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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李榮謙, Li, Rong-Qian Unknown Date (has links)
第一章,介紹本文的研究目的和文獻回顧;第二章,探討歷年來台灣公共部門的規模 ,並且觀察公共部門與私人部門兩者間的關係,對於台灣公營事業在我國經濟發展上 所扮演的角色亦給予探討;第三章,我們將致力於建立一個動態的投資、儲蓄和成長 模型,去導引公共投資影響私人投資的途徑;第四章,將民國四十二年至七十年間的 台灣資料代入本文的模型來作實證分析及應用說明;第五章,我們將以動態的模擬模 型來探討公共投資影響私人投資時間過程的反應;第六章,扼要的說明由本文所得到 的發現以及討論它們在經濟政策上的涵義。 所得到的主要結論如下─台灣公共剖門投資的擴張在長期下不但不利於私人部門投資 ,甚且對於我國整體的經濟發展亦是不利的。因此,今後我國的經濟發展政策似應減 少公共部門投資,而將有限資源讓私人部門來利用,如此才能發揮資源利用效率繼 續追求經濟的快速成長。


李佳蓉, Lee,Chia-jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究包含兩個子研究。研究一的目的是想了解告急策略的可能內涵以及候選人使用告急策略的情形,並分析告急策略的效果。研究者以第五屆台北縣市立委候選人為探討對象,分析此次選舉中報紙廣告中告急策略之使用情形,同時探討候選人的民調支持度與形象評價與使用告急策略間的關係,以及告急策略的使用和民調支持度上昇率之間是否有關連性。 研究二進一步針對民國九十一年高雄市長與市議員選舉,以問卷調查法直接測量選民對告急策略的接受度與支持意願,並探討有哪些心理特質的選民比較會接受競選中的告急策略。回顧過去文獻,我們發現儒家思想強調的「集體權益」、「內團體偏私」和「政治道德觀」可能是影響選民對告急策略支持與否的三個因素。因此研究二除了探討「告急策略接受度」對「集體權益、內團體偏私、政治道德觀」與「選民對候選人╱政黨的支持意願」是否具有中介效果,也將一併探討選民對告急策略的接受程度。 整體而言,本研究發現候選人使用告急策略的頻次和其民調排名、形象評價無關,至於使用告急廣告的效果部分,研究結果顯示使用固票、催票和配票策略頻次越多的候選人,民調支持度上升的比率比較多。 在告急策略接受度的中介模式研究中,這三個選民心理特質產生了不同的結果。其中選民的「集體權益」特質,不但會透過催票、固票、挖票、配票策略接受度進行影響,還會直接影響選民對候選人╱政黨的支持意願。而「內團體偏私」對候選人╱政黨支持意願的增強,除了分別透過選民對催票、固票、配票策略接受度的中介外,也有直接的影響效果。至於「政治道德」部分,不但會透過催票、固票策略接受度的中介,也會有直接的影響效果。雖然結果不盡相同,但都表示「集體權益」、「內團體偏私」和「政治道德」的確有間接透過告急策略接受度,進而增加支持意願,但也有直接影響的力量。 不過選民的三種心理特質對告急策略接受程度的影響是不同的,對選民因告急策略而增加支持意願的影響程度也是有差異存在,其中「集體權益」的影響最大,其次是「內團體偏私」,至於「政治道德」的影響則是比較小。


