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Zastřešení víceúčelového sportovního objektu / The Roof Structure of a Multipurpose Sport BuildingMalchárek, Robert January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the Diploma thesis is a design wooden structures of a multipurpose sport building in Šumperk. The floor plan measurements of the building are 45,0 x 48,0 m with the maximum height 15,0 m. The solution is choosen on the basis of two variants. The structures is designed with respect to ultimate and serviceability limit states. The multipurpose sport building is consist of 13 main truss centre to centre spacing 4,0m. The main structural system is design as the three-hinged arched structure made of solid timber and in the second variant as the arched structure made of glue laminated timber. The spatial rigidity of the structure is secured of diagonal bracing. The roofing is carried by rafter which are safed by purlin and then by upper chord. The steel columns are design as a part of gable wall. The project was carried out in the scia Engineer 2014 software. Some of the particular elements both variants were checked and designed by manualy calculating. The thesis includes structural design report, joints structures, drawings and production drawing the element of the three-hinged arched structure.
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<p>Traditional manual code compliance checking process is a time-consuming, costly, and error-prone process that has many shortcomings (Zhang & El-Gohary, 2015). Therefore, automated code compliance checking systems have emerged as an alternative to traditional code compliance checking. However, computer software cannot directly process regulatory information in unstructured building code texts. To support automated code compliance checking, building codes need to be transformed to a computer-processable, structured format. In particular, the problem that most automated code compliance checking systems can only check a limited number of building code requirements stands out.</p>
<p>The transformation of building code requirements into a computer-processable, structured format is a natural language processing (NLP) task that requires highly accurate part-of-speech (POS) tagging results on building codes beyond the state of the art. To address this need, this dissertation research was conducted to provide a method to improve the performance of POS taggers by error-driven transformational rules that revise machine-tagged POS results. The proposed error-driven transformational rules fix errors in POS tagging results in two steps. First, error-driven transformational rules locate errors in POS tagging by their context. Second, error-driven transformational rules replace the erroneous POS tag with the correct POS tag that is stored in the rule. A dataset of POS tagged building codes, namely the Part-of-Speech Tagged Building Codes (PTBC) dataset (Xue & Zhang, 2019), was published in the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR). Testing on the dataset illustrated that the method corrected 71.00% of errors in POS tagging results for building codes. As a result, the POS tagging accuracy on building codes was increased from 89.13% to 96.85%.</p>
<p>This dissertation research was conducted to provide a new POS tagger that is tailored to building codes. The proposed POS tagger utilized neural network models and error-driven transformational rules. The neural network model contained a pre-trained model and one or more trainable neural layers. The neural network model was trained and fine-tuned on the PTBC (Xue & Zhang, 2019) dataset, which was published in the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR). In this dissertation research, a high-performance POS tagger for building codes using one bidirectional Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) trainable layer, a BERT-Cased-Base pre-trained model, and 50 epochs of training was discovered. This model achieved 91.89% precision without error-driven transformational rules and 95.11% precision with error-driven transformational rules, outperforming the otherwise most advanced POS tagger’s 89.82% precision on building codes in the state of the art.</p>
<p>Other automated information extraction methods were also developed in this dissertation. Some automated code compliance checking systems represented building codes in logic clauses and used pattern matching-based rules to convert building codes from natural language text to logic clauses (Zhang & El-Gohary 2017). A ruleset expansion method that can expand the range of checkable building codes of such automated code compliance checking systems by expanding their pattern matching-based ruleset was developed in this dissertation research. The ruleset expansion method can guarantee: (1) the ruleset’s backward compatibility with the building codes that the ruleset was already able to process, and (2) forward compatibility with building codes that the ruleset may need to process in the future. The ruleset expansion method was validated on Chapters 5 and 10 of the International Building Code 2015 (IBC 2015). The Chapter 10 of IBC 2015 was used as the training dataset and the Chapter 5 of the IBC 2015 was used as the testing dataset. A gold standard of logic clauses was published in the Logic Clause Representation of Building Codes (LCRBC) dataset (Xue & Zhang, 2021). Expanded pattern matching-based rules were published in the dissertation (Appendix A). The expanded ruleset increased the precision, recall, and f1-score of the logic clause generation at the predicate-level by 10.44%, 25.72%, and 18.02%, to 95.17%, 96.60%, and 95.88%, comparing to the baseline ruleset, respectively. </p>
