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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李亭誼 Unknown Date (has links)
企業須揭露的資訊,並不以財務資訊,甚至營運資訊為已足。美國標準普爾公司所做的公司透明度與揭露調查,不僅包括財務資訊,也注重非財務資訊。這些非財務資訊包括所有權之結構及與投資者之關係,以及董事會結構與運作過程二類資訊。OECD建議,企業至少應揭露七項資訊中,有一項為「董事會成員及主要經營階層,及其報酬」,可見「董監經理人相關資訊」的重要性,不亞於財務資訊與營運資訊。但我國企業所揭露的非財務資訊,常有不足,且國際評等機構對我國企業資訊揭露的評價亦不高。 本研究認為,若能掌握影響企業董監經理人相關資訊揭露程度之因素,將有助於我國企業透明度之提升。在我國公司法制的設計下,企業資訊之揭露係由董事會負責,然董事會是否重視資訊揭露,可能與其成員之身份特性有關。因此,本研究欲檢視董事成員身份特性因素是否是影響董監經理人相關資訊揭露程度的重要因素。 本研究為我國首次關注企業非財務、營運資訊之揭露,所關心的資訊包括董監經理人之背景能力與薪資酬勞二類資訊。資訊揭露程度之衡量,係將樣本公司年報、財務報告中相關揭露內容,與本研究自行設計的揭露索引表之揭露項目逐一比對,並考慮資訊揭露詳細程度之差異,進行項目評分,再加總得出一揭露總分之方式。提出探討的董事身份特性變數包括家族董監事、法人機構董監事、法人股東是否同時選任為董事與監察人、獨立董監事,以及董事長是否兼任總經理等五項。 研究樣本為民國90年度已在台灣證交所上市之公司,排除金融保險業、官方色彩濃厚公司、判斷資料不全公司後,共計樣本數426家。實證結果顯示非關係法人董監事席次比例、獨立董監事席次比例與資訊揭露程度呈正向顯著關係,表示二者之監督,有助於提升企業資訊揭露程度。法人股東同時選任為董事與監察人時,資訊揭露程度較低,可見此情形有削弱企業監管機制,有礙資訊揭露的傾向。但家族董監事席次比例、董事長是否兼任總經理二變數,則與資訊揭露程度間未發現顯著關係。 / The information that enterprises should disclose is not limited to financial and operating information. The “Company Transparency and Disclosure Survey” by Standard & Poor’s not only includes financial information, but also focuses on nonfinancial information, including ownership structure and investor relations, and board structure and process. OECD suggests enterprises at least disclose seven kinds of material information, and one of them is “ members of the board and key executives, and their remuneration.” Thus it could reveal that “the information related to board and executives” is no less important than financial and operating information. But in our country enterprises disclosure level in nonfinancial information is not enough. Besides, national evaluation institutions set a low value on information disclosure level of our country’s enterprises. This study presumes that if we can control the influential factor of the disclosure level about information related to board and executives, it will help to enhance enterprises’ transparency in our country. In our country’s Company Law system, board is responsible for the information disclosure of enterprises. We surmise whether board emphasizes on information disclosure has relationship with characteristics of directors’ identities. So the study wants to examine if the characteristics of directors’ identities are the important factors influencing the disclosure level of the information about board and executives. This is the very first study in our country to focus the information disclosure on nonfinancial and nonoperating information, that related to background and remuneration of board and executives. The way to measure the disclosure level is that the study designs a disclosure checklist to examine if these disclosure items appear on sample enterprises’ information disclosure of annual report and financial report, and also scrutinize to what extent the disclosure detail of information reaches. Finally the study gives each item a point, and sums up a total grade. The study has five directors’ identities characteristics variables, including family directors, institutional directors, whether institutional shareholder serves as director and supervisor simultaneously, independent directors, and whether the board chairman serves as the CEO simultaneously. The study samples are companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2001, but exclude banking and insurance industry, and government-involved companies or companies with insufficient judging information are excluded. The rest amount to 426 samples. The empirical result indicates that the proportion of nonrelated institutional directors and independent directors on board are positively related to the extent of information disclosure. If a company has an institutional shareholder serves as director and supervisor simultaneously, it has lower extent of information disclosure. The proportion of family directors on the board and whether the board chairman serves as the CEO simultaneously reveal no significant relationship with the extent of information disclosure.

