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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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五歲幼兒在數位小遊戲中的問題解決歷程與策略研究 / Exploring five-year-old children's problem-solving process and strategies while playing digital game

陳家綺, Chen, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
科技的進步改變了當代童年的樣貌,孩子語言中的「遊戲」二字不再是過往的傳統遊戲,而是充滿聲光效果的多媒體遊戲。這樣的現象讓許多研究相繼投入探討數位遊戲對兒童造成的影響,然而在這眾聲喧嘩的議題中,關注的對象並不包含學齡前幼兒。因此,本研究站在積極理解的角度,探究學齡前幼兒在數位遊戲中的思維活動,企盼增加對當代童年的瞭解。 本研究目的是探討五歲幼兒在數位小遊戲中的問題解決歷程和策略,因此從臺北市邀請18位五歲的大班幼兒,以兩人一組的方式共同進行遊戲<小羊回家>約20分鐘,並隨後訪談5分鐘關於在遊戲中遇到的問題與策略。研究採集的資料內容包含觀察紀錄、訪談語料、錄音和錄影,並將整理後的資料以質性方式分析和詮釋。 研究發現幼兒的問題表徵受到遊戲畫面複雜程度的影響,但幼兒初始建立的遊戲假設和過關成功沒有絕對關係。而本研究考量到幼兒在遊戲中的動作與想法,重新提出六種問題解決策略:(1)反覆操作來內化按鍵功能、(2)排列組合已知條件、(3)逐步縮短與目標的差距、(4)用相同動作試探發生的可能、(5)錯誤排除、(6)重新表徵遊戲目標」。同時也發現隨著幼兒個性和風格不同,會產生出不同樣貌的問題解決歷程:「在簡單道路上循序漸進」、「賭博般孤注一擲」、「在規則中發散遊走」,最後意外地看見,過關並不是遊戲唯一的目標,在遊戲中獲得不同程度的滿足感也是相當重要的。 / The development and growth of digital games have been changing people’s childhood in the world. Nowadays, most children tend to play digital games instead of traditional ones. Though there are a great number of studies into how digital games affect children’s behavior, few ones on preschool children have been found. Through positive approach, this study, as a result, is aimed at discussing and analyzing the thinking of five-year-old children while they are playing digital games, and is also for future reference about children in digital times. The purposes of this study are designed to explore five-year-old children’s problem-solving process and strategies during playing digital game. In this study, eighteen young children in Taipei City are selected to play a digital game, “Home sheep home.” They played in pairs about twenty minutes, and then were given an interview about ‘How did you pass the game?’ and ‘what strategies did you use?’ around five minutes. In order to confirm the trustworthiness of the study, the raw data were collected from various sources including observation, conversation, audio and video. Afterwards, those records were reorganized into qualitative information for further data analysis and interpretation The conclusions of the study are: 1. Young children’s problem representation has nothing to do with accomplishing the game’s mission. Instead, it is affected by the complication of the content on screen. 2. Six problem-solving strategies are re-raised in the study like “Press keyboard repeatedly,” ”Organize all the possibilities” , ”Approach the goal gradually,” ”Repeat the same action to produce a possible result,” ”Avoid the same mistakes,” , ”represent game goal again” . 3. Three problem-solving processes have been concluded into three parts: ”Step-by-step attempt,” ”High-risk attempt” , ”Unfocused attempt “。


