Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bottom UP"" "subject:"cottom UP""
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"Det är inte bara folkvalda politiker som utövar offentlig makt" : En jämförande studie gällande främjande av integration i fem kommuner i Stockholms län / "It is not just elected representatives that exercise public power" : A comparative study of integration in five municipalities in Stockholm CountyDegard, Emelie, Abdulla, Maya January 2009 (has links)
Based on different integration policies, we aim to examine how five municipalities in Stockholm County are working to promote integration at a local level with focus on voter participation and to some extent, representativeness among foreign-born. Statistics provided by SCB shows that foreign-born tends to vote to a lesser extent than those born in Sweden. Further, we aim to examine the implementation of two policy documents established at a national level concerning integration in contrast to policy documents established at a local level in each different municipality. Further, we aim to examine summaries of actions taken in response to the local integration programs, as well as personal interviews. Each municipality will be considered separately, but we thus seek to make a comparative study. The study will be based on a qualitative approach. The implementation process of both central and local policy decisions concerning the promotion of integration will also be discussed in terms of two existing theories of implementation, based on two different perspectives. The result shows that interaction between different participants, such as local officials and politicians, is of importance for the implementation process. All of the studied municipalities have taken some actions in order to implement their goals concerning integration.
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La construction de critères de scientificité pour la démarche d'investigation : une approche pragmatique pour l'enseignement de la physique à l'école primaire / Construction of a set of criteria of scientificity for inquiry-based science : a pragmatic approach to the teaching of physics in primary schoolBlanquet, Estelle 24 November 2014 (has links)
Le mémoire vise à proposer une épistémologie pragmatique de la science scolaire à l’école primaire. Un défaut de compréhension de la nature de la science pourrait en effet justifier en partie les difficultés de l'enseignement des sciences par démarche d'investigation. Une étude des représentations de la science chez les enseignants et futurs enseignants confirme qu’ils n‘en ont pour la plupart qu‘une vision assez floue, relevant majoritairement d'une forme d'empirisme naïf. Un jeu opératoire de critères de scientificité adapté au contexte de l’école est développé dans une approche "bottom-up" partant des pratiques de classe effectives. Sa capacité à discriminer pratiques scientifiques et non scientifiques est discutée, de même que les implications didactiques et épistémologiques de son utilisation. Il est en particulier possible d‘en déduire des définitions évolutives d‘une science scolaire normative mais subsidiaire par rapport à la “science des scientifiques”. Cet outil épistémologique s’avère bien reçu par les enseignants auxquels il a été présenté. Le test en situation de différentes stratégies pédagogiques fait apparaître que les plus efficaces pour l'appropriation de critères de scientificité ajoutent à la démarche d’investigation une composante épistémologique explicite. Certains éléments de méthode scientifique peuvent être travaillés dès la Grande Section de maternelle (5-6 ans) : des élèves ayant vécu des démarches d’investigation s’avèrent capables de revendiquer la primauté de l’expérience, mais aussi de mettre en œuvre des tests relatifs à plusieurs critères de scientificité et de s‘approprier les rudiments de la modélisation scientifique. / The purpose of this thesis is to propose a pragmatic epistemology of school science in primary school. Indeed, some of the difficulties encountered by inquiry-based science education may be attributed to a lack of understanding of the very nature of science. A survey on the perception of science by incumbent teachers and teachers in training confirms that most of them have a relatively vague vision grounded in a form of naive empiricism. A practical set of criteria of scientificity adapted to the school context is developed through a “bottom-up” approach based on actual classroom practices. Its efficiency at discriminating scientific and non-scientific practices is discussed, as well as the didactical and epistemological implications of its use. It is thus possible to deduce evolutive definitions of a school science that is normative yet subordinated to the “science of scientists”. Teachers responded positively to this epistemological tool when it was presented to them. Among the different teaching strategies tested in a classroom, the most efficient for the acquisition of criteria of scientificity were those which supplemented the inquiry process with an explicit epistemological component. Some elements of scientific method can be introduced as early as kindergarten (5-6 y.o) : after experimenting with inquiry processes, pupils have proved able not only to claim the primacy of experiment but also to run tests related to different criteria of scientificity and acquire the basics of scientific modeling.
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Anion-induced self-assembly of positively charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons towards nanostructures with controllable two-dimensional morphologiesYang, Chongqing, Wu, Dongqing, Zhao, Wuxue, Ye, Weizhen, Xu, Zhixiao, Zhang, Fan, Feng, Xinliang 17 July 2017 (has links)
A controllable self-assembly strategy of positively charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCPAH) towards the formation of rectangle sheets and ribbon-like nanostructures has been achieved by choosing divalent anions with different sizes. In contrast, only rod-like nanostructures are obtained from PCPAH with univalent anions. It is revealed that the divalent anions play a key role in guiding the packing of PCPAH, which provides an unprecedented route to fabricate two-dimensional nanostructures.