英文限定性關係子句的篇章功能及其在英語教學上的啟示 / Discourse Functions of English Restrictive Relative Clauses and Its Pedagogical Implications

陳良鳳, Chen,Liang-feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討在英文敘述文和論說文文本中,英文限定關係子句的篇章功能(discourse functions)。我們主要是從句法、語意、語用和篇章結構(discourse structure)的觀點,來探討限定性關係子句的功能與它在篇章單位(discourse unit)所出現的位置有何關聯。研究結果顯示多數的限定性關係子句出現在篇章單位最前面的位置,而且他們往往引導他們新的先行詞(new head NPs)作為整個篇章單位的主題(topic)。因此我們認為,大多數限定性關係子句會出現在篇章單位最前面的位置,是因為它們有一個很重要的篇章功能,那就是它們要引介新的先行詞作為整個篇章單位的主題。此外,本論文也探討大學英文系學生在他們的英文寫作中,使用限定性關係子句的情形。研究結果發現,在大學生的寫作中,限定性關係子句的先行詞常是泛指,而且限定性關係子句的內容常常是舊有的訊息。因此,台灣大學生鮮少使用限定性關係子句來引導新的先行詞作為篇章單位的主題。我們推論大部份學生並未習得限定性關係子句的篇章功能。本論文根據此研究結果提出一些在英語教學上的建議:在課堂上教導英文限定性關係子句時,應以篇章單位為主,使學生了解限定性關係子句的篇章功能。 / The findings of the previous studies on discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses are mainly based on spontaneous conversations and written narrations. Rare studies were found on the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses in written data. The purpose of the present study, thus, is to investigate the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses in written expositions and argumentations by native speakers of English. Also, we study the use of English restrictive relative clauses in the compositions by Taiwanese college students. In particular, we want to know how the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses are related to their occurrences in discourse structures. Thus, our analysis includes considerations from four dimensions: syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse. We found that the majority of English restrictive relative clauses occur in the beginning position of discourse units. And they serve as a device to introduce their new head NPs as the topics in the subsequent discourse when occurring in such a position. Therefore, we conclude that the main purpose of using a restrictive relative clause is to introduce a new head NP as the topic when the new referent is firstly mentioned in a new discourse unit. Moreover, we examined English restrictive relative clauses in the compositions by English Department juniors to see if the factors found in native speakers’ writings are also at work in their compositions. We found that students have not fully understood the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses. Based on our findings, we offer pedagogical implications with the aim of hoping that students can learn the discourse functions of English restrictive relative clauses.


吳仁麟, wu,jen- lin Unknown Date (has links)
在歷經開發報禁、有線電視市場興起和網路時代來臨這種種的內外環境的衝擊與變革之後,在21世紀迎接台灣報業的,是看來一場比一場嚴苛的考驗,對外,要不斷提升自身的市場價值,對內,則必須持續的降低成本,更重要的,當經營者意識到市場的基盤有了結構性的變革時,以報業本身的核心資源來發展新營收模式也就成了中外報業經營者共同的重要策略方向。 創辦超過半世紀,佈局全球的聯合報系自2000年前後開始進入另一段全新的戰鬥時期,除了報業的原有競爭對手,更有電波媒體前力分食讀者與廣告各項資源,於是「定位」、「開源」、「節流」就成了這個全球最大民營報業集團的三大轉型手段。 在「定位」工作上,聯合報系開始把競爭對手的範疇擴大到報業之外,甚至把有線電視媒體都設定成競爭對手,同時利用內外整合的方式,把自己從原先的「報業」定位上移到到「知識加值服務業」。 在「開源」工作上,聯合報系加強早年已經開始著手的積極爭取業外營收,進一步的爭取各共重大公共活動的標案與主辦,同時更利用既有的種種核心資源,鼓勵員工多想點子以帶進更多營收。 在「節流」的工作上,除了持續檢討人力,更引進e化工程提高各單位的工作效率。 回顧這幾年聯合報系的發展過程中,許多運作其實都印證了策略管理理論中關於「核心資源」與「動態能耐」的討論內涵,其中又以「2004年台灣花卉博覽會」為最具代表性的創新行動。 本研究發現,聯合報系在花博會中的創新行動中歷經了「事業機會發現」、「資源開採」、「打破組織常規」、「資源整合創新」等策略議題內容,可視為台灣報業為尋求新發展方向一次代表性的創新嚐試,其中的機會與挑戰將不會是單一且暫時性的,本研究的相關結論,或可期為未來台灣媒體產業思考未來發展的參考。 / After pass through the big wave of the “Deregulation of newspaper” 、”Cable TV shocking” and “Internet booming” which all make the newspaper industry dramatically transformation, for newspaper company in Taiwan ,the road ahead is the uncountable tough challenge. So no matter what local and worldwide, all the newspaper company make the effort for both side work so call “cost down” and “value up”, most strategy are focus on the two way necessary , root on the core competence and expands business scope, for this, the company needs to make inner innovative activity , both to relocate resource and structuralize new ability , just like to provide the news service on the web , or the database searching even to start up some new business。 