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英語為外語的進階學習者使用完成式之研究 / Perfect Aspect in Advanced EFL Learners' Interlanguage楊宇婷, Yang,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由分析三十二位主修英語的研究生所寫的克漏字測驗以及引導寫作來探討其使用完成式的情形。文中的討論主要涵蓋了三個面向:語言形式和語意之間的連結,語法體(grammatical aspect)與情狀體(lexical aspect)之間的關聯,以及語法體與篇章組織(discourse organization)之間的關係。本篇研究發現,進階學習者能將完成式的語言形式正確使用,但是似乎仍未能達到高度的適當使用(appropriate use)。此外,研究發現學習者有使用完成式的動詞似乎偏向於其語意中帶有終點(endpoint)或結果狀態(result state)的類別,此項發現並支持之前文獻的研究結果。最後,結果亦顯示學習者在篇章中所使用的完成式似乎具有情景建立的功能(scene-setting function),幫助他們在文章的開頭建立起背景。 / This study aims to explore the advanced learners’ use of the perfect aspect from the perspectives of form-meaning matching, lexical aspect influence and discourse organization influence. Thirty-two English-majored graduate students participated in the present study and they had to complete two tasks: a cloze test and a composition. With a careful examination over the collected data, these advanced learners’ use of the perfect aspect could be summarized as the following. First of all, they showed better formal accuracy than appropriate use of the perfect aspect. Although they presented more underuse in the task of cloze, they had more overuse in their compositions. Secondly, it was found that the perfect aspect was closely related to the verbs involving a semantic endpoint. These verbs, according to Vendler’s classification, are ACCOMPLISHMENTS and ACHIEVEMENTS. Finally, the learners in the present study showed a tendency of using the perfect aspect as the scene-setting function in the opening paragraph of their compositions.
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漢語中的字彙產出:以連續話語中的縱向聚合詞誤為例 / Word Production in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from paradigmatic errors in spontaneous speech陳慧盈, Chen,Huei ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何將漢語中詞彙的產出,建構在過去的語言生成模型(speech production model)之上。
在過去文獻中,語言生成模型主要有兩大流派:序列模型(serial-ordering model)主張各階段的激活過程只能單向進行,而連接模型(connectionist model)則允許各階段之間有雙向互動。此外,兩大模型闡述綜合性詞誤 (同時在語意及語音方面相關的詞誤)的生成也略有不同:序列模型認為綜合性詞誤起因於功能層次(functional level)與位置層次(positional level)同時發生錯誤,但若綜合性語誤的比例顯著高於機率,則較不支持此說法;連接模型則認為綜合性詞誤來自音系層(phonological stage)和詞條層(lemma stage)間的交互作用,倘若大部分的縱向聚合詞誤(paradigmatic errors)皆具有語音相似度,此說法較能得到驗證。
另外,語料分析的結果也顯示出漢語詞彙產出的特性。第一、在詞彙提取的過程中,字首比語音特徵和韻母扮演了更重要的角色,這同時也支持音節結構應以字首(C)和韻母劃分(CV/CVC)的假設;第二、聲調效應的顯著顯示聲調應存在於字彙的底層結構,因此聲調的促發應先於詞彙結的激化;第三、目標詞彙(target)的音節結構應在音系層的初期就已指定,因此有相同音節結構的詞彙結容易勝出。綜合以上可知,漢語的生成過程較傾向連接模型的架構,唯聲調和音節結構等語言特色宜納入模型討論。 / This study aims to investigate the process of word production in Mandarin, to see how it can be structured in previous models.
Speech production models have two primary sects—the serial-ordering model versus the connectionist model—arguing for uni-directional and bi-directional activation respectively. Besides, between these two models, the generation of both semantically- and phonologically-related lexical errors (mixed errors) is different. On the one hand, the serial-ordering model (Garrett, 1988) interpreted mixed errors as malfunctions occur at both functional and positional level. It may not be favored if mixed errors occur more than chance in the corpus. On the other hand, the connectionist model (Dell, 1986) explained it as the feedback activation from the phonological level back to the lemma level. It would be supported if most paradigmatic substitutions show phonological similarities.