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Magneticky uspořádané struktury v polymerních nanokompozitech a jejich vliv na mechanickou odezvu / Magnetically assembled nanoparticle structures and their effect on mechanical response of polymer nanocompositesZbončák, Marek January 2018 (has links)
Magneticky řízené samo-uspořádávání v polymerních nanokompozitech je studováno v této dizertační práci. Strukturování polymerních nanokompozitů pomocí relativně slabých magnetických polí (B=0-50 mT) bylo prokázáno jako praktická metoda pro kontrolu jejích nano a mikrostruktury. Vliv intenzity magnetického pole, množství nanočástic, viskozity a času uspořádávání na výslednou strukturu byl studován v různých systémech jako fotopolymer, polyuretan nebo koloidně dispergované nanočástice v acetonu s malým množstvím rozpuštěného polymeru. Samo-uspořádané struktury – bez aplikace vnějšího magnetického pole vykazují vícekrokovou agregaci nanočástic do uskupení s komplexním tvarem. Magnetické interakce byly označené jako odpovědné za agregaci nanočástic v samo-uspořádaných systémech pomocí výpočtů energii mezi-částicových interakcí. S rostoucím magnetickým polem, magnetické nanočástice jsou rychle uspořádané do jednorozměrných částicových řetězů s vysokým aspektním poměrem a homogenní orientaci v polymerní matrici. S prodluženým časem uspořádaní, tyto struktury postupně rostou z malých submikrometrových struktur do velkých mikroskopických super struktur. Táto metoda vykazuje velký potenciál pro kontrolovanou přípravu široké škály struktur v polymerních nanokompozitech vhodných pro technologické aplikace a také pro fundamentální studie. Magneticky uspořádané polymerní nanokompozity vykazují značnou směrovou anisotropii tuhosti kompozitu nad jeho skelným přechodem přičemž, pod skelným přechodem systému není pozorován žádný efekt. Podélně orientované struktury vykazují větší příspěvek k tuhosti kompozitů. Efektivnost vyztužení vykazuje teplotně závislý průběh a maximum je pozorováno přibližně 60 °C nad skelným přechodem. Struktura magneticky uspořádaného polymerního nanokompozitu byla popsána vícero-úrovňovým hierarchickým modelem materiálu. Mikromechanika byla využitá k popisu směrově závislého vyztužení polymerních nanokompozitů a k popisu teplotně závislé tuhosti hybridních struktur složených z nanočástic a polymeru. Schopnost nést napětí, deformovat se a nenulová tuhost hybridních struktur je odpovědná za vyztužení polymerních nanokompozitů. Přítomnost polymerních přemostění mezi nanočásticemi, které přenášejí napěti skrze magnetické struktury je označená jako nezbytná pro mechanickou odezvu polymerních nanokompozitů a pro tuhost hybridních struktur.
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Renaissance de l'habitat participatif en France : vers de nouvelles formes négociées de fabrication de la ville ? Deux études de cas dans l'agglomération bordelaise : le projet HNord (Bordeaux) et La Ruche (Bègles) / Revival of participative housing in france : towards new negotiated forms of urban production. Two case studies in the Bordeaux area : HNord (Bordeaux) and La Ruche (Begles)Darroman, Mélanie 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les effets combinés des enjeux d’un urbanisme durable et d’un impératif participatif grandissant des habitants – usagers – citoyens, dans le cadre de la fabrication métropolitaine contemporaine. Depuis le début des années 2000, des expériences alternatives d’habitat émergent en France sous l’impulsion de revendications sociales portées par la société civile. Le terme générique d’« habitat participatif », définit récemment par la loi pour l’Accès au Logement et à un Urbanisme Négocié (ALUR), publiée au Journal Officiel le 26 mars 2014, rassemble ainsi d’une même voix la variété de ces initiatives à l’œuvre, contribuant à pérenniser les dynamiques de structuration et de diffusion d’un mouvement de l’habitat participatif. Faisant référence aux expressions citoyennes contestataires des années 1970-1980, avec la critique d’un urbanisme moderne et des politiques publiques, les projets actuels marquent la renaissance des questionnements autour de la place de la maîtrise d’usage – incarnée par les habitants-usagers – dans la chaîne de production des logements et, plus largement, dans les processus décisionnels d’aménagement des territoires. Porteuse de pratiques participatives innovantes, la résurgence de l’habitat participatif révèle des logiques diverses d’engagements citoyens, militants ou professionnels, et des formes négociées de fabrication de l’habitat. Dès lors, s’opposent des dynamiques « bottom-up » – illustrées par des demandes et des initiatives habitantes, et des dynamiques « top-down » – portées par des instances politico-institutionnelles en plein renouvellement de leurs modes d’action et savoir-faire. Supportée par une trame multidimensionnelle de négociations, la thèse propose alors une analyse des interactions et des formes d’hybridation de cette production collective en cours à travers trois dimensions : la dimension valorielle, pour fixer le socle des transactions sociales ; la dimension organisationnelle et relationnelle, pour observer la micropolitique des groupes-projets ; la dimension processuelle, pour saisir les temporalités du projet et les moments clés de la négociation sur l’ensemble du processus. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur deux cas d’étude dans l’agglomération bordelaise, en pleine métropolisation : le cas de la coopérative d’habitants HNord, sur l’îlot Dupaty à Bordeaux ; et celui d’un projet d’habitat participatif multi-partenarial, La Ruche, sur la commune de Bègles au sein de l’Opération d’Intérêt National (OIN) Bordeaux-Euratlantique. Encadrée par un dispositif CIFRE avec l’Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Bordeaux-Euratlantique (EPA), la recherche repose sur une approche ethnographique, basée sur de nombreuses situations d’observation participante, des entretiens d’acteurs cibles et une analyse documentaire. Les enquêtes menées à différentes échelles offrent une vision macro, méso et microsociale des processus de production et de diffusion de l’habitat participatif. Les résultats de la thèse mettent alors en évidence les modalités de partenariats entre différentes sphères d’acteurs – les habitants, les institutions et les experts – dans la production de l’habitat participatif conduisant à un changement de paradigme sociétal et professionnel à travers le renouvellement des modes d’habiter, des savoirs et savoir-faire. Ainsi, nous proposons une réflexion sur les moyens et possibilités d’intégration de cette dynamique collective et citoyenne au sein des processus décisionnels d’aménagement urbain pour la fabrication métropolitaine et, de voir en quoi ce phénomène participatif et collaboratif peut-il constituer un outil de management territorial novateur préfigurant le futur de nos cités. / This PhD thesis questions the combined effects of the challenges of sustainable urban development and a growing priority for inhabitants – users – citizens, to participate in contemporary metropolitan production. Since the early 2000s, there is in France an emergence of alternative housing experiences as a result of social demands. The generic term of « participative housing », recently defined by the bill for access to housing and urban renovation (ALUR), published in the Official Journal on March 26, 2014, gathers with one voice, the variety of these initiatives at work, contributing to ensure the dynamic structuring and dissemination of the participative housing movement. Referring to the civil protests of 1970-1980, criticizing modern urban planning and public policy, the current projects tackle once again of how to combine the inhabitants expertise with professional expertise in the production of housing, and more broadly in the decision-making processes of regional planning. Producing innovative participatory practices, the resurgence of participative housing reveals different logics of social commitments on the part of citizens, activists and professionals, and negotiated forms of housing production. As a consequence, the « bottom-up » dynamic, based on the demands and initiatives of the inhabitants, opposes the « top-down » dynamic, based on the initiative of politico-institutional bodies in full renewal of their modes of action and know-how. Supported by a multi-dimensional framework of negotiations, the thesis analyzes the interactions and forms of hybridization of this ongoing collective production through a three dimensional approach : the value related dimension, to set the base of social transactions ; the organizational and relational dimension to observe the micro-political groups-projects ; the procedural dimension to grasp the temporality of the project and the key moments of negotiation of the whole process. For this, we build on two case studies in the Bordeaux area, being subject to processes of metropolization : the case of the residents cooperative HNord in the Dupaty housing block in Bordeaux ; and the multi-partnered participative housing project, La Ruche, in the town of Bègles within the framework of the « Operation of National Interest » (OIN) Bordeaux-Euratlantique. Governed by a CIFRE program with the « Local Planning and Development authority » (EPA) Bordeaux-Euratlantique, the research is based on an ethnographic approach : participant observation, interviews with target stakeholders and a literature review. The investigations conducted at different scales offer a macro, meso and micro-social understanding of the process of participative housing production and dissemination. The results of the thesis highlight the partnership conditions between different groups of stakeholders – inhabitants, institutions and expertsn – in the production of participative housing leading to a societal and professional paradigm shift through a renewal of ways of living, knowledge and expertise. Thus, we propose a reflection on ways and possibilities how to integrate this collective and civic dynamics in the decision-making processes of urban planning for metropolitan production and to see how this participatory and collaborative phenomenon can serve as an innovative tool in territorial management for our future cities.
