’ interest in learning can be stirred up. Yet, it should be noted that when conducting reciprocal teaching, teachers need to be taken into account students’ personal difference in language learning to avoid potential rejection.

有機領域的創業與經營模式之研究 / A Study of Entrepreneurship and Business Model in Organic Industry

邱果旻, Chiu, Kuo-Min Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步,人類藉由大規模機械化耕作以及農藥和化肥的輔助,使得農作物產量大幅提昇,亦使得多數人類得以免於飢餓。然而,現代化耕作方式卻破壞大自然的環境;大幅使用化肥的結果,造成地力耗竭及土質酸化;農藥亦破壞了自然生態以及成為人類文明病的元兇。此種情況下,許多國家及團體於近來均努力提倡回歸自然的生活形態,從最基本的飲食及衣著,乃至於美容、居家甚至健康保健等方面均興起一股訴求有機時尚的生活形態。因此,在消費者需求的一端,以健康及環保為主要考量而對有機產品所產生的需求亦逐漸成長。此種情況下,也造成有機產品相關產業上下游的發展。 過往的研究重點大部分均偏重於有機農業發展因素的探討、行銷相關的發展策略、關鍵成功因素等行銷層面或理論層面的探討,對於組織能耐、動態能耐以及經營模式轉變的動態歷程研究方面著墨較少。因此,本論文研究主要即在探討這兩種機制下的創業過程與管理,以兩家有機創業公司及兩個既有企業之內部創業為研究對象,進行深入的個案研究,同時亦進行此兩種創業機制的比較。期能有一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究希望瞭解的議題主要可歸納為以下三點: 一、 有機領域既存企業之新創公司的進入方式以及其於面臨內外部條件下所建構的創業模式為何? 二、 有機領域新創事業之創業者的進入方式以及其於面臨內外部條件下所建構的創業模式為何? 三、 兩者在建構新企業後於經營模式上的異同處為何? 本研究採取「多重個案分析」的「個案研究法」,透過深度訪談並輔以次級資料收集的方式,來瞭解個案公司如何運用創業初期內外部的各項條件建立經營模式,並得到以下結論: 一、 有機集團內部創業之新事業發展上,透過相關多角化的方式,有助於集團協助新事業共享集團資源。 二、 有機創新事業之創業者於創業初期利用原有知識以及連結外部資源的方式,有助於核心能耐建構。此外,因內外部條件之限制與自身定位,於進入方式上傾向於選擇建構實體通路。 三、 有機創新事業之集團內部創業與新創事業於發展上,路徑相依性扮演重要的角色。 四、 有機創新事業透過高度連結外部資源的方式,增加自身可運用的資源。 五、 有機創新事業根據自身定位針對利基市場的潛在顧客需求開發相異的商品及服務,有助於價值創造。 六、 有機創新事業透過產品品質確保的方式,有助於潛在風險之降低。 / As the improvement of technology, people gain much more crops and keep most people from starving with the aid of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and large scale cultivation of mechanization. However, the modern cultivation destroys the environment. Under the circumstances, Many Countries and groups advocate leading a natural life. From the basic diet and clothing to cosmetology, living and health caring, people appeal for the organic life style. For the reason, the demand for the organic products is increasing gradually, and makes the development of the related industry. The past research put much emphasis on the discussion of the marketing or theoretical aspects such as the developing factors of organic agriculture, marketing strategies, and key successful factors. However, the research about the organizational capacity and the dynamic process of transforming of business model is less. For the reason, the essay made a research on the organic related firms with the means of case study in order to get new enlightenment and provide some suggestions for the industry and make some contributions for academia. The issues the research wants to know can be generalized into the following three points: 1. What is the entering way the new-established firms of the existing corporations in organic field take, and what is the business model established under their internal and external conditions? 2. What is the entering way the entrepreneurs in organic field choose, and what is the business model established under their internal and external conditions? 3. What are the differences between the two in business models? The research adopted multiple cases analysis and case study to know how the selected firms made use of their initial conditions to establish the business models through deeply interview and secondary data collected. The research got the following conclusions: 1. When an organic group develops the new business, related diversification facilitates the group to assist its subsidiary in establishing the business model with sharing the group’s resources. 2. The entrepreneur of the organic innovative business uses the original knowledge and connects external resources, which assists the firm in establishing the core competence. Besides, because of the position and the restriction of internal and external conditions, the entrepreneur tends to choose to establish the concrete channel in the entering way. 3. The path dependency plays an important role in the development of the groups’ diversification and start-up business of the organic innovative business. 4. Highly linking external resources assists the organic innovative business in increasing the resource. 5. Targeting the niche market to develop products and services assists the organic innovative business in creating values. 6. Ensuring quality of products assists the organic innovative business in decreasing the potential risk. Keywords: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, organic industry, dynamic competence, diversification