Therefore, in order to facilitate the phonological similarities in lexical substitutions, 421 single-syllable paradigmatic (non-contextual) lexical errors collected in natural settings are examined. It is found that the percentage of mixed errors is significantly higher. Moreover, in the corpus the initialness, similarity, rhyme, syllable structure and tone effects are all prominent, which proves the joint effect of semantic and phonology in word selection. In other words, the connectionist network might better account for the processing of Mandarin.
In addition, the analysis reveals certain issues of word-production in Mandarin. First, initials are primary activation units in word retrieval, rather than phonetic features or rhymes. It also supports the division of hierarchical syllable structure as an onset (C) and rhyme (VC/CVC). Secondly, the significance of tone effect suggests that tone may be stored in the underlying phonological organization of lexicons and thus is prior in word-activation. Thirdly, the syllable structure of the target is assigned at the beginning of phonological stage and thus lexical nodes with the same syllable structure tend to be selected. In conclusion, the analysis proves that the connectionist model could be applied to Mandarin Chinese if the status of tone and syllable structure is included.
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英語間接請求語的回應:台灣高中生外語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on EFL Responding to Indirect Requests樊可瑜, Fan, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索間接請求語的回應策略,針對以英語為外語的台灣高中生做討論。共有120位受試者,分為3組,即以英語為母語的(Native American)高中生,以中文為母語的(Native Chinese)高中生,及以英語為外語的(Learning English as a Foreign Language)高中生。每組均有40位受試者,且男女數目相同。主要的實驗工具是「完成對話問卷」(DCT),設計上有12個真實生活的情境,並以請求語的種類(傳統間接請求、非傳統間接請求)作為變因。所有回應策略被分成四類。策略(一)僅有是否、(S1 yes/ no alone)、策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action)、策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)及策略(四)其他(S4 others)。本研究量化方面以卡方檢定來辨別三組間是否有顯著差異,並輔以質性研究作為進一步的分析以求更全盤瞭解各策略的使用。
結果發現,普遍來說,台灣高中生在語用能力上仍顯不足。第二點、三組受試者在回應間接請求語上有不同的表現。以英文為母語的受試者偏好使用策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action),而以英語為外語的高中生和以中文為母語的高中生卻都較偏愛使用策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)。第三點、以英文為外語的高中生在英語的使用上雖然有受到外語文化的影響,但其母語(即中文)對於其第二語言的使用影響更深遠。此外,三組受試者對於不同形式(CID, NCID)的間接請求語,在回應上採用不同的策略。再者,本研究顯示社會文化在請求語及其回應上扮演著重要的角色,在某個文化中被接受的語言使用可能在另一個文化中是不恰當的。最後,根據本文的探討,提出一些在英語學習與教學及日後研究的應用與建議。 / This study aims to explore and discuss the strategy use of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan when they respond to indirect requests. One hundred and twenty senior high school students participated in this study. They were divided into 3 groups--- native Americans (NA), native Chinese (NC), and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). There were 40 participants in each group, and the number of males and females were the same. The main instrument in this study was Discourse Completion Task (DCT), designed with 12 real life situations. One variable in the DCT was the different types of indirect requests--- Conventional Indirect (CID) and Non-conventional Indirect (NCID).
The participants’ responses were divided into four exclusive categories, namely, S1 (yes/ no alone), S2 (yes/ no plus information or action), S3 (information or action) and S4 (others). To provide the quantitative results, Chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. In addition, qualitative analysis was conducted to fully understand the employment of each strategy.
