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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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主題式教學法對台灣國小學生英語口說溝通能力之成效研究 / The effects of theme-based instruction on oral communicative competence of EFL young learners in Taiwan

蕭雅慈 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討主題式教學法對台灣國小學生英語口說溝通能力之成效以及此教學法對學生英語學習態度與動機的影響。此研究以來自雲林縣某國小五年級二個班級學生為研究對象,這兩班級隨機指派為實驗組跟對照組。實驗組實施主題式口語教學法而對照組則實施傳統口語教學法,每週均上課一次。經過12週的教學後,兩組皆進行英語口說能力測驗並施以英語學習態度與動機問卷。研究結果顯示學生受過主題式教學法學習後在口說溝通能力有顯著進步,而且其英語學習態度與動機也有正向的改變。希望本研究結果能為英語老師在教學實務上提供助益。 / The present study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of theme-based oral instruction (TBOI) on elementary school students’ oral communicative competence. Meanwhile, this paper also aimed at examining learners’ perceptions of the use of TBOI, and the changes of learners’ attitudes and motivation towards English learning after the implementation of TBOI. Two fifth-grade classes in a public elementary school in Yunlin County were randomly assigned to be the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received TBOI, while the control group took the traditional oral instruction once a week. After the 12-week treatment, an English oral proficiency test and an English learning attitudes and motivation questionnaire were administered to examine learners’ oral communicative competence and their learning attitudes and motivation respectively. The findings showed that TBOI had helped learners gain significant progress on oral communicative competence, and that the learning attitudes and motivation towards English learning had changed positively after the treatment of TBOI. Hopefully, the findings of the study may provide English teachers with some useful pedagogical implications.

台灣與荷蘭輕度智能障礙中學生的個別化教育研究 / Individualized education for mildly mentally impaired secondary education students in Taiwan and the Netherlands

高晞次, Loff, Sietse Unknown Date (has links)
近來教育的研究,特別是輕度智能障礙的研究有減少的趨勢。通常這一類的學生會合併其他高出現率的障別,而不同的研究認為這些障別會有不同的特質。本研究旨在著重中學階段輕度智能障礙學生尤其是個別化教育,因為學者專家共同指出這些學生需要個別化教育。台灣、荷蘭在中學階段與輕度智能障礙有關的政策也強調符合學生個別需求、興趣和能力,所以這兩個國家可以在個別化教育這一方面做比較。 本論文的目的將研究與比較以下兩方面: (1) 台灣與荷蘭在中學階段之個別輕度智能障礙學生有何全國教育政策;期許和需求與關於達成 (2) 兩國的學校與老師如何落實個別輕度智能障礙學生的教學。為達成此目的,研究者擬蒐集兩國相關教育政策資料,以及與學校主要成員進行深入的半結構訪談。在資料分析過程中,會著重在兩國的政策和個案學校特殊狀況。而後將相互比較兩國對輕度智能障礙學生之個別化教育政策與學校執行情況,能對兩國的輕度智能障礙學生的個別化教育有所了解。以增進兩國在此方面的相互學習與借鏡。 本研究指出在台灣和荷蘭個別化教育的歷程皆受到不同世界潮流的影響。最明顯的是現標準化本位改革在台灣已經成為一種趨勢,而學生導向的個別化教育計畫概念在荷蘭的學校個案是受到支持的。此外,在台灣教育政策和規範的訂定是由中央到地方,而在荷蘭教育方案的發展則由各校自行訂定。在個案學校的主要研究發現是,荷蘭個案在個別化教育歷程中被賦予比較多正式責任,而台灣個案相形之下較少。 此外,在台灣、荷蘭組成個別化教育的項目在個別的中學低年級和高年級相當不同,而兩國的中學個別化教育項目同時呈現相同與相異之處。該研究基於研究發現提出部分建議,並針對未來可能的研究提出建議。 / Research into education for, specifically, the mildly mentally impaired has in recent years decreased. Often this population of students is combined with other high incidence disabilities while significant differences in characteristics have been recognized. This research project, therefore, specifically focuses on the population of mildly mentally impaired students in secondary education and particularly individualized education, since there is a consensus among academics that this population of students has a need for a system that allows for individualized education. Policies regarding education for mildly mentally impaired in secondary education in both Taiwan and the Netherlands also stipulate a program tailored to a student’s individual needs, interests and abilities and, thus, a level of comparability between these two countries is assured. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate and compare (1) the national policies for meeting the individual educational wishes and needs of mildly mentally impaired secondary education students in Taiwan and the Netherlands and (2) how these policies are implemented in high-quality school cases in both countries. To achieve this purpose, the researcher collected relevant policy documents and performed in-depth, semi-structured interviews with key staff members at the school cases. During the process of data analysis, due attention was given to the fact that both the countries’ policies, as well as the school cases, are embedded in their own unique contexts. Upon analyzing the gathered data, a comparison of both countries’ individualized education systems for mildly mentally impaired secondary education students was performed, highlighting similarities and differences. The findings of this research project indicate that the process of individualizing education has been shaped by national cultures as well as different worldwide trends in both Taiwan and the Netherlands. Most notably, there has been a drive for standards-based reform in Taiwan while in the Netherlands the concept of the student-led IEP has found an advocate in the school case researched. Furthermore, relevant educational policies and regulations are created and enforced in a top-down manner in Taiwan while the Netherlands shows elements of a bottom-up approach. Among the major findings from the school cases is that the Dutch case shows a student who is endowed with a greater degree of formal responsibility in the process of individualizing education than the Taiwanese counterparts at both the lower and upper level school cases. Furthermore, in both countries, individualized education at the lower and upper secondary education stages consists of different elements. The degree to which these elements are present in Taiwan and the Netherlands shows similarities and differences. This report concludes with recommendations based on the findings, and suggestions for possible future research are offered.