范詠嵐, Fan, Yung-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著網際網路的普及,電子商務蓬勃發展,線上拍賣蔚為風氣,然而新事業往往帶來新的風險。在電子商務環境下,企業應採行必要的控制,以使線上交易順利安全地完成,並確保客戶的隱私、增加顧客的信賴感,進而提昇企業營運與聲譽。線上拍賣所涉及外部人士相當多,其所提供的個人及競價交易資料相當龐雜。因此,從事線上拍賣之公司執行內部控制時,除考慮其內部環境之控管外,也應考量其對於線上拍賣參與者之影響。 本研究之目的在於探討線上拍賣環境下的交易控制。根據相關文獻,本研究彙整出一套線上拍賣交易控制實務的評估架構及準則,以國內兩大線上拍賣網站:Yahoo!與eBay為個案,進行比較及分析,並作為設計研究問卷之基礎。其次,本研究利用問卷調查目前參與線上拍賣者以及潛在使用者對於現有線上拍賣交易控制之看法,藉以瞭解填答者對於不同交易控制構面之滿意度及其影響因素。 經由上述之個案研究及問卷資料統計分析,本研究發現: 1、 在個案分析及比較方面,就隱私性而言,兩個案網站皆僅提供制式的隱私權政策,使用者無法選擇部分同意,而被迫提供超過其意願之資料或無法禁止第三者使用其資料。在交易完整性方面,兩個網站皆提供相當完整但繁複之政策,但可考慮將所有政策彙整歸類,以便於使用者夠迅速取得必要之資訊。至於交易安全性方面,兩網站可增加對使用者之溝通,讓使用者不但明瞭其自身的義務,亦能瞭解企業對保護整體拍賣系統之承諾。 2、 就滿意度而言,eBay使用者對於該網站政策之滿意度高於Yahoo!使用者,但Yahoo!使用者對於該網站提供之交易平台之滿意度則高於eBay使用者。 3、 就問卷統計分析結果而言,拍賣網站使用者最為重視:(1)網站必須足以完善保障其個人資料及隱私權,以及(2)網站足以確保交易之完整性。換言之,使用者擔心其所提供之各項資料考能遭到竊取、盜用或不當使用,並憂慮交易過程中可能發生的詐欺或不公平行為。不過,使用者雖然相當擔心其所面臨的風險,其對於網站相關政策之瞭解,卻不是全面及深入的,並認為此等政策僅有普通的完善度,滿意度也僅略高於普通。 4、 使用者及潛在使用者對於拍賣交易之整體看法顯著不同,前者較後者傾向肯定線上拍賣,並有較高的願意繼續於線上交易,即使在發現可能遇見交易風險時,也較傾向繼續使用該交易平台。 5、 問卷發放方式會影響實證結果。本研究問卷同時採用網路發放及現場發放,兩種來源回收的問卷在基本資料上有以下之差異: (1) 年齡差異:網路樣本較現場樣本年輕。 (2) 職業差異:網路樣本多為學生,現場樣本多為實務界人士。 (3) 交易次數差異:網路樣本較現場樣本有較多次的交易經驗。 (4) 上網時數差異:網路樣本之上網時數高於現場樣本。 進一步分析顯示,兩組樣本對於政策之認同、資料安全、政策瞭解度、危害考量及整體滿意度皆有顯著差異。網路填答者對網路政策認同度高,較不擔心資料安全問題,遭遇危害後也較願意繼續使用交易平台,整體滿意度也較佳,但卻不如現場填答者願意瞭解拍賣網站政策。因此,後續研究者似應考量不同問卷發放方式及對象,對於其實證結果可能帶來的影響。 6、 綜合上述可知,無論就個案比較分析或問卷結果而言,兩個案網站之隱私性、完整性及安全性政策皆未臻完備,仍有進步的空間。換言之,現有使用者及潛在使用者對於目前交易平台所提供之相關政策之雖非不滿意,卻也不甚肯定其完善性。基於隱私性、完整性以及安全性政策之完善程度為顧客選擇交易網站之重要原因,兩網站似應進一步改善其相關政策,以增進顧客對其之信任及滿意度。 / In recent years, with the prevalence of the Internet, electronic commerce becomes a popular form of business. More people are participating in online auctions. However, new business brings new risks. In electronic commerce, organizations must implement necessary controls to secure their online transactions and to protect their customers’ privacy. By gaining the customers’ trust, a corporation can build up its reputation and enhance its businesses. Online auction involves numerous parties and lots of personal and transaction data. Consequently, when designing and implementing its internal controls, an online auction firm should consider not only the control of its internal environment, but also the effects of these controls on the outside parties involved. The purpose of this study is to explore the transaction controls for online auction. Based on relevant literature, we developed a set of guidelines for evaluating the transaction controls for online auction. Two famous online-auction sites, Yahoo! and eBay, were compared and analyzed with these guidelines. The results also served as the basis of our research questionnaire, which was used to collect data from both the current online auction participants and the potential users. The survey provided evidence with respect to the respondents’ overall opinion of online auction transaction controls, as well as their levels of satisfaction on different aspects of controls and the factors affecting their satisfaction. Our research findings are as follows: 1. Both Yahoo! and eBay provide standardized privacy policy statements. The users do not have the option for partial agreement. They are often forced to provide extra personal data and can’t prevent the third party’s use of the data. As for transaction integrity, both online-auction sites provide fairly complete and detailed policies. However, finer summarization and classification of these policies is needed to facilitate the users’ access of the information. For transaction security, both websites should improve the communication with their users such that the commitment to secure their online auction systems is well understood. 