The UDNgroup is the largest private news group in the Chinese world , from about ten years ago in Tawian (UDNgroup headquarter) the company has doing many changing in business operation which is all lock in “ repositioning” 、”expand income resource” 、”cost cut” these three dimension. Especially , in the 2004, UDNgroup as a main business partner of the government of Chiang Hwa county(彰化縣政府) to initial the「2004TFE(Taiwan Flower Expo)」,in this cooperation , UDNgroup has showing many capability of strategy management to decompose the some inner resource and then reassemble some new resource and capability for the TFE. This research is the case study between strategy management of UDNgroup and TFE, to find and understand how can UDNgroup to make a good job in the TFE? And the focus is to know about the factor of “Dynamic Capability” .


錢中媛, Chien,Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
大學校史館是指在一個所大學中,由相關的策略、人員、館藏和設備所組成的單位,該單位保存、維護該校文件方面的歷史遺產,並將其整理成可系統性保存和易於取得的形式。其組織定位是相當重要的問題,因為行政層級與隸屬的規劃將影響日後校史館在校內進行各項相關工作的權限與方向,同時將影響其他單位的配合方式,而主管單位的看法也將影響校史館的發展及其所發揮的功能。 為能深入瞭解有關大學校史館在不同行政隸屬下所受到的影響,本研究先針對研究主題蒐集國內、外相關文獻加以分析,彙整歸納出可供研究參考之資料後,再採用「多重個案研究法」模式進行研究,以「訪談法」作為意見資料之蒐集工具。本研究以我國大學校史館為主要之研究對象,分別針對我國大學中獨立為一級單位、隸屬於祕書室及隸屬於圖書館之校史館抽樣進行訪談,訪談對象共計十館,分別提出相關經驗及看法。 研究結果包括:一、歐美各國大學校史館多隸屬於圖書館,中國大陸之大學校史館均獨立為一級單位,我國則多隸屬於祕書室;二、隸屬於祕書室及圖書館之大學校史館,其業務多為兼辦性質,人力不足則為各校普遍遭遇之限制;三、獨立為一級單位及隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館人員具有相關之專業背景,對校史館之整體業務推展及運作較有直接幫助;四、大學校史館普遍缺乏明確之任務,而以典藏及展示為主,並未因行政隸屬之不同而有顯著差異;五、不同行政隸屬之大學校史館在部分業務及功能上呈現明顯差異,包括:(一)獨立為一級單位及隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館大多已建立明確之定期徵集模式,對校史資料之徵集工作較為有利;(二)隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館多採常態開放型式,且開放時段較長;而獨立為一級單位及隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館則多採預約開放或定期開放型式,且開放時段較短。開放型態及時段將影響校史館之普及性及其所發揮之效益;(三)獨立為一級單位及部分隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館多訂有校史資料之利用規則,對史料的提供利用已具備一定的規範;(四)隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館多具有記錄及出版校史之功能;(五)獨立為一級單位之校史館具有支援教學與研究之功能,已將校史資料的利用層次向上提昇,亦為校史館開創新的發展方向;六、不同行政隸屬之大學校史館在部分業務上面臨之問題呈現明顯差異:(一)隸屬於祕書室者之主要問題在於欠缺資料處理與管理方面之相關專業能力;(二)獨立為一級單位者則認為校內其他各單位的配合度不高,以致部分業務運作上有困難;(三)隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館在業務推展上,則明顯地面臨較多問題,包括:1.欠缺史學專業,影響對資料內容的掌握程度;2.經費不足,主要因為易與圖書館預算項目產生排擠現象,此問題亦為國外大學隸屬於圖書館之校史館的三大問題之首;3.徵集資料時,權限不足、資訊掌握度不足及各單位配合度不高。 最後針對以上研究結果提出五項建議:一、呼籲各校設置專職人員規劃校史館業務,並由圖書館管理,或更進一步設置獨立的校史館;二、訂定明確之校史館任務;三、促請校方高層分別針對各校不同行政隸屬而引起之問題進行修正,包括:加強校史館人員之專業背景及相關訓練、建立明確之校史資料定期徵集模式,並與校內各單位保持密切聯繫、加強對校史之重視程度、採用分工方式分別進行徵集工作及其他後續工作;四、增強校史館在校園內存在之價值與必要性,可努力的方向包括:支援教學與研究、編纂校史與出版、配合募款工作,以發揮校史館功能;五、組成全國、區域或主題性大學校史館之合作組織,分享經驗或進行館藏分享與合作,共同推動大學校史館之發展。

傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力的研究 / A Study of Information Literacy Competencies for Undergraduate Students in Communication