The result showed that high school students in Taiwan generally had deficient pragmatic competence. Second, the three participant groups performed differently when responding to indirect requests. It was found that the NA group tended to select Yes/ no plus information or action (S2) whereas the NC and EFL groups preferred to employ Information or action (S3). Third, the performance of the EFL group heavily followed their L1’s cultural norms, although some of their behavior was influenced by the culture of their target language. In addition, participants among three groups tended to use different respondent strategies when encountering different indirect requests, namely, CID and NCID. Furthermore, this study also found that cultural norms play a crucial role in responses to requests. The influence of cultural norms should never be neglected because an acceptable behavior in one culture may be very inappropriate in another. At last, according to the findings, this study hoped to give some suggestions and implications for English learning and teaching as well as the future research.
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在語意虛擬環境中實現3D化身的可客製化行為 / Enabling Customized Behaviors of 3D Avatar in Semantic Virtual Environment朱鈺琳, Chu, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在多人虛擬環境系統的設計上,讓使用者能自行設計化身的行為,並即時以動畫元件的形式安裝到虛擬世界中,是3D內容能否達到共享的關鍵。本論文主要研究的部分包含三個部分:第一個部分是提供虛擬環境系統動態載入動畫元件的機制,使得虛擬環境系統可以動態加入客製化之化身行為;第二個部分是在現有的虛擬環境系統中加入語意的描述,並增加互動訊息傳送時的彈性;第三個部分是實現可客製化的動畫元件,分別以化身和環境間以及化身彼此間的互動,來說明上述機制的可行性。在動態的載入動畫元件的部分,客製化的動畫元件在系統上得以即時安裝並執行。動畫元件在安裝上可使用XML片段,並交由OSGi Framework中的服務來處理此XML標籤。另外,在加入物件的語意描述後,使得這些動畫元件可以取得世界的資訊,並進一步產生符合當時環境限制或應用需求的動畫。我們以Ontology來描述環境和化身的資訊,並實際製作路徑規劃器元件和化身間互動元件兩個範例。我們利用動態安裝及語意資訊兩個機制,以實例說明如何達到實現化身可客製化行為之目的。 / In the design of multi-user virtual environments, in order to share 3D contents designed by users, it is crucial to allow the behaviors of an avatar to be designed as animation components and loaded at the run time. In this thesis, we attempt to address the problem of designing a semantic virtual environment by considering the following three parts. First, we have designed a mechanism for user-designed animation procedures to be installed and loaded at run time. Second, we have augmented our virtual environment system with semantic descriptions and enhanced the flexibility of message interchange. Third, we have used two types of interaction scenarios, avatar-environment and avatar-avatar, to illustrate how customized animation components can be designed to enhance the functionality of a virtual environment. In our system, we allow users to design their own XML tags and the corresponding animation components managed in the OSGi framework. These components can acquire world information and generate appropriate animations according to application requirements and environment constraints. We have used ontology to describe the semantics of environments and avatars. Two example components: the motion planner and the avatar-avatar interaction have been designed to illustrate the dynamic installation process and the retrieval of semantic information for the realization of customizing avatar behaviors.