2. In general, eBay users are more satisfied with its policy than Yahoo! users. However, Yahoo! users’ level of satisfaction of the transaction platform is higher than that of eBay users. 3. Based on the survey, the users care most about a website’s ability to protect their personal data and privacy as well as the integrity of online transactions. That is, they are concerned about the possible theft and misuse of their data and the fraud or inequity occurred in the transaction process. However, given the concern on these risks, the users’ understanding of or attempt to understand the related policies is not as thorough or comprehensive as it can be. Their satisfaction with the related policies is only slightly above average. 4. The overall opinion about online auction is significantly different between the current users and non-users (potential users). The former group has a more positive view on online auction and is more willing to continue their online transactions. Even with the potential transaction risks, they intend to remain on the same transaction platform. 5. Different ways of distributing research questionnaires may affect the survey results. In this study, we use both on-line survey (through a BBS) and on-site survey. These two groups of respondents have the following differences in profile: (1) the on-line respondents are, on average, younger than the on-site respondents, (2) most of the on-line respondents are students, whereas the on-site respondents are mostly practitioners, (3) the on-line respondents use the on-line auction more frequently, and (4) the on-line respondents spent more time on the Internet. Additional analyses indicate that the above two groups differ significantly in the acceptance and understanding of website policies, the concern over data security and risks, as well as their overall satisfaction of the websites. In general, the on-line respondents are more positive toward the websites’ policies, less concerned about data security, willing to accept the potential risks, and more satisfied with the websites’ transaction controls. Therefore, future research should consider the potential effects of different ways of distributing questionnaire on its survey results. 6. In summary, both online auction websites’ policies on privacy, transaction integrity and transaction security are not as comprehensive or complete as proposed by the relevant literature. Both users and non-users are only moderately satisfied with these policies. Since the completeness of the above policies are determining factors in the users’ choice of transaction platform, both websites should further improve their policies on transaction controls and privacy to enhance their customers’ confidence and satisfaction in using the platforms.