<p>Most of the existing automated code compliance checking research focused on checking regulatory information that was stored in textual format in building code in text. However, a comprehensive automated code compliance checking process should be able to check regulatory information stored in other parts, such as, tables. Therefore, this dissertation research was conducted to provide a semi-automated information extraction and transformation method for tabular information processing in building codes. The proposed method can semi-automatically detect the layouts of tables and store the extracted information of a table in a database. Automated code compliance checking systems can then query the database for regulatory information in the corresponding table. The algorithm’s initial implementation accurately processed 91.67 % of the tables in the testing dataset composed of tables in Chapter 10 of IBC 2015. After iterative upgrades, the updated method correctly processed all tables in the testing dataset. </p>
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Utformning av flerbostadshus med avseende på trygghet och trivsel / Design of multi-family houses with regard to safety and comfortPetersson, Lovisa, Tarabeih, Qamar January 2018 (has links)
Bostadsbristen som rådde i Sverige efter andra världskriget löstes genom ett bostadsprojekt som kom att kallas miljonprogrammet. Bostäderna som byggdes höll vid den tiden en hög standard invändigt medan utemiljön ofta bortprioriterades. Idag råder det än en gång ett stort behov av bostäder i Sverige, dock bör inte problemet lösas med samma metod som under miljonprogrammet. Syftet med arbetet är att ta fram ett förslag på hur ett område i ett mindre samhälle kan gestaltas. Målet är att besvara arbetets två frågeställningar som ska utreda hur en nybebyggelse på en tomt intill ett miljonprogramsområde skulle kunna utformas med hänsyn till platsens förutsättningar, omkringliggande bebyggelse samt upplevd trygghet och trivsel. Den metod som användes för studien är kvalitativa intervjuer, litteraturstudier och skissarbete. Ett förslag av flerbostadshus och en situationsplan för en tomt på en mindre ort har utformats med avseende på trivsel, trygghet och anpassning till kringliggande bebyggelse. Undersökningarna resulterade i åsikter kring vad som skulle prioriteras vid utformning av bostäder på tomten, men även vilka kvalitéer som önskades för övrigt i området. Dessa analyserades och kopplades till den teoretiska bakgrunden. Det analyserade resultatet applicerades sedan i studiens förslag. Studien resulterade i ett förslag som mottogs väl av beställaren, som förhoppningsvis kommer inspireras till vidare arbete med tomten. Nyckelord: utformningsförslag, moderna planlösningar, situationsplan, flerbostadshus, nybyggnation, miljonprogrammet, trygghet, trivsel, visualisering, byggnadsutformning, bostadsanpassning, trygg miljö, bostäder, bygglovshandlingar, utemiljö. / The housing shortage from which occurred in Sweden after the second world war was solved through a housing project that later became known as The Million Homes Programme (miljonprogrammet). The houses were built with high standards according to the contemporary indoor standards, while the outside environment was often somewhat dull and non-prioritized. At this moment, Sweden is facing a similar type of housing shortage, a problem that should not be solved with the same methods used during The Million Homes Programme. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a suggestion of a building design and a site layout plan in a small town, in collaboration with a Swedish municipality in Kronoberg county. The goal is to explore the different possibilities of how an estate owned by the municipality of Uppvidinge could be designed with multi-family houses which pays respect to safety and comfort and also is adapted to the surrounding built environment. The surrounding built environment consists of multi-family houses from The Million Homes Programme and one-family villas. The methods used for this thesis are pointed interviews, studies of prior published research and computer aided drawing. A suggestion of a building design accompanied with a site layout plan is presented in the report. The building design and the site layout plan pays respect to safety besides comfort and is also adapted to the surrounding built environment. The completed studies resulted in opinions about what should be a priority when designing multi-family houses on the site, but also what kind of qualities that were desired in the surrounding area. These results were analyzed and thence linked to the theoretical background. The analyzed result was thereafter applied in a suggestion. The study resulted in a suggestion that was well received by the client, which hopefully will be inspired for further work on site. Key words: design plans, modern planning arrangement, site plan, apartment building, new housing estate, the million homes programme, safety, comfort, visualization, building design, housing adaptation, safe environment, residences, building permit documents, outdoor environment.