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「上」的中日對照研究 -從認知語言學的觀點-林維瑄, Lin, Wei hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
【關鍵字】:認知語言學、形象圖式、被觀察者、參考體、語義延伸、隱喻、轉喻、文法化 / 中国語と日本語で〈ある物体の上部・上方〉といった空間を表現する際、中国語でも日本語でも同じ「上」という漢字を用いる。このため、日本語を学ぶ中国語母語話者、また中国語を学ぶ日本語母語話者が、日本語の「Nの上」と中国語の「N+上」を一義的に対応させて使用してしまうケースが多い。しかし、実際の用例を見ると「Nの上」と「N+上」が一義的に対応しない場合が多数存在する。そこで、本稿では「上」を取り上げ、認知言語学の考え方を導入して、日中対照研究の立場から、その共通点・相違点を比較し、日中両語の対応関係を明らかにすることを目的とする。また、認知言語学の意味拡張の概念を用い、その意味・用法がどのような認知プロセスを経て生まれたものであるのかを図示で解明してみたい。
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以靜態織入方法實現剖面導向工作流程 / Design and Implementation of a Static Weaver for Aspectual Workflow許朝傑, Hsu, Chao Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
現今的應用系統中常會有橫跨性(Cross-Cutting)的程式模組存在,這類程式模組包括:日誌記錄、授權認證、資料永存性等,而這種程式模組在系統中若沒有被區分抽離出來,常常會導致系統重複出現與主要功能需求無關的程式碼,除此之外,這些橫跨性需求的程式碼還會與主要功能需求程式碼糾結在一起,造成程式碼夾雜不清的現象。在工作流程(Workflow)的開發過程中也有著相同的問題。為了解決上述的問題,本研究以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Manage- ment)為基礎平台,將剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Progra- mming)的觀念與技術運用在工作流程的領域中,使流程設計人員能夠利用AOP的方式來解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題,並且利用靜態織入方法,改善jBPM工作流程引擎進行剖面流程在織入時的效能。 / Cross-cutting concerns are those system design issues that cut across the various modules of an application and are typically foundational system services that we need to consider before diving into building an application. Most common among these are logging, authentication, authorization, and persistence. Cross-cutting concerns always cause program code to be scattered and tangled, and therefore make it harder to understand and maintain. Similar problem also occurs in the field of workflow. In our research, we apply the concept of aspect-oriented programming(AOP) to the field of workflow system, and implement a static weaver for jBPM. With static weaver, process designer can use the facilities of AOP, and the performance is also improved via static weaving .
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漢語兒童的非優先應答 / Dispreferred Responses in Mandarin Child Languag王蕙玟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討兒童在給予非優先應答時所採取的語用策略,以及母親在接續的對話中所給予的回應。研究的語料來自於一名以漢語為母語的四歲兒童與她的母親之間的日常對話。在分析的資料中,我們將非優先應答區分成拒絕和異議兩類,分析之後,結果發現受試兒童採取六種不同的語用策略來表達非優先應答,分別為(1)直接否定(simple negation)、(2)理由(account)、(3)挑戰(challenge)、(4)修正(correction)、(5)部分認同(partial agreement)、(6)反請求(counter-request),而受試者的非優先應答往往結構簡單,內容直接而缺少修飾,雖然她在否定或提出異議時,能給予進一步的解釋,但是她所提出的多為以自我為中心的理由。另外,母親在面對受試者直接的拒絕或異議時,多半會以下列三種方式回應:一、再次陳述自己的要求或想法,二、提供更多的解釋來說服對方,三、提出問題要求對方進一步說明拒絕或不同意的原因,以上的三種回應策略都使母親有再一次的機會來說服受試兒童接受她的要求,或者同意她的想法。 / This study investigates children’s pragmatic strategies of delivering dispreferred responses and also how the mothers reacted in the subsequent turns. The data analyzed are a Mandarin-speaking four-year-old child’s natural conversation with her mother. In the observed verbal exchanges, the subject child’s dispreferred seconds are categorized into refusals and disagreements. After careful examination, six pragmatic strategies are identified in the dispreferred turns, namely, simple negation, account, challenge, correction, partial agreement, and counter-request. The results indicate the child’s dispreferreds are generally simple in structure, direct and unmitigated in force. Though she was capable of providing accounts for her refusals or disagreements, the reasons she gave are mostly self-oriented and serve to express her non-compliance and disapproval.
As for the mother’s subsequent responses, it is found that facing the child’s direct and socially disruptive seconds, the mother generally targeted at her previous turn and attempted to carry on the prior illocutionary force. When her directive or statement was refused or denied, she tended to responded with reformulations, persuading remarks or queries, which elicited more information about the dispreferred acts. All of these three strategies provided another chance for the achievement of compliance or agreement.
