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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samtalets betydelse för utredningsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om Migrationsverkets arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn / The importance of the dialogues for the investigation procedure : A qualitative study about the Swedish Migration Agency’s work in regard to unaccompanied children

Vikman, Johan, Mattsson, Carl-Johan January 2017 (has links)
Migrationsverket har det övergripande ansvaret över samtliga som söker asyl och att ta beslut kring vem som får uppehållstillstånd och inte. Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka utredningsprocessen för ensamkommande flyktingbarn ur Migrationsverkets personals perspektiv samt hur de tillämpar ett barnperspektiv i deras arbete och säkerställer ett rättssäkert arbetssätt. Som metod för detta har författarna valt att genomföra fem kvalitativa intervjuer med handläggare och beslutsfattare på Migrationsverket. Studien grundar sig främst på två teoretiska begrepp, barnperspektiv samt rättssäkerhet, för att kunna fördjupa sig i hur Migrationsverket arbetar. Studiens slutsats visar att den som söker asyl har till uppgift att göra sin identitet sannolik och en viktig del är det utredningssamtal som genomförs och som ligger till grund för utredningen. Studien visar även att Migrationsverkets personal har ett enhetligt arbetssätt kring rättssäkerhet och samtliga beslut som de tar är grundade i lagtexter. Arbetet med barnperspektivet handlar enligt Migrationsverkets personal att ha ett individanpassat arbetssätt genom att ta hänsyn till sökandes ålder, bakgrund och mognad. / The Swedish Migration Agency carry out the decision of who is going to get a residence permit. This study has the purpose to examine how the Migration Agency investigation procedure is, furthermore how they take in account for a child's perspective and legal certainty. Method for this has been qualitative interviews with administration officers and decision makers at the Migration Agency. This study lays its ground mainly on two constructs: Childs perspective and legal certainty for the purpose to immerse in the Migration Agency work. This study concludes that the one who seeks asylum has to make its identity probable and an important part of this is the interview of the unaccompanied child by case workers at the Migration Agency. This study also concludes that the case workers at the Migration Agency have a mutual view of the rule of law and that all actions are grounded in words of the act. To work with a child perspective is according to the Migration Agency to use an individual approach to all unaccompanied children and this is made by considering the applicant age, gender, background and maturity.

Barns delaktighet : en kvalitativ studie kring utvecklingen av mellanmål i förskolan

Ottosson, Maria, Stuhre, Annika January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Flertal barn spenderar mycket tid på förskolan i Sverige, vilket innebär att de äter flera mål mat där om dagen. Barnen har rätt till att uttrycka sina åsikter och de vuxna ska ta det i beaktande. Maten och måltiderna är en central del av deras tillvaro på förskolan och därför viktiga att få påverka och ha inflytande över. Syfte: Hur kan barn göras delaktiga i att utveckla och förbättra mellanmålsalternativen på förskolan? Material och metod: En kvalitativ studie med 5-6 åriga barn har gjorts, där barnen har ritat och diskuterat sitt favoritmellanmål i fokusgrupper. Sedan har ett sensoriskt gillandetest gjorts på nyutvecklade mellanmål där recepten grundar sig på barnens favoritmellanmål. Resultat: När barnen uttrycker vad ett gott mellanmål är så är det främst smaken de utgår ifrån och till viss del utseendet. Favoritmellanmålet är pannkakor och de mest omtyckta smakerna är jordgubbe, vanilj och banan. Det sensoriska gillandetestet visade att barnen kunde bedöma mellanmålen med hjälp av smileys. Slutsats: Ett gott mellanmål för barnen smakar bra och ser tilltalande ut. Barn kan göras delaktiga genom att på olika sätt uttrycka sig via olika visuella metoder och tycka till om mellanmålen genom att använda smileys. Dock kan det finnas utmaningar och svårigheter med att göra barnen delaktiga då det kan vara svårt att tolka och få fram deras idéer och synpunkter samt att barnens önskningar inte alltid överensstämmer med hur näringsinnehållet bör vara, men genom att använda flera visuella metoder kan de uttrycka sina åsikter och göras delaktiga.

