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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣不同族群政黨認同之區域差異 / The regional difference of party identification in taiwan's different ethnic groups

王彥程 Unknown Date (has links)
以往針對投票行為或政治態度的研究通常都將省籍與區域視為基本人口變數來處理,而未曾關注相同省籍的投票行為或政治態度仍有區域的不同。本文即以此為出發點,藉由總體層次投票資料分析以及個體層次調查資料分析的方式,除了檢視省籍和居住區域對於選民政黨認同的影響外,更進一步檢視區域環境系絡對於特定人口特徵決定之政治態度的影響,即相同省籍的選民居住在不同區域時,是否會受到區域政治氛圍影響其政黨認同。 研究結果發現,省籍和居住區域確實會對選民的政黨認同造成影響。在省籍方面,本省閩南人相較於其他省籍人士較偏向泛綠政黨,大陸各省市人相較於其他省籍人士較偏向泛藍政黨,本省客家人則居於兩者之間,但相較於整體選民較偏向泛藍政黨。在區域方面,中部選民相較於其他區域選民最偏向泛藍政黨,南部選民相較於其他區域選民最偏向泛綠政黨,東部和北部選民居於兩者之間,但相較於整體選民較偏向泛藍政黨。在確立了省籍和區域對於政黨認同的影響及影響方向後,更進一步檢視相同省籍在不同區域的政黨認同差異,結果發現,無論各個省籍,居住在整體較偏向泛藍政黨的中部、東部及北部地區,會受到區域政治氛圍較偏向泛藍政黨的影響,使其較偏向泛藍政黨;但如當其居住在整體較偏向泛綠政黨的南部地區,會受到區域政治氛圍較偏向泛綠政黨的影響,使其較偏向泛綠政黨。此研究結果顯示,個人因特定身分特徵而有特定的政治傾向,當其處於和自己政治態度不同的區域時,由於整體環境氛圍的影響及環境限制下的資訊交流網絡,因此會淡化個人既有的政治態度;反之當其處於和自己政治態度相同的區域時,由於整體環境和自身的政治立場相同,因此會強化個人既有的政治態度。

重新思考14世紀至17世紀 開封猶太後裔之文化認同 / Reconsidering the cultural identity of Kaifeng Jewish Descendants during the 14th-17th centuries

魏卓生, Dror Weil Unknown Date (has links)
自從藉由耶穌會有關開封猶太人的「披露」的新聞在17世紀來到歐洲時,中國猶太人的議題即受到廣泛的注意。中國猶太人的主題被認為是早期聯結西東方的橋樑。然而,於歐洲被激起的主題,激動與狂喜,開啟了一道中國猶太人的研究領域疆土與其他相關於中國的宗教—社會史領域之間的裂縫。 如同我將在此論文闡明的,在元明之間的王朝變動所呈現的不僅是權力的轉換,且更重要地是社會和文化論述的轉變。開封的猶太後裔,身為中國社會的一部分,在此轉變中重新界定其文化認同。此論文企圖分析14到17世紀期間,參與形塑開封猶太人後裔的文化認同的社會和文化要素。 元代中國「猶太人性質」的民族範疇為廣泛社會典範的一部分,其在合法的、官僚主義的和當地的背景中被合併及顯示。猶太人似乎過著隔離的生活,保存著他們的遺產和宗教習俗,且保持著獨特的文化認同。在某些案例中,猶太人在起源於中亞,例如穆斯林和基督徒—統合於「回」以及「色目人」的分類類別之下—的一神論大集團下被確認。 元明換代改朝之際,社會民族典範也改變了。明代初期的猶太後裔不得不重新設定其與周圍社會的關係。 統治權的轉變並不只是權力的轉換,亦顯示於社會、政治和宗教改革以及新的官方社會論述的起始之中。當新社會論述無法理解蒙元時期的民族分類,且將此認同性的觀念重組為「文明的」和「野蠻的」的二分架構時,猶太後裔面臨假定的自我定位之新範疇的真正需求。如同第五章所介紹的,姓族和被視為主要社會框架的親屬聯繫之社會建構,透過「猶太性質」而能以新的形式出現。民族集聚,在新的社會現實之下,伴隨對於姓族和宗譜的認同,而被替代。因此,宗譜變成個體和集體認同的主要組成部分。 新的社會現實亦包含被當地社群認可的社會分層和菁英階級的出現,且負有對當地的責任。如同我將在第6章所討論的,歷史材料呈現了在當地社會的上層階級中的猶太後裔的顯著參與。因此,為了能夠增進對於開封猶太後裔的文化認同之討論,本論文探討晚期帝國時期的菁英的自我意識。如此看來,菁英不僅是創造和維持認同性的主要行為者,其獲得在歷史材料以及一些猶太歷史遺跡所出現過的「一賜樂業」之名,且他們試圖應用此團結類型以強化當地自治以及擴展他們的社會人脈。本論文此部份在於討論涉及開封猶太後裔之間的文化認同的菁英角色的性質。 猶太認同的中心,如同其在傳教士的著作以及近期學院學者的著作中被宣稱,被歸因為猶太禮拜寺或會堂。根據此觀點,猶太認同的顯示為猶太儀式和宗教習俗的遵守。如同我在第7章所討論的,此描述並不能完整地符合我們對於晚期帝國時期的宗教氛圍—充滿對抗異端教派和儀式的陣營以及嚴格宗教控制的執行—的認識。本研究此部份試圖緩和某些猶太認同的出現和普遍於當地社會的宗教現實之間的衝突。因此,此部份將提供一種能夠增進我們對於猶太後裔的文化性質的理解之社會框架。 為了進一步討論開封猶太後裔的文化認同,本論文介紹三位猶太後裔的故事作為個人案例。這三人,雖然都屬於所謂的開封猶太社群,不過各顯示出不同的生活模式與文化認同。這三人的生平可表現14世紀至17世紀長達300年的時段中,猶太後裔所面臨的社會趨勢。

