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無線通訊結合企業電子化之研究-以醫療業為例 / The Study of Wireless Communication and e-Business:A Case Study of Healthy Care Industry簡義益, Chien, Yi-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過探討企業電子化的現況與問題、無線通訊的發展與應用,歸納出無線通訊在企業電子化上應用的功能特性,包含:彈性、精簡性、主動性、安全性、個別性、持續連線、行動性與特殊性,並提出無線通訊結合企業電子化之功能模式,以產業特性為出發點,在原有的企業電子化的基礎上架構其無線通訊的功能,主要分為三種應用類型,包含動態資訊、作業流程與個人化服務,並列舉五種產業示例,包含醫療業、汽車業、快遞業、保險業與證券業,以做為未來企業在應用無線通訊科技來改善流程與提升其競爭優勢的參考,最後以醫療業進行個案分析與模式應用。 / The progress of information technology activates e-business and changes the business model nowadays. Recently, the advance of wireless communication technology enable the employees can do their business process outside their offices no matter where they are. In this way, they can reach each member of company and enhance the effectiveness and the efficiency of their job. It can also enforce the effect of the e-business to provide better customer service.
In this study, firstly, we explore the affair and the problems of e-business, and survey the progression and application of wireless communication. Secondly, we issue eight functional features of wireless communication on e-business and propose the model of wireless communication on e-business. Finally, we take a hospital as a case to implement our model.
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供應鏈架構下通訊方式選擇策略之探討----以日用百貨零售業為研究對象 / To Survey the Communication Media of Information Delivery for the Infrastructure of Supply Chain Management江培文, Pei-Wen Jiang Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………………….1
1.2 研究目的…………………………………………………………………….2
1.3 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………………….4
1.4 論文架構…………………………………………………………………….4
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………….6
2.1 供應鏈管理………………………………………………………………….6
2.1.1 供應鏈管理的定義……………………………………………………..7
2.1.2 供應鏈的整合…………………………………………………………..9
2.2 資訊流……………………………………………………………………….9
2.2.1 資訊流的定義…………………………………………………………..9
2.2.2 資訊流的類型………………………………………………………….12
2.2.3 資訊流的傳遞模式…………………………………………………….12
2.3 通訊方式……………………………………………………………………16
2.3.1 有線通訊方式………………………………………………………….16 公眾交換電話網路…………..……………..………………..……17 整體服務數位網路………..………………………………………20 非對稱數位用戶迴路……………..………………………………22 軸纜數據機……………..…………………………………………23
2.3.2 無線通訊方式………………………………………………………….24 無線電通訊………………………………………………………..24 紅外線通訊………………………………………………………..26 行動通訊…………………………………………………………..27 衛星通訊…………………………………………………………..31
2.4 資訊科技……………………………………………………………………35
2.4.1 資訊科技引進策略之探討…………………………………………….35
2.4.2 資訊科技實施階段之探討…………………………………………….37 Zmud及Apple的資訊科技實施程序模式………………………37 Nolan的階段成長理論……………………………………………39
第三章 通訊方式選擇策略訂定方法之探討……………………………..41
3.1 通訊方式選擇策略訂定方法之流程………………………………………41
3.2 供應鏈成員架構之建立……………………………………………………43
3.2.1 傳統供應鏈之成員架構……………………………………………….43
3.2.2 導入物流中心的供應鏈之成員架構………………………………….44
3.3 資訊流的內涵與傳遞模式之分析…………………………………………45
3.3.1 價值鏈模式…………………………………………………………….46
3.3.2 資訊流之分析………………………………………………………….48 企業內部資訊流之分析…………………………………………..48 通路成員間資訊流之分析………………………………………..49
3.4 通訊方式使用特性之分析…………………………………………………49
3.5 企業內外部環境之分析……………………………………………………51
3.5.1 SWOT分析…………………………………………………………….52
3.5.2 SWOT矩陣…………………………………………………………….52
3.5.3 企業策略……………………………………………………………….53
3.6 資訊流與通訊方式之探討…………………………………………………55
3.7 企業內外部環境與資訊流之探討…………………………………………56
3.8 通訊方式選擇策略之訂定…………………………………………………57
第四章 日用百貨零售業通訊方式選擇策略之訂定……………………59
4.1 個案描述……………………………………………………………………59
4.1.1 統一企業與捷盟行銷………………………………………………….59
4.1.2 萊爾富公司…………………………………………………………….65
4.1.3 美國西爾斯公司……………………………………………………….68
4.1.4 美國寶鹼公司與威名百貨…………………………………………….74
4.1.5 日本丸井百貨………………………………………………………….78
4.2 日用百貨零售業的供應鏈成員架構………………………………………80
4.3 日用百貨零售業的資訊內涵與傳遞模式之分析…………………………82
4.3.1 日用百貨零售業企業內部資訊流之分析…………………………….82
4.3.2 日用百貨零售業通路成員間資訊流之分析………………………….84
4.4 通訊方式使用特性之分析…………………………………………………87
4.5 日用百貨零售業企業內外部環境之分析…………………………………91
4.5.1 日用百貨零售業之SWOT分析………………………………………91
4.5.2 日用百貨零售業之SWOT矩陣………………………………………92
4.6 日用百貨零售業資訊流與通訊方式之探討………………………………94
4.6.1 日用百貨零售業企業內部資訊流與通訊方式之配對關係………….95
4.6.2 日用百貨零售業通路成員間資訊流與通訊方式之配對關係……….96
4.7 日用百貨零售業企業內外部環境與資訊流之探討………………………97
4.8 日用百貨零售業通訊方式選擇策略之制訂……………………………..100
4.9 本章結論…………………………………………………………………..103
4.9.1 結合優勢與機會之通訊方式選擇策略……………………………...103
4.9.2 發揮優勢避免威脅之通訊方式選擇策略…………………………...104
4.9.3 改善劣勢掌握機會之通訊方式選擇策略…………………………...104
