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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Palavras e imagens : a transposição do mangá para o anime no Brasil

Batistella, Danielly January 2014 (has links)
Suportes de leitura em ascensão, as narrativas imagéticas nipônicas são compostas por linguagens visual e verbal singulares, por traçados ilustrativos específicos e por temáticas textuais distintivas, parte de uma personalidade própria. Os hipergêneros mangá e anime, embora compartilhem elementos particulares, como a publicação e classificação interna em uma gama de gêneros e subgêneros autônomos, porém unidos por elementos coincidentes, diferenciam-se entre si – da arte sequencial e animação para além das fronteiras do Japão – quanto à estilização do traçado, ao conteúdo da narrativa, à ilustração e à caracterização de personagens. Logo, para que tais aspectos permeiem a leitura e a interpretação da imagem, assim como dos textos verbais, infere-se o atrelar desses elementos a um contexto aos quais se atribui um sentido nos âmbitos histórico, ideológico, social, cultural e comportamental. Assim, na representação, na tradução intersemiótica ou no engendramento de concepções e interpretações de culturas, de ações sociais, de ideologias, de doutrinas ou filosofias religiosas e de atribuições de sujeitos feminil e varonil japoneses, busca-se referências para se apreender o mangá e o anime como produtores e possibilitadores de reflexões. Nesse paradigma, o presente estudo objetiva o analisar a utilização da linguagem visual e verbal nas sagas de mangá e anime que constituem o corpus do presente estudo, examinando o modo pelo qual cada uma dessas linguagens procede ao representar, ao traduzir intersemiótico ou ao engendrar de diferentes aspectos histórico, social, ideológico, cultural e comportamental do Japão-nação. Ao circundar a temática, inicialmente traça-se um panorama quanto à origem, à ascensão e à transformação do mangá e do anime em fenômeno de leitura no Japão, no Ocidente e no Brasil. Apresenta-se os gêneros e subgêneros desses suportes de leitura, diferenciando-os quanto ao público leitor visado, averiguando suas especificidades, sua classificação temática e sua classificação de acordo com os sujeitos masculino e feminino e com a faixa etária. Por fim, averigua-se as modificações da representação da cultura, da sociedade e de ideologias japonesas presentes no mangá e quando este é transposto para anime em resposta à demanda de um sujeito leitor fora do Japão. / Ascending reading media, the imagetic Japanese narrative are composed by singular visual and verbal languages, by specific illustrative strokes and distinctive textual themes part of a personality. The hipergenre manga and anime, in the share of distinctive elements such as publishing and internal classification in a range of autonomous genres and subgenres, yet linked by coincident elements differ from each other – as well as the sequential art and the animation from beyond the borders of Japan – as to the styling of the illustrative strokes, the content of the narrative, the illustration and the characterization of characters. Then, in order to such aspects permeate the reading and interpretation of the image as well as the verbal texts, one infers the coupling of these elements to a context in which it assigns a meaning in historical, ideological, social, cultural and behavioral levels. Thus, in the representation, in the inter-semiotic translation or in the engender of conceptions and interpretations of Japanese culture, social actions, ideologies, religious doctrines or philosophies and specific attributions to feminine and masculine subjects one searches references to grasp manga and anime as producers and enablers of reflections. In this paradigm, the present study aims to analyze the use of visual and verbal language in the sagas of manga and anime part of the corpus of this study, examining the way in which each of these languages proceeds to represent, to intersemiotic translate or to engender different historical, social, ideological, cultural and behavioral aspects of Japan. With the purpose of encompassing the subject, initially one delineates an overview the origin, the rise and transformation of manga and anime as reading phenomenon in Japan, in Brazil and in the West. One presents the genres and subgenres of these reading medias, differentiating them according on the targeted readership, verifying their specificities, their thematic classification and their internal classification accordant to female and male subjects and their age rate. Ultimately, one ascertains changes in the representation of Japanese culture, society and ideologies part of manga and when this is transposed into anime as a response to a demanding reader from outside of Japan.

Dark Side of Wonderland : en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning / Dark Side of Wonderland : a short 2D-animation as promotion for an online comic

Karlsson, Anna January 2005 (has links)
My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects. In all else I have worked on my own. During the work I have principally learned more about graphics and animation, both classic animation made on paper and digital animation. I have also gained more knowledge concerning technology as it is used in artistic processes, criticism and self criticism, personal development and learning, working alone as an opposite to working in a group, how to handle problems, setbacks and conflicts, time and planning, various ways of analyzing working processes and methods, the creative process and the balance between work and relaxation. I discuss and reflect on these and more phenomena in the end of this study. It has been a demanding but exciting journey. / Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion. You can mail me at: kippokippo@yahoo.se

"Värst vad du har blivit kawaii på sistone!" : En undersökning av slanguttryck, lånord och språkblandning i svensk-japansk subkultur

