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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大陸地方政府的農業援外分析 : 以援非農業技術示範中心項目為例 / The Analysis of Agricultural Aid of Local Governments in China: A Case Study of Agro-Technology Demonstration Center

陳雅翔, Chen, Ya Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
本文以地方發展型政府為理論基礎,通過援非農業技術示範中心項目的案例來解釋地方政府在參與國家對外農業援助的動力和其農業援外的行為策略。 本文認為21世紀以來中國大陸對外農業援助之所以能夠快速增長,關鍵因素在於國家機器成功地調動了地方政府參與援助計劃的自主性與積極性。一方面,中央政府在援外管理與財政金融方面的放權,使地方政府能夠自主調動省级行政資源加强對援助項目的管理;二方面,糧食安全省長責任制的確立,以及經濟戰略所需的內部資源不平衡分配,都強化了地方官員企圖通過推動國家重大戰略來擦亮政績並獲得職位升遷機會的意願。 進入援非農業示範中心的案例中,地方政府在推動對外援助的過程中也在積極尋找機會帶動本地企業「走出去」。其行為策略通常是先將援助平台搭建成功,然後設法壯大援助平台,希望通過援助平台的成功運營以及各項優惠條件,拉動本地企業的抱團投資,在受援國形成規模效應。筆者將這種行為策略謂之為「造船出海」。本文還對央地間在農業援外事務上的互動策略進行分析,發現地方政府在中央允許的政策空間內有一定的變通執行權;而中央對於援外項目則實施「目標管理」與「制度設計」,對地方政府過度扭曲的政策執行進行干預。 本文認為,地方政府在促進農業「走出去」過程中發揮著關鍵性的作用,其所採用的「造船出海」的行為策略實質上是在移植早期地方招商引資的經驗,是中國發展經驗的制度遺產。而地方政府在援外政策的變通執行同樣在影響著中國大陸對外援助的結構與過程。

農業轉型結合社會企業與公平貿易之商業模式探討-以卡維蘭為例 / Business Model of Agricultural Transformation with Social Enterprise and Fair Trade - A case study of Kavilan.

呂葆光, Lu, Pao Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣雖為小島,但因所處的緯度與地形讓台灣擁有熱帶到寒帶氣候型態,得天獨厚的地理條件使台灣的水果多樣性豐富造就水果王國的美名。先天優勢加上發達的生技與種植技術,台灣理應具先進的農業發展,農民也有良好的生活條件。然而實際上許多尤其在山區或偏鄉的農民卻長期處於貧窮狀態,間接造成人口外移,生活條件不佳等問題。而主要原因是農民距離市場過遠,又不善於取得市場資訊,一直以來都依賴盤商將商品賣到市場,寡買甚至獨賣的情況下農民缺乏議價能力而一直面臨貧窮問題。為了增加收入便大量使用農藥與肥料,結果產量增加有限卻破壞土壤汙染環境,影響作物的品質,品質不佳,議價能力變弱形成惡性循環。   針對此一問題國際上經過數十年的調整,發展出了公平貿易原則。而國內也有許多農民或網路平台也開始採取產地直購的方式經營,希望藉此改善收入問題。本研究的個案卡維蘭也是其中之一,但相較於其他平台,卡維蘭除了讓利農民外更進一步希望能協助農民改善耕作技術與生活環境,當中隱含了公平貿易中的永續發展概念,因此本研究選擇卡維蘭作為研究對象,希望藉由探討國際的公平貿易發展,研究卡維蘭個案的發展情形,再考量台灣特有的環境後提出一個創新商業模式來解決上述問題。 為了實際了解個案的運作情形,除了訪談外,筆者更於2015~2016年間實際加入卡維蘭團隊經營達半年之久,以親身的經歷觀察與訪談資料進行研究分析,研究結果認為引進公平貿易精神是台灣農業轉型朝永續發展的必然趨勢,然而當前仍有眾多阻礙需要克服,卡維蘭的努力加上民眾對公平貿易與社會企業的意識逐漸升高,已為轉變帶來希望。 / With the unique geographical conditions, Taiwan has an ideal environment of cultivating various types of fruit. Moreover, with advanced biotechnology, Taiwan should have a highly developed agriculture which improved farmers’ living condition. Nevertheless, most of the farmers don’t possess the knowledge and skills of sales, therefore it’s hard for them to sell their product to the market. They have to rely on the wholesalers, which restricted the farmers’ bargaining power. Without the ability to earn enough money, lots of them are living in poor conditions. In order to raise the harvest, some farmers use too much fertilizer and pesticide at the stake of jeopardizing the environment, yet the production increase is limited. Such measure incurred unstable quality and decreased bargaining power, thus the farmers were trapped in vicious circles.   To solve similar problems, fair trade has been developed throughout the world over decades to help farmers achieve better trading conditions. In Taiwan, many farmers and internet platform have tried to sell crops directly on internet to make sure that the farmers get a fair price, our case company Kavilan is one of them. In addition, Kavilan not only offers the farmers a fair price but also tries to help them improve their farming skills and build a healthy environment. There are fair trade and sustainability idea in their business model. Therefore, Kavilan is chosen as the research target. By studying the international fair trade development and the case Kavilan considering the circumstances of Taiwan, this study try to create a new business model with the concept of fair trade and social entrepreneurship to solve these problems.   To understand how Kavilan works, this author had joined Kavilan for half year during 2015-2016 to collect first hand data and analyze its operations. After conducting an in-depth research, the result shows that the transformation of agriculture involving fair trade is necessary for sustainability. Although there is still a lot of challenge to be dealt with, the efforts of Kavilan and the rising awareness of fair trade and social enterprise in public have bring hope to the change of agricultural industry.

