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從海耶克假說到動物本能:競爭性實驗市場的徑轉換 / From Hayek Hypothesis to Animal Spirit:The Transition Based On Competitive Experimental Markets郭振雄, Kuo, Jenn Shyong Unknown Date (has links)
By means of the experimental oral double auction markets, this
thesis shows that the Hayek hypothesis might not be valid when
uncertainty is introduced into the markets. More precisely ,
our experimental results evidence that the efficiency loss
increases as the degree of uncertainty increases. Furthermore,
as our convergence analyses suggests, the flat sup of the
efficiency and the flat inf of the P-Q norm in Experiment 1,
the experiment without uncertainty, seems to reflect the market
behavior characterized by rational expectations or rational
learning. On the other hand, the decreasing sup of the
efficiency and the increasing inf of the P-Q norm in
Experiment 2, the experiment with uncertainty, seems to reflect
the market behaviour characterized by bounded rationality or
animal spirits. Therefore, a phase transition from rational
expectations to animal spirits might be parameterized by the
degree of uncertainty. These findings have important
implications for the current controversy on bounded rationality
in macroeconomics. They also reflect the limitation of using
the method of certainty equivalence in treating uncertainty
when the market is regarded as parallel distributed processors
rather than a central unit processor.
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知識論研究:「概念組構性」與「範疇特異性」 / Epistemological research:”concept compositionality” and “category specificity”陳建宇 Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究以Fodor 模組心智觀(The Modularity of Mind)為理論分析架構作研究,探討心靈哲學之符號論,界定”下棋思維”是否適用模組理論的分析解釋,並探討Fodor 模組理論與”下棋思維”現實狀況的相容性,對Fodor 理論缺失提出批判,並設立實驗方法與題目,建立實證分析,對棋手心理研究分析提出新見解。
以往「模組理論」Fodor 所要求的條件較為嚴格,認為模組有具有:”“範疇
特殊性”、”強制性操作”、”心理表徵只有有限的中樞通路”、”快速”、”資訊封裝性”、”表層輸出”、”有固定的神經結構”、”特殊的損傷模式”、”特定的發展步驟和順序”等九個特點,在模組觀點逐漸被接受的同時,Fodor 主張的模組理論亦不斷演進和被討論,其模組化條件演變為愈來愈寬鬆,最主要的四個條件為:1、信息封閉性(Information Encapsulated),2、不可進入性(Inaccessibility),3、範
疇特殊性(Domain Specific),4、先天論(Innate Ideaism),一旦有超過兩個條件不符合,就不能說心智或思想構成具有模組化的特性。
本研究探討心智能力,以心理學對高低能力棋手分析為例,對照Fodor 的
由本研究的記憶棋子實驗等分析,結果表明無法反對Fodor 的歸類方式,Simon等心理學家的模塊理論(Chunking Theory)雖支持知覺對下棋能力的影響,但這部分並不會對Fodor 的理論產生足夠的威脅性。二、範疇特殊性:範疇特殊(異)性的定義是:每個模組只處理與其功能相符的信息。經由本研究的象棋棋手下日本將棋對奕實驗等分析,結果表明象棋能力可移轉到日本將棋,似乎表示下棋有範疇特殊性,如此可能對Fodor 中央系統處理問題解決(含下棋)、不具範疇特殊性的觀點造成威脅,本研究中,另嘗試提出一個修正方案以解決Fodor 面對範疇特殊性問題的挑戰。
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中國石油安全戰略中的美國因素(1993-2009) / American elements of Chinese petroleum security strategy李易穎 Unknown Date (has links)
734 |
亞洲主要機場的績效比較研究-資料包絡法的分析 / Efficiency evaluation of major airports in Asia-data envelopment analysis賴淑容, Lai, Shu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study adopt input orientation data envelopment Analysis approaches to evaluate the operational efficiency for major international airports in terms of the top 20 ranking by total passengers handling in Asia region in 2008. Unlike the most the other airport literature researches only using the one-stage DEA to measure the efficiency, in this study, two-stage, the extension of DEA, adding the concept of the intermediates product, separate the airport operation into airport capital side and airport capability side, is applied to evaluate the two-side efficiency of each airport under the assumption of constant returns to scale, variable returns to scale, scale efficiency and super efficiency model by employing four inputs, four intermediate products and two outputs.
