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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les mères avec un trouble de personnalité limite en protection de la jeunesse : un paradoxe entre les difficultés et les services

Beaudry, Mélanie 12 1900 (has links)
Une proportion significative de mères d’enfants pris en charge par la protection de la jeunesse souffrirait d’un trouble de personnalité limite (TPL). En effet, les difficultés parentales associées à ce trouble prédisposent davantage à des situations d’abus ou de négligence envers leurs enfants. Cependant, il existe peu d’information sur les difficultés et les besoins de ces mères dans ce contexte particulier. Cette étude qualitative a été réalisée auprès de 30 mères avec un TPL et dont au moins un enfant était suivi par le Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire. La présente étude a permis de mieux décrire les difficultés des mères en lien avec leur TPL, leurs enfants et leur situation conjugale. Leurs expériences des services en protection de la jeunesse ont révélé des suivis instables et peu adaptés à leurs difficultés. Les mères ont abordé l’importance des qualités relationnelles des intervenants à l’établissement d’une collaboration de la part des intervenants et l’importance de mettre en place des services spécifiquement dédiés aux parents. Il semblerait pertinent d’adapter les services de protection de la jeunesse afin d’inclure des interventions qui ciblent les difficultés spécifiques des parents qui ont un TPL, notamment en ce qui a trait à leurs habiletés parentales. / A significant proportion of mothers who have children in the care of the Youth Protection Services have borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, there is very little information on the needs and difficulties of these mothers in this special context. This qualitative study was conducted among 30 mothers who have BPD and who have at least one child followed by Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire, a Youth Protection Service. The study provided a description of the difficulties those mothers have associated with their personality disorder, their children and their couple relationship. Their experiences of services offered by Youth Protection suggested that the follow up received were unstable and not suitable for their difficulties and their needs. Mothers have addressed the importance of interpersonal skills of caseworkers to develop better collaboration and the importance of putting in place specifically dedicated services to parents. It would appear pertinent to adapt Youth Protection Services in order to include interventions that target the specific difficulties of parents with BPD, notably regarding parenting skills.

Vliv bodovacího systému na léčbu závislých klientek s psychiatrickou komorbiditou / Effect of a scoring system for the treatment of addicted women with psychiatric comorbidity

Malá, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The issue of psychiatric co-morbidity is a serious public health problem occurring more and more frequently in the treatment of addiction and bringing with it various complications and often premature termination of treatment. The scoring system with a fixed set regime is still being used as the main instrument for treatment of addicted clients on the most specialized departments of psychiatric hospitals, although the effectiveness of the scoring system has not yet been clinically verified. The aim of this pilot study is to demonstrate and verify of the individual cases of clients with different categories of dual diagnosis, how they perceive the balance of the sanctions and rewards and fair setting in the context of the scoring system. Other goals are to find out and verify what is the influence of the scoring system on the motivation to change the behavior and success of treatment, what weaknesses clients with dual diagnosis perceive in this system and how they represent the treatment system, which would make them more fit and motivated to change behavior. Further, this study seeks to establish whether difficulties and obstacles on the way to stand up and go through the scoring system are different for individual dual diagnoses. A qualitative approach is used in the research part of the thesis....

Mental health problems in the adult offspring of antenatally depressed mothers in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort:relationship with parental severe mental disorder

