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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indígenas, escravizados negros e homens livres na fronteira do Mato Grosso, Bolívia e Paraguai: fugas, contrabando e resistência (1750-1850) / Indians, black enslaved and free men on the border of Mato Grosso, Bolivia and Paraguay: escapes, smuggling and resistances (1750-1850)

Lordelo, Monique Cristina de Souza 22 May 2019 (has links)
Os personagens analisados nessa tese são os escravizados negros, indígenas e homens livres no Mato Grosso e suas circulações na fronteira com Bolívia e Paraguai na segunda metade do século XVIII e primeira metade do XIX. Defendemos nessa tese o protagonismo desses escravizados negros e indígenas no processo de colonização portuguesa e espanhola na região. Afirmamos que nenhum desses personagens responderam passivos às submissões de senhores, nem mesmo às instituições coloniais administrativas e religiosas. Durante o século XVIII foram travados vários embates entre indígenas e colonizadores nessa tríplice fronteira e os indígenas responderam a essa colonização desenvolvendo estratégias diversas como enfrentamento ou alianças com aquele que mais lhe convinha, ora com portugueses, ora com espanhóis. E mesmo depois de estabelecida a colonização, com construções de fortalezas e vilas nessa fronteira luso-espanhola e também estabelecidas as reduções jesuíticas em território fronteiriço de domínios hispânicos, os indígenas continuaram fazendo alianças e sendo personagens importantes comercializando seus produtos tanto com portugueses quanto com espanhóis tentando manter seu território conquistado sempre. Os escravizados negros começaram a chegar no Mato Grosso na segunda metade do século XVIII depois de uma longa e penosa viagem desde outras regiões do Brasil e também da África. Percebemos que, por ser uma região de fronteira, os escravizados fugiam para os domínios hispânicos, mas, para isso deveriam atravessar os caudalosos rios Paraguai, Guaporé ou Mamoré que dividiam os domínios das duas coroas ibéricas (Portugal e Espanha) na fronteira oeste do Mato Grosso. Mais do que uma fronteira política que limitava essas duas coroas ibéricas, a fronteira luso-espanhola foi um espaço no qual diferentes grupos sociais inventavam práticas diversas procurando melhores condições de vida e sobrevivência. Esse espaço de convívio de diferentes identidades na fronteira oeste da capitania, assim como as fugas de escravizados negro para os domínios hispânicos e formação de quilombos foram constantes durante todo o período colonial, e não cessaram durante o período imperial. Para avalizar essa tese pesquisamos documentação em três países. No Brasil recorremos ao Arquivo Público do Estado de Mato Grosso (APMT), localizado em Cuiabá. Na Bolívia, pesquisamos dois arquivos: o primeiro foi o Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia (ABNB), localizado em Sucre; e o segundo foi o Museo de Historia y Archivo Histórico de Santa Cruz (MHAHSC), localizado em Santa Cruz de la Sierra. O último arquivo pesquisado foi no Paraguai, em Assunção, o Archivo Nacional de Asunción (ANA). Por fim, no diz respeito à fronteira oeste do Mato Grosso, para os lusitanos, tratava-se de manter o território conquistado; para os espanhóis, impedir o avanço; e, para ambos era conter a força indígena. Já os escravizados negros viam nos países vizinhos uma oportunidade para conquistar a liberdade e de melhores condições de sobrevivência e trabalho, com menos vigilância institucional, enquanto os proprietários de escravizados deveriam exercer mais vigilância para que não houvesse marginalidades. No caso dos indígenas, essa fronteira também era uma oportunidade de fuga institucional das coroas ibéricas (Portugal e Espanha) e das missões jesuíticas, mas também lutando para manter seu território em situação de conquista, essa fronteira possibilitava negociação, tanto com portugueses quanto com espanhóis. Quanto aos homens livres, essa fronteira facilitava as fugas de soldados desertores dos fortes construídos nesse limite institucional imposto pelas metrópoles, mas também maior possibilidade de comércio, contrabando e negociações entre nações fronteiriças vizinhas. / The characters analyzed during this thesis are black enslaved men, Indians and free men in Mato Grosso and their circulations on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay in the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth. We defend the protagonism of these enslaved black and indigenous people at the process of the Portuguese and Spanish colonization in the region. We affirm none of those responded passively to the submissions of owners, colonial administration and religious institutions. At the eighteenth century, several clashes between Indians and colonizers, at the triple frontier, were fought, and the indigenous population responded to the colonization by developing diverse strategies such as confrontation or even alliances with the ones who suited them the most, sometimes with the Portuguese others with Spaniards. Even after the colonization was established, with fortress and villages constructed at the Portuguese-Spanish border, and the launch of Jesuitical reductions at borderland territory of the Hispanic domains, the Indians continued to form alliances. They were important figures commercializing their products for both Portuguese and Spanish, always trying to keep their conquered territory. Black enslaved began arriving in Mato Gross in the second half of the eighteenth century after a long and painful journey from other regions of Brazil and also Africa. We realized, because it was a borderland region, the enslaved fled to the Hispanic dominions. However, they had to cross the Paraguay, Guaporé or Mamoré rivers that divided the domain of the two Iberian crowns (Portugal and Spain) on the western border of Mato Grosso. Even more than a political borderland limiting these two Iberian crowns, the Portuguese-Spanish frontier was a space in which different social groups created diverse practices seeking better living conditions and survival. This coexistence space of different identities on the western border of the captaincy, as well as the escapes of black enslaved to Hispanic dominions and the formation of quilombos were constant throughout the colonial period, and did not cease during the imperial period. To support the thesis we researched documentation in three countries. In Brazil we used the Public Archive of the State of Mato Grosso (APMT), located in Cuiaba. In Bolivia, we researched two archives: the first was the National Archive and Library of Bolivia (ABNB), located in Sucre; and the second was the Historical History and Archive Museum of Santa Cruz (MHAHSC), located in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The last searched one was in Paraguay, in Asuncion, National Archive of Asuncion (ANA). Lastly, concerning the western border of Mato Grosso, for the Portuguese it was a matter of maintaining the conquered territory; for the Spaniards stop the advancements; and for both contain the indigenous people force. Black enslaved, however, saw in neighboring countries an opportunity for freedom and better survival and work conditions with less institutional vigilance. The enslaved owners should exercise more vigilance so there would be no marginalities. Regarding the Indians case, this frontier was also an opportunity for an institutional escape of the Iberian crowns (Portugal and Spain) and the Jesuitical missions, but also the struggle to keep their territory in a conquering situation. Such border allowed the negotiation with both Portuguese and Spanish. Concerning the free men, the frontier facilitated the escape of deserted soldiers from the fortress built in the institutional limit imposed by the metropolises, but also greater possibility of trade, smuggling and negotiations between borderland neighboring nations.

