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從法意識的觀點看繼受法律的在地實踐- 以公務體系之命令異議制度為例

林委正 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,法律繼受之下的諸多問題,逐漸引起了法學界的關注。同時,本土法社會學研究的興起,也一改往昔靜態、平面、工具式的法律觀點,轉而朝向以動態、空間、互動關係的角度詮釋法律。從而,繼受法律在地實踐的情形如何?有無達成法律的實效性?成為法學研究首要面對的議題。 面對法律實效性的問題,除了以往工具式法律觀所看到的「法律有無達成其目的」的表象層次以外,其真正問題的核心,在於「法意識層次」。亦即,法律背後的價值取捨與規範精神能否與被規範者的法意識相契合。欲探究此問題,必須在現實生活中界定一個半自主的社會領域,並藉由經驗性的實證研究方法,進入當事人法意識的觀點,去理解他們是如何界定合法/非法之間的界限,才得以窺見那個隱然存在、不斷變動又真正具有實效性的實質規範體系。再者,我們還必須進入具體個案事實的脈絡中,找出影響法意識的諸多文化特質因素,以理解實質規範體系與法意識之間的循環建構過程,及其在繼受法律影響之下,兩者如何交錯?當事人處在規範交錯下,又面臨如何之困境?唯有如此,方得以找出問題的癥結,進而解決問題。 本研究以公務人員保障法第17條-這個在2003年修正時,自德國引進的命令異議制度-為例,以深入訪談公務人員的方法,觀察繼受法律在我國公務機關的實踐情形。研究結果發現:上、下級公務人員在執行職務上的互動方式,與命令異議制度的設計不同。長官對部屬的互動方式,包括:口頭下命、辦公室面商、口耳相傳或迂迴責罵、原簽退回或推遲公文、貼便條紙等;部屬對長官的互動方式,則包括:公文書打筆仗、拖延辦案、找同事一起負責或更換承辦人、保留便條紙或影印公文、寫辦案日記、知會政風室等。在公務人員的法意識中,命令異議制度所課予的報告義務,時常令他們難以啟齒;部屬向長官報告的合法範圍,也被限縮在「謙恭有禮、察言觀色、顧慮長官面子」的界限之內。再者,命令異議制度所設計的請求書面下達命令,幾乎全然被認定是屬於非法的行為,現實運作當中近乎等於是無法請求。而命令異議制度所界定的服從義務界限,實質上根本沒能撼動過去威權體制之下的絕對服從觀念,甚且反而使其更為鞏固。因此,命令異議制度在我國公務機關實踐的實效性不佳。 深究問題之原由,係公務人員法意識所建構之實質規範體系有別於命令異議制度,且其對於合法/非法界限如何界定的思維邏輯,也與實定法律體系的三段式論證邏輯不同。再者,研究發現:公務人員的法意識中存在著許多文化特質因素,包括了:人情義理的考量、規範模糊與權限含混、缺乏公眾支持的大環境、對裁量合法性與裁量主體性的偏差認知、對人與對事無法清楚劃分、關係連結等。此等因素,在實質規範體系與法意識的循環建構過程中,扮演關鍵性的「透鏡」角色。就是因為此等文化特質因素的層層檢驗,造成了命令異議制度與實質規範體系之間不對等的交錯。在此規範交錯之下,當事人不得已而進入一種宣稱與實質分裂的困境。欲解決困境,可能的方法不外乎是削減足以發揮透鏡效果的文化特質因素,或是基於此等文化特質因素,回頭針對命令異議制度進行潤飾。如此,才有機會找回命令異議制度在地實踐的實效性。

情緒、決策情境與社會規範對於支持環保程度之影響 / How emotions, decision-making situations and social norms influence the degree of support for environmental protection