Barns tystnad kring barnmisshandel : En kvalitativ studie utifrån fem barns berättelser

Wiedesheim-Paul, Frida, Husejinovic, Irma January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to understand the problem of children´s silence in child abuse. This was conducted by reading five autobiographies that deal with children’s silence and disclosure based on the author’s own experience on child abuse from a parental figure.  We wanted to contribute to an increased understanding of children's silence and disclosure in child abuse from a child's perspective. Child abuse is considered an international problem, and at the same time it's an uncomfortable topic for many people to discuss. Child abuse creates negative experiences and consequences for the vulnerable children that can remain for the rest of their lives.   One of the main results showed that all the children in the autobiographies shared the same common patterns for silence, disclosure and the complexity in breaking the silence. Another result showed that the complexity with their silence and disclosure are based on their loyalty towards their parent, who are also their perpetrator. Along with Goffmans theory of Stigma, Lazarus and Folkmans theory of Coping and previous research, we have been able to use these common patterns to gain a deeper understanding about the complexity behind breaking the silence regarding child abuse.

..." Det är konstigt att man tvistar om barn som man tvistar om inventarier i hemmet" : En studie om socialsekreterarens syn på barns delaktighet i umgängesärenden / ..." It´s wierd that you argue about children like you argue about inventories at home" : A study about social workers view on childrens participation in contact orders

Johansson, Lovisa, Stenborg, Sabina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare beaktar barnperspektivet i umgängesärenden och vad som är avgörande när socialsekreteraren skall bedöma barnets åsikt. Barnperspektivet inriktades på barns delaktighet. Utgångspunkten för studien var fyra teorier, barndomssociologi, Harts delaktighetsstege, makt och ålderskategorisering samt blivande och varande. Studien genomfördes genom att använda en kvalitativ metod där fyra yrkesverksamma socialsekreterare inom familjerätt intervjuades. Resultatet visade att socialsekreterarna som deltog beaktade ett barnperspektiv på så sätt att de arbetar för och reflekterar aktivt kring att barn ska göras delaktiga i umgängesärenden. De ansåg även att det är viktigt att barnen får möjligheten till delaktighet. Det framkom även att det finns många faktorer som socialsekreterarna anser påverkar barns möjlighet till delaktighet i dessa ärenden och att det är ett komplext ämne. De faktorer som framkommer av resultatet var ålder, mognad, lojalitetskonflikter, föräldrarnas samtycke, relationen mellan socialsekreterare och barn samt riskområden. Slutligen framkom flera förslag på förbättring som kan göras för att barn ska bli ännu mer delaktiga än vad de är idag och att mycket av ansvaret ligger på de vuxna att detta händer. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers consider the child´s perspective in contact orders and what is crucial when social workers was to assess children’s opinions. The child´s perspective focused on children's participation. The starting point for the study was based on four theories: childhood sociology, Hart's participation ladder, power and age categorization and being or becoming. The study was carried out using a qualitative method where four professional social workers in family law were interviewed. The results showed that the social workers who participated considered the child's perspective in that they work for and actively reflect on the involvement of children in contact orders. They believe that it is important that the children get the opportunity to participate. Social workers believe that there are many factors affecting children’s ability to participate in contact orders, therefore making the subject complex/a complex matter. The factors that emerged from the result were age, maturity, loyalty conflicts, parental consent, the relationship between social workers and children and risk areas. Finally, several suggestions for improvement were discovered that could be utilized to make children even more involved in contact orders than they are today, and that much of that responsibility should lie with the adults.

Barnets röst och familjerättssekreterarens handlingsutrymme : Familjerättens utredning vid umgängestvist / The voice of the child and the family court secretaries' scope of action : The family courts investigastions regarding visitation rights.

Engström, Christine, Simone, Liedholm January 2019 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att belysa komplexiteten i familjerättens utredningar gällande umgänge i relation till handlingsutrymme, barnperspektiv samt ett barns perspektiv. Tolv familjerättssekreterare i nio olika kommuner har intervjuats enligt en semistrukturerad intervjudesign. Insamlad data har sedan analyserats för att belysa de aspekter som skildrar familjerättssekreterarnas upplevelse kring hur deras utredningar utförs. Resultatet påvisar att informanternas arbete gällande den materiella utredningen har stora likheter med varandra, men att tillvägagångssättet under utredningarna skiljer sig åt mellan dem, både när det kommer till tidsåtgång, antal barnsamtal samt nyttjandet av manualer eller metoder. Studien påvisar även att familjerättssekreterarna upplever sig ha en hög grad av handlingsutrymme som de värnar om, då detta utgör möjligheten till att göra bedömningar utifrån det enskilda barnets bästa i dennes unika situation. / The main purpose of this study is to shed light on the complexity of family court investigations regarding visitation rights in relation to scope of action, child perspective and a child’s perspective. Twelve family court secretaries at nine different municipalities have been interviewed according to a semi-structured interview design. Collected data has then been analyzed to shed light on the aspects that the family court secretaries experience regarding how their investigations are conducted. The result shows that the work of the informants regarding the material investigations has great similarities, but that the procedure during the investigations differs between them, both when it comes to time spent on the investigations, the number of discourse with the child and the use of manuals or methods. The study also shows that the family court secretaries experience that they have a high level of scope of action which they cherish, as this forms the opportunity to make assessments based on the individual child's best interests in its unique situation.