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Análise dos efeitos das variações das características do ambiente construído na percepção dos usuários / Analysis of the effects of the variations in features in the user´s perception of built environmentPenteado, Ana Paula Bonini 30 July 2015 (has links)
A percepção consciente e inconsciente do indivíduo tem um peso determinante no conforto do usuário em relação ao ambiente construído. Quando se diz respeito à percepção humana, estudos mostram que 75% daquilo que o indivíduo percebe, referem-se ao sistema visual, 20% relaciona-se a percepção sonora e somente 5% provém dos outros sentidos, como tato e olfato. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar como as variações das características do ambiente construído, associadas à visão e a audição, influenciam a percepção do indivíduo, traduzidas em sentimentos negativos ou positivos. Dessa maneira, será possível avaliar como as características percebidas do ambiente construído podem influenciar os usuários em relação ao ambiente. Ao perceber um ambiente, cada indivíduo o faz de maneira distinta. A pesquisa visa à identificação de como a percepção do usuário influencia a maneira de observar e sentir o ambiente e de que forma esses aspectos impactam nas características do projeto. Através da identificação de algumas características de projeto e de alguns sons relacionados com os ambientes construídos, foi elaborado um experimento composto por um questionário, contendo nove imagens e quatro sons que abrangem essas características. O questionário foi aplicado em estudantes dos cursos de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2014. Com a aplicação do experimento, associando as imagens e os sons, com afetos positivos e negativos da escala PANAS (Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo), concluiu-se que, a percepção do indivíduo em determinadas características do ambiente, proporcionam um aumento de sentimentos ligados aos afetos positivos e em outros casos, aos afetos negativos. Sendo que a variação observada foi em relação a intensidade de sentimentos de afeto negativo. Foi analisado ainda a percepção em relação aos sentimentos e as características de projeto, em relação à orientação profissional e em relação ao gênero. Através dessa pesquisa, pôde-se perceber que o uso de maior incidência de iluminação natural, a utilização de pé-direito alto, a utilização de cor “fria” são características, que para a maioria dos entrevistados, trouxeram maior conforto e sentimentos relacionados aos afetos positivos, quando comparadas às outras características. / The conscious and unconscious perception of the individual has a significant influence on the user's satisfaction with the built environment. When it comes to human perception, studies show that 75% of what the individual perceives refer to the visual system, 20% is related to sound perception and only 5% come from other senses such as touch and smell. In this sense, the objective of this work is to show how variations in built environment characteristics, associated with sight and hearing, influence the individual's perception, translated into positive or negative feelings. In this way, it will be possible to assess how the perceived characteristics of the built environment can influence users towards the environment. When perceiving an environment, each individual makes it in a distinct way. The research aims to identify how the user perception influences the way to observe and feel the environment and how these aspects impact the design features. By identifying some design features and some sounds related to the built environment, a composed experiment with a questionnaire was elaborated, contending nine images and four sounds that enclose these characteristics. The questionnaire was applied in students of the courses of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal Technological University of the Paraná, in the months of November and December of 2014. With the application of the experiment, by associating the images and the sounds, with positive and negative affection of the PANAS Scale (Scale of Positive and Negative Affection), it was concluded that the individual's perception in certain environmental characteristics, provide increased feelings connected to the positive affects and in other cases, the negative affects. It was also analyzed the perception of the feelings and design features in relation to vocational guidance and in relation to gender. Through thisresearch, , it could be perceived which features have more impact on positive and negative feelings and which guarantee and provide comfort to the users of built environments.
