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信用卡法律關係及定型化契約條款之研究 / The research of Legal relationship and Standardized contracts of Credit card陳智暉 Unknown Date (has links)
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評估極值相依組合信用風險之有效演算法 / Efficient Algorithms for Evaluating Portfolio Credit Risk with Extremal Dependence施明儒, Shih,Ming Ju Unknown Date (has links)
蒙地卡羅模擬是在組合信用風險的管理上相當實用的計算工具。衡量組合信用風險時,必須以適當的模型描述資產間的相依性。常態關聯結構是目前最廣為使用的模型,但實證研究認為 t 關聯結構更適合用於配適金融市場的資料。在本文中,我們採用 Bassamboo et al. (2008) 提出的極值相依模型建立 t 關聯結構用以捕捉資產之間的相關性。同時,為增進蒙地卡羅法之收斂速度,我們以 Chiang et al. (2007) 的重要性取樣法為基礎,將其拓展到極值相依模型下,並提出兩階段的重要性取樣技巧確保使用此方法估計一籃子信用違約時,所有模擬路徑均會發生信用事件。數值結果顯示,所提出的演算法皆達變異數縮減。而在模型自由度較低或是資產池較大的情況下,兩階段的重要性取樣法將會有更佳的估計效率。我們也以同樣的思路,提出用以估計投資組合損失機率的演算法。雖然所提出的演算法經過重要性取樣的技巧後仍無法使得欲估計的事件在所有模擬路徑下都會發生,但數值結果仍顯示所提出的方法估計效率遠遠優於傳統蒙地卡羅法。 / Monte Carlo simulation is a useful tool on portfolio credit risk management. When measuring portfolio credit risk, one should choose an appropriate model to characterize the dependence among all assets. Normal copula is the most widely used mechanism to capture this dependence structure, however, some emperical studies suggest that $t$-copula provides a better fit to market data than normal copula does. In this article, we use extremal depence model proposed by Bassamboo et al. (2008) to construct $t$-copula. We also extend the importance sampling (IS) procedure proposed by Chiang et al. (2007) to evaluate basket credit default swaps (BDS) with extremal dependence and introduce a two-step IS algorithm which ensures credit events always take place for every simulation path. Numerical results show that the proposed methods achieve variance reduction. If the model has lower degree of freedom, or the portfolio size is larger, the two-step IS method is more efficient. Following the same idea, we also propose algorithms to estimate the probability of portfolio losses. Althought the desired events may not occur for some simulations, even if the IS technique is applied, numerical results still show that the proposed method is much better than crude Monte Carlo.
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歐洲已開發市場之信用違約交換與信用價差動態關係與變化影響因子 / Dynamic relation of credit default swap and bond credit spread on developed European sovereign bonds黃嘉東, Whang, Jia Tung Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現信用違約交換有較明顯之價格發現功能,且信用違約交換與債券信用價差間之基準差與信用風險呈現正向關係。而歐洲主權債券因其性質特殊,其使用德國政府公債作無風險利率反而較歐元交換利率為佳。此外我們發現利率變化與股市皆為影響歐洲主權信用價差之因子,而波動率之影響不明顯,原因也可能是歐洲主權債券過去低風險而成為資金避險標的之特殊性質。 / The thesis examines the dynamic relation between CDS and bond spread on developed European sovereign bonds. We also investigate which variables will affect the changes of CDS and bond spreads.
We found that price discovery occurs on CDS more often, and the basis between CDS and bond spread has a positive relationship with credit risk. Due to the special characteristic of developed European sovereign bonds, the German sovereign bond yield is a better benchmark for risk-free rate than the Euro swap rate. Also we found that the change of rates and the return on stock market affect the European sovereign credit spread, but the effect of volatility on credit spread is limited. The reason should be the low-risk nature of these bonds in the past, which made them “safe” products for capitals to park.
