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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

製造業服務化之研究-以藥廠為例 / A study on the servitization of manufacturing – a case of a pharmaceutical company

杜明哲 Unknown Date (has links)
國際經濟環境的變遷脈動與發展趨勢,牽動我國產業未來發展方向,在全球產業環境日益變遷下,台灣未來將朝「製造業服務化、服務業科技化與國際化、傳產業特色化」之「三業四化」產業策略來發展,其中在「製造業服務化」,則以產品為中心的製造轉為以服務為中心導向的思考模式,製造業者不再只是單一產品供應者,而是提供一系列滿足客戶需求的服務,透過服務來凸顯產品差異化,進而增加客戶的黏密度,創造更高的附加價值。製造業服務化就是製造業為了獲取競爭優勢,將價值鏈由以製造為中心向以服務為中心轉變。 面對愈來愈多企業重視「服務化」的議題,台灣製造業也應改變經營策略,從產品製造導向轉變為服務導向,才能在激烈的全球化競爭中永續生存。趕上產業升級轉型的世界潮流,台灣已有不少成功執行製造業服務化的業者,在高科技產業中最為成功的案例,就是從10幾年前就力行服務化的台積電。而製藥業中,葡萄王生技從傳統製藥業,一路走向生機飲料生產到成為生物科技公司,也是非常成功的例子。再看傳統工業製造中,素有扣件王國之稱的台灣,在握有全球龐大扣件市場之後,更有多家公司積極轉型為服務業,成功跨入醫療器材產業。 本論文以T藥廠為例,分析從傳統學名藥製造廠,經歷了毛利下降導致虧損的改組轉型,初步降低成本,對藥證、客戶、業務員、工廠原物料、包材去蕪存菁留存重點,轉虧為盈,進一步朝服務化轉型,建立品牌學名藥、強化研發實力、拓展各項專注領域、人文與科技平衡、開創國際化新局,成就穩定的營收金流,現今以落實藥品劑型便民化、藥品便民包裝、製造搭配業務、行銷、跟診服務、專業代工接單製造、In-licensing & out-licensing、建立大客戶關係管理體系提供客戶全面解決方案及產業一條龍的再造:研發、製造、銷售、服務的服務化作為,未來進一步全面轉型製造業服務化的願景為佈局全球市場,包含製造國內自營或外銷產品、代理國外藥品進口或出口、接單國際藥廠委製訂單,同時朝新藥研發邁進,以T藥廠既有強項著手新劑型平台藥品開發、新覆方藥品開發及臨床試驗、新療效適應症臨床試驗查登等,最終朝新成分新藥開發邁進,成為一全球性大藥廠。

首次從學校轉渡至工作者的生活適應 / Life Adaptation of the job-searcher transferred from school to work