4.9.4 改善劣勢避免威脅之通訊方式選擇策略…………………………...105
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………………….107
5.1 結論………………………………………………………………………..107
5.2 建議………………………………………………………………………..108 / To provide and to satisfy the customers' needs, we should integrate the up-stream supply side and down-stream demand side. That's the reason why the concept and implementation of supply chain management occupy so much of the attention. In a supply chain framework, the information flow is the key factor to integrate all of the activities of the intra-member and inter-member in the chain.
And how to quickly and suitably deliver the information in a supply chain to respond the customers' needs and changes on time is the critical success factor of running a business.
In this research, we emphasize on the information flow of intra-member and inter-member of a supply chain. And we study how to select the proper communication media to deliver the information in the chain on time to quickly respond the change of customers' needs and to reduce the inventory cost as well as the operating cost. We believe that all the members of a supply chain will increase their competitive forces through the strengthening their quick and on time delivery ability of the intra-member and inter-member information flow.
There are two main purposes in this research; one is to propose a method to decide a selecting strategy of communication media to deliver the information in a supply chain framework, and the other is to study the selecting strategy of communication media for retail sales industry of consumer goods.
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影響企業採用整合通訊系統之因素探討 / A study on the factors affecting the implementation of unified communications in an enterprise陳秋正 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊通訊技術的快速發展,Internet已成為全世界最重要的資料乘載工具,以IP為基礎的多媒體通訊架構,逐漸取代傳統電話的溝通模式,成為企業快速佈署與協同運作的最佳選擇。透過整合通訊系統(Unified Communications, UC)的導入,企業可以將網路電話、視訊會議、電子郵件、即時通訊與行動裝置等通訊系統整合在同一個平台上,以大幅提升企業協同運能力,並有效的提升企業運作效率。
關鍵字:Unified Communications,UC,IP Phone,整合通訊系統,TAM,科技接受模型,VoIP,網路電話 / Along with the fast development of the information technology technique, combined with the adoption of Internet that made the Internet the most important transmission tool for communications, the IP-based multi-media communication framework has gradually replacing the traditional fixed-line telephone systems and has become the optimum option for the enterprises for their business establishments and their organizational synchronization. By applying the Unified Communications (UC), enterprises are able to integrate their IP Telephony, Video Conference, e-mail, Instant Message and Mobile Communication devices into the same platform; as a result, the systematic integration has greatly advanced the level of synchronization and improved the efficiency of the business operation.
The multiple communication equipment being used such as the traditional telephone, fax, MSN and Skype are for the purposes of enhancing the efficiency of communication and reduce costs. However, the information security and compatibility amongst different systems may become problematic if the integration is not being carefully organized.
The adoption of UC was proven to be a success by many international enterprises that has integrated it into their business practices. Therefore, Taiwan, with its good reputation of an island of technology and one who is renowned with its creativity, should keep up to speed with the world in adopting the prevalent information technology. We should keep maintaining our competitive advantage that we have developed over the years.
This Study was conducted through interviews with large bank, electronic product manufacturer and consulting services company. The research was based on the TAM framework to analyze the five aspects of the external variables namely, individual, organization, technique, mission and environment. In addition, this Study intends to seek a result that will provide an enterprise a future reference about the factors that can influence in making a decision on the feasibility and applicability of adopting the Unified Communications.