李俊磊, Li , Chun-Lei Unknown Date (has links)
個人資料的資料流(Data Flows)在網路上的擴散,造成對個人隱私權的威脅,逐漸已經成為社會大眾所關注的議題。在過去幾年中,網站逐漸被要求制定相關的規範以符合大眾的期待。然而,隨著網際網路環境的快速變遷,網站的規範是否提供適當的個人隱私權保護,將會成為社會大眾持續討論的問題。 部分的網站已經滿足隱私權到某種程度。這些網站開始採用一些普遍性的實作。在某些程度上,這些實作依循由隱私權規範創立者所推動的公平資訊實施原則(Fair Information Practice Principle)(FTC,1998a)。 本研究根據文獻探討提及的公平資訊實施原則:告知(notice)、選擇(choice)、存取(access)、與安全(security),對個人使用者感興趣的台灣地區網站進行網站隱私權政策分析與調查研究,探討其對個人隱私揭露的程度。 研究結果指出,樣本中84.1%的網站收集至少一種形式的個人識別資訊(例如:姓名,e-mail address,郵政地址),72.3%收集至少一種形式的人口統計學資訊(例如:性別,喜好,郵遞區號),71.8%的網站兩者接收集,而15.4%的網站兩者皆不收集。隱私揭露方面,67.7%(390個樣本中的264個)刊載至少一種形式的隱私揭露(一個隱私權政策的告示或是一個資訊實施聲明),50.5%這兩種形式的隱私揭露都刊載,有32.3%個網站這兩種形式的隱私揭露皆不刊載。觀察隱私揭露反映公平資訊實施的程度,在264個有收集個人資訊與刊載隱私揭露的網站中,92.8%包含至少一種關於(告知)的調查項目,70.8%包含至少一種關於(選擇)的調查項目,80.7%包含至少一種關於(存取)的調查項目,43.9%包含至少一種關於(安全)的調查項目,以及26.9%包含關於(聯絡資訊)的調查項目。 在本研究中,看待這些網站樣本所得出的結果,應特別注意那些較不滿足公平資訊實施原則的部分,包括對Cookies使用的告知、告知關於外界第三者的相關資訊、選擇、安全以及聯絡資訊等部份所表現出來的結果,而實際上所有台灣網站所表現出的結果,很可能比本研究所得出的結果來得更為不理想,網站若要更能滿足使用者對隱私權保護的期待,就必須更正視這些部份的隱私揭露保護。 資料的收集與使用對網路環境的發展影響甚鉅,網站營運者在思考如何使資料的利用最大化時,必須兼顧使用者的隱私權。唯有在合理,相互尊重的架構下,才能替彼此創造出長遠的利益。本研究的結果希望能對台灣在檢討、發展、建立符合台灣環境及與世界接軌的網路隱私權保護環境上,作出些許的貢獻。 / The spreading of personal data flows over the Internet has threatened many online individuals’ privacy, which also becomes a noticeable topic among the society. For the past few years, there were norms applied to websites in order to protect online users’ privacy. However, could norms provide proper protections along with the rapid improvement of Internet technology? This topic will remain among society’s discussion. Some websites provide certain amount of protections by using popular practices. On a certain level, these practices follow the Fair Information Practice Principle that was supported by the Privacy Norm Entrepreneurs (FTC, 1998). This research is based on the four main elements of Fair Information Practice Principle: Notice, Choice, Access, and Security. The thesis concentrates on analyzing and researching the privacy policy about privacy disclosure provided by websites that were directed and interested to individual user within Taiwan. Based on the result of this research, 84.1% of the sampled websites collected at least one type of personal identifying information (e.g. name, e-mail address, postal address). 72.3% of the sampled websites collected at least one type of demographic information (e.g. gender, preferences, Zip code). 71.8% of the websites collected both types of personal information, and 15.4% collected neither type of personal information. As for privacy disclosure, 67.7% of the websites (264 out of 390 sampled websites) provided at least one type of privacy disclosures (a privacy policy notice or an information practice statement). 50.5% of the websites provided both types of disclosures; and 32.3% of the websites provided none of the above. By studying the researched websites along with the Fair Information Practice Principle, Of the 264 websites that collected personal information and posted a privacy disclosure, 92.8% included at least one survey item for notice, 70.8% contained at least one survey item for choice, 80.7% contained at least one survey item for access, 43.9% contained at least one survey item for security, and 26.9% contained at least one survey item for contact information. While studying the research result, it is important to concentrate on the websites that did not follow the Fair Information Practice Principle. The result includes websites’ notice of Cookies usage, and providing third party related information, choice, security, and contact information, etc. However, the result in reality could be a lot worse than the research result. In order to fulfill online users’ anticipation, websites should pay more attention on privacy policy of these parts. Colleting and using users’data influence the development of online environment greatly. Web owners should consider their customers’ privacy rights while trying to capitalize customers’ information. The only way to generate long and stable benefit for both provider and user is with respect. Hopefully the result of this research will contribute some amount of consideration and development of privacy protection that works for websites and users in Taiwan.

