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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論通訊投票與臨時動議、議案修正之容許性 / A Study on the Electronic Voting and Admissibility of the Extemporary Motions and Motion Amendments

張鵬元, Chang, Peng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
一般而言,股東會議程所有議案資訊必須事前揭露給全體股東,提供股東充分資訊,其方能在充分瞭解下作成投票決定。惟我國公司法長久以來承認股東有臨時動議與議案修正之權利,允許出席股東就第一七二條第五項規定除外事項之其他一切事項,在股東會現場提出臨時動議或原議案之修正,此舉不但將形成股東會議程資訊之漏洞,復以實務一般認為只要未違反第一七二條第五項之規定,股東可以在現場以臨時動議提議召開股東臨時會針對法定除外事項進行決議,或在同一議題下,可以提出任何修正案,而架空第一七二條之一股東提案權制度所寓有之資訊揭露功能。在無法獲得充分資訊之下,股東應當如何行使表決權,尤其未出席股東以書面或電子方式事前行使表決權時,更是需要充分資訊,否則一旦面對臨時動議或議案修正時,其表決權將依法視為棄權,更進一步衍生出表決權操縱和應否親自出席之問題,橫生枝節,臨時動議與議案修正之突襲性問題,亟待解決。 因此,參考美國、日本、德國、英國、香港、韓國和中國大陸公司法制,公司法應明文要求將股東會議程之主要內容或要領記載於召集通知中,股東會不得就召集通知所未記載之議案進行決議,股東如欲發表任何意見,應循事前提案權提出,而非在現場提出臨時動議或議案修正突襲其他股東。因此,本文建議禁止在現場提出任何臨時動議或議案修正。 / Generally speaking, the agenda of general meeting, including all motions, should be disclosed to all shareholders of the company in advance of a general meeting to provide them with sufficient information to vote (informed voting). However, according to Taiwan Company Act, shareholders have right to move extemporary motions or amendments all but any items as set forth in §172(5) hereof at the meeting. This will not only come to be a loophole resulting from blank statements in a notice of a general meeting, but also sideline the information disclosure function by implication of shareholder proposal in §172-1, because the court hold that the shareholder are entitled to move an extemporary motion to call a meeting to make a resolution on exclusion items in §172(5), or any amendment under the same subject. Thus shareholders are unable to vote without sufficient information, especially who cast their vote through writing or electronic transmission without participating in person in advance of the meeting. In case of extemporary motions or amendments, shareholders who cast vote through writing or electronic transmission shall be deemed to withhold their voting power. This result would bring some issues of manipulation of voting power and whether shareholders who have cast their vote through writing or electronic transmission should participate in person afterwards or not. However, extemporary motions and amendments with surprising nature shall be or shall not be, that is the question. In order to deal with this problem, the main component or general nature of items in the agenda of a general meeting shall be stated in the notice, and only the items stated in the notice could be validly passed at the general meeting by referring to the Company Act of the U.S., Japan, Germany, U.K., Hong Kong, South Korea, and Mainland China. If shareholders are willing to express their opinions, they should propose to ask to put in the agenda in advance of the meeting, instead of moving extemporary motions and amendments to surprise the others. This study suggests that no extemporary motion or amendment shall be allowed to move at the general meeting.