Key Words: Unified Communications, UC, IP Phone, TAM(Technology Acceptance Model), VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol), IP Telephony
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台灣近端無線通訊之可信任服務管理平台投資研究 / Investment Research on Near Field Communication of Trusted Service Management in Taiwan劉俊成, Liu, Chun Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於研究台灣市場採用近端無線通訊(NFC;Near Field Communications)技術進而成立可信任服務管理者(TSM;Trusted Service Management)平台之可行性,並預估新創事業財務模型與分析,期望達到可長期維持穩定獲利之目的。
NFC技術是短距離非接觸式的一種通訊技術,反應時間只有0.1〜0.3秒,並且完全不需要複雜的操作程序,因此可使手機成為行動交易、服務接收工具的最佳解決方案。但使用該技術前,首先消費者端必須採用擁有NFC功能的手機。2008年初,研究機構ABI Research預估在2013年時,全球將超過20%的手機將配備有NFC功能,此技術可讓手機變身為電子錢包,結合非接觸式智慧卡讀取設備,可使消費者在零售商店消費或搭乘大眾交通運輸工具等用途。
本研究根據投資參數條件、營業收入及成本推算出現金流量,並利用資本預算決策評估準則:NPV淨現值法(Net Present Value Method, NPV )及IRR內部報酬率法(Internal Rate of Return Method, IRR ) 來評價台灣電信營運商長期共同投資TSM平台公司之投資決策在永續經營下是否可產生獲利。最後根據本研究發現,TSM平台公司與銀行業者洽談所抽取NFC信用卡交易手續費的百比率和交易手續費調整的次數為該投資案是否可獲利之關鍵重要因素。由本研究發現該投資計畫如要獲利需有大量資金做後盾並有長期經營之遠見。長遠來看,如能增加其它營業收入來源將有助於公司產品線的豐富性並可降低依賴NFC信用卡交易手續費為主要營收來源之風險。
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科技化人際關係新圖像:MSN使用者運用在場訊息的分析陳蓉萱 Unknown Date (has links)
MSN Messenger(以下簡稱MSN)為當前電子傳播科技的種類當中,廣受使用者青睞的溝通工具之一。透過這項電腦中介科技,可能衍生的人際互動議題,可謂添加了「人際溝通」這個研究領域的豐富性。本研究鎖定MSN的其中一項功能-「在場訊息」,或稱「線上狀態」,根據使用者運用這項機制的策略,本研究試圖勾勒出因應新傳播科技所發展的溝通型態。
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股東會通訊投票之法制研究顏敏靜 Unknown Date (has links)
至於立法論上虛擬股東會是否適宜取代實體股東會,虛擬股東會所帶來的時間跟費用的節省也許看起來很吸引人,如果可以不用召開傳統實體股東會,勢必能免除繁瑣的作業程序,節省大量人力、金錢及時間,特別是當議程上的項目並不具爭議性時,但是考慮採取這些程序的公司必須把這些益處跟股東可能反對的潛在負面後果相衡量,也就是股東對於取消傳統股東會,使他們喪失可以接觸經營階層與其溝通的機會,可能會抱持負面觀感,故公司無法只著眼於時間及金錢的節省即貿然考慮採行。然這些危險並不是斷然拒絕虛擬會議可能帶來的益處的理由,尤其是可以使更多股東參與這點,所以仍應在維持現行實體股東會外,結合網路轉播實體集會,且讓遠距收看者也能藉由以電子郵件提出問題參與,加上(或是)同步電子投票,以利用科技便利股東參與股東會,提高股東對股東會之參與。一言以蔽之,如前所述,在股權分散的公開發行公司虛擬會議不應完全取代實體會議,除非能設計出一個電子方式能等同經營者對散戶股東面對面負責(face-to-face accountability),而且也能提供現行實體會議所具有的商議機會(deliberation),才宜改以虛擬會議取代傳統實體集會之股東會。 / Stockholder meetings are the most important means for corporations to reach decisions, and are also how stockholders participate in the management of corporations, thus it is a significantly important legal issue to make sure stockholders can express their viewpoints of how to run the corporation through exercise of stockholder rights and stockholder meetings.
Moreover, it is very common that one person is the stockholder of several or even hundreds of corporations nowadays. Though it is inevitable that several corporations conduct stockholder meetings at the same day for there are far more corporations than the dates capable to conduct stockholder meetings, it is quite obvious that corporation conduct meetings during the same period of time intentionally. It might be a result of preventing some nasty stockholders disturbing meetings through choosing the same day conducting stockholder meetings to decrease the risk, but it deprives other stockholders of attending stockholder meetings and consequently sacrificing their stockholder rights.
There is proxy voting for stockholders who are unable to attend stockholder meetings, but it has pitfalls in practice and for stockholders it is not that safe comparing with voting directly.
In order to increase the ways for stockholders to vote in stockholder meetings, there is a change in corporation that is to add article 177-1:
“The voting power at a shareholders' meeting may be exercised in writing or by way of electronic transmission, provided, however, that the method for exercising the voting power shall be described in the shareholders' meeting notice to be given to the shareholders if the voting power will be exercised in writing or by way of electronic transmission.
