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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing an appropriate adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa

Nyenti, Mathias Ashu Tako 28 June 2013 (has links)
Developing an adjudicative institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa entails the establishment of a system that gives effect to the rights (of access) to social security and to justice. These rights are protected in the Constitution and in various international law instruments. In the Constitution, the Bill of Rights guarantees everyone the right to have access to social security, including appropriate social assistance for persons who are unable to support themselves and their dependants. It further requires the State to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of the right to access to social security. Since a dispute resolution (adjudication) framework is an integral part of any comprehensive social security system, it is included in the constitutional obligation of the State. The establishment of a social security adjudication system is an intersection of the right of access to social security and the right of access to justice. The Constitution states that everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing before a court or, where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum. In addition, other rights protected in the Constitution have a bearing on the realisation of the rights of access to social security and to justice. There is a close correlation between all the rights in the Bill of Rights, as they are interrelated, interdependent and mutually supporting. They must all be read together in the setting of the Constitution as a whole and their interconnectedness must be taken into account in interpreting rights; and in determining whether the State has met its obligations in terms of any one of them. These rights, which include the right to equality (section 9), the right to human dignity (section 10) and the right to just administrative action (section 33) must thus be considered in establishing a social security adjudication system. Also to be considered are other constitutional prerequisites for the establishment of a social security adjudication system, such as the limitation and enforcement of rights (sections 36 and 38 respectively); principles relating to courts and the administration of justice (Chapter 8) and basic values and principles governing public administration (Chapter 10). In establishing a social security adjudication system in South Africa, international law standards and developments in comparative systems must also be taken into account. The Constitution adopts an international law- and comparative law-friendly approach. It states that when interpreting fundamental rights, international law must be considered while foreign law may be considered (section 39). This thesis aims to develop an adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa that realises the rights of access to social security and to justice in the South African social security system. This is achieved by exploring the concept of access to justice, and its application in the social security adjudication system. The current social security adjudication system is evaluated against the concept of access to justice applicable in international and regional law instruments, comparable South African (non-social security) systems and comparative international jurisdictions. Principles and standards on the establishment of a social security adjudication system are distilled; and a reformed system for South Africa is proposed. / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Garantir un réel accès à la justice efficace aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes : obstacles systémiques et conceptualisation du droit - perspectives canadiennes et internationales

Dumont Robillard, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Malgré une demande croissante dans le secteur du travail domestique et un poids économique mondial considérable, les travailleuses domestiques migrantes demeurent parmi les plus précaires et les plus exploitées de la planète. Invisibles, isolées et travaillant pour des particuliers dans des résidences privées, elles échappent aux catégories traditionnelles d’emploi. Ces travailleuses se retrouvent alors à évoluer en marge du cadre légal ou encore, elles peinent à faire appliquer correctement les lois conçues pour les protéger. Ce mémoire cherche donc à analyser les manières d’envisager le droit afin de garantir un réel accès à la justice pour les travailleuses domestiques migrantes. En abordant d’abord les obstacles systémiques qui font échec à la réglementation du secteur domestique à travers le monde, cette recherche démontre une inadéquation du droit traditionnel à la réalité des travailleuses par l’analyse des effets de la réglementation canadienne qui leur est applicable. À la lumière de la récente Convention concernant le travail décent pour les travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques, ce mémoire démontre qu’une conceptualisation du droit basée sur le pluralisme juridique fournit des alternatives aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes pour accéder à la justice. Ultimement, l’empowerment de ces travailleuses par leur inclusion dans le dialogue social couplé à une réglementation adaptée à leur réalité permettra d’assurer une protection efficace de leurs droits. / In spite of an ever increasing demand in the domestic work sector and a considerable worldwide economic weight, migrant domestic workers are among the most precarious and exploited globally. Invisible, isolated and working for individuals in private residences, they fall outside the traditional work categorizations. Therefore, these women find themselves operating in margin of the legal system or, when they are protected by laws, they struggle to have those laws applied efficiently. This research will try to analyze the different ways we can consider law in order to guarantee a real and efficient access to justice to migrant domestic workers. After addressing the systemic obstacles to domestic work regulation worldwide, this research explores the inconsistency between traditional law and the reality of migrant domestic workers by analyzing the effects of the applicable Canadian regulation. In light of the recent Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers, this essay shows that a conceptualization of law based on legal pluralism offers domestic workers an alternative access to justice. Ultimately, including these workers in the social dialogue and implementing specific regulation adapted to their reality will provide them with an empowerment that will insure an effective protection of their rights.