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Modélisation de la réponse de l'architecture au climat local / Modelling the architecture response to the local climateRodriguez, Gonzalo 10 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel de crise énergétique mondial, la consommation d'énergie et l'empreinte carbone, prennent une influence inévitable dés la conception architectonique,premier maillon du processus de construction. Les nouvelles contraintes associées aux accords internationaux tels que, le Sommet de Rio (1992), le protocole de Kyoto (1997) et,spécifiquement en France, le Grenelle Environnement (2007), diversifient le nombre des intervenants dans la conception architecturale, réservée traditionnellement aux architectes.La course pour diviser par deux la consommation énergétique des bâtiments (RT 2012),ainsi que lʼobjectif de diviser par quatre les émissions de gaz à effet serre à l'horizon 2050,mettent en péril la liberté du processus créatif architecturale. Des exigences si fortes dérivent vers des solutions techniques banalisantes et amènent à la standardisation et à la délocalisation des éléments architecturaux. L'objectif de cette recherche est de placer la démarche architectonique de nouveau au centre de la conception durable. Ceci devient possible en validant la performance de la forme de la maison en tant que réponse efficace face à des contraintes environnementales. Pour cela nous nous intéressons à la maison vernaculaire, toujours caractérisée par des formes simples et adaptées à leur contextes socioculturel et géo-climatique. Cet habitat, qui est le résultat d'une optimisation sur du long terme, est forcément durable. L'habitat vernaculaire est analysé ici à la recherche des motivations qui l'ont façonné. Pour cela sont considérés des circonstances géographiques et climatiques qui peuvent déterminer la forme de ces maisons. Nous estimons qu'il est possible d'obtenir de l'information sur l'environnement géoclimatique à partir de l'analyse de déterminants architectoniques visibles, et d'identifier des relations d'influence qui les lient. Ces relations d'influence sont modélisées suivant une approche qui s'appuie sur une représentation qualitative de la connaissance. L'établissement d'un modèle construit à partir de fonctions qualitatives, permet d'effectuer un raisonnement automatique, à partir de la connaissance recueillie sur l'environnement géo-climatique, pour établir les déterminants architectoniques visibles correspondants. Finalement l'outil proposé a une double vocation : permettre d'évaluer la performance de la forme des nouvelles constructions et structurer une démarche de conception d'habitations adaptées à un contexte local. / In the context of the current energy crisis, energy consumption and the carbon trace have become a mayor influence in the architectonic conception, the first link in the construction process. Recent constrains associated with international agreements such as the Rio Summit (1992), the Kyoto Protocole and, specifically in France, Grenelle delʼEnvironnement Round Table (2007), have diversified the number of stakeholders in the architectural conception, traditionally reserved to architects. The race to reduce by hal fenergy consumption in buildings (RT 2012) as well as the goal to cut by four greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (Grenelle de lʼEnvironnement), puts the architectural creative process in jeopardy. Such demanding requirements favor trivial technical solutions and encourage standardization and off shoring of architectural elements.This researchʼs purpose is to place the architectural approach at the center of the sustainable conception. This allows the validation of the performance of a houseʼs shape as an effective response to environmental constrains. For this, we have placed our interest in the vernacular house, usually characterized by simple forms and adapted to their sociocultural and geo-climatic context. This habitat, which has resulted from a long term optimization, is inevitably sustainable. The vernacular habitat is analyzed herein in the search of the motivations that have shaped it. In consequence, geographical and climate circumstances that could have determined the shape of houses have been considered. We claim that from the analysis of visible architectural features it is possible to obtain information on the geo-climatic environment as well as the influence relationships that connect them.These influence relationships are modeled following a qualitative approach supported by a qualitative representation of knowledge. The representation, based upon qualitative functions, enables automatic reasoning, starting from gathered awareness of geo-climatic environment, for establishing corresponding architectural features. Finally, the modeled result both allows the evaluation of the form of new houses and assist the conception of houses adapted to their local context.
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Stavebně technologický projekt bytových domů Nad Městem, Nové Město na Moravě / Construction Technological Project of Building Blocks of Flat Nad MěstemVopršalová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with construction and technological preparation of apartment buildings in „Nad Městěm“ locality in Nové Město na Moravě. The buildings have four above-ground floors and one underground floor with garages. This work contains a technical report of a construction project, a coordination situation with broader transport routes, a time and financial plan, a study of the implementation of the main technological stages, a project of the building site, the design of the main building machines and mechanisms, the cross building budget, the technological regulations, the control and test plans and specialized assignment of the noise study.