翁維薇, Wong, Wei-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討面對受訪者模糊及迴避難題時,記者如何追問之問題解決過程。依「受訪者模糊及迴避的相關研究」得知,「模糊」意指消息來源、訊息內容、接收者與情境的不協調狀態組成,「迴避行為」則可定義為受訪者僅對一部份或是完全未對問題提供任何相關的資訊。而「記者的追問行為」,可定義為問答接續受到挑戰或阻礙時,為滿足問答情境的一致性與連貫性,並消除接收者製造的情境障礙,提問者根據情境各個因素修正宣稱,再次提出符合對話主題情境問題。至於「問題解決過程」,問題的定義就是初始狀態與目標狀態的衝突或差異,而問題解決可說是建立問題表徵後至尋求解決方案的過程。當情境不同且社會條件改變時,人們的問題解決目標就會跟著改變,且依個體所有之不同資源形成各式各樣的問題解決策略。 本研究的研究問題為「問問題工作中,記者面臨受訪者模糊及迴避難題時的追問之解決策略、目標設定、及問題表徵相關情境之感知」,而本研究之一對一的平面媒體新聞訪問,研究方法是採取個案研究法、言說分析、及深度訪談法三種方法,分別針對新聞訪問之字詞、命題、及提問者進行分析與探究。 資料分析發現,記者在表意目標部份,常將追問目標設定於確定事物及原因,而具體資訊、限定問題範圍、及引述受訪者先前回答,則是追問策略的三大特性。在人際目標部份,記者追問問題的目標設定多為與受訪者站在同一立場,主要運用策略則為不加稱謂以展現親近之社會關係。在文本目標部份,記者追問問題的目標設定之特性,即為與受訪者之前的回答有密切關連,運用策略大多接續先前的問答情境,或與受訪者之回答在命題、語意、及功能上連貫,以及以打斷或在受訪者停頓時進行追問。 在問題表徵情境部份,在社會情境方面,記者追問時對受訪者所處的社會結構與社會團體多所感知,而採取的追問策略也會隨之強調所處的社會結構與所屬社會團體間的互動關係。在歷史情境方面,記者多以與受訪者過去之共識策略進行追問。在文化情境方面,記者會根據這些價值觀組織問題進行追問。最後,在概念與認知架構上,記者多運用理解與詮釋他人行為或事物組織追問問題。   本研究的研究結果可分為幾個命題呈現: 一、記者追問之解決問題策略運用,與追問目標之設定有關。 二、記者追問之解決難題策略運用,與追問時之問題表徵情境感知有關。 三、記者的追問策略運用,與其修補行為有關。 四、記者的追問目標設定,與追問時之問題表徵情境感知有關。 五、記者的追問目標設定,與立即追問與否有關。 六、記者追問之問題表徵情境,與受訪者問答互動情境有關。 七、記者追問之問題表徵情境,與受訪者模糊及迴避回答前之問答對話有關。 八、記者追問之問題表徵情境,與受訪者模糊及迴避回答有關。 九、記者追問之問題表徵情境,與新聞情境有關。 十、記者的追問時,如能感知愈多的問題表徵情境,愈能解決受訪者模糊及迴避的難題。 因此,記者進行追問行為時,首先必先判定受訪者模糊及迴避之回答為何,經由問題解決的思考過程,感知問題表徵相關情境,設定有關於表意、人際與文本之目標,進而採取可行的解決策略,順利由受訪者口中獲得所欲得的相關資訊。

高校1年生:生命と環境II : 問いを極める、問いから究める(II. キャリア形成を軸とした総合人間科の取り組み)

佐光, 美穂, SAKO, M., 水谷, 成仁, MIZUTANI, N., 嘉賀, 正泰, KAGA, M., 仲田, 恵子, NAKATA, K., 川合, 勇治, KAWAI, Y., 曽我, 雄司, SOGA, Y. 15 January 2008 (has links)


鈴木, 裕利, 三輪, 和久, 櫻井, 桂一 20 December 1998 (has links)
No description available.

BYOD之B2B策略行銷-以S公司為例之4C架構觀點 / B2B Marketing Strategy of BYOD - A Case of 4C Analysis of S Company

郭順良, Guo,Shuen Liang Unknown Date (has links)
根據資策會的研究顯示,網際網路與行動通訊技術的整合是2010年至2030年最大的商機。各種網路應用與服務將逐步轉換至行動網路上,這項被各方期待的殺手級應用,成為驅動台灣未來十年之通訊及電信產業,突破新台幣2兆元大關的重要關鍵。 隨著網路寬頻化的發展日益成熟,未來專業行動工作者將能享有結合語音通訊。視訊及其他新興應用的嶄新網路服務。同時,由於M化(Mobility)兼具機動性與即時性,因此企業一旦M化後,將可以透過無線網路的傳輸,讓員工不受時空限制,隨時安全地取得公司資訊,作最迅速的處理,為企業帶來營運效率、客戶服務品質的提昇並降低總成本等效益。 在此資通訊整合之下員工攜帶自己的行動裝置上班(BYOD, Bring Your Own Device)的趨勢因應而生。BYOD是一種另類策略,讓員工、企業夥伴與其他用戶可使用個人所選購的客端裝置,執行企業應用程式與讀取資料。對多數企業而言,適用於BYOD方案的裝置目前僅限於智慧型手機和平板電腦。 S公司是該3C產業中最具競爭力成長最快速的企業。該公司藉由其在資訊產品及智慧型行動裝置產品在取得技術優勢之際積極的往行動化整體解決方案(Mobility Total Solution)延伸,提出BYOD整體解決方案。本文係針對該公司對此BYOD的策略行銷進行探討研究出以下結果: 一、BYOD的解決方案處於生命週期的萌芽期,該產業面臨資通訊技術整的問題。企業對於導入該解決方案,仍然面臨企業資訊安全及管理的挑戰。 二、S公司的行動化產品正處於高度成長的階段,在BYOD的B2B經營模式需要擺脫 B2B的成功模式。 三、以策略行銷4C理論分析出S公司的競爭優勢。 四、針對S公司的B2B經營模式提出可行的建議方案。 BYOD從生命週期的角度來看,尚在初期的萌芽階段。雖然行動載具的種類及功能日新月異,技術演進快速但企業對於BYOD在資產管理及資訊安全的控管上仍無完整的解決之道。期望本論文提出的相關策略性想法也能夠引發業界對於BYOD的相關服務提供者的整合性的策略思考方向。