柯雲娥 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊技術與通信科技的發展,將人類文明自工業社會帶入後工業社會的資訊社會,於資訊社會中,資訊已成為現代人生活的必需品,尤其,網際網路的興起,猶如個資訊海,充斥著各式各樣的資訊,雖然帶來生活上的便利與充實,但是大量的資訊卻也帶來人們的壓力,為免於落伍,不會為社會所淘汰,因此,資訊社會中持續地追求新知、不斷學習,已成為未來的生活方式。資訊和知識的最大差別,在於資訊只是經過整理的數據,而知識卻是經過反思消化後融入個人的知識體系□,如何將資訊轉化為知識,是身處知識經濟時代中個人不可或缺的能力。 對傳播學門而言,由於傳播新科技的運用,無論是電腦中介傳播或是網路的應用,不僅改變了傳播的媒介型式,甚至造成傳播理論的變化,影響了整個傳播學門的教育;而研究典範的變遷,由傳統陳述性的專業知識,轉為程序性與情境知識,提供問題導向與資訊處理的知識,學生要有分析環境、探索問題的能力。能察覺何時需要資訊,且有能力去搜尋、評估及有效使用資訊的一系列能力,稱之為「資訊素養」。因此,身處於現代社會的傳播學門的大學生,應具有怎樣的資訊素養能力,才能順應個人及未來工作上之需要,且能弭平人與人間的數位落差。 本論文主要是探討傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力,採疊慧法進行研究,由傳播學門專家、圖書資訊學門專家及大學圖書館館員共同參與,將資訊素養能力分成:資訊需求認知能力、資訊取用能力、資訊評估能力、資訊利用能力、資訊倫理能力等五大面向,透過三回合的問卷反覆調查,當所有參與者的意見達到一致性與穩定性,則視為研究結束。研究結果:界定了傳播學門的資訊素養意涵、建構了81項傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力指標、瞭解美國「高等教育資訊素養能力標準」於國內的適用情形、及獲得傳播學門特色的資訊素養能力。最後建議應訂定我國的資訊素養能力標準、強化傳播學門的課程設計、提供圖書館利用教育之參考、及研擬資訊素養教育相關之課程教材。 / The development of information and communication technology had brought forth human being’s information society from industrial society to post-industrial society. In the information society, the information has already become the part of the necessities of everyday life especially after the blooming of the world wide web. WWW, like an information ocean, provides a rich, easy, and various information. People are not only enjoying the benefits of information utilization from it, but also feel the stress from the massing information. It has already become a life pattern that people keep on learning new knowledge in order to prevent elimination from the modern information society. The major difference between information and knowledge is that information is sort of formulated materials, whereas knowledge is integrated to individual knowledge base after personal recognizing. For people in the modern knowledge economical century, it seems extremely important to get competency of transfer information to knowledge. For Communication field, it has changed the communication media type and communication theory due to the applications of computer mediated communication and internet utilization; furthermore, has influenced the entire communication education. The research paradigm has shifted from the declarative knowledge to procedural and context knowledge, which has provided the problem oriented knowledge and the information handling knowledge. Student needs to equip with environment analysis and problem tracing capabilities. It is called “information literacy” which is a set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. Hence, being a communication undergraduate student in the modern society, what should owns the competencies of information literacy in order to meet the requirements of the workplace and to bridge the gap of digital divide between human beings. This thesis explored the information literacy competencies for undergraduate students in communication applying by Delphi methodology. The Delphi panel collaborated with several communication experts, library information experts and academic librarians. Information literacy competency was carried out the following five facets: information needs recognition, information access ability, information evaluation capability, information utilization ability, and information ethics ability. The study was ended when all participants’ opinions had reach consensus or stability after three rounds of questionnaire survey. Results from experts’ consensus included that: (1) recognized the definition of information literacy in communication, (2) constructed the 81 items of information literacy indicators for the communication, (3) understood the application status for ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education in Taiwan and (4) acquired the features of information literacy competency of the communication. Finally, it was suggested to build up the local information literacy competency standards, to reinforce the communication curriculum design, to provide the guidance for the library instruction program, and to plan forward the information literacy educational curriculum resource materials.