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Utformning av Sjögläntan : Vägen till ett attraktivt boende på landsbygden / Design of Sjögläntan : Planning of attractive housing in rural areasSvensson Ek, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
The population in Sweden has increased for a long time, despite this, many small municipalities have a negative population development, which also applies to Gullspång. In order to get people to stay in the municipality, it is important to create attractive housing. The municipality of Gullspång sees an increased demand for housing in attractive locations, which has led to a new detailed development plan for the area close to the lake.The purpose of the study is to find out what attractiveness is and what attractive housing looks like, and based on this make a suggestion on how the Sjögläntan area can be designed with reference to the visions of the municipality. It is important considering the immeasurable values of housing to create attractive housing that people want to live in. Greenery is important for people's health and wellbeing. The design work shows a suggestion how an attractive residential area can look like with four different building types. They have been drawn based on various housing surveys and immeasurable values such as generality, flexibility, axiality, sunlight and movement. In the common environment, places have been created that support socializing and activities. The conclusion shows that it is important to plan both the environment and housing in order to create an attractive housing. / Befolkningen i Sverige har under långt tid ökat, trots den ökande befolkningen har många kommuner en negativ befolkningsutveckling. Det är främst de små kommunerna som minskar, vilket även gäller för Gullspångs kommun, medan de stora kommunerna blir ännu större. Det är viktigt att få människor att stanna kvar eller att bosätta sig i en liten kommun med minskande invånarantal för att kommunen ska kunna säkerställa bland annat arbetstillfällen och service. För att få människor att stanna kvar i kommunen är det viktigt att skapa attraktiva boenden. Gullspångs kommun ser en ökad efterfrågan på bostäder i attraktiva lägen, vilket har lett till att kommunen har tagit fram en ny detaljplan för sjönära tomter i Otterbäcken som fått namnet Sjögläntan. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad attraktivitet är och hur ett attraktivt boende ser ut, samt utifrån studien göra ett förslag över hur området Sjögläntan kan utformas med koppling till kommunens visioner och detaljplan. Målet är att utforma attraktiva boenden i form av bygglovshandlingar för några olika typer av hus som lockar boende till orten. Attraktivitet eftersträvas genom att blanda hustyper och planlösningar för olika behov samt genom att skapa ett förslag för den offentliga miljön i området. Attraktivitet kan delas in i tre olika kategorier; boendeattraktivitet, näringslivsattraktivitet och besöksattraktivitet. De är beroende av varandra för att skapa ett attraktivt samhälle. Boendeattraktivitet handlar om att det finns boende på orten. Näringslivsattraktivitet innebär att det finns tillgång till arbete och besöksattraktivitet betyder att människor vill besöka orten. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till bostäders omätbara värden för att skapa attraktiva bostäder som människor vill bo och leva i. För att uppnå attraktiva bostäder krävs det att boendet uppfyller de tre kvalitéerna hållbarhet, bekvämlighet och skönhet och att dessa samverkar. Grönska är viktigt för människors hälsa och välbefinnande. Det är av betydelse att grönområden och naturen är inom räckhåll för att de ska utnyttjas för att kunna uppnå de goda effekterna för hälsan. Det är angeläget att planera miljön runt bostäderna för att området ska vara hälsofrämjande. Gestaltningsarbetet visar ett förslag på hur ett attraktivt bostadsområde kan se ut. Fyra olika byggnadstyper, flerfamiljshus, 1-planshus, 1,5-planshus och kedjehus har ritats i Revit utifrån olika bostadsundersökningar och omätbara värden så som generalitet, flexibilitet, axialitet, solljus och rörelse. Det har lagts stor vikt vid miljön i området. I den gemensamma miljön har det skapats platser som lockar till socialt umgänge och aktiviteter så som fotboll, lekplats och utegym utifrån olika upplevelsevärden så som rofylldhet, artrikedom, samvaro och kultur. Slutsatsen visar att det är viktigt att planera både miljö och bostäder för att det ska bli ett attraktivt boende.
