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訓練需求評估之研究 / A Study of Training Needs Assessment朱靜郁, Chu, Ching Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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公共利益團體影響政策制定過程之研究-以消費者文教基金會為例 / The Effect of Public Interest Group on Policy - making Process— A Case Study of the Consumer Protective Law in Taiwan簡徐芬, Chien, Hsu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
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少量連串下最適設計參數值之決定 / The Decision of the Best Fitted Design Parameters on Small Runs嚴珮文, Yen, Pay Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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馬可夫鏈方法在 S 管制圖經濟設計上的應用 / The Economic Design of S Control Chart Using Markov Chain Method謝美秀, Michelle Shieh Unknown Date (has links)
的設計參數值 (Design Parameters) , 如樣本大小、抽樣時間間隔,及
管制界限寬度等。當已知每次抽樣的樣本大小大於 10 ,且非隨機因素
(Assignable Causes) 的發生只會使製程變異增大時,則 S 管制圖應被
選用來追蹤製程是否穩定。 S 管制圖的經濟設計,首由 Collani 及
Sheil(1989) 提出,文中他們只考慮單一非隨機因素的情形。唯實務上,
有彈性,我們先將多重非隨機因素製程表示為更新過程 (Renewal
Processes) , 其中每個更新循環 (Renewal Cycles) 則表示為馬可夫過
程 (Markov Process) 。 接著,以 S 管制圖追蹤的製程平均循環時間
(The Expected Cycle Time) 及平均循環成本 (The Expected Cycle
過程 (Renewal Reward Processes) 性質獲得。 由於目標函數是設計參
數之函數, 因此藉著最佳化目標函數, S管制圖之最適設計參數值可被
, S 經濟管制圖所發生的品質成本遠比傳統 S 管制圖的小,而在製程失
控下, S 經濟管制圖的偵測力也比傳統 S 管制圖的強。 是以 S 經濟管
制圖優於傳統的 S 管制圖。本研究所推導出的製程模式及 S 管制圖設
計方法可應用於各種分配的製程變數 (Process Variable) 及其他類型管
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我國企業與政府關係之研究-從政策制定面探討 / The Study of Business-Government Relations: the Policy-Making Process Dimesion莫祥雲, Moh, Hsiang Yun Unknown Date (has links)
組織策略聯盟及關係網絡的建立。第五章個案分析: 以中華民國全國工業
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教育実践の実証的評価について(VI SSHプログラム評価への取り組み)今村, 敦司, IMAMURA, A., 藤田, 高弘, FUJITA, T., 近藤, 和雅, KONDO, K., 水谷, 成仁, MIZUTANI, N. 15 January 2008 (has links)
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從動態能耐分析汽車產業生存法則~以A公司個案為例 / Analyzing Automotive Industry Rule of Survival from The Angle of Dynamic Capabilities周麗娟, Chou, Jessica Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過產業的回顧、企業里程碑的反思、自我競爭能耐的分析,企圖驗證動態能耐理論是否能運用於中小企業。藉由理論與實務的對照,個案公司是否能取得更多具參考價值的建議。 / With limited resources, manpower and timing, corporate needs to respond to market rapidly. Only when the respond timing and selected strategy fit to the situation, corporate then is qualified to enter next race. Compare an enterprise to a dot, it can be big or small but founded with limitation. Big size may be the merit to win this battle, but can turn to a weakness in next race.
The next race might be about connections. Strategy to win this race may be connecting farther; one dot to multiple dots, or stands still to wave a bigger sphere. Choosing a decision to either move or still is an everyday task. In the new battlefield, cooperation to achieve goal in a faster, better way to proceed. Win more alliances with open and mutual-trust attitude, we need to focus on long-term future than an instant profit figure. Yet, cooperation is just another form of competition. Decision of when to change the competitive strategy and level of the responding force gets complicated.
Case A founded 28 years ago. The position it stands on is moving along with the market force. Maybe because of it’s decision to move that made it survived from several global economic crisis. Maybe due to the decision to hold still that allowed it stays. Question is that if case A is capable to react in the next race and even finds more strength?
This dissertation attempts to verify if the theory of dynamic capabilities is applicable to general enterprises from retrospect of the automotive industry, introspect of case A milestones, to self-analysis of its competitive capabilities. By Comparing theory to empirical performance, shall case A achieve more valuable suggestions?