機能性食品之新產品行銷企劃-以T公司為例 / A marketing strategy of new product in Functional Foods, T company as a live case

何姵璇, Ho, Pei Shuan Unknown Date (has links)
從機能性食品的概念自20世紀80年代初產生於日本後,隨著現代人越來越重視健康,全球機能性食品產業也蓬勃發展。看準這個廣大商機,不只製藥、醫藥生技、食品等相關業者投入市場,其他領域的廠商也欲跨足此領域分一杯羹。機能性食品的產品功能因眾多廠商的競爭更加多樣化,廠商為了吸引消費者無不使出各種花招推廣產品,但卻有不肖業者做誇大不實的廣告或使用有害之原料,使消費者開始對機能產品產生不信任感;政府為了抑止產業的亂象立訂了許多法規,資訊不對稱的消費者為了保護自身權益往往不輕易下手;是以各廠商的行銷活動開始紛紛轉向,如何在符合政府規範下吸引消費者購買自身產品成為一大課題。 本研究個案的T公司原為B to B的電子被動元件貿易商,也因為看好機能食品的未來發展而欲進口一系列五項產品進入此戰場,本研究將幫T公司透過產業市場面到公司自身優勢的分析,規劃這五項產品的上市行銷方案。首先從第二章法規面深入探討政府對產品包裝、功效和相關廣告宣稱的限制,再由第四章了解公司對機能性食品事業的發展規劃,是從台灣學習市場經驗後再進攻大陸市場,並且也由於公司資源有限,大部分的行銷活動將會與第三方專業公司合作執行;因此行銷方案的目的不在要做市場最大龍頭,而在於能夠有一定的獲利支撐並且取得市場經驗。然而什麼因素會使消費者願意購買產品?從第五章的消費者探討我們得知消費者最重視的是產品功效和有保障的信任感,”口碑”及”專業諮詢”是影響消費者購買的最大因素,而”品牌”則會影響可信度。T公司產品的特殊賣點是其依循順勢療法原理製成,成分天然效果好,且有些功效市面上目前沒有,但因資源有限而將第一階段通路設定在網路販售,第二階段則是與利基市場的旅行社和航空公司異業合作。 行銷推廣方案的目的為達到一定的知名度(消費者記憶度)、推廣產品功效及獲取市場經驗。打知名度主要將透過特殊好記的產品名稱配合廣告方式讓消費者印象深刻,而產品功效則必須依賴”體驗”’、”口碑”和專業人士推薦,最主要將透過公關和口碑行銷的操作,配合人氣部落格寫手和專業醫生的代言,增加消費者對此產品的信任感進而願意嘗試使用,而公司則可透過社群操作的回饋和定期的檢核驗證行銷成效來獲得市場know-how,累積此領域的發展經驗。