邵曉峰, Shao,Justin Unknown Date (has links)
知識管理的發展,就目前而言,理論部分已經算是相當的完備,有許多外國與本國學者都注意到知識管理的重要性,並且對影響知識管理的因素、知識管理的運作等都有相當程度的研究。 但是在企業的真正落實上,卻還是有一段差距,雖然目前也越來越多企業家瞭解到知識經濟時代的來臨與知識管理的重要性,但其在落實上,卻還是不易找到一個真正的著力點。 以半導體產業做為例子,因為其價值鍊上各位置專業分工的不同,導致各專業分工都必須具有自己本身的核心能力,因此為了培養與加強本身的核心能力,知識的累積就顯的重要,是故,在知識分享的機制方面,就必須根據不同的核心能力所需不同的之事類型來作調整。 簡單的以知識類型與核心能力作一個分類,前端的IC設計廠商所必須具備的是晶片設計的能力,而這樣的能力主要多以員工本身為主要的存在容器,也就是所謂的隱性知識,並且因為通稱的經驗也佔有相當大的影響力,是故其顯性化就較不容易,因此其知識分享機制就必須以隱性知識為中心。 在中段的IC製造廠商本身業務算是價值鍊中最複雜的,因為他必須負責部分整合的工作,也就是說,除了自己本身的製造生產能力外,也必須有部分設計能力,和本身也必須投入資源在製程的研發上,進行高階的製程研發以求符合IC設計客戶的需求,因此其需要的知識類型不只有顯性、也有隱性。 後段的IC封測業務相較於IC製造就顯的較為專門化,主要在從事IC製造的產品作封裝與測試工作,因此整體來能來說,標準化、大量化、或品質控管能力等都是其核心能力,是故其需要的知識類型主要在於顯性知識的轉化。 當然,除了核心能力外,組織規模、領導者、工作內容、產業的獨特生態與個別特殊的策略性思維,都將是影響知識分享機制的因素。 / 『Knowledge Management』 is getting more and more important now. And lots of scholars had already realize the importance, then paid large attention doing research about the KM. But in practicing, many industries still did not good at the KM. They understand the value of the KM, but they cannot find a good way to make it perfect. Take IC industry for instance. We all know that each step in the value chain has its own business, including design, foundry, and package. As a result, they should own different core competence to fit their business. And creating core competence should depend on knowledge accumulating. So they should need different knowledge types. IC design industries should have tacit knowledge, and package industries should have explicit knowledge. The foundry, are more complex, they should have both. Besides of the core competence, the scale, the CEO, the business, and the policy all will affect the knowledge sharing.