楚河與漢界:台灣民眾的兩岸政治經濟態度對國家認同影響之分析 / The two sides:the difference in political and economical attitude

陳正偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖找出台灣民眾在兩岸關係的發展中,如何看待雙方「政治」與「經濟」的互動,台灣民眾的背景條件、政黨傾向以及身分認同等對兩岸的「政治」與「經濟」態度又可能有哪些影響;而本文研究問題意識在於觀察台灣民眾的人口學背景這些事實條件、內在的心理因素與政治經濟態度對自我國家認同有無影響,以期有助於釐清兩岸複雜的交往脈絡,並期望本文所呈現的研究結果,能在當前兩岸關係如此曲折的道路上有「截彎取直」之效,換言之,透過本文研究發現或許能將複雜的兩岸來往脈絡加以簡化,找出哪些是影響台灣民眾國家認同的主要因素。 因此,本研究的內容將分為五個章節。在本文的章節安排中,在本章先敘明研究動機、研究問題意識與目的後,第二章為文獻回顧,首先,對於何謂「認同」做出解釋以及「國家認同」的產生,接著對可能影響國家認同的因素進行理論的整理與爬梳,以及回顧兩岸關係發展至今的一些理論文獻,而主要理論基礎則是整合理論,再依序陳述整合理論中的「功能主義」、「新功能主義」與「聯邦主義」三種派別。第三章則將前兩章的研究問題意識以及兩岸關係文獻、整合理論等基礎形成一個整合性的研究架構與研究假設,並建立起變項建構與測量。第四章進行資料的量化分析驗證研究假設,以循序漸進的方式來進行資料分析,並說明本文研究發現。第五章整理歸納出本文的研究發現與結論,以及提出研究限制檢討改進,提出未來可能繼續研究探討的方向以供參考。

多重認同困境與台灣文學─以吳濁流與王幼華為例 / A dilemma of multiple identity and Taiwan new-vernacular literature: the writings of Zhuoliu Wu and Youhua Wang as an example