論養殖漁業保險 / A Study On Aquaculture Insurance

葉高陞, Tony K. S. YEH Unknown Date (has links)
台灣養殖漁業於一九六○年代即以優良的人工繁殖技術獨步全球。一九八○年代進入全盛時期,並以草蝦養殖王國享譽國際。近年來更朝向科技化,自動化室內超高密度循環水養殖與外海箱網養殖發展。在二十一世紀全球人類動物性蛋白質需求高度仰賴養殖漁業之趨勢下,台灣養殖漁業將繼續扮演重要角色。 ……。 本文即根據所蒐集相關文獻及統計資料來探討養殖漁業之重要性、現況、台灣實施養殖漁業保險所面臨之問題及多國經營相關保險之狀況,以供台灣未來實施後保險之參考,並提昇適合我國國情的養殖漁業保險制度與實施步驟,並建議嘗試擇定具規範之箱網養殖漁業保險試辦,依成效、體驗再逐步推廣至其他養殖漁業。 / Fish is an important source of food protein. Aquaculture is playing a critical part in food security in 21st century as capture fisheries have been restrained by our consciousness of environment protection. In the early 1960's, Taiwan developed its excellent skills in aquaculture and even won the title of aquaculture kingdom of prawn in 1980's. With its long history in the industry and new technology advantages in both hi-density indoor and off-shore cage aquaculture, Taiwan will keep playing a key role in the global aquaculture industry in the century. ....... This article tries to build up a framework for the Taiwan aquaculture insurance based on my study of all the related documents, regulations, laws, statistics and international aquaculture insurance practices. In order to be more practical, I select off-shore cage fishfarm as the first trial for the promotion of aquaculture insurance. In the second stage we can transfer the experience to all kinds of fishfarms step by step.