Étude ethnographique des stratégies sociojuridiques des professionnelles oeuvrant auprès des femmes en situation de violence domestique à Mumbai

Viau-Tassé, Mathilde 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and poverty

Costa Neto, José Wellington Bezerra da 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.

Le droit international et l'Etat de droit : enjeux et défis de l'action internationale à travers l'exemple d'Haïti / International Law and the Rule of Law : issues and chalenges of the international action through the example of Haiti

Mondelice, Mulry 21 September 2015 (has links)
La société internationale promeut l’État de droit notamment depuis le début des années 1990, en particulier en Haïti. En quête d’une démocratie introuvable et ravagé par des crises politiques et humanitaires, cet État fait constater les difficultés de l’action internationale. Interdisciplinaire, la thèse, centrée sur l’accès à la justice, examine comment et dans quelles mesures les normes utilisées pour la promotion de l’État de droit peuvent constituer une obligation juridique de l’État et un moyen de changement. Invoquant le droit international protégeant la personne, États, organisations internationales et acteurs non étatiques brandissent l’État de droit dans des circonstances variées, concourant à son élasticité au coeur d’une institutionnalisation évolutive aux niveaux national et international. Le cas haïtien montre que le droit international contribue à une structuration et une consolidation de l’État de droit par la recherche d’un meilleur encadrement de l’État dont les compétences sont limitées par un droit interne conforme au droit international et des institutions solides, protégeant les droits et libertés dont le respect est surveillé par divers mécanismes et institutions. Néanmoins, articulation entre droit interne et droit international, État de droit et immunités, souveraineté, relations entre État et membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, faiblesses structurelles entravant une culture favorable à la primauté du droit, ce sont autant de limites à l’accès effectif à la justice. Il apparaît donc nécessaire de réorienter les actions menées par des réformes transversales pour de meilleures pratiques au sein de l’État valorisant la personne. / Since the beginning of the 90’s, international community bosltered the Rule of Law, particularly in Haiti. Looking in vain to establish a democracy and devastated by humanitarian and political crises, this State emphasizes the difficulties of acting at the international level. This interdisciplinary thesis focuses on access to justice as a guarantee of rights and freedoms. It examines how and to what extent the norms used to promote the Rule of Law can be considered as States’ legal duties and as a mean of change. Appealing to international human rights law, States, international organizations and non-state actors use different legal sources of the Rule of Law in various circumstances and contribute to its elasticity in the context of progressive institutionalization at the national and international levels. The Haitian example shows that by being internationalized, the Rule of Law becomes structured and consolidated through improved State guidance, the exercise of its competences being part of a national law that respects international law, and because of strong institutions protecting rights and freedoms of which the respect is monitored by various mechanisms and institutions. Nonetheless, the relationships between national and international law, the Rule of Law and immunities, sovereignty, relations between State and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, as well as structural weaknesses impeding the development of a culture favorable to the Rule of Law restrain individuals’ effective access to justice. Therefore, it seems necessary to reorient actions through transversal reforms that should result in better practices of valuing human beings.