曾儀芬 Unknown Date (has links)
個體的生涯決定受到社會價值之型塑甚鉅,聯考制度將學生分發至不同類組、學校、和科系就讀,更影響其日後的就業選擇與適應,故擬進行本研究。本研究的目的在於: 1.想了解學生在選填志願時受到家庭與社會價值觀的影響,並進而決定其工作領域和性質之事實。 2.想了解首次從學校轉渡至工作三年內之青年的生活安排與適應。 3.以分析深度訪談的文稿來呈現本研究主題。 在方法上,本研究採用質性研究的方法,強調實踐行動理論的不確定本質,重視當事人的主體與自我對話;閱讀者在閱讀時,已將個人置放在新的角度,創造新意。 研究對象是15個生涯故事的主角,包括不同的教育程度、學校、科系、職業種類、工作期間長短、和居住型態,女生9人,男生6人。 研究歷程方面,在邀定受訪對象後,編製訪談原則,由研究者擔任訪談者。訪談過程全程錄音,並謄寫成逐字稿,並撰寫過程紀錄文稿。經由受訪者勘誤、修正後,再由研究者進行資料分析。 研究發現如下: 1.以對工作滿意程度與投入程度將受訪者分成四個類型。 【型一】滿意並願意投入工作─充滿熱忱和抱負:fu01、fu03、mg04、mg06、mu08、fg12。 【型二】不滿意但願意投入工作─寄託於它的附加價值:fu05、mu09、mu13、ms15。 【型三】滿意但不願投入工作─深深的無力感:fu07、fu10。 【型四】不滿意也不願投入工作─不得不做:fu02、fu11、ms14。 2.大部分受訪者是以順服社會規範的現實性原則,如:出路寬廣、經濟限制、分數落點、和其他來決定校系,進而影響往後將從事的工作,在我國文化氛圍下,並沒有太多人的生涯發展能吻合「真如自我」的理想型,他們對自己生涯的決定仍然「不由自主」。 3.青年轉換到工作者角色之後,他們都服膺社會規範期許自己要成熟獨立,認為未成年是需要脫離的狀態,但不論真正的成熟是否已經呈現,或用何種方式呈現,Scheer & Palkovitz(1994)表示他們都將有較為成熟和負責的行為。獨立是必須的,但成熟沒有時間表,「從學生轉渡為工作者」的事件可說是發展過程中的有力觸媒。 4.首次轉渡到工作的青年仍然符合集體主義,因為他們與家人同住是非常自然合理的事情,離鄉背井來到都市工作才使得青年衍生出不同的居住型態。家庭對有些人而言,自己一個人的家也是完整的家,他們或者自行選擇在外居住,或為累積個人經濟資源而與家人同住,可以看見個人主義精神。家庭對另外一些人而言,家庭就是有家人的組合,能集合完整的家庭成員才稱得上圓滿。有人選擇以結婚後的新家庭來銜接原生家庭;有人則傾向留一段空白給自己,直到進入婚姻或承接養家責任為止。不論他們居住安排的型態與考量為何,只是孝心與孝行的形式不同,孝順的情感聯繫還存留在人心。 5.不論在外居住的動機是出於主動或被動,要適應一個以個人為生活主體的居住型態,都將把青年拋入一個必須自理與自處的學習情境。透過這樣的經驗歷程,他們有機會逐漸發展出個人處理生活事項與家人關係的獨特模式,以及與孤單、寂寞相處的方式。 6.目前新成為工作者未久,即使屬於個人的時間、空間能與工作釐清界線,但餘裕仍嫌不足,所以強健體魄的活動首先被犧牲掉;而休閒的目的性也強過於個人興趣之培養和維持。看來,認知與行動之間的距離仍然遙遠。 7.父母和子女若能取得「讓子女放手去闖」的共識,使青年的生命自主權和平移轉到自己手上,這是善意回應關係轉變的開始,具有較高的家庭支持的功能。此外,對家庭責任的重新建構也是人格自主的一部份吧!本研究的受訪者大部分都能用彈性的眼光來看待家人關係,允許不完美的存在。 8.從受訪者的心理意向中得知,成功滿意的戀愛往往指向結婚的目的。認為婚姻是必然的結果,完整人生階段無庸置疑的做法;另一部份人將焦點放在達到結婚的過程,表示充實個人的生存能力,以及在不易尋覓真心相待的愛情市場中審慎判斷,才是他們看待感情時最看重的部分在無法找到契合伴侶以前,不結婚也是值得考量的生活型態。 / The career decision of an individual is deeply shaped by the social value. The National Entrance Examination classifies students to different group, school, and major, which even will influence their further occupation choice and adjustment. The purposes in the present essay are the following : 1. To investigate whether students are influenced by their parents’ wishes and the society’s values while choosing a major. And that effect their field and quality of work decision too. 2. To comprehend, and to understand the life arrangement and adjustment of the youth transferred from school to work in three years. 3. Through analyzing the “ in-depth interview “, to testify the topic. The present study was qualitative in nature, which emphasize practicing the” uncertainty “ of the action research, pay much attention to the clients main body and self-conversation. While reading the materials, the readers have put themselves into a new point of view, and produce new creation. The study was consisted of 15 subjects with their own career story. Including of different education degree, school, major, occupation, working period, and life pattern.9 females, 6 males. Study procedures contained : Inviting subjects to be the volunteers of the study, then conduct the interviewing guiding principles. The research is also the interviewer. Recording each interview, and wrote it down word by word according to the tape. The researcher analyzed the information after the subjects corrected the written materials. There were several findings as following: 1. Distributed the interviewees into four types by satisfaction of job and involvement of job. Type1: full of enthusiasm and ambition. Type 2: desire for the addictive value better. Type 3: deeply powerless to alter. Type 4: There isn’t any other choice. 2. The leading force for most interviewees to shape their career was based on the pragmatic principle which was consistent to the social value. Such as: job opportunity, job security, and pay. Other factors were : weather the job required a lot of physical, mental strength, and pressure. Seldom of them can break the social values, committing to their ideal career. 3. While the youth turn their social role to a formal worker, they expect themselves be independent and mature. The event ” being a formal worker “ is a powerful vehicle of one’s character development. 4. Most of the youth transferring to work feel it’s nature to live with their parents together, except those who move to a big city and earn their living. Some of them feel a single person can be a complete family, and they cherish the period they can live along. And others think of a home is a composition of family, and they admire to live with their parents until marriage. No matter out of which opinion, young people show filial obedience with different expression. 5. Living along without parents make young people face a new situation. They have the opportunity to learn conducting life errands by themselves, balancing the interpersonal relationship, and getting along with oneself. 6. Newly being a worker in a office, many young people must pay a lot of time learning working skills. It leads to giving up time exercising. Many interviewees spend their leisure time relaxing, rather than develop or maintain their interests. 7. Many interviewees feel when they being a formal worker, their parents will respect them for independent. They can self-dominant in many aspects. The tension between parents and children become more alleviate. Many of them can admit imperfect relationship between parents and children do exist. 8. As for the ideas on love affair, all interviewees think of successful love will lead to marriage. But some of them feel marriage is very necessary, they can’t satisfy their life stage without marriage. The others emphasize the process of personal growth more. They accept to live a single life when not meeting a soul partner.