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非語言敏感度的性別差異:權力差異與不同社會角色期待的效果探討 / Gender difference on nonverbal sensitivity: Due to power differentials or different social role expectations?林怡秀, Lin, Yi Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
非語言敏感度(nonverbal sensitivity)指正確察覺與解釋他人非語言訊息的能力。過去研究發現女性的非語言敏感度優於男性,可以權力取向或社會角色理論解釋。權力取向認為女性在社會上缺乏權力,故需展現良好的非語言敏感度保障自己權益。社會角色理論認為女性擔任,或被期待擔任照顧者,因此培養良好的非語言敏感度。本研究同時探討權力取向與社會角色理論,嘗試比較兩個理論對非語言敏感度性別差異的解釋。本實驗採用兩人互動,透過權力差異的操弄與不同的議題(經濟提供者議題或照顧者議題)討論,探討互動時的非語言敏感度。每位受試者還觀看四部影片,測量無動機影響的非語言敏感度。結果顯示權力差異可解釋兩人互動的非語言敏感度,且資料型態符合權力差異者的動機解釋。而觀看影片時,相較於探討經濟提供者議題受試者,探討照顧者議題受試者有較佳的非語言敏感度。此外我們亦發現性別、權力與社會角色三因子交互作用,非語言敏感度會受到實驗分派的社會角色是否符合生理性別的傳統作業影響,符合預期狀態理論的觀點。 / Nonverbal sensitivity refers to the ability to accurately detect and decode nonverbal cues communicated by others. Past research showed that women enjoy superior nonverbal sensitivity over men. Power perspective and social role theory each provides explanations for women's superior nonverbal sensitivity. Power perspective suggests that due to the lack of power in the society, women count on their nonverbal sensitivity to get what they want and for protection. Social role theory suggests that women are more likely to be in or are usually expected to be in caretaker roles, which require their attending to others' verbal or nonverbal cues. As a result, women develop superior nonverbal sensitivity compared to men. We designed an experimental study to test explanations offered by power perspective and social role theory. In the experiment, two individuals were told to collaborate on a task either required them to be in the provider role mode (focusing on earning money) or caretaker role mode (focusing on taking care of others). Power difference was manipulated by assigning one of the two individuals to be a leader and the other follower in this task. Interactions were recorded upon participants’ consent. After interaction, the participants were asked to interpret nonverbal cues in their interaction. They were also told to view four video clips, and then report and interpret nonverbal cues in each video clip. The results suggest that nonverbal sensitivity in interaction can be best accounted for by explanations consistent with the power perspective. The powerful was better at “B sees Self” nonverbal sensitivity, and the powerless was better at “B sees Me” nonverbal sensitivity, consistent with motivational explanations. In addition, we found a three-way interaction of participant sex, power, and social role, suggesting that women had the best “B sees Me” sensitivity when they had no power and were in the provider role. And men showed the best “B sees Self” sensitivity when they had power and were in the provider role. The three-way interaction finding is consistent with predictions made by expectation states theory. However, when viewing four video clips, participants in the caretaker role had better nonverbal sensitivity than those in the provider role. Motivation was offered to account for the differential effects of power and social roles. By analyzing clips of the dyadic interactions, we found that the powerful showed more leader behavior such as deciding discussion direction, and the powerless showed more follower behavior such as stammering. However, the results of the clips did not account for the aforementioned findings of nonverbal sensitivity.
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「高山低頭,河水讓路」 —大躍進時期革命語言之研究 / “The mountain lowers the head; the river allows passing through”— Study of revolutionary language in the great leap forward劉兆崑, Liou, Jhao Kun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分為五個章節,除導論簡述本文研究要旨外,首先將說明革命語言與中國共產黨之關聯性,定義革命語言的基本內涵,並說明中共革命語言的形成。其次說明中共宣傳的策略與手段,對意識形態及語言的散播發生何種影響。而後進入研究核心,以《人民日報》、《紅旗》文獻與《紅旗歌謠》新民歌,歸納大躍進革命語言的構成內容,並依據前文歸納,分析革命語言的特徵。 / The Great Leap Forward carried out Utopia doctrine, combined the explanation that Mao Zedong and his followers offered to, in addition, the official propaganda system that control strictly and aspiration of the people about ideal, developed into extensive collective's fanatic movement. The expectation of communist world and Utopia ideal, thought of push the country to develop rapidly, the thought turned into variety of languages, spread out by the media, and formed the language style of taking the course of its own.