Folkbibliotekets läsfrämjande projekt för barn och unga relaterat till forskning inom läsfrämjande : Med särskilt avseende på barnperspektivet / Public library run reading promotion programs for children and young adults in Sweden related to research findings on reading promotion : From a child-centered perpective

Svensson, Maria January 2020 (has links)
The thesis consists of an empirically based qualitative content analysis of four Swedish reading promotion program reports of concluded and evaluated public library run reading promotion programs aimed at children and young adults. The empirical material was confronted with research findings in reading promotion activities. While there is plenty of research concerning reading motivation, there is less research available to understand how this crucial reading motivational work for children is conducted by public libraries and which research-based reading promotion methods the government-funded projects are based on. Considering also the fact that reading promotion activities for children are sustained and regulated by Swedish law. The scope of this thesis is to seek to elucidate those research-based reading promotion activities that have proved helpful to children and young adults´ reading enjoyment and intrinsic reading motivation and also suggest areas where improvements can be made in the interest of children and young adults. Thus, special attention is given to a child-centered perspective in the analysis of the reading promotion projects. The child-centered perspective being especially relevant today as on January 1st, 2020 the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Act became law in Sweden. Findings confirmed expectations that the reading promotion programs were, indeed, for the greater part, research-based. As for the child-centered perspective there is still more work, and research, to be done in order to integrate the literacies of last year with current literacies. Hopefully, the findings of this thesis will aid the librarian in planning reading promotion activities for children and young adults supported by scientifically based research.

“Socialtjänsten har tagit barnperspektivet i beaktning, det är en urusel mening egentligen.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av barnperspektivet i arbetet inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Ekman, Cecilia, Pastrana, Tania January 2020 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever barnperspektivet i arbetet inom ekonomiskt bistånd innan och efter inkorporeringen av Barnkonventionen. Vi undersökte även vilken position barn har i socialsekreterarnas utredningar. Föreliggande studie avsåg att vara en kvalitativ intervjustudie där empirin grundar sig på sex stycken intervjuer med socialsekreterare som arbetar inom ekonomiskt bistånd i olika kommuner i Sverige. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av barndomssociologi samt Michael Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater. Analysmetoden som användes för att analysera respondenternas utsagor var tematisk innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat visade att flertalet socialsekreterare ansåg att barnperspektivet är tvetydigt och komplext i praktiken på grund av de många lagar och riktlinjer som präglar arbetet med ekonomiskt bistånd. Trots detta ansåg samtliga socialsekreterare att barnperspektivet är viktigt men att deras arbetsplatser har en del utrymme för ytterligare förbättring. Resultatet visade fortsättningsvis även att barn tenderar att bli mindre uppmärksammade än vuxna samt att socialsekreterarna saknade tillräckliga resurser, i form av tid och vidareutbildning, för att kunna arbeta enligt ett barnperspektiv fullt ut. / The main purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers in the social services’ management of financial assistance experience the use of the child perspective before and after the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We also examined how children were being positioned in social workers investigations. The method applied is a qualitative interview study and the empirical data lies in six interviews with social workers that work with financial assistance in different municipalities in Sweden. The empirical data has been analyzed through childhood sociology and Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucrats. The empirical data was evaluated through thematic analysis. The results showed that most of the social workers consider that the meaning of the child perspective appears to be somehow ambiguous and complex due to laws and regulations that characterize the work within financial assistance. Although all informants consider the child perspective to be important, they experience that their workplaces have room for improvement. The results also showed that children seem to be noted less in comparison to adults and that social workers don’t have enough resources, in terms of time and further education, to fully commit to the child perspective.

