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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張佩慧 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於可供訂補、佐證的先秦文物不斷地出土累積,成為研究先秦文化的新材料;藉由文字的訓釋,可與相關的傳世古籍文獻資料相互印證,有助於瞭解先秦文化。因此,本論文以1993年出土之《周家臺秦簡》為研究基礎,共分為五章探討之,各章章旨及其內容如下: 第一章 緒論 說明研究動機、研究範圍、研究方法、文獻探討,並預期研究成果。 第二章 周家臺秦簡之書法風格 在戰國時期即已形成早期的古隸,亦即秦隸,象徵文字體系演變的完成。書寫於秦代末年的《周家臺秦簡》,其文字均為墨書隸體,具備了秦隸在筆畫、結體、章法和用筆方面質樸、簡約、粗實、雄肆、清新氣息和天真爛漫情趣的文字藝術特徵,隨著由篆變隸,傳達出一種趣味獨具的書法藝術之美。 第三章 周家臺秦簡之量詞與虛詞 綜合相關傳世文獻以及出土文獻記載的基礎上,進行《周家臺秦簡》量詞與虛詞的歷時與共時之比較結果,自先秦乃至於六朝,皆是一脈相承,其應用之歷史,可謂由來已久,其影響之深遠,可見一斑。 第四章 周家臺秦簡之治療與養生 《周家臺秦簡》是有秦一代人民日常生活面貌的實錄,其中有關疾病治療與飲食養生的紀錄,對於醫療文明尚處於蒙昧時期的秦帝國人民而言,是解決疾病與促進健康的萬靈丹。 第五章 結論 歸納本論文的研究成果與價值,另提出與本論文相關的研究議題及其展望。

社群媒體新詞偵測系統 以PTT八卦版為例 / Chinese new words detection from social media

王力弘, Wang, Li Hung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來網路社群非常活躍,非常多的網民都以社群媒體來分享與討論時事。 不傴於此,網路上的群聚力量已經漸漸從虛擬走向現實,社群媒體的傳播力已 經可以與大眾傳媒比擬。像台大 PTT 的八卦版就是一個這樣具指標性的社群媒 體,許多新聞或是事件都從此版開始討論,然後擴散至主流媒體。透過觀察, 網路鄉民常常會以略帶灰諧的方式,發明新的詞彙去討論時事與人物,例如: 割闌尾、祭止兀、婉君、貫老闆...等。這些新詞的出現,很可能代表一個新的熱門話題的正在醞釀中。但若以傳統的關鍵詞搜索,未必能找到這些含有此類新詞的討論文章。因此,本研究提出一個基於「滑動視窗(Sliding window)」的技巧來輔助中文斷詞,以利找出這些新詞,並進而透過這些新詞對來探詢社群媒體中的新興話題。我們以此技巧修改知名的Jieba 斷詞工具,加上新詞偵測的機制,並以 PTT的八卦版為監測對象,經過長期的的監測後,結果顯示我們的系統可以正確的找出絕大多數的新詞。此外,經過與主流媒體交叉比對,本系統發現的新詞與新話題的確有極高的相關性。 / Internet new residents like to share society current event on the social media website and the influence is propagate to the reality now. For example: On Gossip(八卦版) discussion board of 台大 PTT BBS that had many post are turn into the TV News every day. After some survey we found people like to crate new words to explain society topics, This paper attempt to build up a system to detect the new words from social media. But detect the Chinese new words from unknown words is a thorny problem, on this paper we invent a way – 『Sliding Window』 to elevate the new words detection from Jieba in Chinese words Segmentation, After testing we got 96.94% correct rate and cross valid the detection result by ours system with News and Google Trending we proved the new words detection is a reasonable way to discover new topic.