泰國旅遊業:資產、生態威脅以及解決方法 / Tourism in Thailand: assets, ecological threats and solutions for the future

金風箏, Chambon, Margaux Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism is today one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world. It has largely become popular, and even become massive within the past few years. It is now possible for the greatest number of people and for an ever lower cost to go all over the planet with always fewer obstacles. It thus entails competition between the countries to welcome the largest number of tourists. In South-East Asia, Thailand is particularly famous as a tourist destination, and attracts tourists from all over the world. Tourism is undoubtedly an important primary source of foreign exchange and employment in Thailand, and helps the country to develop its economy. Nevertheless, the tourism industry is nowadays mostly characterized by mass tourism in Thailand. Despite the economic advantages mass tourism brought, mass tourism also implies many ecological, social and cultural problems for Thailand and all over the world. Among the degradations generated by tourism industry in Thailand, there are: environmental degradation and pollution, destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity, depletion of water resources, waste, coastal erosion, animals mistreatment… and climate change. Climate change will increase the probability of important natural disasters that may cause dramatic damages to the local populations. All these factors will impact the country; influence its future and the choice of the tourists’ destinations. Therefore, it will have a direct impact on the economy if the tourists choose Vietnam, the Philippines, Cambodia and Indonesia over Thailand to travel. A possible answer to tackle these issues could be to get inspiration from Costa Rica. This little Central American country based all its tourism strategy on ecotourism, which aims to have as little impact as possible on the natural environment. It also has an important focus on the education of tourists and aims at raising awareness on the necessity of preserving biodiversity. Thailand is still able to initiate change by looking forward and choosing a long term approach concerning its tourism industry. But Thailand needs to have the courage to implement some new measures and to follow them.

論我國勞資爭議處理法制中強制仲裁、強制調解制度 / A Study on Compulsory Arbitration and Mandatory Mediation in the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes

嚴柏顯 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,「訴訟外紛爭解決制度」(Alternative Dispute Resolution,ADR)被認為具有調和傳統社會觀念與現代法律之功能,在勞資爭議事件中,ADR制度尤為重要,係因調整事項勞資爭議並無法用訴訟途徑解決,若是遇到協商僵局時,傳統上僅能用爭議行為來進行實力對抗,以尋求新的團體協約之簽訂,而調解與仲裁制度,能夠帶來不同的爭議處理途徑,以避免爭議權之行使所帶來的負面效應。但勞資爭議處理法制中的調解與仲裁制度,既然最終目的係簽訂新的團體協約,原則上程序之開始應以雙方之合意為主,而現行我國法制乃至於ILO之意見及世界各國立法例,均有所謂強制仲裁與強制調解之制度存在。行政機關得以職權發動仲裁或調解使雙方進入程序,次藉由和平義務的維持而使勞資雙方重行進入談判桌,乃至於無法行使爭議權之合理性何在?我國制度設計上是否合理?此乃本文所欲討論之重點。 藉由比較我國與 ILO 之文獻、澳洲與新加坡立法例後,本研究發 現:( 現:( 1)於我國法制中,可能妨礙到爭議權之行使者應以強仲裁為主而 ILO 近年來對於行政機關介入勞資爭議,以強制仲裁與妨礙結社自由間所劃出 的界線即為定「必要服務行業 」之範圍,界定標準乃是「爭議行為使將 對於生命、人身安全健康或是整體個財產法益立即危險」甚為具體;反觀我國勞資爭議處理法中發動強制仲裁之條件並不盡想、明確。( 體;反觀我國勞資爭議處理法中發動強制仲裁之條件並不盡想、明確。( 2) 現行法中有部分強制仲裁的立甚為不當,並符合 ADR 之理論與功能,依據 ILO 之標準,亦有妨礙結社自由的可能性。( 之標準,亦有妨礙結社自由的可能性。( 3)雖不宜全面引進,但澳洲與新 加坡的立法例,應對我國勞資爭議處理制能有所啟發;由其是在調解度上,該制度為我國解決勞資爭議的主力本文建賦予程序更強能 / The purpose of this study was to investigate compulsory arbitration and mandatory mediation in the Act for Settlement of Labor -Management Disputes. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) was considered to have a function reconcile the traditional and modern concept of the laws society. ADR system was particularly important in incident of the labor disputes, because these disputes interest cannot be solved by litigation. When negotiations have reached an impasse, however, a strike may make difference by collective arbitration and mediation avoid the side effect by act of right to dispute. But administrative organization may apply compulsory arbitration and mandatory mediation to make both parties to reach the mutual agreemen t, or put out the negotiation between an employer and trade union. The major topic of this study would be the evaluation of ADR system design. Compared to the ILO’s publications, ACT from Australia and Singapore, this study found that : (1) Compulsory arbi tration may impede freedom of association. ILO,in recent years, the executive intervention for labor disputes to compulsory arbitration and hinder freedom of association between the boundary is drawn to define scope of "essential services ", defined in the standard but " life, personal safety, health or property " very specific; instead that our approach in labor disputes to compulsory arbitration of conditions to launch, on the other hand, was not quite explicit. (2) Current law in the legisl ative part of the compulsory arbitration was very inappropriate and not incompatible theory of the ADR, in accordance with standards of the ILO, also hinder possibility freedom of association. (3) Legislation Australia and Singapore should bring some inspiration to our legal system, especially, mandatory mediation should be main strength of the system to resolve the labor disputes. It is suggested that ADR program should be empowered to provide the suggestion of this matter.


李錫永, LI, XI-YONG Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文共一冊,約六萬字,分為五章,包括一、導論;二、文獻探討;三、研究方 法;四、研究結果;五、結論與建議。 內容主要探討主管人售面臨三種不同的衝突情境時(人際、組織間、國際)對七種衝 突解決方式(武力脅迫、經濟制裁、靜觀其變、接受現況、退讓、第三者介入、破壞 聲譽)的偏好程度。並探討不同的權力基礎(威迫、獎賞、合法、參考、訊息、專家 、關連)與成就動機(精熟、工作導向、與人競爭、對人不在意)對七種衝突解決方 式的影響。


陳筱筠, Chen, Hsiao-yun Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣與中國大陸加入WTO後,其貿易互動將更趨頻繁,此現象除了帶來兩岸經濟的活絡外,也將提高兩岸貿易糾紛發生的可能性,因此熟悉WTO爭端解決機制的運作是臺灣做為一個經貿小國必學的課題;又兩岸糾紛不同於一般國際經貿糾紛,牽涉到敏感的政治因素,臺灣面臨的是對我主權不尊重也不認同之國家,在這樣的情況下,臺灣必須學習如何訴諸WTO爭端解決機制的法律途徑以保障臺灣經貿。 WTO爭端解決機制包含諮商、斡旋等雙邊協商,協商不成則可提請爭端解決機構(DSB)成立爭端解決小組(panel)以為因應,透過小組對兩造意見之書面審查、口頭辯論等意見表達,及蒐集相關資訊蒐集後,最後由小組做成「期中報告」,若成員國無其他意見表述,則「期中報告」即為「最終報告」,DSB有權要求被控訴履行裁決。 在整個WTO爭端解決過程中,臺灣必須面臨的挑戰有:中國大陸認定臺灣無提請訴訟資格的主權抗議、國際現實的壓力、龐大的訴訟費用,以及曠日費時的訴訟期間等。倘最後中國拒絕履行義務,臺灣雖可請求DSB授權對中國大陸進行貿易制裁,但其亦將蒙受本身產業在貿易制裁過程中的損失。這些因素使得臺灣政府在對中國大陸發動WTO爭端解決程序時有所顧忌。 但將兩岸爭端訴諸WTO爭端解決程序有一好處,即使兩岸貿易 回歸到規則導向的互動,亦可嚇阻中國大陸不尊重我為WTO會員國之相關行動,使兩岸貿易走向法制化的互動。 / After Taiwan and China accession to the WTO, the activities of bilateral trade will be more frequent. Besides the busy business, the possibility of trade disputes between cross-strait parties will be arisen as well. Therefore Taiwan needs to have more intimate knowledge of WTO dispute settlement mechanism. On the other hand, the disputes between cross-strait is different to other international disputes. The opponent that Taiwan faces to is a country which doesn’t respect Taiwan’s state sovereign. In such a circumstances, Taiwan have to learn how to protect the benefits of domestic industries through resorting to the legal access of WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The procedures of WTO dispute settlement mechanism contains bilateral negotiation like consultation、good-offices etc. If the consultation is in vain, the complaining party could request the DSB to establish the panel. The panel has the rights to review the written requests、consider the rebuttal submissions、and seek concerning information, then the panel should issue an “interim report ”.If no other Member State has different requests, the “interim report ”shall be considered “ the final panel report “, and the DSB has the right to ask the defendant party to practice the recommendations. During the whole process of WTO dispute settlement, Taiwan has to face these challenges as follows: the sovereign protest from China、the pressure from international reality、huge expenses of the proceedings, long time in the proceedings etc....If China refuse the recommendations, Taiwan could request the authorization from the DSB to suspend the application to Taiwan concerned of trade sanction. But the sanction will also injury Taiwan’s own domestic industries. Those consideration make Taiwan feel fearful of operating the WTO dispute settlement procedures against China. There is an advantage of resorting to the WTO dispute settlement procedures against China, that is lead the trade activities between cross-strait to the operation of rule-oriented access ,and it also can stop China continue using the measures that will violate Taiwan’s sovereign. Those changes can legalize the trade activities between cross-strait.