張鈞皓, Chang, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
環保這類型的公益議題,其資源並不如一般企業或是營利單位來的充裕,因此我們更應該重視環保議題之廣告支出所能獲得的效益,希望能在有限的廣告預算之下,取得最佳的效果,促成本研究選擇環保議題作為廣告效果探討主軸的想法。 過去Griskevicius等人對於情緒效果的研究,確實指出消費者所帶有的不同情緒確實對於廣告的效果有所影響。而本研究認為,消費者在做出選購決策時候,其廣告效果除了受到情緒的影響之外,消費者在做出決策當下所處的環境是公開的還是私人的也十分重要。 此外,雖然環保議題逐漸受到重視,但在每個不同的國家、社會之中,其受重視的程度並不相同,因此會存在不同的環保重視程度,而本研究認為這種對環保有著不同重視程度的現象是屬於一種社會規範的概念,期也會影響廣告的效果。 因此根據以上想法,本研究決定以下四個主要研究問題: (一) 探討情緒對於支持環保程度的影響。 (二) 探討決策情境對於支持環保程度的影響。 (三) 探討社會規範對於支持環保程度的影響。 (四) 探討情緒、決策情境以及社會規範之間對於支持環保程度的交互作用效果。 本研究對於以上四個主要研究問題,發展了六個主要假設,透過實驗方法,得到以下五大結論。 1. 若是選擇在網路、電視這類型比較屬於私人環境的媒介播放廣告,或者消費者可以在比較隱私的環境之作出決策的時候,應該選擇能夠喚起觀眾浪漫渴望的愛情片時段來撥放這類廣告,較為有效。 2. 若是當廣告主選擇在公開環境的資訊媒介撥放廣告,或者是消費者的決策與行為會被大眾一同檢視之時,則應該選擇能夠喚起消費者的恐懼情緒的恐怖片時段來撥放廣告。 3. 社會規範對於消費者的行為影響效果顯著,因此在進行環保廣告的動作前,應先透過描述性規範的使用,告知消費者社會中的其他人都是重視環保的。 4. 在私人環境之下,當整體社會中所存在的社會規範是重視環保之時,環保廣告時段的選擇,就應該選在能夠喚起浪漫渴望的愛情片時段,如此才能夠強化廣告的效果。 5. 若是社會中所普遍存在的社會規範是不重視環保的,應該要先透過描述性規範來改變消費者心中所認知的社會規範方向,再進行進一步的環保教育,如此才能收到良好的環保教育效果。 / The public welfare issue such as environmental protection doesn’t have rich resources. We have to pay more attentions on the efficiency of environmental protection advertisement. Griskevicius already indicate that the consumers with different emotions will affect the efficiency of the advertisement. Besides the emotion issue, we believe that different decision- making situations will also affect the efficiency of the advertisement. Finally, we believe “social norms” is another factor which affect the efficiency of the advertisement. Based on the above discussion, we propose four major research questions: 1.To discuss how the emotions affect the degree of support for environmental protection. 2.To discuss how the decision-making situations affect the degree of support for environmental protection. 3.To discuss how the social norms affect the degree of support for environmental protection. 4.To discuss the interactive effects of emotions, decision-making situations and social norms to the degree of support for environmental protection. We use the experimental methods and proposed six hypotheses to find out the answer of the above three research questions. Finally, we got five conclusions: 1.If we want to broadcast the ads on a private media, such as internet and TV channels, we should do this during romantic movie. It will be more efficiency. 2.If we want to broadcast the ads on public media, we should choose the horror movie hours. It will be more efficiency. 3.Social norms have a significant influence on the efficiency of the ads. Before we broadcast the ads, we should use the descriptive norms to educate the consumers that the people in the society are all pay attention to the environmental protection issues. 4.Under the private situation and the environmentally friendly society, we should choose the romance movie hours to broadcast our ads. It will be more efficiency. 5.If we want to broadcast the environmental protection ads in a society which is not environmentally friendly, we should use the descriptive norms to educate the people that the people are all very care about the environmental issues.