鄭少禎 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代末期,美國摩托羅拉公司率先引進六標準差管理系統以改善其產品品質,使得成本大幅下降、獲利上升後,聯訊、德州儀器公司等公司也相繼在1990年代初期導入六標準差管理系統,也從中獲得了相當大的利益,而真正讓此一管理手法受到重視的則是於1995年時,奇異公司將六標準差全面性的導入奇異公司內部的所有流程中,總裁傑克•威爾許更視六標準差為奇異公司最重要的管理突破,也由於如此之重視,奇異公司所獲得的效益也最大,從此,六標準差管理手法盛名遠播,而從1999年起,國內廠商也陸續跟進採用六標準差管理系統。 由於六標準差管理系統擁有採取專案型式以改善流程的特性,本研究即針對此專案特性,配合過往學者所研究出之六標準差關鍵成功因素,發展出工作環境、專案領導人能力、團隊運作情形以及專案績效等四個構面,採用實證問卷調查方式,並利用線性結構關係模式(LISREL)來探討在六標準差架構下,四個構面之整合關聯性,所得到的結論如下: 1.工作環境對專案領導人能力有顯著之正向關係。 2.專案領導人能力對團隊運作有顯著之正向關係。 3.工作環境對專案績效有顯著之正向關係。 4.團隊運作對專案績效有顯著之正向關係。 5.工作環境對團隊運作以及專案領導人能力對專案績效不具顯著之正向關係。

Requirements Management of Software Development in CMMI / 以CMMI為基礎提升軟體開發需求管理

蘇毓婷, Su, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在軟體開發的過程中,有效的需求管理能促成高品質的軟體及管理。在CMMI中與需求管理有關的議題包括需求發展(Requirements Development)流程領域-屬於CMMI成熟度第三級,提供一些目標、執行方法(practices)和相關資訊作為指引,協助開發團隊發展顧客需求和產品需求。另一個相關議題-需求管理(Requirements Management) 流程領域,屬於CMMI成熟度第二級,可用於幫助需求管理的規劃與控制,建立追蹤機制,以及評估改變衝擊。 本篇論文以達成CMMI中需求發展和需求管理流程領域目標為前提,利用概念形成(Concept Formulation)和系統展示(System Representation)研究方法,並調適RUP中的需求工作流程(workflow),最後發展出一個整合的需求管理架構-稱為IREQM(Integrated Requirements Management),用於處理需求面的問題。本研究亦根據IREQM架構進行實作,發展出一套可協助軟體需求發展與管理的支援系統。最後,我們利用自我評鑑表,評估IREQM及依據IREQM實作的雛型系統與CMMI目標和執行方法相符的程度。 / Effective requirements management can help the software development process to ensure a high-quality software development and management process. In CMMI, the process area RD (Requirements Development) provides a set of goals, practices, and related features to develop customer and product requirements, and the process area REQM (Requirements Management) is to help establishing and appraising the quality of requirements management. Both issues are covered by the generic requirement management concerns. This study is conducted by the Concept Formulation and System Representation method to develop a systematic process to deal with the requirements issues in the software development process, in order to meet the RD and REQM goals in CMMI. The study proposes an integrated requirement management framework, called IREQM, tailored from the requirements workflow in RUP. A CMMI support system, to implement IREQM is established to facilitate the REQM and RD activities during the software development process. Finally, a self-appraisal checklist is used to evaluate the compliance of the IREQM framework and its implementation to the CMMI model.