黃信洋, Huang, Shin Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究與分析的對象是兩位客家作家,亦即吳濁流與王幼華,嘗試解釋多重認同概念與這兩位作家的關聯,進而再把視野延伸至台灣新文學的發展過程中。 本文的第一章先是由客委會推廣「多重認同」的概念談起,第二章則試著為多重認同的理論意涵進行釐清。於本文的第三章當中,本研究已然指出,《亞細亞的孤兒》裡面已經蘊含了多重認同的想法,而在本文的第四章裡面,吳濁流更提出了類似民主化的論點,期望不同的族群可以藉由認同台灣來解決認同歧異性的問題。就本文的第五章來說,解嚴後崛起的小說家王幼華,其實已經表明自身早已具備了多重認同的思維。而在第六章裡面,王氏的重要長篇小說《廣澤地》與《土地與靈魂》,都可說是一種多重認同概念的體現。循此,從吳濁流到王幼華,這兩位橫跨近百年台灣新文學發展史的客家作家,各自以不同的方式與多重認同的觀念產生了關聯。 多重認同的概念,不論是吳濁流抑或是王幼華,都是他們的身分認同的真實處境。對吳濁流來說,族群認同的問題,不應該構成國家認同的障礙,大家應該秉持民主的精神,共同為台灣的發展而努力,反過來說,不同族群之間的多重認同,應該也可以是促成台灣進一步民主深化的要素。就王幼華來說,由他對於多元文化發展的肯定就可以看出,倘若說多元文化會有助於台灣的民主深化,那麼,多重認同的概念也就會有助於民主化的進展。 / This thesis will investigate and analyze two Hakka writers: Zhuoliu Wu and Youhua Wang. This thesis will also try to explain these two writers’ texts from the viewpoint of multiple identity, and then locate this concept of multiple identity in the development of Taiwan new-vernacular literature. Chapter One discusses the concept of multiple identity spread by Council for Hakka Affairs, and Chapter Two tries to define clearly the theoretical meaning of this concept. Chapter Three suggests that the idea of multiple identity is already embedded in Orphan of Asia. In Chapter Four, Wu brings up an idea similar to the concept of democratization with the expectation that different ethnic groups can resolve the problem of diverse identities by identifying themselves with Taiwan. In Chapter Five, Wang, a writer of the generation after ended martial law, tells us that he has possessed the idea of multiple identity. And in Chapter Six, two important novels, Swampy ground and Land and Soul, represent the concept of multiple identity. Accordingly, Wu and Wang relate the concept of multiple identity in his own way, and the writing course of these two Hakka writers almost stretches over the development of Taiwan new-vernacular literature. For both Wu and Wang, the concept of multiple identity could be viewed as their true situation. For Wu, the problem of ethnic identity should not be an obstacle of national identity, and everyone should try hard to develop Taiwan. In other words, multiple identities among different ethnic groups will contribute the further consolidation of Taiwan’s democratization. For Wang, according to his confirmation of multiculturalism, we can understand that if multiculturalism has a contribution to the consolidation of Taiwan’s democratization, the concept of multiple identity will be conducive to Taiwan’s democratization.

當理性遇上感性: 台灣民眾的統獨立場分析 / An analysis of Taiwanese people's positions on Cross-strait relation

陳婉貞 Unknown Date (has links)

「做」女人的難關:胖女性逛街購衣經驗中的肥胖污名與自我認同初探 / Fat Women’s clothes shopping experiences: Fat Stigma, Self-identity and Doing Gender