CLEBER FRANCISCO ALVES 03 April 2006 (has links)
[pt] A Constituição da República, de 1988, estabelece que os Estados e a União Federal têm a obrigação de prestar assistência jurídica integral e gratuita aos necessitados devendo fazê-lo por intermédio da Defensoria Pública. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo permitir uma melhor compreensão acerca desse modelo brasileiro de prestação de assistência jurídica, tal como estabelecido na Constituição, com o propósito de averiguar se realmente é o mais apto para garantir o pleno acesso de todos à Justiça e, conseqüentemente, assegurar a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas desprovidas de recursos econômicos para atingir esses fins por meios próprios. Para cumprir com esse objetivo, realizou-se inicialmente uma análise crítica na perspectiva histórica e das principais referências normativas do ordenamento jurídico constitucional e infraconstitucional em vigor no país, que regem o exercício do direito à assistência jurídica integral, ou seja, a assistência que é prestada tanto em âmbito judicial quanto extrajudicial, e um estudo das normas que regem o funcionamento da Defensoria Pública. Outro caminho percorrido foi o de investigar mais a fundo os modelos de assistência jurídica gratuita em funcionamento na França e nos Estados Unidos. Tais sociedades foram escolhidas não apenas pela grande influência histórica que têm tido na evolução das instituições jurídico-políticas brasileiras, mas também porque apresentam características bem diversificadas em seus sistemas jurídicos, o que contribuiu para a ampliação dos horizontes do estudo realizado. Para melhor compreensão desses sistemas alienígenas, realizamos duas temporadas consecutivas de estudos no exterior, permanecendo seis meses nos Estados Unidos e seis meses na França. Utilizando a metodologia de caráter etnográfico (observação e entrevistas), tivemos a oportunidade de acompanhar de perto o funcionamento real desses dois modelos de assistência jurídica, com visitas a instituições e acompanhamento de seu trabalho cotidiano, entrevistas com personalidades do mundo jurídico e, também, realizando amplo levantamento bibliográfico acerca do tema nos respectivos países. A partir da análise crítica na perspectiva histórica e das referências normativas atuais que regem o funcionamento desses dois sistemas estrangeiros de assistência jurídica aos necessitados, foi possível realizar um contraste com o modelo brasileiro, destacando-se as virtudes e os defeitos que, como é próprio de toda obra humana, se fazem presentes em cada um desses três sistemas analisados. Espera-se que um conhecimento mais profundo acerca do modelo nacional que foi estabelecido na Constituição Federal para a prestação desses serviços de assistência jurídica integral e gratuita venha a contribuir para que os atores institucionais envolvidos no sistema possam potencializar as virtudes e busquem neutralizar os defeitos existentes, de modo que se atinja plenamente a meta de garantir igualdade no acesso à Justiça e de ampla efetividade dos direitos fundamentais de todos os brasileiros, independentemente de sua condição social ou econômica. / [en] The 1988 Constitution of the Brazilian Republic mandates that the States and the Federal Union provide full and free legal assistance to every citizen in need, through the Office of the Public Defender. The following study seeks to develop a better understanding of this Brazilian model of constitutionally mandated legal assistance, and determine whether it is really the best mean of assuring full access to justice for every person, regardless of their financial means. The study approaches this issue from an historical perspective, with reference to the constitutional and statutory legal system operating in Brazil, requiring full legal assistance to the poor (i.e. legal advice and right to counsel in civil and criminal cases), as well as the rules that govern the operations of the Public Defender`s Office. We will also review alternative models of free legal assistance offered in France and the United States. These systems were selected not only for their historical influence over Brazilian political and judicial institutions, but also because they reveal diverse characteristics in their judicial systems that broaden the horizon of