破壞性創新與研發組織運作 / none

林啟仁, Lin, George Unknown Date (has links)
企業最重要的目地就是追求成長及獲利,而成長是很重要的,因為只有成長,企業才能創造股東價值。不幸的是,企業的核心事業一旦進入成熟階段後,在追求新的成長舞台時,必須承擔令人卻步的風險。成長的關鍵,在於成為破壞者,而不是被破壞者,新進者對在位者的最佳攻擊方法,就是破壞他們。所謂破壞性創新,指的並不是生產更好的產品,提供給既有市場的顧客,而是做出更簡單、更便利、更便宜的產品,提供給新的顧客層,或是要求不那麼高的顧客群。 在台灣有一家以工業電腦為起家的企業研華公司。根據VDC (Venture Development Corporation)於2001 年4月所作之工業電腦全球市場報告列出全球前五大之工業電腦廠商,包括Radisys、SBS、NI、MERCURY及Kontron在全球工業電腦業界有著相當重要的地位,而研華則是台灣唯一進入全球前五大排行榜。期望透過個案的深入探討和驗証,發掘其成功關連的機制和因素,尤其是在創新部份,如何應用研發中心的機制來完成破壞性創新的目的,不斷地成長。並配合學術上有關「破壞性創新」理論研究,演化出台灣企業應如何進行破壞性創新,才能避開可能的風險,達到成長的目地。 本研究重點試圖從:一、市場機會點,二、競爭對手評估,三、策略考量與執行,四、研發中心的運作等四個構面,探討其間相互影響,並透過研發中心運作機制,來達成破壞性創新成長目的。主要的項目如下: 1. 企業在進行破壞性創新時應如何尋找市場可能機會點? 2. 企業在進行破壞性創新應如何進行競爭對手評估? 2.1 如何找出並定位出不對稱動機? 2.2.如何在大環境中建立不對稱的能力? 3. 企業該用何種策略來進行破壞性創新? 4. 企業如何應用研發中心來進行破壞性創新? 研究以研華的研發中心為例子,來探討破壞性創新與研發中心運作,藉由個案的深入了解與探討,得到以下結論 一、 在破壞性創新中的市場主要客戶是尚未消費者,尚未消費者存在著較大的市場機會點。 二、 破壞性創新專案,必須要由研發中心專職的單位,有紀律的執行力,且必須提早建立商品化及銷售規劃,否則不易成功。 三、 研發中心在執行破壞性創新時,要採用應變型組織研發策略,並慎選計劃主持人,妥善應用政府資源,並和先期投入研發的研宄單位合作。 四、 競爭對手評估中,如何找到其價值主張是最重要的,因價值主張不同而產生不對稱動機及不對稱能力,具有不對稱動機,及不對稱的能力時,則很容易成功。否則寧可選擇利基市場,避開正面競爭,先取得小勝,再累積成大勝 五、 如果公司規模成長到某一種程度,而必須藉助破壞性創新成長時,最好先成立研發中心或是獨立子公司來運作,而研發中心的風險又低於獨立子公司,但需將研發中心從組織獨立出來,並由CEO親自領軍,否則不易成功。 關鍵字: ◆ 破壞性創新 ◆ 研發中心 ◆ Win CE核心平台 ◆ SOC (System On Chip) ◆ 不對稱動機 ◆ 不對稱能力 ◆ 價值網路 / For any enterprise, the most important goal is to pursue growth and profits. Growth is especially significant as it creates more value for shareholders. However, once the core business steps into maturity stage, the enterprise usually has to take stunning risk in creating new growth. The key point to grow is to be a destructor rather than a loser whereas the best way for a newcomer to defeat the current opponents is to destroy them. The destructive innovation I refer to is not better products for present customers but simper, faster, and cheaper products for new or less-demanding customers. This thesis examines the key factor and mechanism to success of an industrial computer company in Taiwan, Advantech Technology. According to a computer market report by Venture Development Corporation in April 2001, the top five industrial computer companies worldwide are Radisys, SBS, NI, MERCURY and Kontron. Among them, Advantech Technology is the only company from Taiwan listed in the top five. Through studying this case carefully, I wish to uncover the main factor to success, particularly in the innovation part, how they use the R&D center to achieve the destructive innovation and constantly make more profits every year. This study analyses the influence from four aspects: 1. market opportunity points, 2. the evaluation of competitors, 3. strategic thinking and execution, 4. the operation of R&D center. Furthermore, it investigates how the R&D center operates with a view to achieving the goal of destructive innovation and growth. The four aspects are further explained as the following: 1. How to seek the market opportunity while developing the destructive innovation ideas? 2. How to evaluate competitors while developing the destructive innovation? 2.1 How to find out and position the asymmetric motivation? 2.2 How to formulate the asymmetric ability in the overall environments? 3. What strategy should take in order to carry out the destructive innovation? 4. How to accomplish the destructive innovation with the aid of R&D Center? I take the R&D Center of Advantech as an example to probe into the destructive innovation and the operation of R&D center. From this case study, I conclude the following points: 1. In the market of destructive innovation, the major customer is those who have not purchased yet. They have larger market opportunity point. 2. The project for destructive innovation must be executed efficiently by a special task force formed within R&D center, and plan its commercialization and marketing strategy earlier; otherwise, it is not easy to succeed. 3. While executing the destructive innovation, the R&D center should adopt a flexible organizational research strategy, choose project manager carefully, take good use of government resources and cooperate with the previous research sectors. 4. While evaluating the competitors, it’s very important to find out their core value because it influences the asymmetric motivation and capability, with which an enterprise is likely to succeed. Otherwise, it is better to choose the niche market, avoid frontal competition, and win little at first and then gradually to a big deal. 5. If an enterprise keep growing to a certain degree and it needs a destructive innovation growth, it is better to have a R&D center or independent subsidiary company to run the project. R&D center has less risk than a subsidiary company, but R&D needs to be independent of the enterprise and overseen by the CEO to ensure its success.


