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The Augustinian canons of St. Ursus : reform, identity, and the practice of place in Medieval AostaKaufman, Cheryl Lynn 06 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation studies a local manifestation of ecclesiastical reform in the medieval county of Savoy: the twelfth-century transformation of secular canons into Augustinian regular canons at the church of Sts. Peter and Ursus in the alpine town of Aosta (now Italy). I argue that textual sources, material culture, and the practice of place together express how the newly reformed canons established their identity, shaped their material environment, and managed their relationship with the unreformed secular canons at the cathedral. The pattern of regularization in Aosta—instigated by a new bishop influenced by ideas of canonical reform—is only one among several models for implementing reform in medieval Savoy. This study asserts the importance of this medieval county as a center for reforming efforts among a regional network of churchmen, laymen, and noblemen, including the count of Savoy, Amadeus III (d. 1148).
After a prologue and introduction, chapter 1 draws on traditional textual evidence to recount the history of reform in medieval Savoy. Chapters 2 through 4 focus on the twelfth-century sculpted capitals in the cloister built to accommodate the common life of the new regular canons. Several of the historiated capitals portray the biblical siblings, Martha and Mary, and Leah and Rachel, as material metaphors that reflect and reinforce the active and contemplative lives of the Augustinian canons. Other capitals represent the regular canons’ assertion of their precedence over the cathedral canons and suggest tensions between the two communities. The final chapter examines thirteenth-century conflicts over bell-ringing and ecclesiastical processions in the urban topography of Aosta to illustrate how the regular and secular canons continued to negotiate their relationship. Appendices include an English translation of a vita of St. Ursus (BHL 8453). The dissertation as a whole reconstructs the places and material culture of medieval Aosta to convey the complexities of religious and institutional life during a time of reform and beyond. / text
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Imago Dei y Lux Mundi en el siglo XII: La recepción de la teología de la luz en la iconografía del Pantocrátor en CataluñaPuigarnau Torelló, Alfons 01 June 1999 (has links)
En el contexto del siglo XII europeo, se impone la iconografía del Cristo Luz aureolado por una almendra mística, sosteniendo un libro abierto con inscripciones alusivas a una teología de la luz. La proliferación de la iconografía de la Maiestas Domini se produce en el contexto histórico de la reforma litúrgica canóniga agustiniana, cuyo origen se encuentra en san Rufo de Avignon y san Víctor de Marsella. Cataluña, se hace depositaria de la Regla se san Agustín, que propugna un ideal renovado de belleza mística neoplatónica.La llegada al Principado de manuscritos de la Homilía al Prólogo de Juan, escrita por Juan Escoto Eriúgena, es una prueba, en pleno siglo XII, de la relación entre una iconografía teológica de la luz y una tradición neoplatónica originada en el siglo IX en la corte carolingia. El texto de la Vox spiritualis aquilae representa la recepción de la teología de la luz en la iconografía de la Maiestas Domini y, con ella, una nueva forma de representar a Dios, al hombre y al mundo en el arte. / In the 12th century European context, predominates the iconography of Christ placed in a light mystic mandorla holding an open book containing inscriptions concerning a special theology of light.The Maiestas Domini iconography strongly arises together with the historical fact of the agustinian liturgical movement. The so called agustinian canonigas were originally born in saint Ruph of Avignon and saint Victor of Marseille holding the spirituality of the Rule written by saint Agustin himself and later moved into Cataluña renewing his original idea of neoplatonic mystical beauty. The arrival of collections of manuscripts into Catalonia containing the Homily to the Prologus of saint John by Scotus Eriugena is enough to proof the relationship between the theology of light iconography and the neoplatonic traditions originated in the 9th century Carolingian Court. The text of the Vox Spiritualis Aquilae involves a reception of the Theology of light within the Maiestas Domini iconography. It is a new way of representing God, man and world in art.