兩岸民辦幼教發展及其相關法規之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of the Development and Relevant Law About Minban Sector of Early Childhood Education Between Taiwan and Mainland China

徐千惠, Hsu, Chien-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較兩岸民辦幼教發展及其相關法規,透過比較法、文件分析法及實地訪談法,以增進對兩岸幼教環境之瞭解與認識。本研究之目的包括:壹、探究台灣地區與大陸民辦幼教之發展歷程及現況。貳、了解台灣地區與大陸民辦幼教相關法規之歷史源流與規範。參、綜合研究結果增進對兩岸幼教環境之瞭解與認識,並提出建議。 本研究之結論有如下三點:壹、幼兒教育之定位受政治型態影響而有所不同。貳、國家對民辦教育的開放與管理態度影響幼稚園經營方式。參、幼兒教育之工作本質來自於人們就業後之需求,仰賴經濟環境支撐發展。 同時根據研究發現,本研究對於台灣民辦(私立)幼教發展提出建議如下:壹、法規頒佈前可先以試行方式前測,視適應情形再正式頒佈;貳、幼兒教育應設置教育行政專責單位,以促進幼教發展之整體規劃;參、教育與社福機關權責需劃分清楚,幼教相關事務應由教育部主管;肆、對民辦(私立)學校不得營利之限制需酌情調整,提供合理回報及辦學誘因;伍、審思私幼設置財團法人意義,避免因法人資格造成法規適用限制;陸、對幼教相關法規內涵之重新思考> / This study intends to compare the development and relevant law about the minban(i.e. private sector)system in early childhood education through documentary analysis, comparative and interview methodologies in order to comprehend the early childhood education environments between Taiwan and Mainland China. Furthermore, the purpose of the study is to explore the minban system’s progress and current situation, and to understand the origin and regulation of the relevant law for both. It concludes the research results and then to provide the policy recommendations. Based on the findings, the results of the study are as follows. First, the public’s perception of the importance of early childhood education was affected by the political situation of the country. Second, the openness and managerial attitude of the authorities affected the operating mode of the kindergartens. Third, the existence of early childhood education depends on parental demands based on their career needs; it depends on the economic environment to support its development. The study offers some suggestions to Taiwan’s minban system of early childhood educators: (1)Before the enactment of a law, a pretest of its effects should be conducted; (2) Government should provide a responsible and regular regimen for Kindergartens in order to promote their development.; (3) Government should separate the duties of education and social welfare clearly according to their abilities and functions; early childhood education should be managed by the Ministry of Education; (4) Government should offer reasonable opportunities for the minban school investor rather than limit them in school generated profits; (5)Government should redefine the role of consortia in the kindergarten, and avoid the resulting limitations of the relevant law; (6) Generally, we need to re-evaluate the intent of relevant laws about early childhood education.