郝天行, Hao, Tien Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
我將逛街購衣經驗視為日常生活「做(doing)」性別的關鍵過程,並探討胖女性在其中如何與肥胖污名對話。本文「胖女性」的定義為:曾有身體大小超過多數衣物消費場所中的衣物尺寸,且在逛街購衣經驗中感知到肥胖污名,而有相關負面感受如挫折不安感的女性認同者。通過收集網路言論、訪談14位胖女性後,研究結果如下: 尚未進入購衣活動前,胖女性已在商圈環境中感受到胖身體的低階級;進入購衣活動後,「體型」則成為支配胖女性活動空間與社交角色的關鍵因素。逛街購衣過程中,胖女性應對肥胖污名所採取的戰術大致可分為融入、旁觀、衝撞三種類型。胖女性反思逛街購衣經驗時,會通過將自己的身體正常化,以及從主體位置出發和時尚論述對話等方式來開展能動性、接納自己的身體。 逛街購衣情境交織胖女性在不同時空情境扮演的女性角色(如做為女職員、女兒、女友),可看出胖女性和瘦(正常)女性「做」女人的歷程具有相當大的差異──胖女性「做」女人的緊張挫折感幾乎全面滲透在日常生活各領域中。但任何一個情境中的環節鬆動,就可能給胖女性反思、行動的空間。胖身體能正當化自己的資源太過稀少,購衣管道、購衣空間、衣物選擇的多元化;大眾媒體時尚論述中女性多元典範的建立,是此情境中提供賦能的重要條件。 若要反轉肥胖污名,建議日後研究必須小心回到主體所在情境定義「胖」,不要直覺地沿用BMI等主流論述,才可覺察「胖」的多元意義;胖女性購衣經驗中「做」性別的過程,顯現出「體型」已成為個體性別建制過程的重要支配因素。本文以某些女性的經驗為例,但這種狀況發生在各種性別認同者身上,「體型」急需被建制為台灣性別運動的重要主題。 / I view clothes shopping experiences as key processes of “doing gender” in everyday life, in which fat women often struggle with fat stigmas. The main issues to be discussed in this article are thus the following: 1) How do fat women cope with fat stigmas during these processes? 2) What are the connections between fat women’s self-identities, gender-doing and their clothes shopping experiences? In this context, a "fat woman" is defined as: A woman (who identifies herself as a woman) always gets negative feelings through clothes shopping experiences due to her outsized body size(s). Research data are collected from forum discussions and 14 interviewees. The results are as follows: Before encountering clothes shopping situations, fat women are already devaluating their fat bodies in shopping space, e.g. on streets. Once fat women enter clothes shopping processes, their "body sizes" become the key factor that limits fat women’s activity within certain places and the social roles they play. There are three types of coping tactics: integrating, onlooking and resisting. Fat women show their reflexivity on clothes shopping experiences through normalizing their bodies, negotiating with fashion discourses from the position of subjects, and accepting their bodies in the way they are. Clothes shopping experiences interweave different daily encounters in fat women’s everyday life, in which they play various kinds of “gendered roles” such as female employee, daughter or girlfriend. Summing from the above, I notices that the different gender doing experiences between “thin (normal) women” and “fat women” usually make the latter more frustrated in most daily encounters. In clothes shopping context, resources for justifying fat bodies are needed. As to the empowerment of fat women, diversity of shopping channels, places and clothes are as important as establishing different fashion discourses, e.g. fat female fashion icons. To reverse fat stigmas, I suggest that we avoid defining “fat” intuitively by medical discourses (e.g. BMI) but by situating fat bodies as subjects, thus we will not be subject to dominated fat discourses and thereby limit the rich meanings of fat bodies. Fat women’s clothes shopping experiences show that “ body sizes” is a key factor affecting individuals in doing one’s gender. In Taiwan, there is still room for us to raise the awareness of “body size issue” and further address it as a gender issue.

初探韓流下的偶像神話敘事--以Super Junior與E.L.F.的想像關係與情感認同為例 / An Exploratory Study of the Imaginational Relationship and Affection between Super Junior and E.L.F.