Organic Farming is Coming to Our Valley : The Development of Pumi Eco-Agriculture and the Indigenisation of Modernity in Sino-Myanmar Borderlands

Gao, Ze January 2019 (has links)
How do indigenous people perceive and practice eco-agriculture, especially when it was introduced as a development project? This thesis aims to delve into this question by focusing on a policy-induced agrarian transition for Pumi community in Sino-Myanmar borderlands. Using ethnographic methods, I intend to offer an intimate account of a provincial programme to facilitate eco-agriculture in this ethnic region. With the conceptual framework presented, the current research starts with the introduction of Pumi agricultural history and indigenous farming knowledge, with a focus on Pumi biocultural heritage. Then, I will examine how the process of ‘indigenisation of modernity’ (Sahlins 2000) has occurred against the backdrop of Pumi eco-agriculture programme. The insights will be distilled from three different aspects, which are agricultural land use, technical practices, and governance issues. For each aspect, I will scrutinise to what degree the government is following an industrial model to design the eco-agriculture agenda which corresponds to the ‘conventionalisation hypothesis’ of organic production (Buck 1997) and is thus in alignment with their long-term strategic goals to ‘modernise’ this borderland region through agricultural transformations, whereas the local Pumi farmers are actively coping with the government’s external interventions, meanwhile searching for the ‘alternative pathway’ towards agricultural modernisation. In the final chapter, I will interpret the motives of the both actors in the programme. For the government, the post-development theory will be employed to provide a critique of the ‘development discourse’ embedded in the agenda. For local farmers, the concept of ‘environmentality’ (Agrawal 2005) will be focused to interpret the Pumi farmers’ motives to indigenise, which ultimately questioning the transforming powers of modernity and globalisation on Pumi agrarian society. Basically, this thesis aims to trace the socio-political processes which drive the ‘agrarian transition’ in a Southeast Asian frontier, and further demonstrate how the resource abundance in the borderlands can underpin intense processes of commodification and dispossession (Nevins and Peluso 2008; Ishikawa 2010; see also Milne and Mahanty, 2015), the implications of which crystallised in an ethnographic context. To a larger extent, this research aims to shed lights on the interactions between social structure and individual agency ― although the Pumi farmers are struggling to survive with the adaptation to modern inputs, they are still marginalised by the structured inequality of the market economy, which limited the farmers’ opportunities to improve their own livelihoods. Furthermore, this research also has significant policy implications as it addresses the issues such as agricultural policy and ethnic relations in the borderland regions. By reflecting upon the overlapping implications of highland livelihoods, agencies, and the transforming powers of social change, the current study aims to build a locally rooted understanding of Pumi eco-agriculture programme, and provide lessons for sustainable planning and future policy-making for rural development in developing countries such as China.