Taka-Eilola, T. (Tiina) 17 May 2019 (has links)
Abstract Maternal depressed mood during pregnancy is common, but studies on the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers, with a long follow-up, are scarce. The aim was to study whether the adult offspring of antenatally depressed mothers are at an elevated risk of psychoses, depression, bipolar disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorder, and schizotypal and affective traits. Parental severe mental disorder was considered as both a genetic and environmental risk factor for mental disorders. The data are based on the unselected, prospective, population-based Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort of 12,058 live-born children. The data were collected beginning from pregnancy and ending mid-adulthood. The mothers were asked about their mood during pregnancy at the antenatal clinic at 24–28 gestational weeks. Of the mothers, 13.9% rated themselves as depressed (11.8%) or very depressed (2.1%) during pregnancy. Parents’ severe, hospital-treated mental disorders, and the cohort members’ mental disorders were identified mainly by using the Finnish Care Register for Health Care. In this study, the adult offspring of antenatally depressed mothers had an increased risk of depression, and the male offspring for antisocial personality disorder, compared to cohort members without antenatally depressed mothers. The offspring with both maternal antenatal depressed mood and parental severe mental disorder had a markedly elevated risk of schizophrenia and depression, compared to cohort members without one or both of the risk factors. This is the first study where the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers were followed till mid-adulthood, also taking into account parental severe mental disorders. Based on the findings, the prevention of and early intervention in antenatal depression, especially in families with severe mental illness, might present an opportunity to reduce the risk of mental disorders in the offspring. / Tiivistelmä Äitien raskausajan masennus on yleistä, mutta pitkiä seurantatutkimuksia raskausaikana masentuneiden äitien lapsista on vähän. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko raskausaikana masentuneiden äitien aikuisilla jälkeläisillä kohonnut riski sairastua skitsofreniaan, masennukseen, kaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöön, epäsosiaaliseen tai epävakaaseen persoonallisuushäiriöön, ja ilmeneekö heillä enemmän skitsotyyppisiä tai affektiivisia piirteitä. Vanhempien vakavien mielenterveydenhäiriöiden katsottiin olevan sekä mahdollisia geneettisiä että ympäristöön liittyviä riskitekijöitä jälkeläisten mielenterveyshäiriöille. Tutkimus perustuu yleisväestöön pohjautuvaan, prospektiiviseen Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohorttiin, johon kuuluu 12 058 elävänä syntynyttä lasta. Kohortin jäseniä on seurattu sikiöajalta keski-ikään, aina 49 ikävuoteen saakka. Äitien raskaudenaikaista mielialaa tiedusteltiin raskausviikoilla 24–28 neuvolassa. 13,9 % äideistä raportoi mielialansa masentuneeksi (11,8 %) tai hyvin masentuneeksi (2.1%) raskausaikana. Vanhempien vakavat mielenterveydenhäiriöt ja kohortin jäsenten mielenterveyshäiriöt selvitettiin pääosin hoitoilmoitusrekisteritiedoista. Tutkimuksessa raskaudenaikana masentuneiden äitien lapsilla havaittiin kohonnut depressioriski sekä kohonnut epäsosiaalisen persoonallisuushäiriön riski miehillä, verrattuna kohortin jäseniin, joiden äitien mieliala ei ollut masentunut raskausaikana. Kohortin jäsenillä, joiden äideillä oli raskausajan masennusta ja toisella vanhemmista vakava mielenterveyshäiriö, oli kohonnut riski sairastua skitsofreniaan ja depressioon, verrattuna heihin, joilla oli vain yksi tai ei kumpaakaan näistä riskitekijöistä. Tämä on ensimmäinen tutkimus, jossa raskausaikana masentuneiden äitien lapsia on seurattu keski-ikään saakka, huomioiden myös vanhempien vakavat mielenterveydenhäiriöt. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella äidin raskausajan masennusoireiden varhaisen tunnistamisen ja hoidon voitaisiin ajatella vähentävien jälkeläisten mielenterveysongelmien riskiä, etenkin perheissä, joissa on vakavia mielenterveysongelmia.

Adaptação e validação de escalas de resiliência para o contexto cultural brasileiro: escala de resiliência disposicional e escala de Connor-Davidson / Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of resilience scales for Brazil: dispositional resilience scale and Connor-Davidson resilience scale