A shareholder who exercises his/her/its voting power at a shareholders meeting in writing or by way of electronic transmission as set forth in the preceding Paragraph shall be deemed to have attended the said shareholders' meeting in person, but shall be deemed to have waived his/her/its voting power in respective of any extemporary motion(s) and/or the amendment(s) to the contents of the original proposal(s) at the said shareholders' meeting.”
Electronic technology has improved a great deal these years, therefore legal system has to change or amend to make use of the new technology e.g. internet as well as solve problems stemmed from new technology. Concerning the regulations of voting right there is a great impact of electronic technology from the way of conducting meetings, to the way of exposing information and voting, thus to combine technology and law is an important issue in corporate governance.
Electronic voting has been put into practice in the United States for a long time, but it is not as successful in our country, and to date there has been only one company, Taiwan Integrated Shareholder Service Company, to adopt electronic voting, therefore it is worth studying why The United States can promote electronic voting successfully and then have a better understanding of what obstacles they have encountered initially to prevent our country from making the same mistake.
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中共網際網路管制之研究李銘智 Unknown Date (has links)
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結合藍牙低功耗的 IEEE 802.11無線網路負載平衡機制 / Load Balance for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with Bluetooth Low Energy李致賢, Lee, Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
在使用者較為密集的場合中,常會碰到無線網路壅塞的問題,例如在一個大型會議廳中,常會在各個IEEE 802.11頻道上部署不同的WiFi AP(Access Point),來分散使用者的連線。但是由於IEEE 802.11的連線機制是屬於使用者主導(client driven),只能透過使用者去選定AP進行連線,對於使用者裝置來說,,連線到不同AP的優先順序,是依照接收到不同AP的信號強度(RSSI)作為排序指標。這種做法會讓在空間上使用者分佈不平均的環境中,造成多數使用者UE只連線到少數AP,而其餘AP資源閒置無用的情形。
本論文提出一個IEEE 802.11的負載平衡解決方案,結合藍牙低功耗(Bluetooth Low Energy,BLE)及IEEE 802.11成為一個智慧型AP架構。我們利用藍牙低功耗通訊協定GATT (Generic Attribute Profile)分派AP給不同使用者進行連線,再結合馬可夫鏈平穩狀態分佈(Markov Chains Stationary Distribution)演算法,依照使用者在AP網路拓樸中的歷史分佈紀錄,將多個AP的分派轉化為Erlang-C模型的排隊系統以計算AP分派規則,藉此達到系統的負載平衡。 / Usually, a user crowded space encounters wireless network congestion problem. For example, a large conference hall often deploys different wireless AP (Access Point) on each IEEE 802.11 channel to separate users’ connections. However, since the connection mechanism of IEEE 802.11 is client driven, the AP connection is selected by the user and the selection is according to the received signal strength
(RSSI) from different APs. This conventional approach may result in most of the user devices connect to relatively limited number of APs, and the resource of the rest of the APs left unused. This paper proposes a smart AP architecture which is able to manage load balance for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) protocol in order to appropriately
assign AP to different user devices. The core AP assignment algorithm is based on Markov chain stationary distribution. Simulation results show that the proposed BM-MS (BLE Management with Markov-Chains Stationary Load Balance) method outperforms RSSI based method in terms of system throughput and average user data rate.
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刑事偵查中數位資訊之保全高堅仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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探索中國電信設備行業的競爭優勢 - 以華為為例 / Exploring the Competitive Advantages of China’s telecommunication equipment industry: the case of huawei狄康德, Constantin, Diederichs Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Purpose – The fast growth and global success of China’s ICT industry suggests the presence of national competitive advantages. The purpose of this study is to examine these competitive advantages and draw conclusions about their influence on company performance using the case of Huawei.
Design/methodology/approach – Using the Porter Diamond Theory of National Advantage the study analyses the development of China’s telecommunication equipment industry and existing competitive advantages. Using the case of Huawei, the author explores the impact of Porter’s determinants on the company’s growth and global success.
Findings – The study finds that China’s telecom equipment industry leveraged basic factors such as a large pool of low-cost labor while gradually developing more sustainable advantages. The Chinese government played a major role in driving initial demand for telecom equipment and facilitating the development of China’s ICT sector by opening its market to foreign investment and promoting innovation. Although the national competitive advantages elaborated in this study certainly helped the industry to excel, Huawei’s global success is also tied to its early decision to focus on R&D instead of relying on foreign technology. The additional support Huawei received from Beijing, particularly after being selected as a national champion, helped it in numerous ways but might hinder Huawei’s growth due to an increased negative image, particularly in the United States.
Research implications – This research adds to the body of literature on the creation of national competitive advantages and their influence on the development and success of domestic industries.
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