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Byggnadsutformning för ett framtida varmare klimat : Klimatscenariers påverkan på energianvändning och termisk komfort i ett flerbostadshus och alternativa byggnadsutformningar för att förbättra resultatet / Building design for a future warmer climate : Climate scenarios impact on energy demand and the thermal comfort in an apartment building and alternative constructions to improve the resultsMonfors, Lisa, Morell, Corinne January 2020 (has links)
När byggnader projekteras används klimatfiler från 1981-2010 för att dimensionera konstruktionen och energisystemet. Detta leder till att byggnader dimensioneras för ett klimat som varit och inte ett framtida klimat. SMHI har tagit fram olika klimatscenarier för framtiden som beskriver möjliga utvecklingar klimatet kan ta beroende på fortsatt utsläpp av växthusgaser. Dessa scenarier kallas för RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways). I denna studie används två olika klimatscenarier, RCP4,5 och RCP8,5. Siffran i namnet står för den strålningsdriving som förväntas uppnås år 2100. I RCP4,5 kommer medelårstemperaturen öka med 3 °C fram till år 2100 jämfört med referensperioden 1961-1990. För samma tidsperiod sker en ökning på 5 °C enligt RCP8,5. Ett flerbostadshus certifierad enligt Miljöbyggnad 2.2 nivå silver placerat i Vallentuna i Stockholms län används i denna studie som referensbyggnad. Byggnaden simuleras i programmet IDA ICE där den utsätts för RCP4,5 och RCP8,5. Resultatet visar att byggnaden inte skulle klara av kraven för Miljöbyggnad 2.2 gällande termiskt klimat sommar i något av de två klimatscenarierna. De operativa temperaturerna blir för höga i byggnaden utan att tillsätta komfortkyla. Byggnaden ändras för att se vilka faktorer som kan förbättra resultatet gällande det termiska klimatet. Resultatet visar att värmelagringsförmåga hos byggmaterial och solavskärmning har störst påverkan på det termiska klimatet. I studien gjordes flertal olika kombinationer av byggnadsutformningar. Enbart kombinationen av en tung stomme av betong tillsammans med fönster med lägre g-värde klarar kraven för Miljöbyggnad 2.2 i RCP4,5 och RCP8,5 utan komfortkyla. Kombinationen får lägst energianvändning i RCP8,5 av de olika kombinationerna som testats i studien. En kombination av tung stomme av KL-trä med lågt U-värde, fönster med lägre g-värde och komfortkyla får lägst energianvändning i grundklimatet och RCP4,5 av de olika kombinationerna som testats i studien trots användningen av komfortkyla. Frågan om vilket alternativ som är bäst ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv är svårt att svara på. Det finns många aspekter som behöver tas i hänsyn till som byggnadens totala klimatavtryck både i tillverkning och användning. Oavsett val av konstruktion är det viktigt att projektera för att komfortkyla och solavskärmning skall kunna appliceras när ett varmare klimat råder. / When buildings are designed climate files from 1981 to 2010 are used to construct the building and its energy system. This leads to building being designed to a climate that has been and not to a future warmer climate that will come. SMHI has developed different climate scenarios for the future that describe different paths the climate can take depending on continued emissions of greenhouse gas. This climate scenarios are called RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) In this study two of the climate scenarios, RCP4,5 and RCP8,5 are used. The number in the name stands for the radiation forcing that is expected in the year 2100. In RCP4,5 the mean average air temperature will increase with 3 °C until year 2100 compared to the reference period 1961-1990. In the same time period RCP8,5 will increase with 5 °C. An apartment building certified according to Miljöbyggnad 2.2 level silver placed in Vallentuna, Stockholms län is used as a reference building. The building is simulated through the simulation software program IDA ICE where it´s exposed to RCP4,5 and RCP8,5. The results demonstrate that the reference building would not meet Miljöbyggnad 2.2 requirement in the indicator about thermal comfort during summer. The operative temperature in the building is too high unless comfort cooling is used. The design of the building changes to see what factors can improve the results regarding the thermal comfort. The results demonstrate that thermal conductivity and solar shading has the greatest impact on thermal comfort. In this study several combinations of different building designs were made. Only the combination of a concrete frame with windows with low g-value met the requirement of Miljöbyggnad 2.2 regarding the thermal comfort during summer without using comfort cooling in RCP4,5 and RCP8,5. The combination had the lowest energy demand in RCP8,5 of all the combinations tested in the study. A combination of cross laminated wood frame with low U-value, windows with low g-value and comfort cooling had the lowest energy demand in the original climate file and RCP4,5 despite the use of comfort cooling. The questing about which building construction is the best from a sustainable perspective is difficult to answer. To answer that question the building´s total climate footprint in both production and use must be calculated. Regardless of the choice of building construction it is important to have in mind when designing a building that comfort cooling and solar shading should be easily applied when a warmer climate will prevail.
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