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Viktor IV. a jeho nástupci: církevní politika v době papežského schizmatu (1159-1180) / Victor IV and his successors: Church politics during the Papal Schism (1159-1180)Strnadová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the politics of Antipope Victor IV and his successors Paschal III, Calixtus III and Innocent III, who were the opponents of Alexander III since the schismatic elections of 1159. The aim is to analyse the political thinking and actions of the antipopes, with an emphasis on the political relations of Victor IV. The thesis is divided into six thematic sections. The first deals with the pre-election developments and the election of 1159 itself. The second considers their position in relation to Alexander III, while the third turns to the papal-imperial policy and examines the relationship between the antipopes and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The fourth section discusses the status and relations of the antipopes outside the Holy Roman Empire. The penultimate chapter examines the attitude of the imperial clergy to the pontificates of the antipopes as well as the obedience of the imperial monasteries, according to papal documents. The final chapter constructs biographies of the antipopes, focusing on the period before their pontificates.
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Représentations et exercice du pouvoir : les fables du "Calila et Dimna" castillan du XIIIe siècle, un miroir animalier du monde de cour / Representations and exercise of power : The fables of the 13th century Castilian version of "Calila et Dimna", an animal mirror of the courtiers worldDalbion, Mathilde 02 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un certain nombre d’œuvres didactiques et sapientiales du Moyen Âge, l’animal est utilisé comme représentation du prince et de son entourage. L’animal est tantôt filtre, tantôt masque, un regard porté sur les cours princières par des auteurs plus ou moins impliqués dans celles-ci, et qui trouvent en l’animal l’outil le plus expressif pour exposer certaines valeurs ou dénoncer certains comportements. Notre étude se fonde sur un ensemble de sources, essentiellement le Calila et Dimna composé en Castille au milieu du XIIIe siècle pour l’infant Alphonse (futur Alphonse X) ; l’analyse inclut une étude de l’itinéraire textuel du Calila et Dimna : quelles différences présentent les versions indienne (Panchatantra), persane, arabe (Kalila wa Dimna), hébraïque, castillane, et les versions latines (Jean de Capoue et Raymond de Béziers). L’étude est étayée par une comparaison avec des textes indiens, persans et arabes qui offrent un rapport thématique avec ce traité dans la représentation du monde animalier. Textes latins et français (Roman de Renart, Roman de Fauvel accessoirement) complètent le corpus. Nous nous interrogeons aussi sur l’influence de la fable antique gréco-latine sur le traité (Ésope, Avianus), dans le choix des animaux et de leurs caractéristiques, notamment ; et sur les modalités de la transmission à l’Occident d’autres textes ayant suivi des itinéraires parallèles (Sendebar, Secret des Secrets, Roman des Sept sages de Rome). Nous nous demanderons si le Calila et Dimna n’était pas – comme le Renart ou le Fauvel – la caricature d’un certain milieu curial que les lecteurs contemporains n’avaient aucun mal à reconnaître ; et ce qu’il s’agisse de la version arabe ou de la version castillane du traité, étant entendu que chaque traducteur successif a contextualisé cette vision de la cour. Nous chercherons à comprendre la fonction et les mécanismes de ces masques animaliers : au-delà d’un bestiaire complexe, que nous nous attacherons à analyser de façon détaillée, en quoi et comment l’animal sert-il de filtre aux critiques politiques, comment constitue-t-il le miroir d’une vie de cour, et quelles images nous renvoie-t-il des courtisans ? Quels animaux sont-ils choisis (selon les versions) pour incarner tel ou tel homme de cour ? Quels préceptes moraux, traits de caractères, ou valences symboliques chaque animal « humanisé » véhicule-t-il ? Pourquoi utiliser des animaux ? Sont-ils là pour distraire les princes ou permettent-ils aux auteurs d’en dire plus qu’ils ne pourraient se l’autoriser, avec des héros humains ? L’animal est-il donc masque ou miroir ? / In a number of didactic and sapiential works of the Middle Ages, the animal is used as a representation of the prince and his entourage. The animal is sometimes a filter, sometimes a mask, looking at the princely courts by more or less involved authors. They find in the animal the most expressive tool to expose some values or to denounce some behaviours. Our study is based on a variety of sources, mainly the Calila et Dimna composed in Castile in the middle of the 13th century for the Infante Alfonso (future Alfonso X); the analysis includes a study of the Calila et Dimna textual path: what are the differences between Indian (Panchatantra), Persian, Arabic (Kalila wa Dimna), Hebrew, Castilian and Latin (Jean de Capoue and Raymond de Béziers) versions ? The study is supported by a comparison between some Indian, Persian and Arabic texts offering a thematic relevance in the animal world with this treatise. Latin and French (Roman de Renart, Roman de Fauvel secondarily) texts complete the corpus. We are also wondering about the Greco-Latin antique fable influence on the treatise (Esope, Avianus), concerning the choice of the animals and their characteristics. The modes of transmission to the Occident of other texts that followed parallel ways (Sandbar, Secret des Secrets, Roman des Sept Sages de Rome) are reviewed. We will be wondering whether the Calila et Dimna was not, as le Roman de Renart or le Roman de Fauvel, the caricature of a certain curial milieu that contemporary readers had no difficulty to recognise; Both the Arabic and the Castilian version of the treatise are concerned, on the understanding that each successive translator contextualised this vision of court. We will seek to understand the function and the mechanisms of these animal masks: beyond the complex bestiary, which will be thoroughly analysed, how and to what extent the animal is used as a filter for political criticism, how it constitutes the mirror of a court life, and what are the reflected images of the courtiers ? What animals are chosen (depending on the version) to embody one courtier or another ? Which moral precepts, character traits or symbolic values, each « humanised » animal is transmitting ? Why use animals ? Are they there to amuse princes or to allow the authors to tell more than they could with human heroes ? Is the animal a mask or a mirror ?