The result of this study shows that the China Shenzhen Baoan airport is the best airport in overall technical efficiency in different stages. It indicates that the operation of small size airports (category by the passengers handling) are run more efficiency than the large one. In addition, by two-stage DEA analysis, the airport capital usage is better than in capacity utilization. It found that the China Beijing Capital airport is good in airport infrastructure usage but the capacity utilization is not enough. Finally, the number of increasing return scale airports are more than the decreasing return scale airports among Asia region (e.g. Taiwan Taoyuan airport), therefore, the expansions of facility and capacity in those increasing return scale airports are worthy to invest to promote the operational efficiency and its competitiveness.
735 |
僑務委員會駐外人員角色功能及能力之研究-以休士頓華僑文教服務中心為例 / Research on role function and competence of expatriate of overseas compatriot affairs commission: a case study on culture center of Taipei economic and cultural office in houston閻樹榮, Yen, Shu Rong Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究亦將如何增進對各種角色之認知及取得或強化各種能力,分別向僑務委會、僑務駐外人員及未來有意成為僑務駐外人員之同仁提出建議,同時也為未來研究提出可行的方向。 / Overseas Chinese affairs has become indispensable to government foreign relating issues in every stage of Republic of China ever since it was established as well as in diplomatic dilemma caused by cross-Strait relation. “Track-Ⅱ Diplomacy” can be done through overseas Chinese’ influence in politic and in economic in the country of residence, also can assist to promote foreign affairs. Therefore, “what kind of capability the overseas affairs working abroad staff need to have and how they play all roles well, attract and win overseas Chinese’ support indeed?” is a good subject worth to pay close attention to.
Overseas affairs working abroad staff are manager & executor, who are working abroad with particular mission. This research firstly made from general role theory and managing role theory, then from general function theory and expatriate function theory. Through three research methods – deep interview, information analysis and participant observation – generalize overseas affairs working abroad staff’s roles, functions & capabilities. This research discovered overseas affairs working abroad staff when executing missions need to contact with Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), overseas missionary offices, overseas Chinese cultural service centers, abroad organizations & people, Chinese embassy, overseas compatriot groups, act 8 roles as government representative, national sovereignty safeguard, relationship management, communication bridge, information transmission, business operation, resources integration & management to different subject & circumstance. So they need to have social skill, language, communication, oral expression, management, leadership, plan & design, marketing and accommodation 8 capabilities to play different role successfully.
Besides, this research also suggests Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), staff working abroad and colleagues who intend to work abroad in future respectively that they need to find out how to improve recognition of each role and how to strengthen each capability. Bring out workable direction for future further research.
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領導者知識創造能力之研究王祥懿 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業文化與知識管理類型對企業智慧資本構成之關聯性研究賴冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果亦顯示企業文化及人力資本、創新資本均與財務績效有顯著的關聯性。本研究結果所發現企業文化、知識管理、智慧資本以及財務績效四者間的關係,隱喻企業文化是企業推行知識管理及提昇經營效能的關鍵,亦即企業在推行知識管理前應先檢視本身的企業文化。此外,揭露具認知重要性之智慧資本各構面衡量指標似有助於傳遞企業隱藏價值給投資人。 / Measuring and managing intellectual capital through knowledge management (KM) has been perceived the most important issue in knowledge-intensive companies. It has been suggested that a supportive corporate culture cornerstones not only a successful implementation of KM system but also the effectiveness of an organization. It is essential therefore to enhance our knowledge in interrelationships among corporate culture, KM, intellectual capital and operating performance. Using a sample of firms listed in TSE and OTC and a questionnaire as research tool, this thesis explores the typologies of corporate culture and KM, and their impacts on intellectual capital and financial performance.
The empirical evidence indicates that the attributes of corporate culture are significantly associated with the attributes of KM activities. Both corporate culture and KM shed significant impacts on cognitive importance of intellectual capitals. Firms with distinct corporate culture, placing more foci on human resource development, innovation and market competition tend to have more intensive knowledge management activities, information technology utilization, and exchange and lash of knowledge between the members of the organization. Compared to firms with low innovative-bureaucratic culture, firms with high effective-supportive culture concentrate more on all aspects related to human capital and innovation capital.
Compared to other firms in the sample, firms with high flexibility-high degree of knowledge management activities focus more on human capital, innovation capital, and process capital. Compared to firms with high control-low degree knowledge management activities, companies characterized with humanistic-medium degree knowledge management activities emphasize more on innovation capital.
The findings also show that both corporate culture attributes and components of human capital and innovation capital are significantly associated with financial performance. The results thus suggest that corporate culture is important to company success in implementing knowledge management system and business performance. It implies that companies may need to nurture a more supportive corporate culture prior to implementing a knowledge management system. The intellectual capital indicators suggested in the study may also be helpful in disclosing the hidden value of the firm to their investors.