論毒品犯罪之偵查方法-控制下交付 / The study of controlled delivery on drugs criminal investigation methods

林昭弘 Unknown Date (has links)
毒品泛濫情形日益嚴重,舉世皆然,毒品不僅直接侵害人體健康,更連帶影響一國的政治、社會及經濟環境。有鑑於重大之毒品犯罪常具跨國性、隱密性與組織性,非經由國際合作及運用特別之偵查方法實不足以達到有效打擊與防制之目的。因此,「聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦事處」(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime;UNODC)於西元1988年訂頒「聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉藥品暨精神藥物公約」(United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988),並於該公約中明定「控制下交付」(Controlled Delivery)之條文,鼓勵各國可運用「控制下交付」此特別偵查方法,進行國與國之間的合作,共同聯手將跨國販毒集團活動在各該國家同時予以偵破瓦解,以澈底打擊跨國販毒集團組織,有效遏止國際販毒活動。   我國雖非該公約之締約國,惟鑑於毒品犯罪係國際公罪,爰參考日本「麻藥特別法」之相關規定,於2003年修正「毒品危害防制條例」條文,增訂第32-1條、第32-2條有關「控制下交付」之法源,俾供查緝毒品犯罪機關遵循,使反毒工作可充分與國際接軌,發揮全球緝毒的整體功能。而此種特別偵查方法,在近年我國偵查實務上雖已有運用實例,但相較於日本等國之運用情形,仍有很大的檢討進步空間。此外,我國關於「控制下交付」之相關規定似僅限於「境外控制下交付」,對於毒品犯罪偵查實務上最常實施之「境內控制下交付」並未規範,甚至連可否以實際毒品進行之「有害控制下交付」或完全抽換毒品後進行之「無害控制下交付」、部分抽換毒品後進行之「少量控制下交付」等規定亦付之闕如。   基於「控制下交付」之實施目的,乃是對正在運送中的毒品暫予扣押,使得執法人員可以完整知悉販毒過程與未知的犯罪嫌疑人,以期將整個販毒集團一網打盡的偵查方法,其本質上是一種參雜、結合多種任意偵查要素與強制偵查要素之偵查手段,不僅有強制力的介入,尚會侵害到相對人之權益,因此本論文認為「控制下交付」之本質係「強制偵查」手段,應有法律明文規定其要件及實施方式,更要遵循比例原則,如此方能落實保障人權及程序正義之理念。   本論文除先就毒品犯罪現況與控制下交付之基礎概念為論述外,主要探討「控制下交付」此一特別偵查方法在國際公約之實踐與各國規範作法,相較我國對控制下交付之法制規範與法院判決實務運作情形,並置重點於刑事程序法與刑事實體法之檢視,同時以執法第一線司法警察(官)之角度,研析我國實施控制下交付之實務困境,最後提出總結說明及建議,冀能有助我國的毒品犯罪偵查法律制度能益臻完善,不僅可以降低毒品犯罪率及減少毒品對社會所造成之危害,亦能兼顧平日在第一線衝鋒陷陣,暴露在危險環境中與狡猾販毒集團周旋的執法同仁之權益。

餐飲業家庭市場行銷 台灣麥當勞個案探討 / Family marketing in quick service restaurant business: the case of McDonald's Taiwan