梅衍儂, Mei, Yean Nong Unknown Date (has links)
近年韓國偶像風潮襲捲亞洲,本研究目的以Super Junior與其歌迷E.L.F.共創的文本內容(包含初級偶像文本、次級偶像文本和迷文本)為例,探究其如何塑造雙方的想像關係與情感認同,描繪偶像文本的特色、內涵與故事,以及想像與情感的關係。 透過文獻回顧,將迷定義為「在某段特定時間,特別為某些文本內容所吸引並產生互動,具有相當程度之認同與涉入的閱聽人」並發現迷的認同與想像來自對偶像的情感。偶像文本依循神話敘事發展情境,使迷在原有的經驗上建立新的意象,並進一步引發迷的生產行為(迷文本)。 本研究經由文本分析法,了解Super Junior偶像文本以及E.L.F.的應援活動內涵;透過深入訪談剖析E.L.F.的想像和情感世界,並藉由研究者曾參與Super Junior偶像文本的經驗,補充文本原貌。 本研究結果歸納如下:Super Junior初級偶像文本分為誕生、考驗和成型三個階段,是一沒有結局且不斷交織、循環、反饋、相互參照的過程。其次,Super Junior次級偶像文本則由演唱會舞台敘事為代表,與E.L.F.的情感形成七項對應階段。 最後,E.L.F.與Super Junior的關係能夠透過Super Junior偶像文本建立,E.L.F.不再是Super Junior的從屬文本,E.L.F.不僅接收、消費偶像文本,也是Super Junior偶像文本的創造者,其情感結構從矛盾、憧憬到參與;生產行為則是E.L.F.對Super Junior表達情感的方式,亦是取得Super Junior偶像文本的參與位置的手段。 / In recent years, “Korean Wave” is more and more popular in Asia. Korean pop music, referred to as “K-pop”, has played a significant role in the Korean wave.The important fact of fan culture between Super Junior and E.L.F (the name of Super Junior fans) needs to be discovered that Super Junior and E.L.F create text which builds the imaginational relationship and affection between them. As revealed in literature review, the imaginational relationship and affection come from the narrative form and structure of myth. This study uses contextual analysis, in-depth interviews and observational survey to collect Super Junior history and E.L.F “ouen”(cheer) actions. Through the research and the understanding of the context from Super Junior and E.L.F, this study tries to construct a new method of new narrative in idol area. There are three conclusions can be addressed as follow: First of all, Super Junior primary text is a three-stage process. Secondly, Super Junior secondary text can be described as a seven-stage process which is responsed by affection of E.L.F.. Finally, Super Junior tertiary text is the way that both Super Junior and E.L.F use to build up the imaginational relationship and affection between them.


范文鶯 Unknown Date (has links)
身為一個布農人一定要知道自己的「氏族」,這是身為布農族人的責任也是義務。過去歷經不同政府統治,氏族組織從清代的賜姓政策、日治末期的改姓名運動加上國民政府漢姓名政策後,破壞了原本的姓氏結構而遭部分瓦解。氏族功能的式微使得氏族不再是影響布農族社會的重要推手,取而代之的權力迫使布農族傳統社會組織的快速解體。氏族的沒落是否代表一個部落的變遷?筆者從氏族組織的角度切入、回顧過去與詮釋現在潭南部落的變遷過程,並闡述其改變的原因及特殊性。 本論文從過去傳統氏族功能至當代-婚姻、政治、宗教、經濟之氏族運作,做為觀察潭南部落氏族功能運作的指標,提供未來氏族延續性的參考。根據研究所得之結果,氏族運作的軌跡,可分為三部分: 一、 適應:漸變符合社會形式 有些氏族功能的消失是因為不合時宜;有些氏族功能的轉變是為了適應社會;有些氏族功能的延續則是本質用途的傳遞。 二、 尋根:恢復傳統姓氏 惟有積極恢復傳統姓氏,找到自己所屬的「根」,才能讓布農族人原有的親族組織-氏族制度得以傳衍下去。 三、 傳承:未來延續性 透過文化的認同,勾連著氏族成員間彼此的親屬、社會關係,並凝聚氏族之間的認同感及向心力,來強化氏族成員間認同意識,使之氏族更能活絡於布農社會裏。 從結論的分析,乃得知氏族運作的軌跡,不是從有到無,突然消失不見的。而是漸進的、修正的、漸變的。漸漸符合現代社會潮流的發展及為適應社會的變遷,而修正變成現代所能接受的型式,所以,氏族的功能不是消失不見,而是以另一種可以符合現在社會的型式、概念而存在。