離婚婦女之生活資源與適應 / Divorced women's life resources and post-divorced adaptation

韓貴香, Jessy Han, K. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以Foa等人(1993)的「資源」觀點,來分析婦女在離婚時所可能擁有的生活資源與其離婚後適應的關係,分為自己提供給自己的資源,即個人的條件和特質;和別人所給與的資源兩大類。並採質化研究深入訪談為資料的主要蒐集方法,由分析的資料來看,離婚對女性的衝擊始於婚姻出現狀況開始,而隨時間過去,婦女離婚後生活的適應在型態上也會有一些差異,所以資源在不同階段所能發揮的作用也不相同。研究者依適應型態的不同將離婚適應分成四階段,1.「離」、「合」之間的混亂階段;2.離婚後需立即面對的主要適應議題與離婚資源的關係;3.適應議題的轉變與離婚資源的關係;與4.成長等四個階段。此四階段並無明確的時間區隔,只是發生的順序不同。文中還比較了不同人際關係所提供的資源在具體性上的差別以及其引申的意涵。 研究發現:1.離婚適應是一個長期的動態歷程,包含與生活相關的各向度,所以離婚者可獲得的資源如何,影響其離婚後生活適應的品質。2.以資源影響適應的觀點而言,資源當然對適應有益,但當適應牽涉到生活的各層面時,同一資源對不同向度的生活適應,便可能產生負面的影響。3.既然離婚適應是一個長期的歷程,同一項資源在不同的時間點上,特別是在人際關係所提供的資源方面,人際間的互動,可能隨著時間的消逝,而在心理層面有所改變,則這些改變就可能影響其所提供的資源,並進而影響婦女離婚後的生活適應。 / Based on Foa’s “Resource” perspective in 1993, this research analyzes the relationships between the resources women potentially own during the course of getting divorced and their adaptability to the post-divorced life style. The resources are grouped into two major sources: self-resources, i.e. personal qualifications and characteristics, and external-resources provided by others. This research relies on in-depth qualitative interviews as its main source of input data collection methodology. According to input data analyses, women’s post-divorced life styles have very different adaptive patterns. Therefore, “resources” also display different functions in divorce process. Based on different adaptive patterns, the researcher proposes four phases of divorce adaptability: 1) the chaotic phase of “marriage” or “divorce”; 2) the relationships between adaptation issues and resources during the phase immediate after divorce; 3) the relationships between the transformation of adaptation issues and resources; and 4) growth. There is no fixed timeframe for the four phases. The only distinction is the sequence of occurrence. Furthermore, this research compares the “concreteness” of resources provided by various inter-personal networks and its implications. This research discovers that: 1) the post-divorced adaptation is a long-term, dynamic process, covering all aspects of life. As a result, the resources available to divorcee will directly affect the quality of her post-divorced adaptation. 2) From the perspective of resources affecting adaptability, resources are certainly positive. However, when the adaptation involves with all aspects of life, the same resource might have negative effect on some certain dimensions. 3) Because divorce adaptation is a long-term process, the same resources, especially those provided by inter-personal networks, would likely fade away as a result of changes in personal interactions, and might psychologically affect the resource function, which in turn will affect women’s post-divorced life adaptability.