李俞頻 Unknown Date (has links)
自1955年Ray Kroc創立麥當勞以來,以經營家庭市場為麥當勞的基礎,並且藉由與家庭顧客的互動培養長期牢固的忠誠度,台灣麥當勞自1984年成立以來,深耕台灣家庭市場,創下許多餐飲業的首創,不但打下市佔率,也打下消費者心佔率,成為父母及小孩的第一選擇。 由於麥當勞全球迅速擴張導致單店營業獲利下降,因此麥當勞重新思考品牌重整,將品牌溝通重心轉向年輕族群,全球品牌再造計畫”我就喜歡”於2003年底全球同步展開,顧客群重心的調整加上大環境反速食的浪潮,考驗對家庭市場的經營方式及應變能力。 本研究以實務個案分析,採用質化研究,針對台灣麥當勞高階主管經營家庭市場經驗訪談,輔以理論之架構,予以逐項分析比較及歸納。家庭市場的交換價值影響母品牌的資產,母品牌的經營策略改變也影響家庭市場長久建立的資產,其研究目的有二:第一、期了解麥當勞運用家庭市場行銷方案(Family Program),建立家庭市場地位並且將資產累積回饋母品牌。第二、研究麥當勞品牌策略轉向影響到經營多年的家庭市場,麥當勞該採取的因應策略。 麥當勞在強化家庭市場行銷活動4C的同時,也增加了母品牌強化4C的機會,轉嫁成為母品牌的資產;當策略焦點轉移,資源重新配置,品牌的4C將不完全是由家庭市場行銷活動4C來建立或維繫,也影響到家庭市場行銷活動傳遞產品及服務本身的4C,因此回頭檢視家庭市場行銷活動的4C時,發現家庭市場行銷活動4C出現一些缺口,而這些缺口,反而又回頭影響了母品牌的4C。 因此,在思考品牌的4C時必須採取根本解,而非症狀解,此外,當核心能力作焦點轉移時,需要重新思考或調整原有核心能力的續航力及基盤事業,最後,如何運用競爭優勢與社會利益共享,創造社會影響力,發揮最大共存效益。 / Since Ray Kroc built up McDonald’s in 1955, Family has been the core foundation of McDonald’s business. McDonald’s has established true loyalty with family customers by engaging and interacting with them at every touch point. McDonald’s Taiwan was established in 1984. Since then, it has been cultivating the family market to become the first choice of parents and kids. It occupies not only the top position of market share but also mindshare. Because of the rapid expansion of McDonald’s business worldwide, McDonald’s is confronting the first ever decrease of unit store profit. In reaction to this downturn, McDonald’s decided to slow expansion speed and take a step back to re-think and re-position its’ brand. McDonald’s launched the “i’m lovin’ it” brand campaign globally. Their brand communication focus shifted to Young Adults. Because of this shift and the growing anti-fast food trend, McDonald’s family marketing has faced its biggest challenge ever. This case study adopted qualitative research, interviewed top management in McDonald’s Taiwan and supported by theoretical structure to analyze this case. The exchanging value of family market influenced the equity of mother brand. Changing the position of the mother brand has also affected the value delivery of family market. The main objectives of this thesis are firstly to understand how McDonald’s has utilized family marketing to build equity of family market and be beneficial to the mother brand. Secondly, how the change of mother brand positioning affected the equity of family marketing building. Finally, what strategies McDonald’s should use to tackle these critical issues. While McDonald’s enhanced the 4C value of family marketing, it also added the 4C value of mother brand. 4C value of family market would transfer and become the equity of mother brand. However, when the brand focus changed, corporate had to re-allocate resources. At this point, the 4C value of mother brand was not totally constituted by 4C value of family market. That is to say, family marketing shared less resources and delivered less 4C value to family market. The incomplete 4C value of family marketing will go back to affect the 4C value of mother brand in the end. To manage a brand, marketers should resolve the root causes instead of just alleviating the symptoms. To deal with root causes, can corporate leave the side effects away. Besides, when corporate shifts the core competence to another area, they should re-consider resource allocation and migrate the core competence to better fit the new challenges. It is to secure the foundation of the business and sustainability of the corporation. Last but not the least, to incorporate social possibilities in corporate strategies will create the competitive advantage and have a positive impact on our society. Holding a shared vision with the society, working as a team with other partners, and elaborating the best synergy of human kind - that is how corporate social responsibilities will work in the future.

廠商內外部因素對創新績效影響之研究 / The effect of firms' internal and external factors on innovation performance