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公民政策參與過程之研究:以電子化計畫政府為個案 / Citizen participation in public decision making:a case study of E-government Program in Taiwan林玉純, Lin, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
而本研究透過實務資料、文獻以及公民參與九宮格的結合,建立出公民參與的模型,並依據時間、層級、方式與計畫特質給予使用參與,期望能夠減少計畫主辦機關進行公民參與的困難。最後,提出 4 點政策建議:(1)公民參與知識經驗分享(2)彈性化調整措施(3)公民參與的制度化(4)服務心態的調整,希望能夠協助電子化政府計畫流程中公民參與的執行更為容易。 / With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), the government devotes to carry out E-governance Programs (EG Programs). Through EG Programs, people expect to get a lot of convenience and efficiency. In the rising consciousness of citizens and the waves of customer-oriented revolution, it is more important to understand citizen’s preferences before carrying out related policies. The E-governance Programs is no exception. How to let policies conform to people’s needs is more important consideration, moreover, it is also one of the success factors of the programs. The previous studies report a lot about public participation, and it can summarize to three levels-information, consultation and decision making , collate with three stages of E-governance Programs-planning, implementation and evaluation to form a structure of public participation 3 by 3 grids.
Based on data collection processes composed of interviews and a questionnaire survey, the thesis develops several results. To start with, there is obviously deficient design about total process of the public participation in E-governance Programs. In planning stage, Research Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) will hold a trial; In implementation stage, the authority in charge of a specific e-governance program will decide the degree of public participation by itself; In evaluation stage, the authority in charge will host a conference of specialist according to the regulations made by RDEC. However, in planning and implementation stages, public participation is not mandated by the standard, but by the attitude of the EG Programs authority.
On the other hand, Although RDEC and the EG Programs authority take public participation seriously, the actual results of public participation do not reflect their active attitude. For example, the authority of the EG Programs use policy consulting mostly. Besides, the EG Programs authority encounters lots of difficulties such as the shortage of funds, lack of time and manpower. And, public participation lacks specific directions, which needs the EG Programs authority to experiment and develop the appropriate way of public participation in decision making procedure. These situations make public participation more difficult to be effectively implemented.
In this research, the author constructs a model of public participation through empirical data and literature based on public participation 3 by 3 grids. And expect to provide some policy suggestions base on different time, levels and programs characteristics to reduce the implementation barriers. There are four suggestions, including: sharing public participate knowledge, providing flexible, adjustable measures, institutionalizing public participation, adjusting servicer’s attitude. The author expects to improve the public participation process in E-governance Programs.
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組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響研究—以中科院為例 / Effects of the organization characteristic and new product development processes on performance of new product development – A study of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology茹鴻英, Hung-Ying Ju January 1992 (has links)
1. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程之關係。
2. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。
3. 探討中科院的組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。
1. 新產品發展過程中,不管是組織鼓勵、主管支持或是充裕的資源皆有助於提高員工的創造力;組織鼓勵與主管支持與激勵員工內在的動機有較大的關連,但是充裕的資源對員工創造力的提升可能會帶來最直接的立即效果。
2. 由研究的個案資料中發現,中科院在新產品發展過程中的阻礙有兩項因素:(1)產品生命週期較長,故不需要不斷的創新或發展新的產品;(2)因為有特定市場及需求顧客,所以沒有去注重行銷計畫。 / High-tech industry itself possesses high risks, combined with fast fluctuation, short product life cycles. High-tech enterprises thus have to own the flexibility to deal with such situation and enable to survival in the most competitive environment.
In the light of increasingly important Research & Development activities and more competitive new products on the market, industries in Taiwan have all require being committed to activities for developing new products. Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, an eminent institution developing national defensive weapons, deserves to be explored in its performances of new products development.
This research explores the effects of organization characteristic and new product development process on the performance of new product development, and takes large-sized weapon system of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology as the research object; the research is carried out in the way of the case study, conducting in-depth interviews in structure. The research uses four variables in the organization characteristic, such as encouragements for creativity, supervisor’s support, resources and time pressure; the new product development process contains five stages, which are product creativity, product concept, product prototype, final product and marketing plan; New product development performances to be explored in their influences include financial performance, market performance, window of opportunity as the framework of the research.
The purpose of the research focuses on the following three points:
1. It explores the relations between organization characteristic and new product development process.
2. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products,
3. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products in Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology
Important findings:
1. On the process of developing new products, either organizational encouragements or superiors’ supports or ample resources have been beneficial to the increase of employees’ creativity; organizational encouragements, superiors’ supports and employee stimulation have greater links with employees’ inner motive; however, ample resources may bring direct effect on employees’ creativity.