Solano, João Paulo Consentino 02 June 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: a resiliência é um construto associado às características pessoais que permitem a um indivíduo adaptar-se e superar situações adversas. Uma pessoa mais resiliente é aquela com maiores habilidades de se adaptar sob estresse, a despeito da carga de dificuldades enfrentada e de um contexto desfavorável no entorno. A Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS-15) e a Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) tentam aferir a resiliência individual e já tiveram suas propriedades testadas em vários países da América do Norte, África, Europa e Ásia. OBJETIVO: traduzir, realizar a adaptação para o contexto cultural brasileiro e verificar a confiabilidade e a validade das escalas DRS-15 e CD-RISC. MÉTODO: uma metodologia com as etapas seqüenciais de tradução/retro-tradução/adaptação cultural/estudo de confiabilidade/estudo de validade foi utilizada. A adaptação cultural foi executada por um grupo de especialistas em epidemiologia, linguística, psiquiatria e tratamento da dor. A compreensão das versões culturalmente adaptadas foi testada com 65 pacientes adultos do grupo de avaliação pré-anestésica e do ambulatório geral de ansiedade do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Retro-traduções das versões finais foram aprovadas pelos autores principais das escalas originais. O estudo de validade foi conduzido pela aplicação conjunta de ambas as versões brasileiras das escalas, do Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL), do Self-report questionnaire (SRQ), da escala de incapacitação de Sheehan (SDS) e da Escala Graduada de Dor Crônica (CPG-Br) a 575 pacientes e acompanhantes adultos da mesma população. A confiabilidade teste-reteste foi avaliada por uma segunda aplicação das escalas de resiliência a 123 participantes, entre 7 e 14 dias após a entrevista inicial. RESULTADOS: entre os participantes da fase de validação, a idade média foi de 44 anos (amplitude de 18-93), com predomínio de mulheres (74%), e média de dez anos de estudo. A maioria dos entrevistados (93%) pertencia aos estratos socioeconômicos B e C. Três fatores e quatro fatores foram identificados por análise fatorial exploratória para as versões da DRS-15 e CD-RISC, respectivamente. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,71 para a DRS, e de 0,93 para a CD-RISC, indicando melhor consistência interna para a segunda. A confiabilidade teste-reteste retornou coeficientes de correlação intra-classe de 0,81 e 0,86 para a DRS e CD-RISC, respectivamente. A correlação entre as duas escalas foi de 0,52. Observaram-se correlações negativas significativas entre os escores das escalas de resiliência e os escores para cinco das seis dimensões do ISSL, assim como para com os escores do SRQ e SDS (p < 0,001). Não houve correlação entre as escalas de resiliência e a CPG-Br. A CD-RISC encontrou correlações mais fortes que a DRS para com as variáveis de comparação externa. As duas escalas discriminaram resiliência menor para os pacientes dos ambulatórios psiquiátricos, em comparação aos dos ambulatórios não-psiquiátricos. Entre os pacientes psiquiátricos, os escores de resiliência foram significativamente menores para os pacientes com transtorno Borderline de personalidade, em comparação aos pacientes com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. CONCLUSÃO: propriedades de consistência interna, estabilidade temporal e validade foram satisfatoriamente demonstradas para as versões brasileiras da DRS e da CD-RISC em uma amostra de pacientes e acompanhantes adultos dos ambulatórios do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo / INTRODUCTION: Resilience is a construct related to the personal characteristics that allow an individual to adapt and overcome adversity. A more resilient person is the one that exhibits greater abilities to adapt under stress, despite the burden of difficulties and of an unfavorable context. The Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS-15) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) are two scales to measure individual resilience, both of which have had psychometrics evaluated by researchers from the US, Africa, Europe and Asia. OBJECTIVE: To verify the reliability and validity of culturally adapted Brazilian Portuguese versions of the DRS-15 and CD-RISC. METHODS: The following stepwise methodology was used: translation / back translation / cultural adaptation / reliability study / validation study. Cultural adaptation was performed by an expert committee of epidemiologist, linguists, psychiatrist and pain specialists. Comprehension of the culturally adapted versions was tested through 65 interviews with adult patients from the pre-anesthetic consultation ambulatory and general ambulatory for anxiety disorders of Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP. Back-translations of the culturally adapted versions were fully approved by the authors of the original scales. Validation studies were carried out by concurrent application of both the adapted versions of resilience scales, the Brazilian Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (ISSL), the Self-report Questionnaire (SRQ), the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) and the Chronic Pain Grade (CPG-Br) to 575 participants (outpatients and companions) from the same population. Test-retest reliability was studied by means of a second interview with 123 subjects, which took place between 7 and 14 days after the first one. RESULTS: Subjects of the validation phase were mostly women (74%), with an average of 44 years of age (18-93) and 10 years of formal schooling. There was a predominance of socioeconomic levels B or C (93%) on an A to E scale. Exploratory factor analyses resulted in a three-factor for the DRS and a four-factor solution for the CD-RISC. Alpha coefficients of 0.71 for the DRS and 0.93 for the CD-RISC indicated better internal consistency for the latter. Temporal stability was regarded as excellent, with intra-class correlation coefficients of 0.81 and 0.86 for the DRS and CD-RISC, respectively. Correlation coefficient between the two scales was 0.52. Significant negative correlations were observed between the scores of both resilience scales and five out of six dimensions of the ISSL, and so as between the resilience scales scores and those of the SRQ and SDS (p < 0.001). No correlation was observed between the resilience scales and the CPG-Br. The CD-RISC was more competent than DRS to depict such correlations. Both scales were able to discriminate differences in resilience scores of non-psychiatric and psychiatric patients, the latter presenting with lower scores. The group of borderline patients significantly presented with lower resilience scores in comparison with those of the post-traumatic stress disorder patients. CONCLUSION: Good reliability and validity were demonstrated with the Brazilian Portuguese versions of the DRS and CD-RISC as tested on a sample of adult ambulatory patients and their adult companions at Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo

Differenzielle Wirkung und Wirkungsweise dialektisch-behavioral orientierter Therapie der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung aus Patientenperspektive