林哲宇, Lin, Chu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
創新是廠商生存於快速全球化及競爭激烈的環境中的關鍵。而廠商創新績效的影響因素可以分為外部因素與內部因素進行探討。就外部因素而言,本研究同時從經濟地理學門的區域聚集效果與社會學門的研發網絡關係探討外部環境對廠商創新績效的影響。並探討地區產業聚集現象是否會增加區域內廠商形成研發網絡的可能性。而除了廠商外部環境會影響廠商創新績效外,管理學門提出廠商的內部吸收能力也同樣重要。吸收能力定義為廠商對外部知識的認識、吸收和應用的能力。吸收能力除了會對創新績效產生直接影響之外,也會對由網絡中所獲得的外部知識的認知、吸收和利用產生調節效果。 本研究以台灣的ICT產業為研究對象,而空間單位劃分則依據工業區分布情形與天然及人為界線分佈,將台灣劃分為39個空間分析單元,以供實證分析所需。研究結果發現,廠商所處地區之聚集效果確實會對廠商研發網絡的形成產生影響,進而影響廠商所能吸收的外部知識流的多寡,最終造成不同區域的廠商創新績效的不同。廠商的研發網絡會隨群聚內的社會經濟狀況、產業組成和多樣性等不同而有所不同。此外,本研究同時從廠商外部環境的聚集效果、研發網絡關係以及廠商內部的吸收能力探討對廠商創新績效的影響,以期更全面地了解創新績效的影響因素。本研究的實證結果證實了聚集效果、研發網絡與廠商內部吸收能力確實對廠商創新績效產生影響,而內部吸收能力確實會對經由研發網絡所獲取的外部知識和創新績效產生調節效果。 / Innovation is the key of the firm to survive in a rapidly globalizing and competitive environment. The factors affecting firms’ innovation performance can be divided into external and internal factor. For the external factors, this studies use the view of regional agglomeration effects and R&D networks to study the impact of external environment on innovation performance. In the same time, we also discuss whether the regional agglomeration effects affect the firms’ R&D networks. Aside from the external environment, the internal absorption capacity is also important for innovation performance. Absorption capacity is defined as the capacity of firm to recognize, absorb and apply external knowledge. Absorption capacity has not only direct impact on innovation, but also adjusted effects between the knowledge acquired from R&D networks and innovation performance. The object of this study is the ICT industry in Taiwan, and Taiwan was divided into 39 spatial units for empirical analysis. The empirical results indicate that the regional agglomeration effects of firms indeed influence the firms’ R&D network ,and then affect the amount of the external knowledge that the firm can absorb, ultimately result in different innovation performance. Firms’ R&D networks will vary depends on the cluster’s socio-economic conditions, industry composition and diversity. Besides, this study also discusses the impact factor of firms’ innovation performance from the external agglomeration effects, R&D networks, and internal absorption capacity to have a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between those factors and the innovation performance. The empirical results indicate that agglomeration effects, R&D networks, absorption capacity do affect the firms’ innovation performance, and the internal absorption capacity do have adjusted effects between the knowledge acquired from R&D networks and innovation performance.

行銷動態能力、行銷生產力、潛規則與績效之關係─以大陸台商為例 / The relationship among marketing dynamic capability, marketing productivity, hidden rules and firm performance - Taiwanese companies in China

郭斯敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大陸台商為研究對象,欲了解行銷動態能力、行銷生產力以及地主國市場之潛規則對競爭優勢及績效之影響。本研究以行銷動態能力為出發點,探究企業欲創造競爭優勢及績效所應考量之中介變數,以及當企業在進行海外直接投資時,所面臨之環境所帶來之調節效果,來建立本研究整體架構。由於研究對象為大陸台商,為提升問卷回收效率及效果,本研究樣本架構採用便利抽樣及滾雪球之方式, 主要發放對象為大陸台商高階經理人,涵蓋國立政治大學台商班、EMBA班、校友會、研究人員相關人脈,整體回收對象擴及製造業及服務業,總回收份數為67份,扣除填答不完全者,有效問卷共63份。本研究以成對樣本t檢定及迴歸模型驗證假說,研究結果發現行銷生產力在研究架構中具有重要中介意義,行銷動態能力不僅被視為能耐,更能轉化為台商的行銷資產,並且透過行銷資產的投入,愈能有效運用其資產以產出有效果之行銷生產力,愈能提升其競爭優勢與績效,且潛規則的調節效果,更凸顯行銷生產力的重要性,台商應更重視政治利害關係人所帶來的影響並應加以管理,當台商同時能夠愈有效利用潛規則顯性管理工具管理社會-政治利害關係人時,愈能夠強化行銷生產力提升競爭優勢與績效的效果,且政治利害關係人對台商造成經營上的影響程度,顯著高於非政治利害關係人所造成之影響,因此台商應將管理工具資源投入較高比重上放在政治利害關係人之管理上。

臺北市國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of relationships among elementary school principal’s distributed leadership,teacher efficacy and teachers' organizational commitment in Taipei City