陸瀛謙, LOKE, YIN CHEEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討私募折價幅度及私募前後績效之影響因素,並將應募人分為內部人、積極投資人以及消極投資人三種,觀察不同應募人下的私募,其私募前及私募後是否有累計異常報酬。 實證結果發現,在私募前股價表現與私募對象之關係方面,當私募對象為內部人時,在私募前45日股價即開始下挫,之後的累計異常報酬皆為負值,其原因可能為內部人藉由套利交易,先行在集中市場上賣出手中原有持股,再用較低價格認購私募新股,此舉不但能使手中持股的成本降低同時也能維持既有股權。關於私募半年後的股價表現,內部人及積極投資人私募後的累計異常報酬顯著為正,代表內部人在投資私募新股時,可能隱含著未來公司有較好的投資機會;至於積極投資人後續績效為正,可能代表積極投資人未來將會扮演監督者的角色,有助於提高公司的價值。迴歸分析也顯示,當公司私募的價格相對於公司在私募定價日當時的股價折價越多時,私募之後的累計異常報酬越低,代表私募折價會降低公司價值,傷害現有股東的權益。 / This study investigates the effect of private placements on stockholder wealth before/after the events based on cumulative abnormal return for three categories of investors, namely, the insiders, active investors and passive investors. For private placements with insider investors, significant negative abnormal return prior to private placements may reveal sell arbitrage taken by insiders while significant positive abnormal return subsequent to private placements supports signaling theory. Evidence showing significant negative relation between price discount on private placements and subsequent business performance implies the price discount reduces market value and hence harmful to existing shareholders’ wealth.


蔡蓓華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國94年至96年曾採私募增資之上市、上櫃公司為研究對象,探討私募增資決策是否影響企業之經營績效,並比較企業在採取私募或現金增資之不同增資方式下之經營績效。 實證結果發現,企業私募增資兩年後其經營績效顯著優於增資前一年;增資前私募企業之經營績效比現金增資企業之經營績效差,但其差距在增資後顯著縮小。綜合而言,私募後企業本身之經營績效不但有顯著的改善,相對於現金增資企業之經營績效,在增資後也有顯著的改善。 此外,私募普通股占原已發行普通股股數之比例越高的公司,其累計異常報酬大;而參考價格與私募實際價格間的差異,亦會影響投資人對於股價的反應,其差距越大,累計異常報酬越小。 / This study examines the effects of private placement or seasoned equity offerings on performance. Three main findings are as follows. In general, the corporate performance of firms with private equity offering is worse than that of firms with public offering, but the difference lessens after the fund raising. The evidence shows that the firm performance is improved after private placement. Moreover, the change of performance after private placement is better than public offering. The evidence also shows that the volume of private equity offering is positively associated with cumulative abnormal return, but the difference between the actual price and consultative price is negatively associated with cumulative abnormal return.

俄羅斯農業去集體化之研究 / A study of the agricultural de-collectivization in Russia

李其翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討葉爾欽政府為達成其農業經濟與政治目的,針對蘇聯國營與集體農場,所進行的「去集體化」改革。「去集體化」的主要內涵,即是透過土地改革的執行,來推動農場重組,促使國營與集體農場解散,冀望以私人農場取代之。 本論文首先說明國營與集體農場的經濟與政治問題,並解釋葉爾欽進行「去集體化」之目的。其次,具體描述土地改革、農場重組,以及推展私人農場之改革內容。隨後,分析私人農場發展的經濟、政治與社會文化問題。最後,評估「去集體化」的經濟與政治成效;並探討往後普欽政府對此結果的後續政策。 研究發現「去集體化」的推行,由於設計缺陷與執行不力,加上無法克服改革阻礙,其結果並未改變原有農場結構。私人農場發展不佳,延續蘇聯制度的農場企業仍主導了農業,經濟與政治問題愈趨嚴重。普欽接任總統後,加以調整過去的農業經濟政策,並透過有效之政治手段,改善了葉爾欽所遺留的農業問題。 / This study aims at exploring the de-collectivization reform of Yeltsin government. The pattern of de-collectivization includes the land reform, farm reorganization and development of private farms. Yeltsin attempted to implement the de-collectivization to break up the state and collective farms, and to replace by the private farms for achieving his agricultural economic and political purposes. The thesis analyzes the economic and political problems of the state and collective farms, firstly. After that, the thesis describes the pattern of reform: land reform, farm reorganization, as well as the development of private farms. And following discussion is about the economic, political and socio-cultural problems when developing the private farms. Eventually, the thesis assesses the agricultural economic and political effects of de-collectivization, and that continues exploring the Putin government’s subsequent policies. The conclusion argues that the implementation of de-collectivization didn’t change the structure of Russian farms. The development of private farms was insufficient, and the farm enterprises, which have maintained the Soviet institution, still dominated the Russian agriculture. The economic and political problems became more and more serious. However, the Putin government has adjusted the Yeltsin’s economic and political policies to improve these agricultural issues.