Meißner, Jeannette 20 January 2015 (has links)
Ziel: Nach einem Jahr dialektisch-behavioral orientierter Behandlung von Borderline Patienten im ambulanten Setting werden verschiedene Wirksamkeitskriterien und Therapieprozessvariablen, wie die Qualität der Therapieallianz aus Patientenperspektive untersucht. Methode: In einer naturalistischen Studie absolvierten 47 Borderline-Patienten eine DBT-orientierte Behandlung. Das Therapieergebnis wurde mittels indirekten und direkten Veränderungsmaßen, wie Patientenziele erfasst. Prozessvariablen wurden qualitativ mittels halbstrukturierter Interviews nach einem Jahr Therapie untersucht, wobei 28 Interviews in die Analyse einflossen. Speziell die Therapiebeziehung wurde zusätzlich quantitativ mit Hilfe des Working-Alliance-Inventory erfasst, welcher nach jeder Therapiesitzung erhoben wurde. Quantitative wie qualitative Analysen wurden integriert. Ergebnisse: Die meisten Patienten zeigten im Behandlungsverlauf Fortschritte innerhalb direkt, wie auch indirekt erhobener Therapieerfolgsmaße. Die Therapieallianz steht dabei in positivem Zusammenhang mit der Therapiezielerreichung und einigen BPS-relevanten Symptomen, nicht jedoch mit Reduktion von Selbstverletzung/Suizidalität. Die qualitativen Analysen der retrospektiv erlebten Wirkfaktoren zeigen hilfreiche und weniger hilfreiche Aspekte im Therapieverlauf, wobei Beziehungsfaktoren und Therapeutenvariablen durch die Patienten als besonders wichtig bewertet werden. Schlussfolgerung: Aus Patientenperspektive wird die Bedeutung der Therapieallianz hervorgehoben, die mit der Erreichung individuell definierter Therapieziele und der Reduktion einiger borderline-typischer Symptome in Verbindung steht. Die Therapieallianz wird aus Patientenperspektive vor allem durch therapeutische “Soft Skills”, wie Empathie, Selbstoffenbarung und Verständnis geformt. Darüber hinaus wird die Fähigkeit des Therapeuten, sich auf die Bedürfnisse des Patienten einzulassen und verschiedene DBT-spezifische Fertigkeiten vermitteln zu können betont. / Objective: To investigate the patient`s perspective about the key mechanisms of change, especially the quality of the therapeutic alliance and to analyse different criteria of outcomes in the first year of out-patient dialectical behavioral therapy. Method: Participants were 47 outpatients diagnosed with BPD, who enrolled in a naturalistic trial of DBT. Severity of symptoms were assessed at intake and one year after beginning of treatment. Direct and indirect methods of measurement were used, for example individual goals from patients perspective. Alliance was assessed with the Working-Alliance-Inventory for patient´s perspective for every session and in addition with a qualitative interview after one year for 28 persons of the sample. Furthermore the interview includes all more or less helpful aspects of the process of psychotherapy. The research integrates quantitative and qualitative methods. Results: Patients showed positive changes over the course of treatment measured with direct and indirect methods. Results indicate an association between alliance and some BPD symptoms and achievement of individual goals but not self-injurious acts or suicide attempt. The qualitative analysis supports differentiation between helpful and unhelpful aspects of the key mechanisms of change from patients perspective. In the client’s view, the strongest categories comprised relationship factors and therapist variables. Conclusions: Results emphasize the importance of a strong therapeutic alliance in the treatment of patients with BPD from patients perspective, but not consistently for the assessed outcomes. The alliance was experienced and formed mainly by the therapist’s “soft skills” such as empathy, self-disclosure and understanding. The therapist’s ability to attune to the client’s needs implied the use of a wide range of DBT-specific skills.

Borderline Personality Disorder - Aspects of Anxiety, Impulsivity and a new Theory of Mind Stimulus Set