2G無線電頻譜回收之研究:以澳門「全城3G」為例 / A Study on 2G Spectrum Reallocation in Macau

黃首豪, Wong, Sao Hou Unknown Date (has links)
澳門電信管理局在2012年1月推出「全城3G」計劃,規定2012年7月8日停用所有GSM服務,16萬2G用戶要在半年內轉移到3G服務,但是外地遊客仍可繼續在澳門使用2G漫遊服務,政府希望透計劃推動3G服務的發展,讓無線電資源更具效率地利用,然而在計劃推行期間澳門出現多宗電信故障,加上澳門廉政公署就「全城3G」計劃所發表的調查報告指有關計劃過份介入市場運作,使得本地用戶失去選擇權,損害用戶及業者的權益,而且不符合公共利益,最終「全城3G」計劃無法如期實行,各業者的2G執照與其3G執照一同延長有效期至2023年6月4日。   本研究利用文獻分析法,透過蒐集澳門「全城3G」計劃的相關資料,分析澳門「全城3G」計劃的得失,與此同時借鏡與澳門政治體制相似的香港政府的頻譜政策,檢視兩地政府在回收2G頻譜的成效。本研究綜合分析下發現澳門與香港回收2G頻譜最大的差異在於香港回收的是兩個閒置的CDMA及TDMA系統,對業者有一定的影響,但是影響民眾的範圍卻很小,而且給予3年緩衝的時間讓業者轉移用戶,而澳門則是停用一個在世界上仍算主流的GSM服務,而且要在半年內轉移十多萬用戶到3G,加上在過渡期間出現5宗電信故障,讓民眾質疑計劃的可行性,最終把技術問題變成社會問題。因此本研究建議政府未來要避免直接介入市場,以間接的方式例如徵收階梯式的頻譜使用費來推動行動通訊業發展,回收頻譜時要以平穩適度的方式進行,以及提高電信故障的罰款。 / In January 2012, the Telecommunications Regulation Bureau of Macau (DSRT) announced its decision to scrap the city’s 2G network and rely solely on 3G capabilities. Effective on July 8, 2012, the policy change left about 160,000 local users without 2G service, primarily affecting local tourists still on the 2G roaming network. DSRT stated that the objectives of its decision were to create more investment opportunities and to facilitate the adequate diversification of economic development. However, during this time, two mobile operators failed to provide stable and adequate network services and the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau stated that DSRT’s decision deprived consumers of their right to choose their own cellular network and their right to fair treatment. This prompted the 2G service cancellation to be further postponed until June 4, 2023. This study used literature analysis to review the termination of the 2G mobile network in Macau, and to examine the 2G spectrum reallocation in Hong Kong. This study found that Hong Kong terminated two unused mobile network services (CDMA and TDMA), while Macau is planning to scrap a GSM service which will affect about 150,000 users in Macau. Therefore, opposition to network terminations are greater in Macau than in Hong Kong. At the same time, the failure to provide adequate mobile services by two network operators in Macau led to public mistrust of the government. This study suggests that 1) the DSRT should not have used administrative means to force consumers into using a specific mobile system, and 2) the DSRT should have amended the penalties for mobile operators to closer reflect the current social situation.