王昭人, Wang, Chao Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在分析國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾之間的關係。採用問卷調查法,以臺北市地區之公立國小教師為研究對象,有效樣本為445份。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t考驗、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸及結構方程模式等統計方式加以分析。 本研究得到下列結論: 一、目前臺北市國小教師對校長分布式領導的知覺情況屬中上程度。 二、目前臺北市國小教師對教師效能感的知覺情況屬中上程度。 三、目前臺北市國小教師對教師組織承諾的知覺情況屬中上程度。 四、教師因背景變項中「現任職務」的不同,在知覺校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾上有差異。 五、國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感與教師組織承諾兩兩之間具有正向的關聯。 六、國小校長分布式領導、教師效能感的分層構面,對教師組織承諾有正向的預測作用。 七、校長分布式領導可透過教師效能感,增強對教師組織承諾的正向預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政機關、學校及後續研究之參考。 / The intent of this study was to explore the relationship among principal’s distributed leadership, teacher efficacy and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. The questionnaire investigation method was employed, and there were 445 valid questionnaires collected from public elementary schools in Taipei City. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The results were as follows: 1. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about principal’s distributed leadership were quite well. 2. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about teacher efficacy were quite well. 3. The perceptions from the elementary school teachers about teachers’ organizational commitment were quite well. 4. Incumbent duty had significant influences the perceptions of teachers about on principal’s distributed leadership, teacher efficacy and teachers’ organizational commitment. 5. There were significant correlations between principal’s distributed leadership and teacher efficacy as well as between teachers’ organizational commitment. 6. The sub-level of the distributed leadership and teacher efficacy could apparently predict the teachers’ organizational commitment. 7. Teacher efficacy had mediate effect on distributed leadership and influence positively teachers’ organizational commitment. According to the above conclusion, the research proposed relevant suggestions to be referenced by education administrative organizations, elementary schools , and future research.

混沌.追尋.邂逅-Gordon幼兒音樂學習理論在幼兒園實踐之研究 / Chaos, searching, and encounter-A study on Gordon’s music learning theory for newborn and young children and it’s practice in the kindergarten

余蕙君 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多哲人都曾讚揚過音樂之於人的意義,Mozart亦曾言:「音樂應是不刺耳,使人如沐春風」,然而近年來的研究卻指出:幼兒園中的音樂活動經常是所有人唱一樣的內容,並僅以是否有精神、聲音大小做為評斷標準,在這樣的環境下,幼兒究竟聆聽了什麼?從中習得了什麼?是否曾考慮幼兒在音樂發展及表現上的個別差異? 本研究基於上述的背景,試圖以Gordon幼兒音樂學習理論為基礎,參考相關教材-Music Play一書設計活動後,再到幼兒園進行教學,欲從中了解幼兒在課程參與、音樂性向及歌唱能力等三方面的樣貌,進一步建構研究者自身的教師專業圖像。本研究採行動研究取向,主要分為初探研究及正式研究兩部分:初探研究包含6次各30分鐘的活動,課程進行後重新了解理論並修正內容,再次進行兩個循環的正式行動,第一循環共計10次課程,第二循環為6次課程。課程完全結束後,以課堂錄影、教師省思日誌、幼兒觀察記錄表等工具為基礎,書寫初探及兩個循環研究之改變與收穫。 本研究的發現如下: 1、幼兒課堂參與的情形從嘻笑轉而認真投入,並開始發展個人不同的音樂表現方式;音樂性向隨著音樂環境的多寡有所轉變,經過課程後大多數的幼兒音樂性向略提升;歌唱能力則依個別差異在音高及節奏方面各有所轉變。 2、研究者在研究進行的過程中,發現進行Gordon相關的教學方式,首先要能熟悉理論及教材內容,進一步適應曲調、節奏、音高型與節奏型的唱法後,搭配相關的律動、樂器、遊戲等,除能使教學更符合幼兒的個別差異,教師亦能建構屬於自己的教學內容,以及自身的教師專業發展圖像。 根據本研究的歷程與收穫,研究者提出幾點建議,以供未來研究者與教師做為參考。 / This study attempts to understand the picture that 4-5 years old children learn on through Gordon’s music learning theory for newborn and young children; meanwhile, focus on the changes of teacher’s professional development. This study adopts action research, designs a series of lessons that building on Music Play and accompanied with teaching logs, music aptitude tests, singing performance tests, and observation records. The lessons contain three cycles. The first one is pilot study, within six times and thirty minutes for each lesson. Cycle 2 and cycle 3 are formal research, the former includes ten times and the latter includes 6 times, both 30 minutes for each lesson. The conclusions of this study are : 1)The curriculum of this study can improve children’s musical aptitude, singing performance and participation. 2) Teachers and Researchers should understand and internalize meter, tempo, rhythm, and continuous movement activities within Gordon’s music learning theory for early childhood. With a variety of teaching activities, the teachers will improvise in the classroom, and then construct professional picture of teacher of himself.