黃雪娥 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在研究一八九0年代至二十世紀初,俄國國內的財經與農業之改革。本文之財經改革研究是以十九世紀末期俄國著名的改革家謝爾蓋‧尤里耶維奇.維特(Sergei Yul'evich Witte, 1849-1915)為中心,而農業改革之研究主要是以彼得.阿爾卡吉耶維奇.史托里賓(Petr Arkad'evich Stolypin, 1862-1911)為中心。 長期統治俄國三百餘年的羅曼諾夫王朝,於一九一七年的革命爆發之後走入了歷史。羅曼諾夫王朝之所以被推翻,原因之一是人民不滿於沙皇政府的保守專制與腐敗無能。而維特的財經改革與史托里賓的農業改革,關係著俄國當時的社會脈動,尤其在人民對沙皇不滿情緒逐日高漲的時期,兩人的改革攸關人民對沙皇的支持與否。而且,兩人改革的時問與俄國沙皇政權結束的時間,有著密切的前後關聯性,因此兩人的改革對帝俄末期發展至關重要。 本論文主要探討的中心問題為:是否維特的財經改革與史托里賓的農業改革成功,革命就不會發生?俄國在二十世紀初羅曼諾夫王朝結束之前,不到二十年的時間襄,就發生了兩次革命:一九○五年革命和一九一七年二月革命。這兩次革命都有工人與農民參與,他們對政府都有強烈的不滿。表示他們長期受到了壓迫,政府雖有進行改革卻未能消弭他們的積怨。因此,俄國政府所實施的與工人與農民有密切關係的財經農業改革,在帝俄末期仍無法滿足人民的需求。若人民的需求得以獲得滿足,革命可能就不會發生。 本論文將分五章來探討。第一章為緒論,說明研究目的與研究動機、文獻回顧、研究途徑與研究方法、研究架構。第二章為時代背景,將維特與史托里賓改革時的國內環境與國際環境作一粗略簡介。本章分為二節:分別為俄國國內環境與國際環境之簡述:第三章為維特經改之研究。本章共分為三節:分別為維特生平之簡介、維特實施財經改革之內容以及評價。第四章為史托里賓農改之研究。本章共分為三節:分別為史托里賓生平之簡介、史托里賓實施農業改革之內容以及評價。第五章為結論,總結本論文經研究後所得之結果。 / This thesis is to discuss the economic reform and agrarian reform in Imperial Russia from the 1890s to the beginning of the twentieth century. In the thesis I research the economic reform which was implemented by Sergei Yul'evich Witte (1849-1915) who was famous as a Russian reformer in the end of nineteenth century, and the agrarian reform which was implemented by Petr Arkad'evich Stolypin (1862-1911). Romanov Dynasty which had reigned Imperial Russia for more than three hundred years was collapsed after the Revolution of 1917. The one of the reasons why Romanov Dynasty was collapsed was people's dissatisfaction with Russian government's autocracy, conservatism, corruption and incapability. Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform had influences on the social tendency in Imperial Russia at that time. Especially when people had more and more dissatisfaction with Tsar, Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform related with the degree of people's support to Tsar. Furthermore, the time ofWitte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform was close to the time of Tsar regime's termination. Therefore, their reforms played vital roles in the development of the last phase of Imperial Russia. The discussion centered on the most important question: if Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform had been successful, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation. Before the end of Romanov Dynasty, not till twenty years, there were two revolutions - the Revolution of 1905 and the February Revolution of 1917. Workers and peasants took part in the two revolutions because they had strong dissatisfaction with the government. It represented that they had been oppressed by the government for the long time. Although the government implemented the reforms,the government could not decline their accumulated rancor. Thus, their reforms which connected with workers and peasants still could not meet people'demands. If the government had been able to meet people' demands, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation. This thesis will be discussed in five chapters. Chapter I is introduction: it will explain the purpose, motivation, method, documents and framework of this thesis. Chapter 2 contains background. It briefly introduces the domestic situations and the international conditions when Witte and Stolypin reformed. In the Chapter 3, I research Witte's economic reform. There are three sections in this chapter - the synopsis of Witte's life, the contains of Witte's reform and criticism. In the Chapter 4, I research Stolypin's agrarian reform. There are three sections in this chapter - the synopsis of Stolypin's life, the contains of Stolypin's reform and criticism. Chapter 5: conclusion.