738 |
從監理動機探析我國保險業之盈餘管理行為李世欽 Unknown Date (has links)
在研究設計上,為捕捉各類操縱財務報表的淨影響,本研究採用總裁量性應計項目作為代理變數。在所有可用的裁量性應計項目估計模型中,研究指出Modified Jones模型顯示了相對較強的檢定力(Dechow et al. 1995)。因此本研究援引Modified Jones模型估計裁量性應計數字。其次,將該模型析出的裁量性應計數字與各類監理門檻距離組成一迴歸模型,以測試其關聯性強弱。實證結果如下:一、在產險業,保單持有人盈餘與實收資本之45%的距離愈小者,其盈餘管理幅度愈大。二、壽險業比較沒有利用裁量性應計項目來達到監理標準的動機。但依公司規模來看,大小公司行為仍有所差異,即相較於大公司,小公司利用裁量性應計項目來達到監理標準的動機較為強烈。根據本文實證研究結論,建議監理機關與被保險人應特別注意產險業及小壽險公司的財務狀況,並確認其清償能力之品質。 / This paper examined whether insurance companies have incentives to manipulate accounting accruals to appear more solvent and less risky. In Taiwan, virtually all industries are regulated to some degree, but insurance industry faces regulatory monitoring that is explicitly tied to accounting data. Insurance regulators required that insurers meet conditions for minimum financial health. It is frequency asserted that such regulations create incentives to manipulate financial statement to avoid regulatory intervention The primary hypothesis of this paper is that the incentive to manipulate financial statement is a decreasing function of the insurers’ difference between policyholders’ surplus and 45% of capital. This paper assumes that insurance managers use their reporting discretion to achieve solvency goal and avoid exceeding investment limits. Following Healy (1985), accruals-based measures are wide employed in test of earnings management hypothesis. In the past, the most frequency used techniques for estimating discretionary accruals are the cross-sectional versions of the modified Jones model. In this paper, the magnitude of earnings management is proxied by the discretionary accruals which are estimated by using a cross-sectional version of the modified Jones model and regressed by three differences of regulatory requirements which measure the insurers’ behavior under the regulation. The evidence indicates that when policyholders’ surplus of property-casualty insurers is closer to 45% of capital, the incentive to manipulate financial statement is stronger. On the other hand, life insurers have less incentive to manipulate financial statement, but relative to big size insurers, small size insurers have stronger incentive to meet regulatory requirements.
739 |
美國、日本及台灣金融控股公司制度比較之研究 / Study on Comparison of Financial Holding Company in U.S, Japan, and Taiwan林洪澤 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,第二波金控公司的合併勢必進行,國內金控公司之跨業經營項目極需齊備,國外金控公司的架構大都具備保險、銀行、證券及資產管理等四項主要產品。國內金控公司的國際化,有迫切性需求,以應付國人理財及資產組合國際化趨勢。金控公司欲快速狀大規模,加強市場行銷,建立風險控管,取得良好信評,應尋求海外大型金控的合併或結盟,以提昇競爭力。 / Liberalization, globalization and expansion trend of the finance industry has gradually expelled traditional division of labor business model. In order to enhance financial institutions' business efficiency and advocate financial reform, the Government has introduced financial holding company system with an aim to enlarge financial institutions, improve business efficiency, encourage cross-industry business, and diversify operation so as to achieve the scale and scope economic benefits.
Taiwanese Financial Holding Company Act takes reference of American and Japanese systems. Although the common focus is on shareholding control, organizational enlargement, business diversification and crystal-clear compliance, each country has its own economy system, historical/financial background and resources, and therefore each country has different regulations and definitions for financial holding companies. American financial holding companies are derived from bank holding companies with primary conditions on deposits institutions of banks whereas Japanese systems focus on liberating securities brokers, separation between banks and insurance companies, and lifting of holding companies,. As such, Japanese financial holding companies system do not regulate that banks are the necessary component for forming financial holding companies. Neverthetless, banks are still the center of financial institutions as their broad business scope has immense impact on consumers and therefore banks are still the core of actual operation. U.S. and Japan's systems are derived from revising existing regulations to meet the actual demand of the society. Taiwan examine the American and Japanese systems and take whatever suitable for the Taiwanese society and legislate the financial holding companies system at one time and therefore there is no time difference. in regulation implementation Japan introduced Companies Separation Act and Preferential Tariff Act and legislated these two acts separately in 2000 and 2001 and as such, there is time difference in regulation adoption.