世界語言中分類詞、性別詞與複數標記的分與合: GIS的類型學研究 / A GIS Typological Analysis of the Convergence and Divergence among Numeral Classifiers, Genders and Plural Markers in the World’s Languages

唐威洋, Tang, Marc Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的主要目的在對於分類詞、性別詞以及複數標記在語言當中的地域分佈提出解釋.在前人的研究當中,這三項元素被認為是名詞句中平衡資訊的重要工具(Greenberg, 1990; Aikhenvald, 2000):分類詞語言主要位於東南亞和南美洲部分地區,而具有性別詞或複數標記的語言大多出現在歐洲、非洲和美洲部分地區.我們提出的論證如下:即便這三樣元素外表上具有歧異,它們會呈現當今所見的地域分佈原因在於它們共有的兩項標記功能:可數性質及語意分類.分類詞同時滿足兩者而性別詞及複數標記分別滿足其一;依照此邏輯,我們預測有分類詞的語言不會同時具有性別詞及複數標記而反之亦然.本文中我們透過句法形式和語意功能的比較提出論證並透過類型學、地理及歷史的角度分析來自世界上最大的二十個語系(印歐,漢藏,亞非,尼日爾-剛果,南島,達羅毗荼,阿爾泰,南亞,壯侗,尼羅-撒哈拉,烏拉,高加索,等語系)的155個語言.架構上,第一章簡單對研究題目進行介紹,第二章呈現前人研究的匯整,第三章包含我們的理論論證以及我們對於分類詞、性別詞及複數標記分與合的解釋.隨後的第四章中,我們提出類型學和地理資訊系統(GIS)的證據;最後在第五張和第六章我們分別點出本研究的限制以及結論. / This thesis aims at providing an explanation for the typological and areal distribution between numeral classifiers, genders (noun classes) and grammatical plural markers. Within previous studies, these three components are considered as different devices to balance information in noun phrases (Greenberg, 1990; Aikhenvald, 2000). Numeral classifier languages are mainly present in South-East Asia and parts of South-America, while languages with genders and grammatical plural markers are generally attested in Europe, Africa and parts of the Americas. We propose that despite their apparent divergence, the three elements display this particular geographical distribution due to their convergent features of count/mass distinction and semantic classification: Numeral classifiers carry both functions, while genders and plural markers separately fulfill one of them. Following this logic, we expect that a language with numeral classifier do not have simultaneously the systems of genders plus plural markers and vice-versa. Theoretical evidence via formal syntactic form and semantic function comparison is proposed and further supported by typological, geographical and historical analysis of 155 languages that are mainly part of the 20 biggest language groups in the world, e.g. Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo, Austronesian, Dravidian, Japonic, Altaic, Austro-Asiatic, Tai-Kadai, Creole, Nilo-Saharan, Uralic, Quechuan, Hmong-Mien, Mayan, North Caucasian, Language isolates among others. Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction of the subject while chapter 2 displays the literature review. Chapter 3 includes our theoretical discussion proposing explaining the convergence and divergence among numeral classifiers, genders and plural markers, followed by typological and geographical evidence via GIS (Geographic Information System) in Chapter 4. Finally Chapter 5 and 6 contain the limitations of our study and its conclusion.

從優選理論分析英文縮詞與混合詞之音韻保留形式 / Phonological Preservation of English Clips and Blends: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis

林綠茜, Lin,Lu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論的觀點分析英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留形式。音韻保留形式分為:來源詞之聲母保留、來源詞之單音節保留以及來源詞之雙音節保留。本研究認為英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留策略不只一種,應用不同的策略會產生不同類型的縮詞及混合詞,筆者透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來說明英文縮詞與混合詞的音韻保留策略是多個次語法的運作結果。縮詞的音韻保留策略有四種,可分為左邊保留及右邊保留,其中又以左邊保留佔多數,在這兩種保留中又分別有兩種模組(template)保留策略。混合詞的音韻保留策略有三種,主要由MAXS2這條可移動制約的位置來決定,當它在層級中移動到不同的位置會形成不同的保留策略。此外,本文也提供了跨語言分析,發現西班牙混合詞與英文混合詞可由相似的制約透過不同排序來解釋,表示不同語言的混合詞,其行為相當類似。簡言之,本篇論文藉由優選理論的觀點,首度就英文縮詞與混合詞提出了一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines the nature of English clipping and blending from the perspective of Optimality Theory. Clipped and blended words may use phonological strategies to preserve part of the source such as the preservation of the onset, syllable, or foot. Different strategies of preservation form different patterns of clipped or blended words. This thesis illustrates that these phonological strategies are determined by the different cophonologies. There are four strategies in forming clipped words. Clipped words can be preserved from the left edge or the right edge of the source, each of which follows either a bimoraic template or a disyllabic template. There are three strategies in forming blended words, depending on the ranking of the unspecified constraint MAXS2. In addition, the present study offers cross-linguistic evidence from Spanish blends, showing that Spanish blending and English blending share certain similarities. To conclude, this thesis has provided a theoretical generalization of English clipping and blending, taking a constraint-based approach.