劉富森 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的為瞭解休閒農場應用網路行銷的狀況,及其策略類型,並且分析背後影響因素與可能的問題或困難,提出建議,期望有所貢獻。 所謂休閒農場就是結合一般觀光遊憩活動、農業活動、地方生態、地方人文資源、以及自然景觀,提供大眾農業與自然生態之體驗,並且滿足大眾休閒遊憩需求的「休閒農業經營場所」,只要符合上述定義之農場,便是本研究的研究對象。 本研究之研究個案為飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林,透過個案分析針對下列研究問題研究:本研究的研究問題為休閒農場網路行銷的策略類型屬於哪一類?哪些因素會影響休閒農場應用網路行銷?及其現階段遇到問題為何? 在研究問題一方面,飛牛牧場應用網路行銷類型隨著時間演進,跟著改變,共有三次轉變,分別是裝飾性網站策略(2001~2004)、資訊性網站策略(2004~2007)、由資訊性網站策略轉型至關係性網站策略(2007~迄今);薰衣草森林則是一開始便走向關係性網站策略類型。 在研究問題二方面,本研究歸納出六項影響變數:品牌形象、高階主管重視網路行銷的程度、負責主管對網路行銷的瞭解程度、組織對網路行銷的瞭解程度、外部合作夥伴、顧客需求。 在研究問題三方面,飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林目前各自有不同的困難;飛牛牧飛牛牧場問題的癥結點在於負責主管和組織對網路行銷的瞭解程度不足,而薰衣草森林問題的癥結點則在於創意不足。本研究最後並針對飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林應用網路行銷缺失之處,提出建議與可能的改進之道。 / The purpose of this study is to draw the pictures of E-Marketing of leisure farms in Taiwan, to understand what kind of strategy of E-Marketing leisure farms are applying, and then to discern the variables which affect leisure farms on E-Marketing. Finally this study makes some suggestions for the problems leisure farms encounter. In this article, a leisure farm is defined as a place to provide people the experiences of agriculture and local ecology as well as to meet the needs of leisure with tourism, agriculture, local ecology, natural landscape, and local culture. Based on the analysis of the two cases: FlyingCow Ranch and Lavender Cottage, this study addresses the following questions: 1. What kind of strategy of E-Marketing the leisure farms apply? 2. Which variables influence the leisure farms on E-Marketing? 3. Currently what are the problems the leisure farms have? In question 1, FlyingCow Ranch transforms its way of E-Marketing three times as time goes on, respectively, The Ornamental Web Presence (2001~2004), The Information Web Presence (2004~2007, and The Relational Web Presence (2007~present). In the beginning, Lavender Cottage starts from the strategy of The Relational Web Presence. In question 2, there are six variables. They are Brand Image, Commitment of top executives, Degree of knowledge about E-Marketing of E-Marketing officer, Degree of knowledge about E-Marketing of organization, E-Marketing Partners, and Customers` needs. In question 3, the main problem FlyingCow Ranch has lies in that both the officer and organization lack the knowledge about E-Marketing. And, the main problem Lavender Cottage faces relates to creativity. In the end of this article, this study also makes some advices to address the defects of the E-Marketing of FlyingCow Ranch and Lavender Cottage.