行動寬頻技術演進對我國電信法規管制之影響─以無線寬頻接取為研究中心 / Effect of Mobile Broadband Technologies Evolution in Taiwan’s Regulatory Control over Telecom ─ A Study on Wireless Broadband Access

黃慶原, Huang, Chin Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國的電信市場自1987年起開始逐漸邁向自由化,迄今已完成行動通信、衛星通信、固定通信等多項電信業務之開放,在2001年7月開放語音轉售業務(International Simple Release)及2002年2月完成第三代行動通信業務執照之釋出工作後,我國電信市場開放之程度已與國際電信市場發展趨勢同步。我國亦於2002年1月1日成為世界貿易組織(WTO)會員。 鑑於無線寬頻接取業務(Wireless Broadband Access Service)是全球積極研發的重點產業,我國政府為求與世界接軌,亦積極投入此一電信業務行列。國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)為配合行政院所裁定推動的行動台灣產業政策,將政策轉化為法律,於2007年3月30日依據電信法第14條第6項之授權,發布「無線寬頻接取業務管理規則」,作為開放2.5-2.69GHz頻段提供無線寬頻接取服務之法規基礎。無線寬頻接取業務於2007年辦理執照競標,共發行6張分區特許執照,執照期限為6年。 本論文將檢視因配合政府產業政策所制定與第四代行動通訊系統有著密切關係的「無線寬頻接取業務管理規則」,是否符合我國電信法與其他國際組織所揭櫫的「技術中立」的基本精神與管制規範,以及因不合適的規範所造成在實務面上對法規與管制之影響。 關鍵字 :無線寬頻接取、技術中立、電信法、國際標準規範。 / Liberalization of telecommunications market in Taiwan has been proceeded progressively since 1987. So far the restrictions on mobile communication, satellite communication, and fixed-network communication have all been relaxed. After the liberalization of ISR (International Simple Release) business in July 2001 and the release of the third generation mobile communication licenses in February 2002, Taiwan’s telecommunications market has become as open as all the other developed countries. In addition, Taiwan became a member of WTO on January 1st, 2002. In light of the importance of wireless broadband access services from a global perspective, Taiwan government has been actively devoting to the development of wireless broadband access to secure an early mover advantage. Given the fact that wireless broadband access is an integral part of Executive Yuan’s industry policy and the implementation demands appropriate regulations, National Communications Commission (NCC) released “Regulations on Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) Services” on March 30th, 2007 based on paragraph 6, article 14 of “Telecom Act”, which forms the legal framework for the release of 2.5-2.69GHz spectrums exclusively for the provisioning of wireless broadband access services. The licenses of wireless broadband access services were auctioned in 2007. The total number of licenses (regional) is six and the duration of permits is six years. As unbiased treatment is the core value, when international standard organizations are dealing with emerging technologies. This dissertation inspects the technical neutrality of “Regulations on WBA Services” which is induced by a government industry policy and highly relevant to the 4th generation mobile communication systems. The criteria includes the conformance of Telecom Act with the essence and standards of other international standard organizations as well as the impact on the implementation due to improper regulations from both the regulation and legal perspectives.

訂價方案與品牌關係規範對品牌評價之影響 / The Effect of Pricing Strategy and Brand Relationship Norms on Brand Evaluations

張尹馨 Unknown Date (has links)
競爭激烈的市場上,產品差異化不再是銷售萬靈丹,廠商愈來愈注重維持與現有客戶的關係。關係行銷時代,企業想與其目標客戶建立緊密之關係,而「品牌」就是用來連結企業與顧客間之橋樑。品牌最重要的任務是與消費者建立關係,成功的品牌可以和顧客建立緊密關係。 / 本論文之研究目的在於探討訂價策略符合品牌關係規範與否,會如何影響消費者對訂價策略與品牌整體之評價。研究採用2x2實驗設計的方式,測試在不同關係情境(共榮關係、交易關係)及不同訂價方案(收費、不收費)下,消費者對該品牌之評價有何差異。研究發現品牌訂價方案違犯品牌關係規範時,消費者會給予品牌較差之評價。建議與客戶建立品牌關係後,企業一切活動需要密切遵守關係規範。廠商要努力維護良好品牌關係,進行遵守品牌關係規範之訂價方案與品牌活動。企業唯有密切遵守與顧客間應有之關係規範,這樣才能增加顧客對品牌之信任。企業應同時採取關係行銷策略,讓消費者願意跟品牌建立更親密之關係,甚至進而成為品牌之忠誠客戶。企業需維持忠誠顧客群之穩定度,並建立顧客資料庫,以便企業對其目標市場之客戶需求有更深入的認識,即時推出差異化產品滿足顧客需求,同時提升為消費者創造價值的能力。 / In the competitive market where product differentiation wouldn’t guarantee sales, companies care more about the relationships with their customers. At the age of relationship marketing, “brand” is the bridge to connect with the customers. Building relationship with the consumers is an important function of the brand. / The result of the experiments shows that a pricing strategy that is in violation of a relationship norm leads to a poorer evaluation by the consumers relative to the strategy that conforms to the relationship norm. People in a communal relationship evaluate the brand and its actions more positively when the action is in keeping with communal norms than when the action is in violation of communal norms.It’s suggest that once the brand build the relationship with their customers, in order not to hurt the relationship the brand’s actions should firmly comform to the brand relationship norms. Norm violation will cause consumer’s negative evaluation toward our brand. And consumers’ responses wew not limited to the specific brand’s action but extended to their overall brand evaluations as well. Companies should maintain the comformity between brand actions and their relationship norms which can keep the long-term relationship with the customers.