社會問題解決模式在台灣的適用性及其與壓力、憂鬱的關係 / The Generalizability of Social Problem Solving Model in Taiwanese and It’s Relationship with Stress, Depression.

王韋婷, Wang,Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以確立中文版『社會問題解決量表-修正版(簡稱SPSI-R)』之因素結構及探討社會問題解決與憂鬱、壓力之關係為主要目的。 『社會問題解決』一詞指稱發生在日常生活中的問題解決歷程,社會問題解決模式與SPSI-R將社會問題解決歷程分為五個向度(因素):「正向問題定向」、「負向問題定向」、「理性問題解決風格」、「衝動/粗心風格」、「逃避風格」。 本研究根據理論與過去文獻探索性因素分析結果,提出三種可能適合描述華人樣本社會問題解決的因素結構:五因素一階(原理論之模型)、四因素一階、五因素二階模型。以台灣大學生為樣本,採用驗證性因素分析,結果顯示五因素一階的因素結構為最佳模型,支持原模式之理論架構與SPSI-R五因素結構在華人樣本的可類比性。同時刪除第42題因其無法確切反應逃避風格因素之意涵。 採用本研究所確立的SPSI-R五因素結構探討社會問題解決與憂鬱關係,發現排除問題風格後,負向問題定向可顯著預測憂鬱;排除問題定向後,逃避風格可顯著預測憂鬱,顯示負向問題定向與逃避風格對憂鬱有獨特之預測力。探討社會問題解決對壓力—憂鬱關係的影響,結果顯示衝動/粗心風格為日常問題與憂鬱之調節變項。此結果支持社會問題解決模式中,分殊不同向度的必要性,並提供臨床上憂鬱之問題解決治療方案可採行的策略。 / Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the generalizability of the factor structure of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory- Revised (SPSI-R; D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Mayden-Olivares, 2002) The SPSI-R is based on a theoretical model and was modified by empirical data consisting of five factors – positive problem orientation, negative problem orientation, rational problem solving style, impulsivity/carelessness style, avoidance style. According to the theory model and empirical data with Chinese sample, the present study proposed another two alternative model. Thus, three different model were tested. With the sample of 916 Taiwanese undergraduate students, the results showed that the original five factor model which was proposed by D’Zurilla et al. was the best for SPSI-R in the sense of goodness of fit. This finding supports the Generalizability of SPSI-R in Taiwanese. Using the five-factor model of SPSI-R to examine the relation between SPSI-R and depression. Negative problem orientation and avoidance style were both significantly related to depression even after partialing out the variance of “Style” and “Orientation” respectively. While exploring the influence of SPSI-R on the relationship of stress and depression, a support was found for the moderator hypothesis which assumes that social problem solving interacts with everyday problems to influence the level of depression. Therefore, the findings in present study supported the distinction of five factors in SPSI-R. The implications of these results for social problem solving theory and assessment are also discussed.

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