Herbort, Maike 21 September 2017 (has links)
Die Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung (BPS) ist eine schwere psychiatrische Störung, die durch tiefgreifende Probleme in Emotionsregulation und zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen gekennzeichnet ist. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Beziehung zwischen Leitsymptomen der BPS und kognitiven Fähigkeiten, die für die Bewältigung eines gut funktionierenden Alltags notwendig sind (Aufmerksamkeit, adäquate Belohnungsverarbeitung), untersucht. Weiter wurde für zukünftige Untersuchungen der interpersonellen Instabilitäten und Empathiefähigkeit ein neues Stimulus Set zur Erforschung von sozialer Kognition im Alltag erstellt: die ToMenovela. Mittels fMRT-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Ausmaß an selbstberichteter Ängstlichkeit positiv mit der Verarbeitung von emotionalen, ablenkenden Reizen in konfliktbehafteten Bedingungen korreliert. Dies ist ein Hinweis darauf, dass Patientinnen möglicherweise eine erhöhte unbewusste Verarbeitung von irrelevanten Informationen haben, die emotional negativ besetzt sind. Weiter wurde gezeigt, dass das Ausmaß von selbstberichteter Impulsivität negativ mit der neuronalen Signatur der Erwartung von (vermeidbaren) aversiven Konsequenzen korreliert. Dieser Befund steht im Einklang mit dem bei BPD bekannten Phänomen von riskanten Entscheidungen oder selbstschädigendem Verhalten. Die dritte Studie stellt die ToMenovela vor, eine Sammlung von 190 emotional aufgeladenen Photographien mit hoher ökologischer Validität, die von einem fiktiven Freundeskreis handeln. Fragestellungen zur 1. und 3.-Person-Perspektive sowie affektiven und kognitiven Theory of Mind sind durch die Komposition der Fotos möglich. Die Bilder wurden von einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe nach emotionaler Valenz bezüglich der 6 Basis-Emotionen nach Ekman (Freude, Trauer, Wut, Angst, Überraschung, Ekel) bewertet, und stehen nun für den experimentellen Einsatz in der Empathie- und Emotionsforschung, auch über das BPS-Klientel, hinaus zur Verfügung. / Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe mental health disorder characterized by severe problems in emotion regulation and interpersonal relationships. In this dissertation, the relation between core symptoms of BPD and two cognitive abilities that are necessary for a well-functioning daily life, attention and adequate reward processing, were investigated. Furthermore, a new stimulus set for the investigation of social cognition in daily life that is suitable for future research on relational instabilities and trait empathy was generated: the ToMenovela. Using fMRI, it could be shown that self-reported trait anxiety and neural BOLD-response correlated positively during conflict processing in an experimental flanker task with emotional distractors. These results indicate that patients might exhibit more pronounced implicit processing of irrelevant negative emotional information. In a second study, using a reward paradigm, a negative relationship was observed between self-reported impulsivity and neural signature of loss anticipation. This result is in line with recent findings on BPD patients’ tendency towards disadvantageous, risky choices or self-harming decisions. The third publication introduces the ToMenovela, a new stimulus set for the assessment of social interaction in daily life. The ToMenovela presents a set of 190 emotionally charged pictures of a fictitious circle of friends with high ecological validity. The stimulus set is suitable for experimental designs on 1st and 3rd person perspectives, as well as for affective and cognitive Theory of Mind tasks. The stimulus set was rated by healthy control subjects according to emotional valence with respect to Ekman’s basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust) and is available for further use in experiments on empathy and emotions within and beyond the context of research on BPD.

"Det känns som att man har en stämpel i pannan" : Upplevelser av bemötande på psykiatriska akutmottagningar enligt personer med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning / "It feels like having a stamp in the forehead" : Experiences of treatment in psychiatric emergency rooms according to persons with borderline personality disorder

Kargar, Mazdak, Samuelsson, Anna Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
Personer med diagnosen emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning är högkonsumenter av psykiatrisk akutvård. Diagnosen kännetecknas av ett ihållande mönster av instabilitet vad gäller självbild, känslor och relationer med andra, samt en hög grad av impulsivitet. Vidare förekommer ofta självskadebeteende och suicidala handlingar som ett sätt att reglera affekter. Symtombilden kan göra mötet mellan patient och vårdpersonal svårt. Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån lidandeperspektiv belysa hur personer med diagnosen Emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom upplever och erfar personalens bemötande när de söker akut vård. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fenomenologisk ansats.  Huvudresultatet visade att fenomenets centrala teman är att respekteras som människa med symtom, att inte bli tagen på allvar och att bli stigmatiserad. Varje tema kunde kopplas till ett lidandeperspektiv; sjukdomslidande lindras av att respekteras som människa med symtom, men att inte bli tagen på allvar orsakade vårdlidande och att bli stigmatiserad orsakade ett livslidande. Samtidigt gick lidandeformerna in i varandra, på så vis att vårdlidande lades till den levda erfarenhet som är livslidandet, och livslidandet hade betydelse för hur sjukdomslidandet hanterades och upplevdes. Slutsatsen är att personer med EIPS som söker akut psykiatrisk vård upplever vårdpersonalens bemötande som att de antingen respekteras som människa med symtom och får sitt sjukdomslidande lindrat, eller inte tas på allvar och stigmatiseras med vård- respektive livslidande, som ökar på symtombördan, som följd. / People with Borderline Personality Disorder [BPD] are among the consumers of psychiatric emergency care. BPD is characterized by a persistent pattern of impulsivity and instability with regard to self-image, emotions and relationships with others. Furthermore, self-harm and suicidal behaviour often occur as a way to regulate emotions. The symptoms can make interaction between patients and healthcare professionals difficult. The aim of this study was to gain insight into how, from a perspective of suffering, people with BPD who seek psychiatric emergency care experience and sense the approach. The method used was a qualitative interview study with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The main results consisted of three central themes: to be respected as a human being with symptoms, to not be taken seriously, and to be stigmatized. Each theme was linked to a perspective of suffering; being respected as a human being with symptoms alleviated suffering from symptoms, while not being taken seriously caused suffering related to care, and getting stigmatized added to the existential suffering. The different dimensions of suffering interacted; suffering related to care was added to the existential suffering, which in turn had implications for the ability to deal with suffering from symptoms. The conclusion is that individuals with BPD experience either a treatment with respect for being a human being with symptoms, and thus having those symptoms alleviated, or experience not being taken seriously and being stigmatized, with the consequences of suffering related to care and existential suffering, both which add on to the symptom burden.