We try to identify pros and cons of each individual system comparing U.S., Japanese and Taiwanese bank holding companies. The characteristics of Taiwanese financial institutions are: small in size, large in numbers, tough in competition,, transaction of connection party, and conflict of interest which lead to high no-performance loan. The minimum capital requirement for Taiwanese financial holding companies is NT$20 billion at present. Ever since the opening of financial holding companies act, numerous applications were submitted and several holding companies have been established. In terms of each individual financial holding companies, the formation sharpens its competition. Nevertheless, in comparison with overseas financial institutions, there is still room for improvement on capital amount, effective asset or product design, IT application and combined effect of cross selling.
I therefore view that second merge of financial holding companies will be in place. Taiwanese holding companies are required to increase cross-industry products well in time. The structure of overseas financial holding companies mostly consist of four major components, i.e. insurance companies, banks, securities brokers and asset management companies. It is imperative for Taiwanese financial holding companies to globalize as soon as possible to meet the increasing international portfolio demand of local investors. In order to further increase its competition, financial holding companies are required to enlarge its size quickly, strengthen marketing ability, establish risk management system, receive good credit rating and seek strategy alliance of large overseas holding companies.
740 |
提升減藥自我效能策略對原發性失眠患者在助眠劑逐步減藥成效的影響 / The effect of a self-efficacy enhancement strategy on hypnotic tapering in patients with primary insomnia曾承翔 Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景與目的:2008年美國睡眠醫學會(American Academy of Sleep Medicine)對於失眠患者在助眠劑的臨床使用原則中(clinical guideline),建議初次藥物治療的時間以2至4週較為適宜,後續是否繼續用藥則須專業醫師的重新評估,以降低身體對於藥物的依賴性及副作用的風險,但實際上許多失眠患者因擔心停用助眠劑就無法入眠,因此仍長期使用助眠劑。目前臨床上大都採用逐步減藥的方式協助患者降低助眠劑的使用,除了藥物因素會影響減藥成效之外,從心理因素來看,在過去研究指出自我效能會影響健康行為的改變,因此本研究將比較逐步減藥計畫加上提升減藥自我效能策略與單獨逐步減藥計畫對於原發性失眠患者在減藥上的成效。
研究結論:自我效能提升組增加的提升減藥自我效能策略能有助於個案在執行逐步減藥計畫的成效,另外,提升減藥自我效能策略造成的減藥自我效能改變量是減藥百分比有效的預測因子。因此,減藥自我效能對於減藥成效來說,確實是一個可以著力的部分。 / Introduction:According to the 2008 clinical guidelines for insomnia by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine proposed, hypnotic use is recommended for short-term use for 2 to 4 weeks. However, many insomnia patients have difficulty to stop hypnotic use. In clinic practices, gradual tapering is usually applied in helping patients to reduce the hypnotic use. Previous studies have shown that self-efficacy of the patients are associated with medication tapering. The present study examine the effect of the institution of a self-efficacy enhancement strategy prior to gradual tapering plan on hypnotic tapering in patients with primary insomnia.
Methods:Forty-eight patients with primary insomnia (17 men, 31 women;mean age of 46.8 years;mean duration of hypnotics use of 66.7 months) were assigned to two groups: a self-efficacy enhancement group and a tapering group. Patients in the self-efficacy enhancement group (n=24) underwent a two-week self-efficacy enhancement strategy prior to an eight-week gradual tapering plan. Patients in the tapering group (n=24) participated in the eight-week gradual tapering plan only. The main outcome measures were sleep parameters from sleep diary, a single-item tapering self-efficacy rating scale, number of pills taken per week, and percentage of dosage reduction.
Results:The percentage of dosage reduction of patients in the self-efficacy enhancement group was significantly more than those in the tapering group (the self-efficacy enhancement group = 78.62%;the tapering group = 64.10%). The number of pills taken per week also showed significantly more reduction for patients in the self-efficacy enhancement group than those in the tapering group (the self-efficacy enhancement group = 4.35 pills per week;the tapering group = 3.22 pills per week). However, the percentage of drug-free patients at the end of the programs in the self-efficacy enhancement group was not significant different from those in the tapering group (the self-efficacy enhancement group = 29.2%;the tapering group = 16.7%). Overall, the effect of hypnotic tapering in the self-efficacy enhancement group was better than those in the tapering group. In addition, linear regression showed that the tapering self-efficacy data showed that, after controlling baseline tapering self-efficacy, the change of tapering self-efficacy following the first two weeks of self-efficacy enhancement strategy can explain the variation of percentage of dosage reduction up to 21.9%.
Conclusions:The institution of self-efficacy enhancement strategy can increase the efficacy of gradual tapering plan for hypnotics. In addition, the level of tapering self-efficacy enhanced by the self-efficacy enhancement strategy is a good predictor for dosage reduction. This is a useful strategy that can be applied in clinical settings.
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