溫建勳 Unknown Date (has links)
2005年爆發台灣首宗財經記者勾結金管會高層的股市禿鷹案,記者涉嫌非法以職務之便報導股市消息,從中牟利千萬元,不但震撼記者圈,也讓媒體機構驚覺從此必須要加以記者規範利益迴避;隔年又發生財經記者涉嫌勒索台灣首富事件,突顯專職報導上市櫃企業動態與企業主的財經記者,所面臨的利益衝突問題。 本研究深度訪談14名不同媒體與年資的記者,發現記者的利益衝突可區分為餽贈、兼職、買賣股票、轉職壓力、及媒體機構與大股東的商業與政治利益等五種。不同的利益衝突帶來不同對新聞報導的影響,但普遍而言,利益衝突影響新聞方向的程度,依序為媒體利益(包含置入性行銷)、買賣股票、轉職壓力、餽贈、兼職。 研究發現,台灣的新聞採訪「送禮」的陋習由來已久,利益衝突是財經記者在實務上不能避免的問題,恪遵利益迴避原則可能影響記者的新聞表現。本研究也發現,媒體機構訂定具體明確的規範,記者越不能刻意利用職務去謀取私利。 訪談發現,「企業出錢、記者請假、媒體刊登」成為企業招待記者出訪,以圖撰寫報導的固定模式;不少受訪者被迫以記者之名撰寫置入行銷稿,而感到無奈與憤怒。記者待遇不佳、成為貪圖業外收益的主因。 證交法2005年修法之後,把記者納入內線交易的規範範圍,最重可處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑的重罪,一半以上受訪者仍然不清楚其採訪工作可能帶來觸法的風險,勾勒出台灣財經記者缺乏法制觀念的現象。

