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語意在句法處理中的角色:中文關係子句的眼動閱讀研究 / The role of semantics in syntactic processing: eye-tracking experiments of reading chinese relative clauses呂翠屏, Lu, Tsui Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以兩個眼動閱讀實驗探討語意訊息 (semantic cues) 和句法訊息 (syntactic cues) 如何在中文關係子句的處理中運作及交互作用。實驗一旨在研究兩種動詞與論元之間的合理性關係 (plausibility) 是否會影響讀者理解不同結構的關係子句。結果顯示,當兩個論元都是合理施事者 (agent) 時,論旨角色的指派 (thematic roles) 有歧義,較難理解;而當只有一個論元是合理的施事者時,讀者趨向指派正確的論旨角色,且較快整合句法上的困難。此外,因中文句法結構特殊,讀者在關係詞之前就處理主語關係子句 (subject relative clauses) 的歧義,在主要動詞上則會遇到賓語關係子句 (object relative clauses) 的理解困難。此發現解決了Hsiao & Gibson (2003) 和 Lin (2006) 的歧見,證明中文讀者在不同位置會遇到不一樣的困難。實驗二所關注的語意訊息為論元的生命性 (animacy),關係子句中的兩個論元分屬有生命的 (animate) 及無生命的 (inanimate) 名詞。結果發現論旨角色的指派和生命性相互關聯,有生命性的論元較傾向當施事者,而無生命的論元傾向當受事者。讀者仍在關係詞之前遇到主語關係子句的理解困難,但在主要動詞,讀者主要依循生命性的引導來指派論旨角色,句法訊息的影響並不顯著。因此語意訊息在中文的語句處理扮演重要的角色,結果大致上與Traxler (2002)的研究相符。讀者同時受到當下的句法訊息以及語意訊息影響,在不同的位置會遇到不一樣的歧義性,而產生花園路徑效果 (garden-path effect)。 / Two eye movement experiments were conducted to investigate how semantic cues and syntactic structural cues function and interact in Mandarin Chinese relative clause (RC) processing. Mandarin Chinese is unique in combining head-final RCs with a VO basic order (Dryer, 1992, 2003) and also in relying solely on word order as structural cues, without case marking or agreement. However, Mandarin Chinese still preserves flexibility in word order that is motivated by pragmatics. Semantic cues, including the plausibility of the argument-verb relation and argument animacy within RCs, may be crucial to sentence processing in Mandarin Chinese.
Experiment 1 aims to examine whether the meaning of the verb allowing only one of the two animate arguments to be a plausible agent may lead to reduction of ORC difficulty (cf. Traxler, 2002). The results showed that the plausibility effects were robust at the head noun and the main verb. A bias of thematic role assignment in the irreversible relation leads readers to correct interpretations, while the reversible relation does not elicit such a bias. The results also solved the discrepancy between the two previous studies (Hsiao and Gibson, 2003 & Lin, 2006) by unveiling a dynamic process in which readers encounter diverse ambiguities at different positions for different structures. Chinese readers disambiguate SRCs earlier due to their non-canonical word order and have trouble integrating the main verb in ORCs owing to perspective shifting. The interaction between plausibility and RC type on re-reading rate suggested that plausibility cues were used to solve syntactic ambiguity.
Experiment 2 manipulated contrastive argument animacy in order to investigate whether thematic role assignment correlates with animacy. The results confirmed the hypothesis that while animate entities bias towards agent roles, inanimate ones incline towards patient roles (c.f., Valin & LaPolla, 1997). Besides, inanimate entities are conceptually less accessible than animate ones. Contrastive animacy shows its impact on syntactic processing with robust interactions at different positions.
The findings of interactions between semantic cues and RC types in two experiments suggest that semantic cues play an important role in Chinese relative clause processing. Semantic plausibility and argument animacy can influence the process of thematic role assignment. The semantic cues that accord with the biases of thematic role assignment then would ease the syntactic ambiguities. Not only syntactic cues but also semantic cues are utilized by readers in sentence comprehension. In this thesis, the eye movement data provide clear evidence indicating that readers solve various temporary ambiguities syntactically and semantically at different positions of the sentence with relative clauses.