華、韓語同形漢字詞之比較及教學建議:以「台灣華語八千詞」及《韓國漢字語辭典》分析為例 / Semantic and pragmatic features of Chinese and Korean homographic words with didactic suggestions for teaching Chinese to Korean students-a comparative analysis of basic Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary

金昭蓮, so yeon kim Unknown Date (has links)
依據1957年韓文學會的《韓國語大辭典》 的分類,在韓國語詞彙中漢字詞占總詞彙的53%,與之相比,非漢字詞彙占47%。由此可見,由於韓國屬於漢字文化圈,所以韓國人在學習華語的時候,與非漢字文化圈的人相比,存在著許多優勢。不過實際上韓國學生在學習華語時經常遇到很多困難,而且有時候並不能精確地使用詞彙。我們發現韓語中部分的漢字詞與相對應的華語詞彙存在著同形同義和同形異義的現象,雖然同形同義詞只是在語法上有些微的差異,但這些差異會成為韓國學習者學習華語的困擾。不僅在學習華語時會產生誤解和誤用,甚而會影響華語交際。由於韓國學習者的漢字基礎常常會誤導他們,所以他們在學習與運用華語時,已有的韓語漢字基礎會對學習產生負遷移。 在第二語言學習中甘瑞瑗(2002) 指出,詞彙習得和詞彙教學是很重要的一環。對韓國學生來說,掌握華韓語之間漢字詞的關連性是能否有效運用華語的關鍵之一。因此,筆者認為,比較和分析「台灣華語8000詞」和與之相應的韓語漢字詞,具有學習上的幫助。 本文旨在以「台灣華語8000詞」 為中心,對照《韓國漢字語辭典》找出兩者之間的同形漢字詞,並把這些同形漢字詞分為同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞三類,具體地分析台灣華語詞和韓語漢字詞的異同。接著以個案研究的方式,探討韓語漢字詞在韓國學生學習華語詞彙時是否帶來正遷移的現象;並以問卷調查的方式來檢驗韓國學生已認識的韓語漢字詞,是否也對華語詞彙學習造成負遷移的影響。 最後,根據個案調查及問卷研究結果,分別對華韓同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞等三類,提出華語詞彙教學建議。 / According to the research of the Chinese Character Society which get published 1957 in the Korean Dictionary, 53% of the Korean vocabulary is based on the Chinese language. This high percentage demonstrates the great impact of the Chinese culture on the Korean language over a long time. Today, Korean learners of the Chinese language may take advantage of this historical and linguistic fact when compared to learners from Western countries. However, in practice, Korean learners still have great difficulties in acquiring the correct usage of a variety of Chinese words in spite of lexical similarities with their mother tongue. Interferences from the Korean language usage on the learners’ target language are an obvious fact. In a first approach, compared with the homographic vocabulary of the Chinese language, Chinese loan words in the Korean language can be classified into three main categories according to their semantic congruency: 1. homosemantic words: homographic words in both languages share principally the same lexical meaning (同形同義詞); 2. semantic congruent words: homographic words in both languages share a congruent basic meaning but lexical meaning differs in certain properties (同形部分異義詞); 3. semantic incongruent words: homographic words in both languages principally do not share a common lexical meaning (同形完全異義詞). The reason may be due to historical meaning changes in both languages. Semantic differences in basically semantic congruent words and semantic incongruency of homographic words both handicap correct vocabulary acquisition of the Chinese language by Korean learners and complicate their correct comprehension and correct usage of the Chinese language. The relevance of correct vocabulary acquisition was already pointed out by the research of Gan Ruiyuan (甘瑞瑗,2002). The present study wants to do a fresh approach in the study of the basic homographic vocabulary of Chinese and Korean languages in its significance for Chinese language teaching to Korean students. To do this, it compares the semantic features of the Chinese basic vocabulary listed in the Taiwanese dictionary 8000 Words in Chinese with their Korean homographics listed in the Dictionary of the Sino-Korean language and classifies the results according to the three categories of semantic congruency mentioned above. Semantic incongruent features are discussed regarding their difficulty both in acquisition and in the correct usage for Korean learners of the Chinese language. In addition, a short learner’s enquiry wants to give further insights into phenomena of language interference which appear in the usage of Chinese homographic vocabulary by Korean students. Finally, the study wants to give some practical suggestions for teaching Chinese homographic vocabulary to Korean students.