美國刑事偵查制度對我國之影響--以特別偵查制度之獨立性、通訊監察之控制機制與刑事司法互助之書證調取為例 / 無

黃謀信 Unknown Date (has links)
自從二次世界大戰後,隨著冷戰的結束,美國法律制度已成為世界上最具影響力之法律制度。不可諱言地,美國法律制度對其他國家法律制度的影響甚深,有些論者因此認為:因多數國家相繼仿效美國之法律制度,業已形成各國「法律制度美國法化」(Americanized)之趨勢。甚至,美國Maximo Langer教授,在其「論認罪協商制度之全球化及刑事訴訟程序之美國法化」乙文中表示,有人以美國之認罪協商制度為例,認為美國之認罪協商制度可能是辯論式制度送給糾問式制度的「特洛伊木馬」(Trojan horse),大陸法系國家將逐漸被「法律制度美國法化」,將被全面屠城棄守。是否果真會如此,美國法律制度對我國之影響是否亦有可能造成我國偵查制度遭美國偵查制度「屠城」之結果?引發筆者對我國近年來自美國引進之若干偵查制度之關注與好奇,認有予以探究之必要。本文乃就我國近來有關偵查制度之重大修法,以特別偵查制度之獨立性、通訊監察之控制機制與刑事司法互助之書證調取等為例,探究該等制度從美國原貌,到移植至我國後之改變、衝突及現況,並提出本文之觀點,期能成為未來修法時之參考方向。 本文除前言及總結論外,第二章簡介美國之偵查制度,論文主體部分則分成特別偵查制度之獨立性、通訊監察之控制機制及刑事司法互助之書證調取等三章進行論述。 第三章為有關特別偵查制度獨立性之探討,由各國曾出現之特別偵查制度中,以美國、日本及南韓等國家之法制為例,分別介紹美國之「獨立檢察官」與「特別檢察官」、日本之「特搜部」及南韓之「大檢察廳中央搜查部」等特別偵查組織之歷史沿革及運作機制,其中特別就各國爭相仿效之美國「獨立檢察官」與「特別檢察官」制度多加介紹,最後再論述我國特別偵查組織之濫觴與發展,由高檢署查緝黑金行動中心到地檢署檢肅黑金小組,再到最高檢特偵組等我國廣義之特別偵查組織之發展歷程,而特偵組成立迄今之現況與制度之運作結果,對特別偵查制度之獨立性產生之影響,亦有待實務運作後之檢驗,其中最大爭議者諸如:付之闕如的檢察總長退場機制、再議程序及設置審級等爭議問題,目前都已出現,有待探究及修法解決。 第四章為有關通訊監察控制機制之探討,日本、美國、英國及我國通保法修法前後之存在不同通訊監察核發機制及聲請機制,就我國通保法修法後之通訊監察聲請機制模式採取「檢察官聲請獨占模式」,不採取「雙聲請主體模式」或「檢察官許可前置模式」,本文乃探究各種聲請模式之利弊得失。次以我國通保法修法所仿效之美國通訊監察制度為中心,介紹美國之法律及行政相關規定,引述美國聯邦檢察官在通訊監察程序中之角色,進而導出美國核發通訊監察書遠低於我國之原因,探究美國各種通訊監察之內控機制。最後以通保法修法後之實務觀點檢視本次通保法修法之控制機制,探討是否修法後即可達到仿效美國通訊監察制度所欲達到得以控制監聽浮濫之目的? 第五章為有關刑事司法互助之書證調取,除介紹各種刑事司法互助態樣、我國現行之刑事司法互助有關之法規及實務運作外,並探討臺美司法互助協定之內容。並以向新加坡請求刑事司法協助為例,介紹如何請求調取涉外之銀行帳戶資料。另討論我國經由外國政府或組織取得證據之證據能力,由於我國並無刑事司法互助法之專法,致實務上產生極大之爭議,有予以深究之必要。 第六章為本論文總結,本文認為,美國之偵查制度對我國偵查制度的影響當然是不容置疑的,但我國絕非單純地複製一個美國形式的偵查制度模式,美國法對我國法制的影響並非全面性的美國化,僅占我國偵查制度改革中的一小部分而已。我國引進美國之偵查制度後已與美國原有之制度呈現出各種不同之風貌,當然引進後之機制正挑戰我國原有之偵查架構與制度,但並未形成「偵查制度全面美國化」的現象,更不必憂心會遭美國偵查制度全面「屠城棄守」。

財務報導資訊在偵測財務危機上的有用性-個案研究 / The Usefulness of Financial Reporting Information in Detecting Financial Distress: A Case Study Approach

張家瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
由於各國地雷股事件層出不窮,致使投資人財富遭受巨大損失,若是能事先察覺地雷股的存在,便能使投資人財富有更大的保障。本研究以四家國內外大型的舞弊個案-安隆、世界通訊、博達、力霸作為研究樣本,透過四家公司之財務資訊深入剖析各個案公司之舞弊手法。本研究歸納整理出21個預警指標,以作為未來投資人的評估基礎,以發現危機的早期徵兆,能及早避開地雷股。 研究發現即便是有進行窗飾財務報表的財務危機公司,仍能透過財務報導資訊中發現其端倪,四家個案公司在獲利性指標、流動性指標、安全性指標都有出現至少一項的紅旗警訊。研究結果顯示在下列指標上有較多家公司同時符合:(1) 獲利性指標。當資產報酬率以及股東權益報酬率過低或逐年下滑;(2)流動性指標。現金流量比率過低或逐年下滑;(3)安全性指標。借款依存度過高或逐年增加,以及流動比率過低或逐年下滑。 / Does financial reporting information itself provide early insightful information in detecting financial distress? Window dressing in financial reporting casts doubtful questions on this issue. As with investors usually taking a look at individual firm’s financial reporting, this study utilizes case study with four cases to address this fundamental role of financial reporting. Among the four fraud cases investigated, two are from the United States and the other two are Taiwan companies, including Enron, WorldCom, Procomp, and Rebar. This study sorts out 21 warning indices to evaluate each company’s financial condition and find out the signals for financial distress. All of these four cases investigated have at least one red flag signaled in profitability, liquidity and leverage. The most prominent indices in these three dimensions include (1) Profitability---ROE or ROA decreases in trend annully, (2) Liquidity---low cash flow ratio or decreasing in trend annually and low current ratio or decreasing in trend annually, and (3) Leverage---high debt to equity ratio or increasing in trend annually.