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探索美國財務報表的主觀性詞彙與盈餘的關聯性:意見分析之應用 / Exploring the relationships between annual earnings and subjective expressions in US financial statements: opinion analysis applications陳建良, Chen, Chien Liang Unknown Date (has links)
財務報表中的主觀性詞彙往往影響市場中的參與者對於報導公司價值和獲利能力衡量的決策判斷。因此,公司的管理階層往往有高度的動機小心謹慎的選擇用詞以隱藏負面的消息而宣揚正面的消息。然而使用人工方式從文字量極大的財務報表挖掘有用的資訊往往不可行,因此本研究採用人工智慧方法驗證美國財務報表中的主觀性多字詞 (subjective MWEs) 和公司的財務狀況是否具有關聯性。多字詞模型往往比傳統的單字詞模型更能掌握句子中的語意情境,因此本研究應用條件隨機域模型 (conditional random field) 辨識多字詞形式的意見樣式。另外,本研究的實證結果發現一些跡象可以印證一般人對於財務報表的文字揭露往往與真實的財務數字存在有落差的印象;更發現在負向的盈餘變化情況下,公司管理階層通常輕描淡寫當下的短拙卻堅定地承諾璀璨的未來。 / Subjective assertions in financial statements influence the judgments of market participants when they assess the value and profitability of the reporting corporations. Hence, the managements of corporations may attempt to conceal the negative and to accentuate the positive with "prudent" wording. To excavate this accounting phenomenon hidden behind financial statements, we designed an artificial intelligence based strategy to investigate the linkage between financial status measured by annual earnings and subjective multi-word expressions (MWEs). We applied the conditional random field (CRF) models to identify opinion patterns in the form of MWEs, and our approach outperformed previous work employing unigram models. Moreover, our novel algorithms take the lead to discover the evidences that support the common belief that there are inconsistencies between the implications of the written statements and the reality indicated by the figures in the financial statements. Unexpected negative earnings are often accompanied by ambiguous and mild statements and sometimes by promises of glorious future.
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介系詞In/On片語語意分析:以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎之研究 / Semantic analysis of in/on prepositional phrases: A study based on english native speaker corpus and learner corpus曾郁雯, Tseng, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去多數英文介系詞語意之研究皆以介系詞為多義詞,並藉由語意網絡去分析其詞義(e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001),或透過意象圖式理論(image schema theory)來探究介系詞語意,依不同的前景名詞(figure)與背景名詞(ground)組成可產生不同的形貌結構,從而衍生出其特殊語意(e.g. Lakoff, 1987)。然而,有關介系詞片語中詞彙搭配詞組如何影響介系詞使用之研究則較不多見。故本論文著重在分析前景與背景名詞等搭配詞組之語意特徵,探究其對介系詞in和on語意及介系詞片語組成之影響。以英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)和政治大學外語學習者語料庫(The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus)作分析,比較學習者與以英語為母語者使用in和on介系詞片語在語意上的差異。
綜合上述研究結果可得知,組成介系詞片語的名詞詞組會依上下文語意而產生不同之語意偏好(semantic preferences),介系詞的語意除了會受到後接名詞的影響,周圍名詞也可能造成語意上的差異。這些名詞可能會選擇特定的介系詞來使用,亦會影響介系詞在片語中之語意。
本論文深入地探討了介系詞片語詞組之組成,透過大量的語料分析,為英語介系詞複雜的語意層面提出了一個較系統化且完整之解釋,期能將研究發現應用於教材設計上,希望能在學習介系詞使用上有所幫助,也供未來介系詞相關研究作為參考。 / The meanings of English preposition have been explored greatly through vast directions of research. Most studies agree that preposition is a polysemous lexical item whose senses can be construed from the semantic network (e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001). Its senses has also been examined under the image-schema theory from the cognitive perspective (e.g. Lakoff, 1987), in which the figure (or trajector) and ground (or landmark) interact differently to form various configurations that contribute to sets of distinct senses. Though these studies attempt to provide a comprehensive network for the meanings of prepositions, how the semantic features of the figure and ground might influence the choice of a preposition and the construction of a prepositional phrase is hardly seen. The thesis adopted a native speaker corpus (British National Corpus, BNC) and a learner corpus (The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus, NCCU) to probe into how the semantic features of the figure and ground nouns can help explicate the semantic profiles of the preposition in and on, and to compare learners’ understanding of them with that of the native speakers’.