La identidad híbrida en poesía : Una comparación entre un poema de Gloria Anzaldúa y uno de Julia Alvarez / The problems with a hybrid identity expressed in poetry

Persson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
El propósito de la tesina presente es analizar la manera de expresar las dificultades de una identidad híbrida en dos poemas contemporáneos de dos escritoras de origen latinoamericano, Gloria Anzaldúa y Julia Alvarez. Se han analizado los dos poemas elegidos teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de una identidad híbrida y los problemas que ello conlleva en una sociedad llena de normas y fronteras entre grupos étnicos, culturales y sexuales. Después del análisis de los poemas sigue una comparación entre los resultados de la investigación y finalmente presentamos nuestras conclusiones. El estudio muestra que a pesar de que los poemas parezcan muy diferentes se han encontrado puntos de relación, como por ejemplo la similitud de los mensajes principales de los poemas; que necesitamos aceptar las mezclas de culturas, etnias y sexos. / The purpose of this study is to analyse the expression of the difficulties with a hybrid identity in two contemporary poems written by two authors from Latin America, Gloria Anzaldúa and Julia Alvarez. The analysis of the two poems take into account the perspective of a hybrid identity and the problems that this entails in a society filled with rules, standards and boundaries between different ethnic, cultural and sexual groups.  The analysis of the two poems is followed by a comparison of the results of the investigation and ultimately is presented the conclusions. The study shows that the poems share several respects, despite that they at first seems very different. An example is the similarities of the main messages that the poems convey, that we need to accept the mix of cultures, ethnics and sexualities.

Gestión de conocimiento inter-organizacional : el caso de las nanotecnologías / Gestion inter-organisationnelle des connaissances : le cas des nanotechnologies / Interorganizational knowledge management : the case of the nanotechnology

Pérez Martelo, Constanza 20 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les processus de gestion des connaissances et des pratiques associées, en situation de coopération inter-organisationnelle. En s'appuyant sur une démarche d'enquête relevant de l'artisanat intellectuel, nous étudions le cas du domaine des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies (NCT), caractérisé par la participation de diverses organisations relevant de plusieurs domaines d'expertise. A partir de l'étude des connaissances saisies à partir des pratiques dans trois cas (un réseau de groupes de recherche en Colombie, un projet européen et un laboratoire de sciences des matériaux au sein d'un grand pôle de recherche en micro et nanotechnologies à Grenoble (France)), la thèse apporte quatre contributions théoriques portant respectivement sur : 1) La relation entre les pratiques de gestion des connaissances entre organisations et des politiques favorisant les arrangements interinstitutionnels ; 2) La proximité comme espace de convergence et de divergence dans la gestion des connaissances dans les « zones franches » ; 3) La temporalité et les points d'ancrage des relations inter-organisationnelles ; et 4) la médiation de collectifs sociotechniques. Enfin, nous proposons une contribution sur la pratique vue comme constituant un espace de gestion, qui permet de rendre compte des différences dans les temporalités et d'évaluer la médiation des outils destinés à soutenir les processus de gestion des connaissances. / The thesis deals with knowledge management processes and associated practices in interorganizational contexts. With an insight of intellectual craftsmanship, we focus on the case study of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NST) that involves a wide diversity of participant organizations and knowledge fields. By studying three specific contexts –a Colombian network of research groups, a European collaborative project, and a laboratory of materials belonging to a micro and nanotechnology cluster of Grenoble (France); we present four main theoretical contributions through a knowing in practice approach: 1) A description of relationships between interorganizational knowledge management practices and policies that foster cross-institutional agreements, 2) An insight of proximity as a point of convergence and divergence in boundary-related knowledge management, 3) An understanding of temporality and anchor points related to cross-organizational relationships, and 4) The dynamics of mediation of the socio-technical collectives. On the other hand, we put forward an approach to the concept of practice as managerial space, which allows to account for differences in the temporary nature of relationships and assess effective mediation of available tools for supporting knowledge management processes. / Esta tesis trata sobre procesos de gestión de conocimiento en ámbitos inter-organizacionales y las prácticas asociadas. Con un enfoque de artesanía intelectual, tomamos como estudio de caso el campo de las Nanociencias y Nanotecnologías (NCT), caracterizado por la participación de diversidad de organizaciones y áreas de conocimiento. Estudiando tres contextos, una red de grupos de investigación en Colombia, un proyecto europeo de colaboración y un laboratorio de materiales en un polo de micro y nanotecnologías en Grenoble (Francia), desde una perspectiva de conocimiento como práctica, presentamos cuatro aportes teóricos: 1) Relación entre prácticas de gestión de conocimiento inter-organizacional y políticas que fomentan arreglos inter-institucionales, 2) Proximidad como espacio de convergencia y divergencia en la gestión del conocimiento en las zonas fronterizas, 3) Temporalidad y puntos de anclaje de las relaciones inter-organizacionales, y 4) La mediación de los colectivos sociotécnicos.Por otra parte, planteamos una contribución para abordar la práctica como espacio de gestión, lo cual permite dar cuenta de las diferencias en las temporalidades y evaluar las mediaciones efectivas de las herramientas dispuestas para el soporte de los procesos de gestión de conocimiento.