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Teachers’ Experiences in and Perceptions of their12th-Grade British Literature ClassroomsMcIntyre-McCullough, Keisha Simone 29 March 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences and perceptions of 12th-grade literature teachers about curriculum, Post-Colonial literature, and students. Theories posed by Piaget (1995), Vygotsky (1995), and Rosenblatt (1995) formed the framework for this micro-ethnographic study. Seven teachers from public and private schools in South Florida participated in this two-phase study; three teachers in Phase I and four in Phase II. All participants completed individual semi-structured interviews and demographic surveys. In addition, four of the teachers were observed teaching.
The analysis yielded three themes and two sub-themes: (a) knowledge concerned teachers’ knowledge of British literature content and Post-Colonial authors and their literature; (b) freedom described teachers’ freedom to choose how to teach their content. Included in this theme was dilemmas associated with 12th-grade classrooms which described issues that were pertinent to the 12th-grade teacher and classroom that were revealed by the study; and (c) thoughts about students described teachers’ perceptions about students and how literature might affect the students. Two subthemes of knowledge were as follows:(1) text complexity described teacher responses to a Post-Colonial text’s complexity and (2) student desirability/teachability described teachers’ perception about how desirable Post-Colonial texts would be to students and whether teachers would be willing to teach these texts.
The researcher offers recommendations for understanding factors associated with 12th-grade teachers perceptions and implications for enhancing the 12th-grade experience for teachers and curriculum, based on this study: (a) build teacher morale and capacity, (b) treat all students as integral components of the teaching and learning process; teachers in this study thought teaching disenfranchised learners was a form of punishment meted out by the administration, and (c) include more Post-Colonial authors in school curricula in colleges and schools as most teachers in this study did not study this type of literature nor knew how to teach it.
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Volume 3 – Conference22 June 2020 (has links)
We are pleased to present the conference proceedings for the 12th edition of the International Fluid Power Conference (IFK). The IFK is one of the world’s most significant scientific conferences on fluid power control technology and systems. It offers a common platform for the presentation and discussion of trends and innovations to manufacturers, users and scientists. The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at the TU Dresden is organizing and hosting the IFK for the sixth time. Supporting hosts are the Fluid Power Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e. V. (DVF) and GWT-TUD GmbH. The organization and the conference location alternates every two years between the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems in Dresden and the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems in Aachen. The symposium on the first day is dedicated to presentations focused on methodology and fundamental research. The two following conference days offer a wide variety of application and technology orientated papers about the latest state of the art in fluid power. It is this combination that makes the IFK a unique and excellent forum for the exchange of academic research and industrial application experience. A simultaneously ongoing exhibition offers the possibility to get product information and to have individual talks with manufacturers. The theme of the 12th IFK is “Fluid Power – Future Technology”, covering topics that enable the development of 5G-ready, cost-efficient and demand-driven structures, as well as individual decentralized drives. Another topic is the real-time data exchange that allows the application of numerous predictive maintenance strategies, which will significantly increase the availability of fluid power systems and their elements and ensure their improved lifetime performance. We create an atmosphere for casual exchange by offering a vast frame and cultural program. This includes a get-together, a conference banquet, laboratory festivities and some physical activities such as jogging in Dresden’s old town.:Group 8: Pneumatics