Based on the corpora, the study is composed of three major analyses. The sense analysis compared the sense distributions of in and on, from which similarities and differences may be found between BNC and NCCU. The result of this analysis showed that in the sense categories of in, the distribution did not differ greatly since most of the data were categorized into the proto-scene sense in both BNC and NCCU, and only slight variations could be found in other categories. In the sense categories of on, in senses that refer to location, higher frequency could be found in NCCU, while more metaphorical constructions of on were identified in BNC. In the second analysis, the semantic feature analysis, the distribution of the semantic features are compared between literal and metaphorical constructions of in and on and between BNC and NCCU respectively. For the comparison of in and on, the statistical results showed that different types of nouns could be observed in the data of particular prepositions. Thus, for nouns in prepositions of different meanings, there may be significant differences in the semantic features identified in these nouns This result implied that the nouns surrounding a preposition might have some influences toward the meaning of this preposition. In the third analysis, the errors in the learner data were identified and examined.
Based on the results, we proposed that in a prepositional phrase formed by a particular meaning of a preposition, there exist a range of semantic preferences shown in their co-text. The meanings of a preposition are influenced by the lexical words surrounding the preposition, rather than by the word that goes after the preposition (the ground). This thesis extends from the previous studies on the semantics of prepositions and includes the important linguistic elements in forming the prepositional phrases in the analysis. By incorporating a large amount of data, it also provides a systematic analysis and a more comprehensive explanation toward the complex semantics of English prepositions. The findings can be applied to the design of English teaching materials and techniques and may hopefully bring some insights to further preposition-related studies.
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臺灣華語「在」構式的時空用法分析與應用 / The Spatial and Temporal Functions of Zài Constructions in Taiwan Mandarin: Analyses and Applications陳英智, Chen,Yin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的在於探討「在」各種構式的概念、句式的意義以及語意上的各種分布,從語料中觀察母語人士和非母語人士「在」使用上的差異,並將研究結果應用於華語教材的設計中。研究者將先前關於「在」的詞類討論、構式的內容、句式義、相關變式的文獻做一整裡,發現過去「在」的研究多集中於語言現象的討論,在教學上的應用較少,於是運用認知功能學派的理論釐清「在」的概念、構式意義和功能後,調查語料庫「在」的語意和構式的分布,發現「在+處所」的構式無論是臺灣母語人士的語料庫還是中介語語料庫都顯示極高的頻率,占學習者書面語語料中的76.6%,口語語料也占了63.5%,其他語意範疇所占的比例不高,和母語人士相較下,調查結果顯示非母語人士在書面語上對「在」的使用掌握度不夠全面,仍停留在原型的語意,而口語的掌握度較高。因此,本文以構式語法和認知語言學的理論為基礎,一方面使用語料庫研究法考察語意範疇的分布,另一方面採用對比法研究檢視華語學習者的中介語句,並使用變換分析法討論句式變化的合理性,更進一步將構式、隱現、相關變式的考察成果結合認知功能教學法與任務式教學法,設計出符合認知功能主張的教材內容與練習,以幫助學生徹底掌握「在」構式的深刻內涵。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate concepts associated with zài constructions, focusing on their different meanings and semantic distributions. Having observed native speakers’ and non-native speakers’ different performances in corpora, the researcher applies the study results to the design of Taiwan Mandarin teaching materials. After reviewing literature on discussions about part of speeches of zài, zài constructions, meanings of sentences and related transformations, the researcher discovers that previous studies have made more efforts to discuss linguistic phenomena rather than pedagogic applications. As a result, by utilizing the theories of cognitive-functional approaches to clarify the concepts, constructional meanings, and functions of zài, the researcher investigates the semantic and construction distributions of zài and finds out that “zài+ location” displays the highest frequency in both corpora of native and non-native speakers: 76.6% in interlanguage corpora in form of written language and 63.5% in interlanguage corpora in form of spoken language. Other semantic categories, however, have lower frequency. In addition, the result of investigation indicates that non-native speakers hardly master all dimensions of zài, and they still remain at the prototypical level in written language, but know spoken language better. Therefore, based on construction grammar and cognitive linguistics, this study on the one hand uses corpus study to inspect the distribution of semantic categories, and on the other hand, adopts contrastive study to inspect Mandarin learners’ interlanguage and employs transformation analysis to debate the rationality of transformation. Furthermore, the researcher, based on the results of studies on constructions, appearance and disappearance of zài , transformations with cognition-functional teaching methods and the task-based approach, designs contents and exercises conforming to cognition-functional approaches in order to help Mandarin learners know zài constructions thoroughly.