our study. In two consecutive seasons of ethnographic research (participant and no participant observation and interviews), six months in the USA, and six months in France, we are able to closely observe the day-to-day functioning of these two models of legal assistance, with visits to offices, interviews with key figures in the judicial system, and an extensive bibliographical review of the literature on legal assistance in the respective countries. Through this critical historical and normative analysis of the operation of these two foreign systems of legal assistance to the poor, we believe it has been possible to throw into greater relief the virtues and defects of the Brazilian model. We hope that this study will produce a deeper understanding of the national model of free and comprehensive legal assistance established in the Brazilian Constitution, and encourage those responsible for administering the system to optimize its virtues and overcome its defects to better achieve its goals of equal access to justice and the guarantee of the fundamental rights of all Brazilians, regardless of theirs social or economic condition. / [fr] La Constitution de la République du Brésil, de 1988, établit que les États et l´Union Fédérale sont tenus de fournir l´assistance juridique intégrale et gratuite aux démunis par l´intermédiaire du Bureau de la Défense Publique. Le présent exposé a pour but permettre une meilleure compréhension de ce modèle brésilien d´aide juridique, tel que l´a établi la Constitution, avec l´intention de vérifier si c´est vraiment mieux conçu pour garantir le plein accès de tous à la Justice et, par conséquent, d´assurer l´effectivité des droits fondamentaux des personnes démunies de conditions économiques pour atteindre ces objectifs avec leurs propres moyens. Pour accomplir ce dessein on a développé premièrement une analyse critique sous la perspective historique ainsi que des principales réferences normatives de l´ordonnance juridique constitutionnelle et infraconstitutionnelle en vigueur au Brésil, qui régissent l´exercice du droit d´aide juridique intégrale, soit l´assistance qui est proposée aussi bien en matière judiciaire qu´extrajudiciaire, et une étude des normes qui définissent le fonctionnement de du Bureau de la Défense Publique. Une autre voie parcourue a troit à l´énquête plus à fond des modèles d´assistance juridique gratuite en vigueur en France et aux États-Unis. Ces societés ont été choisies, non seulement en raison de leur grande influence historique dans l´évolution des institutions juridico- politiques brésiliennes, mais aussi parce-qu´elles présentent des caractéristiques bien diversifiées dans leurs systèmes juridiques, ce qui a contribué à l´ouverture des horizons de l´étude réalisé. Pour mieux comprendre ces systèmes d´autres Pays, nous avons fait deux séjours consécutifs d´études à l´étranger, passant six mois aux États-Unis et six mois en France. En utilisant la métodologie de l´observation participative, nous avons eu l´occasion d´accompagner de près le fonctionnement réel de ces deux modéles d´assistance juridique, visitant des institutions et accompagnant leur travail quotidien, obtenant des entrevues avec des personalités du monde juridique et aussi, en organisant une importante bibliographie au sujet du thème dans les Pays respectifs. À partir de l´analyse critique de la perspective historique et des réferences normatives actuelles qui régissent le fonctionnement de ces deux systèmes étrangers d´assistance juridique aux démunis(ies) a été possible d´établir une comparaison avec le modèle brésilien, en soulignant les qualités et les points faibles qui, comme il est propre à toute oeuvre humaine, sont présents en chacun de ces trois systèmes analisés. On espère qu´une connaissance plus profonde, au sujet du modèle national juridique établi par la Constitution Féderale pour la prestation de ces services d´assistance juridique intégrale et gratuite, viendra contribuer pour que les acteurs institutionnels engagés puissent multiplier les qualités autant que neutraliser les points faibles existants, de façon a que l´on puisse atteindre pleinement le but d´assurer l´égalité à l´accès à la Justice et une grande effectivité des droits fondamentaux de tous les brésiliens, indépendamment de leur condition sociale ou économique.