LINE的科技意會與迷思-以企業品牌年輕化歷程為例 / The Technological Sense-making and Myth of LINE usage - A study of the enterprises innovate on promoting Brand Rejuvenation with LINE

吳秉昕, Wu, Pinghsin Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多企業對於LINE在號召年輕族群的能力寄與厚望,為了釐清目前企業對於評估LINE與操作LINE的策略是否合乎年輕族群的需求,本研究將聚焦於討論最早採用LINE的企業期待透過LINE進行品牌年輕化的歷程,以企業的實戰經驗切入,剖析早期採用LINE的企業進行品牌年輕化歷程與操作策略,同時透過釐清年輕族群對於使用LINE的經驗與需求兩相對照,試圖釐清目前企業使用LINE進行品牌年輕化的做法是否正確?是否有迷思存在的可能性?若因迷思存在而造成經營策略上的偏差,企業未來該如何修正與優化? 由於意會本質上是人們對事務的主觀認知,並且是一個持續性的流程,是一種複雜且動態的觀念,因此將採用深度訪談法針對企業的相關部門成員進行歷程的研究。為呈現企業內部與外在社會環境相關的完整脈絡,本研究也會輔以消費者訪談、文獻資料法與二手資料法作為資訊搜集與驗證成效的方式。研究結果發現,個案對於透過LINE推動品牌年輕化的歷程上,確實存有許多囿於過往經驗或組織文化所形成的主觀認知,導致其對於新科技的理解與其目標族群的需求有所落差。研究結果也顯示,LINE確實能為企業接觸到年輕族群,但需要提供他們所需要的服務和資訊,才能爭取他們對品牌的認同和好感,同時與年輕族群的互動形式,相較於過往的單向式傳播,也必須因應LINE的科技特質有所調整。 / As many enterprises place great expectations in LINE’s ability to call out the youth, in order to find out whether the enterprises’ strategies in assessment and operation on LINE meeting the demand of the youth, this research looks into the experience of the first runner enterprises that promote brand rejuvenation with LINE. By introducing the real-world experience of the enterprise, this research analyzes the journey and operation strategies of rejuvenating brands by using LINE in early years. Meanwhile, by comparing the experiences and demand of using LINE among the youth, this research aims at whether the methods of rejuvenating brands by using LINE are satisfying. Does the myth really exist? If the myth does exist and bring diversified business strategies, how can the enterprises revise and improve their strategies in the future? Since sense making is people’s subjective perception of affairs by nature and it is both a persistent process and a complicated and dynamic concept, this research focuses on the experience from members of relevant departments of the enterprise by in-depth interview. To present the context of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, this research also utilizes consumer interview, documents, and literature as the main data sourses and effectiveness verification. The research results show that cases do have many subject perceptions generated from previous confined experience or organizational culture in the course of LINE’s promotion of brand rejuvenation, which gives rise to difference between the understanding of new technology and the demand of target groups. The research results also show that LINE really enables the enterprise to access to the young people, but provision of their necessary service and information is required to get their recognition and good impression of the brand. Meanwhile, the means of interaction with the youth must be adjusted according to LINE’s technological nature comparing with previous single-direction dissemination.