Group 9 | 11: Mobile applications
Group 10: Special domains
Group 12: Novel system architectures
Group 13 | 15: Actuators & sensors
Group 14: Safety & reliability
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Volume 1 – Symposium22 June 2020 (has links)
We are pleased to present the conference proceedings for the 12th edition of the International Fluid Power Conference (IFK). The IFK is one of the world’s most significant scientific conferences on fluid power control technology and systems. It offers a common platform for the presentation and discussion of trends and innovations to manufacturers, users and scientists. The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at the TU Dresden is organizing and hosting the IFK for the sixth time. Supporting hosts are the Fluid Power Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e. V. (DVF) and GWT-TUD GmbH. The organization and the conference location alternates every two years between the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems in Dresden and the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems in Aachen. The symposium on the first day is dedicated to presentations focused on methodology and fundamental research. The two following conference days offer a wide variety of application and technology orientated papers about the latest state of the art in fluid power. It is this combination that makes the IFK a unique and excellent forum for the exchange of academic research and industrial application experience. A simultaneously ongoing exhibition offers the possibility to get product information and to have individual talks with manufacturers. The theme of the 12th IFK is “Fluid Power – Future Technology”, covering topics that enable the development of 5G-ready, cost-efficient and demand-driven structures, as well as individual decentralized drives. Another topic is the real-time data exchange that allows the application of numerous predictive maintenance strategies, which will significantly increase the availability of fluid power systems and their elements and ensure their improved lifetime performance. We create an atmosphere for casual exchange by offering a vast frame and cultural program. This includes a get-together, a conference banquet, laboratory festivities and some physical activities such as jogging in Dresden’s old town.:Group A: Materials
Group B: System design & integration
Group C: Novel system solutions
Group D: Additive manufacturing
Group E: Components
Group F: Intelligent control
Group G: Fluids
Group H | K: Pumps
Group I | L: Mobile applications
Group J: Fundamentals
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Functional proof of a flat slide valve as a 4/3-way proportional valveAengenheister, Stefan, Liu, Chao, Broeckmann, Christoph, Schmitz, Katharina 25 June 2020 (has links)
With a flat slide valve concept, when compared to conventional piston spool valves, reduced leakage and increased service life could be achieved. In order to achieve a reduction of leakage flows and guarantee the adjustability of the valves at the same time, a correct design of the pressure compensation is essential. The magnitude of force depends on both the operating point of the valve and the position of the slider. Due to the design of the flat slide valve, it is possible to use ceramic semi-finished products for the main stage, which consist of control plates and a slide plate. The geometries are simple enough to be inexpensively manufactured with sufficient accuracy, using a ceramic pre-product using laser cutting technology. This article introduces the concept of the flat slide valve for a proportional 4/3-way valve. The design of the valve, including the design of the metallic main stage is presented. This includes the design of the flow channels, which have to be suitable for ceramic materials. Furthermore the design of the actuator and hydraulic circuit for testing is presented. With the shown design, the function of a 4/3-way valve, known from piston spool valves, can be implemented with a linear behavior between slide plate deflection and opening flow cross section.