兒童知覺的雙親婚姻衝突對其生活適應影響之歷程研究 / The Influences for Children's Perceptions of Interparental Marital Conflict on Children's Adjustment : A Process Study

林美娟, Lin, Mei-Cheing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,乃在探討父母親的婚姻衝突對兒童生活適應影響歷程模式的適切性,並以兒童自陳報告的方式進行,期能從兒童的觀點瞭解婚姻衝突對他們造成生活適應影響的歷程,在此研究中親子關係與情緒安全扮演父母親婚姻衝突對兒童生活適應影響的中介角色。 以449名國小五、六年級的兒童為研究對象(男生226人,女生223人)。研究工具包括兒童自評的「兒童知覺雙親衝突量表」、「親子關係量表」、「兒童情緒安全量表」、「學校生活適應量表」、以及教師評量的「兒童行為評量表」。 資料分析採用 LISREL8進行假設考驗並驗證假設模式適切性。結果發現本研究所提出的模式被接受。兒童知覺的雙親婚姻衝突會直接影響兒童知覺的親子關係並進而間接影響兒童的生活適應,而且兒童知覺的雙親衝突對兒童的生活適應有直接的影響。 另外,兒童知覺的雙親婚姻衝突對兒童的情緒安全感有直接影響。根據研究結果,本研究建議父母應盡量避免在小孩面前爭吵,且在衝突過後應盡量設法尋求解決之道,並向孩子說明衝突原因。此外,父母應多參加家庭教育活動與親子活動,以減少婚姻衝突對兒童的 不利影響。學校方面應多加強與家庭的聯繫工作,並教導各種技巧,以提高兒童因應衝突的能力,減少婚姻衝突對兒童的不利影響。 / This study examined the fittness of the model of the influences for children's perceptions of interparental marital conflict on children's adjustment. In this study, parent-child relationship and emotional security were the mediative variables. Subjects were 449 elementary school students ( 226 boys , 223 girls ).Using LISREL8 to test the fittness ,the model was accepted. Children's perceptions of interparental marital conflict would directly affect children's perception of parent-child relationship and indirectly affected children's adjustment.And children's perceptions of interparental marital conflict directly affected children's emotional security.The useness and limitation of this study werediscussed.


成靜傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討補習班成人學生之內外控人格特質、不確定感、社會支持與考試因應策略對生活適應影響的歷程。 研究樣本係自台灣北、中、南區補習班抽樣512位至21至48歲的成人學生。以「簡式內外控量表」、「準備考試不確定量表」、「社會支持量表」、「考試壓力因應行為量為」和「生活適應量表」為研究施測工具。所得資料以次數分配、相關分析、徑路分析等統計方法處理。 研究結果發現,在補習班成人學生的生活適應方面,內控傾向較高、社會支持較多及採取問題導向因應策略者其生活適應狀況較佳,而不確定感較高及採取情緒導向因應策略者,其生活適應較差。在壓力因應策略的使用方面,內控傾向較高和社會支持較多者較傾向採取問題導向因應策略,不確定感較高者較不傾向使用問題導向因應策略。而內控傾向較低、個人內在不確定感較高和工具性社會支持較高者,則較傾向採取情緒導向因應策略。 其次,以徑路分析解釋內外控傾向、社會支持、不確定感和壓力因應策略對生活適應之影響的研究結果指出,工具性社會支持和個人內在不確定感會透過問題導向因應策略而影響學習適應。內外控傾向、工具性社會支持、情緒性社會支持和個人內在不確定感會透過情緒導向因應策略而影響身心適應。此外,影響補習班成人學生學習適應的主要因素是個人內在不確定感和工具性社會支持,而影響身心適應的主要因素則是情緒導向因應策略和個人內在不確定感。亦即個人內在不確定感較低以及工具性社會支持較高的補習班成人學生在學習適應方面的狀況較佳,而較不採取情緒導向因應策略以及個人內在不確定感較低的補習班成人學生在身心適應方面的狀況較佳。顯見不論是在學習適應方面或身心適應方面,個人內在不確定感在影響補習班成人學生的生活適應上扮演著重要的因素,此發現可供往後在壓力或生活適應方面的相關研究加以繼續進一步探討。 針對以上結果,提出綜合討論及後續研究在對象、方法、工具以及變項上的建議,並對補習班學生之壓力因應及生活適應、補習班對學生之服務、教育主管行政機關之管理等方面提出建議。

職業婦女與家庭主婦子女之學業成就、生活適應之比較研究 / The academic achievement and life adaptation of working and non- working mothers.