Au-delà des collines. Ethnographie des relations dominico-haïtiennes en zone frontalière.

Bourgeois, Catherine 19 August 2016 (has links)
Haïti et la République dominicaine sont séparées par une frontière de 380 kilomètres héritée de la période coloniale. Cette frontière illustre également un fait particulier dans la région :l’indépendance de la République dominicaine par séparation d’avec Haïti alors que la majorité des colonies du continent américain déclaraient leur indépendance en se séparant des empires coloniaux. Depuis cette époque, certains secteurs de la société dominicaine n’ont cessé d’alimenter un discours nationaliste centré sur l’anti-haïtianisme. Haïti occupe donc une place particulière dans l’imaginaire collectif dominicain comme cela apparaît notamment dans son traitement médiatique, dans les politiques migratoires ou encore dans les relations quotidiennes entre Dominicains et Haïtiens – la République dominicaine constituant la principale destination de migration pour la population haïtienne issue des secteurs populaires.Cette thèse porte sur les relations entre Haïtiens et Dominicains dans la région frontalière, lieu privilégié pour « étudier ethnographiquement les diverses formes par lesquelles des personnes de nationalités différentes cohabitent et entrent en relation » (Grimson). Dans ce travail, la frontière est envisagée comme une construction spatiale, politique et sociale. En ce sens, la thèse s’attache tout d’abord à décrire les processus par lesquels la limite entre les anciens empires coloniaux est devenue une frontière territoriale et sociale intégrée dans les pratiques des populations frontalières. Une attention particulière est ainsi portée sur le processus de construction nationale et sur la politique violente de nationalisation de la région frontalière dominicaine dans la première moitié du 20e siècle aboutissant à la fin des relations transfrontalières, des modalités de circulation dans cet espace ainsi que des modes d’organisation sociale et d’identifications locaux qui avaient jusque là prévalus. Cette période correspond à une phase intense de construction de l’identité nationale dominicaine résultant à la fois de l’imposition par les élites d’une idéologie centrée sur l’opposition avec le pays voisin, et d’une intériorisation de cette idéologie par la population frontalière. Dans cette perspective, une attention particulière est portée sur le massacre de la population haïtienne perpétré dans la région en 1937. À travers l’analyse des versions officielles et des récits mémoriaux de ce massacre, ce travail interroge la mémoire collective frontalière entendue comme le processus social de (re)construction du passé (Halbwachs) « [fondant] et [renforçant] les sentiments d’appartenances et les frontières socio-culturelles en définissant ce qui est commun à un groupe et ce qui le différencie des autres » (Pollak). Cette thèse pose donc la question des processus qui rendent possible l’émergence des sociétés nationales dans la lignée des travaux de B. Anderson sur le nationalisme et les communautés imaginées. Elle interroge également les modes d’expression du nationalisme dominicain à l’heure actuelle qui dévoilent partiellement l’intimité culturelle dominicaine.La thèse porte ensuite sur la gestion quotidienne de la frontière. À travers l’analyse de la législation sur le contrôle frontalier, la migration, le commerce mais aussi la santé, par exemple, et surtout à travers la description de l’application de ces réglementations, ce travail interroge la manière dont la population frontalière fait l’expérience de l’État et comment cette expérience constitue « une clef de production d’imaginaires sur la nationalité et sur la relation État-société » (Grimson). Ce faisant, il révèle l’existence de plusieurs conceptions de l’espace frontalier qui entrent parfois en conflit et qui participent donc à la reconstruction constante de la frontière. La thèse porte enfin – et c’est le point central de cette recherche – sur les relations quotidiennes entre Dominicains et Haïtiens dans l’espace frontalier. Les observations des interactions, les conversations et les entretiens font apparaître une multiplicité de frontières symboliques et sociales (dans le sens des travaux de F. Barth) entre les deux groupes