從語料庫看台灣華語身體部位詞詞彙的詞彙結構、語意表現及詞彙化 / Word component structures, meaning distribution and lexicalization: linguistic usages containing body-part terms liǎn / miàn, yǎn / mù and zuǐ / kǒu in Taiwan mandarin

許筱翎, Hsu, Hsiao-ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要的目的為找出六個身體部位詞-臉、面、眼、目、嘴、口在台灣華語的真實使用情形。本篇所分析的語料皆來自於目前收錄最多筆語料、體裁種類平衡、被廣泛使用的中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫4.0版。我們有系統地分析了包含這六個身體部位詞詞彙的內部構造、語意分佈、與詞彙化類型。研究結果發現,在包含這六個身體部位詞詞彙中,[NN]N為最顯著的詞彙內部構造。而在語意分布的部份,相較於臉、眼、嘴,面、目、口較常被用來表達轉喻及隱喻等非字面上的意義。此外,人與情緒為最為普遍的轉喻意,這兩個轉喻用法在六個身體部位詞詞彙中皆可發現。此外,當身體部位詞詞彙表達人這個轉喻意時,其詞彙內部構造多為[NN]N ; 當身體部位詞詞彙表達情緒這個轉喻意時,其詞彙內部構造多為[NN]N與[VN]V。另外,大體上來說,無論身體部位詞詞彙是表達轉喻意或隱喻意,[NN]N為最普遍的內部構造。並且,當身體部位詞詞彙表達轉喻意或隱喻意時,最常出現的詞彙化類型為隱喻詞彙化(metaphorical lexicalization)。本研究結果期望能提供語料庫辨別轉喻及隱喻的方法,並期望轉喻及隱喻的研究可以從長久以來偏向質性的討論分析,擴展到量化的比較與討論。 / This study aims at finding the actual usage patterns of the six body-part terms liǎn, miàn, yǎn, mù, zuǐ, and kǒu extracted from the largest, balanced and widely-used Sinica Corpus 4.0. The word component structures, meaning distribution and lexicalization types in the six body-part terms are systematically analyzed and compared. The results show that, in terms of word component structures, the [NN]N structure is the most dominant word component structure across the six body-part terms. As for meaning distribution, it is found that miàn, mù, and kǒu are more frequently used to denote non-literal meanings (either metonymic or metaphorical meanings) than their counterparts – liǎn, yǎn, and zuǐ. In addition, PERSON and EMOTION are the most prevalent metonymic meanings across the six body part terms. It is also found that when the body-part terms denote PERSON, the most dominant word component structure is [NN]N, while when they denote EMOTION, [NN]N and [VN]V are the most dominant structures. In general, the [NN]N structure shows the highest frequency of occurrences in all the six body part terms when they are used either metonymically or metaphorically. As for the lexicalization types, most of the disyllabic words containing the six body-part terms are in metaphorical lexicalization when they denote metonymic or metaphorical meanings. The results may provide some insights for refining procedures of identifing metaphors and metonymies in corpora so as to accelarate quantification and statistical evaluation.


