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足跡在非洲: 中國大陸和韓國對非洲的援助政策 / Footprints in Africa: a comparative study of China and South Korea's foreign aid policy in Africa申峻浩, Shin, Jun Ho Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis, with special emphasis on African recipient countries, aims to compare and clarify the foreign aid practices adopted by China and South Korea. While South Korea is mostly portrayed as an emerging donor country intending to tie economic relations to recipients, China draws a very diverse audience with reactions to its aid policy ranging from strong suspicion to sincere curiosity.
In this thesis, we examine relationships between economic indicators such as population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), energy production of African recipient countries and the foreign aid policies of these two donors. Through the statistical research method of panel data analysis, we found that the Chinese government has a tendency to provide its aid to more populous African countries, while the often hypothesized China’s resource-securing aid intention is not confirmed. In the case of South Korea, Seoul has a more risk-avert attitude in its Official Development Assistance (ODA) by providing these funds to higher income-level recipients.
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中國大陸對非洲能源外交之研究 / The Study on Mainland China’s Energy Diplomacy toward Africa游智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究成果可歸納為四個面向:其一,中國大陸對非洲政策為相當典型的新現實主義風格,追求優於非洲地主國的相對利得、政策佈局亦受國際體系權力結構制約;其次,能源為目前中國大陸對非洲政策的重心,中國大陸企業對非洲的投資亦以能源為主要考量;第三,包括中海油、中石油與中石化在內等三家中國大陸石油企業在非洲的投資以原油的探勘、開採權為主,符合其國內能源安全政策辯論的結果;第四,中國大陸在非洲的能源投資實無助於非洲國家的經濟發展,但亦無延滯非洲國家經濟發展,藉此擴張中國大陸在非洲的政經影響力的目的在內。 / In recent years, Mainland China has tried to sign oil supply and related exploration and exploitation contracts around the world, which has caused some western countries dissatisfaction. The essence, purpose, and means of Mainland China’s energy diplomacy have become the focus of debate in the academic and political circles. Some European countries even judged that Mainland China’s energy diplomacy toward Africa is a kind of neo-colonialism, but scholars from Mainland China consider it as mercantilism.
The purposes of this thesis are to examine three assumptions: whether Mainland China’s foreign policy belongs to classical realism or neo realism; whether energy is the core of Mainland China’s foreign policy toward Africa; and whether the type of energy diplomacy toward Africa is neo- colonialism or mercantilism. The related theories including realism, international political economy and Neo-colonialism will also be reviewed of this thesis in order to establish four dimensions and twelve indictors to examine my assumptions.
The conclusions of this thesis could be summarized into four dimensions: Firstly, Mainland China’s Africa policy is the typical neo-realism, seeking the better relative gain than African countries, and its policy arrangement is restricted by the power structure of the international system. Secondly, energy, especially oil, is the core concern of the Mainland China’s African policy. The investments of Mainland China’s enterprises in Africa also take energy as the main consideration. Thirdly, investments derived from three oil enterprises including China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) focus on the right of oil exploration and exploitation, which conforms to the result of its domestic debates about energy security. Finally, Mainland China’s investments toward Africa can not help the economic development in Africa, but will not slow down the Africa’s economic development nor extend its ability to influence Africa.
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中國多邊外交的策略:以中非合作論壇為例石羽仟 Unknown Date (has links)
1978年,中國大陸採取改革開放政策後,經濟發展、現代化成為國家的首要目標,它對國家利益的考量不再偏重意識型態的對立,而是以經濟發展為目標導向。冷戰結束後,蘇聯的瓦解使得原本緊張對峙的兩極體系趨於緩和,中國在國際社會中的外交行為也越來越豐富,多邊外交也成為其近年來的外交策略,如東南亞國協加一(Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus 1,簡稱ASEAN+1)、亞太經濟合作會議(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,簡稱APEC)、世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,簡稱WTO)、上海合作組織(Shanghai Cooperation Organization,簡稱SCO)等等。在這些不同的區域、議題領域上都可見到中國大陸參與的身影。
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現實主義下中共對非洲政策:以「中非合作論壇」為例 / A realism perspective -- China's foreign policy toward Africa: a case study regarding China-Africa on “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, (FOCAC)”邱佩涓, Chiu, Pei Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
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商業企劃書-非洲之非營利企管顧問公司 / Not-for-profit Business Consulting Firm in Africa魏倩儀, Larba Joceline Leocadie Ouedraogo Unknown Date (has links)
Among the entire continent in the world, Africa is the one with plenty valuable resources and many business opportunities. But African themselves, don’t have enough cash to auto-finance their project or to exploit such resources. With the existing financial crisis in Europeans countries, the slowdown of economic into several part of the world and the higher probability of gain from return on investment opportunity in Africa, many European and Asian choose to go to Africa for their business development. Unlikely, the result in terms of economic and social growth is still negative for many African countries. Taking into consideration the fact that many foreign business enterprises which were attracted by Africa business opportunities went to bankrupt after invested a lot of money, and the necessary need of African countries economic development, we propose to launch a consulting firm to bring our modest contribution. Since we have well knowledge of Africa social, political and geographical structure, moreover our knowledge of Asian’s and European’s way of doing business, and our experience of developing and running successful foreign business entities in Africa, we decided to setup our organization. We believe that our organization will be very helpful and a benefic tool for both foreign investors and African countries.