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Využití radikálového značení bílkovin pro strukturní biologii / Utilization of protein radical foootprinting for stuctural biologyPolák, Marek January 2020 (has links)
(In English) The reaction of highly reactive oxygen radicals with protein solvent-accessible residues can be utilized to map protein landscape. Fast photochemical oxidation of proteins (FPOP) is an MS- based technique, which utilizes highly reactive radical species to oxidize proteins and map protein surface or its interactions with their interaction partners. In this work, FPOP was employed to study protein-DNA interactions. First, a full-length of FOXO4-DBD was successfully expressed and purified. The ability of the protein to bind its DNA-response element was verified by electrophoretic and MS-based techniques, respectively. Optimal experimental conditions were achieved to oxidize the protein itself and in the presence of DNA, respectively. Oxidized samples were analyzed by bottom-up and top-down approach. In the bottom-up experiment, modification of individual residues was precisely located and quantified. Different extend of modification was observed for protein alone and in complex with DNA. To avoid experimental artifacts analyzing multiply oxidized protein, standard bottom up approach was replaced by a progressive top-down technology. Only a singly oxidized protein ion was isolated, and further fragmented by collision-induced dissociation (CID) and electron-capture dissociation (ECD),...
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Temporär urbanism : Hur konceptet kan tillämpas i svensk kontext för att kurera urbana rum / Temporary urbanism : How the concept can be utilized in Swedish context to curate urban spacesTellstig, Sara, Elocin, Nicole January 2024 (has links)
“Temporary urbanism” is a concept that can go by a number of different names and can take different forms. This means that the concept has a dynamic and experimental character, it can represent different types of uses and needs of different target groups and users. The concept originates from New York, during the 20th-century, and usually involves an urban planning strategy that promotes social sustainability by reducing the car use in cities and instead shift the focus to the citizens. Temporary urbanism can therefore act as a catalyst to change the norm and meaning of urban spaces, and who they are for. In the Swedish context, information about the concept is not available to everyone, as it is limited to existing within urban planning and is therefore primarily aimed at top-down initiated projects. If temporary urbanism is to be represented in the right way, as a flexible and versatile tool, more target groups need to be able to use the concept, in order to create their own initiatives in urban spaces. If the public space, evaluated as a resource, is not used all year round in different ways and by a variation of target groups, it would become what we call wasted space. Hence, citizens must be given access to proper tools in order to influence the development of the urban spaces and what they contain. Throughout the bachelor's thesis, desk studies have been used, supplemented with interviews and an example of the trendy concept of “summer streets”. All this to understand how temporary urbanism commonly is expressed in Sweden and what potential development the concept has in the utilization in Swedish context. This thesis has resulted in a design proposal for a handbook. The handbook summarizes and analyzes the concept of temporary urbanism and its use in the Swedish context. It also showcases international examples of how the concept could be expressed broadly and diversified to inspire. The handbook results in an understanding of how awareness can increase, create an understanding of the concept, and promote citizen participation in the design of public spaces. It clarifies the concept of temporary urbanism and makes it accessible for all, so that more people can use the strategies it includes to curate urban spaces. / “Temporär urbanism” är ett begrepp som kan gå under en rad olika benämningar och kan ta olika skepnader. Det innebär att konceptet har en dynamisk och experimentell karaktär, det kan representera olika typer av användningar samt olika målgruppers och användares behov. Konceptet har sitt ursprung i New York, under 1900-talet, och innebär oftast en stadsplaneringsstrategi som främjar social hållbarhet genom att minska bilismens starka fäste i staden för att istället skifta fokuset till medborgarna. Temporär urbanism kan därför fungera som katalysator för att förändra normen för vad urbana rum innebär och vilka de är till för. I svensk kontext är informationen om detta koncept inte tillgängligt för alla, då den begränsas till att vara ett begrepp inom stadsplaneringen och riktar sig därför främst till top-down initierade projekt. Om temporär urbanism ska representeras på rätt sätt, som ett flexibelt och mångsidigt verktyg, behöver fler målgrupper kunna använda sig av konceptet för att ta egna initiativ i urbana rum. Om stadsrummet, sedd som resurs, inte utnyttjas året om på olika sätt och av varierande målgrupper, skulle det bli vad vi kallar ett outnyttjat utrymme. Därav måste medborgare ges tillgång till goda verktyg för att få påverka utvecklingen av stadsrummen och vad de innehåller. Genom uppsatsen har skrivbordsstudier använts, kompletterat med intervjuer och ett typexempel av det trendiga konceptet “sommargator”, även kallat “sommargågator”. Detta för att förstå hur temporär urbanism oftast uttrycker sig i Sverige och därmed vad konceptet har för utvecklingspotential i tillämpningen i den svenska kontexten. Denna uppsats har mynnat ut i ett designförslag av en handbok. Handboken sammanfattar och analyserar konceptet temporär urbanism och dess användning i svensk kontext. Den tar även upp internationella exempel på hur konceptet skulle kunna uttryckas för att inspirera och visa på bredd och mångfald. Handboken resulterar i att förstå hur medvetenheten kan öka, skapa förståelse för konceptet, främja medborgarnas deltagande i utformningen av stadens offentliga rum. Den tillgängliggör och tydliggör konceptet för temporär urbanism för att fler ska kunna använda sig av strategierna som det innefattar, för att kurera urbana rum.