Julgamento antecipado da parcela madura do mérito sob a ótica da efetividade do acesso à justiça

Mano, Lilian Rodrigues 11 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lilian Rodrigues Mano.pdf: 902583 bytes, checksum: f25aff5390b4d4f0bd0733c7a7af9c94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / The dissertation encompass the thematic examination of the anticipated decision regarding the ripe aspect of the merit, grounded upon the strict observance of the access to Justice constitutional principle, considered in its entirety. Therefore, focusing on the constitutional tutelage of the civil procedure, and the impossibility of conceiving the procedural dictates disengaged from constitutional law, the necessary premises regarding the development of the study were established, with a brief approach to the access to Justice principle, allocating special attention to the evolution of the concept and the scope attributed to it, following the yearnings of the modern procedural theories, demonstrating that it is inherent to the principle the notion of the effectiveness of the process, which must constitute an adequate mean to the realization, on the factual level, of the substantive rights proclaimed by the State and, yet, comprising the content of the reasonable duration of the process guarantee. From them on, the paper addresses the possibility of the anticipated decision regarding the ripe aspect of the merit, de lege lata, even before the creation of the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, highlighting the dispute around article 273, §6º, of the Civil Procedure Code of 1973. Following that, the study centers on the definition of the judicial rulings with relevant decisional content (interlocutory decision and judgement) within the Brazilian legal order, deriving from an attempt of framing the partial decision of the merit within one of these species of jurisdictional ruling, considering the civil procedural system of 1973, alongside the changes promoted over it, addressing the difficulties involved in such task, the consequences of this position on the appeals and also relative to the motions to set aside judgement, as well as aspects on the execution of the ruling. The final chapter is aimed at the New Civil Procedure Code provisions which keep compatibility with the immediate decision of the ripe aspect of the merit, in order to clearly demonstrate how some innovations brought upon maintain harmony with the attendance of the access to Justice principle contents, without leaving the necessary criticism to the perpetuation of the uproar or inadequate destination, in certain points, of different rules on total and partial judgment of the merit / A dissertação envolve um exame da temática do julgamento antecipado da parcela madura do mérito, calcado na estreita observância ao princípio constitucional do acesso à justiça, considerado em sua inteireza. Assim, com enfoque na tutela constitucional do processo civil e na impossibilidade de se conceber os ditames processuais de forma desarraigada do direito constitucional, foram estabelecidas as premissas necessárias ao desenvolvimento do estudo, com uma breve abordagem do princípio do acesso à justiça, destinando especial atenção à evolução de seu conceito e à extensão que a ele atribuída, de acordo com os anseios da moderna processualística, mostrando ser a ele inerente a ideia de efetividade do processo, que deve constituir um meio adequado para a realização, no plano fático, dos direitos substantivos proclamados pelo Estado, e, ainda, englobando o conteúdo da garantia de razoável duração do processo. A partir de então, o trabalho aborda a admissão do julgamento antecipado da parcela madura do mérito, de lege lata, mesmo antes do advento do Código de Processo Civil de 2.015, destacando-se a celeuma envolvendo o artigo 273, § 6º, do Código de Processo Civil de 1.973. Em seguida, o estudo é centrado na definição dos pronunciamentos jurisdicionais com conteúdo decisório relevante (decisão interlocutória e sentença) no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, partindo para uma tentativa de enquadramento da decisão parcial de mérito numa dessas espécies de provimento jurisdicional, considerado o sistema processual civil de 1973, com as reformas nele empreendidas, abordando-se as dificuldades que isso envolve, as consequências recursais e relativas à ação rescisória do posicionamento adotado, bem como aspectos sobre a execução da decisão. O capítulo final é destinado às previsões do Novo Código de Processo Civil relacionadas ao julgamento imediato da parcela madura do mérito, a fim de deixar patente como algumas das inovações perpetradas guardam consonância com o conteúdo do princípio do acesso à justiça, sem descurar da necessária crítica à perpetuação de celeumas ou inadequada destinação, em determinados pontos, de tratamento diferenciado ao julgamento total e ao parcial do mérito