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology : main research portfolio

Stewart, Nick January 2018 (has links)
Critical Review of the LiteratureCan Borderline Personality Disorder be treated effectively in forensic settings? A systematic reviewBorderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a common diagnosis in forensic settings. Certain features of BPD, such as impulsivity and emotional dysregulation, can create a vulnerability to impulsive acts. The condition is also associated with poor mental and physical health, making the treatment of BPD and its clinical features an important goal in forensic settings. This paper reviews evidence for the effectiveness of treating BPD and its symptoms using psychological approaches in forensic settings. A systematic search found 2913 papers, of which 13 met the inclusion criteria. The papers reported nine separate studies (six controlled) that implemented four distinct interventions, often adapted for particular forensic settings. Improvements in overall BPD symptomatology and specific BPD symptoms were reported for all types of intervention, although few differences in outcome between intervention and control groups were found. There were also reported improvements in BPD-related behaviours, but data on offending behaviour were absent. Heterogeneity in study quality and design makes it challenging to draw any firm conclusions about the effectiveness of any one form of treatment over another, nor about which treatment may best suit a particular setting. Further randomised controlled trials are needed to answer these questions. Service Improvement ProjectEvaluation of a brief educational intervention for clinical staff aimed at promoting trauma-informed approaches to careThere is growing evidence that trauma plays an important role in the aetiology of severe and enduring mental health problems. Yet staff can be reluctant to ask patients about trauma for reasons such as anxiety about harming patients and limited access to training. Where services have adopted trauma-informed approaches (TIAs) to mental health care (i.e., considering the ways in which trauma affects individuals when planning and delivering services), improved clinical outcomes have been observed. With this in mind, a new educational video was developed for mental health staff at an NHS trust. The video was intended to be (a) brief (10 minutes); (b) contemporary and engaging; and (c) accessible using computers, smartphones and tablets. Forty-one multidisciplinary staff viewed the video. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation indicated improvements in self-reported knowledge and confidence with regard to trauma, and a decrease in worries with regard to asking patients about such experiences. Participants found the video to be enjoyable, understandable and informative. Importantly, many indicated that it spurred them to further action, such as further training and asking patients about possible trauma. These findings indicate that a video of this type can offer an important ‘taster’ of trauma-related learning, constituting an important step towards embedding trauma-informed ways of working at a service. Main Research ProjectThe Role of Intrusive Imagery in Hoarding DisorderThe cardinal feature of Hoarding Disorder (HD) is persistent difficulty discarding possessions, with the resulting clutter compromising the intended use of living areas. Within the dominant cognitive-behavioural model of hoarding (Frost & Hartl, 1996), hoarding behaviours are positively and negatively reinforced in the context of certain object-related beliefs. Available treatments for HD have so far yielded modest outcomes, indicating a need for new approaches. Intrusive imagery has so far been neglected in HD research, despite the frequency of trauma in the histories of people with the condition. To address this, 27 individuals who met the DSM-5 criteria for HD and 28 community controls (CCs) were interviewed about their everyday experiences of mental imagery. Participants were also asked about the images they experienced during two recent real-life examples of actual or attempted discard of (1) an object of low subjective value; and (2) an object of high subjective value. Everyday imagery in the HD group commonly reflected themes of illness, death and reminiscence. Imagery in HD participants tended to carry negative emotional valence in comparison with CCs, and was associated with greater interference in everyday life and attempts to avoid the imagery. HD participants reported more negative experiences of intrusive imagery in comparison with CCs during recent episodes of discarding objects of low subjective value. However, HD participants experienced positive imagery when discarding, or trying to discard, high value objects. These findings indicate that although people with HD frequently report traumatic histories, this is not reflected in the everyday imagery that they experience. There is some evidence to suggest that the negative and positive memories experienced in relation to low and high value objects may aid our understanding of discarding and saving behaviour in HD. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are further discussed.