供應商攻入與穩固客戶關係之研究 / Establishing and Solidifying Relationships with Clients

谷裔凡, Ku, Yi Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個案公司其專業於微波通訊零組件之代理銷售,及配套完整測試方案之整合。目前公司市場範圍延伸至商用與消費性市場,且合作夥伴分佈在台灣、大陸甚至歐美各國。企業面對全球化競爭,若要在世界經濟舞台上扮演重要角色,其中關鍵成功因素之一就是供應鏈夥伴建立緊密的關係。 以本研究之個案公司而言,其專業於微波通訊零組件之代理銷售,及配套完整測試方案之整合。近年來行動世代的崛起,更加速無線射頻通訊技術的革新,目前公司市場範圍延伸至商用與消費性市場,且合作夥伴分佈在台灣、大陸甚至歐美各國,因此供應商與客戶之間的合作與公司策略有密不可分的關係。 本研究藉由個案分析方法,得到以下結論:(一)供應商攻入客戶需掌握的要點,包括己之能力與價值、客戶需求、與客戶達成之共識並發展解決方案、服務之擴大與產品之提升。(二)供應商對於穩固客戶關係需考量之因素,包括產品品質、產品價格、產品交期、服務與信賴關係、進入障礙。 透過本研究結果作為供應商訂定營業策略時的參考,藉以提升供應商能力,增加攻入客戶的機會,並加強客戶與供應商的互動,提高客戶忠誠度並維繫客戶關係,以期獲致最大利益。 / The case company specialize in sale agent in microwave communications components, and supporting complete solution. Currently, the company extend its marketing range to the commercial and consumer markets, it has partners in Taiwan, mainland China, Europe and the United States. Companies face global competition, each of them wants to play an important role on the world economic stage. The key is to establish a close relationship to supply chain partners. This study explores how the case company meets clients needs by their own ability and value on the basis of Resource-Based theory. The relationship between companies and their clients is a special “strategic partnership”. The relationship let company make good use of the core competitiveness in procurement process, maintain a dominant position, thereby affect the clients or industry. This study using case analysis has the following conclusions: (a) There are five points in establishing relationships with clients by supplier, including “our own ability and value”, “clients need”, “the consensus with clients and develop solutions with clients” and “expand the services and products”. (b) There are five points in solidifying relationships with clients by supplier, including “product quality”, “product price”, “product delivery”, “service and relationship of trust”, “barriers to entry”. Suppliers can formulate strategies through the conclusion to enhance its capability, increase the chance of establishing clients, enhance interaction between clients and suppliers, increase clients loyalty, maintain relationship with clients and earn more profit.


王士章, Wang, John S.C. Unknown Date (has links)
產品循環與國際貿易理論提出後, 有許多的相關報告與驗證, 但是甚少是以企業的觀點來切入探討分析。 台灣在過去數十年間快速的經濟發展, 由農業社會轉入工業社會, 對經濟的貢獻上, 也由勞力密集產業轉變為技術密集與資本密集的產業。 而這一切的改變是否有脈絡可循, 我們認為產品生命循環理論是一個非常重要的參考理論根據。 因而我們嚐試以企業的角度, 並由手機產業之實務資料與資訊的融合與分析, 套用產品生命循環的理論模型, 同時探討分析國際採購因素, 以相互對照並探討出其關聯性與脈動模式。 論文中, 我們先從行動通訊技術概論開始導入, 以了解行動通訊技術的演進概況。 並藉由全球行動終端機之產業產銷概況, 先了界該產業世界輪廓與局勢。 並對照亞洲主要手機生產國家, 如台灣、中國大陸、日本與韓國等之行動終端機產業與其產銷狀況, 及比較手機之技術領先國近年來在本產業生產的變化, 以該產業的生產國度轉移情況, 驗證產品生命循環理論與國際貿易關係, 同時探討平均國民所得因素對在手機產業之產品生命循環影響的關鍵程度。 同時, 我們也以台灣的手機相關企業為例, 探討其繼個人電腦產業之後, 成功的以技術模仿國的角色接替並取代了領先國的產品設計與生產的成功因素, 並分析技術模仿國的新產品導入時機與關鍵因素。 另外, 我們也企圖分析探討韓國及其相關的企業, 如何以技術模仿國的地位, 運用其所能掌握的優勢及不同的產品策略, 成功的開創出另類的“新產品”定位, 藉以擴大市場佔有並獲取利潤的極大化, 以探討技術模仿國的新產品導入的策略。

以IEARN為主之專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習:以兩個國中班級為例之個案研究 / IEARN as Project-based Telecommunication Activities for EFL Learning: A Case Study on Two Junior High Classrooms