廠商回應環境管理規範之研究 / Firm Responses To Environmental Regulations

梁晉嘉, Liang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
許多環境管理績效研究顯示廠商會受到許多內外部利害關係人的影響而促使廠商採行環境管理作為以提高環境管理績效。影響廠商行為的利害關係人有不同的類型(Freeman, 1984),在環境管理議題方面,主要影響廠商行為的利害關係人有四種類型,分別為:規範性、組織性、社區和媒體(Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999)。其中規範性利害關係人對廠商環境管理行為的影響深遠(Cordano, Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010)。其次,股東也是對廠商環境管理行為具有影響力的利害關係人(Flammer, 2013)。再者,Kassinis and Vafeas (2006)發現在美國,社區型利害關係人壓力有助於提昇工廠的環境管理績效水準。然而,既有研究尚未清楚探討,利害關係人對新興經濟體廠商實際污染行為產生是否影響?據此,關於利害關係人與廠商實際環境污染行為的實證,本研究發現,本國大股東、國外法人股東,和已開發國家客戶等利害關係人的壓力皆會正向影響廠商實際環境污染行為。然而,設置獨立董事會導致廠商實際環境污染行為機率提高的實證結果,本研究將深入討論。 最後,本研究以微觀基礎架構去剖析廠商回應利害關係人要求,發展出符合環境管理規範的回應能力。本研究透過個案研究與內容分析等方式,區分出三種類型環境管理規範,分別是技術應用型環境管理規範、專業知識型環境管理規範,和跨領域專業知識型環境管理規範。針對不同類型的環境管理規範,廠商也發展出三種類型環境管理規範回應能力,分別是:單一部門整合回應能力、跨部門整合回應能力,和跨領域整合回應能力,並進一步討論不同環境管理規範和廠商環境管理規範回應能力的關係,以及說明研究限制和後續建議。 / There are many environmental management performance studies have shown that many firms will be affected by internal and external stakeholders, their pressures force firms to improve their environmental management performance as they adopt environmental management act. Different stakeholders’ pressures influence the behavior of firm (Freeman, 1984). To environmental management issues, there are four types of stakeholders may affect firm’s behavior, namely: normative, organizational, community and media (Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999). The normative stakeholder influence firm’s environmental management act deeply (Cordano , Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010) . In addition, shareholders also influence firm’s environmental management actions (Flammer, 2013). Kassinis and Vafeas (2006) found that in the United States, community-based stakeholders improve factory’s environmental management performance. However, the relationship between stakeholder’s pressures and emerging markets firm’s actual pollution behavior has not been clear. Relationships between Stakeholders and firm’s actual pollution behavior, our empirical findings show that home country’s major shareholders, foreign institutional shareholders, and developed country customers may positively improve actual pollution behavior of emerging market firm. However, firm with independent board directors may lead to increase firm’s actual pollution behavior; we also have intensely discussion to this empirical result. Finally, this study use the micro-foundation framework to demonstrate firm’s development of environmental management regulation’ responding capacities. This study uses case studies and content analysis to distinguish three types of environmental management regulations, which are technology applied environmental management regulation, professional knowledge-based environmental management regulation, and interdisciplinary knowledge-based environmental management regulation. With different types of environmental management regulations, firm developed three types’ capabilities to respond to those environmental management regulations, namely: single department's intergation ability to fit enrionmental management regulations, cross-department integration capability to fit emvironmental management resulations, and interdisciplinary integration capability to fit environmental management regulatuons, then we discuss the relationships between different types of environmental management regulations and firm’s integration capability to fit environmental regulations. Research limitations and future research issues also discussed.


梶原, 彩子 25 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

全球執行巴塞爾協定之情況:以政治壓力理論解釋各國的國際銀行監管制度 / Global Implementation of Basel Accord: A Theory of Political Pressures for Global Bank Regulation