Det demokratiska referensarbetet : Bibliotekarier om samtidens krav på referensarbete för barn / The democratic reference work : The librarian and today's requirements on reference work for children

Milz, Natalie, Lach Lindgren, Miranda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine, through qualitative interviews, how children's librarians see the child's perspective as well as how this is reflected in the reference work of the children's librarian. To do this we have asked the following questions: How does the librarian see the perspective of children? How do they perceive the balance of power between themselves and the patron in question? And how do they feel that the Convention on the Rights of the Child influences their work? We have chosen this approach since the Convention on the Rights of the Child has become part of Sweden's legislation and also, due to the criticism that previously has been directed to the children's libraries ability to put the treaty into practice. Results show that children's librarians do not in fact use a distinctive children's perspective when carrying out their duties as a librarian and during reference talks but in turn use a widened individual perspective where the child is included. At the same time librarians experience that there are clear distinctions between children and adults that are important to bear in mind and be able to discern during a reference talk in order to meet the patrons' on their terms. The differences in power between children and adults at the libraries are however something that the interviewed took a negative stance towards, meaning that children should be respected as individuals and that it is the librarians duty to make sure that they feel heard and understood through their own behavior and also defending the interests of the child enabling them to feel a sense of empowerment in the confines of the library as well as in society. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was something the librarians were positive towards, but they saw it more as something that decision makers were more influenced by rather than something influencing the treatment of the patron and reference talks.

"Ekonomi och barn, det är ju två väldigt känsliga frågor" : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelse av handlingsutrymmet vid arbete med barnperspektivet inom ekonomiskt bistånd / "Economy and children, those are two very sensitive questions"

Zuna, Marija, Svensson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
That the child perspective is something that is to be considered when making decision that affect the child is stipulated in the Social Services Act (2001:453). Since the United NationsConvention on the Rights of the Child (SFS 2018:1197) became law, the rights of the child have gained even more strength. However, research shows that children’s rights to participation when making such decisions are not always fulfilled, because the child is not viewed as an active actor. With this as a starting point the study’s purpose was formedwhich is to explore possibilities and limitations in social workers’ undertaking of considering the child perspective in their work with financial aid with a focus on the social workers’ perception of their room of action. Nine social workers within financial aid from five different municipalities were interviewed with a semi structured interview method. A thematic analysis was conducted on the collected material and three main themes were identified: “To consider the child perspective”, “Grant increased financial aid” and “The adult’s role in the child perspective”. The results showed both possibilities and limitations between the social workers’ undertaking of considering the child perspective, and that the social workers’ perception of their room of action affects the undertaking of the child perspective. / Att barnperspektivet ska beaktas vid beslut som berör barn fastställs i Socialtjänstlagen (SFS 2001:453). Sedan Lag om Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter (SFS 2018:1197) blev lag 2020 har barnets rättigheter stärkts ytterligare. Dock visar forskning att barns rätt till delaktighet inte säkerställs, då barn inte ses som aktiva aktörer. Med detta som utgångspunkt skapades studiens syfte som är att undersökasocialsekreterarnas upplevelse av möjligheter och utmaningar i arbetet med barnperspektivet inom ekonomiskt bistånd utifrån deras upplevelse av handlingsutrymmet. Nio socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd från fem olika kommuner intervjuades med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjumetod. En tematisk analys genomfördes av det insamlade materialet och tre huvudteman urskildes: ”Att handlägga barnperspektiv”, ”Bevilja utökat bistånd till barn” samt ”Den vuxnes roll i barnperspektivet”. Resultatet visade att det finns både utmaningar och möjligheter i socialsekreterarnas arbete med barnperspektivet och att socialsekreterarnas upplevelse av sitt handlingsutrymme påverkar arbetet med barnperspektivet.

Barnperspektivet inom ekonomiskt bistånd : En intervjustudie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

Bappy, Md Rasheduzzaman January 2022 (has links)
The following study aims to study how social workers in the processing of social assistance relate to child perspective after the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It has been also examined how organizational guidelines and rules affect the processing of social assistance. This study has a qualitative research approach, and the empirical data has been collected through five interviews with social workers, who are working with social assistance in two different municipalities in Sweden. The empirical material has been analyzed through Michael Lipsky´s theory of street-level bureaucrats and discretion. All the social workers in this study consider that taking into consideration to child’s perspective is very important in the processing of social assistance but it is somehow ambiguous and complex. As a result, sometimes the social workers do not have the opportunity to consider child perspectives, even though there is now a law stipulated after the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child into Swedish law. Some of these factors that make the work difficult for social workers in the processing of social assistance are lack of time, rules and laws, indistinct organizational guidelines, etcetera. The results of this study also show that the social workers do not want to talk to or meet the children during the processing of social assistance and the working process can differ between the municipalities, where one municipality has much more difficulty in considering child perspectives due to too much workload and lack of time.

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