林淑媛, Lin, Shu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本質性個案研究目的在探討以國際教育網路社群IEARN進行專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習的英語教學設計。該學習方式與教學模式特性諸多符合九年一貫課程改革理念。然而,在國內文獻及研究顯示,極少英語教師進行專題式網路教學設計。本研究個案是國中兩名英語教師與其班導學生為期兩年半的跨國文化專題學習。從個案訪談與課室觀察中發現,資訊科技融入英語教學,教師具備高度科技能力並非必要考量,而是教學策略、班級經營、師生合作為首務。 依據個案進行專題式導向學習過程中所面臨的挑戰與完成的歷程,研究者對教師、學校主管、教育當局與社會提出建言,以求改善與進步。這項教學革新並非只是順應課程改革,更是為了發展學生全面的學習與實踐終身學習為目標。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the challenge of project-based telecommunication activities through the IEARN for EFL learning. The learning methods and teaching strategies of project-based learning (PBL) conform to the rationale of Grade 1-9 Curriculum reform. However, literature showed that very few EFL teachers became involved in PBL with information technology for instruction. This research, conducted as a case study in the qualitative methodology, describes how two junior high school English teachers and their homeroom students implemented PBL through international network and how they developed cross-culture awareness in half and two years. It was found that successful EFL learning infused with information technology relied much more on pedagogy, class management and teacher-student collaboration than on teacher's computer skills. Based on the challenges and implement revealed in the process of PBL through telecommunication activities, the researcher gave suggestions to teachers, school administrators, educational authority and community for further improvement. The instructional innovation not only met educational reform standards but also developed EFL students' holistic learning in a lifelong fashion.

我國股東會電子化之成效及委託書制度對企業經營權競爭之影響-以國票金與開發金為個案 / Future prospect for electronic proxy in accordance with the influence of corporate governance

王貴增, Wang, Kuei Tseng Unknown Date (has links)
由國內相關研究來看,探討委託書之相關議題,如委託書對於股東的財富影響、委託書所造成之案例等研究,其資料頗為豐富,是一個多實證研究及多社會興趣的主題,且近年來,有關委託書徵求所引發之經營權爭議亦是層出不窮。故本論文主要乃將偏向為國內委託書制度尚可以改善之方向進行探討,將以我國委託書制度與國外制度之比較之差異及可以參酌改進之地方做一論述。另發現針對近年來國內興起股東會電子化之規範及成效研究部份更是微乎其微,是故亦將股東會電子化之成效研究納入本論文主軸,期待以提供一個簡單、便利、安全及隱密的電子平台,使投資人的意見可充分反應,亦無遭篡改之虞,亦可使國內近年來委託書之爭議有所改善,再輔以近年來較具爭議之委託書競爭行為分析,以說明委託書之規範若不嚴謹時將對小股東造成之損害。 / During these few years, proxy has been a tool to manipulate the outcome of hostile takeover. In this thesis wet want to evaluate the possibility of implementing electronic voting for proxy and comparing different proxy regulation of other developed countries. The main reason for implementing electronic vote and advantages will be explained in the thesis and the after effect will also be discussed.


呂明訓 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路科技的發展,網路垃圾郵件的總量亦隨之快速成長,成為全球網路使用者的共同夢魘。目前大多數的國家均有以立法方式作為管制依據。然而,就憲法人權保障的觀點而言,相關立法是否能合於憲法原理原則的檢視?是否已逾越其界線?仍有待進一步商榷。 是以,本文分別從「比較法論」以及「人權保障論」二大部分出發。一方面藉著比較觀察各國立法,並作為我國立法參考借鏡;另一方面則從憲法的觀點,特別是基本權利的保障出發,分別從商業言論自由的觀點、秘密通訊自由的觀點與隱私權的觀點探討。就商業言論自由的觀點而言,將首先探究商業言論自由的意涵與憲法上的發展比較,再分別就美國法制與我國法制探討相關濫發商業電子郵件法制是否對於發信者的商業言論自由形成過度的限制。就秘密通訊自由的觀點而言,除了將說明秘密通訊自由在通訊服務自由化的時代,在憲法上具有的時代意義之外,亦將討論濫發商業電子郵件法制當中可能涉及干涉人民秘密通訊自由的制度與通訊服務提供業者攔截阻擋商業電子郵件的手法對秘密通訊自由的影響,另並試就我國立法參考最多的日本法制進行比較與分析。就隱私權的觀點而言,除了說明隱私權在憲法上的意義外,將討論重心置於在濫發商業電子郵件的行為對於收信者隱私權侵害的態樣,是否已能藉由現行的法制找到保障依據,另外則是討論我國濫發商業電子郵件法制對於隱私權的保障是否充分;最後則是嘗試就論者提出的商業電子郵件法制規範對於發信者的「網路匿名」侵害的見解,進行評論。 最後則提出結論,說明研究發現以及對我國規範之建議與未來展望。

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