一位幼教工作者專業自主性的自我追尋 / A preschool worker professional autonomy of self-search

朱萬方 Unknown Date (has links)
帶著在幼教現場工作五年的倦怠感,我急切的想逃離幼教現場,進入研究所學習。本文選擇以自我敘說為研究方法,透過生命故事的書寫,澄清自己在幼教專業認同上所面對的三個危機感:工作的倦怠與迷失、教師證等同專業嗎?及不知如何回應父母的期待。 以自我敘說做為理解自己、探究專業認同的一條途徑,書寫內容涵括我的童年及求學歷程。自我生命故事的敘寫歷程,使我得以重新理解自身專業成長的圖像,並因此能化解歷程演進中所形成的專業認同危機,它嚴然可視之為「一趟自我追尋的旅程」。故事從我大學畢業後踏入幼教現場工作開始回溯,並銜接我身為幼教工作者的專業養成的歷程。 在過程中不斷透過書寫和敘說的自我反映爬梳過往經驗,在反芻自身經驗中,重塑經驗體現的價值。在重新遇見自己中,再思考教育工作者自身專業的主體性。在化解及消除專業認同中危機感的同時,我已然能有意識的再次選擇進入幼教領域繼續成長與學習。 / With the tiring feeling working at the early childhood education work field, I was eager to run away from it and to enter graduate school to recharge myself. I chose to use the self-narrative inquiry as my study method. Using my own life story, I tried to clarify the three crisis awareness I am facing in my professional identity: the lost and tiring feeling at work, the question of whether a teacher’s certificate equals to teaching professions and the expectation from my parents that I do not know how to response. Self-narrative inquiry is the method I used to understand myself and to look into my professional identity. I wish to write about my childhood and how I studied. Using my life story to write about my learning process makes me be able to re-understand how my profession builds. Therefore, I am able to solve the professional identity crisis which was building up during my learning experience. This without a doubt is a “self-searching journey.” The story starts from how I decided to go to early childhood work field right after I graduated from my university. Then it talks about how I build up my profession in early childhood education. During the writing and examining my own experiences again and again, I manage to reconstruct the value of experience embodiment. With encountering myself again, I ponder once more the subjectivity of educator’s profession. While resolving the profession identity crisis, I have the confidence to choose to enter the early childhood work field to continuing my progressing and learning.

彌合或擴大鴻溝:亞歐會議在覺醒"認知區域主義"之角色(1996-2013) / Bridging the gap or widening the gap? The Asia Europe Meeting's role in awakening 'cognitive regionalism'.

黎依芯 Unknown Date (has links)
At the core of this study there lays a paradigm that existing explanation of regionalism and inter-regionalism process neglect the essential, and arguably the most advanced level of it – the cognitive level of regionalism. The theoretical contribution of this study is the concept of “cognitive”/ conscious regionalism”. This dissertation argues that without that element, regional and inter-regional cooperation cannot be advanced and they remain shallow processes. This study argues that the gap between Asia and Europe is a cognitive one, rather than physical. The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) has been facing severe criticism because of the low effectiveness of its governance. This dissertation explains the reason behind the limits of ASEM in looking into the deeper levels that determine the inter-regional cooperation: level of cognition of the actors involved. The research not only explains the limits but also identifies the contributions of the ASEM as a bridge between the regions and their peoples’. Creating the venue for interaction contributes to the realization and awakening of the perception of what is “Asia” and what is “Europe” in Asia-Europe Meeting. Incorporating cultural and intellectual agenda of cooperation and including the civil society into the process not only creates the mutual understanding and acquisition of exchanged knowledge but also to pluralization of actors involved in the inter-regional process. Both in terms of actors and of cultural factors of cooperation, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plays the pivotal role in the ASEM process. The process of sustainable interaction shows institutional learning happening between ASEAN and ASEM that proves the idea of acquisition cognition through interaction also between institutions. This dissertation’s theoretical contribution is offering the concept of ‘cognitive regionalism’. Cognitive regionalism is explained and analyzed through ideas of awakening, acquisition and affiliation. The analysis is done on four levels of inter-regional, sub-regional, member government and civil society. The aspects included in these levels are: regional identity formation, institutional representation, member government’s commitment to ASEM process and civil society inclusiveness in “bottom-up” inter-regionalism. The empirical contribution of this research is in the richness of extensive interviews with various stakeholders including Track 1, 1½, 2 and 3 representatives from both across Asia and Europe. Methodology is a combination of interpretative, policy-tracing of official documents, official press releases and an essential participatory observation and field work. The originality of this study is twofold: (1) the comprehensive explanation of the role of culture, and norms in the inter-regional cooperation focusing on the third pillar of ASEM particularly and (2) taking the ASEAN’s perspective in analysis.

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