陳姿秀, Chen, Z-Xiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討母親就業與否是否對孩子的學業成就、生活適應產生不同 的影響。研究目的有三,(1)探討母親就業與否與孩子學業成就之關係,及 此關係是否受其他中介因素之影響。(2)探討母親就業與否與孩子生活適 應之關係,及此關係是否受其他中介因素之影響(3)探討國中生生活適應與 學業成就之關係。本研究採問卷調查法,抽取台北市七所國中二十個班為 研究對象,經篩選後七所學校二十班學生中符合受試條件者,合計共有226 名,這些學生及其母親組成本研究之樣本。研究工具包括孩子方面的學生 基本資料調查表及國中生生活適應問卷,和母親方面的基本資料調查表、 社會支持問卷及角色態度傾向問卷。


林佩琪, Beckey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是探討在學與就業青年職業自我認定發展上的差異,及他們在面對職業問題時,所感受到的壓力知覺、因應策略及其與身心適應之關係。   本研究以北部地區693位大專學生(男351,女342)及516位就業青年(男233,女283)為受試對象,研究工具包括(1)職業自我認定量表,(2)壓力認知評估及因應量表,(3)身心適應問題量表。研究中主要使用的統計方法為:卡方考驗分析、因素分析、變異數分析、相關分析、區別分析等。   研究結果如下:   1.在學與就業青年在職業自我認定發展程度上有顯著差異,其中尚在尋求的在學青年人數百分比大於就業青年,提早成熟及認定失敗的在學青年人數百分比是低於就業青年,而認定成功的人數百分比沒有達顯著差異。並且職業自我認定發展程度上沒有性別上的差異,在年級及年齡上亦沒有顯著差異。   2.在學青年在職業的抉擇上,所知覺的壓力大於就業青年,感覺能控制的程度低於就業青年,而感受到的影響持續度大於就業青年。   3.四種職業自我認定類型,在職業抉擇上所感受到的壓力知覺及影響持續度上沒有差異,但在控制程度上,認定成功者感覺能控制的程度高於其它三種認定發展類型的人。   4.在學青年在面對職業的選擇與決定時,使用「問題解決」的策略多於就業青年,而在「消極面對」、「情緒壓抑逃避」、「訴諸天命」策略的使用上沒有顯著差異。   5.認定成功者使用「解決問題」策略多於其它三種認定發展類型者,但在「消極面對」、「情緒壓抑逃避」的策略使用上低於其它三種認定發展類型者。另外,尚在尋求者在「消極面對」策略的使用上低於認定失敗者,但與提早成熟者沒有差異。提早成熟者在「訴諸天命」策略使用上則多於其它三種認定發展類型者。   6.在學青年在生理及心理的適應上差於就業青年。另外,在職業認定類型方面,提早成熟者的生理適應差於認定成功者,而在心理適應則是皆差於其它三種認定類型者。   7.在學與就業青年之職業壓力認知評估、因應策略及其與身心適應間有存在相關。   8.在學與就業青年的認定成功者在面對職業壓力時,較常使用「解決問題」策略,而較少使用負向策略,感覺較能控制,影響持續度較短,生理及心理的適應尚可。而尚在尋求者在職業的壓力知覺、因應策略及其身心適應上為趨中。   9.在學青年的提早成熟者在職業壓力的控制程度及因應策略使用上為趨中,但在影響持續度上感覺較久,也較常使用「訴諸天命」策略,其生理適應也較差。就業青年的提早成熟者則較常使用負向因應策略,較少使用「解決問題」策略,感覺職業壓力是較不能由自己控制,但影響持續度感覺較短,其心理適應較差。   10.在學與就業青年的認定失敗者在面對職業壓力時較常使用負向因應策略,而較少使用「解決問題」策略,並且覺得其職業壓力是較不能由自己控制,但其影響持績度是感覺較短暫,其身心適應,在學青年是生理適應佳,就業青年是心理適應狀況尚可。