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Une "forêt" royale au Moyen Age : Le pays de Lyons, en Normandie (vers 1100 - vers 1450) / A royal forest in the Middle Ages : The pays de Lyons in Normandy (circa 1100 - circa 1450)Nardeux, Bruno 19 June 2017 (has links)
Alors que la forêt de Lyons est souvent assimilée à une simple forêt-frontière, dix années d’enquête nous obligent à modifier radicalement cette définition géo-historique. Il faut dire qu’entre temps, il a fallu reconsidérer la notion même de forêt qui désignait au haut Moyen Âge, non pas de grandes étendues boisées, mais tout au contraire un espace fortement humanisé où coexistent futaies et taillis, landes et prairies, champs et villages. De cette grande forêt médiévale de Lyons – la plus importante de Normandie avec ses 30 000 ha – entièrement dévolue à l’usage et aux besoins de son détenteur ducal ou royal se dégage alors un pays, lui-même fruit de la sédimentation de quatre espaces nettement identifiés, entre 1100 et 1450. Des multiples séjours des Plantagenêts puis des Capétiens, attestés par plus de 500 chartes signées en forêt de Lyons entre 1100 et 1400 et justifiées soit par la chasse (espace résidentiel), soit par la guerre (espace militaire) résultent en effet un espace politique qui explique la fortune étonnante d’au moins deux favoris issus du pays de Lyons : Guillaume de Longchamps, chancelier d’Angleterre sous Richard Cœur de Lion et Enguerrand de Marigny, le familier de Philippe le Bel. S’ajoutent à cela tous les revenus qu’un espace économique comme la forêt de Lyons procure à son détenteur, en se rappelant l’importance prise par le bois dans l’économie médiévale. En définitive, l’on découvre ainsi que ce pays a fini par produire un véritable écosystème d’une résilience à toute épreuve jusqu’à ce que les années sombres de la fin de la Guerre de cent ans finissent par avoir raison de cet âge d’or qu’a représenté le Moyen Âge pour la forêt de Lyons. / Although the forest of Lyons is often defined simply as a border forest, ten years of research has enabled me to make a radical change to this old geographical definition. My reconsideration of even the concept of “forest,” shows that, in the High Middle Ages, the word meant not large stretches of woodlands but, instead, a well-developed space, where timberlands, thickets, heaths, pastures, cultivated fields, and villages coexisted. The medieval forest of Lyons, the most important in all Normandy with its 30,000 hectares, was entirely devoted to the use and necessities of its ducal or royal title-holder, and it emerged as a pays formed by the coalescence of four distinct spaces between 1100 and 1450. The many sojourns of the Plantagenets and then the Capetians — due to hunting (residential space) and various wars (military space) — are documented by more than 500 acts signed in the forest of Lyons between 1100 and 1400. These sojourns produced a political space that explains the stunning careers of at least two royal favorites, natives of the pays of Lyons: William Longchamp, chancellor under Richard the Lionheart, and Enguerrand de Marigny, chief minister of Philip the Fair. Since wood was a necessity in medieval times, the forest of Lyons was also an important economic space because it earned significant revenue for its title-holder. All things considered, it is clear that the pays of Lyons produced a true ecosystem able to survive all hardships until the dark, final period of the Hundred Years War put an end to the Golden Age that the Middle Ages had brought to the forest of Lyons.
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The Limits of Fire Support: American Finances and Firepower Restraint during the Vietnam WarHawkins, John Michael 16 December 2013 (has links)
Excessive unobserved firepower expenditures by Allied forces during the Vietnam War defied the traditional counterinsurgency principle that population protection should be valued more than destruction of the enemy. Many historians have pointed to this discontinuity in their arguments, but none have examined the available firepower records in detail. This study compiles and analyzes available, artillery-related U.S. and Allied archival records to test historical assertions about the balance between conventional and counterinsurgent military strategy as it changed over time.
It finds that, between 1965 and 1970, the commanders of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), Generals William Westmoreland and Creighton Abrams, shared significant continuity of strategic and tactical thought. Both commanders tolerated U.S. Army, Marine Corps, and Allied unobserved firepower at levels inappropriate for counterinsurgency and both reduced Army harassment and interdiction fire (H&I) as a response to increasing budgetary pressure. Before 1968, the Army expended nearly 40 percent of artillery ammunition as H&I – a form of unobserved fire that sought merely to hinder enemy movement and to lower enemy morale, rather than to inflict any appreciable enemy casualties. To save money, Westmoreland reduced H&I, or “interdiction” after a semantic name change in February 1968, to just over 29 percent of ammunition expended in July 1968, the first full month of Abrams’ command. Abrams likewise pursued dollar savings with his “Five-by-Five Plan” of August 1968 that reduced Army artillery interdiction expenditures to nearly ten percent of ammunition by January 1969. Yet Abrams allowed Army interdiction to stabilize near this level until early 1970, when recurring financial pressure prompted him to virtually eliminate the practice. Meanwhile, Marines fired H&I at historically high rates into the final months of 1970 and Australian “Harassing Fire” surpassed Army and Marine Corps totals during the same period. South Vietnamese artillery also fired high rates of H&I, but Filipino and Thai artillery eschewed H&I in quiet areas of operation and Republic of Korea [ROK] forces abandoned H&I in late 1968 as a direct response to MACV’s budgetary pressure. Financial pressure, rather than strategic change, drove MACV’s unobserved firepower reductions during the Vietnam War.
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