A expressão da dor emocional no corpo: um estudo sobre o comportamento automutilante em pacientes borderline

Kaufmann, Irit Grau 24 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Irit Grau Kaufmann.pdf: 5411599 bytes, checksum: 519d32c08de607411feb2898e6119403 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-24 / The present study aimed to investigate, under the approach of Jungian psychology, the possible motivations, purposes and meanings that patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) attach to their self-mutilating behavior. The study included six women, aged between 18 and 46 years, all diagnosed with BPD and self-mutilating behavior history. Data collecting made use of the revised diagnostic interview for borderlines (DIB-R) applied for diagnostic purposes and research participation , a semi-structured interview, the person and family drawing, and a thematic drawing. The collected data were analyzed in light of Jungian analytical and psychosomatic psychology. As a result of the compilation of the accounts given during the interviews, 5 categories and 13 subcategories were identified: difficulties in relationships (family, love and interpersonal), low self-esteem and negative self-image, sexual abuse, high tolerance to physical pain/low pain tolerance to emotional pain, self-mutilating behavior (objects, body sites, forms, triggers, feelings, symbolic representation, ideation and suicide attempts, altered state of consciousness). Results show fragile emotional bonds in family relations, pathological love relationships, dependency and instability in interpersonal relations. The findings indicate that patients have low self-esteem and negative self-image, as well as high tolerance to physical pain with low tolerance to emotional pain. It was also observed that during the self-mutilating behavior, an altered state of consciousness may occur. It can be said that the inability of these patients to symbolize and express their grief at the emotional level leads them to concretizing the pain expression on their bodies, through its transduction into physical pain, by means of self-mutilating behavior. This study concluded that the purpose of such behaviour is the relief of pain and pre-existing emotional distress / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar, sob a abordagem da psicologia junguiana, as possíveis motivações, propósitos e significados que o paciente com transtorno de personalidade borderline (TPB) atribui ao seu comportamento automutilante. Participaram do estudo seis mulheres, entre 18 e 46 anos de idade, todas diagnosticadas com TPB e histórico de comportamento automutilante. Na coleta de dados, foram utilizadas a entrevista diagnóstica revisada para borderlines (DIB-R) aplicada com fins diagnósticos e de participação na pesquisa , a entrevista semiestruturada, o desenho da pessoa e família, e o desenho temático. Os dados coletados foram analisados à luz da psicologia analítica e psicossomática junguiana. Como resultado da compilação dos relatos das entrevistas, foram levantadas 5 categorias e 13 subcategorias: dificuldades nos relacionamentos (familiares, amorosos e interpessoais), baixa autoestima e autoimagem negativa, abuso sexual, alta tolerância à dor física/baixa tolerância à dor emocional, comportamento automutilante (objetos, locais do corpo, formas, fatores desencadeantes, sentimentos, representação simbólica, ideações e tentativas de suicídio, estado alterado de consciência). Os resultados apontaram para vínculos afetivos fragilizados nos relacionamentos familiares, relações amorosas patológicas, dependência e instabilidade nos relacionamentos interpessoais. Os achados indicaram que as pacientes têm baixa autoestima e autoimagem negativa, além de alta tolerância à dor fisica com baixa tolerância à dor emocional. Observou-se ainda que, durante o comportamento automutilante, pode ocorrer um estado alterado de consciência. Pode-se dizer que a incapacidade dessas pacientes em simbolizar e expressar sua dor no plano emocional faz com que elas concretizem a expressão dessa dor no corpo, quando há a transdução da mesma em dor corporal, por meio do comportamento automutilante. Concluiu-se que o objetivo desse ato é o alívio da dor e do sofrimento emocional pré-existente

Rythme veille-sommeil et dimensions cliniques dans le trouble de personnalité limite à l’adolescence