出生序與父母管教態度對兒童的社會興趣與人格適應之影響 / The Influence of Birth order and parent rearing attitude on children social interest and personal adjustment

莊千慧, Chuang, Chian Huey Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解出生序〈老大、中間子女、老么、獨生子女〉與父母管教態度〈拒絕、嚴格、溺愛、期待、矛盾、紛歧〉對兒童的社會興趣及人格適應之影響,本研究以台北市、台中市、彰化縣、高雄縣等共五所國民小學四、五年級兒童共791人為研究對象,運用個人基本資料、兒童社會興趣量表、父母管教態度測驗及小學人格測驗等研究工具獲得所需資料,再以二因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及皮爾遜積差相關等方法進行統計分析。   主要研究結果發現:不同出生序其社會興趣及人格適應皆無顯著差異存在;而女生的社會興趣及人格適應皆比男生高。在父母管教態度對兒童的社會興趣及人格適應之影響方面,發現父母親拒絕、溺愛、母親紛歧及父親矛盾的管教態度皆可有效預測兒童的社會興趣及人格適應,其解釋量為12%及32%。其中父母親拒絕及母親紛歧的管教態度與兒童的社會興趣及人格適應呈負向關係,而父母親溺愛及父親矛盾的管教態度則與兒童的社會興趣及人格適應呈正向關係。再者,兒童的社會興趣與其人格適應呈正相關。   根據研究結果,本研究建議:父母親宜透過各種學習管道,以建立正確的管教態度及方法,並加強親子間的溝通,以利子女的社會興趣及人格的發展。

高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究 / The Relationship with Overseas Chinese Student's Self-Concept, Life- Adjustment, and Academic Achievement.