Habeas data e tutela jurisdicional da privacidade: aspectos processuais / Habeas data: judicial protection of privacy procedural

Ribeiro, Sérgio Luiz de Almeida 24 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Luiz de Almeida Ribeiro.pdf: 960554 bytes, checksum: 933a380e14a9abc84a29f86a8f043069 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-24 / This dissertation is about the habeas data and its procedural aspects, as a mean to protect privacy. The main objective of this study is to analyze the usefulness of this feature as a specific instrument for protection of individuals' privacy, as well as to ensure that citizens may control the wrongful use of their personal data through social networks and credit protection institutions. In this sense, the habeas data would not be restricted to obtaining general information or rectifying data before public authorities and private companies. In order to achieve this purpose, and based on the deductive method and bibliographical research, the following topics have been addressed in this paper: historical aspects, concept and objetive of the habeas data, proceedings upon habeas data under Law 9507/1997, and, lastly, controversial aspects on habeas data. As a conclusion, the main criticism developed herein is related to the comparison between the habeas data and the writ of mandamus, which has caused a procedural impact on the Law 9507/97. This Law, that rules the habeas data, changed the primary constitutional objective of it, which was very much related to the protection of privacy and the proceedings to achieve this objective. Another criticism that is addressed herein is related to the rule that imposes to the parties the burden of having an entire administrative process before making use of the habeas data to obtain information or rectify personal data. In theory, this rule refrains the habeas data to become an effective instrument for the avoidance of damages to individuals' privacy caused by credit protection institutions and social networks, for instance / Versa a presente dissertação sobre o instituto do habeas data como tutela jurisdicional da intimidade e seus aspectos processuais. O principal objetivo é analisar a utilidade do referido instituto como instrumento específico de proteção da vida íntima e evidenciar a possibilidade de o indivíduo exercer preventivamente o controle do manuseio indevido de dados pessoais por entidades mantenedoras de bancos dados, como é o caso de redes sociais e órgãos de proteção ao crédito, não se restringindo apenas ao meio processual para obter e/ou retificar informações em entidades mantenedoras de bancos dados, públicas e privadas de caráter público. Para atingir esse propósito, e com o suporte metodológico da abordagem dedutiva e da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, os seguintes assuntos foram abordados: aspectos históricos, conceito e escopo do habeas data, o procedimento da ação de habeas data na disciplina da Lei nº 9.507/1997 e, por último, as questões ainda controvertidas acerca do referido instituto. A título de conclusão, a principal crítica que emerge do tema analisado alude à comparação do habeas data ao mandado de segurança, que repercutiu no procedimento adotado por sua norma específica (Lei nº 9.507/1997), afastando assim este remédio constitucional da sua finalidade precípua, qual seja, preservar objetivamente a vida íntima e servir como instrumento processual específico para esse fim. Outra crítica se refere à exigência de o jurisdicionado trilhar e esgotar toda a via administrativa antes de se socorrer do Judiciário, por meio do habeas data, para obtenção de informações e/ou retificação de dados incorretos a seu respeito. Em rigor, tal exigência impede que o habeas data seja instrumento eficaz na prevenção de danos da vida privada perpetrados por órgãos de proteção ao crédito e redes sociais, por exemplo