Huynh, Christophe 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse examine le rythme veille-sommeil et son association avec l’instabilité émotionnelle, l’agressivité et l’impulsivité dans le trouble de personnalité limite (TPL) à l’adolescence. Dans un premier temps, la revue de la littérature sur les perturbations objectives du sommeil dans le TPL a mis en lumière plusieurs difficultés similaires, évaluées par polysomnographie, à celles observées dans la dépression adulte. De 1980 à 2010, aucune recherche n’a examiné le rythme veille-sommeil, aucune n’a étudié les adolescents TPL et plusieurs n’ont pas contrôlé l’état dépressif comme facteur de confusion. De ce constat, il s’avérait pertinent de mener une étude sur le rythme veille-sommeil dans le TPL à l’adolescence en l’absence de dépression co-occurrente. L’adolescence comportant plusieurs caractéristiques physiologiques, psychologiques et sociales, tenir compte des aspects développementaux était essentiel. Dans un second temps, un protocole de recherche fût mis en place à la Clinique des troubles de l’humeur et le recrutement a été réalisé auprès d’adolescents souffrant d’un TPL et sans état dépressif actuel. Ils devaient porter pendant plus de neuf jours (période comprenant deux fins de semaine) un actigraphe, appareil non invasif évaluant l’alternance veille-sommeil dans l’environnement naturel. L’abandon précoce au traitement étant prévalent chez les patients TPL, la fiabilité de l’étude a été examinée afin de déterminer les raisons favorisant et celles nuisant au recrutement et à la collecte des données. La réflexion sur les aspects méthodologiques de l’étude actigraphique a permis d’expliquer les limites de ce type de protocole. Dans un troisième temps, le rythme veille-sommeil des adolescents TPL (n=18) a été caractérisé et comparé à celui des jeunes ayant un trouble bipolaire (n=6), trouble psychiatrique partageant plusieurs manifestations communes avec le TPL, et à celui des adolescents sans trouble de santé mentale (n=20). Les résultats suggèrent que l’adolescent TPL passe plus de temps en éveil durant la période de repos que les jeunes appartenant aux deux autres groupes. De plus, les adolescents TPL présentent une plus grande variabilité inter journalière des heures de lever et du temps total de sommeil que les autres adolescents. Ils se réveillent une heure de plus, et dorment donc une heure supplémentaire, que les adolescents sans trouble mental lors des journées sans routine. Dans un quatrième temps, les analyses corrélationnelles entre les données actigraphiques et les scores aux questionnaires auto-rapportés évaluant l’instabilité émotionnelle, l’agressivité et l’impulsivité suggèrent que plus l’adolescent TPL passe du temps éveillé alors qu’il est au lit, plus il déclare présenter des comportements agressifs, surtout physiques, durant le jour. En résumé, cette thèse contribue à la littérature scientifique en explorant pour la première fois le rythme veille-sommeil et son lien avec les manifestations symptomatiques dans le TPL à l’adolescence. Les résultats suggèrent fortement l’importance d’évaluer et de traiter les problèmes du rythme veille-sommeil que présentent ces jeunes lors de la prise en charge. / This dissertation examines sleep-wake patterns and their associations with emotional instability, aggressiveness, and impulsivity in adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). First, a literature review showed in BPD adults similar objective sleep disturbances, as assessed with polysomnography, to those observed in adult depression. Between 1980 and 2010, no study has examined sleep-wake patterns, none has recruited BPD adolescents, and many did not control depression as a confounding factor. Considering these limitations, it became relevant to conduct a study on sleep-wake patterns in euthymic adolescents with BPD. Having a developmental perspective in mind is crucial since adolescence presents many physiological, psychological and social characteristics. Second, a research protocol was set up at the Mood Disorders Clinic. Adolescents with BPD and without current depression were recruited. They wore for nine days or more (period covering two weekends) an actigraph, a non-invasive device assessing ecologically sleep-wake patterns. Because treatment dropout is highly prevalent in BPD adolescents, study feasibility was examined to determine the reasons promoting and those interfering with recruitment and data collection. Reflections on methodological aspects of this study allowed explaining the limits of this type of research protocol. Third, sleep-wake patterns in BPD adolescents (n=18) was characterised. They were compared to youth with Bipolar Disorder (n=6), a mental disorder sharing many common manifestations with BPD, and to adolescents without mental disorder (n=20). Results suggest that BPD adolescents spend more time awake during the rest interval than teenagers from the two other groups. Furthermore, BPD adolescents present higher interdaily variability for rising time and total sleep time than the other adolescents. They wake up an hour later, therefore sleeping one more hour, than adolescents without mental disorder on schedule-free days. Fourth, correlation analyses between actigraphy data and self-report questionnaire scores assessing emotional instability, aggressiveness, and impulsivity suggest that time spent awake during time in bed is associated with more daily physical aggressiveness in BPD adolescents. To summarise, this dissertation adds to the current scientific literature by exploring for the first time sleep-wake patterns and its associations with symptomatic manifestations of BPD in adolescents. From these results, it is highly recommended to assess and treat their sleep-wake disturbances during their therapeutic care.

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