中國大陸對非洲能源外交之研究 / The Study on Mainland China’s Energy Diplomacy toward Africa

游智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年中國大陸在全球各地簽訂原油供應與相關原油探勘、開採合約,引起部分西方國家對此不滿,中國大陸能源外交的本質、目的、型態與手段亦成為學政界辯論的焦點,歐洲國家更將其對非洲的能源外交批評為新殖民主義,但中國大陸學者則認為僅止於重商主義。本文的研究目的在於檢視中國大陸外交政策屬於古典或新現實主義、能源是否為中國大陸對非洲外交政策的重心,與其對非洲能源外交的型態究竟是重商主義或新殖民主義;並回顧現實主義、國際政治經濟學、新殖民主義等相關理論,建構不同指標以檢驗本文的研究假設。 本文的研究成果可歸納為四個面向:其一,中國大陸對非洲政策為相當典型的新現實主義風格,追求優於非洲地主國的相對利得、政策佈局亦受國際體系權力結構制約;其次,能源為目前中國大陸對非洲政策的重心,中國大陸企業對非洲的投資亦以能源為主要考量;第三,包括中海油、中石油與中石化在內等三家中國大陸石油企業在非洲的投資以原油的探勘、開採權為主,符合其國內能源安全政策辯論的結果;第四,中國大陸在非洲的能源投資實無助於非洲國家的經濟發展,但亦無延滯非洲國家經濟發展,藉此擴張中國大陸在非洲的政經影響力的目的在內。 / In recent years, Mainland China has tried to sign oil supply and related exploration and exploitation contracts around the world, which has caused some western countries dissatisfaction. The essence, purpose, and means of Mainland China’s energy diplomacy have become the focus of debate in the academic and political circles. Some European countries even judged that Mainland China’s energy diplomacy toward Africa is a kind of neo-colonialism, but scholars from Mainland China consider it as mercantilism. The purposes of this thesis are to examine three assumptions: whether Mainland China’s foreign policy belongs to classical realism or neo realism; whether energy is the core of Mainland China’s foreign policy toward Africa; and whether the type of energy diplomacy toward Africa is neo- colonialism or mercantilism. The related theories including realism, international political economy and Neo-colonialism will also be reviewed of this thesis in order to establish four dimensions and twelve indictors to examine my assumptions. The conclusions of this thesis could be summarized into four dimensions: Firstly, Mainland China’s Africa policy is the typical neo-realism, seeking the better relative gain than African countries, and its policy arrangement is restricted by the power structure of the international system. Secondly, energy, especially oil, is the core concern of the Mainland China’s African policy. The investments of Mainland China’s enterprises in Africa also take energy as the main consideration. Thirdly, investments derived from three oil enterprises including China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) focus on the right of oil exploration and exploitation, which conforms to the result of its domestic debates about energy security. Finally, Mainland China’s investments toward Africa can not help the economic development in Africa, but will not slow down the Africa’s economic development nor extend its ability to influence Africa.


趙翠麗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼稚園園長持續專業發展與園長專業能力的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及同步訪談。問卷調查樣本以台灣地區宜蘭縣、基隆市、台北縣、台北市、桃園縣之公私立幼稚園園長為研究對象,共592人,樣本回收297份,可用296份,可用率達50%。訪談對象為3位現職之公私立幼稚園園長。研究工具包含「幼稚園園長持續專業發展調查問卷」、「幼稚園園長專業能力調查問卷」「幼稚園園長持續專業發展之研究訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及內容分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果及分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、幼稚園園長持續專業發展,以「確認及分析持續專業發展需求」向度得分最高,而「監控及評估持續專業發展後之影響」向度得分最低 二、幼稚園園長專業能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「專業責任」能力表現最佳 三、園長背景變項中,年齡、園所性質對知覺園長持續專業發展的差異達顯著水準,但最高學歷、服務年資、園所區域未達顯著差異 四、園長背景變項中,年齡、服務年資、園所性質,對知覺園長專業能力的差異達顯著水準,最高學歷、園所區域未達顯著差異 五、幼稚園園長對持續專業發展得分程度高分組者,在園長專業能力的得分顯著優於中、低分組,中分組又顯著優於低分組 六、園長持續專業發展與園長專業能力間呈顯著正相關 七、園長持續專業發展對園長專業能力具有預測作用 最後,本研究依研究結果,提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、依班級規模建立園長專任制度,走向專責專職 二、建立園長儲訓制度與持續專業發展評估輔導機制 三、與學術機構合作,暢通持續專業發展管道 貳、對幼稚園園長的建議 一、檢視自我專業能力之優劣勢,作為進修研習之參考依據 二、組成參與園長專業社群,以增進經驗交流、互動與成長 / The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship of kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development and professional competence. The research methods used was literature analysis, questionnaires investigation, and synchronal interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 592 kindergarten directors in Yilan Country, Keelung Country, Taipei City, Taipei Country and Taoyuan Country and 296 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. Kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development “identifying and analyzing the need of continuing professional development” rank first and “monitoring and evaluating effect of continuing professional development” rank last. 2. All the kindergarten directors’ professional competence received a positive outcome and “professional responsibility” ranks the highest. 3. The kindergarten directors’ background demography age and kindergarten category of public or private incurred a significant difference with all the directors’ continuing professional development. 4. The kindergarten directors’ background demography age, years of service and kindergarten category of public or private incurred a significant difference with all the directors’ continuing professional development. 5. Kindergarten directors who got high score on the continuing professional development were gotten better score in the professional competence than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the continuing professional development were gotten better score in the professional competence than low ones. 6. The kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development is positively correlated with the professional competence. 7. The kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development could positively predict. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “kindergarten directors”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.