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建構以語意社會網路為主的部落格入口網站 / Building Semantic Social Network-Based Blog Portal余承遠, Yu,Cheng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的提出,主要的概念是以Web為平台,以「個人」為中心,透過群體智慧的方式來共享與產生知識,例如維基百科、部落格等。部落格提供了個人自由創作與發表文章空間,主要以RSS、Trackback為共有標準,服務提供者可另外加上自訂功能。然而部落格每天所產生的文章量相當龐大,我們是否有辦法在這些文章中,找出符合使用者想看的文章。本研究期望建構一個部落格入口網站,分析目前部落格使用的特徵,比較與目前Web環境差異;引入語意網技術,針對Metadata處理資訊,設計本體論(Ontology)來描述人、文章與標籤之間的關係並建立簡單分類;導入大眾既有經驗與人脈網路建立,觀察社會網路所能提供的貢獻;實作上將透過特徵分析來設計Crawler,自動抓取並解析文章,並建置入口網站,進行資料的分析與驗證,探討加入語意網與社會網路分析的結合所能帶來的效益。 / The Web 2.0 is based on the main concept "individuals" as the center, through the collaborative wisdom to share and to generate knowledge on the Web, such as the Wikipedia, Blog, etc. Blog provides a space for the free creativity and posting articles from individuals. Based on RSS and Trackback service providers can set an additional function. However, the daily amount of articles issued from the Blog is enormous. How can we provide methods for users to find their interesting articles? This study hopes to build the Blog portal and analysis of the current Blog features compared with the web environment. We use semantic web technology and focus on metadata processing. The ontology describes the relationship among persons, articles, tags and a simple categorization. Folks experience and relationship are established and observed with the benefits from social network analysis. In this study, we implement a crawler, and automatically grab and analysis articles. With constructing the portal, we extract information and discuss the benefits of using combination semantic web and social network analysis
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由動詞及UP或DOWN組成之動詞片語與介系詞片語連用之分析 / Analysis of the co-occurrence of the VP-UP/DOWN construction and the P-NP construction李旻倩 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多研究著眼於探討英文介系詞的語意,其中許多學者專注在單一介系詞的探討(e.g., Boers, 1996; Lindstromberg, 2010),其它學者則分析由動詞與介系詞組成之動詞片語、由介系詞與名詞組成之介系詞片語的語意(e.g. Larsen-Freeman & Celce-Murcia, 1999; Lindner, 1983; Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, & Svartik, 1985)。過去這些研究大多在單一介系詞的框架下進行,鮮少有包含雙介系詞的句構的研究。本論文所研究之句構為:一個由動詞及UP/DOWN組成之動詞片語加上一個由IN與名詞組成之介系詞片語,在本句構中包含兩個連用之介系詞,本研究的分析包含雙介系詞的語意、動詞片語以及介系詞片語的語意,另外還包含此句構中所有語意的語意關連。
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客家動物諺語的隱喻表現 / Metaphor in Hakka Animal Proverbs徐韶君, Hsu, Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Lakoff & Turner (1989) 提及人類與動物在物種階層上是密切的。本論文將以動物為取材,透過觀察客家動物諺語之隱喻表現,探究其中動物來源域和人類目標域間的互動。然而客家諺語中的動物隱喻是如何展現與客家文化的關係,藉由多源一義、一源多義的隱喻展現,以隱喻概念為基礎之分析,同時了解文化約制。進一步,以概念隱喻機制概述客家動物諺語在人類認知中如何運作,給予人類如何理解隱喻表現更完整的解釋。 / How do people communicate? In what way do we sense the world? Conceptual metaphor embedded in many language expressions are understood through conceptual correlations. Among the many language expressions, proverbs manifest a common kind of metaphor used in our daily life. Through uncovering the cognitive mechanisms operated in the metaphor of proverbs, we understand not only the language but also cultural thoughts.