Our organization is a not-for-profit organization, which aims to help foreign investors who plan to go to Africa for business purpose, to avoid them to do wrong investments and lose their money and to help African countries to get into social and economic growth. To sustain our organization, will be charging African governments for each valuable investor will bring to them, our clients for consultancy services through personal contact and later on a dedicated Website click and pay services.
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Using content analysis, and countries foreign aid to economic growth selective variables comparison, this study reassesses Taiwan (ROC) earliest economic achievement. The period considered is the early post World War II (1951 to 1965), the subject focus is the U.S. Aid investment to human capital formation, its correlation to the country further development and its implications for Burkina Faso today. The research therefore evolves around this main objective and raises the following questions: how financial and technical resources from the US Aid were investing into Taiwan human capital formation? How does it covariate with the country’s economic development? What were intervening factors to this achievement? Which lessons are worth learning? How can, both the MDGs and Burkina Faso leadership, on the light of Taiwan’s experience improve the development process in Burkina Faso?
The data analysis led to the conclusion that most of the USA funds for this early period went primary to fill the human capital gap, which in turn allowed the financial gap to be filling up. This finding comforts our proposed theory that filling the human capital gap is the pre-requisite for countries that still in the first stage of their development. Based on this foundation theory, the study suggests in its conclusion, a couple of policy recommendations for the Millennium Development Goals achievement in Burkina Faso. The suggested recommendations militate firstly, for a better process for financial funds disbursement and investment through a semi autonomous institutional framework, and secondly, for the establishment of a human capital bank through a national volunteer program.
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非政府組織與低度開發國家關係之研究-以馬拉威共和國為例 / The Relationship between NGOs and LDCs- the case of the Republic of Malawi常國祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先對非政府組織與低度開發國家做個別的一般性說明,並著重於討論低度開發國家形成原因,進而選擇漠南非洲做為低度開發國家的代表區域;嗣在漠南非洲國家的討論之中,聚焦於馬拉威共和國為個案研究的對象,期藉該國近年的穩定發展,排除政治與內戰之干擾,得到較為獨立的結論。本論文在經過系統性的研究後認為,非政府組織在低度開發國家從事服務遞送與災難救援等類型之活動,成效明顯較一般政府組織卓著,機動性亦強,惟可能導致該等國家之依賴心理,妨礙政府正常職能之建立;其次,非政府組織在低度開發國家中,對高階政治議題的參與,仍有根本性的限制;最後,低度開發國家中,跨國性非政府組織與國內非政府組織所獲資源與具備之能力對比太大,權力分配不均,使國內基層組織能量始終無法有效建立,亦難構建成為合理的組織模型,可能阻礙未來效率之提升。 / Although the activities of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) have spread all over the world, most studies still focus on the theory of NGOs or their roles in the international regime. This paper, meanwhile, has targeted to focus on the relation between NGOs and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), especially for the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
By analyzing the case of the Republic of Malawi, this paper has proved that for LDCs, the NGOs have more efficiency in the mission of rescue or deliver service than that in the local government or International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) because of their flexibility. Even NGOs have reached the achievement that is mentioned above, they still have difficulty involving in LDCs’ politics or decision-making process.
Meanwhile, the conclusion also shows that LDCs may lie on NGOs’ support too much to develop their own functions as well.
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台灣人怎麼看非洲? 台灣大學生的刻板印象認可程度之探索式研究 / Taiwan’s Eye on Africa: An Exploratory Study of Stereotype Endorsement Among Taiwanese University Students慕以萱, Moi, Barbara Unknown Date (has links)
大學生是一群熱切使用媒體和科技的世界公民,他們特別會透過新媒體接觸來自整個地球村的大量資訊。大學生可以透過學校課程與活動、與國際學生社群互動以及到國外旅行都是其中的管道。本研究援引社會建構理論與涵化理論,以質性研究探討台灣大學生的人口變項、與非洲接觸行為、西方媒體使用、世界主義意識以及媒體呈現偏誤之察覺與台灣大學生對非洲刻板印象建構之間的關係。 線上問卷收集共215位台灣大學生有效樣本。研究顯示非洲接觸行為與媒體呈現偏誤之察覺,皆與刻板印象認同呈現正相關。 / University students are some of the more cosmopolitan groups in society, as voracious consumers of media and technology, especially new media, and exposed to a plethora of information about the global community. University courses, interaction with the international student communities, events on-campus and opportunities to travel abroad are some of the avenues available to them. Using quantitative analysis, this study examined the relationships between demographic and contact variables, Western media exposure, cosmopolitanism and perceived bias of media portrayals and its effect on Taiwanese university students’ endorsement of stereotypes of Africa. The research framework is informed by the theory of social construction of reality and the cultivation theory. Using an online survey, data was collected and analyzed from a sample of 215 Taiwanese university students. The analysis reveals that contact with Africa and perceived bias of media portrayals have the most significant influence on stereotype endorsement.