et définies par des éléments, produits et reproduits au quotidien, tels que la langue, l’habillement, le métier ou encore la confession religieuse par exemple. Loin d’être anodins, ces éléments servent à identifier un individu comme appartenant à un groupe et ces identifications jouent un rôle fondamental dans les modalités des relations quotidiennes. Celles-ci se révèlent fortement asymétriques et, pour la plupart, elles n’existent que dans la mesure où elles sont intéressantes pour l’une des deux parties (principalement les Dominicains). Les relations se déroulent dès lors principalement dans le cadre du travail agricole et du commerce et sont généralement marquées par de la discrimination. Toutefois, l’ethnographie révèle également l’existence de relations plus privilégiées entre Dominicains et Haïtiens. Celles-ci semblent être le résultat de la capacité de certains individus (principalement des Haïtiens) à se mouvoir dans un espace normatif différent (compétence métisse, Cunin) et à construire des réseaux de relations transfrontaliers (compétence transfrontalière, Losonczy). Connaître et savoir s’adapter aux normes en vigueur dans un autre espace, connaître les codes de sociabilité, connaître les chemins à emprunter pour traverser la frontière, pouvoir s’exprimer avec une relative aisance dans la langue de l’autre, sont autant d’éléments permettant de construire des réseaux et de les mobiliser en fonction des besoins. Les relations ainsi établies peuvent conférer un accès privilégié à certains espaces de la zone frontalière comme les lieux d’hospitalité temporaire ou prolongée, et les personnes de confiance (Losonczy). Par ailleurs, l’ethnographie montre que les modalités d’interactions et de cohabitation varient aussi en fonction des lieux de contacts et de la temporalité des migrations – celles-ci s’effectuant essentiellement depuis Haïti vers la République dominicaine. Trois zones de migrations apparaissent ainsi dans l’espace frontalier dominicain :les villes frontalières, les communautés rurales et les villages proches des grandes plantations agricoles. À chacun de ces espaces correspond une forme de migration plus particulière qui est soit journalière, soit temporaire ou encore prolongée. Si dans les trois espaces les relations sont majoritairement asymétriques, certains lieux semblent cependant plus propices à l’établissement des relations plus privilégiées (entraide, mariage, accueil d’un enfant,…) ou, au contraire, à une intensification du rejet et de l’exclusion (ségrégation spatiale, conflits, saccages d’habitations, expulsions,…). L’ethnographie révèle donc l’existence d’au moins deux formes d’organisation sociale dans la région frontalière dominico-haïtienne. L’une est celle de la « configuration sociale métisse » (Losonczy) que dessinent les formes de sociabilité basées sur les réseaux transfrontaliers. Celle-ci est toutefois mise à mal notamment par les représentations qui circulent sur les Haïtiens ainsi que par un ensemble de règles et pratiques qui soulignent les différences, réaffirment les frontières ethniques et assignent des appartenances identitaires. L’autre est celle de la « configuration du côte à côte » (Bourgeois) qui organise les modes de sociabilité de groupes mis en situation de co-présence limitant leurs relations à quelques échanges strictement définis. Dans ce type de configuration, les frontières des groupes apparaissent comme plus rigides, moins souples que dans le modèle de la configuration sociale métisse. Enfin, cette thèse montre que les relations et les différentes facettes de l’organisation sociale dans la région frontalière jouent un rôle dans la construction des appartenances identitaires locales. Plusieurs registres identitaires collectifs et individuels apparaissent ainsi dans les récits migratoires des Haïtiens et dans les conversations avec les frontaliers dominicains. Ces registres ne sont pas mutuellement exclusifs :ils révèlent une appartenance identitaire à géométrie variable en fonction des personnes avec lesquelles on se trouve et des modalités d’interactions. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A/Wakening, Healing and Caring in the Pandemic borderland(s): theorizing an Emancipating, Pleasurable and Restful Black Femme Form in Gender Studies