透過知識翻新活動以提升國小學童對節能減碳概念之理解 / Effects of knowledge building activities on elementary school students’ conception of energy saving and carbon reduction

蔡佩真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探究知識翻新活動對小學生節能減碳概念理解的影響。以知識翻新理論 (knowledge building) 作為教學核心理念,並以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum,KF)─電腦支援協作學習工具─來輔助與紀錄學生的學習。研究方法採個案研究法,研究對象為台北市某國民小學五年級某班學生(N=34),研究時程為一學年,課程以節能減碳為主題。資料來源包括:(1) 知識論壇上之想法討論與互動歷程;(2)知識論壇平台之溫室效應與節能減碳想法貼文;(3)節能減碳概念理解之測驗。資料分析包括:(1)以知識論壇的分析工具(Analytic Toolkit, 簡稱ATK)分析學生在平台上想法討論與互動的行為;(2)分析學生在平台上所發表的貼文內容之階段性發展,並將學生所討論的概念與環保署所提供的溫室效應與節能減碳國中教材進行比較,以檢測學生所提的概念之完整性與豐富度;(3)使用創造力概念的流暢性、變通性、獨創性、精密性等四個面向,檢驗學生共構的知識品質;(4)分析課程結束後所進行的節能減碳概念測驗,檢測學生在知識翻新活動下對節能減碳概念的理解。研究結果發現:(1)知識翻新教學有助於促進以「想法」為單位的學習與互動模式;(2)知識翻新的學習環境有助於學生共創豐富的知識;(3)在知識翻新的學習環境中,呈現學生的想法數量漸趨減少但品質漸趨提升的情況;(4)讓學生自己翻新知識以主動學習,相較於被動的學習方式,更有助於提升學生在科學學習上的成效。根據上述結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)教師應重視學生的想法;(2)教師應鼓勵以想法為中心的互動與學習;(3)教師應幫助學生發展創新知識的關鍵能力;(4) 教育相關單位在設計課程與測驗時,更應重視學生的深層理解;(5)教師在教學上應善加利用網路學習資源。 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on elementary students’ concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction. Knowledge building pedagogy and Knowledge Forum (KF)─an computer-supported collaborative learning environment─was employed in this study to document the process of students’ idea generation and development. This study employed a case-study design. Participants were a class of fifth graders from an elementary school in Taipei (N=34). They participated in a natural science class for a year and the topic of inquiry was about energy saving and carbon reduction. Data sources included: (1) Students’ online discussion recorded in a KF database; (2) Student’s ideas about energy saving and carbon reduction; (3) Students’ final test about energy saving and carbon reduction. Data analysis include: (1) descriptive analysis using Analytic Toolkit (ATK) and Social Network Analysis to document students’ interactive processes online; (2) qualitative analysis on the content of notes posted in KF; (3) content analysis, using the four aspects of creativitiy--fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration--to examine the quality of ideas generated by students; (4) learning assessment using the final comprehension test to evaluate students’ level of understanding about energy saving and carbon reduction in knowledge building environment. The main findings were as follows: (1) Knowledge building instruction was found helpful for supporting students’ work with “ideas”; (2) Knowledge building environment was conducive to knowledge advancement; (3) In the process of knowledge building, it showed the number of ideas was decreasing but the quality of ideas was improved; (4) Knowledge building environment was helpful for students to enhance science learning. Building on the findings, this study made the following suggestions: (1) Teachers should value students’ ideas; (2) Teachers should encourage students to interact and work with ideas; (3) Teachers should help students develop capacity for creating new knowledge; (4) When designing instruction, it is essential to emphasize deeper understanding; (5) Teachers should make good use of the online learning resources.

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