文化政策與社區發展關係之研究 / A study of connections between the culture policy and community development

賴松慶 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化所帶來的社會全面變遷,國家為了因應此巨大挑戰紛紛提出各式政策,其中具有代表國家民族精神的文化政策尤為重要。而在民主發展、公私協力概念的催化下,政府將視角移至蘊含豐沛能量的民間,此間的「社區」更成為其主要的政策選項,至於兩者之間的關係即為本研究的關注焦點。 而經由本研究發現,從《2004年文化白皮書》之文本分析中可歸納出我國文化政策的目標有四:發揚多元文化、建立文化主體性、促進經濟發展,以及營造生活美學。其中篇幅最多者為建立文化主體性,而社區發展則屬達成該主要目標的重要手段。此外,從個案中可以了解到社區其實是落實整個文化政策目標的基本單位,並且具體而微地展示了我國文化政策的全部內涵,故吾人可謂文化政策的推行即奠基於社區發展之上。最後,我們從社區發展的成功經驗中獲得了欲使文化政策更上層樓的重要啟示—政府內部精進部際之協調工作、政府外部加強與非營利和營利組織的合作、傳播媒體的經營,以及文化教育的傳承與發揚。 / With the whole aspects of social changes which globalization brings, nations have made kinds of policies facing these giant challenges. Among these policies, the culture policy representing nations’ spirit is especially important. In addition, because of prevailing ideas of the democracy development and public-private partnership, governments start to focus on the non-governmental circles filled with abundant energy, and the ‘‘community’’ is the main policy choice. As to the connection between the culture policy and community development is the focal point of this thesis. According to the text analysis of the book ‘‘ A White Paper on Culture in 2004,’’ my research concludes that there are four goals of Taiwan’s culture policy: exalting diverse cultures, establishing the culture body, facilitating economic growth, and constructing living aesthetics. Among them, establishing the culture body occupies the most pages and the community development is the important means to achieve that main goal. Moreover, from the case studies we know that communities are actually basic units of fulfilling all goals of culture policies, and they miniature the whole content of Taiwan’s culture policy. So, we can say that the implementation of culture policies is based on the community development. Finally, we have the important revelations making culture policies better from the successful experience of the community development: enhancing coordination between government departments, intensifying governments’ cooperation with NGOs and for-profit organizations, using the mass media, and the inheriting and promoting of culture education.

敵人刑法之研究 / The Study of enemy criminal law

任欣儀, Jen, Hsin I Unknown Date (has links)
敵人刑法的概念早在1985年由 Jakobs 教授首次提出,經過一段時間後,敵人刑法在學界廣受討論,然而批判的聲音卻大於贊同!敵人刑法並非Jakobs憑空創設出了什麼法令,而儘是Jakobs就現有的法體例觀察後,做一個描述並予以命名。 本論文第二章將Jakobs一系列對敵人刑法的文章予以仔細釐清,第三章則以「符合敵人刑法概念」的德國相關法制做介紹,另一併檢視我國相關法制,是否有符合敵人刑法的規定,並論述其正當性。第四章則以針對批評敵人刑法文章中的論點,予以論述並探究,這些批評的基礎和Jakobs提出敵人刑法的基礎是否相同,若有不同則須加以釐清。 2001年911恐怖攻擊事件後,敵人刑法開始受到刑法學界的青睞,甚有論者認為可以用敵人刑法來對抗恐怖主義的論點,本文對此加以探討以一個「概念性的敵人刑法」對抗恐怖主義究竟有無效用,並於最後提出對於敵人刑法及其相關法制的評述及一己之見。

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