陳宗巖 Unknown Date (has links)
巴塞爾資本協定是一個非強制性的國際銀行監管制度,若世界各國均遵照此協定,能夠提升各國金融體系的穩定性,進而降低國內與國際金融危機發生的可能性。然而,在其非強制性的本質下,有些國家的實行程度相當高,但有些國家實行程度相當低,本論文的核心問題在於理解世界各國實行巴塞爾資本協定的差異。本論文採用國際政治經濟理論中的理性選擇理論,以一個簡單的國際與國內政治壓力模型,描繪出各國政府試圖降低銀行監管規範所帶來的國際與國內政治成本總和,以求得最適化的金融監管規範。 根據此模型的內涵,本論文假設:若一個國家是個經濟強權、與全球經濟市場的互賴程度低,且擁有一個弱勢且較無法隔絕國內政治因素的行政體系時,該國的巴塞爾資本協定通常較低;若一個國家並非為經濟強權、與全球經濟市場的互賴程度高,且擁有一個強勢且較能隔絕國內政治因素的行政體系時,該國能實行較高程度的巴塞爾資本協定;若一個國家是個經濟強權、與全球經濟市場的互賴程度低,且擁有一個強勢且較能隔絕國內政治因素的行政體系時,該國較不受到政治壓力的影響,因此能夠自行決定巴塞爾資本協定的實行程度;若一個國家並非為經濟強權、與全球經濟市場的互賴程度高,且擁有一個弱勢且較無法隔絕國內政治因素的行政體系時,該國將部分實行巴塞爾資本協定,且將帶來相同程度的國際與國內政治壓力,以最小化政治壓力之總和。 在實證分析部分,我採用並分析了涵蓋91個國家,從1973至2005年的時間序列資料,以及一份涵蓋150個國家的問卷資料,以進行量化迴歸分析。此外,我針對台灣與中國大陸銀行監管制度的變遷,進行兩國的個案研究與比較,其資料包括第一手的訪談,以及第二手的統計、學術研究、媒體報導、與專家評論等資料。量化與兩個個案的實證結果支持了本論文的核心論點。 / This dissertation seeks to answer the question of why some countries comply with high level of Basel Accords while others ignore this global governance regime. It adopts a rational theory of international political economy that treats a government’s bank regulation preference as a result of the interaction between international and domestic political costs. The theoretical model shows that if a country is more economically powerful (weak) or less (more) economically interdependent on global markets, and has a weaker (stronger) executive branch that is unable (able) to shield itself from domestic political factors, it is more likely to realize lower (higher) level of Basel Accords. If a country is powerful or not economically interdependent on global markets, and has a strong executive branch, it has more leeway to decide the level of bank regulation. If a country is weak or economically interdependent on global markets, and has a weak executive branch, an equilibrium level of bank regulation will cause equal international and domestic political costs that minimize the aggregate pressure. For quantitative tests, I collect time-series data covering 91 countries from 1973 to 2005, as well as a cross-national survey dataset covering more than 150 countries. In addition, I conduct two in-depth case studies of China's and Taiwan's changes of bank regulations since 1980, which rely on first hand interviews and second hand data. Both quantitative and qualitative results support political pressure hypotheses.

行動電視規範架構與營運模式之研究 / The study of mobile TV regulatory framework and business model

李駿, Lee, Jun Unknown Date (has links)
行動電視產業為無線電視產業、電信產業、內容產業、行動裝置製造產業等多方匯流共同合作下的結果。不同產業間合作前,可能產生不同業者在新產業中扮演的角色與定位、產業價值鏈/價值網之成形等問題。本研究研究目的在於了解國際間行動電視規範政策與管制議題,對於該國行動電視產業營運所產生的影響,以文獻分析方式選定日本、韓國、義大利與美國等行動電視市場較為成熟之國家分析其規範架構與營運模式之關係。並比較台灣、香港、新加坡政府提出之行動電視意見諮詢文件探討行動電視規範議題之制訂方向與業者回應。輔以深度訪談方法訪問我國主管機關與產業界對於行動電視業務開放之意見。最後依據台灣通訊傳播產業規範環境,由結構管制與內容管制兩方面討論行動電視產業規範架構之相關議題與未來可能之釋照方式,並提出其對應之營運模式發展建議。 針對上述研究問題,本研究主要結論如下: 1. 國際間行動電視執照類型包含:以營運平臺執照發放多頻電視平臺(MUX)執照,其執照內涵可包含頻率使用許可執照以及營運平臺經營許可執照;依傳輸服務經營內涵不同,分別發放「頻率執照」與「營運平臺執照」,前者發給廣播傳輸網路業者,僅能經營基礎傳輸業務;後者則為負責整合內容服務之營運平臺執照;而內容規範所需之執照,分為兩種規範方式:以傳統廣電法進行內容規範,或是參考歐盟視聽媒體服務,對於線性頻道節目採用較嚴格的廣電法管制,而非線性的隨選節目內容以低度管制進行規範。 2. 國際間行動電視營運模式發展同時會受到釋照方式不同所影響,釋照方式包含:審議、審議加競價、多回合競價方式。若以審議方式發給特定業者,行動電視營運模式將由特定業者主導,但需遵守較多義務規範;若以審議加競價方式釋照,可能將由廣電業者與電信業者共同經營行動電視服務。或是完全以競價方式拍賣頻率執照,其執照使用方式則最具彈性。 3. 在目前法律架構下,本研究建議行動電視適合以電信法開放,對於外資限制頻率租賃有較寬鬆規定。並鼓勵鼓勵廣電業者與電信業者合資組成團隊取得頻率執照,廣電業者擁有廣播傳輸網路以及內容產製能力,而電信業者同時擁有基礎網路以及與設備製造商議價之優勢,並且擁有龐大基本顧客群。並且建議行動電視市場發展初期,行動電視服務宜以其他電信服務搭售或以綑綁服務方式提供,以增加消費者使用黏度,並擴大市場規模,普及終端收視裝置市場。內容規範方面則建議採低度管制方式,頻道式節目內容以廣電法規進行管理,其他節目則按一般法律進行管理。 / Mobile TV is a newly converged service of television broadcasts, telecommunication services, and information technologies. Challenges arise from regulating the rapidly transformed technologies and proposing a suitable business model into a converging industry. The study aimed to examine different regulatory frameworks established in advanced mobile TV markets, and to categorize business models of mobile TV developed in those markets by reviewing government documentations, industrial research reports and conferences papers. In addition, the study interviewed key persons, including regulators, mobile TV trial team members and specialists, in mobile TV industries. Furthermore the study had made a comparison analysis of different mobile TV regulatory framework proposed by governments of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The study concluded that the mobile TV regulatory framework was architected by different regulatory approaches, including institutions which affect the content production, and institutions which had power on regulating stakeholders of media and telecom companies. The horizontal regulatory framework which included network layer, platform layer and content layer was mostly adopted by European countries in the converged age while regulating the newly risen mobile TV industry. The multiplex license could be treated as a network license and a platform operation license, and in other cases, the multiplex license was just the network license for the network operator. Some regulators extended existing digital terrestrial TV rules to mobile TV. As for the content regulation, regulators were taking light touch in regulating content, and adopting the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS) proposed by EU. AVMS had reduced the regulatory burdens for all audiovisual media services, and also modernized the rules on television advertising and product placement. The study suggested that the mobile TV in Taiwan was suitable to be regulated by Telecommunication Law, since Telecommunication Law had less restriction on the structure of stakeholders and foreign investments. Broadcasters and Telecommunication operators were suggested to joint as a new company to operate mobile TV service, since broadcasters, who were talented in content production, had broadcast network to transmit services to users; telecommunication operators, who were good at pricing, could use their advantages to set up bundling service to attract user in the nascent market.