張國慶 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟可以定義為以知識資源之配置,以技術擁有為目的,以科學的生產為支柱而從事生產、行銷、消費的經濟模式。首先,這樣的一種經濟模式,主要的特點是它擁有及運用知識的資源。第二個,它生產的基礎是高科技的基礎。第三個,它創造出來的是在高科技與知識結合之後的一個經濟永續生產的模式。 「沒有成功的組織,面臨的問題無法解決;缺乏有力的領導,組織則無法成功」若沒有稱職的領導人,實在難以想像這個國家或世界如何能塑造一個更令人嚮往的未來。惟當代的管理學者逐漸認識到,作為一位領導者,不僅應具有某種專業知識技能,也應具有「認知的複雜」(Cognitive complexity),能從多面向詮釋問題的意義,協調多重的努力和發展組織的願景(vision)等,因此,領導者的價值、態度、思維傾向要比他本身所具備的專業知識更為重要。 核心能力是指組織擁有競爭者所沒有的專業能力,這種能力多以知識為基礎,並非以產品或有形資產為主。筆者定義高階領導人核心能力為領導組織面對多變的外在環境,可分為如下: 一 、策略管理能力 二 、變革管理能力 三、創新管理能力 四、危機管理能力等四種核心能力。 研究策略管理的內容有策略核心組織、策略地圖、平衡計分卡等三項。 策略管理內容=(策略地圖+平衡計分卡+策略核心組織) Content of Strategy Management =(Strategy Map)+ (Balanced Scorecard)(Strategy Focused Organization) 基本上一套完整的策略管理程序,可以歸納如下五項:1.界定組織使命與目標、2. 策略的規劃、3.形成策略、4.執行策略、5.評估成效。 現在企業創造價值的方式,已由過去「管理有形資產(Tangible assets)」轉變為「管理無形資產(Intangible assets)」。所謂無形資產,例如顧客關係、創新的產品和服務、高效率高品質的作業流程、前瞻的資訊技術,以及高素質的員工等。有形資產可用財務報表、資產負債表和損益表來描述其成效,然而無形資產則要以策略核心組織來整體評估。 變革管理理論可分為兩種來研究,經濟理論(E理論)與組織理論(O理論) E理論:經濟策略,「E理論」變革的目標,在於迅速、大幅增加以現金流量、股價來衡量的股東價值。O理論:組織能力策略,最成功、永續的組織,便是那些擁有幹勁、有學習導向文化,以及傑出員工的組織。這類變革所需要的是員工的高度參與、較扁平的組織架構,以及組織和員工間密切的關係。 知識經濟時代,□動企業革命的重要因素己由「E」的思維移轉至「I」的思維。□動未來革命的策略因子,將移轉至以「創新」(Innovative)為主軸的時代,知識經濟時代的領導風格必須培養下列五個「I」的思維:1.誠正思維(Integrity)、2.承諾思維(Involvement)、3.智價思維(Intelligence)、4.遠見思維(Insight)、5.整合思維(Integration)。 所謂有效的危機管理,是一項非常重要且非常複雜的動態管理過程,組織若欲對危機作有效管理,首先要建立「凡事豫則立,不豫則廢」的正確態度來面對危機,再以長期規劃的觀點來對組織可能發生的危機作準備,並建構一套周詳的危機管理策略,從不斷學習的過程中來達到危機管理的成效。 在知識經濟時代下,領導人於混亂的資訊中容易迷失方向,而流於主觀與偏見,筆者對領導者核心能力之建構,歸結出下列數點結論,以期掌握工作本質與全貌。 一、 知識經濟的體認 二、創造競爭優勢 三、核心能力的發展與落實 四、企業家精神的培育 五、領導能力的提昇 六、策略整合與協同工作

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