李, 瑶 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第23260号 / 人博第975号 / 新制||人||230(附属図書館) / 2020||人博||975(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)准教授 松江 崇, 教授 道坂 昭廣, 教授 佐野 宏 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

俄語四行詩中親暱詞之名詞詞彙語法及語用修辭特性 / Lexical - grammatical and pragmatics-stylistic features of Diminutive nouns in Russian Chastushkas (folk songs)

郭怡君 Unknown Date (has links)

呂碧城詞研究 / The Study of Lu Bi-cheng's Ci poetry

李郁儂 Unknown Date (has links)
晚清女詞人呂碧城﹙1883-1943﹚是晚清民初一位特殊且才氣橫溢的女詞人,她曾興辦女學,編輯報刊,推展護生工作,並以自身之能力遊歷歐美,將所見異地風光一併入詞。在中國新文學運動的發展下,堅持舊文學創作,以舊文體書寫各式創新的詞作題材,為清代女詞人發展劃下一燦爛尾聲。本論文除緒論及結論外,正文共計五章,大致以下列五方面做為闡述核心。   其一,透過呂碧城身分與流動的空間觀看其一生,從她參與報刊、興辦女學以及加入社團來看近代女性如何進入公共空間,以及概述其生平交遊。   其次,從呂碧城的詞作特色部分進行探究,探析一個走在時代尖端的新女性,如何使用舊文體表現其個人情懷、旅居異鄉的情感與鄉愁,以及如何調動大自然的空間與中國神話典故顯現婦女跨越邊界的進程,中年後皈依佛法,又是如何運用舊文體進行戒殺護生的創作。   其三,專論其為數眾多的海外新詞,探討其如何書寫歐美風光及所見所感,以及於詞作中抒發之故國情懷、所寄寓之情感,並藉由夢境書寫這一類題材探論呂碧城內心世界。   其四,綜論呂碧城在藝術技巧及風格創新上之突破,論述其如何將詞之視野擴大,將女性詞由閨閣中走出,甚至走出中國,替女性詞開拓一嶄新詞境。   再者,綜合對呂碧城題材及創作技法的歸納,運用接受美學理論,由文化背景、生命經歷的同情共感下,論述呂碧城對李商隱詩的接受,以及在詞作內容及藝術技巧上對李商隱詩的繼承。   最後,本論文研究目的為對呂碧城之詞作進行整體研究,冀能重新發掘呂碧城於近代詞史上之意義與價值。


朴淑慶, PU, SHU-GING Unknown Date (has links)
(1)研究對象:<老乞大><朴通事>系列在高麗、朝鮮兩朝是最具權威、最長期 被用以學習漢語的教材,反映元末明初及清代的北方官話.本論文僅就詞彙部分,尤 其是從前期《老朴》系列(反映元末明初)到後期《老朴》系列(反映清代北方官話 )之間,有變化的詞彙為主傲研究對象. (2)研究目的:主要有三項:一、為瞭解近代漢語的詞彙、詞彙史及其特色;二、 為探究漢語詞彙演變的規律;三、為幫助研究中世韓國語詞彙的正確意義. (3)研究文獻:藏於韓國漢城大學奎章閣及藏書閣者,有:<老乞大>、<翻譯老 乞大>上下卷、<翻譯朴通事>上卷、<老乞大諺解>上下卷、<朴通事諺解>上中 下卷、<老乞大新釋>、<朴通事新釋>、<朴通釋新釋諺解>上中下卷、<重刊老 乞大>、<重刊老乞大諺解>上下卷、<老朴集覽>等原始資料;另有其他各地得來 的有關<老乞大><朴通事>詞彙索引及研究論文等. (4)研究方法:擬先用共時(Synchronic)及描寫(discriptive)語言學的方法 來分析前期《老朴》及後期《老朴》所見的詞彙,然後再用比較(comparative)、 歷時(dischroic)語言學的方法來研究其變化. (5)研究內容:本文約十一萬字,分為五章,簡述如下:第一章緒論,分二節,分 別論述語料檢討及研究對象、目的、方法.第二章分為五節,分別論述名詞、代名詞 、數•量詞及形、動詞等實詞之變化.第三章分為六節,分別論述副詞、介詞、助詞 、連詞及嘆詞等虛詞之變化.第四章分為三節,在第二、三章討論的基礎之下,探討 漢語詞彙演變的內、外部規律.第五章結論.

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