以社會資本理論探討監察院的角色與功能 / Using social capital theory to explore the roles and function of the control yuan

高偉唐 Unknown Date (has links)
監察院為我國五院之一,根據其角色與職權,理應具有人民普遍信賴和維繫規範之功能。但自2005年開始,監察院停擺三年有餘,政府運作似未受影響,民眾之生活亦未遭逢重大變動,是其與民眾距離太遠,還是角色和功能仍有待進一步釐清?本研究欲以社會資本理論來對監察院的憲法地位、監察委員的身分、監察權運作之相關案文進行分析。 本研究透過文獻檢閱建構社會資本概念架構,以正式網絡與非正式網絡分類,提出信任、規範與公民精神三項內涵。同時從監察院的憲法地位、組織法規、監察權行使案文與監察院內部人員之觀點,綜整監察院之角色與功能。盼藉所建立之社會資本概念架構發現監察院與社會資本的關聯,並檢視其是否足以解釋現下監察權與民眾的互動關係。 本研究發現,監察權的角色與職權與正式網絡的關係相當密切,而與非正式網絡的關聯性較為疏遠,但所謂「密切」或「疏遠」所代表者並非監察院角色和職權對正式網絡將產生正面效益,或對非正式網絡產生負面影響,其所欲表達者為監察院表現之優劣將直接且強烈的影響正式網絡,反之,監察院角色、功能之優劣則無法對公眾彼此的互動造成太大的影響。以上結果皆有助於解釋何以監察院與公眾信任如此相關,又在其停擺時,卻無法激起社會更多共鳴的現象。 在非正式網絡中,監察院對公眾互動所造成的直接影響,或藉由監督各機關造成的間接影響,相關法律、職權行使案文與訪談過程中雖皆缺乏相關證據,本研究認為此現象並不能單以監察權設計非以公眾為行使目標解釋,因實際上監察院促成諸多立法與行政上的法令更動,這些更動對公眾生活實影響至鉅。

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