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Alternative Pathways to Peace and Development in Rural Chiapas, MexicoHollinger, Keith H. 01 July 2011 (has links)
The concept of peacebuilding holds enormous importance for international relations, particularly in regions facing impending violent conflict and those recovering from such conflict. However, in order for peacebuilding to be a viable alternative to traditional peace operations, scholars and practitioners need to have a shared understanding of what peacebuilding is and what goals it hopes to achieve, in addition to fluid strategies for implementation. This dissertation seeks to identify strategies for building sustainable peace through sustainable community development and democratization. Using a qualitative metasynthesis of five ethnographies conducted in Chiapas Mexico, this dissertation develops mid-range theories, or strategies, for building peace in Chiapas and in regions experiencing low-intensity conflict more generally. These strategies are based upon the development of Pluriethnic collective governance at the local level in regions that are experiencing low-intensity conflict related to indigenous communities. / Ph. D.
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Policy development and implementation in the post-liberalization era in Zambia (1990s and beyond): towards a participatory planning and economic management modelMulungushi, James Shamilimo 03 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates policy formulation and implementation processes in Zambia. A number of issues emerge with respect to the weaknesses of the system and how policy decisions worsened Zambia's economic performance instead of improving it. The Kaunda era policies of nationalization had an adverse impact on productivity of industries as well as affecting the resource flow from donors and business houses. On the other hand President Chiluba's reforms in the 1990s have had both positive and negative impacts on the people of Zambia. The rapid privatization and liberalization affected employment levels thereby worsening the poverty levels. Further, the liberalization brought in stiff competition from other countries forcing most manufacturing companies to close down. The policy environment based on the Bretton Woods Institutions seems not to be working as result of not taking into account the local Zambian situation. On the other hand, there were positive macroeconomic developments such as growth in GDP, lowering of inflation and stabilizing of exchange rates as from 1996. This has however not improved the living standards of the people.
In Zambia, the shifts back and forth between strong and weak planning institutions have negatively affected policy development and implementation. There has been uncoordinated policy development; as a result, some policies in the major sectors are contradictory while in other cases policies are not linked to the resource envelope, making them un-implementable. Secondly, the institutional framework for policy development is not effective. There is generally lack of coordination among ministries, provinces and other stakeholders in planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development programmes.
This thesis urges that the improving planning capacities at the national, provincial and district levels should improve the processes of policy development and implementation in Zambia, which will in turn help to reduce poverty. Further, the districts should be the centre for the bottom-up process. In order to carryout this responsibility, efforts should be made to improve their capacities. As for the top-down process, the Sector Advisory Groups should continue to participate in the planning, monitoring and evaluation so as to contribute to policy formulation and implementation. These should be coordinated by the National Development Coordinating Committee (NDCC) through a Planning Bureau. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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Listening comprehension in academic lectures : a focus on the role of discourse markersSmit, Talita Christine 30 June 2006 (has links)
Increasing involvement with students at the University of Namibia has indicated their overall difficulty with comprehending and recalling information from oral content lectures. It has also been observed that in general very little attention is given to the development of listening skills in L2 ESP and EAP courses. For this study, I conducted a quasi-experiment to determine whether the recognition and interpretation of discourse markers will enhance students' listening comprehension in academic lectures. Students were tested to determine their comprehension of content information in a video-taped lecture. Qualitative data were collected by means of a questionnaire. After an intervention period of eight weeks, where the experimental group received strategy training in the recognition and interpretation of discourse markers in spoken texts, both groups were again tested. Their results were statistically compared. I also looked at related findings of other researchers. Finally, aspects for possible future research will also be considered. / English Studies / MA - (Specialisation in TESOL)
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