李麗花, Lee, Li Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查並分析高中僑生在自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之相關,研究結果提供教育當局,作為高中僑生教育政策及加強僑生教材教法、課程設計及生活輔導之參考。   本研究依據研究目的,以文獻分析法探討自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之理論及相關研究,以問卷調查法測量高中僑生的自我概念及高中僑生生活適應困擾,並分別就自我概念及適應問題,比較不同背景變項僑生之差異,加上學期學業成績之蒐集,用以分析不同自我概念及適應狀況僑生學業成就之差異情形。   本研究以國立華僑實驗高級中學高中部僑生344位為對象,使用「田納西自我概念量表」(2000年版)及「高中學生生活經驗量表」為研究工具,問卷回收後篩選有效樣本316份,將所得之資料分別以下列方法處理:描述性統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、二因子單變量變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定,F檢定,Scheffe法事後比較,Pearson積差相關法等統計方法,探討各變項間的關係。   綜合上述,本研究假設結論如下:   一、不同背景變項之高中僑生,自我概念有顯著差異:    1.在「道德自我」及「家庭自我」項目有顯著差異。女生均高於男生。    2.不同年級的高中僑生,在「道德自我」「學業自我」「自我認同」「自我滿意」「自我總分」等項目,高二僑生得分優於高一僑生,另外高二僑生及高三僑生在「心理自我」得分上,皆優於高一僑生。    3.不同區域的高中僑生,在「生理自我」、「家庭自我」「自我認同」「自我總分」項目上,第一區域即印尼、緬甸、泰國、菲律賓等地的高中僑生,其得分優於第二區域即香港、澳門、新加坡等地的高中僑生。    4.「自我行動」項目,第一區域的高中僑生及第三區域高中僑生,得分皆優於第二區域的高中僑生。   二、不同背景變項之高中僑生,生活適應問題有顯著差異:    1.在「用錢」項目上,男生困擾大於女生。高二、高三僑生困擾都大於高一僑生。    2.在「就業前途」項目上,高三僑生困擾大於高一僑生。    3.男生生活適應,最感困擾的是「用錢」,其次是「就業前途」,「課業」。而在女生的適應經驗排序上,最感困擾的是「就業前途」,其次是「課業」,而「用錢」排行第三。    4.高一僑生生活適應困擾首推「課業」項目,而高二高三僑生生活適應最感困擾則為「就業前途」項目。   三、不同背景變項之高中僑生,學業成就有顯著差異:    1.在性別上:女生優於男生。    2.在年級上及科目上:    (1)高二僑生國文科成績優於高一、高三僑生。    (2)高一僑生英文科成績優於高二僑生。    (3)高一、高三僑生數學成績皆優於高二僑生。   四、年級、地區交互作用後,高中僑生自我概念與生活適應有顯著差異:    1.在「生理自我」項目,第二區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一區域高一僑生得分優於第二區域高一僑生。    2.在「學業自我」項目,第一區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一、二區域的高二僑生得分優於第三區域的高二僑生。    3.在「人際交往」項目,第一區域的高二僑生得分優於第二區域的高二僑生。   五、高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就部分有顯著相關:    1.自我總分與學業成就,學業自我與學業成就,學業成就科別之間,分別顯現正相關。    2.生活適應各向度,課業項目或整體生活適應總分上與學業成就皆無顯著相關。    3.自我總分高低分組在生活適應總分性別、年級間,也未顯示出顯著相關。   依據上述幾點結論,提出各項對僑教政策、僑生教育及未來研究者研究方向之建議:   一、在僑教政策上的建議   僑生返國之人數在不同地區有消長的情形,最明顯為港澳地區的僑生,因為,受兩岸政治情勢的影響,加上取消加分優惠,因此,返國就學的人數明顯地逐年下降。可見得政策的改變與僑生的返國行為之間存在一定的關係。因此符應需求修訂僑教政策有其必要。    (一)委託國內大學培育僑教師資。    (二)提供清寒僑生工讀機會。    (三)建立僑生監護人公證制度。    (四)設立國語文中心,編製銜接教材。   二、僑校編制上的建議    (一)國立華僑高中    (二)對其他高中僑生就讀之學校   三、在教學上的建議   四、對未來研究之建議    (一)研究對象    (二)研究變項    (三)研究方法    (四)文獻資料的蒐集 / The purpose of this research on investigation is to analyze the relationship with overseas Chinese student's self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement. The results of research will provide an education authority as references for overseas Chinese student educational policy, instructional material teaching reinforcement, curriculum design, and living guidance.   According to the purpose of research, our research has applied literature analysis to discuss with theory of self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement and related research. For example, a questionary method measures overseas Chinese student's self-concept and life-adjustment problem. Furthermore, from self-concept and life-adjustment, it compares students with different background variables and collections of academic achievement at school that analyze different self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement situation.   The objects of our research were 344 students from National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School, and research tools were “Tennessee Self-Concept Scale” (version 2000) and ”Senior High School Student's Life Experience Measurement”. After questionary feedback and filtration, there are effective 316 copies. Then, all information has dealt as the following processes to discuss with correlation among variables, such as Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, independent sample for Matched-pair T-test, F-test, Scheffe Rule of Post Hoc Tests, Pearson’s correlation statistics method etc.   In summary of the mentioned statements, conclusions of our research hypotheses are as the followings:   1 Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious self-concept differences:    a. There are obviously differences on item of ”MOR” & “FAM” variables that school girls have greater than boys.    b. For the different year of senior high school overseas Chinese students on the items of ” MOR ”, “ACA”, “IDN”, “SAT”, and “TOT”, sophomore year of students have scored more than freshman year of students; furthermore, on the item of “PER”, sophomore and junior year of students have scored greater than freshman year of students.    c. On the items “PHY”, “FAM”, “IDN”, and “TOT”, in the different locations overseas Chinese students of the first region (Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines etc.) have scored the second region Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore) of students.    d. On the item of “BHV”, students of the first and third region have scored greater than the second region.   2. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, life-adjustment problems that have dramatically differences:    a. On the item of “spending”, schoolboys have disturbance greater than girls; sophomore and junior year of students have disturbance greater than freshman year of students.    b. On the item of “career prospect”, junior year of students have obsession greater than freshman year of students.    c. Schoolboys on the life-adjustment have harassment, for example, first item is “spending”, and the followings are “career prospect” and “school work”. In contrast to schoolgirls on the living accommodation experience in sequence are the first item of “career prospect”, the secondary item of school work” and the third item of “spending”.    d. Freshman year of students on the life-adjustment is “school work”; nevertheless, sophomore and junior year of students is “career prospect”.   3. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious differences on academic achievement:    1. On the item of sex: schoolgirls are greater than boys.    2. On the item of grade and subjects:     a. Sophomore year of student's scores on Chinese subject has greater than freshman and junior year of student.     b. Freshman year of student's scores on English subject has greater than sophomore year of student.     c. Freshman and junior year of student's on math subject has greater than sophomore year of student.   4. After grade and location interaction, overseas Chinese senior high school students who have remarkably differences on self-concept and life- adjustment:    a. On the item of “PHY”, sophomore year of students in the second region has greater than freshman year of students; freshman year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.    b. On the item of “ACA”, sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than freshman year of students; sophomore year of students in the first and second region has greater than that of the third region.    c. On the item of “interpersonal relationships” sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.   5. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have highly relationship with self-concept and life- adjustment, and academic achievement:    a. Obviously, there are some correlations among “TOT vs. academic achievement”, “ACA vs. academic achievement” and “academic achievement”.    b. Nevertheless, there are no correlations among “life-adjustment condition”, “school work subjects” or “total of general life-adjustment ” and “academic achievement”.    c. There are no obviously differences on TOT score of life-adjustment between sex and grade.   According to the previous suggestions, here are some suggestions on overseas educational policy, student education, and future research approach:   I. Suggestions on overseas Chinese educational policy   The numbers of overseas Chinese students in different locations have growth or decline situation, especially for students from Hong Kong and Macao. Because political situation between China and Taiwan and cancellation on premium score, the numbers of students have obviously down year after year. Hence, policy change and students returning Taiwan for studying behavior have certain relations. Therefore, it is necessary to modify a suitable overseas educational policy.    (1) Authorizing domestic universities to educate qualified teachers for overseas Chinese students    (2) Providing straitened overseas Chinese students who have opportunities for part-time jobs    (3) Setting up overseas Chinese student's guardian notarial system    (4) Establishing Mandarin centers and compiling connected teaching materials   II. Suggestions on overseas school system    (1) National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School    (2) For other overseas Chinese students who study at senior high school   III. Instructional suggestion   IV. Suggestions for future research    (1) Research object    (2) Research variable    (3) Research approach    (4) Literature collection