La Cour africaine des droits de l’homme : quelles restrictions à l’accès à la justice ?

Khamis, Mostafa 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Essays on Development Economics / Essais sur l'Économie du Développement

Trako, Iva 17 May 2018 (has links)
Le chapitre 1 évalue l'impact d'une politique publique au Pérou visant à améliorer l'accès à la justice et à réduire la violence contre les femmes. Ce chapitre utilise des données sur les centres de justice pour femmes (CJF) au Pérou, des institutions spécialisées qui emploient principalement des femmes et fournissent des services de police et des services juridiques pour réduire la violence fondée sur le genre. En examinant le déploiement progressif des CJF dans les districts, nous constatons que l'ouverture d'un centre augmente de 40 % le nombre de signalements de crimes spécifiques au genre et réduit d'environ 10 % l'incidence de la violence fondée sur le genre, mesurée par la violence domestique, les féminicides et les hospitalisations pour cause de santé mentale. Nous constatons en outre qu'une diminution de l'exposition des femmes à la violence domestique a des effets intergénérationnels : les CJF augmentent considérablement les investissements en capital humain pour les enfants, ce qui augmente la scolarisation, la présence scolaire et les résultats aux examens. Le chapitre 2 examine l'effet de la fécondité sur les décisions des parents albanais en matière d'offre de travail. Afin d'aborder la question de l'endogénéité potentielle de la décision de fécondité, j'exploite la préférence des parents albanais pour avoir des garçons combinés avec l'instrument de composition du genre des frères et sœurs comme source exogène de variation. En utilisant un échantillon représentatif de parents ayant au moins deux enfants, je constate un effet positif et significatif de la fécondité sur l'offre de travail pour les parents plus jeunes, moins scolarisés ou vivant dans une famille élargie. Les estimations pour les mères montrent qu'elles augmentent l'offre de travail en termes d'heures travaillées et de probabilité de travailler hors secteur rural. De même, la probabilité pour le père de travailler hors secteur rural et d'avoir un deuxième emploi augmente à la suite d'autres naissances. L'analyse de l'hétérogénéité suggère deux mécanismes plausibles : les services de garde offerts par des adultes non-parentaux (grands-parents) dans les familles élargies et les coûts financiers plus élevés liés au maintien d'un plus grand nombre d'enfants. Le chapitre 3 analyse l'effet du déplacement forcé de populations sur l'offre de travail des adultes et la scolarisation des enfants dans le contexte de l'après-guerre au Kosovo. Ce chapitre utilise la guerre du Kosovo de 1998-1999 et les déplacements massifs de population comme une expérimentation naturelle afin d'estimer l'impact du déplacement forcé dû au conflit sur les Kosovars qui sont partis et qui ont décidé de revenir par rapport à ceux qui sont restés pendant la guerre. J'exploite l'intéraction de la variation spatiale de l'intensité du conflit - mesurée par le nombre de victimes et de bombardements - et de la distance à la frontière albanaise comme source de variation exogène dans le statut de déplacement. Les résultats indiquent que les hommes kosovars déplacés sont moins susceptibles d'être employés dans le secteur agricole et de travailler pour leur propre compte, tandis que les femmes kosovares déplacées sont plus susceptibles d'être inactives. La perte d'actifs (terres, bétail, etc.) dans une économie agraire fondée sur les compétences et la perte de réseaux sociaux dans un marché du travail informel pourraient avoir réduit davantage la probabilité de trouver un emploi par rapport aux personnes qui sont restées. Toutefois, peu après le retour au pays, les résultats indiquent également que les hommes et les femmes kosovars déplacés sont plus susceptibles de travailler hors secteur rural, en particulier dans les secteurs de la construction et de l'administration publique, ce qui indique une reprise relativement rapide. En outre, les filles kosovares déplacées sont plus susceptibles d'être inscrites à l'école primaire, mais je ne constate aucun effet sur la scolarisation des garçons. / Chapter 1 evaluates the impact of a policy intervention in Peru aimed at improving access to justice and reducing violence against women. In many developing countries, access to justice remains unequal, especially for women. What are the implications of this inequality for gender-based violence, intra-household bargaining, and investment in children? This paper provides evidence from Peru on all-women's justice centers (WJCs), specialized institutions that mostly employ female officers and provide police and legal services to reduce gender-based violence. Examining the gradual rollout of WJCs across districts/ villages, we find that the opening of a center increases reporting of gender-specific crimes by 40% and reduces the incidence of gender-based violence measured by domestic violence, femicides and hospitalizations due to mental health by about 10%. We find, moreover, that a decrease in the exposure of women to violence has intergenerational effects: WJCs substantially increase human capital investments in children, raising enrollment, attendance, and test scores. These results are consistent with a bargaining model in which women's access to justice determines the threat point. Chapter 2 examines the effect of fertility on labor supply decisions of Albanian parents, with particular attention to the intervening role of childcare provided by grandparents in extended families. In order to address the potential endogeneity in the fertility decision, I exploit Albanian parental preference for having sons combined with the sibling’s sex-composition instrument as an exogenous source of variation. Using a repeated cross-section of parents with at least two children, I find a positive and statistically significant effect of fertility on parental labor supply for those parents who are more likely to be younger, less educated or live in extended families. In particular, IV estimates for mothers show that they increase labor supply, especially in terms of hours worked per week and the likelihood of working off-farm. Similarly, father’s likelihood of working off-farm and having a second occupation increase as a consequence of further childbearing. The heterogeneity analysis suggests that this positive effect might be the result of two plausible mechanisms: childcare provided by non-parental adults in extended families and greater financial costs of maintaining more children. Chapter 3 analyzes the effect of forced displacement on adult’s labor market outcomes and children’s schooling in the context of the post-war Kosovo. This chapter uses the 1998-1999 Kosovo war and the following massive displacement of people as a natural experiment in order to estimate the impact of conflict displacement on Kosovars that left and decided to come back relative to those who stayed in the province. I exploit the interaction of the spatial variation in conflict intensity -as measured by casualties and bombings- and distance to the Albanian border as a source of exogenous variation in the displacement status. Results indicate that displaced Kosovar men are less likely to be employed in the agricultural sector and to work on their own account, while displaced Kosovar women are more likely to be inactive. Loss of assets (e.g. land, livestock) in an agrarian skill-based economy and also loss of social networks in an informal labor market might have further decreased the probability to find employment relative to stayers. However, shortly after the return home, the results also indicate that displaced Kosovar men and women are more likely to be working off-farm, especially in the construction and public administration sectors, which indicates a relatively quick recovery. In addition, displaced Kosovar girls are more likely to be enrolled in primary school, but I find no effect on education for boys. The refugee camp experience might have provided better conditions to young Kosovar girls compared to the precarious pre-war “parallel" education system.

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