Noah, Agnese January 2021 (has links)
In this study on form within the field of Gender and Fem(me)inist Studies I build on, and work with, works created by black women and femmes, as well as femmes and women of color to explore their ways of theorizing through form, as well as finding my own, with roots from all the beautiful experiments lived and written about by these folks. As I sketch out these theories and texts and bring them to the Swedish context in which I write I am breaking new ground for research on blackness, femme-inist theory and form as well as methodologies here. Using an approach of mixed methodologies – formulated in the concepts of femmebodimotive writing and other pleasurable methodologies – I use my body and its emotions oozing from it as a tool for theorizing in the intersections of gender, sexuality, blackness, care and its connections to water, kinship, language, pleasure and rest. I tend to various intersections of these to find new ways of swAfrican (Swedish and African Tanzanian) Black, femme, borderland(s) being in the world. The first chapter sketches out these borderlands as they connect in my body and its surroundings. It is highly inspired by Alexis Pauline Gumbs’ Spill in its form and will invite you to think care with me as I wrap my hair in queer kangas (colorfully sketched out in a KangaProject) over which we wander to the Kiswahili coast and take a plunge in black waters. This is where the second chapter starts, in the biomythographical waters, waves and currents carried inside us, and by us, as well as the waters and currents connecting the worlds corners. All water carries the currents of histories of genders, sexualities, kinship and languages and this, as well as the un/realness of the black bodies in focus, is intimately explored with the help of Omise’ekeNatasha Tinsley, Christina Sharpe, Sara Ahmed, a few other theorists, dictionaries and me. And as the waters runs up and down, from side to side, the waves and wakes travel further in time. These waves travel all the way into sleep, and into the third chapter. Upon entering this final chapter, you find a small visual constellation of these sleep waves. Here, rest and pleasure are in focus and I think with and through Navild Acosta and Fannie Sosa’s installation of Black Power Naps as a way to think blackness and femme-inity and their movements as theory, joy and as connected to pleasurable methodologies. My explorations lead me to the importance of form and texture for knowledge production as it may show other dimensions of theoretical thoughts and problems. In highlighting this I also show how the master (thesis) form may be approached differently by Black femmes of color and thus illuminating what issues these bodies have in white academic spaces.

Representations of curanderismo in Chicana/o texts

Maszewska, Anna Julia 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Spolupráce českých a rakouských příhraničních regionů po roce 1989 / Collaboration of czech and austrian border regions after 1989

Papežová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Kateřina Papežová, Collaboration of czech and austrian border regions after 1989 This diploma thesis deals with the topic of cooperation between border regions of the Czech Republic and Austria since the opening of the common border in 1989 until the Czech Republic's entering the European Union in 2004. The aim of the thesis is to observe the influence of the opening of the border on the regions and the development of the cooperation in the following years. The introduction presents the development of the interstate relations between the Czech Republic and Austria in 1989-2004. The following chapters focus on three areas of cooperation of border regions that have been selected in order to monitor the intensifying of the regional cross-border cooperation. The first chapter concentrates on the initial contacts between the inhabitants of the regions on the occasion of cross-border encounters and cultural events. It also deals with the positive and negative effects of opening the border for the border regions. In the second chapter, attention is given to the efforts of Czechs and Austrians living in the neighborhood of the border to understand each other, as well as to the prejudices and stereotypes that contributed to misunderstandings between the neighboring nations. The last chapter discusses the...

Obnova areálu Tasovického mlýna / Renewal of the Mill Grounds In Tasovice

Stýblo, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The proposal focuses on phasing scenario and identify how to treat the monument intact, but she fully exploit the current way. These phases are hierarchically established, without continuing into the next stage. Because the mill building to respond flexibly to the specific needs of communities. The concept is based on the gradual additive laminate and function. Layering and arise solely the premises, but also the interconnections, which between them generate more interaction. Each material has its own particular character and its own hierarchy towards other functional masses.

The Plight and the Bounty: Squatters, War Profiteers, and the Transforming Hand of Sovereignty in Indian Country, 1750-1774

Pawlikowski, Melissah J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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