文化衝擊研究: 海外留學生華語習得期間之文化適應 / When culture shocks or not: Acculturating while acquiring mandarin in a study abroad context

陳薇蒂, Chin, Ruby Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在以民族誌研究方法觀察美國國際交流協會(CIEE)留學生的華語習得期間之文化適應。身為一位CIEE的校友,以及目前在國立政治大學就讀華語文教學碩士學程,並擔任CIEE 語言助理,作者想要透過CIEE美國學生在台灣的經驗來觀察他們學習華語的過程。 本研究提出,美國學生在台灣留學時,同常會經過四種文化適應的發展過程:(1)期待(2)文化衝擊 (3)迷失 (4)適應。研究結果顯示,雖然大部分的人都覺得東亞洲美國學生不可能經驗文化衝擊, 本研究發現正因為他們缺乏了文化衝擊之意識, 使他們在華語習得習期間無法順利適應文化以及學習語言。因此為了有效的幫助華語為第二語言學生學習華語,作者建議學生與老師應該增加文化衝擊之意識。 / This qualitative research study investigates exchange students from the United States (America) in the program of the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), in terms of their experiences during their process of acculturation while acquiring Chinese Mandarin language skills. Previously as a study abroad program student in National Chengchi University, Taipei, and currently as a graduate student in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Master’s Program, and Language Coordinator of CIEE, (a study abroad program on the same campus), the author proposes to do a case study on the program’s students. The purpose is to understand the effects of cultural experience in second language acquisition by American students through ethnographic methods. The author proposes that in order to effectively acquire Chinese Mandarin language, it could be important for tracking American students’ acculturation process of 1. Anticipation, 2. Cultural Shock, 3. Disorientation, and 4. Adaptation. It is observed that although most people assume that East-Asian Americans experience less culture shock due to their Asian heritage, the study shows that their lack of ‘culture shock awareness’ in fact puts them at a disadvantage, which delays their adaptation, and impedes upon their success in Mandarin language training. The study concludes that decreasing social distance and promoting social interaction through acculturation in classrooms may be effective methods for both East-Asian and non-East-Asian American students to become successful in acquiring Chinese Mandarin language. Thus, it is suggested that students and teachers should increase their level of culture shock awareness in the study abroad context in order to assist Chinese as a second language (CSL) learners.

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