2. Case study reveals that there are two hindrance factors on the process of developing new products at Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology: (1) the product life cycle is longer, so it required less continuing innovation nor new product developments; (2) it has certain markets and fixed customers, so marketing strategies have not been particularly emphasized. / 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究範圍------------------------------------------------------5
第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------7
第一節 組織特性------------------------------------------------------7
1-1 組織特性與創新之關係-------------------------------9
第二節 新產品發展過程--------------------------------------------14
2-1 創新的定義---------------------------------------------15
2-2 創新的類型---------------------------------------------16
2-3 新產品之定義與分類---------------------------------20
2-4 新產品發展過程---------------------------------------25
第三節 新產品開發績效--------------------------------------------35
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------43
第一節 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------45
第二節 研究架構-----------------------------------------------------46
第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------------47
第四節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------------47
第五節 訪談問卷設計-----------------------------------------------47
第四章 個案研究--------------------------------------------------------------50
第一節 研究對象-----------------------------------------------------50
第二節 訪談內容彙整及分析--------------------------------------51
第五章 研究發現與命題-----------------------------------------------------59
第六章 修正研究架構與管理意涵-----------------------------------------62
第一節 修正研究架構-----------------------------------------------62
第二節 管理意涵-----------------------------------------------------62
第七章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------64
第一節 結論-----------------------------------------------------------64
第二節 研究建議-----------------------------------------------------65
附錄一 個案研究及其種類--------------------------------------------------70
第一節 個案研究及其特徵-----------------------------------------70
第二節 個案研究的種類--------------------------------------------70
第二節 個案研究的實施步驟--------------------------------------71
附錄二 訪談問卷--------------------------------------------------------------74
附錄三 問卷訪談之完整內容-----------------------------------------------80
圖 目 錄
圖1-4-1 研究流程圖---------------------------------------------------------5
圖2-1-1 組織創新能力及創新組成理論---------------------------------8
圖2-2-1 創新架構------------------------------------------------------------19
圖2-2-2 實用創新矩陣------------------------------------------------------20
圖2-3-1 新產品的種類------------------------------------------------------21
圖2-4-1 部門階段模式------------------------------------------------------28
圖2-4-2 新產品發展過程---------------------------------------------------31
圖3-2-1 本研究之觀念性架構圖------------------------------------------46
圖6-1-1 修改後觀念性架構圖---------------------------------------------63
表 目 錄
表2-2-1 創新能力的組織影響因素--------------------------------------7
表2-2-2 創新之分類--------------------------------------------------------16
表2-3-1 各學者對新產品發展類型之分類-----------------------------24
表2-3-2 各學者對新產品開發績效衡量的構面與指標--------------41
表3-5-1 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48
表3-5-2 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48
表4-1-1 受訪者背景資料表-----------------------------------------------50
表4-2-1 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/1.【支持創新文化】之統計-------------------------------------------------------51
表4-2-2 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/2.【組織獎酬】之統計-------------------------------------------------------------52
表4-2-3 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/3.【承擔風險的意願】之統計----------------------------------------------------52
表4-2-4 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(二)、主管支持/1.【支持的程度】之統計-------------------------------------------------------53
表4-2-5 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(三)、資源/1.【資源充足性】之統計----------------------------------------------------------------54
表4-2-6 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(四)、時間壓力/1.【工作時間】之統計------------------------------------------------------------54
表4-2-7 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(一)、產品創意之統計 ---------------------------------------------------------------------55
表4-2-8 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(二)、產品概念之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------55
表4-2-9 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(三)、產品雛型之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------56
表4-2-10 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(四)、最終產品之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57
表4-2-11 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(五)、行銷計畫之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57
表4-2-12 訪談問卷參、新產品開發績效之統計----------------------58
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Diffy六邊形之探討 / A Study about Diffy Hexagons王偉名, Wang, Wei Ming Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文裡,我們研究Diffy六邊形。本文一開始將Diffy六邊形視為Ducci序列,然後我們討論關於Ducci序列的一些性質。然而,Diffy六邊形事實上是可以旋轉與翻轉的,但是,我們所考慮的Ducci序列並不具備這樣的性質。所以,在本文的最後,我們討論在考慮旋轉與翻轉情況下的Ducci序列。 / In this thesis, we study the Diffy Hexagons: Initially, we regard a Ducci sequence as a Diffy Hexagon game and discuss some properties about Ducci sequences. However, a Ducci sequence isn't actually a Diffy Hexagon game due to the fact that regular hexagons has some symmetries under rotations and reflections, but the Ducci sequences don't. So, we apply an identification in the end.
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