This research is divided into five chapters, except that the introduction, at first will prove the relation of revolutionary language and the CCP, define the basic intension of the revolutionary language, and explain the forming revolutionary language of CCP. Secondly, to show that CCP’s propaganda tactics and means how influenced ideology and language. And then enter the core of studying, in the documents of " People's Daily ", "Red Flag "'and new folk songs of " Red Flag Ballad ", sum up the composition content of the revolutionary language of the Great Leap Forward, and according to preceding paragraphs, analyze the characteristic of the revolutionary language.
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以優選理論分析國語中的法語借字 / An OT analysis of French loanwords in Mandarin Chinese洪聖瑋, Hung, Sheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建置一個法語借詞語料庫,並統計音段保留、替代、或刪除的趨向。研究發現,音段保留與調整為主要的轉譯策略,唯有韻尾子音[ʁ]傾向於刪除。數據分析顯示法語借詞中的語言變異(variation)極為普遍,此現象說明國語中的法語借詞尚未完全詞彙化 (lexicalization),而是仍在持續進行。因此本論文採用ROE模型 (rank-ordering model of EVAL, Coetzee 2006)來解釋法語借詞轉譯的變異現象。
法語音段的調整現象和變異情形可訴諸於制約的排序與互動。根據ROE模型,制約係以中界線(cut-off line)加以區隔,違反中界線以上的候選值會直接淘汰,而僅違反中界線以下的候選值皆可成為優選值。本研究發現,中界線以上的制約包含結構制約、信實制約、以及聯合制約(conjoined constraint);中界線以下的制約則多為信實制約。音韻表徵(phonological features)如[labial]與[nasal]在轉譯的過程中必須保留,而是否違反[voice]與[spread glottis]等表徵僅會造成語言變異。
制約的交錯排序、互動,以及中界線的位置對於法語借詞的現象提出了解釋。借詞音韻並非自成一個系統,而是反映了借入語和普遍語法皆存在的制約。 / This thesis investigates the phonological adaptations of French loanwords in Mandarin. The focus is on the loanword adjustment of French consonants and nasal vowels. A loanword corpus is established. Based on the statistical analysis, the adaptation pattern of each foreign segment is provided. The thesis observes that preservation and adaptation are the major strategies in loanword adaptation. The only exception is [ʁ] in the coda position, which has segment deletion as the major substitute. Variant substitutes are common in French loanwords, which suggest that the loanword adaptation of French is an ongoing process in Mandarin.
Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004) is the major framework in this thesis. To account for variations, Coetzee’s (2006) rank-ordering model of EVAL (ROE) is also used for analysis. A critical cut-off line divides the constraints into two parts: constraints above the cut-off line, and constraints below the cut-off line. Violations of the former are fatal, while violations of the latter lead to variations. The fatal constraints place restrictions on illicit segments, segment combinations, and prosodic preferences. These crucial constraints include markedness constraints, faithfulness constraints, or even the conjunction of the two. Constraints below the cut-off line are mostly IDENT constraints. Violations of IDENT features such as [voice] and [spread glottis] bring only variations. This is contrary to the violations of IDENT [nasal] and IDENT [labial], which result in ill-formedness.
Based on the constraint ranking and the position of the cut-off line, the thesis shows that loanword phonology does not form an idiosyncratic grammar. Instead, it includes the constraints that are latent in L1 and reflects universal grammar.
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