臺灣農業持續發展: LCA / Sustainability of agricultural production in Taiwan: LCA

裴麗莎, Denisa Petrilakova Unknown Date (has links)
社會可持續性已成為全球討論之議題,作為氣候變化之回應,特別是農業生產之可持續性,因為它仍然是社會基本需求之基本支柱。吾人透由測量運輸、包裝、加工、分銷與保存等過程反映真實可持續性。為此,本研究使用LCA(生命週期評估)作為系統評估整個生產週期之適當工具。本文考察2015年台灣農業生產置重點於糧食生產可持續性之三個方向:環境、經濟與社會方面,以及其影響,並確認渠等在週期內之相對關係。因此,利用LCA描繪台灣農業生產系統之整體情況,有助於瞭解整體農業情況。環境層面講述能源消耗、使用效率,及土壤、水汙染。經濟層面包含生產週期中之自給自足分析與價格分析。社會層面揭露食品安全問題,特別是暴露於農藥之健康風險。最後,將結果與實際意義綜合表現,並提出許多可後續繼續研究之議題。 / Sustainability of society became a globally discussed issue as a response to climate change, especially, the sustainability of agricultural production as it remains as a fundamental pillar of the society for fulfilling basic needs. It is time to move forward real sustainability through measuring the whole process between production and consumption embracing transportation, packaging, processing, distribution, and preservation among others. For this purpose, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used in this research as an appropriate tool for the systematic evaluation of the whole cycle of production. This paper examines agricultural production in Taiwan in 2015 focusing on sustainability of food production in three dimensions: environmental, economic, and social aspects, as well as its impacts and identifying the relative importance of each part in the cycle. Therefore, with drawing the whole picture of Taiwanese agricultural production system using LCA, it helps to understand circumstances behind the whole agriculture sector. The part concerning environmental dimension talks about energy consumption and efficiency of its usage; as well as, contamination of soil and water. Economic dimension consists of self-sufficiency analysis and price analysis of some components in the life cycle of production. Finally, the social dimension reveals certain problems in food safety, particularly, health risks of exposure to pesticides. And finally, a summary of results and practical implication of this research are presented. This research highlights many issues which could be further investigated.

中國大陸鄉鎮財政制度改革之研究 / Financial system reform in China: A study on township and village levels

張亭玉 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自改革開放後經濟快速發展, 沿海城市的發展帶動整個中國經濟實力上升,整體經濟以擴散方式逐步往內地發展。長期城鄉發展差距讓農民必須遠離農村至人力需求較高的城市打工賺錢以養家活口,農村經濟發展停滯、基礎建設不足、經費短缺,農村更因經濟吸引力不足,勞動人口大量外移,陷入無效率、停滯的狀況。 三農問題成為當前中國政府和專家學者所關注焦點,部分觀察家認為,三農問題嚴重根源自鄉鎮政府的無效率以及貪腐加重了農民的負擔,讓農村發展更加惡化。中共中央提出農業稅費改革與取消農業稅等方式,減輕鄉鎮政府施加於農民的負擔。 本研究探究大陸行政體制與行政體系結構下的鄉鎮政府財政制度,自鄉鎮政府所處的體制、發展背景與壓力結構分析鄉鎮政府在整個財政體系中扮演的角色,是否鄉鎮政府如部分研究所言扮演著壓榨農民、拖累農村農業與商業發展、同時為最大利益獲取者的角色?這樣的角色根源於甚麼樣的歷史背景?又如何破解如此無效率循環的現象。


辰己, 賢一 23 May 2012 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12679号 / 論工博第4081号 / 新制||工||1548(附属図書館) / 29812 / (主査)教授 寶 馨, 教授 松岡 譲, 准教授 山敷 庸亮 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当

ウガンダ南西部の人口稠密地域における山地農業と土地利用の変遷 / Mountainous Farming System and Land-use Change in Highly Populated Area in Southwestern Uganda

堀, 光順 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第22564号 / 地博第267号 / 新制||地||101(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 / (主査)准教授 大山 修一, 教授 伊谷 樹一, 教授 重田 眞義, 准教授 金子 守恵 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

アフリカ在来犂農耕の地域研究 --エチオピア中央高原に暮らすオロモの人びとによる牛耕の潜在力-- / Area Study of Indigenous Plowing System in Africa: The Potential of Ox-plow Agriculture among the Oromo of the Central Ethiopian Highlands

田中, 利和 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第18391号 / 地博第160号 / 新制||地||54(附属図書館) / 31249 / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 重田 眞義, 教授 太田 至, 准教授 大山 修一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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