This thesis investigates metaphor in Hakka animal proverbs. According to Lakoff &Turner (1989), humans and animals are highly related in species, both showing certain attributes and behaviors. Animal proverbs, often exhibiting animal attributes and behaviors, are used to carry certain social-pragmatic function of educating human beings. This study explores the conceptual metaphor of animal proverbs, generalizing the semantic features of animal source domains and the main themes of target domains. With the analysis of general patterns of the many‐sources‐to‐a‐target and a‐source‐to‐many-targets relationships of these proverbs, the study has not only shown how people understand animal metaphor in mind but also demonstrated Hakka cultural specifics in animal metaphor.
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從杜斯妥也夫斯基小說《卡拉馬助夫兄弟》看其宗教思想表現形式的特點 / Osobennosti vyrazheniya religioznyx idei v romane F.M. Dostoevskii «Brat'ya Karamazovy»林冠廷, Ling,Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:宗教思想, 對話理論, 文本語意結構,上下文,語言特性,鑲嵌式短篇小說,鄉土主義
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以語意網建構人才推薦與信任推論機制之研究— 以某國立大學EMBA人才庫為例 / A study of semantic web-based specialist recommendation & trust inference mechanism-a case of EMBA database蔡承翰, Tsai, Cheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
本雛型系統結合了網路人力銀行人才招募方式可快速地招募到大量員工的特點,及員工推薦人才招募方式可招募到更適切員工的特點。並透過FOAF格式的使用,將線上社會網絡的資料格式統一,有助於縮短整個人才信任推薦系統的建立時間。 / "Human Resource" is one of the most important assets of company, especially in knowledge-intensive industries. As network technologies developed, commercial job site has also become another kind of recruitment channel. But through this kind of channel, companies don’t have better chance to know new employee than traditional way. Therefore this study filters new employees by a Recommendation & Trust Inference mechanism. Hope that commercial job site would continue to keep the advantages of high efficiency in recruitment, and enhance its filtering capability at the same time.
First, this study surveys literatures in recruitment channels. And it proposes a Recommendation & Trust Inference mechanism using a national university EMBA program member data as an example. The Recommendation mechanism recommend candidates having the same specialty by comparing their similarity of education and work experience. Furthermore, recruitment unit could use Trust Inference mechanism to get suitable candidates. Third, we conduct experiments to find the key parameters for the prototype system. Make the system able to work better and meet users’ needs.
The prototype system combines the benefit of commercial job site which can quickly recruit a large number of employees and the feature providing more appropriate candidates for the company recommended by staff. Simultaneously by taking use of the FOAF format, we can unify the data format in online social network. The way mentioned above will effectively reduce the system set-up time.
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以語意觀點為基礎之文化建模於服務創新 / A semantic perspective of culture modeling toward service innovation戴華呈, Tai, Hua Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
在本文中,我們提出了「文化驅動因子」,藉以傳達人受到文化的影響所傳達出來的情感、價值觀和行為等。除此之外,我們更進一步的提出以語意為基礎的資訊系統,希望藉由本系統,我們可以用一種新穎的方式來詮釋當地的文化,並使用當地文化影響下所生成的「文化驅動因子」來激勵中小企業做服務創新。我們相信我們的系統可以激發中小企業,了解他們的文化背景,並進一步實現服務創新的目標。 / To do service innovation and to develop culture and creative industry are becoming a hot issue in these years. A lot of researches have been demonstrating the importance of culture and how it relates or influences to people's decision making and business management. However, few researches to date show the IT enabled use of culture ingredients to do service innovation. Accordingly, in this research we aim to investigate if there is any possibility for us to utilize cultural factors and IT to facilitate the creation service innovation opportunities. Therefore, we intend to view service innovation from the lens of local cultural factors and IT, especially for the small and medium business owners (SMBs). In this paper, we proposed “cultural interpretations” as the emotions, values and behavior, etc. which people convey out through the effect of culture. In addition, we come up with a semantic information system to motive or inspire SMBs with a new way to think about service innovation by leveraging the local culture in terms of the perspective of “cultural interpretations”. We believe our system could motive SMBs to understand their culture context and then achieve the goal of doing service innovation.
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