Rosén, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Japansk populärkultur får allt fler fans i Sverige och svenska ungdomar inspireras av popartister, japanskt mode och framför allt de speciella tecknade serieformerna - manga och anime. Den här uppsatsen behandlar språkandet inom den svensk-japanska subkulturen med fokus på slanguttryck, språkblandning och lånord. Syftet är att undersöka kommunikation inom subkulturen och ta fram de speciella ord som används där. Materialet som analyserats är bildtexter och kommentarer publicerade på internetcommunityt Dayviews. Tio deltagare i gruppen "Cosplayare" har bevakats under tre månaders tid och de ord som är speciella för deras kommunikation har tagits ut och sorterats i olika kategorier. Användningen av dessa ord har också analyserats ur både ett fonologiskt och ett morfologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att studiens informanter har ett stort ordförråd med japanska ord som används som slangord i kommunikation som annars sker på svenska. Dessa ord är ofta interjektioner, personord och titlar eller så kallade utfyllnadsord. Förutom de japanska orden finns det gott om subkulturtypiska ord, det vill säga begrepp som är viktiga för de speciella aktiviteter och medier som ingår i den japanska populärkulturen. Kommunikationen som beskrivs i resultatet kan tolkas som en form av ungdomsspråk eller internetspråk, med slangord från olika språk, specifika ordtyper och ett kreativt förhållande till stavning, ordbildning och användande av olika symboler. De specifika ord som används i subkulturen blir till markörer för språkgemenskapen och konstruerar en egen stil som individerna kan använda för att forma sin identitet. I diskussion av resultatet beskrivs till sist en förklaringsteori med det språksociologiska begreppet ackommodation som drivkraft för att använda japanska ord, där språkanvändarna visar identifikation med den egna gruppen men också med fiktiva karaktärer från de populära serierna.

En värld inom vår egen : En filmanalys av den japanska animerade parallellvärlden i Hayao Miyazakis Spirited Away

Brinkemar, Ronja January 2021 (has links)
I denna undersökning vill jag visa att film har ett egenvärde som berättarform separat från skönlitteraturen, där särskilt japansk animerad film är ett område som tidigare marginaliserats inom filmteorin men bör ges ett större akademiskt utrymme. Med hjälp av de fem filmanalytiska aspekterna berättelse, mise-en-scène, kameraanvändning, klippning, ljud och filmmusik undersöker jag hur regissören Hayao Miyazaki konstruerar den japanska animerade parallellvärlden i filmen Spirited Away samt hur det animerade mediet påverkar filmen. Min analys visar att publikens inlevelse i parallellvärlden skapas genom en otillgänglig narration där kamerans låga vinklar och point-of-view-shots gestaltar världen ur huvudpersonens vinkel. Parallellvärlden kommer till liv genom en detaljerad traditionell japansk scenografi, runda karaktärer och en rik diegetisk ljudbild. Den långsamma klippningen bjuder in publiken att bli medskapare av parallellvärlden och musiken skapar en känslomässig inlevelse samt fungerar som en sammanknytande väv genom filmen. Den animerade formen möjliggör en större frihet i animatörernas skapande av filmens mise-en-scène, samt bidrar till en större tolerans hos publiken för det irrationella intuitiva händelseförloppet och en delvis överdriven ljudbild.

Rebooting Brecht: Reimagining Epic Theatre for the 21st Century

Rice, Andrea 31 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Des jeux et des joueurs : l’âme des cartes du « King of Games » japonais Yu-Gi-Oh

Pedelahore-Gassiot, Valérian 07 1900 (has links)
Dans un effort pour mettre en valeur la pertinence de l’étude du jeu de cartes japonais Yu-Gi-Oh en tant que facteur non négligeable de la construction identitaire de ses joueurs, ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’analyse du rapport qu’entretiennent lesdits joueurs à leur jeu fétiche. Pour ce faire ce travail s’intéresse à trois des spécificités qui caractérisent le jeu de cartes Yu-Gi-Oh à savoir : l’élaboration transmédiatique de sa narration, le caractère décisif des interactions entre ses joueurs ainsi que l’appropriation personnalisée du jeu par les participants. A la croisée de multiples disciplines telles que la psychologie, la ludologie, la narratologie ou encore la sociologie et soutenues par plus deux mois de terrain, les analyses et propos présentés dans ce travail ont également pour objectif d’offrir une plongée aussi immersive qu’enrichissante au sein du milieu socio-culturel des joueurs de Yu-Gi-Oh rappelant du même coup l’importance que peut avoir la pratique ludique pour l’être humain moderne. Enfin, avec ce devoir j’espère pouvoir démontrer que les joueurs de Yu-Gi-Oh ont tendance à se raconter des histoires à propos d’eux-mêmes à partir de leur médium de choix. Les cartes aussi ont une histoire. / In an effort to highlight the relevance of the study of the Japanese card game Yu-Gi-Oh as a significant factor in the « identity building » of its players, this master thesis focuses on the analysis of the relationship between said players to their favorite game. To do this, this work focuses on three of the specificities that characterize the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, namely: the transmedia development of its narration, the decisive nature of the interactions between its players as well as the personalized appropriation of the game by the participants. At the crossroads of multiple disciplines such as psychology, ludology, narratology or sociology and supported by more than two months of fieldwork, the analyzes and remarks presented in this work also aim to offer a dive as immersive as it is enriching within the socio-cultural environment of Yu-Gi-Oh players recalling at the same time the importance that playful practice can hold for the modern man. Finally, with this work i hope to be able to demonstrate that Yu-Gi-Oh players tend to tell stories about themselves from their medium of choice. Cards also have stories to themself.

Perceptions Of Cuteness And Beauty

Jones, Danielle 01 January 2009 (has links)
Upbringing and psychological make-up inspire individual norms for beauty and cuteness. The mannerist approach in my work is a product of the figural liberties found in cartooning, illustration and art history. By altering facial and bodily features, I relate the proportions of an infant to cuteness and innocence. However, I tailor the photographs to empower the subjects all the while mirroring trends in contemporary pop culture. I'm interested in themes of everyday life, vitality and emotion placed in obscure, imaginary or exaggerated venues. I fictionalize subjects of my reality to compel viewers to identify with and fancy emotions, circumstances, moods and relationships. The intent is to amplify, yet be truer to their existence and idiosyncrasies through figural adaptations.

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