中華郵政公司人力彈性運用之研究 / Research on Manpower Flexibility of Chunghwa Post Corporation

鄭至能, Cheng,Chih-Neng Unknown Date (has links)
這是一個高度競爭與不確定的年代,隨著全球化與自由化時代的來臨,配合資訊科技的日新月異與交通工具的發達,無論是政府部門或是公民營企業,為順應世界潮流,在組織結構與人力資源運用上,都必須有適度彈性,以維繫組織的生存。 走過ㄧ個世紀的中華郵政亦配合政府組織再造政策,於民國92年1月1日由官署型態轉型為國營的公司體制;但在改制公司後,相關組織員額及用人費用仍受相當限制,因此在配合政府精簡用人政策下,尋求更靈活的人力運用方式做好更適切的人力配置及人力彈性運用的規劃,以降低用人費用,健全公司營運,即成為中華郵政公司在人力資源管理上的一大挑戰。 本研究以「文獻探討法」暸解過去學術界對於人力彈性運用的相關理論外,針對個案公司-中華郵政公司人力彈性運用現況探討,並選擇中華郵政公司各類工作人員進行深度訪談,彙整分析該等人員意見,印證相關文獻、理論及政府政策,進而提出本研究之結論及建議,以供中華郵政未來人力彈性運用參考。 本研究結果發現:一、郵政人力不足源於人事行政局員額管制不當。二、郵政核心業務定義不清,致對於外包項目尚有爭議。三、對於目前外包項目及數量均有檢討必要。四、人力彈性運用層面尚有改善空間。 本研究依據上述研究結果,提出建議如下:一、建請人事行政局以「用人費」代替「預算員額」管制。二、釐清郵政核心業務,並評估核心人力與外圍人力比例,以規劃公司整體戰略與長期的策略性人力資源。三、各種人力彈性運用措施的落實與推廣。四、人力資源彈性運用,除財務指標有形成本外,尚應結合非財務指標無形成本做綜合考量,避免爭議。五、對於外包公司應善盡監督責任。 / The Chunghwa Post Corporation, which exists for one century, also cooperates with government re-organizing policy. In 2003, Chunghwa Post Corporation was changed from a government department to a state-run company. Although it is already a company structure, the relevant organizational structure and personnel expense are still quite limited. With obeying the government policy to reduce human cost, the challenge in human resource management for Chunghwa Post Corporation is to seek for more flexible and appropriate human resource arrangement and planning, to reduce the personnel expense and to make company operation healthy. In this research, besides the using of literature analysis method to understand related theories about the manpower flexibility in former researches, we also study the current manpower flexibility in the target case company, the Chunghwa Post Corporation. We interview all kinds of staff members in this company, summarize and analyze their opinions, reference to related documents, theories and government policies. After all, we provide our conclusion and suggestion to Chunghwa Post Company for future manpower flexibility. We found 4 results in our study: First, the shortage of postal manpower is due to the personnel quota is not proper handled by Central Personnel Administration. Second, the core postal business is not clear and that makes the outsourcing item controversial. Third, it is necessary to re-exam current outsourcing items and quantities. Last, there is still the space to improve the manpower flexibility. Due to the results of our research, we provide following suggestions: First,to suggest Central Personnel Administration use personnel costs instead of buddget personnel to make control. Second, we should make clear the core postal business, so we can evaluate the ratio of core and outside manpower, to plan the whole strategy and long-term human resource. Third, all kind of manpower flexibility arrangements should be well implemented. Forth, manpower flexibility is not only about the visible financial indexes, the invisible, non-financial indexes should be measured together to avoid dispute. Last, we should well monitor the outsourced company.

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