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中國的衛生外交: 以中國對莫三比克的衛生外交為個案探討 / China’s Health Diplomacy: China’s Health Diplomacy in Mozambique as a Case Study陳珮瑜, Chen, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文選用莫三比克為討論個案,主要基於中國對莫國衛生援助穩定,以及莫國非能源出口國,因此正可用以檢視中國官方媒體對中國在非洲衛生外交的「神話」般報導以及有些中國學者對於中國衛生外交不為能源而是傳播道義思想的論述是否真確。研究發現僅管莫國現不具能源,中國藉由提供衛生援助在莫國取得其他重要利益,如政治層面,外科醫生江永生使莫國堅定且明確支持兩岸統一;經濟層面,如熟悉中國藥品的莫國向中國製藥公司購買抗瘧疾藥品,軟實力層面,莫國大部分民眾對中國抱持好感,政府官員也甚讚中莫醫療合作。莫國同時也是第一個曾經拒絕中國醫療隊派遣的國家,也正可藉此檢視中國衛生外交面臨的困境。除語言文化隔閡外,中國醫生不願至莫國偏鄉服務加上其他外國醫生在莫國的競爭使莫國有意降低對中國醫療資源的依賴,是莫國不願續約的主因。中國若不能妥善處理上述問題,莫國可能不會是唯一一個拒絕接受中國醫療資源的國家。 / Since its very first medical team to Algeria in 1963, China has been steadily developing its health diplomacy in Africa. This stably growing flow of medical resources from China to Africa has caught attention from both Chinese and foreign scholars. However, owing to the confidentiality of Chinese foreign aid and the fact that health diplomacy is a term that is relatively new in the academia, there is no clear picture about China’s health diplomacy in Africa. Based on the existing literature, this thesis complies facts and figures principally from Chinese official sources in a bid to draw a clear picture of the development, scale, and pattern of China’s health aid to Africa. Via health diplomacy, China gains considerable benefits. In the political front, African countries that have received medical assistance from China support China’s bid to replace Taiwan in the United Nations, shield China from human right censoring, and stand with China in cross-strait issue. In the economic front, with health diplomacy, China introduces home-manufactured medicine to Africa or simply trades its medical service with Africa’s natural resources, tapping into a continent that is stricken with disease. More than political and economic benefits, health diplomacy most importantly burnishes China’s image in Africa, enhancing its soft power. However, China’s health diplomacy doesn’t go without any obstacles. The lack of volunteer doctors, the barriers of language and culture, a sense of threat conjured by the heavy presence of Chinese in Africa, the inefficiency of African countries and so forth, all present themselves as impediments to China’s health diplomacy in Africa.
This thesis chooses Mozambique as the target for further research because China’s medical aid to Mozambique has been very stable. Also, Mozambique is not a major exporter of natural resource; hence it could be used to examine the often mythologized reports from China’s official media on the Chinese doctors serving in Africa, and the claims by some Chinese scholars about how China’s health assistance is not for natural resources but for solidarity. What my research finds however is that despite the lack of energy currently, Mozambique offers some other benefits to China. For political benefits, the Chinese surgeon, Jiang, Yong-Sheng ensures that Mozambique firmly endorses the unification of Taiwan and China. For economic benefits, Mozambique, who is well acquainted with Chinese medicine, purchases anti-malaria medicine from a Chinese medical company. As for soft power, a majority of Mozambicans have favorable opinion toward China. The Mozambican officials for numerous times praise the medical cooperation between China and Mozambique. However, at the same time, Mozambique was the first country that refused to accept a new team of Chinese doctors to come to Mozambique, and thus it is also a good case to analyze the challenges that are facing China now. Apart from language and cultural barriers, Chinese government’s refusal to deploy their doctors in rural areas in Mozambique, and the medical personnel from other countries, make Mozambique tries to gradually reduce its dependence on China’s medical assistance. Being aware of its overdose reliance on China was the main reason why Mozambique didn’t want to renew the contract. If Beijing fails to solve the aforementioned problems, Mozambique might not be the only African country that says no to China’s doctors.
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日中對非洲援助之比較分析----以非洲發展 東京國際會議與中非合作論壇為例 / Japan and China’s Freign Aid Analysis in Africa: Taking TICAD and FOCAC for example黃玠翔 Unknown Date (has links)
為因應國際潮流趨勢與改善第三世界之貧困問題,世界各國開始發展NGO(Non-Governmental Organization,非政府組織)來解決貧困問題,世界先進各國政府也開始對非洲援助。政府對外援助之具體措施包含了恢復國家治理、穩定國家政局、縮小先進國與第三世界國家之貧富差距、協助開發中國家政經發展等。為呼應世界潮流之走向,本研究將著手於探討對外援助之議題上,並選定兩個亞洲區域內經濟大國(中國與日本)為比較分析對象。
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