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信用違約機率之預測─Robust Logitstic Regression林公韻, Lin,Kung-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所使用違約機率(Probability of Default, 以下簡稱PD)的預測方法為Robust Logistic Regression(穩健羅吉斯迴歸),本研究發展且應用這個方法是基於下列兩個觀察:1. 極端值常常出現在橫剖面資料,而且對於實證結果往往有很大地影響,因而極端值必須要被謹慎處理。2. 當使用Logit Model(羅吉斯模型)估計違約率時,卻忽略極端值。試圖不讓資料中的極端值對估計結果產生重大的影響,進而提升預測的準確性,是本研究使用Logit Model並混合Robust Regression(穩健迴歸)的目的所在,而本研究是第一篇使用Robust Logistic Regression來進行PD預測的研究。
本研究使用了一些信用風險模型效力驗證的方法來比較模型預測效力的優劣,本研究的實證結果為:針對樣本內資料,使用Robust Logistic Regression對於整個模型的預測效力的確有提升的效果;當營收品質成為模型變數的考量因素後,能讓模型有較高的預測效力。最後,本研究亦提出了一些重要的未來研究建議,以供後續的研究作為參考。 / The method implemented in PD calculation in this study is “Robust Logistic Regression”. We implement this method based on two reasons: 1. In panel data, outliers usually exist and they may seriously influence the empirical results. 2. In Logistic Model, outliers are not taken into consideration. The main purpose of implementing “Robust Logistic Regression” in this study is: eliminate the effects caused by the outliers in the data and improve the predictive ability. This study is the first study to implement “Robust Logistic Regression” in PD calculation.
The same variables as those in Z-SCORE model are selected in this study. Furthermore, the quality of the revenue in a company is also considered. Therefore, we adjust the related variables with the company’s accounts receivable turnover ratio.
Some validation methodologies for default risk models are used in this study. The empirical results of this study show that: In accordance with the in-sample data, implementing “Robust Logistic Regression” in PD calculation indeed improves the predictive ability. Besides, using the adjusted variables can also improve the predictive ability. In the end of this study, some important suggestions are given for the subsequent studies.
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可轉債評價 --- LSMC考慮股價跳躍及信用風險 / Convertible Bond Pricing --- Consider Jump-diffusion model and credit risk with LSMC丁柏嵩 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文將可轉換債券評價結合數值分析中的最小蒙地卡羅法(Least square monte carlo),使得在評價可轉債時,能夠具有更多的彈性處理發行公司自行設計的贖回條款與其他各種不同的契約情況。
此外,本篇論文針對股價考慮跳躍的性質,使用Compound Poisson 過程模擬發生跳躍的次數,導入Merton的跳躍模型(Jump-diffusion Model),在Merton的假設下,模擬未來股價的動態變化。
信用風險方面,本文採用Duffie提出的風險CIR模型評價。考慮存活函數(Survival Function)和違約強度(Hazard Rate Function),使用CIR模型描述信用違約強度在可轉債持有期間的動態變化,最後模擬出違約的時點,結合LSMC下的可轉債評價評價法。
最後利率部份,雖然Brennan and Schwartz(1980)認為隨機利率對於可轉換債券的評價,並沒有明顯的效果,反而會降低評價時的效率,但是為了符合評價過程的合理性,本文使用CIR短期利率模型。
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金融犯罪之訴訟策略 —以我國證券交易法操縱市場案件為中心 / The Litigation Strategy for Financial Crime —Focus on The Cases of Market Manipulation of Securities Exchange Act in Taiwan莊凱如 Unknown Date (has links)
金融犯罪近年來日益受學者與實務界之重視,而我國證券交易 法既以「發展國民經濟、保障投資」為目的,證券市場是否依自然 供需法則自由運作,而不受人為操縱行為破壞價格決定機制,顯得 至為重要。
我國證券交易法明文禁止操縱市場行為,違反者除民事損害賠 償責任外,尚有刑事處罰,且刑度非輕。操縱市場雖屬於相對抽象 之一種禁止類型,但法院實務上已經累積為數不少之判決,然而因 案件內容繁雜、法條構成要件不夠明確......等因素,造成法律見解難 以統一之現象,進而使得辯護工作難度增加。
本文擬從比較法上,參考外國法對操縱市場行為禁止之類型及 方式,檢視我國證券交易法中關於操縱市場之立法過程與構成要 件,並蒐集大量法院判決,整理分析被告提出之各式抗辯,回顧法 院判決中之見解、判斷,期待能更深入問題之核心,裨對實務工作 者能有所助益。 / Financial crimes are increasingly valued by academics and practitioners in recent years. Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan is
securities market operate freely in accordance with the law of natural supply and demand without undermining the mechanism of price determination by human
manipulation so important.
Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan expressly prohibited for market manipulation and penalize who breach of regulation. They must bear civil liability for damages and seriously criminal penalties. Although market manipulation may be very abstract sometimes, court practice has accumulated a large number of judgments. However, it’s still a big challenge for attorneys due to the different opinions in practice.
The relevant provisions of this order the United States, England and China on different types of legislation about manipulation, in order to find the difference of among the Securities and Exchange Law of Taiwan, as a reference to amend acts of manipulation. By studying cases selected our Court and trying to analyze how the various defenses affect the court decision.
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銀行聯合貸款業務之經營模式與策略研究-以台灣聯貸市場為例 / The Study of Banking Business Model and Strategy about Syndicated Loan Product – in Taiwan Syndication Market葉美華, Yeh, Mei-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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考慮信用風險下新金融商品之評價分析許家瑜, Hsu Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文之信用風險模型屬於簡約模型(Reduced Form Model)之範疇,以COX過程解釋違約過程,解釋為何企業會發生連帶倒閉的現象。在考慮信用風險後,各期所產生之現金流量變得具不確定性,因此在計算現金流量之現值時,折現因子就必須考慮信用風險溢酬,本文選用信用風險模型中的一大分支-約簡模型,將信用風險量化(包含系統風險及非系統風險),進而估計出信用價差期間結構;就如同無風險利率期間結構對固定收益商品之重要性,在估計出公司之信用價差期間結構後,即可針對該公司發行之各種商品進行評價分析。本文並以花旗所羅門美邦控股公司為例進行實證,利用公司債理論價格與市價之誤差平方和,求解違約過程之參數估計值及信用價差期間結構;接著,針對花旗所羅門美邦控股公司所發行之連動債券〝TRAGETS〞,進行評價分析並比較考慮信用風險與否是否有助於理論價格與市價之配適。
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勞動契約上最低服務年限約定之研究 / none黃泰平, Huang , Tai-ping Unknown Date (has links)
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政府採購法減價收受制度之研究 / The study of the acceptance with price-reduction of the government procurement act許增如, Hsu, Tseng-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
從民法概念來看,減價收受無所謂過失責任,基本上肇因於廠商債務不履行,債務不履行可分為給付不能或不完全給付,二者區分實益在於給付是否可能,亦關係機關評估是否辦理減價收受及後續損害賠償問題。此外,減價收受亦關係工程承攬契約之瑕疵擔保責任與保固責任,以及減價收受之額度與違約金等相關問題。本論文希望藉由理論探討,及法院判決、調解建議及仲裁等相關實務案例,以釐清減價收受所遭遇之相關問題。 / The acceptance with price-reduction under Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, could be said an exceptional part of the inspection and acceptance under the Act. It is regulated to the interests and duties between the two parties of governmental purchasement. This study intentioally analyzes the “construction work”, which is used to focus on the completeness of definit work and to cope with the contract requirements. When it happens to be accepted with price reduction, what is the reason and what will be going on?
According to the Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, where the result of inspection indicates any non-conformity with the contractual requirements, but the non-conformity neither hinders the safety or use required nor decreases the general function or the function designated by the contract, an acceptance with price-reduction may be conducted under conditions that the entity has determined that there is no need or it is difficult to make replacement. Otherwise, the entity should require the suppliers make improvement within a time-limit according to the paragraph 1 of Article 72.
Based on the concepts of the Civil Code, the acceptance with the price-reduction does not depend on responsibility for intentional or gross negligent acts. It is caused by the suppliers’ non-performance, when the performance becomes impossible or imcomplete. The governmental entity will also transfer to claim conpensation for the injury. This issue also involves the obligation of suppliers to repair the defects within the specified period, not only after the inspection and acceptance. The reasonable amount of price-reduction and the penalties are also important to be disscussed. This study wants to clarify all the issues and the effects of the acceptance with price-reduction through the theory discussion and the reviewing of juridical cases, mediations and arbitrations.
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